Modern world offers kids a huge number of interactive toys, high-tech entertainment, and effective teaching methods. At the same time, the statistics are merciless: every fourth child in the world suffers from delayed speech development. The article will tell you how to help your child not become a sad statistic.

#1. We spend most of our time (about 16 hours a day) communicating. It is obvious that a person’s success in literally any field of activity depends on communication skills, since speech characteristics are an important part of his image. Speech impediments can have an impact Negative influence for the child's future. These disadvantages include:

  • monotonous or overly expressive intonation
  • failure to pause
  • bad diction
  • speech rate is too fast or slow
  • quiet or too loud voice

Most of the shortcomings are completely fixable. And it is not the sensational methods of overseas luminaries that will help in this, but simple and unfairly forgotten tongue twisters

#2. Play is the most natural activity of a child. That is why play forms are the best way to attract a child to learning. Being carried away by playing with verbal material, including tongue twisters, children themselves, without noticing it, will form a number of very important skills that, over time,

  • will form the basis of clear measured speech
  • will help you quickly master reading

#3. Each child is individual. General and speech development children of the same age may have some differences. The table below shows the approximate order in which children learn the sounds of the Russian language

Important: if at 6 years old a child has speech problems, for example, does not pronounce some sounds, parents need to contact a speech therapist

Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in children

Tongue twisters are not only a wonderful folklore heritage, but also a favorite tool of most speech therapists

Tongue Twisters

  • effectively train the articulation of sounds
  • I contribute to the acquisition of correct speech skills
  • correct speech defects
  • relieve tongue-tiedness
  • develop phonemic hearing, because in order to reproduce a phrase a child must hear it correctly.

The sooner you start telling your child tongue twisters and tongue twisters, the faster he will learn to listen and hear various sound combinations, and over time he will try to repeat them on his own.

Before you start speaking quickly to an appreciative audience, here are a few helpful tips:

  1. To begin, speak the tongue twister slowly and “taste” it to remember all the sound combinations correctly. Your task at this stage is to learn to clearly pronounce every sound of every word. If you are learning a tongue twister with your child, follow the same rule: pronounce each word slowly and clearly.
  • Don't expect your baby to repeat everything at once
  • Don't be angry if the result is different from what you expected
  • Lesson time for a child: 5-10 minutes (depending on the age of the child)
  • Number of classes: unlimited
  1. Tongue twisters aren't just for speaking. They can be whispered and even sung. You can pronounce it with different intonations and in different “styles”. The main thing is the clear pronunciation of all sounds and sound combinations. Watch this carefully
  2. When you are completely confident in the clear pronunciation of all words, you can try to pronounce an ornate sentence as quickly as possible. Treat yourself and your child!

Before you start learning a tongue twister, speech therapy gymnastics-warm-up will not be superfluous for your child. Such exercises will not only “warm up” the articulatory organs, but also strengthen them. Classic set articulation techniques are presented in the video “Speech therapist. Articulation gymnastics. Demonstration of exercises / Articulating gymnastics»

Video: Speech therapist. Articulation gymnastics. Exercise demonstration / Articulating gymnastics

The correct articulation of the sound [sh] should look like this

Correct articulation of sound [w] For the little ones good start will become not tongue twisters, but pure tongue twisters

  • Sha-sha-sha - mother washes baby
  • Sha-sha-sha - mother feeds baby
  • Sha-sha-sha - mother loves the baby
  • Sha-sha-sha - we rock the baby
  • Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter
  • Shu-shu-shu - let's tie a scarf for the baby
  • Shu-shu-shu - we’ll knit a hat for the baby
  • Sho-sho-sho - good for a walk
  • Sho-sho-sho - it’s good in our house
  • Sho-sho-sho - it’s good in the park in summer
  • Ash-ash-ash - (child’s name) has a pencil
  • Ash-ash-ash - we completed the hut
  • Shi-shi-shi - the reeds are whispering something

And for older talkers, funny tongue twisters and rhymes are also suitable

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:
“You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping”
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
“I will rustle more quietly”

Masha didn’t finish her porridge,
Masha is tired of porridge!
- Masha, finish your porridge!
Don't bother mom!

Cat in pants?
- In panties not cats.
- A midge in your pants?
- There's no midge in your pants.
- Is there a mouse in pants?
- There's not a mouse in my pants.
- Teddy bear in pants?
- Mishka is wearing pants!

Yasha was eating porridge
Antoshka - potatoes,
Goshka - okroshka,
Leshka - flatbread,
Valyushka - cheesecake,
Irishka - crumpet,
Tanya - a bun,
And Michel ate vermicelli!

Mishutka has it in his basket
Mice, frogs, cats,
Balls, washers, coils,
Keys, curtains, pillows,
Jugs, pots, nesting dolls,
Mops, cabinets, ladles,
Cars, screws, shells...
Toys, toys, toys

The hat is on Kolyusha,
The hat is on Andryusha,
Ushanka - on Grisha,
Galoshes - on Misha,
Shoes - on Vityush,
The hood is on Valyusha,
Overcoat - on Igoryash,
The shirt is on Lyubasha,
The helmet is on Kiryusha,
Scarf - on Katyusha,
Kashne - on Alyosha,
Pants are on Platosha,
Fur coat - on Ilyusha,
Shorts - on Vanyusha.

And now you can master real tongue twisters

  • The cat on the window sews a shirt for Ermoshka
  • Lesha and Glasha eat wheat porridge
  • Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka
  • Sixteen mice walked, carrying sixteen pennies, two smaller mice carried two pennies each
  • Jasper in suede
  • Misha knocked a bump off with his hat
  • There are six rascals in the hut

First of all, familiarize yourself with the correct articulation of the sound [ш]

Correct articulation of sound [u] Pure sayings will set up little fidgets to work

  • Ascha-ascha-ascha - there is a thick thicket ahead
  • As-as-as-as - we bought a raincoat
  • Aschu-aschu-aschu - do not go further into the thicket
  • More-more-more - bream is fighting in the nets
  • More-more-more - there is a tick on the dog
  • Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh - the oak grove is rustling
  • Osch-oshch-oshch - horsetail in the garden
  • I feel it, I feel it, I feel it - take care of the grove
  • Ush-ush-ush - there is ivy behind the fence
  • Shcha-shcha-shcha - we are bringing home bream
  • Shcha-shcha-shcha - a belt from a raincoat
  • Shche-sche-sche - (child's name) in a raincoat
  • More-more-more - we’ll repeat it again
  • Shchi-schi-schi - (child's name) loves cabbage soup
  • Schu-schu-schu - (child's name) I'm looking for

After pure talk, you can start entertaining rhymes

Tongue twister poems starting with the letter “Ш” for children

The rain is lashing, lashing,
The wolf hid under the horsetail.
Tail under the tail,
And myself in the rain

A dandy respects a brush,
The dandy cleans off the dust with a brush.
If the item is not cleaned,
There will be nothing to flaunt!

Fluttering fins
And toothy and skinny,
Looking for food for lunch,
The pike is walking around the bream.
That's the thing!
The pike struggles in vain
Pinch the bream.
That's the thing!

