A. Sklyarov never made it to India. Life was cut short; there was not enough time to show much more in this corner of the ancient cultures and civilizations of the Earth. There are no fewer artifacts and high-tech traces of stone processing there than in Egypt and Turkey. I offer you a video from one Indian researcher:

India. Officially 12th century. The use of lathes and cutters for stone carving is obvious.

Photo of modern equipment for comparison:

But processing such volumes of stone is very expensive and costly. As a rule, segments of composite columns are made, example:

A modern analogue of making a column, but only a segment of it. Multi-meter columns are not made, it’s too complicated.

The rectangles on the disk elements of the columns are interesting. What are they for? They don't add aesthetics.
Maybe the grooves in the columns are places for winding. Are all these temples transformers or even generators of electrical energy? The metal was removed by the aborigines, who began to live in this territory after (after the cataclysm or departure of the Gods)

If we talk about the cargo cult, then the following comparisons are not excluded:

Modern pores of adjustable floor levels. Perhaps the ancient builders poured the floors in the same way. And later this was imitated by other residents who had already lost all meaning. But still had the high-tech equipment to make one.

Modern power transformer. Then all the temples with such columns are the imitation of the aborigines of what they saw in the past with the Gods.

Low oil switch VMT-110B-25/1250UHL1

Also available rectangular base at the bottom.

Let's continue watching the videos:

A model that probably recreates the process of making circular marks on stones

Vertically manufactured column in China. Most likely, this is what they did in India. So you need simpler equipment and a less demanding bearing (sliding support) at the bottom.

Screenshot from the video:

The temple is made of granite, the chain is made of sandstone. How did they connect without taking into account that it was casting?

In conclusion, I would like to add that I do not exclude the possibility of casting many stone products and elements. It makes no sense to transport black basalt thousands of kilometers away. It is easier to cast an imitation for it (if it was necessary and the technology was available).

03.10.2015 24.10.2016 - admin

8 mysterious facts about ancient technologies that are still incomprehensible to us. We can be skeptics as much as we want and look for explanations for the difficult to explain, but the facts, as usual, speak for themselves.

1. Could ancient Peruvians soften stones?
Archaeologists and scientists are scratching their heads over guesses about how the mysterious structure of Sacsayhuaman in Peru was built. The giant stones from which this unusual structure is constructed are so heavy that they would be difficult to transport and install even with the help of modern technology.

2. The amazing acoustics of Hal Saflieni
Archaeologists and scientists are scratching their heads over guesses about how the mysterious structure of Sacsayhuaman in Peru was built. The giant stones from which this unusual ancient fortress is built are so heavy that they would be difficult to transport and install even with the help of modern technology.
Does the key to solving this mystery lie in the special equipment that the ancient Peruvians used to soften stone blocks, or is it all about secret ancient techniques for melting stones? According to some researchers, the granite from which the walls of the fortress in Cusco were built was exposed to very high temperatures, so its outer surface became glassy and smooth.
Scientists have concluded that the stones were softened using some kind of high-tech equipment, and then each block was ground to match the cutouts of the neighboring stone, which is why they fit so tightly together.

3. Lycurgus Cup: an artifact testifying to the knowledge of nanotechnology by the ancients
This amazing artifact proves that our ancestors were ahead of their time. The technology for making the cup is so advanced that its craftsmen were already familiar with what we today call nanotechnology.
This unusual and unique bowl, made of dichroic glass, can change its color depending on the lighting - for example, from green to bright red. This unusual effect occurs due to the fact that dichroic glass contains small amounts of colloidal gold and silver.

4. Ancient Baghdad batteries
Scientists suggest that this small and unremarkable appearance The artifact is an example of a source of electricity in the ancient world. It's about about the so-called “Baghdad battery” of the Parthian period.
The electric battery, made about 2,000 years ago, was discovered in 1936 by railway workers in the Kujut Rabu area near Baghdad. The world's first known electric battery, the Voltaic Column, is believed to have been invented by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta only in 1799, while most sources place the Baghdad battery at around 200 BC.

