Methodological activity and its importance in the preschool education system.

Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff.

1. Methodological activity and its importance in the preschool education system. In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services has developed different levels. For example: city (district) methodological service and methodological service of an educational institution (school, preschool institution). IN preschool institution methodological work is carried out by the deputy head for main activities.

Methodical work in a preschool– a holistic, based on the achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice, a system of interrelated activities aimed at improving the professional skills of each teacher, developing the creative potential of the entire teaching staff, improving quality and efficiency educational process.

The purpose of methodological work is to create an educational environment in a preschool institution where the creative potential of each teacher and the entire teaching staff would be fully realized.

Objectives of methodological work:

Ø determination of the state of educational work in a preschool institution;

Ø study of interpersonal relationships in the teaching staff, as well as in age groups;

Ø diagnostics of the level of development of children;

Ø study, generalization, implementation and dissemination of progressive pedagogical experience;

Ø providing assistance to educators and young teachers;

Ø creative exchange of experience between members of the teaching staff;

Ø organization of work with parents.

Criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work:

Ø results of children's development, achieving an optimal level of development for each child in the allotted time without overloading children;

Ø cost-effectiveness of methodological work, which is defined as the ratio of increasing teacher skill, time and effort spent on methodological work and self-education, but without overloading teachers with these types of activities;

Ø improving the psychological microclimate, increasing the creative activity of teachers and their satisfaction with the results of their work.

Thus, the methodological service is an essential component of the educational infrastructure (along with scientific support, training and retraining of personnel, the formation of an educational environment, etc.). It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process - to promote its renewal.

2. Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff. All forms can be represented in the form of two traditionally established interconnected groups: group (collective) and individual. Conventionally, we can distinguish a group of non-traditional forms of methodological work with the teaching staff (see Table 1).

Table 1 – Forms of methodological work

Brief description of some forms of methodological work.

Pedagogical Council (Council of Teachers) is one of the forms of methodological work. As a collegial body for managing the educational process, it poses and solves specific problems of a preschool institution (for more details, see lecture 12).

Seminars remain one of the most effective forms of methodological work. Depending on the specific conditions of each preschool institution, plans are made theoretical seminars, problem seminars, workshops. They can be one-time(one-day), short-term(weekly), permanent(during a year). Seminars are scheduled at least once every 2 months.

The purpose of theoretical, problem-based seminars is to expand the theoretical knowledge of teachers, disseminate effective teaching experience and develop recommendations for the implementation of scientifically based methods of work in practice. Workshops help teachers acquire practical skills and creative exploration.

Consultations are planned with the aim of providing teachers with methodological assistance, acquaintance with new methodological material, as well as based on diagnostic results (requests from teachers). Consultations can be individual or group. Consultations are planned taking into account the relationship with issues of annual tasks, meetings of the Councils of Teachers, as well as taking into account the categories of employees and their professional level. The number of consultations depends on the quality level of the teacher’s educational process in groups, as well as on the qualifications and experience of the teacher, but at least once a month.

Open (collective) views are planned mainly once a quarter in order to study the work experience of master teachers. The topics of the screenings are determined by the issues discussed at meetings of the Council of Teachers, seminars, and tasks arising in connection with the study of effective teaching experience. Open viewing makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during class and get answers to your questions. Viewing helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the teacher, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity.

Within the framework of various forms, a variety of methods and techniques for working with personnel are used. When combining forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. The structure of the methodological work system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational, pedagogical, and moral and psychological conditions in the team that are specific to this institution.

The Deputy Head is involved in:

Ø selection of candidates for the positions of teachers, their assistants, specialists;

Ø creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, a system of moral and material incentives for employees;

Ø formulating a social order for your institution, developing a philosophy, determining the purpose of the preschool institution’s activities;

Ø strategic planning, development and implementation of development programs and work plans for preschool institutions;

Ø creating the image of a preschool institution among the population;

Ø selection (development) educational programs for children;

Ø organizing educational work with children;

Ø organization of experimental, research work in a preschool institution;

Ø development, effective use intellectual potential of a preschool institution;

Ø development of cooperation with other preschool institutions, schools, out-of-school institutions, higher educational institutions.