Bath attendant, foundry worker, bather,
Racer, crusher, diver,
Washer, tinker, tram operator,
Dapper, orderly, drummer,
Sawyer, coachman, fencer
They were dragging a wooden box.
In the box there are crushed stones, brushes,
Pliers, abacus and ratchets

And finally it's time for tongue twisters

Tongue twisters starting with the letter "Ш" for children
  • I'm dragging the pike, I'm dragging it, I won't let go of the pike
  • Not the one, comrades, a comrade to a comrade, who with comrades is a comrade, but the one, comrades, a comrade to a comrade, who without comrades is a comrade to a comrade
  • Wolves prowl, looking for food
  • Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig
  • The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream

The sound [l], along with the sound [r], is the most insidious and difficult to pronounce. That is why the acceptable age limit for independently mastering these sounds is 5 years

The correct articulation [l] is as follows

Correct articulation of sound [l] Warm-up is an important component speech therapy sessions. Don't neglect pure talk. They are the ones who will prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus for work.

Pure sayings starting with the letter “L” for children

  • Ul-ul-ul - our baby fell asleep
  • Ol-ol-ol - (child’s name) sat down at the table
  • Lo-lo-lo - we have fun together
  • Yl-yl-yl - I washed the car
  • La-la-la - sheer cliff
  • Lu-lu-lu - let's go around the rock
  • Le-le-le - nests on the rock
  • Lu-lu-lu - (child's name) I love

Speech therapy poems with funny texts will help you master complex sounds

Moonlight blue
Didn't let the donkey sleep
The donkey sat on a boulder
And he yawned and he yawned...
And by chance the donkey
Suddenly swallowed the moon,
Smiled, sighed -
And fell asleep peacefully

Foxes bark, wilderness.
A doe lies in the foliage under a linden tree.
Tench in the depths of cold waters
Lazy, but floats easily.
The moon shines like brass
A harrier feasts on a frog.
A cheerful bee flies
The darkness of the night fell on the forest

They stomped up to the poplar.
We reached the poplar.
We reached the poplar,
Yes, my feet have stomped

Luda washed the doll Mila,
I didn’t wash the dirt off the doll.
But the soap makes Mila the doll
She faded as best she could.
Out of resentment, the doll Luda
Exchanged for a donkey


As dear to my mother as I could,
Although small, it helped.
I haven't been looking for something for a long time:
I rinsed the towel,
I washed the forks and spoons,
I gave the cat milk,
Swept the floor with a broom
From corner to corner...
She wanted to rest -
I couldn't sit idle:
I found the scraps on the shelf,
And pins and needles,
And for the doll Mila became
Sew a dress and a blanket.
I'll trouble this Mila
Mom barely put it to bed

It’s in vain that a caress is called a caress:
She is not at all affectionate.
The weasel has evil eyes.
Don't expect affection from affection!

And for the most serious talkers, the most serious test remains - tongue twisters for the sound [l]

Tongue twisters starting with the letter "L" for children
  • Klava put the onion on the shelf
  • Delicious halva - praise to the master
  • Around the bell stake
  • Laika is on the bench. The husky has paws. On the paws - bast shoes
  • The field is not weeded, the field is not watered. The field needs to be watered, the field needs to be watered
  • Swans with their cubs flew
  • A falcon sat on a naked trunk

Tongue twisters starting with the letter "L" for children

Tongue twisters starting with the letter "r" for children

Oh, that intractable sound [R]! How many upsets do suspicious parents have because of him! But by paying due attention to complex sounds and following the advice of a speech therapist, you can learn everything: even growl like a tiger cub

Pure sayings with the sound [P] for warming up

Pure sayings with sound [R]
  • Re-re-re - all the trees are in silver
  • Re-re-re - the sly fox sits in a hole
  • Rya-rya-rya - the scarlet dawn has risen
  • Ryu-ryu-ryu - I'll cook lunch for you
  • Ar-ar-ar - eat, baby, cracker
  • Ra-ra-ra - (child's name) time to go to bed
  • Ro-ro-ro - there's a bucket on the floor
  • Ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes are circling and circling
  • Or-or-or - we swept the yard

Pure sayings with sound [P] Having mastered the proposed pure sayings, you can come up with new couplets together with your child

And if you don’t really want to come up with ideas, learn speech therapy rhymes with your child

Prepared by Raisa
Rice soup for Boris
Boris gave it to Raisa
Thirty three and three irises

Ostriches build nests to the side.
These funnels look strange.
Dig holes in the sand quickly and easily
Slender tall birds

At the stern, except for Romka,
Egor and Artemka.
At the stern, except for Mark,
Rita and Tamarka

Kar! - the crow screams - Theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief sneaked in early in the morning!
He stole the brooch from his pocket!
Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam!
And a beautiful box.
- Stop, crow, don’t scream!
Don't shout, be quiet.
You can't live without deception:
You don't have a pocket!
- How?! - the crow jumped
And she blinked in surprise.
- Why didn’t you say it before?
Guard! My pocket was stolen!

By the fire under the hill
Verochka with Egorka.
Verochka with Egorka
They repeat tongue twisters.
Their conversation is quick,
Fast and tongue-in-cheek:
"An officer is marching,
The engineer reports
A fire is burning,”
Vera and Egor are happy

A gun loaded with a cork
Ruff gave it to the timid fish.
Since then the pugnacious black cancer
Doesn't start fights with her

And after the funny poems, you can also do tongue twisters

  • Artem grates carrots
  • Barber shaves beards with a razor
  • All beavers are kind to their cubs
  • Gregory - brother of George
  • Cobras are in a terrarium, and carps are in an aquarium
  • Fish in a pond are a dime a dozen
  • Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm
  • Three trumpeters blew their trumpets

Tongue twisters with sound [R]

For most children aged 3-4 years, complex sounds are

  • [W], [F], [SH]
  • [L], [R]

Considering young age talkers, choose speech material that is not burdened with sounds that are difficult to pronounce

The tongue twisters below do not contain sonorant [l], [r], whistling, hissing and sound [f]

  • Venya and Ivan are not to blame
  • We'll see Vadim and surprise him
  • In the carriage are Vova and Matvey, Vikenty, Vitya and Avdey
  • Will lead Benjamin to the bears and penguins
  • Attention: there is water in the pond
  • You see: on Vova’s sofa there are two boa constrictors
  • Candy for the fairy, confetti for Timofey
  • Fima has dates. Fanny has candy wrappers
  • Fedot has a bassoon
  • Don't mumble, hit the bubo
  • I run to the bull and from the bull
  • On the hooves there are horseshoes
  • Petya doesn't finish his drink
  • Pony in blanket
  • The parrot is not bathed! Don't scare the parrot! Buy a parrot!
  • In a body of water there is visible and invisible
  • At home - brownie, in the water - water
  • One yes one - two
  • Honey mushrooms are not on the heel
  • Anton has an antenna
  • Tanya has a secret. This is Tanya's secret. And Tanya hides this secret
  • Capa has compote
  • Coca has cocoa
  • Someone throws a stone to someone somewhere
  • Magicians do not help Baba Yaga with magic
  • Blizzards are not in the south
  • Ignat helps Inga and Agnia cook
  • A day off is coming. Let's relax on the weekend
  • On the hunt - Akhmed Akhmedov, Pakhom Pakhomov, Mikhei Mikheev and Tikhon Tikhonov
  • Khan has henna
  • The owl has a conscience
  • Everyone should sit down and eat together
  • In the autumn at the Senya there is a canopy in the hay
  • In winter, carefree Zoya gets cold
  • Don't forget the forget-me-nots
  • The bell rings loudly: “Zzzzzzzzzzz!”