5. Incredible ancient wonders made of metal
High-tech methods of hardening and processing large pieces of metal were widespread already in ancient times. Our ancestors had extremely complex scientific knowledge for metal processing, which they inherited from more early civilizations, as evidenced by artifacts found around the world.
Metallurgical technologies were known back in Ancient China, and it was one of the first where cast iron began to be made.
IN Ancient India were able to produce iron that did not rust due to its high phosphorus content. One of these iron columns, 7 meters high and weighing about 6 tons, is installed in front of the Qutub Minar in Delhi, India.

6. Evidence of stone drilling technology has been found around the world.
Already in ancient times, builders could make perfectly round holes in stones and hard rocks. This impressive technique shows that our ancestors were familiar with the most complex technologies - creating such large holes is impossible without engineering skills and the necessary drilling equipment.

7. Ancient and complex mercury-based gold plating techniques that modern technology has not yet achieved
Already in ancient times, jewelers working with silver and gold used mercury to gild domes and interiors in many countries ancient world. These complex processes were used to produce and coat items such as jewelry, figurines, and amulets.
From a technological point of view, ancient craftsmen already 2000 years ago managed to make these metal coatings incredibly thin and durable, which saved precious metals and improved their durability.
Recent discoveries indicate high level competence of ancient artisans, which even modern technology has not yet achieved.

8. “Ancient Computer”: the mysterious mechanism from Antikythera is still full of mysteries
In 1900, an unusual bronze object of unknown purpose was discovered near the small island of Antikythera, 25 miles northwest of Crete. After curious scientists pulled this artifact out of the water and cleaned it, they discovered parts of some complex mechanism consisting of different gears.
The perfectly smooth disks of this mechanism and the remains of inscriptions, in all likelihood, correspond to its main function. Most likely, the mechanism is an astronomical clock without a pendulum, but not a single mention of this ancient “computer” has been found in either Greek or Roman literature. The artifact was discovered next to a ship that supposedly sank in the 1st century BC.

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And here, literally now, connected with that very obilisk and the technologies associated with it. The fact is that all over the world there are artificially created caves, such as this one in China: All of them have obvious traces of machine processing, here is a fragment of the previous photo: These days, similar traces are left by a mining cutter like this: If in “deep antiquity” they used something similar, then we can simultaneously consider closed question— where did the “ancient” builders get the finely crushed stone for casting megaliths — say, the same pedestal for “ bronze horseman"in St. Petersburg or the Alexander Column and other things in the city, where there is casting at every turn. Similar cave technologies can be found here in Crimea, see the links at the end of the article. So, the obilisk in Aswan is remarkable in that it demonstrates all the “cave” technologies in one place. And there are things there that, again, baffle the modern specialist. Here is a fragment with traces of clearly machine processing and marks made as if it had been chiselled by hand: But traces of production of a completely different kind: Or: As if it was not granite, but wet sand that was shoveled out. What kind of technology this is is unknown. “Scientists” claim that it was hollowed out with the help of chisels, which were hit with cobblestones. Like this, as in the hands of this smiling tourist: But the fact is that there are such narrow places there that if you squeeze in there, there is no way to get back on your own - you just have to pull it out by your legs. And no modern mechanism will fit there. There is no reasonable explanation for how to do this. But it's done. Cave people. To conclude this section, photos from Crimea: They say the monks knocked it out with a chisel. Yeah, and millions of tons are still underground... What kind of joke do those who made an opening of such a height have? The cart, with such a load height and track width, will certainly overturn on the road. Why such a high passage? There is no way we can verify messages like this: " Researchers from Australia discovered a fossilized molar among a variety of remains. Its height was 6.7 and its width was 4.2 centimeters. The owner of a tooth of this size had a height of at least 7.5 meters and a weight of 370 kilograms“There are a lot of such messages, sometimes very plausible. But how can you check this? But we see a passage for such people, we can collect a lot of such examples: in the same Isaac in St. Petersburg, absurdly large doors, All this, it would be nice to somehow explain.

