From 27-12-2019, 09:57

You shouldn't be wondering who I am, what my name is, and why I'm wanted. All you should be wondering is how a bastard like me is even alive. But I will still tell you about myself.

My name is Robert, I live and was born in Los Angeles, and I am also - Serial killer. My victims are everyone without exception, I will not spare children, old people and women if no one is around. But the most important thing is what I do with them later. Mostly my victims are children, as I have a small van with "sweets". It all happens like this: a child enters the van (it has no windows, everything happens inside), asks for candy, and there I kill him. I dismember them, clean their eyes and sell them as candy, eat the rest, and throw the rest either through the front door into the parents’ car or through the door. I invite older victims to tea and put them to sleep. I think no further details are required.
And there are many people like me in the world. However, there was a separate place for us. And not even in hell, no, this is much worse.

Having finished eating one man I had recently met, I decided to go outside for more victims. It was night outside, there were few people, which was definitely to my advantage. Noticing a figure in the distance, I began to approach it. When I came almost close and was about to deliver a stunning blow, they already stunned me.

that will excite your imagination.

1. She asked why I was breathing so hard.It wasn't me.

2. I can't move, breathe, speak or hear. If I knew how lonely I would be, I would choosecremation.

3 . The longer I wore it, the more it grew into me. She had one like this beautiful skin.

4 . I woke up hearing a knock on the glass. At first I thought it was the window until I heard it againcomes out of the mirror.

5. My daughterdidn't stop crying and screamingat night. I come to her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn’t help.

Scary bedtime stories

© Nomadsoul1 / Getty Images Pro

6. I let my little daughter sleep with me at night. I like to cuddle up to her, despite the causticthe smell of rotting flesh.

7. Lights flashed. I covered myself with a pillow so that this timecan't hear the screams.

8. I'm not afraid of the cemetery. This is the only place whereghosts don't haunt me.

© RomoloTavani / Getty Images Pro

9. The problem with getting out is that your parents have no idea where to find you. At the time, when they find this cage, you will no longer be alive.

10. I hear my son scream and I rush upstairs to put him back to sleep. He doesn't believe me when I say that everything is fine, probably because he sees a creature thatfollowed me to his room.

Very scary stories

© chainatp/Getty Images

11. You hear your mother calling you into the kitchen. As you walk down the stairs, you hear whispers from the restroom: "Don't go there, honey,I heard that too".

12. I'm worried thatI may have gone crazy. I'm hallucinating. I saw the man's skin tear and sag and then peel off his body. I watched as what was left fell out from inside. I saw him meet my gaze and grin.

I'm worried that I might be going crazy. But I'm even more worried that I , Maybe, not crazy.

© Zeferli/Getty Images Pro

13. I pulled the trigger and watched as my brain splashed across the wall. I did this yesterday.Why don't I die, and why can't I stop?

14 . Growing up with cats and dogs, I was used to scratching noises at the door while I slept. Now that I live alone it has becomealarming.

15. I had a pleasant dream when heavy blows woke me up. After that, I could only hear the muffled sounds of earth falling on the grave through my screams.

Scary stories for Halloween

© Ronny Gäbler/Getty Images

16. I never fall asleep butI keep waking up.

17. I always thought my cat had vision problems. It seemed as if her gaze was frozen on my face. Until one day I realized that she alwayslooks through me.

18. There is a photo of me sleeping on my phone. II live alone.

© George Dolgikh

19. The last thing I saw was the alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she ran her decaying nails down my chest while her other hand muffled my screams. I jumped up, sighing with relief that it was just a dream, but when the alarm clock showed 12:06, I heardthe closet door creaked.

20. I began to put him to bed, and he told me: "Daddy, check for monsters under my bed". I looked under the bed and I see him, another “him,” under the bed, he looks at me, trembles and whispers: “Daddy, there is someone on my bed.”

Mysticism and the other world attracts many people interested in esotericism and extrasensory perception. They try to explain mystical events and use various ways and tools consisting not only of those received in schools and other educational institutions knowledge, but also from their own mystical abilities.

Most of us love to read horror stories or tell them to someone before going to bed. Horror stories can frighten girls at a pioneer camp and are very exciting to tell someone before going to bed. But they are all called mystical stories, and horror stories received this name because all the events described in them have no logical explanation.

