"Karma" translated from Sanskrit means "action". It is the basis of the law, according to which everything a person does necessarily returns to him, determining his fate in subsequent births. But karma is not a punishment or a reward. This is the energy of actions performed in each life. If errors are not corrected, negative energy accumulates, difficulties and failures are repeated in each new incarnation. There are four main karmic numbers - 13, 14,16 and 19. They indicate the presence of this person karmic debt and explain its meaning.

Calculation of karmic number by date of birth.

To find out if you have a karmic debt, you need to add all the numbers of your date of birth to a two-digit number. For example, January 2, 1960. 2+0+1+1+9+6+0=19. There is no need to perform further addition (1+9). 19 – one of the main

Karmic number may be contained in the date of birth itself. All people born on the 13th, 14th, 16th and 19th have karmic debts, which provide Negative influence on their lives.

The meaning of basic karmic numbers.

Karmic number 13.

In the past, man was concerned only with his own well-being, took life lightly, put his own pleasures above all else, and tried in every possible way to shift his work to other people. In the present, karmic debt must be worked off with hard work. Numerous obstacles can be overcome if you concentrate on one thing, don’t rush from side to side, and most importantly, work and work.

Karmic number 14.

Karmic debt arose due to the fact that a person preferred to indulge in physical pleasures and did not engage in his spiritual and moral development at all. He not only limited his own freedom, but also deliberately oppressed people close to him. Currently, life circumstances are constantly changing, and a whole “collection” of bad habits is possible. A high goal and inner growth are required.

Karmic number 16.

In the past, a person caused irreparable mental or physical trauma to someone who was devoted to him and loved him. Now selfishness and narcissism make it difficult to establish warm relationships even with close people. This can lead to complete loneliness. Humility and meekness are necessary.

Karmic number 19.

In a past life, a person had absolutely no regard for those around him and demanded unconditional submission from everyone. He was guided solely by his own ambitions and desires. Now difficult situations arise due to the fact that he has no one to rely on, no one to expect support from. It is important to learn how to interact with people, not only to “take”, but also to be able to “give”.

Karma- this is a unique law of the Universe, according to which each of us lives several incarnations, several lives, which are given so that a person can correct the shortcomings of his personality and develop his spirituality to the highest perfection. Everything that a person has done in past incarnations - both good and bad - comes back to him or to his loved ones. Everything that happens to a person in the present is connected with what happened in the past. We can say that karma is a combination of bad and good deeds a person has done in all his lives. Everything bad should be recognized and corrected in subsequent incarnations, and everything good brings a person closer to the perfection of spiritual development.

If in his past incarnations a person did not fulfill his obligations, violated Spiritual laws, took something from others or illegally appropriated someone else’s, ignored the needs of his Soul and its need for development, behaved irresponsibly, in this case Karmic Debts are formed. They will accompany a person throughout his life and cause him a lot of trouble. Karmic Debts will manifest themselves in the form of trials and obstacles, difficulties and problems. That is why it is very important to find out whether a person has his own Karmic Debt.

Karmic Debt, depending on the way it appears, can be of several types: own - the one that a person earned in present life; own - earned by a person in previous lives; acquired - inherited by family. Karmic debt is a kind of barrier that prevents a person from being what he could become.

How to find out if a person has a Karmic debt by name and date of birth?

Find out if a person has Karmic debt, science will help. In numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19. If a person was born on a day with one of these numbers, this indicates the presence of Karmic Debt, but even if there are none of these numbers in the date of birth, Karmic debt can manifest itself when calculating, in intermediate results (until the final figure is reduced to a single digit number).

To find out does a person have Karmic Debt by name or date of birth, it is necessary to calculate the Heart Number, Destiny Number and Life Path Number, but do not reduce the final number to a single-digit number, but use an intermediate two-digit number to interpret the results. Decoding the number of Karmic Debt makes it possible to take into account previous not very successful experiences, realize the results, draw conclusions and take measures that will correct the situation.