Great channel culture

An artificial waterway - the Great China Canal. Length 1782 kilometers. In Vietnam, most of the territory is generally covered by a network of canals:
The canals are laid as if along a ruler. Here the length of the straight section reaches 45 km:
This is Vietnam. Vietnamese people live here: It was their hard work that laid thousands of kilometers of these unique canals. For comparison. China is currently building a canal in Nicragua. The length is 278 km. The construction will be about one million two hundred thousand people, of which 200 thousand will use bulldozers, scrapers and excavators directly in the canal bed area. But in the USSR, a unique experiment was carried out: there, too, with pickaxes and wheelbarrows, between 1931 and 1933, a canal 227 km long was built in less than two years: The number of builders did not exceed 126 thousand people. Rip it off: the Chinese are going to meet the deadline of 5 years for the start of operation and 15 years for the complete completion of construction. More than a million builders with equipment - 15 years, the USSR has almost ten times fewer builders - less than two years! No excavators! Those. The USSR of those years, somehow, fit into that ancient civilization. And historians don’t tell us what happened to humanity in just half a century, that these unique skills and technologies were irretrievably lost! And this is one of the canals laid under the leadership of A.V. Suvorov in Finland. Suvorov dug so many of these canals there in seven years that the current Chinese with their excavators and bulldozers could not build them in a hundred years. In America, a unique network of canals covers the entire area beyond the Atlantic City Spit, the entire coast of the Delaware Bay, the entire coast of North and South Carolina and further south to Florida: They were built in the pre-excavator era: if they had dug like during the construction of the Panama Canal, it would have taken more than one thousand years... The construction of grandiose earthen embankments, such as the Great Trans-Volga Wall, which stretched for more than two and a half thousand kilometers, with a height of five meters and a width of 70 meters and a nearby ditch about 3 meters deep and 10 meters wide: Well, add here thousands of kilometers of the famous Serpentine Ramparts...

Kremlin culture

Stone Age - the age of construction from natural stone ended with the transition to mass construction, first from brick, and then from other types of artificial stone. Historians claim that brick began to be used en masse in civil construction only in the 18th century: there are simply no residential and commercial buildings made of brick from an earlier time. But, according to historians, kremlins and monasteries were built of brick long before the 18th century: Moscow - 1485 - 1495, Novgorod - 1484 -1490, Nizhny Novgorod - 1500 - 1512, i.e. the thirteenth century, almost five hundred years before the beginning of civil construction in brick. That is, according to historians, in the 13th century, someone got an idea: stop moving heavy stones, let’s build a Kremlin out of bricks! The Kremlin is made up of millions of bricks; this cannot be done with handicrafts! Let's open a plant, hire workers, build a Kremlin, then close the plant, give the workers a knee in the ass - let them die of hunger! — This is roughly the picture that emerges if you believe in all these “ancient” Kremlins. Another sequence seems logical: first new material was tested in domestic construction, technologies and work methods were developed, the durability of the new material was studied, in the end, it was necessary to know how long the construction would take - you need to gain experience, in short, and then build giant city and monastery walls. In the early 60s, the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was restored, the structure was studied and drawings were created for the restoration, here is one of the sections: The construction of such a grandiose structure as the Kremlin is unthinkable without drawings. Well, an Italian architect couldn’t give instructions like: dig from me to the next oak tree! In Novgorod during the construction of the Kremlin, birch bark was used for writing. So how many cartloads of birch bark were used by those Italian architects who built Kremlins in Russia?! And where are at least some traces - the correspondence of the townspeople on birch bark has been preserved, and at least one drawing to see how it will look on birch bark! No way: bricks for important construction had factory markings - the plant and year of manufacture, no handicraft was allowed here: Restorers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin established that the brick was marked 1785, manufactured by the Balakhninsky plant, which was located not far from Nizhny, upstream. Thus: stone Age ended in the 18th century, the Kremlins were built at the end of the 18th, beginning of the 19th. But, most importantly: all these Kremlins, buildings of the late 18th century, are similar to one another, like different pots of corded ceramics. And the location of these “cups with thick bottoms” shows the area of ​​“Kremlin culture”, and in fact, the borders of the Russian Empire. The Kremlin was not built for decoration - it is defensive structure, this is an outpost and no one will allow it to be built on enemy territory and no one will share its secrets. Here are two towers nearby - one of the largest in the empire - the Moscow Kremlin, the second tower of the Kremlin of one of the southern provinces:

Modern historical writers often speak very condescendingly about the mental abilities of our ancestors. Their life and way of life are painted in gloomy colors - what kind of achievements can we talk about if in ancient times people did nothing but fight for their survival?!