On the pages of this section you can find the most unusual scary stories that will not only frighten a person, but will also take your breath away for a few seconds. Most of the horror stories presented are real stories happened in life ordinary people. Check them out, because perhaps something similar happened to you?

Lots of free time before bed, tickle your nerves by reading our horror stories for the night. For horror lovers, we have collected Mystic stories , scary stories, horror, ghost stories, apparitions and UFOs. Incredible, mysterious incidents from life.

From life Fantastic Maniacs Camp
Poetry Ghosts Children's horror stories Vampires
Dreams Mystic Reader stories Horror stories 18+

“With one drop of water, a person who knows how to think logically can draw a conclusion about the possibility of the existence Atlantic Ocean or Niagara Falls, even if he had never seen or heard of them. Every life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can understand its nature one by one.”
(Arthur Conan Doyle. “A Study in Scarlet”)

The works of Conan Doyle, dedicated to the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the famous London “consulting” detective, have become classics of the detective genre.
The prototype of Holmes is considered to be Dr. Joseph Bell, a colleague of Conan Doyle, who worked at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital and was famous for his ability to guess the character, occupation and past of a person from the smallest details.

Autumn is already coming to an end, almost all the summer residents from our village have left, but I still cannot finish the summer season. Blame the late vacation. I while away my days at the dacha. On one of these days, I took bags of various rubbish to the local trash can.

Mysterious stories and ancient legends about ghosts have always existed. Many people do not believe in legends, making the excuse that they have never seen or heard a single ghost in a cemetery or other similar place. But just because people haven’t seen it doesn’t mean ghosts don’t exist. Also in ancient Rus' It was necessary to hold a funeral feast for the dead, and in subsequent centuries - funeral services, seeing them off to another world and giving respect and honor, otherwise, according to legend, the spirits of the rest could return and begin to trouble people.

Today in our intensive care unit, where I work as a nurse, it was just a hell of a shift.

A 63-year-old man was brought from the area with a glass in his rectum. The man confusedly explained that first he put a bottle of a condom inside himself, and then a glass, bottom first. The glass somehow turned over and went there no longer with its bottom, and then the bottle fell into the glass, and this whole structure went so deep into the intestine that the man himself could not get it out, and he walked with it for two whole days, in the hope, that she would come out on her own, and today he was brought to us by ambulance.

Four doctors fiddled for an hour and a half, trying to take turns removing the glasses with their hands and various medical devices. There was a question about preserving the rectum. They even wanted to invite an obstetrician with forceps. The task was complicated by the fact that when pulled out, the glass could burst inside the intestine, and the fragments would cut everything there. It was not possible to mechanically remove objects from the man’s backside; they decided to cut the perineum and slightly incise the intestine. We took out the glasses, sewed everything up, and now we are waiting to see how the healing process goes. Personally, this is the first time in my practice. Some nurses say they have encountered similar cases, but not as complex. If it were up to me, today I would award our doctors with orders for their work.

Artist I. Oleynikov

Modern creepy stories

Stories with signs of today

It is clear that scary stories did not only happen in the old days. They still happen now. Nearby, here, in our city, in the neighboring area and even on the next street. And since there are no vampires or space aliens, no people with bear heads, all these today's stories have an absolutely everyday flavor.

With a focus on human meat pies, bags of blood and other everyday horrors. Read and be horrified. "It was today, it was yesterday."

Black hand

In city N there was a hotel that was notorious. A red light was burning above the door of one of her rooms. This meant that people were missing in the room.

One day a young man came to the hotel and asked for a place to stay for the night. The director replied that free seats no, except for that ill-fated room with the red light. The guy was not afraid and went to spend the night in this room. In the morning he was not in the room.

In the evening of the same day, another guy came, who had just served in the army. The hotel director gave him a place in the same room. The guy was strange: he did not recognize mattresses and feather beds and slept on the floor, wrapped in a blanket. In addition, he suffered from insomnia. She visited him that night as well. It’s already past eleven, it’s almost twelve, but sleep doesn’t come. It's struck midnight!

