In this article I want to answer the question that worries many subscribers of my blog - do you need to know Buteyko's theory for effective development gymnastics Strelnikova? First, let's recall a well-known fact. This ingenious set of breathing exercises, namely, a sharp and short breath while compressing the chest, was created not by doctors, but by opera singers - the Strelnikov mother and daughter. Doctors, in general, are conservative and therefore practically could not create such a thing. And even if there was one among them, he would definitely end up in a mental hospital, as was the case with many outstanding progressive doctors. Therefore, this brilliant invention of opera singers did not pose any threat to medicine.

That is why the real reasons for the therapeutic effect have not yet been described anywhere. gymnastics Strelnikova. Even now, in 2010, apart from the description of the exercises of gymnastics itself, there is no theoretical platform! And if the reasons for the therapeutic effect are described, then they are all based on Lavuzier’s theory dating back to the times of the French Revolution. On the theory supported by official medicine - that only oxygen, and only oxygen, helps get rid of diseases.

Breathe deeply and everything will be fine.

So it turns out that the ingenious set of breathing exercises is accompanied by an absolutely harmful theoretical basis. And why? Gymnastics was created by people who were very far from medicine, and therefore did not know the true processes occurring in the body. So it turns out that the student has absolutely no idea what is happening to him during class. Imagine a football team, even with brilliant players, trying to play without any idea of ​​tactics, without knowing the opponent, without knowing the rules of the game.

And it’s good if a person “stupidly” performs a set of exercises as expected. And God forbid he reads the theory attached to it, this is where troubles can arise. For just one expression that breathing exercises by Strelnikova develops extremely deep breathing, all books should simply be withdrawn from sale.

It's just funny to read that Buteyko method not compatible with Strelnikovskaya gymnastics. Buteyko's theory once again explains the reason for the phenomenal benefits of Strelnikova’s gymnastics. Buteyko, as a physician, tested his theory on a combine harvester he created back in 1960. More than 40 parameters were taken from a person per second. Subsequent processing of these parameters gave a result that overturned all established views on the role of deep breathing, supposedly providing the body with oxygen in abundance.

But today we will not go into the details of Buteyko’s discovery; you will read about this in the next post from this section.

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How often do we stop noticing the little things we are used to? But some of them have great importance. For example, breathing. Agree, rarely does anyone pay attention to correct breathing, do exercises, or know the techniques. And this knowledge is useful for health and general well-being. How to breathe correctly and why - we will talk in this article.

There are several types of breathing, breathing techniques and exercises, and many of them originate in the distant past. Which ones exactly and how to follow them - let's figure it out.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises- this is a certain sequence of breathing exercises. With its help, diseases of the bronchi and lungs are treated, and the osseous-ligamentous system is strengthened. The general condition improves: activity and concentration increase, it becomes lighter, and physical indicators better. Considering that breathing exercises can be performed for 30 minutes a day without much effort, the effect is felt almost immediately, and the visible result will not take long to appear.

Such practices are very specific, have many types and, if performed incorrectly, can cause harm. You should be careful and careful when choosing your method of treatment with breathing exercises. Consult your doctor and choose a block of breathing exercises that suits your body.

To more fully reveal the possibilities of gymnastics, let's look at what types of breathing exist:

  1. Upper- breathing through the upper chest. The diaphragm hardly moves down, and the abdominal muscles barely tense.
  2. Average- air enters the body due to the expansion of the middle section of the chest. The abdominal muscles contract more strongly, the diaphragm barely moves down.
  3. Lower- involves the lower chest. The diaphragm is lowered as much as possible, and the abdominal muscles are relaxed.
  4. Complete- combination of all previous types of breathing. Maximum filling of the lungs with air occurs.
  5. Reverse- when inhaling, all actions are reversed: the abdominal muscles are tense, the diaphragm goes down. The internal organs are compressed and massaged.
  6. Delayed- breathing, in which there is a delay in the “inhale-exhale” cycle. There are several options for this breathing:
    • inhale, hold, exhale;
    • inhale, exhale, hold;
    • inhale, hold, exhale, hold.

The latter method is actively used in yoga, since the ancient masters of this teaching believed that at the moment of holding the breath, the body is filled with energy and strength.

So, we know the main types of breathing - now let's talk about the types and differences of breathing exercises.

There are many types of breathing exercises, but they all work according to the following principles:

  • artificial difficulty;
  • holding your breath;
  • slow breathing.

In other words, everything is based on weakening breathing, due to which the benefits of breathing exercises arise.

As a young opera singer, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, together with her mother, developed a method for restoring her singing voice, as problems began with it. The technique turned out to be useful not only for vocals, but also for the body as a whole.

How to do Strelnikova’s breathing exercises correctly? Before you begin, you should prepare the venue: it should be a bright room with clean air and an open window. It is better to do exercises on an empty stomach or half an hour after eating.