3000 years ago, in the Minusinsk Basin of Siberia, a complex irrigation system was created, which, after some minor repairs, Soviet time It still works fine to this day.

On the island of Crete, the remains of a clock mechanism were found, the accuracy of which is amazing for our days.

IN Ancient Rome existed a complex system water supply and sewerage, although in Paris in the 15th century. They continued to pour slops with human excrement right onto the city street!

But were our ancestors really that primitive in their reasoning and practical actions?!

Take the example of the Great Silk Road.

The Great Silk Road is not just a road from China to Rome, but a developed network from China to Rome, from India to Samarkand and further north, right up to the cities along Itil (Volga), where the Volga-Kama Bulgaria blossomed and developed. Some part of the Great silk road rounded the Caspian Sea from the north and went to the Derbent fortress, and from there to the Black Sea region.

It will hardly come as a surprise to discover in ancient documents or chronicles a mention of the existence of “services” for the repair and maintenance of objects along the Great Trade Route. The Great Silk Road, which by that time was more than a thousand years old, absorbed all the best engineering practice that existed at that time.

And, perhaps, the most important thing is the admirable ability, using the simplest engineering and construction solutions, to extract water from the surrounding atmosphere in any quantity and quality. Now these solutions can help us cope with the problem of water supply anywhere on our planet.

No, the author of these lines is not offering something exotic. We just need to return to the experience of our ancestors. Here is part of a line from the Koran (translated by I.Yu. Krachkovsky, 1963): “What they spend... like a whirlwind in which there is cold: he struck down the crops of the people...” That is, the ancient literary monument recorded that one and a half thousand years before the discovery of the French engineer J. Ranque 3 people already knew that in the center of the vortex flow the temperature of the gas could drop to the point of freezing.

One of the main advantages of the Great Silk Road, the greatest engineering and transport structure in the history of mankind, was wells. In order to increase, in other words modern language, payload caravans, engineers did everything to prevent pack animals from carrying huge supplies drinking water, except for some minimum required for one transition.

Along the route, at a distance of 12-15 km from each other, wells were created, each of which contained water in quantities sufficient to water a caravan of 150 - 200 camels.

This is evidenced by the notes of Arab travelers dating back to the emergence of the Caliphate (7th century). The authors of the notes call the Chinese and their engineers the creators of the wells. This is probably how it was: modern China, like in ancient times, gives preference in relations with its neighbors to reasonable and profitable trade expansion rather than military-political expansion.

The construction of roads, even if not on their own land, was part of such a reasonable expansion. But let’s not rush to establish authorship and deny engineering abilities to other ancient peoples.

Reconstruction of wells of the Great Silk Road.

Figures 1 and 2 show pictures of the reconstruction of a well in the desert, made by the author of these lines based on descriptions of the Arabs. In such a well, pure (purest!) water was extracted directly from atmospheric air.

Of course, the percentage of water vapor in desert air is extremely insignificant ( less than 0.01% specific volume ). But, thanks to the design of the well, desert air was “pumped” through its volume by thousands of cubic meters per day, and from each such cubic meter almost the entire mass of water contained in it was taken away. Ancient engineers used the vortex effect!

The well itself was dug into the ground half its height. Travelers went down the stairs for water - and there were several such descents - onto the blind area and scooped up water. In the center of the recess for accumulated water there was a pile of stones neatly laid out in a high cone (a condenser?!).

The Arabs testify that both the accumulated water and the air at the level of the blind area were surprisingly cold, although there was a deadly heat outside the well. The bottom back of the stones in the pile was wet, and the stones were cold to the touch.

Accumulation of water in a well

Unfortunately, the meager description of the conical or hipped vault of a well does not give a clear idea of ​​its design features. The lack of information has to be compensated for by speculative constructions.