In addition, the deputy head plans educational and methodological work, taking into account the professional skills and experience of teachers and with the goal of creating an optimal model of the educational process in a preschool institution. Organizes educational, methodological work, monitors the work of specialists.

The deputy head organizes interaction in the work of the teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, music director, and other specialists. Regularly diagnoses children's development. Studying the plans of specialists for self-education. Maintains relationships in the work of preschool institutions, families, and schools.

In conclusion, it should be noted the humanistic orientation of the deputy head’s activities. Ultimately, the increase in pedagogical growth, and, consequently, the creation of a favorable climate in the relationships between the teachers themselves, as well as between teachers and students, depends on this.

Questions for self-control:

1. What is methodological work in a preschool institution?

2. Name and give brief description the most common forms of methodological work.

3. Reveal the main areas of work of the deputy head for core activities.

Literature: 7, 8 (main), 2 (additional).

In a preschool educational institution, this is a comprehensive system of interconnected measures, based on scientific achievements and pedagogical experience (including progressive ideas). It is aimed at professional skills, the skills of the teacher and the entire teaching staff.

Areas of work

Preschool institutions have already developed ways to improve the level of teachers' skills. But often between various types There is no clear relationship between methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the task of the manager kindergarten and the methodologist is the formation of a unified system and the search for effective, accessible methods of mastery.

  • educational - improving the qualifications of teachers in theoretical terms and mastering modern methods of interaction with children;
  • didactic - obtaining knowledge to improve the efficiency of the kindergarten;
  • psychological - conducting classes in psychology (general, developmental, pedagogical);
  • physiological - conducting classes on physiology and hygiene;
  • technical - the teacher must be able to use ICT in his work;
  • self-education - reading specialized literature, attending seminars on current topics.

Such a wide variety of areas of methodological work in preschool educational institutions requires the selection of the most effective forms of interaction with teaching staff.

Forms of conducting

They are divided into two groups: individual and group.

  1. - the highest management body of the entire educational process. Solve specific problems.
  2. Consulting - the teacher can get advice on a question that interests him.
  3. Seminars - they discuss a specific topic; specialists from other institutions can be invited. And at workshops, teachers’ skills are improved.
  4. Open lesson.
  5. Business games - imitation of making any important decisions in different situations.
  6. "Round table".
  7. Pedagogical newspaper - unification of the team through creativity.
  8. Creative microgroups - they are organized to search effective methods work.
  9. Work on a common methodological topic for everyone.
  10. Self-education of educators.

It is advisable to use all forms of organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions (which are more than those listed above) in order to achieve the most effective results.


Methodological work is one of important aspects that needs attention. With proper organization, not without the participation of the head and methodologist, it can motivate teachers to professional growth. Therefore, a search is underway for new, non-standard forms for advanced training. This does not mean that traditional ones will not be needed. Only in combination with established and modern methods can a professional and cohesive teaching team be created.

“Forms and methods of methodological work of a modern preschool institution”

Work completed:

Mukhamedova Z.F.

Kazan 2014

Forms and methods of methodological work of a modern preschool institution.

Methodical work is a holistic system of measures based on the achievements of science, best practices and analysis of teachers’ difficulties, aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team, at achieving optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of children.

The goal of methodological work at MADOU is to create optimal conditions for the continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of participants in the educational process. Realization of this goal methodological activities carried out through organizing the activities of such organizational structures, as methodological associations of preschool teachers, scientific, methodological and pedagogical council, monitoring service, as well as the active inclusion of teachers in self-education.

To a preschool educational institution in modern conditions development of our society is assigned very responsible social tasks - to train, educate and prepare for life that generation of people, whose work and talent, initiative and creativity will determine socio-economic, scientific, technical and moral progress Russian society in future. In this regard, shortcomings and errors in the teaching and educational work of the MADU, in education management and in pedagogical science itself are becoming increasingly intolerant.

The task of the manager and senior The task of a preschool teacher is to develop a system, to find accessible and at the same time effective methods of improving pedagogical skills.

Today, due to the need to rationally and quickly solve educational problems, the role of the activities of the methodological service is increasing, proper organization which is the most important means of improving the quality of education, and the real level of methodological work in a preschool institution becomes one of the most important criteria for assessing its activities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the organization of methodological work in a preschool institution as something of paramount importance.

