* The calculations use average data for Russia

An entrepreneur can open a specialized boxing center that is aimed not only at amateurs, but also at professionals, and also offers better services and assistance from qualified trainers. Such an undertaking can be in demand in many cities, and often the boxing section has no shortage of consumers.

Currently, you can build your own business based on providing services to sports sections and clubs. One of the many options for organizing your own business is to open a boxing center or a simple boxing gym, where people can practice martial arts and simply get in shape. Of course, boxing can be practiced in many sports sections that offer a wide range of services, as well as in many fitness rooms, because such organizations offer their clients boxing classes at certain times, sometimes even several times a day. However, an entrepreneur can open a specialized boxing center that is aimed not only at amateurs, but also at professionals, and also offers better services and assistance from qualified trainers. Such an undertaking can be in demand in many cities, and often the boxing section has no shortage of consumers.

If you start working in this direction, you need to count on the fact that your competitors will be a large number of organizations and sports clubs. At its core, any organization on the basis of which boxing classes are held is, if not a direct, then certainly an indirect competitor, capable of taking away a certain part of consumers. In this regard, before starting work, it is necessary to conduct a full-fledged marketing research in order to know all the offers on the local market and successfully resist the competition, offering clients something that is not available in other organizations and clubs. It is best to focus specifically on the quality provision of services by hiring professional, qualified and, if possible, well-known trainers; conduct classes with all categories of the population, including a children's section, a section for adults, a section for professional athletes, a section for amateurs; having at its disposal several boxing gyms and rings, and therefore having the opportunity to hold competitions not only between club members, but also between athletes from different organizations and even cities. However, as can be understood from these definitions, in this case the boxing center acts as vocational education, which should stand out from all competitors with its service. If a similar boxing center is already operating in the city, then you need to be especially careful about your business plan and develop a well-thought-out strategy for entering the market and further development of the organization. Because then you will have to compete with a fairly strong competitor and, at best, divide the market among yourself. On the other hand, another boxing center can operate in the format of a sports club, which means that the newly-minted player immediately becomes an important addition to the service market, offering consumers a choice. Such centers often even cooperate with each other, because they hold competitions in which they can earn money together at the expense of spectators.

To get started you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. Some sports clubs and sections operate in the format of a non-profit organization, because this type of activity falls under socially significant activities, which means the organizer can count on government subsidies and assistance, which in some cases becomes even more profitable than commercial activities. However, if we consider the opening of a commercial organization, then the preferred form of registration becomes a limited liability company, because it is best to work in the format of a legal entity. However, the law does not prohibit opening a sports section, while being simply an individual entrepreneur registered in the manner prescribed by law. It should also be noted that in fact, to start work, you do not need to obtain special permits and licenses, however, in some cases, if the services of the enterprise include full-fledged educational activities, a license may be required. In order not to inadvertently break the law and not have problems in the future, it is advisable to consult with a competent lawyer who knows about the laws not only across the country, but also at the local level, and will also help the entrepreneur with registration. In any case, a license will not be required if all classes are conducted by the entrepreneur himself, who has registered as individual - individual entrepreneur, without the involvement of other teachers. The activity itself falls under the definition of (OKPD 2) 93.11 Services of sports facilities, or (OKPD 2) 93.12 Services provided by sports clubs.

The next stage is finding a place for your boxing center. It’s worth noting right away that you will need a fairly large room in the central areas of the city; at the same time, you can also be located in business districts, because sports and boxing in particular are gaining popularity among office workers today, and employers even stimulate this demand by offering their employees gym memberships, which is part of the benefits package for employment.

In order for a boxing gym to be attractive to consumers, it is necessary that there are several premises on the territory of the complex, the purposes of which are different. Usually, on the territory of sports complexes and fitness clubs there are only premises for boxing training - usually this is a simple hall with only punching bags and, less often, some other equipment; In such a hall training takes place, but never full-fledged combat and competitions. A boxing center should also have such halls; depending on the planned format and the number of visitors, there can be from one to five, sometimes more. The hall must be really large, sometimes accommodating several dozen people, who at the same time must be able to conduct training and not interfere with each other. That is, it is rarely a room smaller than 100 square meters (although in small boxing centers you can also find small rooms designed for 5-10 people).

Ready ideas for your business

In addition to this, there should be an area with simulators, here you will also have to allocate at least one, but still quite spacious room so that it is possible to place a sufficient number of devices, otherwise consumers will be forced to wait their turn to exercise, which significantly affects their satisfaction with the service.

Next, you need to set up several rings, or, as a last resort, one professional one. In some cases, if there is one huge room that is not advisable to divide into several smaller ones, you can combine the ring area with the training room, but this is only possible if there are no plans to hold competitions on the club’s territory. Otherwise, the ring is located in a separate room, also equipped with spectator seats (more rarely, spectators simply crowd around the ring), with appropriate lighting and other equipment. Large clubs have several rings, each in its own room, so that it is possible to hold competitions (and training) in different types of martial arts.