One has only to pay attention to the slight surprise of the Arabs: ceramic lining was not a cheap material in those days, but well builders did not take into account costs, and each well had such an overlap. But this was not done without reason, since the clay material could be given any necessary shape, then annealed and get a finished part capable of working in the heaviest conditions. climatic conditions long years.

In the conical or hipped vault of the well (Fig. 3), radial channels were made, covered with ceramic lining, or the ceramic lining itself was a set of parts with ready-made sections of radial channels. Heating under the rays of the sun, the lining transferred part of the thermal energy to the air in the channel. A convective flow of heated air through the channel arose. IN central part jets of heated air were thrown into the arch. But how and why did the vortex movement appear inside the well building?

Construction of the top of the well

The very first assumption is that the axis of the channels did not coincide with the radial direction. There was a small angle between the channel axis and the radius of the arch, that is, the jets were tangential. Moreover, the builders used very small tangential angles between the radius and the axis of the jet - no more than 50. An angular value of 50 is quite insignificant, sometimes it cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is probably why the technological secret of ancient engineers remains unsolved to this day.

The use of jets of small tangentiality and increasing their number almost to infinity opens up new possibilities for vortex technologies. Just let’s not imagine ourselves as pioneers. Engineers in ancient times mastered this technology to perfection. The height of the well building, including its dug-in part, was 6-8 m with the diameter of the building at the base no more than 6 m, but a vortex formation arose in the well and worked steadily.

The cooling effect of the vortex was used with very high efficiency. The conical pile of stones actually acted as a capacitor. The falling “cold” axial flow of the vortex took away the heat of the stones and cooled them. Water vapor, contained in minute quantities in each specific volume of air, condensed on the surfaces of the stones.

Thus, in the deepening of the well there was a constant process of accumulation of water. The “hot” peripheral flow of the vortex was thrown out through the entrance openings of the staircase descents into the well. Only this can explain the presence of several descents inside at once. Due to the large inertia of rotation of the vortex formation, the well worked around the clock.

Water was extracted both day and night, and no types of energy other than solar were used. It is quite possible that the well worked even more intensely at night than during the day, since the temperature of the desert air drops by 30-400C after sunset, which affects its density and humidity.

So why not take advantage of the experience of ancient engineers in conditions where the territory of deserts with a total area of ​​more than 30 million square meters. km annually spreads to another 210 thousand square meters. km? Thus, the Sahara annually robs people of 100 thousand hectares of arable land and grazing land; The Atacama Desert moves at a speed of 2.5 km per year, the Thar Desert - 1 km per year. Naturally, the movement of deserts causes an increase in human migration flows. You have to pay for everything. Including, for the anthropogenic impact on the extremely fragile ecosystem of the desert border zones.

As stated by L.N. Gumilev, 15 thousand years ago there were no deserts at all. Having a colossal advantage over the technological capabilities of ancient builders in the form of light, strong and relatively cheap materials, we could reverse the anthropogenic impact on deserts and make them work for our civilization. This ancient vortex technology can be widely used in the design of natural water production stations, that is, such a station will operate using only free solar energy.

The water production station (WDS) is formed from thin sheet metal and rolled metal, the vault is assembled from boxes. We don’t lack experience in constructing such structures - it’s enough to take all kinds of petroleum product storage facilities as a basis. The optimal dimensions will be determined during testing of the first samples. The finished station can be assembled and installed on site in a matter of days and will require only a small amount of excavation work, including laying a water pipeline to the point of consumption or collection of water. Well-proven Raschig rings 4 can be used as the main material of the capacitor.

It is profitable to build VDS in many southern and steppe regions of Russia, in Primorye Far East. They will only work for less than a quarter of a year. In a dry year – slightly longer. In essence, one such station will be equivalent to a forest grove with an area of ​​2-3 hectares. There is a well-known statement by V. 5, who made his way from an Austrian forester to a brilliant engineer and physicist, that a mature forest on the plains of temperate latitude helps to moisten the air and soil due to the many weak vortex air currents generated in it.