As soon as the child understands the rules of the game and clearly and quickly repeats tongue twisters with easy sounds, move on to complex phrases

No one cares about us
Don't overdo it

Petr Petrovich,
Nicknamed Perepelovich,
Tamed a quail.
The quail brought
Peter Petrovich
Perepelovich will be quail

  • Mow your hair while there is dew. Dew away, braid home
  • Three woodcutter chopping wood in three yards
  • Whey from yogurt
  • The beaver has a good hat
  • I'll go into the forest following a speckled cow
  • The sea wave is strong and free
  • Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and siskins are chirping in the grove

Complex tongue twisters for children

Where does the millet come from in the clearing?
We simply spilled millet here.
We found out about millet.
Without asking, they pecked up all the millet.

Staffordshire Terrier Zealous,
And the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.

A parcel was sent to Pereslavl for subsequent forwarding

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack

I broke my tongue, I broke it, while I was grinding with my tongue I was grinding

The cartographer's apartment in maps, and the portrait painter in portraits

Daisy collected daisies on the mountain,
Lost daisy daisies on the grass

Funny and not always logical tongue twisters are a great way not only to correct speech problems, but also to have fun with your child. Appreciate these moments of play and trust. Small game tasks below will help you diversify your activities

Video: Tongue twisters. Cartoons for the little ones

Speech development - important stage in a child's life. Many children have problems pronouncing certain sounds. Tongue twisters significantly facilitate the process of developing correct diction in a child.

A tongue twister is a phrase in which the sounds are in such a position that they are difficult to pronounce. Tongue twisters contribute to the rapid and correct development of speech. Children understand the meaning of tongue twisters, so they are ready to devote their time to pronouncing them. The child is interested in what he understands. The funny sound of tongue twisters is designed so that memorization comes unnoticed, without effort. But at the same time, the child weighs every word and comprehends what is said. Nuances in intonation and meaning are sensitively captured by the child. Therefore, tongue twisters contribute not only to the development of speech, but also to the ability to listen. This ability will be necessary for the child not only in the educational process, but also in life.

Tongue twisters are accessible and effective remedy to improve pronunciation. After all, every parent can work with a child. To begin with, it is worth visiting a consultation with a speech therapist. This will allow you to get a complete picture of the existing problem and discuss methods for eliminating it. After-school activities with your child can be organized at any convenient time: on a trip, on vacation, on a walk, in line to see the doctor.

Tongue twisters attract children's attention because they fun game. The number of existing tongue twisters cannot be counted. The meaning of tongue twisters is important. That's why we love Russian sayings.

That's why funny tongue twisters They are especially popular for children. A tongue twister that is remembered is repeated by the child again and again. This promotes clear pronunciation and correct diction. The tongue twister is spoken only out loud. First, the adult pronounces the tongue twister slowly, syllable by syllable. Afterwards, he invites the child to try it. There are three steps to correctly master any tongue twister.

At the first stage, the tongue twister is taught and spoken correctly out loud.

The second step is to pronounce the learned tongue twister without using your voice. In this version, you need to work with your lips, teeth and tongue. The third step is to learn how to read a tongue twister in a whisper.

There are sayings for any complex combination of sounds.

Tongue twisters for the sound l for preschoolers can be suggested as follows:

Hey you lions, weren't you howling by the Neva?

In the winter cold everyone is young.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

Tongue twisters are popular not only among children. Adults often use tongue twisters in their professional activities.

Pure twisters and tongue twisters for children can be very different. Memory training with the help of short tongue twisters will allow the child to effortlessly learn poetry in the future according to the school curriculum.

Tongue twisters for children 7 - 8 years old can be short and quite long.

The red crab shouts "HURRAY!" It's time to cut the cake.

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

Three black kittens

Tyomka has a baby

Three thin ones were stolen

Cardboards in the dark.

The tailor puffed, ripped his coat,

I sewed the loops firmly,

Cleaned the dust spot

I sang a song on the side.

Larisa painted daffodils in watercolors.

Natasha painted dahlias in gouache.

The hedgehog cowers near the Christmas tree:

I pricked myself on needles.

The Christmas tree shivers, trembling:

Pricked herself on a hedgehog.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,

Margarita lost the daisies in the yard.

Gleb is coming with bread.

Gleb comes with bread.

Gleb comes with bread

Home for lunch.

At the baby turtle

On the turtle little one

Turtle shoes

Merciless jellyfish

have pity on Josephine,


Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

Tongue twisters about birds for preschoolers are very diverse. Each child will find and learn a couple of favorites.

The hen is black and motley, the duck is flat from the toe.

Any parent strives to ensure that his child speaks competently and beautifully. Therefore, the services of speech therapists are in great demand. But there will be little sense in studying if you don’t study at home yourself. And tongue twisters will help you with this.

What's the benefit?

There are many advantages to learning tongue twisters:

    development of diction;

    increase in active and passive vocabulary;

    development of phonemic hearing, i.e. the ability to analyze speech from the point of view of sounds and find errors in it;

    elimination of tongue-tiedness and “swallowing” of words.

How to practice?

There is a certain algorithm of classes:

    Pronounce the tongue twister quickly and clearly, having first memorized it yourself.

    Speak at a normal pace.

    Ask the child what the tongue twister is about and whether there are any words that are unfamiliar to him. Explain the meaning of new words.

    Start repeating the tongue twister with your child at a slow pace, correcting his mistakes.

    When all sounds are pronounced correctly, begin to gradually increase the tempo.

All this may require more than one session. The main thing is regularity and the desire of the child.

There are a few important points things to consider:

    You need to start with tongue twisters using simpler sounds. It is better to consult a speech therapist about this.

    You cannot practice sounds that have not yet been formed. Only those that have already been delivered, but are still hesitantly used in speech.

    It is advisable to exercise at the same time of day. If the child is not in the mood, it is better to postpone the lesson.

    Don't scold your child for failures. This way you will discourage him from studying by creating negative associations and lowering his self-esteem.

    Create an incentive: set records with the whole family for the speed and clarity of pronouncing tongue twisters, prepare a beautiful and long tongue twister for Santa Claus, etc.

    To add variety to your activities, you can count the rhythm by tossing a ball in the air or clapping your hands. Any game moment to your taste will be appropriate here.

Which tongue twisters to choose?

Firstly, you need to focus on age, and secondly, on the sound being practiced. Tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old should be simple and understandable. Here are some examples:

Plantain on the road

The collection was collected by a strict passerby.

A passerby chose

Plantain is more expensive.

Count Toto plays lotto

And Countess Toto knows about

That Count Toto plays lotto,

If Count Toto knew about it,

What does Countess Toto know about

That Count Toto plays lotto,

If Count Toto would never have lived

I wouldn't play lotto.

Silkworm, silkworm

Row upon row of silk is spun.

Wrapped tightly in silk,

The silkworm remained inside.

Sasha was eating porridge.

Sasha ate the porridge.

Sasha, eat slowly,

Our porridge is good.

The sun is setting, the water is flowing,

The tit bird looks into the water.

The tit will drink pure water -

It is ringing and singing nicely today!

Elephants are smart, elephants are calm,

Elephants are calm and strong.

But tongue twisters for children 10-12 years old can be more abstract and longer, since their goal is to sharpen diction and develop memory. For example:

An elk was tinkering with salt in the forest,

Afterwards I slept soundly.