The essence of Strelnikova’s technique- in every second sharp inhalation through the nose, which is accompanied by a number of exercises. Such an inhalation should be active, strong and noisy - “sniffing the air.” Exhalation is imperceptible and happens on its own.

Necessary set of rules:

  1. With each breath, the shoulders move not up, but down.
  2. The nostrils should close as if they were being pressed. They must obey you and be under control.
  3. Gymnastics should be carried out until it begins to tire you, as long as there is pleasure.

During the first lesson, the exercises should be performed for 4, 8 or 16 sharp breaths. Rest between exercises - 2-4 seconds. For one approach, the average number is 32 breaths, with a rest break of 2-4 seconds.

When training for two weeks, you can increase the level of training to 4000 breaths per day, dividing the series of exercises into three parts, performed in the morning, lunch and evening. After you feel a significant improvement in your health, you can reduce the number of breaths in the exercises, but you should not stop exercising at all.

If you feel worse, the disease worsens - it is better to perform this set of breathing exercises while sitting or lying down for 2, 4, 8 breaths with a break between them of 2 or more seconds.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics affects the lungs, bronchi, skin and vocal apparatus and treats the corresponding diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, stuttering, scoliosis, spinal injuries, diseases of the genitourinary system and even neuroses.

The method of breathing exercises by Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is based on the principle of “breathe less.” It has been clinically proven that this approach can treat over 90 diseases, the main cause of which is a lack of carbon dioxide in the body. The author himself called his approach “the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing.”

All exercises in the Buteyko system are based on holding or shallow breathing. The goal is to reduce the need for oxygen and saturate the body well with carbon dioxide.

Standard breathing exercises using the Buteyko method:

  1. Inhale - 2 seconds.
  2. Exhale - 4 seconds.
  3. Breath holding - 4 seconds.

At the same time, you will experience a feeling of lack of oxygen - this is normal. This state is an integral part of Buteyko breathing exercises.
The breathing itself should be light, unnoticeable, unlike Strelnikova’s technique, absolutely silent.

This type of gymnastics copes well with bronchitis, pneumonia, adenoiditis, skin pathologies, Raynaud's disease, obesity, rheumatism and many other diseases.

To find out your condition according to the Buteyko system, perform the following experiment:

  1. Take a very normal breath.
  2. Hold your breath as long as you can.

If the delay lasted less than 20 seconds - this is bad, from 20 to 40 seconds - satisfactory, from 40 to a minute - good and over 60 seconds - excellent.

Naturally, before using such breathing exercises, you should consult a doctor and find out whether such loads are suitable for you.

In addition to solving problems with internal organs, breathing exercises solve aesthetic problems, for example, fight excess weight. A special series of exercises, a special technique and their daily implementation will give you strength, energy and will be able to remove extra pounds.

This type of breathing exercise is much easier than running or power training, so applying it in everyday life is much easier and more enjoyable. Classes can be held at any time and anywhere. However, it is worth consulting with your doctor, as not all exercises will be beneficial. For example, if you have injuries to the spine, cardiovascular system, or during pregnancy or breastfeeding, you should not resort to the help of such gymnastics on your own. But you can exercise under the supervision of a doctor or instructor.

The first results from weight loss exercises will become noticeable within two weeks. With intensive training for a year or more, they will also be reflected in general health and health in general.

The main types of gymnastics for weight loss include:

  • qigong- spiritual and breathing practice of three exercises to get rid of excess weight;
  • pranayama- a system of yoga exercises to get rid of everything unnecessary in the body;
  • bodyflex- Childers Grieg based on aerobic respiration;
  • oxysize- modification of bodyflex without sharp exhalations and inhalations, a more gentle technique.

The main exercises in this gymnastics are “dollar”, “cat”, “ abdominal Press” and “scissors”. All of them are especially useful for women after childbirth.

As we see, within one type of gymnastics there are several varieties. In order not to make a mistake in choosing and choosing effective method, consult your doctor.

Despite such a rich range of breathing techniques, there are general instructions for all types of exercises:

  1. Constant and regular training.
  2. Classes should only take place in good mood, abstract yourself from everything that can cause negative emotions.
  3. You can't stop training for a long time, and it’s better to keep the pace of training convenient for you.
  4. . The most ideal option is to exercise outdoors or in nature in a clean area.

The last point is especially important, since without clean air there is no point in such breathing exercises. What if you live in a polluted area and frequent trips to nature are impossible?

One option is to exercise at home if you have an air purifier installed. Even better - because it has three levels of filtration against dust and dirt, allergens and harmful gases. It supplies a stream of oxygen, so necessary for breathing exercises, already purified from street dirt. Such equipment constantly maintains fresh and clean air in your home, which will help you practice breathing practices.

Marina Korpan’s technique is based on bodyflex and oxysize - a combination of proper breathing with muscle stretching:

  1. Inhale through the nose while drawing in the abdomen.
  2. Exhale calmly through the mouth with maximum air release from the lungs.