Next, you should take care of the organization of locker rooms and showers, the arrangement of the technical area and other administrative premises. In general, the size of a boxing center is rarely smaller than a large fitness club; they only have different equipment. Of course, in many ways, the possibilities, and therefore the format of the center and its size, are determined by the funds available, but it is often advisable to turn to investors, business angels or banks, because a small and not very well-equipped boxing center loses even to the fitness center. clubs and sports complexes, although it tries to be highly specialized.

The cost of renting such a large premises can be very high, especially in the city center and, even more so, in major cities, and sometimes it is even more profitable to invest in the construction of your own building for the needs of the enterprise. This will cost several million rubles, and this does not include the purchase of land, which can also significantly increase the cost of the entire project.

The next stage is the purchase of equipment for your center. For boxing gyms, you must first buy bags and bags for practicing punches; the cost of one piece rarely exceeds 10 thousand rubles; then you need to calculate how many of them will be needed for the needs of the entire center. The cost of purchasing equipment for strength training can vary greatly, it all depends on what kind of exercise equipment it was decided to purchase; A boxing center primarily requires dumbbells, barbells and similar equipment. Perhaps, minimum amount– 100 thousand rubles, although often an order of magnitude more is required. Next you need to equip the rings, while for different types Combat sports may require arenas of varying sizes. It should be noted that many manufacturers also divide rings into training and competition rings, the former are much cheaper, but, as the name implies, it will not be possible to hold competitions on them. Therefore, it is worth thinking about purchasing both types of rings; the former can be installed in the training area, while a separate room will be required for the competition ring. A training ring can be purchased for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (about 60-80 thousand), although there are more expensive options. Competition ones cost about 2 times more for the same size. Next, you need to buy all the other equipment and furniture, including for employees in administrative positions. You also need to think about purchasing equipment for training, although in many cases boxing centers require their clients to come with their own equipment. On the other hand, it can be rented out, which will become an additional source of small income.

Ready ideas for your business

The next question is personnel. To ensure work, you need to find people who will be involved in administrative and organizational work; if the entrepreneur himself is not a trainer, then he can take a leadership position in this matter - thus, all the activities of the enterprise will be directly controlled by him, and not by a hired employee-manager. But the most important people in the boxing center are the coaches and mentors. Each group hires its own coach, and if we are talking about professional training with athletes who, at a minimum, will subsequently participate in competitions from the club, then you need to find specialists who themselves have certificates and awards, have extensive experience in training people, In general, these specialists must be highly qualified. For other groups, you can find coaches who are not so famous, because amateurs and beginners do not have to undergo complex training, and an experienced coach, accustomed to working with professional athletes, will even demand a lot from his students, for whom boxing is just entertainment or a way to keep themselves in good physical condition. form. For a children's group, you generally need to hire a person who is more of a teacher, and not just a seasoned athlete. If you plan to hold competitions on your territory, then you need service personnel for the duration of the event - lighting operators, referees, etc.

All business processes that are not related to the organization’s making a profit must be outsourced, this includes accounting and tax and tax advice. legal issues. It is better to outsource cleaning of premises to specialized companies; hiring a whole staff of employees for this is often unprofitable. And finally, the provision of safety and security is also transferred to private security organizations, although some companies prefer to create their own security service.

To attract customers, sometimes it will be necessary to carry out an extended marketing campaign, which, among other things, includes the grand opening of the center, attracting potential customers and selling memberships at competitive prices. A simple technique is advertising in local media, and in this area of ​​business it can be quite effective. You also need to post information about yourself on thematic portals on the Internet, and, if possible, create your own website. You will have to allocate a lot of money for this, but advertising will ultimately pay off.

Proposals should be addressed to large employers who have many employees on their staff. As has already been noted, in Lately companies attract office workers by offering them a free annual subscription to fitness rooms and sports sections. Of course, not every company can afford this, but you need to submit such an offer to as many organizations as possible. Only here it is necessary to develop a profitable program and provide serious discounts to employers who, in fact, buy subscriptions, so to speak, in bulk, and sometimes even in fairly large wholesale.

Ready ideas for your business

Clients who pay for themselves are attracted in most cases either by some unique offer (for example, an additionally equipped swimming pool) or by a lower price for the services of a boxing center. It all depends on who the center is aimed at. Typically, the clients of such centers are wealthy people for whom boxing becomes a simple hobby; people who want to become professional athletes are ready to invest in their passion, which for them becomes the meaning of life. However, work with professional athletes (or with those who can become them) takes place in a slightly different format, because it is much more profitable for a club to raise an athlete and continue to earn money from his performances than to withdraw money from him for season tickets.