The elk had a glorious dream:

He ate lard with salmon.

The tongue twister quickly spoke: all tongue twisters are not

talk to each other quicklyyou can't overstate it. But

having spoken quickly, he still said quickly: that’s it

you'll re-talk the tongue twisters, you'll re-tell the tongue twisters.

They went to Strumai, Strokzig, Marnos, Proktsogjin and

Prignotcrosis. Next to them were their sons: Strumaika Protsgovich,

Stranzigka Incognitovich, Proktsogzin Prozsikovich and

Karsatzig Prignotskroz.

What a tongue twister is seems self-evident. Tongue twister is a fun and harmless game of quickly repeating difficult to pronounce rhymes and phrases. This is what V. P. Anikin, an expert on children’s folklore, writes.

Open, Uvar, the gates,

There is firewood on the grass near the yard.



Tongue twisters for speech development

Tongue twisters for the sound [G]

There are jackdaws in the yard, and there are pebbles on the shore.
Gregory carried the pie across the threshold. He stood on the peas and fell on the threshold.
Our head over-headed your head, out-headed.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Ш]

Funny jokes from Sasha and Mishutka.
Stesha was in a hurry, she sewed the shirt, but she was in a hurry - she didn’t finish the sleeve.
The jackal walked, the jackal galloped. Checkers on the table, cones on the pine tree.
Six little mice rustle in a hut.
They spank the gander with the gander and the gander.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Zh]

The train rushes by grinding: je, che, sha, sha.

I walk and repeat, I sit and repeat, I lie and repeat:
Zhi, zha, zha, zhu. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.

The snake was bitten by the snake.
I can't get along with the snake.
I've already become terrified -
The snake will eat it for dinner.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Ч and Ш]

The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.
The thicket in our forest is cleaner, the thicket is thicker in our forest.

In a suitcase by a tap dancer
Brushes, rosary beads, abacus - for my aunt.
Rosaries, abacus, brushes - for the guy,
Abacus, brushes, rosary - for the nanny.
Only tap dancing - for myself.
A clear family is dancing.

Tongue twisters for the sound [H]

Four turtles have four turtles.
Four little black little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink. Extremely clean.
The bird was stuffed with matches.
Our daughter is eloquent, her speech is clear.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Ш]

Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

Tongue twisters for the sound [R]

In the forest, the beaver and the beaver's brother work without an axe.
During a thunderstorm, the body collapsed from the load of watermelons.
There are tomatoes in Fedora's garden. Behind Fedora's fence are fly agaric mushrooms.
Millet flies into Frosya's field, Frosya takes out the weeds.
Makar gave Roman a caramel, and Roman gave Makar a pencil.
They gave the little one corn, and the little one asks for a watermelon.
The sparrows are waiting at the feeder for food, Markushka is bringing them cloudberries in her pocket.
Behind the cockroach with a drum, behind the mosquito with an axe.
The queen's gentlemen sailed to her on a caravel.
Charles stole half a crucian carp and half a carp from Polycarp.
The wise raven quickly picked fly agaric mushrooms from the ditch.
A crab crept onto the ship, crucian carp stole the gangplank.
One swarm of mosquitoes is behind the mountain, and the second swarm is under the mountain.
Open the gates, Uvar, we are carrying loads of wood.
The path is trodden along the grass.
Tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.
Early in the morning two rams drum on drums.
Roma Masha picked daisies.
The pig dug and dug, dug half a snout.
From the mountain - not uphill, uphill - not from the mountain.
The pig was stupid, dug up the whole yard, dug half a snout, but didn’t get to the hole.
The gray rams beat the drums, beat them indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.
Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka.
Three trumpeters blow their trumpets.
The nimble mink darted into the hole.

Tongue twisters for the sound [R and L]

I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.
There are three crucian carp and three carp in Polycarp's pond.
All beavers are kind to their beavers.
Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
Valya's Clara is playing the piano.
The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.
The quail flew before the quail, before the quails.
On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle.
The fellow ate thirty-three pies, all with cottage cheese.
Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

The crow missed the crow.
Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

By the pond in the grass in the darkness, crayfish rustle in a noisy fight.
There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard!
The baker baked the bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf from the dough early in the morning.

Watermelons were being reloaded from truck to truck.
During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.

The crab sold the rake to the crab.
Sold the rake to the crab crab.
Rake the hay, crab!

In the Pole Field
pole-pole flight.
There will be no weeds in the field,
if the flight Fields field.

The ship was carrying caramel,
the ship ran aground
And the sailors for three weeks
ate the caramel broke.

Either Borya bought a roll of roofing felt for Tolya,
or Tolya bought a roll of roofing felt for Bori.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,
Margarita lost the daisies in the yard.

We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish...
A cuttlefish walks around, showing off its dress.

Like on a hill, on a hill
there are thirty-three Egorki.

Tongue twisters for the sound [K and L]

Klim threw his bow at Luka.
There are bells near the stake, and a whirlpool near the gate.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the bell is not poured in the Kolokolov style.
The Christmas tree has pins and needles.

Tongue twisters for the sound [K and G]

The crab made a rake for the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab: hay, rake, crab, rake.

Tongue twisters for the sound [K and P]

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.
Our Polkan fell into a trap.
Buy a pile of spades. Buy a bunch of fluff.

There is a butt on the head, a cap on the butt.
A shock under the butt, a pop under the cap.
A cap on a cap, a cap under a cap.

Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

The parrot said to the parrot:
"I'll scare you, parrot."
The parrot answers him:
"Scare, parrot, scare!"

Tell us about your purchases.
What about purchases?
About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping!

Tongue twisters for the sound [B and P]

Got a bunch of beans.
Vakul baba shod, and Vakul baba shod.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull had a blunt lip.

Tongue twisters for the sound [B and L]

Malanya the chatterbox chatted, blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped, Baikal did not shallow.
Mom did not spare soap. Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila didn't like soap, Mila dropped the soap.

The woodpecker was chiseling, chiseling, chiseling,
Yes, he didn’t gouge or hollow out.

Tongue twisters for the sound [B]

The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.
The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.
A sorcerer performed magic in a stable with the wise men.

Tongue twisters for the sound [F]

The pharaonic favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.
Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

Tongue twisters for the sound [T]

A black grouse was sitting on a tree, a black grouse with black grouse on a branch.
The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Ts]

Chicks and chicken drink tea on the street.

Tongue twisters for the sound [M]

Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.
There’s a honey cake for honey, but I’m not in the mood for a honey cake.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Z]

Zoya has bison on her overalls.
There are bison in a pen on the lawn.
There is a bunny under lock and key in the castle.
Behind the goat is a nightjar.
The enchanted castle is locked with strong locks.
The ducks trampled behind the forget-me-not booth.
The platoon commander squealed like an animal. Znayka and Dunno know Zaznayka.
Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.
Goats gnaw on vines during a thunderstorm.
Lisa was carrying a goat and a goat on a cart.
There is a vine on the cart, and a goat on the cart.
Zoya and the bunny are on the ground.
Don't forget the forget-me-nots.
There is a creek behind the factory.
Pink roses freeze in cold weather.
Zoya has mimosas.
Instructions on the punishment of a Cossack in Kazan.