By using online calculation presented on this page, you can find out whether a person has a Karmic Debt by name and date of birth. If you want to find out if there is Karmic Debt for your birthday, use.

Online calculation of Karmic Debt by name and date of birth

Surname Name Surname
Date of Birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900

Numerology attaches great importance to the karmic number of a person, which directly depends on a person’s date of birth.

At the third level of the karmic lesson (numbers from 30 to 39), the individual faces the task of teaching and even prophecy, his purpose is to convey wisdom to others. Knowing the number of fate is necessary in order, for example, to know how to live with the karmic number 36, which is considered bad.

Karmic number 30

These are people of high intelligence and cultural level who know their worth and do not hesitate to demonstrate their superiority in these matters. True, it is very easy to lose harmony with such behavior, so there is no need to hunt for wealth or celebrity.

Under the leadership of individuals with the number 30, workshops and departments of enterprises work harmoniously and efficiently, startups and business ideas are successfully implemented. Taking a break from the rat race, even for a short time, brings mental satisfaction. To find happiness, you need to create as many such moments as possible.

Karmic code 30 indicates a busy writing or poetry career in a previous reincarnation. It is also possible that the person was a drinking housewife who brought herself to a state of complete abandonment towards the end of her life's journey.

In magical activities, owners of the number 30 will be successful, but only in cases where a strong desire is manifested.

Karmic number 31: what does it mean

Karmic number 31 is a symbol of deep loneliness and isolation. At the same time, alienation from society and the opposite sex does not in the least burden or upset a person. A conversation with a like-minded person or a good conversationalist, as well as an addictive book, are a more valuable gift of fate than sociable leisure time.

The lack of money, a partner, household or social unsettlement does not confuse a person with this number at all, because he has different values. Moreover, this lifestyle helps him maintain concentration to solve problems and generate ideas.

The meaning of the karmic number 31 says that in the previous reincarnation this was a popular person such as an actor, musician or comedian. He did not strive for family happiness. Lots of superficial love affairs led to the birth of several illegitimate children.

Success in magic is possible, but only with strong motivation. Routine and small goals do not impress the individual, and once he starts, he quickly loses interest in them.

Karmic number 32

The owner of this karmic code is an example of harmony and mutual understanding in relationships with people around him, although there are quite a few true friends. True, such a character requires openness with loved ones regarding own plans, otherwise great difficulties will arise on the way to their implementation. In life's perspective, this is a very good number. It bestows unbending optimism in life.

The previous life was full of movement, research, and travel. The man was extremely immersed in what he loved, so he did not start a family and children. During his wanderings, he was repeatedly wounded, abused alcohol and even smoking drugs. Carriers of code 32 are good at sabotage and predictive magical practices.

Karmic number 33: meaning

To those who received this code, very lucky. It portends success in any type of activity. Literally everything in the world will work out to support and motivate this person to accomplish increasingly important things. Karmic number 33 is one of the best predictions for life. People with this code have a natural talent for teaching and mentoring. They are interested in history and historical scientific trends.

A person with such karma either confidently rebuilds the world, making it comfortable for himself, or lives in his own world, intertwined with illusions. Holders of this code often become the strongest magicians, for which their colleagues treat them unkindly. Karma of the number 33 promises its owner the ability to develop his own magical rituals and movements. Similar ingenuity is manifested in everyday life.

In a previous reincarnation, bearer 33 was a court magician, one of the best in his field. He knew how to communicate competently and profitably with the best people world, thanks to which he gained wealth and widespread respect, influenced the destinies of countries and peoples. His wife was an excellent fortuneteller.

Karma of the number 34

Karmic number 34 promises its bearer a difficult fate in the first half of life, but an easy and enviable old age. Personal life begins to improve at about 35 years of age. Despite the trials that plagued them in their youth, the financial situation is good, the children grow up in prosperity and give all their love.