Marina also practices holding her breath for 8-10 seconds, which helps saturate the body with carbon dioxide, the importance of which we have already discussed in the method of Konstantin Buteyko.

Practice for 15 minutes a day and you will soon get the first visible results and sensations. The most an important condition techniques are constant and regular training - do not skip or postpone classes for a long time. Otherwise, the effect will be either minimal or not at all.

It is better to eat food an hour after training. If you plan to exercise during the day, then the practice will be beneficial two hours after a meal or an hour before a meal. Your advantage will be mild malnutrition - the body will be fresh and ready for exercise, during which you will realize that you are full.

You cannot do such breathing exercises in case of bleeding, glaucoma, or high blood pressure.

Bodyflex exercises with Marina Korpan are easy to find on the Internet.

Yoga originates from ancient times and helps not only to feel your body, control your emotions and mind, but also to comprehend your spirituality. One of the steps of yoga is breathing.

Yoga breathing exercises use full breathing with consistent muscle tension:

  1. The starting position can be any: sitting, standing, lying down. It is important to remember that you need to sit with a straight back and straightened chest. Lie down on a hard surface, breathe only through your nose.
  2. Exhale sharply, while the lower abdomen is drawn in.
  3. Inhalation also begins from the lower abdomen, then goes top part, the ribs move apart and only then does the chest expand with a slight lift of the shoulders.
  4. Exhalation phase: draw in the stomach, exhale, lower the ribs and chest.
    Inhalation and exhalation are light and free - as much air as necessary for comfortable breathing should come in. This exercise is mastered gradually: from 20 seconds to 2 minutes a day. Later you can reach 8-10 minutes a day.

Another type of breathing yoga exercise is cleansing breathing:

  1. Inhale as deeply as possible through your nose.
  2. Then hold your breath and after a few seconds, exhale a small amount of air strongly and rarely through your mouth. At the same time, the cheeks do not swell, and the lips are closed.
  3. Hold your breath again for a second and exhale a second breath.
  4. Do this until you have exhaled all the air you have. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day and you can strengthen your lungs, and, therefore, your entire body.

If this technique turns out to be closer to you than others, sign up for yoga in your city and, under the supervision of an instructor, do not only breathing practices, but also muscle stretching. This will have a positive impact on both your overall well-being and overall health.

To better enrich the body with oxygen, use belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. At the same time, the chest remains motionless, the stomach protrudes and relaxes as you inhale, and retracts as you exhale.

To understand how to breathe correctly with your stomach, do the following set of exercises:

  1. Lying on the floor, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach. Start breathing with your stomach, expanding it as you inhale and relaxing it as you exhale. Right hand remains motionless. The left one moves up and down.
  2. Change the pressure as you exhale. Take a light, normal breath, close your lips and slowly exhale as if you were calmly blowing on a candle. The stomach should retract as much as possible.
  3. Reverse technique - exhale sharply with the sound “Ha”. The sound should come from the lower abdomen.
  4. Place a book no more than 1.5 kg on your stomach. Continue breathing, holding your breath for “one-two-three” both while inhaling and exhaling. This exercise will strengthen your abdominal breathing and abdominal muscles.
  5. “Dog”: get on all fours and begin to breathe sharply and quickly with your stomach. This will allow you to better feel the diaphragm and control its operation in the future. The exercise is done briefly so as not to cause dizziness.

Belly breathing, dynamic exercises and prolonged exhalation are excellent for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system. Breathing exercises for the lungs fit perfectly into several exercises.

  1. Exhale into the water. Take a glass of water, place a straw in it, take a normal breath and slowly exhale the air through the straw. Exercise develops the mechanical properties of the lungs and normalizes gas exchange. This should be done no more than five times a day for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Hug yourself. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides, palms up. Inhale and as you exhale, quickly cross your arms in front of you so that your palms hit your shoulder blades. Exhale quickly and loudly.
  3. Firewood. We stand on our toes, bend back with our hands raised up, fingers clasped. We inhale and, as we exhale, sharply bend down, as if chopping wood, then return to the starting position. We also exhale strongly and loudly.
  4. Skier. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. We rise on our toes, slightly move our body forward, and also stretch our arms in front of us, as if they were holding ski poles. As you exhale, we bend down slightly, as if we were pushing off, move our arms as far down and back as possible, and in this position we spring on our legs for 2-3 seconds. We complete the exhalation and return to the starting position with a diaphragmatic inhalation.

Breathing is life. The validity of such a statement is unlikely to raise an objection from anyone. Indeed, if the body can survive without solid food for several months, without water - for several days, then without air - only for a few minutes. The priority of the breathing process for life makes the ability to master this process perfectly almost main ability a person to work miracles with his body, get rid of diseases, become healthy. This has long been proven by Indian yogis, who can go without breathing much longer than ordinary people. With the help of breathing, you can put the body into a state of excitement (as is done in the martial arts of the East) and maximum relaxation (yogis are able to put themselves in a state of clinical death).