Thus, if a boxing center also contains a school for boxers, then the entrepreneur needs to make sure that after school the athletes receive further development - this will also generate income for him. However, this is a slightly different type of business. Recently, the demand for women's boxing classes has become widespread and growing, because the fairer sex is now beginning to get involved in seemingly masculine activities. If you don’t pay attention to the meaningless debates between chauvinists and feminists, then you can also make good money from this, and not every center accepts women for training, and an entrepreneur can become the first in his city whose organization offers such a service.

Thus, income is generated primarily through the sale of subscriptions, and to a much lesser extent through payment for one-time visits (some centers even offer only subscriptions, although individual lessons with a trainer are often in demand). Renting equipment is just a small additional income. But holding competitions on the territory of your complex can bring even much more income than directly training with people. Only in this case will you have to allocate a lot of funds for the organization (that is, have a lot of capital) and maintain a whole staff of people who are involved in ensuring the event, as well as marketers who know how to attract people to the show and conduct appropriate campaigns.

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Sports as a service has a wide range of fans and potential consumers. Some people want to reach a professional level and win awards, others just want to keep themselves in good physical shape and have the opportunity to relieve stress and negative energy accumulated during the day. Boxing in this regard is no exception - it enjoys stable popularity among both amateurs and athletes high level. Both of them need a place to train, so opening a boxing club with a competent business plan will bring quite a high profit. However, this business requires significant investments, so if you do not have serious start-up capital, then it is advisable to find investors for your project in advance.

The sports sector is replete with offers for almost every taste and budget. Therefore, if you decide to open a boxing club, then get ready for serious competition. Your rivals in the fight for clientele, one way or another, are all sports establishments that offer training in various types martial arts Although, of course, the main competitors are the centers where boxing classes are held.

In order for your business to be competitive, before drawing up a plan, you need to conduct market research and study all similar offers presented in your city. It is necessary to find out which niche is less filled - amateur or professional sports, understand the nuances of pricing in this segment, find out in which areas of the city boxing training is most in demand, but at the same time less represented.

The results of marketing research (you can conduct it yourself, or you can outsource it to a specialized agency) will help you choose the right location to open a business, as well as decide what services your center will offer - will you work with children and women, include whether the training program includes a professional level, or whether it is limited to training amateur beginners, whether your club will be designed to host competitions, etc. Of course, many of these aspects depend primarily on the size of the initial capital, however, in order to successfully compete with already promoted boxing clubs in the city, your center must offer high-quality and comprehensive services to the consumer.

It is worth mentioning separately about holding boxing competitions, since they will significantly increase your chances of survival in competition with other centers. Competitions are also an excellent advertisement for your club as such and the trainers working in it, it is also an opportunity to attract new clients by showing in practice what level your students have reached, and also sports- This is an opportunity for cooperation between centers, since in this way they jointly earn money from viewers.


To open a boxing center, you will need a fairly large room, preferably several halls, since it should include at least:

  1. - a training room designed for a sufficiently large number of people - so that they can train in parallel without interfering with each other
  2. - gym – its capacity is also important, since a queue to the exercise equipment will not make your establishment more popular with customers
  3. - a hall where the sparring ring will be located (in a large center there are usually at least two such halls - with a training ring and with a competition ring, however, if the club has an exclusively educational and training focus, it is realistic to combine the sparring space , for example, with a gym)
  4. - changing room, shower and toilet (plus, as a bonus, a sauna with a swimming pool)
  5. - utility and administrative premises


If you plan to conduct training not only for men, but also for the fair sex (and women’s boxing is now gaining popularity, being a more uncompromising and energetic alternative to various fitness areas), then you should take care of separate rooms where your clients could change clothes and take a shower. If the club’s program also involves children’s training, then it makes sense to equip a separate room for training for young boxers, since parents of athletes can be picky about the common room.

Thus, opening a boxing center really requires large areas (at least 150-200 square meters with ceilings of at least 2.4 meters in height), and if you take the start of this business seriously, it would be more advisable to invest capital in building your own premises (together with the purchase of land this will cost several million rubles). However, if this is not possible, then it is better to look for premises to rent as close as possible to the city center and business districts, since most of your potential clients will prefer evening training hours and come to the gym after work (abroad, the direction of “white collar boxing” is boxing). for “white collar” workers, that is, office workers, has become a separate promising industry).