Basics approaches to organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions are based on:

System-active approach: understanding the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution, its status and conditions, as well as ensuring the integrity of the educational process in the context of the use of variable programs and technologies, taking into account the influence of external and internal relations on it;

A person-oriented approach: ensuring a more complete disclosure of the capabilities and abilities of each teacher and child, the team as a whole, focusing on the development of professional and personal qualities of teachers using the example of deputy. head by BMP and senior teacher;

A differentiated approach: taking into account the level of professional competence and individual educational needs in building a system of methodological work in preschool educational institutions;

The approach of free self-determination: the free choice of educational programs and paths of self-realization by each teacher;

Motivational-stimulating approach: using various incentives that arouse interest and motives for activity;

Corrective approach: timely elimination of deficiencies identified during pedagogical monitoring and the causes that cause them.

Today there is a problem of low efficiency of methodological work in many preschool educational institutions. The main reason is the formal implementation systematic approach, its replacement with an eclectic, random set of recommendations of an opportunistic nature, the implantation of far-fetched techniques and ways of organizing upbringing and education.

Methodological work should be proactive in nature and ensure the development of the entire educational process in accordance with new achievements of pedagogical and psychological science.

Methods of methodological work - These are ordered ways of working to achieve goals.

Form - This internal organization content, design of segments, cycles of the methodological process, reflecting the system of its components and stable connections.

According to the forms, methodological work is divided into group and individual.

Group forms include: participation of teachers in methodological associations of the city, district, and MADU; organization of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences; teachers' councils.

Individual ones include individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual visits, and self-education.

It is necessary to learn the art of conversation, its universal nature is based on the fact that in any conversation the participants must skillfully adapt to each other, regardless of what we're talking about.

In order to make the right choice for your team of forms and methods, you must be guided by:

Goals and objectives of MADOU;

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the team;

Comparative effectiveness of forms and methods of work;

Features of the educational process;

Material, moral and psychological conditions in the team;

Real opportunities;

The most effective forms of organizing methodological work are:

Teachers' Council;

Seminars, workshops;

Open views are effective;

Medical and pedagogical meetings;


The work of the creative team.

External advanced training occurs:

By attending advanced training courses;

Training in educational institutions;

Participation in the work of methodological associations of the region.

Internal professional development occurs due to various forms methodological work with teachers in preschool educational institutions:

Participation in the work of the council of teachers;

Training at seminars and workshops;

Consulting, etc.

In methodological work, a special place is given to the principle of an individually differentiated approach to pedagogical activity educators and specialists. In modern conditions, methodological work with personnel should be built on a diagnostic basis, taking into account the needs of each teacher.

The implementation of individually oriented methodological work allows us to develop the creativity and initiative of the teaching staff by including everyone in an active professional activity.

In the field of methodological work, a complex of interrelated forms of cooperation between the teaching staff and parents is presented.

Methodological support is an essential part of teacher training. It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process and promote its renewal.

Many teachers, especially beginners, need qualified assistance from more experienced colleagues, the head, the methodologist of the preschool educational institution, and specialists in various fields of knowledge. Currently, this need has increased due to the transition to a variable education system and the need to take into account the diversity of interests and capabilities of children.

The center of all methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, summarizing best pedagogical experience, and increasing the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children. The teaching room is a collection of the best traditions of a preschool institution, so the task of the deputy. head according to VMR - to make the accumulated experience alive, accessible, to teach teachers to creatively transfer it to work with children, to organize the work of this methodological center so that educators feel in it as in their own office.

The methodological classroom of a preschool institution must meet such requirements as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, content, ensuring motivation and activity in development.

Art. The teacher for methodological work organizes and controls the work of teachers on self-education, related to active forms of advanced training, and helps to choose a topic, priorities in forms and means, and predict the result.

At the first stage, a preliminary detailed and comprehensive study of the teacher’s experience is carried out. Only the combination of using various methods of researching experience (observation and analysis of the educational process, conversations with the teacher and children, analysis of pedagogical documentation, conducting experimental work) will allow us to objectively evaluate and recommend it as advanced.