Suddenly something clicked and rustled under the bed, and the Black Hand appeared from under it. She tore the pillow with terrible force and dragged it under the bed. The guy jumped up, quickly got dressed and went to look for the hotel director. But he wasn’t there. He was not at home either. Then the guy called the police and asked to urgently come to the hotel. The police began a thorough search. One of the policemen noticed that the bed was attached to the floor with special screws. Having unscrewed the screws and moved the bed, the police saw a chest with a button on one of its walls. Pressed the button. The lid of the chest rose sharply, but silently. And the Black Hand appeared from it. It was attached to a thick steel spring. The hand was cut off and sent for investigation. The chest was moved - and everyone saw a hole in the floor. We decided to go down there. There were as many as seven doors in front of the police. They opened the first one and saw lifeless, bloodless corpses. They opened the second one - skeletons lay there. They opened the third one - there was only skin there. In the fourth lay fresh corpses, from which blood was dripping into basins. In the fifth, people in white coats were cutting up corpses. We went into the sixth room - people stood along long tables and packed blood into bags. We went into the seventh - and were dumbfounded! The hotel director himself sat there on a high chair.

The director admitted everything. At this time there was a war between the two states. As in any war, it was required large quantity donor blood. The director was associated with one of the states. He was offered to organize the production of such blood for a huge sum, and he agreed and developed a plan with the Black Hand.

The hotel was brought into divine shape and a new director was appointed. The light bulb above the door of the ill-fated room disappeared. The city now lives peacefully and sees wonderful dreams at night.

One day, a mother sent her daughter to the market to buy pies. An old woman was selling pies. When the girl approached her, the old lady said. That the pies have already run out, but if she goes to her house, she will treat her to pies. The girl agreed. When they came to her house, the old woman sat the girl on the sofa and asked her to wait. She went to another room where there were some buttons. The old woman pressed the button - and the girl failed. The old woman made new pies and ran to the market. The girl’s mother waited and waited and, without waiting for her daughter, ran to the market. She didn't find her daughter. I bought some pies from the same old lady and returned home. When she took a bite of one pie, she saw a blue nail in it. And her daughter just painted her nails this morning. Mom immediately ran to the police. The police arrived at the market and caught the old woman.

It turned out that she lured people to her home, sat them on the sofa, and people fell through. Under the sofa was a large meat grinder full of human meat. The old woman made pies out of it and sold it at the market. At first they wanted to execute the old woman, and then they gave her life imprisonment.

Taxi driver and old woman

A taxi driver is driving late at night and sees an old woman standing by the road. Votes. The taxi driver stopped. The old woman sat down and said: “Take me to the cemetery, I need to see my son!” The taxi driver says: “It’s late, I need to go to the park.” But the old woman persuaded him. They arrived at the cemetery. The old woman says: “Wait for me here, I’ll be right back!”

Half an hour passes and she is gone. Suddenly an old woman appears and says: “He is not here, I was mistaken. Let's go to something else!" The taxi driver says: “What are you talking about! It’s night already!” And she told him: “Take it, take it. I'll pay you well!" They arrived at another cemetery. The old woman again asked to wait and left. Half an hour passes, an hour passes. An old woman appears, angry and dissatisfied with something. “He’s not here either. Take it,” he says, “to something else!” The taxi driver wanted to drive her away. But she still persuaded him, and they went. The old woman left. She doesn't exist and doesn't exist. The taxi driver's eyes were already starting to droop. Suddenly he hears the door open. He raised his head and saw: an old woman standing at the door, smiling. His mouth is bloody, his hands are bloody, he picks out a piece of meat from his mouth...

The taxi driver turned pale: “Grandma, did you eat dead people?”

The Case of the Police Captain

A police captain was walking through an abandoned old cemetery at night. And suddenly he saw a large White spot. The captain pulled out a pistol and began to shoot at him. But the spot continued to fly towards him...

The next day the captain did not show up for duty. We rushed to look. And his body was found in the old cemetery. The captain had a pistol in his hand. And next to it lay a bullet-ridden newspaper.

Meat grinder

One girl, her name was Lena, went to the cinema. Before leaving, her grandmother stopped her and told her that under no circumstances should she take a ticket to the 12th row in the 12th seat. The girl didn't react. But when she came to the cinema, she asked for a ticket to the second row... The next time she went to the cinema, her grandmother was not at home. And she forgot about her instructions. She was given a ticket to the 12th row in the 12th seat. The girl sat down in this place and, when the lights went out in the hall, she fell into some kind of black basement. There was a huge meat grinder in which people were ground. Bones were falling out of the meat grinder. Meat and skin - and fell into three coffins. Lena saw her mother next to the meat grinder. Mom grabbed her and threw her into this meat grinder.