We must protect fresh water as long-term capital, not letting it go up for sale. We must quickly develop and trade technologies and equipment for water generation. We have the experience of our ancestors, and this is quite enough. We, like air, need reasonable and profitable industrial – in the innovative sense – expansion. To begin with, at least in the south, in Central Asia, in the deserts of our former neighbors in the Union. The construction of a cascade of water supply networks along drying rivers is not charity, but initially a self-sustaining and mutually beneficial action.

This ancient technology should also attract the attention of architecture specialists. They strive to build buildings with ever-increasing window areas. There is more and more glass in building structures. But such buildings become greenhouses in hot sunny weather. The number and power of air conditioners is growing, and in hot weather, city energy networks are more overloaded than in 30-degree frosts.

Why not practice the experience of ancient engineers? After all, it is high time to use solar energy in the summer to produce well-humidified and cold air for air conditioning “glass” buildings, if only because of the high cost of electricity. To add a lightweight and relatively cheap natural air conditioner structure to the roof of a building - what could be simpler?

In the novel "Cathedral" Notre Dame of Paris“There is a chapter “This is what will kill that,” in which Victor Hugo, amazingly beautifully and elegantly in French, expresses his view of architecture, architecture, as a way to perpetuate human thought in stone, in a structure, in the outlines of a building. If you follow it, then the desire of the builders of the East for round, cylindrical and spherical forms, in contrast to the builders of the West, who gravitated towards cubic and rectangular ones, was far from accidental. It is not for nothing that historians of mathematics claim that the number π was in much greater demand in the East than in the West.

Builders knew about the “cooling” effect of swirling flow and used it very widely, including in the construction of buildings and palaces. Well, does anyone seriously believe that the only salvation from the murderous heat was a shadow and a fan! Oriental architects knew how to create comfort inside buildings. It would be nice for us to use this experience.

In conclusion, it would not be superfluous to quote the statement of W. Schauberger: “Having solved the problem of generating water and making it possible to obtain any volume and any quality of water in any place, a person will again develop vast desert lands and thereby lower both the selling price of food and the selling price machine capacities to such a minimum that any benefit from speculation in this will disappear.

The abundance of food and the economical productivity of machinery are such overwhelming arguments that general idea about the world, as well as the entire worldview will undergo changes.”

1 Gumilyov Lev Nikolaevich (1912-1992), Russian historian, geographer, Doctor of Historical (1961) and Geographical (1974) Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1991). Creator of the doctrine of humanity and ethnic groups as biosocial categories; studied the bioenergetic dominant of ethnogenesis (called it passionarity). Works on the history of Turkic, Mongolian, Slavic and other peoples of Eurasia.

2 Yasa is the name of Genghis Khan’s code, which, according to legend, he issued at the great All-Mongol kurultai and which was constantly confirmed by his successors.

3 Ranque-Hilsch effect, English. Ranque-Hilsch Effect - the effect of separating a gas or liquid into two fractions when swirling in a cylindrical or conical chamber. A swirling flow with a higher temperature is formed at the periphery, and a swirling cooled stream is formed in the center, and the rotation in the center occurs in the opposite direction than at the periphery.

The effect was first discovered by the French engineer Joseph Rank in the late 20s. when measuring temperature in an industrial cyclone. At the end of 1931, J. Rank submitted an application for a device he invented, which he called a “vortex tube” (in the literature it is referred to as Rank’s tube). It was possible to obtain a patent only in 1934 in America (US Patent No. 1952281).

4 Raschig Friedrich (1863-1928), German chemical technologist and industrialist. He proposed (1890) a method for fractional distillation of organic substances in columns filled with ceramic rings (Raschig rings).

5 Victor Schauberger (1885-1958) was born in Austria. The first mention of his activities dates back to the early 20s, when Schauberger, working as a huntsman for a logging company, designed and installed water troughs with spiral notches similar to those of a gun. When the logs fell into the chutes, they rotated around their axis, which increased their speed of movement.

In 1930, he designed an electric generator, the turbine of which was fundamentally different from the design of conventional water turbines. The generator was installed near a sawmill and was successfully used for 3 years, but specific information about its operation has not been preserved. At the beginning of World War II, Viktor Schauberger was interned by the Nazis. concentration camp, where he was involved in work on the flying “Disc Belonce”, proposing an original vortex engine for it.