There are many types of breathing exercises. Currently, the most popular are: paradoxical breathing according to A.N. Strelnikova, shallow breathing according to K.P. Buteyko, rare and deep breathing according to the yoga system, Frolov’s method (Frolov’s simulator). Strictly speaking, breathing exercises developed by A.N. Strelnikova, is not such, rather, it is ordinary gymnastics, consisting of repeatedly repeated physical exercises, accompanied by incorrect breathing, breathing on the contrary - paradoxical. And the therapeutic effect here is achieved rather not thanks to incorrect, noisy, intermittent breathing, but thanks to numerous, sometimes reaching several hundred movements. Instead of teaching a person (and even a sick one) how to breathe correctly through the nose and without noise, A.N. Strelnikova forces him to perform unnatural actions: instead of exhaling, inhale.

I would compare this type of breathing with improper sleep. Those. If a person is awake at night and sleeps during the day, such a life can hardly be called normal. I am sure that if paradoxical breathing begins to be performed by people suffering from stage 2 and 3 hypertension, patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency, aortic aneurysm and other serious diseases, then disastrous results can be expected from such gymnastics. And the therapeutic effect, which is sometimes achieved with the help of gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova (by numerous physical and breathing exercises), can be achieved in other ways in just a few minutes (by the way, at rest). I think that if you apply the methodology of A.N. Strelnikova, then for a very limited circle of people. Practical experience shows that the effectiveness of treatment with paradoxical breathing reaches only 60-65%. In this regard, if you adhere to the commandment “Heal, but do not harm” (Hippocrates), then the method of paradoxical breathing by A.N. Strelnikova cannot be used in medical practice due to the high percentage of negative results. A completely different matter is the volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLDB), authored by K.P. Buteyko. In medical practice, the effectiveness of treatment with the Buteyko method was 80-85%. The same percentage of treatment effectiveness was observed when carrying out scientific research in Novosibirsk.

The greatest successes have been achieved in the treatment of patients with diseases of the functional nature of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Patients with organic changes (atherosclerosis, urinary and cholelithiasis, deforming osteoarthritis, osteochodrosis of the spine, etc.) completed the course with the least effectiveness.

The main difficulty of using the Buteyko method is that sick people are forced to exert maximum volitional efforts to achieve a positive result, and not everyone can do this.

The VLGD method has and negative sides. Practice shows that with long-term (six months or more) practice of shallow breathing, the functional abilities of the lungs gradually begin to decrease in almost all spirometric indicators. For comparison, I can cite walking in short strides, which in six months to a year will lead to atrophy of the leg muscles and a person will no longer be able to perform normal walking with long steps.

I believe that the VLGD method can be used in cases of hyperfunction of the respiratory organs and in the acute stage of diseases of those organs and systems that have smooth muscle, affecting it with the accumulation of CO2 in the blood and lungs - these are the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, bile and urinary ducts, etc. .e. for conditions such as runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, angina pectoris, migraine associated with vascular spasms, gastrointestinal colic, increased arterial pressure etc. I would especially like to note that using the method of K.P. Buteyko is 100% effective in relieving spasms of the birth canal during labor in women in labor. Women get rid of severe and excruciating pain. The period of childbirth is greatly facilitated and shortened.

The shallow breathing method can be used when you are in dusty or gassy places, or in a stuffy room.

After all, when breathing deeply, dust settles in the bronchi or even in the lungs.

It is already difficult to remove it from the body. The breathing apparatus essentially performs the function of a vacuum cleaner, i.e. a person inhales polluted air and exhales it clean, leaving dirt in the bronchioles or alveoli of the lungs, which is very difficult to remove. The same mechanism also works in acute respiratory infections.

Initially, the infection is in the nasopharynx, but as a result of deep breathing it descends into the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. In this case, the depth of breathing largely determines whether a person will get tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Therefore, when acute respiratory infections appear, you urgently need to switch to constant shallow breathing.

The most beneficial load on the human respiratory system, without any doubt, is breathing, proven for thousands of years according to the yogic system - deep and rare, without noise and, naturally, through the nose. Yogis say: whoever breathes rarely lives long. And one more thing: to be healthy, a person must perform from 40 to 60 deep breathing exercises per day. Yogi theory says: prana - cosmic, vital energy coming from the Sun must accumulate in solar plexus humans, entering our body through the air with the help of deep breathing. Many years of practical medical experience show that the effectiveness of breathing treatment according to the yoga system reaches 95-96%. This is an exceptionally high figure.