At the second stage, the PPO is generalized, i.e. described. There is an algorithm for describing PPO using the IPM complex (information and pedagogical module: message, recording of pedagogical information).

The third stage is the distribution and implementation of software. Within the framework of MADOU, this is facilitated by such forms of work as pedagogical readings, open viewings, mutual visits, exhibitions, etc.

Having studied the features of the organization of methodological work at the MADU, it can be noted that the teacher occupies a key position in the educational process: the solution to many educational problems depends on his qualifications, personal qualities and professionalism. Often, due to underestimation of this factor, the process of development of the institution is hampered, and therefore the task is to create conditions in which teachers could realize their creative potential.

The methodological service has real capabilities to solve this problem in the preschool education system

In the conditions of modern society, the organization of a methodological service should begin with the search for new ideas and modern technologies organization of methodological work . It needs a clearly structured system of activities that provides planning, forecasting, organization, execution, control, regulation and analysis.

The result of methodological work at MADOU should be:

Updating the content of education and improving the quality of the educational process;

Replenishment and expansion of the stock of psychological and pedagogical knowledge;

Assessment, analysis, diagnosis of the result of pedagogical work;

Design of the pedagogical process based on system analysis;

Formation of a data bank for the exchange of teaching experience.





Methodological activity is usually defined as the activity of generalizing and disseminating pedagogical experience.

In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services at different levels has developed. For example: city, district (district) methodological services and methodological service of an educational institution (school, kindergarten). In preschool educational institution methodological work is carried out by a senior educator or deputy head of educational work.

The task of methodological activity is to create an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and teaching staff would be fully realized.

Experience shows that most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, managers, senior teachers of preschool educational institutions, from the professional teaching community. Currently, this need has increased many times due to the transition to a variable education system. Teachers now need special additional training and constant methodological support in order to competently and consciously build a holistic educational process, taking into account the diversity of interests and capabilities of children in the practice of teaching and upbringing.

Methodological work in a preschool institution - comprehensive and creative process, which provides practical training for educators in methods and techniques of working with children.

For the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, a constant search for new, more effective methods of education and training is necessary, with the help of which the content of education is transmitted to children. It is methodological activity that plays the leading role in the creation and implementation of the most effective methods of raising and teaching children.

Methodological activity is a specific type educational activities, the content of which is the systemic unity of creating a method, its testing, implementation of the method (obtaining methods), application of methods.

Methodological activity includes three “activity spaces”: the space of creating methods, the space of disseminating and implementing methods (receiving methods), the space of applying methods.
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The activities of the senior educator are aimed at solving priority and urgent tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to design and determine its content for the entire composition of management functions: information-analytical, motivational-target, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-diagnostic and regulatory-corrective.

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3. Methodological work in kindergarten is built in relation to common system continuous education, which involves a creative understanding of regulatory documents, the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices. In each kindergarten, a system of advanced training for teachers is built in a differentiated manner through self-education and all forms of methodological work.

It is possible to build a system of methodological work based on an analysis of the achieved results of the preschool educational institution: the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, the specific interests, needs and requests of educators. For a manager, search and selection are always relevant optimal option methodological work. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of its content and the variety of forms and methods of working with personnel.

To evaluate the system of methodological work in a preschool institution, it is necessary to identify evaluation criteria. Their number may vary and depend on the specific kindergarten, but the most common ones should always be taken into account.

The first criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work can be considered achieved if the results of children’s development grow, reaching an optimal level for each child or getting close to it in the allotted time without overloading the children.

The second criterion for rational expenditure of time. The economy of methodological work is achieved where the growth of teachers' skills occurs with a reasonable investment of time and effort on methodological work and self-education, in any case, without overloading teachers with these types of activities.

The third criterion for the stimulating role of methodological work is that there is an improvement in the psychological microclimate in the team, an increase in the creative activity of teachers in their satisfaction with the results of their work.

It is important to remember that the true assessment of the effectiveness of methodological work is given by the final result, and not by the number of various activities carried out 1.