Red cookies

One woman often had guests. These were men. They had dinner all evening. And then they stayed. And what happened then, no one knew.

We present to your attention photos that, at first glance, may seem quite ordinary and harmless. But what made them famous was the fact that terrible events were hidden behind each of them. It’s unlikely that any of us think that this or that photograph could be the last in our lives or precede a tragedy. For example, not long ago, newlyweds on vacation were photographed a second before the accident. And if it is impossible to capture death itself, then in each of the photographs presented below it is definitely invisibly present.

Survivors. At first glance, there is nothing unusual in this photo. Until you notice a gnawed human spine in the lower right corner.

The subjects of the photo are the players of the Uruguayan rugby team "Old Cristians" from Montevideo, who survived the plane crash on October 13, 1972: the plane crashed in the Andes. Of the 40 passengers and 5 crew members, 12 died in the disaster or shortly after it; then 5 more died the next morning..

Search operations stopped on the eighth day, and the survivors had to fight for life for more than two months. Since food supplies quickly ran out, they had to eat the frozen corpses of their friends.

Without receiving help, some of the victims made a dangerous and long journey through the mountains, which turned out to be successful. 16 men were rescued.

In 2012 star of Mexican music Jenni Rivera died in a plane crash. The selfie on the plane was taken a few minutes before the tragedy.

No one survived the plane crash

Thunderstorm games. In August 1975, a girl from the United States, Mary McQuilken, photographed her two brothers: Michael and Sean, with whom she spent time on the top of one of the cliffs in California. national park redwoods.

A second after the photo was taken, all three were struck by lightning. Only 18-year-old Michael managed to survive. In this photo is the boys' sister Mary.

It is worth noting that the atmospheric discharge was so powerful and close that the young people’s hair literally stood on end. The survivor, Michael, works as a computer engineer and still earns emails with questions about what happened that day.

Regina Walters. A 14-year-old girl was photographed by a serial killer named Robert Ben Rhodes a few seconds before he was killed... The maniac took Regina into an abandoned barn, cut her hair and forced her to wear a black dress and shoes.

Rhodes traveled around the United States in a huge trailer, which he equipped as a torture chamber. At least three people a month became his victims.

Walters was one of those who fell into the trap of a maniac. Her body was found in a barn that was to be burned.

"Fire!". In April 1999, high school students from American school Columbine posed for a group photo. Despite the general gaiety, two guys pretending to point a rifle and a pistol at the camera hardly attracted attention.

But in vain. A few days later, these guys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, showed up at Columbine with weapons and homemade explosives: their victims were 13 fellow students and 23 people were injured.

The crime was carefully planned, which led to such a number of victims.

The culprits were not detained, because in the end they shot themselves. It later became known that the teenagers had been outsiders at school for many years, and the incident became a cruel act of revenge.

Girl with black eyes. You might think that this is a scene from a horror movie, but, unfortunately, this is real photo. In November 1985, the Ruiz volcano erupted in Colombia, as a result of which the province of Armero was covered with mudflows.

13-year-old Omayra Sanchez became a victim of the tragedy: her body got stuck in the rubble of a building, as a result, the girl stood up to her neck in mud for three days. Her face was swollen, her hands were almost white, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Rescuers tried to rescue the girl different ways, but in vain.

Three days later, Omaira fell into agony, stopped responding to people and eventually died.

Family photo. It would seem that in the photo Victorian era, which depicts a father, mother and daughter, there is nothing strange. The only peculiarity: the girl came out very clearly in the photo, but her parents were blurry. Can you guess why? Before us is one of the posthumous photographs popular in those days, and the girl depicted in it died shortly before of typhus.

The corpse remained motionless in front of the lens, which is why it appeared clearly: photographs in those days were taken with long exposures, which is why it took a very, very long time to pose. Perhaps that's why they became incredible fashion photos“post-mortem” (i.e. “after death”). Oddly enough, the heroine of this photo is also already dead.

The woman in this photo died in childbirth. They even installed it in photo salons special devices to fix the corpses, and the eyes of the dead were opened and a special agent was instilled into them so that the mucous membrane did not dry out and the eyes did not become cloudy.