Correct breathing is breathing through the nose and without noise. Unfortunately, many people believe that the mouth is also intended for breathing (although even basic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology allows us to assert that the nose is the first organ of the respiratory apparatus, and the mouth is the first organ of the digestive tract). In this regard, breathing experts say this: “If a person breathes through his mouth, then he needs to be fed through his nose.” This is the mistake people make. Some of us don't think about how we breathe at all. Others believe that they almost always breathe through their nose; in fact, they most often inhale air through their mouth. However, everyone can easily test themselves. When left alone in the room, cover your lips with a band-aid. If after some time you feel the need to breathe through your mouth, then your airways are not in order and you are breathing incorrectly.

What to do in this case? Learn to breathe correctly! Yes, yes, study for the rest of your life. Of course, it is almost impossible to change overnight, especially since neither at home nor in kindergarten, neither at school nor at the institute are they taught the basics of proper breathing.

So, nasal breathing stimulates the nerve endings of all organs located in the nasopharynx. It is no coincidence that, say, yogis warn: if children do not breathe through their nose, they will not get enough mental development. Surely, many of you have paid attention to what mentally retarded children look like: their mouth is always open, their lower jaw droops. Why is breathing with noise bad? The noise effect is an indicator that the breathing apparatus is working under overload, under tension. As a rule, this leads to pathological changes respiratory system, and then - the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. This relationship is confirmed by the research of Dr. K.P. Buteyko. In this regard, with the help of breathing you can dose and control physical activity. For example, while breathing evenly, calmly, you can do physical exercise even after myocardial infarction.

By the way, this practice has long existed in clinics of high developed countries.

It is recommended, on the one hand, a simplified, on the other hand, a universal set of breathing exercises aimed at developing shallow, deep, rare breathing, as well as developing a person’s ability to hold their breath both during inhalation and exhalation, both at rest and during physical activity.

Upper parts of the lungs: 5 sec. - exhale, relaxing the chest muscles: 5 sec. pause, don’t breathe, are in maximum relaxation, 10 times.

  • Exercise 3 Full breath. Diaphragmatic and chest breathing together. 7.5 seconds - inhale, starting with diaphragmatic and ending with chest breathing: 7.5 seconds - exhale, starting from the upper parts of the lungs and ending with the lower parts of the lungs, i.e. aperture: 5 sec. - pause, 10 times.
  • Exercise 4 Acupressure of the points of the nose at a maximum pause, 1 time.
  • Exercise 5 Full breathing through the right, then the left half of the nose 10 times.
  • Exercise 6 Abdominal retraction.
  • 7.5 seconds - full inhalation: 7.5 seconds - maximum exhalation: 5 seconds - pause, while keeping the abdominal muscles drawn in, 10 times.
  • Exercise 7 Maximum ventilation (MVL).

We perform fast, maximum 12 inhalations and exhalations, i.e. 2.5 seconds - inhale: 2.5 seconds - exhale for 1 minute. After MVL we immediately perform a maximum pause (MP) on exhalation, to the limit. MVL is performed 1 time.

  • Exercise 8 Rare breathing. (by levels) 1-5 sec. - inhale: 5 sec. - exhale: 5 sec. - pause, 4 breaths per minute are obtained. Perform for 1 minute, then, without stopping breathing, continue to perform other levels.
  • 2-5 seconds - inhale: 5 seconds - hold your breath while inhaling: 5 seconds. - exhale: 5 sec. - pause, 3 breaths per minute. Perform for 2 minutes. 3-7.5 sec. - inhale: 7.5 sec. - delay: 7.5 sec. - exhale: 5 seconds - pause, 2 breaths per minute. Perform for 3 minutes. 4- 10 sec. - inhale: 10 sec. - hold: 10 sec. - exhale: 10 sec. - pause, it turns out 1.5 breaths per minute. Perform for 4 minutes. And so on, who can stand it for how long. The norm is to bring it to 1 breath per minute.
  • Exercise 9 Double breath holding.

First, the MP is performed on exhalation, then the maximum delay (MH) on inspiration. 1 time.

  • 10 exercises MP sitting 3-10 times: MP while walking in place 3-10 times: MP while running in place 3-10 times: MP while squatting 3-10 times.
  • Exercise 11 Shallow breathing.

Sitting in a comfortable position for maximum relaxation, perform chest breathing. We gradually reduce the volume of inhalation and exhalation, bringing it to invisible breathing or breathing at the level of the nasopharynx. During such breathing, a slight lack of air will appear first, then moderate or even severe, confirming that the exercise. is performed correctly.

Stay on shallow breathing for 3 to 10 minutes.

All exercises must be performed with breathing through the nose and without noise. Before and after performing the complex, control measurements are performed: MP - maximum pause, pulse. Normally for adults, MP is satisfactory - 30 seconds, good - 60 seconds, excellent - 90 seconds.

The pulse is satisfactory - 70 beats/min, good - 60 beats/min. excellent - 50 beats/min. For middle and older children school age MP is normally 1/3 less, pulse is 10 beats/min. more. For children of preschool and primary school age, the MP is 2/3 less, the pulse is 20 beats/min. more.