(From the magazine TECHNOLOGY YOUTH, Aug. 2008).

Khamzya Umyarov

The world's media, just like the general public, do not discuss the possibility of any other view of history than that officially accepted by science. Meanwhile, humanity must choose which path to follow and which view to adhere to.

Currently, there is an official history devoid of all mysteries, which only to a small extent explains the numerous finds that were discovered during archaeological excavations. Basically, she is engaged in compiling all kinds of catalogs and digging up shards. It is therefore not surprising that alternative history is gaining more and more authority.

It should be noted that a few decades ago, scientists from these two areas worked together and were almost always able to agree, but all this stopped. There are several reasons for this: representatives of the alternative direction of history quarreled with Egyptologists, not unreasonably making the assumption that the Sphinx is much older than the oldest of the Egyptian rulers. The second reason was the appearance of K. Dunn’s book “Electrification in Giza: Technologies of Ancient Egypt.”

This is where the two directions of history diverged. Even formal politeness no longer exists; a real cold war has begun. Supporters of official history even take ideology and politics into account, actively opposing any other view of the past of human civilization. This looks very strange and raises many questions.

Archaeological excavations, meanwhile, confirm that ancient people and dinosaurs lived at the same time, and the technologies of past civilizations were at such a level that one can only guess. However, the very discovery of objects and remains of animals and people indicates a global catastrophe that destroyed the ancient world.

Most often, unexplained finds are refuted by official science, because they could not have been made in a particular historical period, and should not have existed in principle. But the fact remains: the discovered objects are proof that ancient technologies were significantly superior to modern ones.

So, for example, near the American city of London in the summer of 1934, a hammer 15 cm long and with a diameter of about 3 cm was found. It was located in a piece of limestone, the age of which is estimated at 140 million years. The research carried out gave a completely unexpected result: chemical composition The metal content was surprising (about 97 percent iron, 2.5 percent chlorine and about 0.5 percent sulfur). There were no other impurities. In the entire history of metallurgy, it has never been possible to obtain such pure iron. No traces of carbon were found in the iron found, but ore always contains carbon and many other impurities. In addition, the discovered iron hammer was completely rust-free. In addition, it was made using a completely unknown technology.

Scientists have concluded that the find dates back to the early Cretaceous period, that is, its age is approximately 65-140 million years. According to official science, people learned to make iron hammers only 10 thousand years ago.

In 1974, on the territory of Romania, in a sand quarry, workers found an unknown object about 20 cm long. Deciding that it was a stone ax, they sent the find for research to an archaeological institute. Scientists cleared it of sand and discovered a metal rectangular object, on which there were two holes of different sizes that converged at right angles. There was a slight deformation visible at the bottom of the larger hole, as if a rod or shaft had been reinforced in it. And the side surfaces and top part were covered with dents from strong blows. All this allowed scientists to assume that the find is part of some more complex device.

After conducting research, it was found that this item consists of a very complex alloy consisting of 13 elements, the main one of which is aluminum (89 percent). But aluminum began to be used for the production of industrial products only in the 19th century. And the discovered sample was much older, as evidenced by the depth of the find - more than 10 meters, as well as the remains of a mastodon that were buried there (and these animals became extinct about a million years ago). The antiquity of the find is also supported by the oxidation film on its surface. It is also unclear for what purposes this item was used, but it is quite obvious that knowledge about ancient technologies has been completely lost, and discoveries made once are now unknown.

In the 80s of the last century, workers at the South African Wonderstone mine found unusual metal balls in deposits of pyrophyllite (a mineral estimated to be 3 billion years old) - slightly flattened spheres, the diameter of which varied from 2.5 to 10 cm. They were surrounded by three grooved and made of some material very similar to nickel-plated steel. Similar alloy in natural conditions does not occur. Inside the balls there was an unknown bulk material, which evaporated upon contact with air. One such ball was placed in a museum, where it was noticed that under glass it slowly rotates around its own axis, completing a full rotation in 128 days. Scientists could not explain this phenomenon.