You need to become interested in magic in the second half of your life and only in the presence of a mentor and like-minded people. Karmic code 34 says that its carrier in a past life was killed on the battlefield. THIS was a young and handsome knight who did not have time to know the joys of fatherhood.

Karmic number 35

This person is destined by karma to face a mortal test. In general, life will consist of disappointments and a complex web of deception. You can avoid serious consequences and mistakes only by maintaining calm and prudence.

The family partner of those with karmic code 35 often deceives them, and in relationships with children an extremely difficult situation arises related to drugs. Carriers of this number face health problems and sometimes find themselves in financial distress.

The owner of karma 35 should not lend money to people, especially after crossing the age limit of 30 years. Magic is available to these individuals, but mainly for self-defense. In the past, this is a famous diva, perhaps a singer, who had many favorites. The lovers for whom she had real feelings, unfortunately, died in duels. She herself died alone and forgotten.

Karmic number 36

Individuals with such a number of Destiny are forced to deal with misunderstanding and rejection throughout their lives. Karmic number 36 is very bad in the sense that all achievements are earned through enormous labor, in which there is no one to expect help from. It often becomes the cause of marriages in which the partner maintains the relationship only for the sake of money and constantly cheats. Meeting true and pure love is possible in the second half of life.

You may be interested in magical rituals, but only those related to entrepreneurship will be effective. It is better to lean towards runic practices. A difficult fate befell man in his previous reincarnation. He served as a warden in a prison, the prisoners of which took his life. A past life may also be associated with experiments and torture of other people: a doctor, an evil scientist, a sadistic maniac.

Karmic number 37

This numerological indicator promises good life, full of mutual friendship, kindness and happy love relationship. Luck pursues a person not only on the personal front, but also in matters that are conducted collectively. Karma promises a cloudless and easy future without strong shocks and unpleasant “surprises.”

In magic, it makes sense to pay attention to rituals and rites associated with Slavic traditions and the creation of talismans. Most likely, in a previous life, a person with a karma number of 37 was a woman. She had a well-fed body, worked as a cook and was surrounded by happy children. It is possible that this was an abandoned hermit without a family, but with the strongest faith.

Karma number 38

A person with this number of Destiny is doomed to endure betrayal, meanness, hypocrisy, and lies coming from both distant and close circles. Often fate prepares such individuals with the betrayal of their soulmate. But, fortunately or not, it is not always known about him. Failures await you almost everywhere: in investment campaigns, on the roads, in career achievements.

Having karmic number 38, magic is not so much possible as it is necessary to practice. But you should focus on those practices that will allow you to become more insightful in your relationships with people and understand them better. Most likely, in a previous earthly incarnation, the person was a Chinese woman. She never left her native village and worked on a rice plantation until the end of her days. It may also be that in a past life a person made a living by selling his body.

Karmic number 39

An intellectual, a person with highly developed mental and moral qualities. Unfortunately, from a young age until old age, I am forced to struggle with diseases of varying severity. There is another scourge - a person often experiences envy from those around him. This manifests itself even in the attitude towards those who are in an unenviable position. There is a craving for alcoholic drinks and narcotic substances. The body often faces poisoning and infectious diseases.

Magical practice rarely captivates these individuals, but those who are interested in it have every chance of succeeding. The previous reincarnation made the person involved in the gambling industry. And even though he won more often, it was because of money that he was killed.

When finding the number of a karmic lesson, you should not rely entirely on its characteristics. So, for example, the karma of the number 33 can easily be spoiled by bad deeds, anger and meanness towards other people. Absence karmic debts and the teaching mission does not have to become a reason for self-confidence. Self-improvement should remain a life goal at any level of development.

The desire not only to know one’s destiny, but also to correct it if necessary, is present in any person. And if a few decades ago, although it existed, it was carefully hidden by people for fear of being ridiculed or hearing the reproach of others, now many turn to knowledgeable grandmothers or astrologers for help of this kind. Their services are becoming more and more in demand every day.