It is advisable to perform a set of exercises on an empty stomach.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko - author of many scientific works and inventions in various fields of medical science and technology. Main theoretical concept Buteyko's method is that main reason many diseases is a breathing disorder that causes chronic hyperventilation. This is a breathing disorder K.P. Buteyko called it a disease of deep breathing. Improper breathing leads to the development of hyperventilation, which results in metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, allergies, etc. The result is the formation of compensatory (protective) mechanisms, the most striking of which is bronchial asthma (Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962).

“Facts, as we know, are stubborn things. Medical statistics developed countries of the world for 1999 shows two important features: a) the incidence of bronchial asthma today looks like a growing epidemic, b) the more intensive the drug treatment of bronchial asthma, the more severe the disease. High mortality, low effectiveness of drug therapy, development allergic reactions, - all this forces us to reconsider the current view on the mechanism of development of a whole group of diseases, the leading role in the formation of the clinical picture of which is played by hypertonicity and spasm of the smooth muscles of the walls of the bronchi and blood vessels, structural changes in the wall of blood vessels, swelling and hypersecretion of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the presence of an inflammatory process of an allergic nature as an incorrect immune response. Such diseases include, as is known, asthma, allergies, rhinitis, hypertension, angina pectoris and a number of others.” (From the speech of K.P. Buteyko at the specialization courses for doctors, Moscow, 2000)

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko stated that the widespread use of various drugs for the treatment of diseases is accompanied by serious side effects. At the same time, he noted that most of the drugs used cause allergization of the body, metabolic disorders, poisoning not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of the entire body as a whole. Moreover, despite their constant use, diseases progress, mortality from these diseases is steadily increasing, despite all attempts to use preventive medications.

In 1952, K.P. Buteyko put forward the idea that the cause of the so-called diseases of civilization is alveolar hyperventilation, that is, deep breathing, and developed a theory about the mechanisms of development of allergic, bronchovascular and other diseases.

The main provisions of the theory, according to him, are based on the well-known laws of physiology.

1. Alveolar hyperventilation in bronchial asthma, coronary disease heart failure leads to a deficiency of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveoli, blood, and brain cells.

2. A deficiency of pCO2 leads to a shift in the acid-base balance (ph) in the blood and cells to the alkaline side, which disrupts metabolism and turns immune reactions into allergic reactions, leading to spasm of the bronchi, blood vessels and hypoxia - a decrease in the oxygen content - of vital organs .

3. Hypoxia stimulates the respiratory center, deepens breathing, increases pCO2 deficiency, and contributes to the progression of the disease. Therefore, currently accepted treatment methods aimed at deepening breathing and the use of bronchial and vasodilator drugs do not cure diseases, but, in fact, lead to irreversible changes.

These provisions substantiate and explain the harmlessness and high effectiveness of the method of breathing exercises proposed by K. Buteyko in the form of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLDB) for many diseases. However, some doctors recognize the therapeutic effect of this method only in certain areas, thereby unreasonably limiting its capabilities.

The Buteyko method allows you to stop an attack of suffocation in bronchial asthma without medicines. Correcting breathing using a special technique allows not only to stop attacks of the disease, but also stimulates gradual changes in the entire body, leading to the possibility of recovery.

Clinical practice shows a very high effect in the treatment of the above diseases: when a patient is admitted with daily repeated attacks of suffocation due to bronchial asthma, it is possible to achieve their cessation in 1-3 days, practically without adding new medications to those already taken by the patient. In the future, which is especially important for successful treatment, the patient short term masters the skills of simple control over changes in the depth of breathing in any situation, which allows you to prevent the occurrence of attacks of the disease, gradually reduce the dose of medications taken or abandon them completely.

Extract from patent No. 1067640 (Buteyko method)

Statistical processing of treatment results using the Buteyko method for various groups of diseases, as well as observation of long-term results, showed high efficiency (up to 96%) of the Buteyko method.

The use of inhalers leads to the fact that we, with our own hands, eliminate the body’s defense reaction and ensure the destruction of metabolism and a decrease in immunity levels. But the body cannot just die right away, so additional defense systems will be activated, and, as a rule, the second reaction after bronchospasm in terms of frequency of occurrence is high blood pressure. If we successfully treat bronchial asthma with the help of various medications, then hypertension very quickly follows. But in order to avoid all this, it is enough just to normalize the indicators of respiratory function in an asthmatic, to eliminate the so-called pulmonary hyperventilation or what Buteyko called deep breathing. Then asthma is perfectly controlled with virtually no medications.

The essence of the method and preparation for its implementation

A healthy person at rest and with little physical activity breathes only through the nose, slowly and shallowly, with a frequency of 6-8 breaths per minute. Breathing should have the same rhythm as heartbeats. A shallow inhalation, a normal, passive, calm exhalation and after that an automatic pause as an integral component of each respiratory cycle, during which gas exchange mainly occurs in the lungs. In the patient it is disrupted; there is no pause between exhalation and subsequent inhalation.