In 1928, in Zambia, scientists had to deal with an unusual phenomenon: they found the skull of an ancient man with a perfectly straight hole that resembled a bullet mark. Exactly the same skull was discovered in Yakutia. Only it was the skull of a bison that lived 40 thousand years ago. In addition, the hole managed to be overgrown during the animal’s lifetime.

There are many other mysteries of antiquity. So, in particular, the Great Pyramid is the last of the 7 wonders of the world. Despite the fact that it has been thoroughly researched, official science does not provide comprehensive explanations. It is unknown who built it and for what purpose. How the savage and illiterate Egyptians were able to build a structure made of more than 2 million huge stone blocks, total weight which exceeded 4 million tons, fitted perfectly to each other using an unknown solution and forming a perfect structure? Even now, if there is latest technologies, a person is unlikely to be able to replicate this structure. In addition, there are many other inexplicable facts, in particular, the seamless surface (in order to level the limestone to such an extent, laser technology is needed, just like for such precise calculations of the base of the pyramid).

A hundred-meter, perfectly flat descent tunnel, which was cut into the rock at an angle of 26 degrees, during the construction of which no torches were used. How was the angle of inclination maintained without lighting or special equipment? Moreover, the entire structure is aligned with minimal error to the cardinal directions, which requires serious knowledge of astronomy.

Harmoniously built, very complex internal structure, which turns the pyramid into a 48-story building, with mysterious doors, ventilation shafts, in the cutting of which saws with diamond tips had to be used, machine grinding of stone - official science cannot explain all this.

Another mystery that is shrouded in darkness, even more so than Egypt, is dogs. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about these animals; they are just domesticated descendants of foxes, wolves, and coyotes. But in fact, their origin is not so obvious. Recently, geneticists stated that anthropologists, archaeologists and zoologists have been mistaken about dogs for centuries. In particular, the belief that the dog became a domestic animal about 15 thousand years ago turned out to be erroneous. Moreover, the first studies of dog DNA showed that they were all bred only from wolves about 40 thousand years ago. It would seem that this is unusual, but what is interesting is how a dog suddenly turned out from a wolf. There is no answer to this question at all. Speculation that ancient man In some incomprehensible way he became friends with a wolf, after which the animal turned into a mutant wolf, does not stand up to criticism. It is completely incomprehensible how the wolf parents gave birth to a completely different animal, which only looked like a wolf, but in whose character only the traits necessary for living together with a person remained. And how did this mutant manage to survive in a pack with a strict hierarchy? Therefore, scientists suggested that genetic engineering could not have happened in this case...

Official science does not argue that humanity lived without amenities until the last century. There were no sewers in ancient cities. But, as it turned out, not in all of them. So, in particular, residents ancient city Mozhenj-Daro, which existed in 2600-1700 BC, used the benefits of civilization that were not inferior to modern ones. In general, it should be noted that this city is surprising not only for the presence public toilets and plumbing, but also a well thought out and planned structure. It is quite obvious that the city was planned in advance and built on two levels on a special suspension system. The buildings are made of standard sizes of baked bricks. The city was full of everything necessary even by modern standards: a clear system of streets, granaries, houses with amenities, baths.

Official science cannot answer where are the cities that preceded Mohenjo-Daro, why did people who could not burn bricks manage to build such a metropolis?

The first city in America was Teotihuacan. During its heyday, about 200 thousand inhabitants lived there. Almost nothing is known about this city. Where did the people who built the city come from, how was their society organized, what language did they speak... Here, by the way, mica plates were discovered, fixed at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun. It would seem nothing impressive, but in fact, this is a very important find. Mica is not used as a building material, but it is an excellent protection against radio waves and electromagnetic radiation.

What do all these finds and mysteries indicate? And they say that modern historical science is untenable. There are clearly theories and evidence. Firstly, people lived at the same time as dinosaurs, which completely refutes Darwin's theory. Secondly, in ancient times people owned technologies that modern man can only dream.

Knowledge about ancient civilizations and their technologies has been practically lost. Moreover, evidence large number cataclysms in ancient times they say that modern methods The dating of the finds is completely incorrect. What to do with all this is not yet clear, because scientists prefer to remain captive of their own conjectures and guesses.

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