Is it possible to change your own destiny?

For such purposes it is not at all necessary to look for “experts”, most of whom are actually ordinary people, who know little, but offer help in this delicate matter for the sake of profit, and also because of the desire to make easy money from people’s problems and misfortunes.

It will not be difficult at all to independently obtain all the information you are interested in; you just need to pay attention to such a science as numerology and learn how to make the correct calculations. Thanks to it, you can find out what the number of karmic debt means. Calculating it will also not be a problem.

Numerology - what kind of science?

This long-recognized esoteric science can give about specific person a lot of information. All you have to do is do necessary calculations by date of birth, and you can easily obtain information about literally any individual such as the abilities and talents programmed in him by nature, the advantages and disadvantages present in his character.

And such a thing as karmic debt is very easy to calculate by date of birth. And this, in the opinion of very large quantity knowledgeable people will help correct all the shortcomings inherited by a person from birth. But it should be understood that in this case we are not talking about physical impairment that a person receives as a past life, but about moral deviations that bring big problems not only to a certain person, but also to the majority of people around him.

It is not for nothing that every person is born on a certain date, which often does not coincide at all with the predictions of doctors. This happens because of plans from above, designed to allow you to experience all the consequences of your negative actions, thoughts and feelings of your past incarnation. Having felt all this for yourself, you can not only repent, but also correct them, opening the way for yourself to new incarnations that will not be burdened by anything.

Karma and its role in human life

So what is karma and how do you know your karmic debt? This question is interesting to many, so it’s worth finding out before starting any calculations. The very concept of “karma” means the sins of past incarnations, which fate is destined to correct at the current birth.

Any person is believed to live several lives, each of which is given to him in order to correct personality shortcomings and bring his soul to perfection. But on life path Sinful temptations always lurk, which are often impossible to avoid. The numbers of karmic debt will tell you that you have done something reprehensible in the past.

Why and how should such debts be paid?

By succumbing to any momentary desire that can cause even slight harm to another person, a person burdens his karma. In the event that she cannot correct her mistake in the current incarnation, she will be destined to be punished for this in next life to cleanse your soul. In order to find out, you should calculate your karmic debt.

That is, if in this life you did not deny any methods, even dishonest ones, to enrich yourself, in the next incarnation you will be given poverty, which is designed to free you from the sin called greed. And you will bear this karmic (coming from a previous incarnation) punishment until you realize it. This is the answer to the questions about what karmic debt means and how to correct it.

Arithmetic of fate, or Karmic numerology - the accessible secret of numbers

This process has absolutely nothing to do with mathematics, which we have studied since childhood. Here we are talking about the fact that if a person has a karmic debt, anyone can calculate the cause of its occurrence based on the date of birth, as well as determine ways to correct it. And from that here you only need the ability to add

Thanks to such simple arithmetic operations, anyone has an excellent opportunity not only to find out how to determine the karmic debt, or rather its type, that accompanies a person throughout the current incarnation, but also, knowing how this debt obligation to the universe arose, to make every effort to its eradication. And also don't create similar situations in the current incarnation, so that subsequent ones do not drag behind them a “tail” of unpaid debts.

What types of karmic debts are there and how do they arise?

All debts acquired by a person to the universe can be divided into 3 main types:

  1. Own ones that a person has managed to develop already in this life.
  2. Our own, but earned in past incarnations.
  3. Inherited, that is, a family “gift”.

How and in what cases can karmic debts arise? This occurs when a person knowingly or unknowingly violates the Genesis, the values ​​of holy monuments and prayers, as well as the memory of parents and children.

So it turns out that karmic debts are not so difficult to calculate and understand. And thanks to this, there is a chance to make the necessary adjustments to your destiny, as well as to build your life in such a way that this problem will not affect you in your next incarnations, and you will have the opportunity to start a new existence from scratch.