Even at rest, the patient breathes through his mouth, taking deep, rapid breaths, with a frequency of up to 20 and even up to 50 times per minute. Compared to the respiratory rate, a more important value is their depth, on which the level of ventilation of the lungs depends. If healthy man at rest after exhalation can hold his breath for at least 60 seconds, then the capabilities of a sick person are extremely limited, holding his breath does not exceed several seconds (5-10). The deeper the breathing, the shorter the pause after exhalation and the delay after it, the more seriously ill the person is, and it is necessary to correct his breathing as quickly as possible.

For more than fifty years of practice, K.P. Buteyko and his colleagues found that improper breathing can be corrected by will. They developed fundamentally new methods early diagnosis, prevention and non-drug treatment of diseases using the VLHD method.

The essence of K. Buteyko’s method is a gradual volitional decrease in the depth of breathing (elimination of chronic hyperventilation) at rest, during motor activity and during physical activity by constantly relaxing the respiratory muscles during exercise until a slight feeling of lack of air appears.

The practice of using VLHD has yielded positive results in the vast majority of patients, even with the abolition of all medications.

The use of VLHD requires careful preparation, except in cases where emergency assistance is required. The patient needs to master the theory and principles of the VLHD method, the technique and mode of its implementation in accordance with the indications and contraindications. Before starting treatment, for 1-3 days the patient should study only the theory of the method, knowledge of which is assessed by five-point system. They are believed to be directly related to the healing effect.

Treatment is preceded by a doctor conducting a deep breathing test, which is assessed as positive if the patient’s condition worsens with deepening of breathing, and if its depth decreases, it improves, and is a specific test if it causes the main symptoms of the disease in the patient (for example, an attack of suffocation in bronchial asthma).

According to the installation of K.P. Buteyko, due to deep breathing and increased pulmonary ventilation, excessive removal of carbon dioxide from the body occurs, which, in turn, leads to narrowing of the bronchi, arterial vessels in various areas of the human body, their damage and a decrease in the flow of oxygen to cells, tissues and organs. As a result of their oxygen starvation, all types of metabolism are disrupted, which is expressed in the appearance of allergic reactions, a tendency to colds, and salt deposits. Numerous diseases arise and progress, including bronchial asthma, manifested by various symptoms: agitation nervous system, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath and suffocation, headaches and other forms of pain.

Existing deep breathing is further enhanced by:

Powerful emotions;

Large meals and overeating, especially abuse of protein foods;

Drinking strong coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate;

Sedentary lifestyle;

Deep breathing types of exercise;

Prolonged sleep, especially on the back;

Reduce the depth of breathing and increase the carbon dioxide content in the body:

Mental peace, psychotherapeutic sessions, hypnosis, muscle relaxation;

Natural increase in body temperature;

Dosed fasting, vegetarianism, raw food diet, consumption of certain medicinal plants;

Physical activity, climbing mountain slopes up to 4 km in height, most yoga exercises.

The results of the patient's deep breathing test practically convince the doctor that the cause of the disease is deep breathing, which can be corrected using the VLHD method.

Breathing exercises for asthma are based on the same principles as for other pulmonary diseases, but have their own characteristics.

Exercise is not the primary treatment, but it does serve effective way general strengthening the body, increasing its resistance and training the respiratory system.

Data gymnastic exercises will cleanse your lungs of harmful microorganisms, normalize blood flow and strengthen your muscles.

But in order to get results from all your efforts, remember, exercises must be regular, at any time of the year and preferably in the fresh air. Consistency is the key to recovery.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics were created specifically for asthmatics to relieve attacks and improve breathing

Developed by A.N. Strelnikova, general therapeutic breathing exercises are adapted for asthmatics, since it is very important for patients to prevent (or suppress) coughing attacks, including through exercises.

  • Both inhalation and exhalation are done through the mouth in order to prevent mucus from entering the bronchi to avoid an attack.
  • Unlike general gymnastics, the most active movements are performed between inhalation and exhalation, and not during inhalation. Especially in the acute stage of the disease.
  • Deep breaths are not allowed.
  • One of the tasks is to learn to breathe calmly and evenly.
  • Exercises should be performed during morning exercises and before bed.

Palms (warm-up)

Starting position (IP): straight free stand, arms bent at the elbows, open palms looking up. When actively inhaling, the hands compress, and when exhaling, they unclench. A short (few seconds) pause after four repetitions.

Shoulder straps

IP: standing, clenched fists at waist level. As you inhale, you “push” your hands down with force, and as you inhale, you return to the PI. Pause after eight repetitions.


IP: standing, hands at your sides. As you inhale, bend forward with a round back and lowered head. The muscles of the back and neck are relaxed. On exhalation - return to IP.


Half squats with simultaneous clenching of fists as you inhale and unclenching as you exhale.