All forms can be represented in the form of two interconnected groups:

- group forms methodological work (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative micro-groups, open screenings, work on common methodological topics, business games, etc.);

- customized forms methodological work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internships, mentoring, etc.). Let's consider the main forms of methodological work.

When combining forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by organizational, pedagogical, and moral-psychological conditions in the team that are specific to this institution 2 .

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The question is increasingly being raised about the need to train parents, especially young mothers, in methods of person-oriented communication with a preschool child. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. The following may be involved in holding such a seminar: various specialists who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; They will also teach you how to organize the game. You can organize an evening of games for children and adults, in which the leader of the seminar will be an attentive adviser and observer. He will tell parents about his observations and notes at the next lesson and give specific recommendations regarding methods of individual communication with the child.

The seminar is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with a permanent location. A seminar can be considered effective if it helps to quickly and timely make changes to the educational process.

Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play a big role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant to a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo for the participants of the seminar, which indicates the topic, place and order of holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, and a mandatory list of literature that is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think through methods and forms of including all seminar participants in an active discussion of the topic. For this purpose, situational tasks are used, working with punched cards, discussing two opposing points of view, working with regulatory documents, game modeling methods, etc. The seminar leader must clearly think through the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the teachers’ works.

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Promotion of experience;

Training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children, etc.

Preparation of assignments for participants;

Preparation of equipment.

"Round table" - one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of education and training of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms placement of participants allows you to make the team self-governing, allows you to put all participants in an equal position, ensures interaction and openness. The role of the round table organizer is to think through and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that brings together employees - l literary or pedagogical newspaper. Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Teachers write articles, stories, compose poems, and are evaluated personal qualities, professional qualities required in working with children - writing, mastery of speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

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Next form - work on a single methodological topic. At making the right choice single methodological topic For the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is truly capable of captivating and captivating all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in uniting a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements that must be taken into account when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and truly important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity it has achieved, the interests and requests of teachers. There must be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience accumulated by the work of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to introduce and develop everything advanced in your team. The above does not exclude such an approach, when the team itself carries out experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the advisability of defining a topic for the future, breaking down a major topic by year.

A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodological work and be combined with the themes of self-education for teachers 4.

Continuous system advanced training each teacher of the preschool educational institution assumes different shapes: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. Systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and senior teacher is carried out through advanced training courses every five years. During the inter-course period of active teaching activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject himself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It does following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course preparation; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In kindergarten, the senior teacher must create conditions for self-education of teachers.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources taking into account the interests and inclinations of each specific teacher.

As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize his activities to acquire new knowledge.

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This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic on which the teacher is working, and the form and deadline of the report are recorded. In this case, the form of the report can be as follows: speaking at a pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This could be a demonstration of working with children, in which the teacher uses the acquired knowledge in the course of self-education 5.

To summarize what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

Work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogues;

Participation in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;

Receiving consultations from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;

Work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of teacher work is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience 6.

For the head of a preschool institution, it is important to search and select the optimal option for operating a kindergarten. The staff of each pedagogical institution must have its own identity, there must be individuality in the system of work of the preschool institution.
To do this, it is necessary to use new forms and methods of working with teachers to increase their interest in work and creative dedication; look for ways to find innovative solutions to many issues that arise in the practice of planning the work of a preschool institution. So that the end result is always high and effective.

In modern conditions, it is possible to build an effective system of methodological assistance to the teacher only with knowledge of the specific characteristics of each teacher. After all, the work of educators with children depends on the work of the leader with teachers. The main thing is to teach the teaching staff to think together to improve the ways and means of education. The teacher must have pedagogical freedom, independence in choosing the most effective course of action in the current situation, possess the moral qualities of kindness and responsiveness, breadth and sincerity, decency, and treat others with respect.

And the main task of the leader in this regard is to promote the creativity of teachers.

When working with teachers, it is necessary to provide feedback, a frank exchange of opinions, analyze specific situations, and make the necessary decisions. It is also necessary to teach a culture of discussion, to unite the team, and to improve the level of relations between employees.


  1. Belaya K. Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007. – 96 p.

  2. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. M.: Education, 1990. - 215 p.