Numbers indicating the presence of debt to the universe due to karma

Debts that arose due to mistakes of past lives are indicated by 4 numbers - these are 13, 14, 16, 19. But they are not a death sentence for a person, but, most likely, a pointer to what should be done to correct the mistakes of the past and prevent their recurrence.

In order to understand this more precisely, you should consider the meanings of these numbers. Then you will not only answer the question “How to work off a karmic debt?”, but you will also gain the opportunity to painlessly solve many of the problems that accompany your current existence. In addition, correcting past mistakes will help you avoid doing the same in this incarnation.

How are numerological calculations made?

It is very easy to calculate karmic debt by date of birth. All you need to do is write it down on a piece of paper. digital code your date of birth. For example, for a person born on March 4, nineteen seventy-two, it will look like this: 431972. Have you been discharged? Now add all the numbers together and write down the resulting number. In our example it turned out to be 26.

We don’t reduce anything else, but look to see if the resulting number falls under the karmic number. As we already know, in this section of numerology there are 4 - 13, 14, 16 and 19. And in the case when one of these numbers turned out during the calculations or is the date of birth, we can talk about a debt to karma that should be corrected .

In the example described, the person does not have unprocessed sins of the past. But this does not mean that he, with a fate unencumbered by the past, will be able to live through his current incarnation sinlessly, insuring himself against the appearance of a karmic debt number in his next life.

Thirteen - laziness is punishable

Having figured out what karmic numerology is, you can take a closer look at the meaning of each number on this cautionary list. They are necessary for everyone who has decided to correct their destiny with the help of karmic debt. in the right way adjust your destiny.

The first number is 13. To the one who has it in his numeric code, one must pay for the selfishness and ineffectiveness of the previous incarnation, when he preferred to shift all the hardest work onto the shoulders of others. In his current existence, he will encounter multiple obstacles in situations that go smoothly for everyone else.

Such punishment should help a person learn concentration and the ability to complete the chosen task to the end, not only accepting help from others, but also without shifting the blame for what happened to someone else in case of an error.

Burying talents in the ground is also a sin

Another debt obligation to the universe is borne by a person by the number 14. The karmic debt according to the date of birth that it gives is that once, in his past incarnations, a person, instead of using the talents given to him from birth for the benefit of himself and to those around him, he preferred relaxation with escapism from reality.

Now it's time to pay off your debts. To eradicate the negative influence of this number, it is necessary to exclude such methods of escaping from the surrounding reality as alcohol and drugs, all kinds of excesses both in food and in feelings.

In this incarnation, a person is required to become restrained and not put it off until tomorrow, but to abstain today. It is worth using moderation to restore order in your life and maintain clarity of mind.

Base passions in the past - problems in the present

The number 16 also means a lot. Its owner is given a karmic debt by date of birth for indulging in sensual pleasures and abusing love in past lives. The negativity of this number also occurs due to the fact that in past incarnations he found himself, quite often, involved in adventures unacceptable to society, and thereby brought suffering to other people.

In this same life, a person with a karmic debt number of 16 very often has to find himself in situations where he requires complete concentration on his beloved self, his personal interests, as a result of which he loses a lot in relationships with the people around him.

The keys to success with this number include humility and modesty. A person must avoid all manifestations of his own selfishness, learn to put the interests of people close to him above his own.

Loneliness among people - what is the punishment for?

The number 19 is also not sugar. People who have it in their numerical debt by date of birth are given for abuse of their power and authority in past incarnations. Therefore, in their present life, because of past sins, they have to lead a lonely existence, when there is no one to rely on and rely on.

For the negativity of this number to completely go away, a person needs to learn to care for others. The life lesson of number 19 is to provide selfless help to people in cases where it is truly needed.