Hug your shoulders

As you inhale, wrap your arms around your shoulders, as you exhale, return your arms with a swing.

Doing the Shoulder Hug Exercise for Asthma

Big pendulum

Combined "Pump" and "Hug by the Shoulders".

Head turns

As you inhale, turn your head to the line of your shoulders, which remain motionless. On exhalation - return.


The same, but nodding your head, inhaling at the top and bottom points.

Small pendulum

The same, but tilting your head to the motionless shoulders, inhaling at the shoulders.


IP: lunge with the right foot. Alternately shifting the center of gravity from the front leg to the back leg and back, while actively inhaling and exhaling calmly. Same for lunging with your left leg.

Exercise “Rolls” consists of lunges with the right and left legs alternately


The knees rise high, inhale at the top point, exhale at the bottom.

Gymnastics during an attack

  • At the start. At the beginning of an attack of suffocation, you should do a lighter version of the “Pump” exercise, relaxed, without using your hands. Exhale freely through the mouth. Perform within a quarter of an hour.
  • During. If the attack has already begun, you should do “Hug your shoulders” and “Turn your head” for five minutes.

If after five minutes of exercise the Strelnikov attack does not subside, you should use medication or an inhaler.

Breathing exercises Buteyko

Developed by physician and physiologist K.P. Buteyko specifically for asthmatic patients.


The goal of Buteyko gymnastics is to reduce the depth of breathing and improve breathing through the nose

The main goal of the exercises is to reduce the depth of breathing, since a feature of asthma is poor blood oxygen saturation and the accumulation of CO2, which causes shortness of breath. The second goal is to improve breathing through the nose.

The goals are achieved by the greatest relaxation of the diaphragm thanks to two principles:

  • decreased depth of inspiration;
  • extended pause after exhalation.

Thus, the result is an incomplete and shallow breath.


Due to the focus of gymnastics on restructuring breathing, the usual initial effect is general discomfort. Some breathing problems, a feeling of lack of oxygen, fear, rapid breathing, difficulty holding it, even pain are typical.

However, you should be persistent and continue doing the exercises, which will gradually begin to produce positive results. It is recommended to enter them in a special diary, in which, in addition to general data on well-being, indicate the results of control breath holding (the norm is 30-90 seconds)


The exercises are not done on a full stomach, as it is necessary to be able to relax the diaphragm. You need to breathe quietly and quietly, do not talk or lose your breath.

Instead of warming up, ten minutes of shallow breathing through the nose is performed in a sitting, relaxed position. The result is a feeling of lack of air.

Exercise according to the Buteyko method, where the upper parts of the lungs work

The pulmonary system is freed from excess oxygen, a feeling of cold, then heat, and perspiration are possible. Getting out of this state should be done gradually.


Buteyko gymnastics contains various tasks in combination with breathing stops.

  • Five-second inhalation, exhalation, simultaneous relaxation on pause. 10 reps.
  • Full breath (FB). A longer (7.5 sec.) inhale from the diaphragm to the chest, exhale the same length from the chest to the peritoneum, then stop for 5 sec. 10 reps.
  • Breath holding (BR) for an extremely tolerable duration with massage of the active points of the nose. One-time execution.
  • PD alternately through one and the other nostril with pinching of the second. 10 reps.
  • PD with extremely retracted abdomen. 10 reps.
  • Ventilation. The deepest and fastest (up to 2.5 seconds) inhalations and exhalations. 12 repetitions, then exercise of maximum duration.
  • Rare breathing. Briefly inhale from the rear and exhale from the rear. The duration of inhalation increases (1 - 5 sec., 2 - 5 sec., 3 - 7.5 sec., 4 - 10 sec. and more) exhalation and pause (5, 7.5, 10 seconds). The first exercise is 4 repetitions, the rest are 6. Subsequently, the duration of inhalation and exhalation with a pause increases, ideally to one per minute.
  • Double ZD. First on inhalation, then on exhalation. Executes once with a maximum duration.
  • ZD. Sitting, walking and running in place, squatting. 3 - 10 repetitions, depending on condition.
  • Shallow breathing. The same as during warm-up. Duration 3 - 10 minutes, the result is a feeling of lack of air.

Side effects during gymnastics

It must be remembered that breathing exercises for bronchial asthma can provoke an exacerbation of chronic asthma, so specialist supervision is necessary.

The beginning of improvement varies from person to person, from several sessions to several months.

If the deterioration of the condition becomes significant, you should urgently seek medical help.

Gymnastics for children

For children, breathing exercises for bronchial asthma should be carried out in a playful way. Walking, rowing, swimming and some other sports are also useful.

Children should also do exercises: extended exhalation, hissing and whistling sounds as they exhale, exercises for the abs, arms, and pectoral muscles.

At the same time, it is necessary to strictly dose exercises for young children.
It is also necessary to remember that therapeutic exercises are a way to significantly alleviate the condition, but it can only be beneficial with complex treatment and in the right way life.