Tongue twisters for the sound [S]

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their hallway.
The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.
Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
He doesn’t want to mow with a scythe, he says, mow with a scythe.
The net caught on a twig.
Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.
Millet flies into Frosya's field, Frosya takes out the weeds.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter r

Tongue twisters starting with the letter R for children. Children's tongue twisters in P improve a child's diction and help develop correct speech.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass
Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.


Karl stole corals from Clara,
Clara stole Karl's clarinet.


The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.


Tell us about your purchases
What about purchases?
About shopping, about shopping,
About my purchases.


The otter dived into the otter's bucket.
The otter drowned in a bucket of water.


Greek rode across the river,
He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river.
The Greek put his hand in the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC!


In the depths of the tundra
Otters in spats
Poking into buckets
Cedar kernels!

Ripped off an otter
Gaiters in the tundra
The otter will wipe the kernels of the cedars
I'll wipe the otter's face with my leggings
Kernels in buckets
I'll take the otter to the tundra!

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds are the most popular tongue twisters for children using complex hissing consonants.

Tongue twister starting with the letter Z

Scared of the bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
Swift with a swift and a haircut.

Tongue twister starting with the letter H

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Four little devils

Four little black, grimy little devils
A drawing was drawn in black ink.

Tongue twister starting with the letter Sh

At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.


Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha,
Sashka hit a bump with his hat.


Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.


Silks rustle in the hut
Yellow Dervish from Algeria
And juggling with knives,
He eats a bunch of figs.


Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

Tongue twister starting with the letter Ш

Two puppies, cheek to cheek,
They pinch the brush in the corner.

Funny tongue twisters

Simple funny tongue twisters - rhyming rhymes for young children for speech development and entertainment.


The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw the crumbs under the lid,
The mouse is probably dead -
The mouse forgot about the cat!


Skinny, weak Koschey
Carrying a box of vegetables.

forty forty

It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie,
And forty forty is forty troubles.


The parrot said to the parrot:
I'll scare you, parrot.
The parrot answers him:
Parrot, parrot, parrot!


Once upon a time a crucian carp
Gave me a coloring book.
And Karas said:
“Color the fairy tale, Karasyonok!”
On the Karasenka coloring page -
Three funny little pigs:
The little crucian turned the piglets into crucian carp!

Complex tongue twisters

The most difficult tongue twisters for children. Well-known tongue twisters for developing diction, which you need to try to learn by heart and pronounce without hesitation.

What is not

No apricot, coconut, radish,
Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,
There is no compass, longboat and rope,
Thermos, press, Indian sailor,
There is no bass, no taste, no weight and no demand,
No interest - no question.

Feast at Kira and Fira

At Kira and Fira's
There was a feast in the apartment:
The fakir ate marshmallows and
Fakir drank kefir.
And Fira and Kira
Didn't drink kefir
Didn't eat marshmallows -
They fed the fakir.

Blackberries and strawberries

If you haven't lived near a blackberry tree,
but if you lived near a strawberry field,
that means strawberry jam is familiar to you
and not at all the usual blackberry jam.
If you lived near a blackberry tree,
that means blackberry jam is familiar to you,
and not at all the usual strawberry jam.
But if you lived near a blackberry tree,
and if you lived near a strawberry field
and if you didn’t spare time for the forest,
that means excellent blackberry jam,
you ate strawberry jam every day.

Modern tongue twisters

Children's most modern tongue twisters for general development speech. They assume not only memorization, but also pronunciation at speed.

Who wants to talk

Who wants to talk
He must reprimand
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will reprimand
So correct and clear
So that it is clear to everyone.


Coconut cookers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers.


The eyes of a gazelle stare at the beaver from behind the spruce.


Count Toto plays lotto
and Countess Toto knows about that
that Count Toto plays lotto,
if Count Toto knew about it,
what does Countess Toto know about
that Count Toto plays lotto,
then Count Toto would never have lived
I wouldn't play lotto.

Other famous tongue twisters


Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap.
Mila dropped her soap
I didn’t wash the bear with soap.


From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.


White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
It wasn't even white.


One day the jackdaw popped,
I saw a parrot in the bushes.
And that parrot says:
“You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare,
but the jackdaws pop in the bushes, scaring
Don’t you dare scare the parrot.”


Senka and Sanka are carrying Sonya on a sled.

The idea to collect and post on the blog some tongue twisters for the development of a child’s speech arose when Mashenka and I went to see a speech therapist. She, like many children her age, had problems with the sounds “s” and “r”.

How to deal with this problem? The simplest and most popular means for correctly correcting the speech of a child and even an adult are tongue twisters.

How to correctly tell tongue twisters to a child? To begin with, we tell Mashenka some tongue twister, syllable by syllable, while pronouncing it correctly, highlighting each individual sound.

Moreover, we showed her the correct position of the tongue when pronouncing a particular sound.

And we repeat this several times until she remembers it by heart.

Then we repeat the text together, slowly the first two or three times, then gradually speed up.

Believe me, friends, tongue twisters are a very effective tool for developing a child’s diction. Mashenka recently turned 5 years old and her speech is fine thanks to tongue twisters.

Now you have learned how we developed our child’s diction. Try it too.

Choose and read tongue twisters for all sounds to develop your baby’s speech.

Arkhip is hoarse, Osip is hoarse.

An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber,
Architect, pharmacist and even artist
Once we sat on the carousel.
We couldn’t resist and flew down:
Pharmacist, artist, acrobat, astronomer.
Which of them were you not familiar with yet?

Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain,
Grandma will have bob in her borscht.

The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.

Two chickens are running naked down the street.

The fox runs along the pole: lick the sand, the fox!

White sheep beat drums.

White snow, white chalk, a white hare are also white, but the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white.

Birch tree rooty,
The root is crooked,
In the middle - a bit knotty,
The top is highly curly

The birch bark basket is full of cloudberries.

Two bulls were beating their foreheads against the fence,
All sides were pierced in a violent argument.
If only I could somehow overcome the anger,
The bull's thighs, foreheads and chests would be intact.

Beavers wander into the cheese forests.
Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.

Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf
The baker baked the dough early in the morning.

The butted bull fought sideways, the bull butted, the bull was invigorated.

Bull, bull, white side,
He ran with a bun into the meadow.

There was a commotion in the garden -
Thistles bloomed there.
So that your garden does not die out,
Weed the thistles.

There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs.
There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs.
Nowadays the cubs are making noise like jackdaws,
And, like cubs, the cubs are silent.

It was fun on the hill for Sana, Sonya and Egorka,
But Marusya didn’t ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow

Tales about “crible...” perished in the library,
The mice ate the grizzly poems!

Hedgehogs and snakes lived in a living corner

At the zoo, behind the fence, zebras frolicked playfully

In the Pole-Polyushka field
Field-pole flight.
There will be no weeds in the field,
If the flight field Fields.

Took Erema
Cartload of straw.
He carried it to the field
Cart from home.
Driving back
And not forward.
A cart rides ahead
The horse follows the cart.

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground
The sailors ate caramel while aground for two weeks.

Varvara was guarding the chickens, and the crow was stealing

Valenko's felt boots fell into the clearing.

The big guy Vavila was happily moving his pitchfork with the hay.

Our hedgehog is in a hurry to get home.
And a wolf meets him,
A click on the hedgehog's teeth.
The hedgehog showed his needles
The wolf ran away in fear.
The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
“Will you rub my back?”

We started arguing one day
Climber and diver:
Who is more comfortable to climb?
On an underwater rock.