Equipment for gym(with an emphasis on strength training equipment) – approximately 1.2 million rubles for 30 training equipment

Sports equipment (barbells, weights, dumbbells, etc.) – about 90-100,000 rubles

Punching bags - the price of one bag is approximately 4,000 rubles

Training and competition rings - the price of a training ring starts from 80,000, the cost of a competition one will be at least twice as much, up to 400,000 rubles (one type differs from the other in more stringent quality requirements, so if you do not plan to reach a professional level and If you organize sports competitions in the club, then you don’t have to invest in the purchase of a professional ring)

Necessary furniture and household appliances

Boxing equipment for personal use - gloves, helmets, etc. (their purchase is not mandatory, since the rules of most clubs suggest that athletes come with their own equipment - this is rather an opportunity to receive additional income from equipment rental).


The main role in the functioning of the boxing center belongs to coaches and mentors, that is, those people who directly conduct classes. If an entrepreneur himself has been boxing for a long time, and then decides to open his own business, then good option will be his work as a coach in the category to which he is already accustomed. As for hired employees, of course, they must have work experience and sports achievements, but it is necessary to take into account some nuances depending on the characteristics of the group with which a particular mentor will work.

Thus, a coach who conducts classes with athletes who want to reach a professional level or are already training in this category must himself have a certain “track record” of awards and, of course, experience in training winning athletes. At the same time, the high demands and rigor inherent in professional coaches can interfere with a mentor teaching amateurs, since in this category people train more for themselves and are not going to chase sports regalia, which means they can and should be allowed to train in a more gentle way. mode. It is worth mentioning separately about the trainers who will conduct classes in children's groups - these employees must, in addition to sportsmanship, also have a certain pedagogical talent (ideally, backed up by practical experience).

It must also be remembered that boxing, being a rather tough sport, is associated with the risk of injury during training. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to have a physician on staff who is responsible for the health safety of clients.

In addition to coaches and a doctor, administrators (usually two staff members per club, working in shifts) and a manager are responsible for the work of the club. If an entrepreneur does not intend to engage in coaching, then he can take on the functions of a manager. This way, he will not only keep the business management process in his hands, controlling all the details, but will also save on payroll.

It is better to outsource those functions that are not directly related to making a profit. This includes the services of an accountant, lawyer and tax consultant, cleaning services, as well as club security.

Documents and licenses

If you focus specifically on generating commercial profit, then registration as a legal entity (limited liability company) is most suitable, since this form of business activity is more significant. Registration of an LLC will cost 4,000 rubles, to the list necessary documents includes the decision to create a company, its charter, statutory documents legal entity and application. In addition, a legal entity must authorized capital. The law also allows you to open boxing centers and similar establishments in the format of individual entrepreneurship (the state fee is 800 rubles, and the only documents required are an application. The applicant’s passport and his TIN), however, in this case, the individual entrepreneur will risk all of his property, and not just his part authorized capital.

There is another format of work that is acceptable in the sports field - registration of the center as a non-profit organization. In this case, the owner of the center can count on state support in the form of various grants and privileges, since the NPO is engaged in socially significant activities, and sometimes in monetary terms this turns out to be even more profitable than commerce.

As for the license, it will be required only if the center’s services involve full-time teaching activities - in other cases, obtaining a license is not necessary.


To make a name for yourself and attract clients, an entrepreneur should launch an active promotion campaign - advertising your services can be placed in local media and on the Internet (on sports forums, as well as in groups dedicated to the life of the city and region in which the boxing center is located) . Initially, the main focus of advertisements and flyers should be on the club's grand opening (during which you can give away free memberships and classes, discounts and club guest cards, and items of boxing equipment).

In general, various competitions and sweepstakes are a very convenient option for online advertising today. Every week or month you can play in social networks among the subscribers of your community the above items (or add something of your own) for reposting the advertisement. This move is convenient because the participants of the competition, in the hope of receiving a prize, will advertise on their profiles completely free of charge. Of course, for this you must have a group with a sufficiently large audience (creating a group and increasing its number on the VKontakte network will cost approximately 5,000 rubles).

In addition to the advertising campaign, when promoting services, you need to pay attention to establishing relationships with wholesale buyers of season tickets - usually these are employers who have a large staff and offer their employees full or partial compensation for the cost of sports activities as a social package. For such buyers, a system of special offers with discounts and bonuses should be previously developed.

Prices for services and business profitability

The average cost of one subscription for a month of boxing classes is about 3,600 rubles. With an average number of club members from 300 to 500 people (figures acceptable for a large boxing center), the monthly profit will be about one million rubles.

All more people begins to pay increased attention to his health. have a good physical fitness and a beautiful, muscular figure is becoming extremely important for many people today. But many are driven to gyms and private sports classes by the desire to relieve negative energy and tension, or to achieve outstanding results, to become a professional in their chosen sport. Boxing is considered an excellent option for achieving these goals. It has always been consistently popular both among those who want to practice professionally and among amateurs. Therefore, everyone who is interested in boxing needs to train somewhere. Having a well-developed business plan, you can quickly promote a newly created boxing school and receive quite high profits.