Fatal dive. It would seem that there is nothing strange in this photo of divers. However, why does one of them lie at the very bottom?

Divers accidentally discovered the body of 26-year-old Tina Watson, who died on October 22, 2003, during her honeymoon. The girl and her husband named Gabe went to Honeymoon to Australia, where they decided to go diving.

Underwater, the lover turned off the young wife’s oxygen tank and held her at the bottom until she suffocated. Later, the criminal, who received a life sentence, said that his goal was to obtain insurance.

Sad father. At a quick glance, there is nothing unusual in this photo of a pensive African man, but upon closer inspection, you will notice that a severed child’s foot and hand lie in front of the man.

The photo shows a Congolese rubber plantation worker who was unable to work out the quota. As punishment, the overseers ate his five-year-old daughter, giving the remains for edification... This was practiced quite often, as can be seen from other photographs.

At the same time, white officers and overseers presented his right hand as proof that they had destroyed the local cannibal. The desire to rise in the ranks led to the fact that everyone's hands were cut off, including children, and those who pretended to be dead could remain alive...

Assassin with a sword. It would seem like a Halloween photo, wouldn't it? 21-year-old Swede, Anton Lundin Peterson, came to one of the Trollhatten schools dressed like this on October 22, 2015. Two schoolchildren decided that what was happening was a joke and joyfully took pictures with a stranger in a strange outfit.

After that, Peterson stabbed these young men and went for the next victims. He ended up killing one teacher and four children. The police opened fire on him and he died from his wounds in the hospital.

Dying tourist. Americans Sailor Gilliams and Brenden Vega went hiking in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, but due to inexperience they got lost. There was no connection, and due to the heat and lack of water, the girl was left completely exhausted. Brendan went for help, but fell to his death after falling off a cliff.

And these photos were taken by a group of experienced tourists who, upon returning home, noticed with horror a red-haired girl lying unconscious on the ground. Rescuers went by helicopter to the scene of the tragedy, Sailor survived.

Kidnapping two-year-old James Bulger. It would seem that what is strange is that an older boy leads a younger one by the hand? But behind this photo lies a terrible tragedy...

Jon Venables and Robert Thompson were taken from shopping center two-year-old James Bulger was brutally beaten, had his face covered in paint, and left to die on railroad tracks.

The 10-year-old killers were found thanks to surveillance video. The criminals received the maximum sentence for their age - 10 years, which extremely outraged the public and the victim's mother. Moreover, in 2001 they were released and received documents under new names.

In 2010, it was revealed that Jon Venables had been returned to prison for an unspecified parole violation.

It later became known that Venables was charged with possession and distribution of child pornography. Police found 57 images of child pornography on his computer. On the Internet, Venables posed as a 35-year-old married woman, who bragged about abusing her 8-year-old daughter in hopes of obtaining more child pornography.

Take a photo of your own killer. Again, at first glance we see the usual family photo, but take a closer look at the background.

The photo was taken by Filipino adviser Reynaldo Dagza, whom the killer decided to take revenge on for helping to arrest him for stealing a car.

It was the photo that helped quickly identify the killer and put him behind bars again.

Suicide on the bridge. A Chinese reporter who was trying to capture the fog on the Wuhan Yangtze River discovered only after a detailed study of the photo that the picture captured a man falling from a bridge; as it turned out later, his girlfriend jumped after him a few seconds later.

Last shower. The man in the photo has a strange expression on his face, don’t you think? The camera containing this photo was found in the washing machine of Travis Alexander, who was killed in the shower by being stabbed 25 times, including in the neck, and shot in the head.

The incident was blamed on his girlfriend Jodi Arias, with whom he was going to break up, but the girl pursued him and literally did not give way.

Other photographs found at the crime scene showed the pair in sexual poses, and an image of Travis in the shower was taken at 5.29pm on the day of the murder. In photos taken just minutes later, Alexander was already lying on the floor in blood.

Seconds before the explosion. The father and daughter posing for the photo hardly knew that the car photographed next to them contained explosives that would detonate in a few seconds.

This terrorist attack in August 1998 was carried out by the terrorist organization Authentic Irish Republican Army. As a result, 29 people were killed and more than 220 were injured. The camera with the first photo was found under the rubble, and his heroes miraculously survived.