Wheel of Fortune, or Good Karma

But in such a fascinating and useful esoteric science as numerology, karmic debt is not only a punishment. It also contains a number responsible for good view karma. A person born with it has already paid all his debts and can begin to build his destiny from scratch.

This opportunity is given by the number 10, otherwise called the Wheel of Fortune. The numbers included in its composition can be deciphered as follows: one is the beginning of everything new, and zero in numerology not only carries energy, but also speaks of something promising that awaits in the new cycle.

The lucky ones who have the number 10 in their birth code may not think about how to determine karmic debts, but direct all their efforts to prevent them from arising in the future.

And those who are not the lucky owner of the number 10 in their numerical code should make every effort and, with the help of information obtained when calculating debt obligations to the universe by the date of their birth, recover from the karmic disease given to them from above.

For this you need very little. Just realize, understand and accept everything that the numbers tell him. Only in this case you will not have to bear your debt in subsequent lives.

Karma is the destiny that we create for ourselves during the reincarnations of our soul. These are some kind of scales that tip either towards good or towards evil. According to esotericists, each of us has karma that determines future fate. Numerology by date of birth can tell you what you might have done wrong in a past life, how to correct everything in your current life, and what your destiny is.

After all, people lived before us, and in the most ancient times they made discoveries. And no technical means and they had no assistants - only inquisitive human brains. It is we, the current generation, who are convinced that without a computer the world will collapse, and without the World Wide Web there can be no life at all.

In a word, computers and the Internet did not exist, nor did books, but global knowledge was already developing. Many centuries ago, sages - astrologers and numerologists - created lists called Heavenly. We'll talk about them in this article. True, in fact, these lists are not authentic. They were constantly expanded and calculated anew, because more and more new years were included in them. But we will consider only that small segment of the Heavenly lists that concerns our times. After all, they are the ones that are interesting to us.

Sages-numerologists carried through centuries observations of numbers and people and, having processed their relationships, came to the conclusion that all people are not only different, but in many ways similar. And it is precisely this similarity that makes it possible to correlate them, compare them by type and create 24 groups of people.

Today we have the opportunity to briefly characterize these groups. When you look at them, several sayings pop up in your head: “Everything in the world is predetermined, and the fate of every person too,” “When a person is born, his fate is born with him,” and so on. The concept of karma, known from Eastern philosophies, also comes to mind.

Of course, today many people do not want to agree to some kind of “karma”. Now other statements are in fashion: “Everyone is the master of his own destiny,” “We will not wait for mercy from nature, it is our task to take them from her,” and so on.

But maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle? And you will still be interested in looking at the ancient knowledge of numerologists - what if something coincides and the old knowledge comes in handy?

Moreover, you don’t need to calculate anything. You just need to know your date of birth. After all, the ancient sages believed that this date is the very magic ticket that a person receives from the Higher Powers when he goes to our sinful land.

Heavenly lists. Fate and karma by date of birth in numerology

We hope you know the day, month and year of your birth? Then look for your date of birth in the Heavenly lists and find out what fate Heaven prepared for you when they sent you to earth.

People of Higher Purpose

Fate and karma of “People of the Highest Purpose” according to dates of birth in numerology.

Those born during the periods listed above must set themselves the highest goals and, having set them, achieve them at all costs. The ancient sages believed that even one such person could atone for past mistakes. the whole country or people. At the same time, having seen a person’s desire, the Higher Powers will give him as much time as it takes to achieve his goal. Therefore, for self-preservation, a person must, having barely achieved one goal, immediately set himself another.

Please note: if you go too far in achieving your Highest goals, then from a fighter for justice you will become a person of a false goal (see the next group).

People of false targets

Fate and karma of “People of false goals” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These people were sent to Earth to correct their past negative karma. In past lives, they followed the motto “the end justifies the means.” Alas, in their example, the ends did not justify the means. And now people of heavy karma are trying again and again to achieve a righteous goal in the most negative ways. They also involve others in their dreams of a “great” goal, seducing them and distorting reality. Such people should remember: if they do not want to make their karma completely black, they must reconsider their positions in life and stop pushing others to take negative actions in the name of a ghostly future.