  • Where to start a business?
  • Equipment needed to open a boxing school
  • Boxing school staff
  • Business profitability
  • Documents, licensing
  • Choosing a room for a boxing school

Where to start a business?

In the sports field there are quite a lot of offers for any wallet and in various directions. Competition in this field of activity is quite high - almost all sports sections and clubs offer training using various techniques, primarily boxing schools and sections.

To take into account all the nuances even before the opening of the school, you need to study similar offers that are in your city. Having established which niche – professional or amateur – has the least occupancy, you need to delve more deeply into the nuances of price offers and demand for this service by region. Such monitoring will allow us to develop a more flexible pricing policy, select the most interesting types and areas of work for potential clients, and select the most appropriate location for the future boxing school.

Many aspects of activity depend on the size of the start-up capital, and in conditions of fierce competition, every effort must be made to ensure that the school offers its clients comprehensive services of high quality.

Equipment needed to open a boxing school

The gym should be equipped primarily with strength training equipment. To open a small school, you can purchase about 15 simulators. The amount required for this is about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • sports equipment: weights, dumbbells, barbells, etc. – 50 thousand rubles;
  • punching bags (cost of 1 punching bag is about 4 thousand rubles) x10 pcs. =40 thousand rubles;
  • rings for training and competitions - from 80 thousand rubles 1 training ring;
  • furniture, household materials – 50 thousand rubles;
  • repairs, preparation of premises - 200 thousand rubles.

In general, starting costs without renting premises will be about 1,020,000 rubles (including the cost of purchasing a ring - 600 thousand rubles).

Boxing school staff

The main work in a boxing school is performed by coaches and mentors. They must have work experience and certain sporting achievements. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the groups with which mentors will work. If, for example, a coach works with athletes who aspire to become professionals, he must not only have experience, but also the appropriate “ achievement list", awards, experience in training winning boxers.

For novice athletes, such a titled mentor can even be a hindrance, since he has high demands that novice boxers cannot realistically achieve.

It is necessary to select not only a coach-athlete for children's groups, he must also be a good teacher.

It is advisable to also have a physician on staff, since this sport is traumatic.

Administrative staff are also needed. 2 people are enough for shift work and a manager, whose functions can be performed by the owner of the school. The services of an accountant, lawyer, and tax consultant can be outsourced.

It is also necessary to hire security for the school - 2 people, work in shifts.

Business profitability

A subscription to a boxing gym today costs about 3,500 rubles. If you attract an average of 150 people to the club, you can make a monthly profit of about 525 thousand rubles.

Rent, payment utilities, wage, Consumables will amount to about 200-250 thousand rubles.

525,000 – 200,000 = 275,000 rubles. – income received for 1 month of work.

The payback period for an investment of 1 million 020 thousand rubles is about 4 months.

Documents, licensing

If the boxing school will operate as a commercial enterprise, it is preferable to register as a legal entity - LLC, since this form of entrepreneurship is more significant. The cost of registering an LLC is 4 thousand rubles.

A legal entity must have an authorized capital.

You can register a boxing school as an individual entrepreneur. But in this option, the individual entrepreneur puts at risk not only his own part of the capital, but also his property.

There is an option to register as a non-profit organization. In this case, you can count on government support - the state often allocates various grants, and NPOs are entitled to certain privileges, since they carry out socially important activities. In financial terms, it can be even more profitable than commercial activities. If you are planning a full-time teaching job, you will have to obtain a license. In other registration options it is not required.

Choosing a room for a boxing school

To open a boxing school, you need to rent a fairly large premises. It would be nice to have several gyms, besides the training one:

  • a gym with good capacity so that there is easy access to the exercise equipment and there are no queues;
  • a hall with a ring for sparring (at the beginning of your activity you can combine it with a gym);
  • sanitary and hygienic premises - locker rooms, toilets, showers;
  • utility premises.

It is advisable to have a separate room for training children if such a direction is developed, since many parents do not approve of training in common rooms with adults. If girls are going to study at school, it is necessary to provide separate sanitary rooms for them.

For a boxing school, you need to look for a room with dimensions of 150-200 m. The ceiling height in them should be at least 2.4-3 m. It is advisable to rent a room closer to the city center, since most clients prefer training in the evening.

In order for a boxing school to attract as many sports fans as possible, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for this. Only a well-equipped gym with a full set of equipment, a good ring, and experienced professional trainers can interest boxing fans to enroll in sections and attend the newly opened school.

Boxing is a “doesn’t kill, but makes you stronger” activity. Like other martial arts, it teaches you to resist stress, improves your reaction and ability to control the situation. Excellent physical fitness coupled with balance and psychological stability – isn’t this what a modern city dweller needs? Give it to him, build a business in the unique niche of sports and fitness services.