Delicious halva - praise to the master.

I am tying a vine in the forest.
I'm carrying a vine in a cart.
Goat, don’t lick the vine -
I'll punish you!

In the yard of the widow Varvara, two thieves were stealing firewood.

In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

The wolf waltzed with the she-wolf:
“It’s not good for us to wolf.”

The wolf is prowling - looking for food.
Here's some cabbage soup for you, don't look for us!

Everything can be, and everything can be,
It just can't be
What, perhaps,
It can not be!!!

I met a hedgehog in a thicket:
- How is the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh!
And the two of them went, trembling, crouching and cowering, the two hedgehogs.

The otter jumped out of the bucket,
The water splashed out of the bucket,
Jump out then she jumped out,
She splashed out,
And I couldn’t jump back in, but I couldn’t splash in

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

Where, old man, did you get the sponge? Did Ali babble?

The parrot says to the parrot: “I’ll scare you, I’ll parrot you!”
The parrot answers the parrot: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”

A rake is to row, a broom is to sweep, oars are to carry, runners are to crawl.

The rook says to the rook:
“Fly with the rooks to the doctor,
It's time for them to get vaccinated
To strengthen the pen!

You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.

The girl was driving a cart
Baby goat, goat and goat.
The girl overslept in the forest
Baby goat, goat and goat

Grandfather Danil divided the melon; a slice for Dima, a slice for Dina.

For fish soup you need bream, and sorrel is needed for cabbage soup.

Danya made the house in the village
“When I grow up, I’ll start living in it.”

Shot for quails and black grouse.

The children played together in the orchestra:
Karl played the black clarinet,
Kirill - on the horn,
On the harp - Allah,
And Lara played the piano.

The woodpecker was hollowing out an oak tree,
Yes, I didn’t finish it.

The woodpecker was chiseling, chiseling, chiseling,

Yes, I didn’t gouge it out or gouge it out.

Woodpecker healing ancient oak,
The good woodpecker loves the oak tree.

Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour, and sift the flour

- Bake kalachi in the oven and the swords are hot on the table.

Yellow russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts.

Barely Elizar,
He goes and goes to the market.
And from the market, and from the market,
You won't catch up with Elizar.

Lena barely ate,
I didn’t want to eat out of laziness.

Ate two Eli
Eclairs in bed.
Mom washed
El barely.

The rinsing raccoon rinsed the laundry, rinsed it, but didn’t rinse it out.

Pussy eats soup from a bowl.
Full pussy, empty bowl

Fedka eats jelly with radish,
Fedka eats radish with jelly.

There are dryers for Sashka, Proshka and Antoshka.
And two more dryers for Nyushka and Valyushka.

A Greek was driving across the river, he saw a Greek - there was cancer in the river,
He stuck the Greek’s hand into the river, and grabbed the Greek’s hand!

Toad, crane and yellow bug
We went to the meadow to visit the hedgehog,
To be sewn in place by a seamstress
Letter Ш and the forest became quiet.

The puppy squeaks pitifully
He is carrying a heavy shield.

Zhenya became friends with Zhanna.
Friendship with Zhanna did not work out.
To live together with friends,
There is no need to offend your friends.

Once upon a time there was a beetle, there was a beetle

There lived three Japanese
Yak, Yak - tsedrak, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni.
There were three Japanese women,
Tsypa, Tsypa - drip, Tsypa - drip - drip - drypamponi.
They all lived through it: Yak on Tsypa, Yak - tsedrak on Tsyped-drypa, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni on Tsypa-drypa ​​- drypamponi.
And they had children: Yak and Tsypa: Shah, Yak - tsedraka with Tsypa - drippa: Shai - balls,
At Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni with Tsypa - drypa ​​- drimpamponi: Shah - Sharakh - Sharakh - Shironi.

“Zhu” yes “zhu” -
Flocked into a circle
June beetle,
Rhinoceros beetle,
swimming beetle,
Sonny beetle
And the father beetle
Ground beetle,
Bug-bug -
Everyone got caught
In my net.

I'm sitting on a branch
I'm sitting on a branch
I keep repeating the letter “w”.

The beetle is buzzing over the lampshade,
The ground beetle is buzzing,
It buzzes and spins.

The crane and the giraffe fattened,
While they were chewing fodder and rye!

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

On the heels of the hippopotamus
The hippopotamus stomps.

A goat walked behind a goat, the goat was angry at the goat, the goat called the kids, and the kids made the goat angry.

The bunnies trembled
Seeing a wolf on the lawn.

The hare with a scythe sits behind the sedge grass,
Looks sideways, like a girl with a braid
Mows the grass with a scythe.

A green birch tree stands in the forest,
Zoya caught a dragonfly under a birch tree.

Frosty winter morning
Birch trees ring at dawn

In winter, the field is white, frozen and icy.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

Ivan is a blockhead, he talked about milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

Vovka and Igor were playing,
They rolled down the hill head over heels.

There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat.
There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat.

Water flows from a nearby well all day long.

Frost lay on the branches of the spruce,
The needles turned white overnight.

The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

Joseph wears a hat, but doesn’t take it off.

Irishka baked a cake for the dolls,
Grishka and Marishka like gingerbreads.

Scared of the bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
Swift with a swift and a haircut.

The donkey carried firewood to the village,
The donkey dumped firewood in the grass

Like thirty-three Yegorkas standing on a hillock.

Like at dawn
Two Peters and three Fedorkas
Compete with Egorka
Speak quickly.

Karl was putting the onion on the chest.
Clara was stealing onions from the chest.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
If Karl had not stolen corals from Clara, then Clara would not have stolen Karl's clarinet

The cook cooked the porridge, overcooked it, and undercooked it.

When mignonette grows easily by the pond.

Once upon a time I was scaring a jackdaw, I noticed a parrot in the bushes,
And then the parrot says: “You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare them. But just jackdaw, pop, scare, Don’t you dare scare the parrot!”

A cap in a cap, a cap in a cap.

The ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack

Queen to the gentleman
Gave me a caravel
Queen with gentleman
She left in the caravel.

The king saved a penny for his crown,
Yes, instead of a crown I bought a cow,
And this king was saving for a cow,
Yes, instead of a cow, I bought a crown.

Cat under the hood.

Mow, mow, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home.

Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse.
Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

A steep mountain, in the mountain there is a hole, in the hole there is a wormhole.

He who does not work does not eat what he who works eats.

Who wants to talk
He must reprimand
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will reprimand
So correct and clear
To make it clear to everyone

The cuckoo sewed a hood for the cuckoo.
I tried on the cuckoo hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

Godfather Gavrila, godfather Gavrila.
I told Gavrila:
The spindles are not accurate,
In the bathhouse, the brooms are soaked.

Kyrgyz brought kumis to China.
The Chinese like kumiss.

The hippopotamus bought new boots for the hippopotamuses, and the hippopotamuses are jumping through the swamp in new boots.

Granny bought beads for Marusya.
At the market, a grandmother tripped over a goose...
All the beads were pecked by the geese,
Granny and Marusya were left without beads.

We bought Valerika and Varenka
Mittens and felt boots.

We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish.
A cuttlefish walks around - showing off its dress.

Chestra-motley chicken, flat-toed duck.

Lying in a puddle, a ground beetle buzzed pitifully, terribly stung by a snake.

Lazy red cat,
I rested my stomach.

The hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles,
And below, they look like little ones,
Last year's cones lie on the grass

Goats climb into the vine during a thunderstorm - goats gnaw the vine during a thunderstorm.

Lera with Laura and Larisa
Surprises for mom:
They cut, cook, work,
That's how smart they are.

Swans with their cubs were flying.

A starling flies - winter is over.

Ducks fly for a minute without making jokes.

Elk and fallow deer go to salt
And for spawning - catfish, salmon!

A mosquito got into Makar's pocket.
The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared.
A magpie in the forest chattered about this:
“The cow is missing from Makar’s pocket!”

Little soap was lathered,
And all the water poured out.

Mom washed Mila with soap,
Mila didn't like soap.

Mom sews a shirt for her daughter.
He scribbles lines on his shirt.
He urgently writes forty lines:
My daughter is growing like a sprout.

The monkey and martin went to the market.
The monkeys wandered around the market all morning.
Monkey with martyn to little monkey
We bought four pictures at the market

Masha and Misha are confused!
Mom machine gaiters
He searches but can’t find it,
Dad is frowning and drooling,
Misha's things are missing,
Confused Misha,
He started looking for his briefcase,
I couldn’t find it and... I was confused!
Mom and Masha are looking for Misha,
Dad even climbed onto the roof
Mom and Masha - to the balcony! -
Misha is dreaming in a niche!

Masha, don't look for us,
We pinch the sorrel for cabbage soup.

A minute passes and replaces another.

They are of constant length.

Wash your hands cleaner and more often.

We heard from the owl that there are no words starting with the letter “Y”.

Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap
Mila dropped her soap -
I didn’t wash the bear with soap

Mice are rodents.
Cheese is chewed.
Did you finish it?
They are gnawing.

The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw the crumbs under the lid,
The mouse is probably dead!
The mouse forgot about the cat!

The mouse washed the bear's pine cones.
They gave the mouse little soap.
There were too many bumps
The mouse didn't wash the cone.

The mouse dried the dryers,
The mouse invited the mice,
The mice began to eat the dryers -
The teeth were immediately broken!

The mice wave the bag to Mishka.
How funny the bear is for mice.
Mice were sewn from a bag,
Baggy pants!

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:
Are you still rustling?
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
I will rustle more quietly.

The ball was missing in the attic.
They are looking for the ball in the chest.
Searching in vain for the ball
Girl and boy.

There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard,
Firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard, the yard does not contain firewood!
We'll probably move the wood from your yard back to the wood yard.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

Let's make the dough with yeast,
Let's look for a warmer place.

There's a tiny midge on the window,
The cat deftly catches it with its paw.

At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

On the river shallows we came across a burbot.

Little Valya fell into her felt boots with snow.

Our Polkan from Baikal lapped.
Polkan lapped and lapped, but Baikal did not become shallow.

Our Filat is always to blame.

Our daughter is articulate, her speech is clear.

Don't be hasty, but be patient.

Don't believe other people's words, but believe your own eyes.

Mom did not spare soap.
Mom washed Mila with soap.
Mila didn't like soap, Mila dropped the soap.

Emelya spent a week spinning a box of tow,
And Emelina’s daughter has to spin for one night.

Distressed Magpie
Returning from class.
I spent the whole lesson chatting with the jay,
And she returned home with a deuce

Cucumbers - well done green-white lips

There is no ring near the well.

The guys have a simple game!
Suddenly the guys had a fight -
Everyone asks to go to Saratov,
Their grandmother lives there, -
Here it is! - Baba Ulya!
Mama Tole says:
- You have conjunctivitis!
Dad has to fight with Olya for a long time,
To fix the unit!
Mom goes to grandma Ula
Without a daughter and a son!
Only mom from the yard, -
The game begins!

Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.

Osip was hoarse, and Arkhip was hoarse.

Sharp horns
The goat has Earrings
And Seryozhka said:
"I'm a little afraid

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The bull lay down side by side.
Don't lie down, get up, little bull!

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out.

Our sail is sewn conscientiously,
Even the storm will not frighten us.

The arable land is being plowed
Pasha with Yasha,
Masha and Dasha.

Baker Peter baked pies

The quail hid the quails from the boys.

The dog Fluff broke the pot,
And the cat Fedot spilled the compote.

Peter baked cookies in the oven and over-baked all the baked goods

Petya was sawing a stump with a saw.

Clouds floated across the sky,
There were four clouds.

Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.

Cook Peter and cook Pavel,
Peter baked, and Paul soared,
Pavel soared, Peter baked,
Cook Peter and cook Pavel

Repeat without hesitation:
There are dewdrops on the aspen tree,
They sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning.

The weather got wet

Makar gave Roman caramel,
And Roman Makar is a pencil.

A field full of wormwood fell to Polina to weed.

The field is not weeded, the field is not watered,
Asks Pole for a drink -
The pole needs to be watered.

Striped rugs
Vlas's daughter rinsed.
Rinsed, rinsed -
The river became striped.

Nazar went to the market early in the morning.
I bought a goat and a Nazar basket there.

An adventure happened
About keys and cookies.
The keys are firmly hidden
Rolls and bricks.

The rooster crows about colorful birds,
About lush feathers, about down.

Praskovya exchanged crucian carp
For three pairs of striped piglets.
The piglets ran through the dew,
The piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

Forty forty jumped into the field, ten took off and landed on a spruce tree.
How many forty are left in the field?

Puffs like a plump
Our chubby bear.

Once - a dewdrop-bead, and once again - a bead, the beads sparkled on the blades of grass-tendrils.

— Tell us about your purchases!
— What kind of shopping?
- About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping.

Larisa painted daffodils in watercolors.
Natasha painted dahlias in gouache.

The ruffel grew in the river,
Grew, grew, became a ruff,
But he didn't grow up.

Fish in the hole are a dime a dozen.

A tear fell from my eye and licked my face.

Hedgehogs became friends with mice in the rye.
Gone into the reeds - and there are no souls in the rye.

One magpie is one hassle, forty forty is forty hassles.

Sasha loves sushi, Sonya loves cheesecakes.

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers,
Sasha dried about six of them.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.

The pig had a white snout, a blunt snout, and dug up half the yard with its snout.

Getting into a taxi, the dachshund asked:
“What is the fare?”
And the taxi driver replied:
“We drive dachshunds just like that.”

The falcon sat on a bare trunk.

Alesya sat down, her legs hanging off the stove,
Don’t laugh, Alesya, but warm yourself on the stove.

The mouse sat in the corner and ate a piece of bagel.

Gray bunny, hide your teeth:
It's not cabbage, it's a ball.

A black grouse was sitting on a tree, and a black grouse was sitting on a branch with black grouse.

The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor: “The magpie strives to become the most squeaky one!”

Skok, magpie,
Skok, magpie,
Blind from the eye
Crooked from the side.

No matter how much the sieve eats,
I was never full.

Centipedes have too many legs.

Elephants are smart, elephants are calm,
Elephants are calm and strong.

The old women listened to the cuckoo crow at the edge of the forest.

The laughter of honest people is heard,
Luda is afraid to go down the hill.

You can hear the rustling in the reeds,
It makes my ears ring,
One hundred fearless frogs
The heron is scared in a whisper

Look how simple the frame is: right angles and square edges.

The soap struggled to wash itself off and was washed away.