  3. Volobueva L.M. Senior's work preschool teacher with teachers. M.: Creative Center "Sfera", 2003.

  4. Golitsina N. S. Organization and content of the work of a senior preschool teacher. – M.: “Scriptorium 2003”, 2008. – 104 p.

  5. Skorolupova O. A. Planning as one of the stages of work in a preschool educational institution. – M.: “Scriptorium 2003”, 2009. – 101 p.

  6. Tavberidze V. A., Kalugina V. A. Diagnostics and criteria for assessing the activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution: organizing the management of methodological work. – M.: School press, 2008. – 154 p.

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1 Volobueva L.M. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers. M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2003, p. 64-65.

2 Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. M.: Education, 1990, p. 36 pp.

3 Tavberidze V. A., Kalugina V. A. Diagnostics and criteria for assessing the activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution: organizing the management of methodological work. – M.: School press, 2008, p. 92-93.

Collective traditional forms of methodological work:

1. Pedagogical council.

2. Consultations (group);

5. Pedagogical readings;

6. Methodical exhibitions

7. Open events;

8. Creative microgroups

9. Open Views

10. Business games

Pedagogical advice:

The pedagogical council is a legislative form of a meeting of teachers; all decisions made at the teachers' council. Mandatory for all preschool employees.

the main objective the teachers' council - to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution staff to improve the quality of the educational process, to use the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices in practice.


Seminars can be theoretical and practical.

A practical seminar is a form of improving the practical skills of educators.

The theoretical seminar is aimed at increasing the theoretical knowledge of teachers in preschool educational institutions.

Seminars can be long or short.


Consultation is a collective form of working with teachers to improve their professional skills, presenting new information in the form of a monologue on certain issues of the educational process.

Consultations can be individual and group (collective), at the request of educators, on the main areas of work of the entire team, etc.

Individual forms of methodological work:

2. Conversation;

4. Self-education;

6. Interview

7. Internship

8. Mentoring, etc.

When combining forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational, pedagogical, and moral and psychological conditions in the team that are specific to this institution.

Ticket No. 9. Individual forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions (traditional).

1. Observation and pedagogical analysis of educational work in groups;

2. Conversation;

3. Individual consultations;

4. Self-education;

5. Mutual attendance at classes.

6. Interview

7. Internship

8. Mentoring, etc.

Ticket number 10. Collective forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions (traditional).

1. Pedagogical council.

2. Consultations (group);

3. Seminar, workshop;

4. Scientific and practical conferences;

5. Pedagogical readings;

6. Methodical exhibitions

7. Open events;

8. Creative microgroups

9. Open Views

10. Business games

11. Work on common methodological topics

Pedagogical Council

The pedagogical council is the legislative form of a meeting of teachers; all decisions made at the pedagogical council are mandatory for all employees of the preschool educational institution.

The main goal of the teachers' council is to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution staff to improve the quality of educational education. process, using in practice the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices.

Tasks of the teachers' council:

1. Implementation of state policy on education issues

2. Orientation of the ped. preschool educational institution team to improve the educational process

3. Development of a general methodological topic and its content in the activities of preschool educational institutions

4. Familiarization with the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices and their implementation in practical activities DOW.

5. Resolving issues regarding the organization of the educational process

6. Making a decision on changing educational programs, adjusting the deadlines for mastering educational programs

The basic principles of the activities of the teachers' council: relevance, scientificity, perspective, systematicity.


The topic of group, subgroup and individual consultation can be suggested by questions from teachers or determined by a senior educator, depending on what difficulties educators experience in their work. At the same time, modern practice of working with teachers often requires the choice of non-standard forms of consultation.

Thus, in the works of N.S. Golitsina we find a description of such a form of methodological work as consultation-dialogue. Such a consultation is carried out by two teachers who have different points of view on the issue under discussion. When considering topics, they can present their arguments for each thesis, and listeners can choose the point of view that corresponds to their pedagogical views.

Consultation-paradox, or consultation with planned errors, is aimed at drawing the attention of teachers to the most complex aspects of the problem being presented and increasing their activity. The methodologist names the number of mistakes he will make during the two-hour consultation. Listeners are asked to distribute the material on a sheet of paper into two columns: on the left - reliable, on the right - erroneous, which is then analyzed