Opening a boxing club is a highly relevant entrepreneurial idea. People are fed up with regular fitness, and the craving for healthy image life has already been acquired. Improving your own body today is not a luxury, but a request of the mass consumer. At the same time, Russians are ready to experiment with the format of classes.

The niche of fitness services (sports and recreation) today is relatively free in cities with a population of up to 1 million inhabitants. But even in megacities there is room to expand. Here you can successfully compete with online fitness players by occupying a narrow niche. The ideal moment has come for the opening of brutal fighting schools and cozy studios; today such establishments are increasingly attracting the audience of habitual fitness. Narrow specialization, sports business with charisma - this is the basis for the school’s success. But first things first.

Key business indicators: investments - from 500 thousand rubles, payback period - 0.5-1 year.

Business model

Boxing clubs are a type of fitness centers and belong to the fitness services market. Therefore, the same rules apply to business as to the industry as a whole. However, there are also nuances.

Boxing clubs, which train youth sports reserves and professional athletes, are educational in essence: they use additional general education and general developmental training programs, and conduct certification of students. Such activities are subject to licensing and are not discussed in this article.

The essence of business. Product

A boxing school (club) is a commercial sports and recreational institution specializing in boxing training. ordinary people, not athletes. The essence of the business is to adapt professional boxing for amateurs: clients improve their physical fitness by mastering martial arts techniques. The main product is boxing classes, which include general physical training and training in fighting techniques. The degree of specialization of a club may vary.

In Russia, there are successfully operating projects tailored to one type of boxing and developing several areas at once:

  • classical;
  • Thai (Muay Thai);
  • French (savat);
  • kickboxing, etc.

The list of workouts can be supplemented with CrossFit, which is used as general physical training for fighters, and stretching, useful for kickboxing. One of the most popular trends is women's kickboxing, which is more effective for building an ideal body than regular fitness. And it's also fun.

Additional sources of income for the club: holding competitions, selling equipment (uniforms, gloves, bandages), detox bar.

Classes are divided into:

  • group;
  • mini-groups;
  • individual (personal).

The target audience. Center format

Clients of the boxing club are people of any age and gender with average and above average income. As a rule, successful projects are focused on working with men, but additionally recruit children and women's groups. You can concentrate only on neophytes or conduct classes for boxers with training.

In large cities with a population of over 500 thousand residents, the format of a boxing center for white collar workers is promising. Here they practice intellectual boxing: managers/executives relieve stress after a hard day, improve their fighting qualities, ability to concentrate and self-control.

The choice of target audience entirely depends on the concept of the establishment. It is important to clearly position the club. Pricing, the level of professionalism of trainers, the location of the establishment, the specifics of advertising and marketing efforts and other important factors will depend on this in the future.

Boxing club formats:

1. Club for white collar workers

The opposite of a glamorous fitness center, although there is more than enough elitism here. Designed for managers serving their working day in the office. Located in the city center on large areas (from 500 sq. m). The format assumes high prices, the presence of a sauna, showers, massage rooms, bars (and not only with protein shakes). The target audience is men 25-50 years old with an above-average income.

Successful projects and analogues: BOBO GYM (Moscow, bobogym.com/), Boxing Club "October" (Moscow, bcoctober.com/o-klube/)

2. “Boxing and losing weight” or “Family”

The club is positioned as an alternative to fitness, more effective method lose weight. Therefore, the program includes crossfit, stretching, and women's kickboxing. The concept can belong to both the premium and economy segments. The format is aimed at the general public, the audience is mixed: men and women with average income and above, and their children. The quality of training and service is at a high level. Hammams and saunas are not required, a fitness bar is desirable, the opportunity to consult with a nutritionist, fitness testing. Target audience: men and women aged 18-40, children.

Successful projects: Boxing School No. 1 (St. Petersburg, www.boxing78.ruzhenskij-boks/), “Boxing Academy” (Moscow, boxing-academy.ru).

3. Boxing for children

The club specializes in an audience of 6-17 years old. The emphasis is on strengthening the body, general physical training, but with elements of martial arts. Coaches are both good teachers and athletes. Special attention focuses on occupational safety.

Successful examples: no exclusively commercial projects have been found yet. The system of children's and youth sports schools is functioning, often with enthusiasts opening general strengthening boxing sections on a semi-commercial basis (parents pay a minimum fixed amount per month).

4. “Boxing for boxing’s sake”

Typically, such clubs specialize in hard types of boxing, rely on self-defense skills, and train real fighters, including women. The format is functional and quite ascetic: no nutritionists, saunas or bars. The most popular are Thai boxing and kickboxing, as well as their combination. Usually this is a “one-man show”: a professional athlete opens his own school, where he trains personally.

Successful projects: Thai boxing club “Predator” (St. Petersburg, predator.net/), Legend Fight Club Thai boxing school (St. Petersburg, legendfightclub.ru).