Snowflakes are caught by Taya,
They fly off, melting.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies on the grass...

The sun is setting, the water is flowing,
The tit bird looks into the water.
The tit will drink pure water -
It is ringing and singing nicely today!

The sun is shining very brightly
The hippopotamus became hot.

Sonya is a stranger
And Zina is arrogant.

Sonya brought elderberries to Zine in a basket.

Forty forty stole peas
Forty crows drove away forty.
Forty eagles scared the crows,
Forty cows scattered the eagles.

Forty forty for their forty
Forty shirts are urgently being sewn
Forty shirts were not stitched on time
Forty forty quarreled immediately

There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.

The priest is standing on a haystack,
Butt cap
A shock under the butt,
Pop under the hood.

The stern Suvorov soldier Suvorov sternly drilled the damp wall of the Suvorov school with a drill.

Sushi your fur coat Sasha,
It's her flank coat, not ours.

The ant grabbed the burden,
Shouts: I won’t quit for anything!
He rests his feet on the ground,
And the ground bends underneath him.

Sasha sewed a hat for Sanka.

The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell is poured, but not in the Kolokolov style.
It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap.
The bell needs to be re-belled, re-belled.

Valerik ate dumplings, and Valyusha ate cheesecake.

Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard.

Avdey was dragging a bag of nails,
Gordey was dragging a bag of milk mushrooms.
Avdey gave Gordey nails,
Gordey gave Avdey milk mushrooms.

The heifer chewed up the aunt's panicle, and aunt after heifer - heifer after the tree.

The black grouse on the current pushed the black grouse,
That grouse grouse, and
This grouse is a grouse.

The river flows, the stove bakes.

Hush, mice.
Hush, mice!
The cat is sitting on our roof.
Mouse, mouse, watch out!
And don't get caught by the cat.

Only Tanya will get up in the morning.
Tanya is drawn to dance.
Why is it taking so long to explain?
Tanya loves to dance.

They stomped and stomped,
We reached the poplar.
We reached the poplar,
All the feet were stomped.

Skinny, weak Koschey*, dragging a box of vegetables.

The tram began its journey and trilled off the rails, dispersing the trolleybuses.

Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce

Three chattering magpies
They chattered on the slide.

Thirty-three cars in a row,
They chatter and chatter.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

A ram's horns are twisted - twisted, twisted - turned over.

Bori has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.

If you don't look for a goose's whiskers, you won't find them.

The Christmas tree has pins and needles.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have thin needles.

Buba the bunny has a toothache.

Ivan has a shirt
There are pockets on the shirt.

The little doll's earrings have disappeared,
Earrings I found an earring on the path.

Kuzya has a cousin - Kuzinina Zina.

Masha has a midge in her porridge, what should our Masha do? I put the porridge in a spoon and fed it to our cat.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

The stump has five honey mushrooms again.

A quail and a quail have five quails.

Proshka made a mistake with the bowl -
He turned the bowl over with his head.

At the bee, at the bee
Why no bangs?
I answer why:
“A bee doesn’t need bangs.”

The shell has sharp wings,
The owl has sharp eyes!
The frog has crayfish next to him,
The quack has hoarse quacks!

Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

A stay-at-home neighbor has a restless neighbor,
A fidgety neighbor has a stay-at-home neighbor.

Thirty-three striped piglets,
Thirty-three ponytails are hanging.

Fanny has a sweatshirt, Faya has shoes.

Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

The baby turtle has turtle boots on his little turtle little hands.

Four turtles have four hatchlings.

The coals were placed in the corners, the coals were placed in the corners.

Fishing with a fishing rod
Our Yurochka is smart.

I was already running along a crooked path,
Not a single one stomped his foot.
He would have stomped but he couldn’t,
Because he had no legs.

Already granted to hedgehogs
A dozen new pajamas.
Old pajamas
Pricked by hedgehogs.

It hisses and the beetle buzzes.

The snake was bitten by the snake, and you can’t get along with the snake.

Duck - young
Huddles in a tent.
Don't huddle there duck -
Living in a tent is scary.

The student learned his lessons with inky cheeks.

The sideways goat left with the goat.

Fedya is afraid of the owl -
The owl may get angry.

Philip was stuck to the stove.

Fofan's sweatshirt fit Fefele, and the pharaoh's favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.

Drill case.

I praise halva.

Cunning ferret, quick ferret,
He grabbed the bread and ran away.

Sly magpie
Catch the trouble
And forty forty -
Forty hassle.

A quonka walks around the yard,
Leads children around cages.

The pie is good, there is curd inside.

Even though the pike is eager,
Don't eat the ruff off the tail,
A ruff is good for a ruff.

The crested little girls laughed with laughter: ha-ha-ha-ha!

The heron was tenacious,
The heron was not sad for a long time,
Immediately “dac” and entirely
The little frog swallowed.

The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead

The circus performer can prance,
Train animals and birds.

Circus performer to circus performer Zinochka
He gave me a scarf.

The gypsy on tiptoe tsked at the chicken: “Tsits!”

Chicks and chicken drink tea on the street.

The teacups, sad and bored, began to jingle and scream.

The good-natured beaver fords his beavers across the river.

The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney, there is blackness in the chimney - look for the cat there.

Thursday the Fourth,
Four Quarter Hours
Four Little Black Little Imps,
Drawing with Black Ink Drawing.

A quarter of an hour
Sang ditties on the ivy tree,
Black cat, big weirdo,
I climbed into the attic to listen.

Four little black, grimy little devils
A drawing was drawn in black ink.
Extremely clean.

Chock-chock heel
Ran into a twig
Came off, broke
Chock-chock heel

Fix it for me old man
Heel for a snout

Sha-zha-sha once we caught a ruff,
She-she-she we settled in the reeds,
Shu-zhu-shu I sit and don’t breathe,
Sho-jo-sho brush versik good,

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

Checkers on the table
Cones on a pine tree

Shishiga walked along the highway,
He walked rustling his pants.
The step will step, whisper: “Error”,
Wiggles his ears.

Shura walked along the highway to play checkers with Sasha.

The leaves rustle.
Whispers whisper with the grass.
The silence faded into silence.
“Hush, hush...” I heard.

The rough hornet shuffled slowly.

Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Forty mice walked and six found pennies, and the poorer mice found two pennies each.

Three priests walked, three Prokopya priests, three Prokopyevichs.
They talked about the priest, about Prokopye, about the priest, about Prokopyevich.

The puppy eats sorrel cabbage soup by both cheeks.

Tongs and pliers -
Here are our things.

Is that you, Ilya? Or me, Ilya?

I brush my teeth with this brush,
With this brush the shoes
I clean my trousers with this brush,
I need all three brushes.

Yula spins around Yulka, sings,
Yula doesn’t let Yulka sleep.

Yulka was nimble
Sit still Yulka
I couldn't for a minute.

I am in the forest, and he is in the forest; I am for the elm, and he is for the elm.

I'm bringing soup! And to whom? Dog!

Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
We settled in Yaroslavl.
They live nicely in Yaroslavl
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

My yacht is light and obedient,
I will plow the seas on it.

Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Tasha make yogurt,
And Mishutka is a herring under her fur coat.

How do you like tongue twisters? Do you know other tongue twisters for speech development? Share, we will be very grateful.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to another new job Mashenki - “Flower Meadow”.

This concludes this post. All the best!

I wish you creative success!