Pricing. Payment system for services. Seasonality

Pricing in the industry has its own peculiarities. As a rule, fitness centers sell complex system club cards/subscriptions, which provides a loyalty program and takes into account all types of memberships: corporate, children's, individual, family, etc.

Payment for club services is based on a combination different options:

  1. Subscription. The vast majority of Russian fitness clubs use a subscription payment system for services. The client buys a club card for the duration of the contract: from one month to two years. The visitor, in essence, lends money to the establishment, receiving in return the opportunity for unlimited visits to the center with a choice of training areas. A system with a long validity period for club cards is not ideal - it is poorly adapted to the changing living conditions of consumers.
  2. Freeze subscription. A variation of the previous payment scheme with a well-thought-out “freezing” system, when the client can temporarily interrupt the contract and renew it at will.
  3. Payment for training. There is a fixed fee for one lesson; wholesale (10 or more sessions) is cheaper. Personal and trial training are separate price items.
  4. Payment for training with reduced cost. The client is offered a package of classes (daily or several times a week), each subsequent training is cheaper. Payment is made weekly. The system is quite exotic for Russia, but is successfully used in the USA.

Peak sales periods in the fitness business are spring, autumn and winter. Summer is a time of decline and outflow of customers. During this period, it is advisable to apply additional discounts and promotions, as well as to forcefully attract new customers.

the main problem industry - customer retention, therefore the success of a business is measured by the percentage of contract renewals. Clubs lose 30-50% of their clients annually, and the average cost of attracting new visitors is 5 times higher than the cost of retaining old ones. A well-thought-out loyalty system, professionalism of trainers and quality of service are extremely important.


When choosing a club, the consumer focuses not only on the price level, but also on the quality of service. The establishment should be located in a place convenient for the target audience. If we are talking about an elite audience, then the club needs to be opened in a prestigious area/building. For a democratic office audience, a school in the business center of the city is suitable.

The level of club service consists of many factors:

  • availability of showers and convenient parking;
  • spacious training rooms, good ventilation, working condition of inventory and equipment, sufficient quantity;
  • high-quality information support for the club’s work;
  • ensuring a high level of occupational safety, correct selection load intensity.

But the main thing for business is the professionalism and friendliness of the trainers, the friendliness and customer focus of the administrators.

Relevance. Time to go to the regions

Since the beginning of the 90s, the Russian market of sports and fitness services has come a long way: fitness has ceased to be a privilege of the rich, has become a mass product and is increasingly associated with investments in health. The services of fitness centers today are more in demand in the comfort, economy and low cost segments than in the premium and business segments.

Despite the crisis drop in incomes of Russians and a decrease in the average bill for the industry, according to RBC analysts, fitness services showed positive dynamics in 2015 and grew by 3.6%. The forecast for the next 4-5 years is favorable - the market will continue to grow.

Why opening your own boxing center is an event with great potential:

  • the percentage of coverage of the Russian population with fitness services is only 3% (in Moscow this figure is 15%, in the regions - no more than 2%);
  • the desire for health and beauty is a global trend, it is difficult to save on this;
  • The low cost segment is developing;
  • The popularity of the studio format is growing; regular fitness has become boring.

On this moment Cities with a population of 125-500 thousand people, where there are few or no large network projects, but where there is interest in martial arts, are promising for opening boxing clubs. But both in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is still room for development: the provision of fitness services is uneven across regions, and the middle price segment is quite empty (the cost of an annual club card is up to 50 thousand rubles). In addition, boxing clubs are a rather narrow fashionable niche with its own specific audience.

Current problems in the industry: low incomes, high rental rates and equipment prices. All this leads to a decrease in service margins.

Instructions for opening a boxing club: briefly about the important things

Before opening, you need to choose the format of the establishment and draw up a business plan. Proceed with specific steps only after you know: what, to whom and how to sell.

Since 01.01.16, GOST R 56644-2015 “Services to the public” has been in force in Russia. Fitness services. General requirements" The activities of commercial boxing clubs are subject to the standard. Certification according to GOST is voluntary, but the document is indispensable in work and preparation for visitors from authorities: it contains requirements for the safety of clubs, the quality of equipment and premises, and the qualifications of employees. Read, apply and be prepared.


For a commercial project, the legal forms of LLC and individual entrepreneur are suitable.

OKVED codes must be selected according to the OK 029-2014 classifier (NACE Rev. 2) as amended. from 08.26.16:

  • activities of sports clubs and fitness centers, holding sporting events- 93.12, 93.13 and 93.11;
  • fitness bar - code 56.30;
  • services of baths, showers, saunas, etc. - code 96.04;
  • massage parlor - 86.90.3.

The most suitable form of taxation is the simplified tax system on income (the rate is 6%; by law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation it can be reduced to 0%). For individual entrepreneurs, there is another attractive option - a patent for the type of activity “Conducting classes in physical education and sports” (rate 0-6% depending on the region). Both taxation systems are under regional jurisdiction; we recommend that you first study the issue locally.

Licenses, permits, notices

  1. Medical license. IN general case, if the club does not provide a medical worker and a massage room, then a license is not needed. Therefore, there is no need to obtain a conclusion from the SES.

    If the club operates a medical and/or massage room, you will have to obtain a license for medical activities with all the ensuing consequences (according to Government Decree No. 291 dated April 16, 2012, the package of documents for applying for a license includes a SEZ for the premises, documents for medical equipment, medical personnel, etc.).

  2. Educational license. If a commercial boxing club provides sports and recreational services and does not engage in educational activities, including does not train personnel for the fitness services market, then a license is not needed.
  3. Notification from Rospotrebnadzor. According to Law No. 294-FZ of December 22, 2008 “On the Protection of Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs..." catering organizations and providing personal services (including bathhouse and shower services) must inform regulatory authorities about the fact of the start of activity. If a club pleases visitors with a herbal bar, sauna or hammam, you need to send a notification to Rospotrebnadzor using the standard form.

No other permitting documents according to law N 294-FZ, you do not need to receive it, but activities must comply with sanitary, fire and other requirements (see below).

Documents regulating the activities of fitness clubs

  1. GOSTs:

    GOST R 56644-2015 “Fitness services”;

    GOST 12.1.004-91 “Fire safety”;

    GOST 32670-2014 “Services of baths and showers”;

    GOST R 52024-2003 and 52025-2003 “Fitness, health and sports services. General requirements" and "Consumer safety requirements";

    GOST R 55321-2012 “SPA services. General requirements".

  2. Sanitary requirements:

    SP 31-112-2004 “Physical training and sports halls” (parts 1 and 2);

    SP No. 2.3.6. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering organizations...”;

    SanPiN 1S67—76 " Sanitary rules arrangement and maintenance of places for physical education and sports classes”, ed. dated 10/31/1996.

  3. Laws:

    No. 2300-1 dated 02/07/1992 “On the protection of consumer rights”;

    N9 329-FZ dated 04.12.07 “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation”;

    N9 384-FZ dated December 30, 2009 “Techn. regulations on the safety of buildings and structures";

    N9 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 “Tech. regulations on fire safety requirements."

Premises and equipment

The location of the club must correspond to the chosen format. However, in all cases, premises in industrial zones are not suitable, as well as inconvenient for clients in terms of “getting there”. All over the world, fitness centers are traditionally located in rented space. Preference should be given to long-term leases in order to have time to recoup investments in repairs.

The club can accommodate 150 sq. m, but this is the bare minimum. Ceiling height is important; it is better to choose 3 m or more.

Regardless of the size of the room, you must highlight:

  • a gym, or better yet two: one for training, the second, with a boxing ring, for competitions and performances;
  • reception area;
  • locker rooms;
  • room for showers and toilets.

If the audience is not only male, you need to take care of separate locker rooms and showers for women and children.


We need coaches and administration workers. The higher the professionalism of the coaching staff, the better. Invite athletes with real achievements: masters of sports and champions, people with coaching experience and higher education in area physical culture and sports. You cannot save on personnel; the success of the business lies in it.

If the format requires it, hire a nutritionist or massage therapist. Medical worker Welcome to the club staff - the sport is traumatic. Accounting and cleaning functions should be outsourced.

Advertising and Marketing

Potential clients are active Internet users, offer them the maximum full information about the club on the website: about training, student achievements, types of boxing, teaching methods (if any), trainers, payment system, discounts and bonuses.


The boxing area of ​​fitness services is developing very actively, so there are many franchise offers and plenty to choose from.

1. Boxing Academy franchise

  • Lump sum fee: 350 thousand rubles.
  • Investments: 1,950 - 3,600 thousand rubles.
  • Payback period: 1 month
  • "BOXING ACADEMY" (boxing-academy.ru) is a network of premium sports clubs for women, men and children. The company has been in boxing since 2011, and was one of the invited consultants from the professional community to develop GOST standards for fitness services. Premises requirements: from 200 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3.5 m.

2. Rocky franchise

  • Lump sum fee: 350 thousand rubles.
  • Investments: 500 - 1,500 thousand rubles.
  • Payback period: 6 months
  • Rocky (rockyclub.rufranchasing) are clubs in the “boxing” format for white collar workers. The company has been in business since 2013. Use unique techniques Rocky training. Premises requirements: from 200 sq. m. with ceiling heights from 2.5 m.

    The boxing clubs Moscowboxing (moscowboxing.ru) and Udarnik (extrimpower.ru) also have offers, but little information has been published for franchisee partners.