Please note: if you can refrain from your false goals and understand that no best goal justifies the negative means of achieving it, you will be able to gain true freedom of life and activity (see the next group).

People of true freedom

Fate and karma of “People of True Freedom” according to dates of birth in numerology.

The karma of these people is pure, they are not burdened with any sins of past lives. Even in a past life, they made their final choice in favor of Good. And therefore absolutely free in this life. They can do whatever they want, the Higher powers will help them in everything - they will send help, loyal friends, caring relatives and Good work, in a word, success.

Please note: if you perceive your freedom as permissiveness and step over the barrier of morality and honesty, then your freedom will lead you to the most negative consequences - see the next group.

Permissive people

Fate and karma of “People of Permissiveness” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These are people burdened with evil. In a past life they were close to power or wealth, and this affected them in the most terrible way. They began to mock faith, to trample the laws of morality and morality. They thought that they were free in everything and therefore everything was allowed to them. Therefore, fate tries to re-educate them, destroying false freedoms - it breaks plans, deprives them of free time, and in extreme cases, it can even deprive them of freedom itself. Therefore, such people should not make plans for the distant future, but need to live and work in the present and achieve the best result.

Please note: if you stop being a cynic, a don’t care, mocking human values, engage in your own spiritual development, you can finally find harmony and tranquility in life, understand and feel its unchanging beauty and move on to the next group.

People of the highest harmony

Fate and karma of “People of Higher Harmony” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These are space people. They are so light that they can merge with nature, fully feel the beauty and harmony of all things. For them, the world is one - plants and animals, lands and waters, near and far, magic and reality, one person and all of humanity form a single whole, and the loss of one threatens pain for everyone. Everyone loves people of bright harmony; they are ready to sacrifice a lot for them. But the “harmonicas” themselves selflessly help others, treat, and instruct. Existing in a single noosphere, they see prophetic dreams, receive and can utter prophecies and predictions themselves.

However, if they suddenly become proud or, even worse, begin to engage in illegal witchcraft practices, they will lose their bright gift and in the next life (and perhaps in this one) they will have to pretend, dress up in someone else’s clothes, hide their true essence under a guise - and people will hate them (see next group).

Mummers - enemies disguised as friends

Fate and karma of “Mummers, enemies disguised as friends” by dates of birth in numerology.

In their past lives, these people betrayed their friends, pretended to be loyal people (servants, friends, relatives), but in fact they were their worst enemies. Under the guise of a smile and sympathy, they extracted the most painful secrets and secrets, and then used them.

Therefore, now these people should try under no circumstances to encounter secret organizations, sects, etc., and not to extort secrets from those around them, so as not to fall into temptation again. If they are still haunted by nightmares (echoes of their previous life), if they are prone to sleepwalking, they should place a piece of white marble at the head of the bed, which will remove the negative. Once a month, the stone should be washed under running water (at least six minutes). Under no circumstances should they be associated with any seduction (magic rites, occult literature, hypnosis, spiritualism, alcohol, drugs).

If they manage to resist and not succumb to temptations, gossip, deception, and so on, they will be able to strengthen their will to special heights - they can become one of the Heavenly Warriors (see the next group).

Heavenly Warriors

Fate and karma of the “Heavenly Warriors” by dates of birth in numerology.

Heavenly warriors are born under the influence of white karma. They are invulnerable, they say about such people that even a saber cannot cut it, and a bullet cannot take it. But these courageous people are not only defenders in battle, but also champions of justice. In a word, they are always warriors of Good. They are courageous, courageous and willing to sacrifice themselves to protect others.

But if, having believed in their invulnerability, they become hired killers, become boors or rapists, tyrants and aggressors, they will be transferred to the group of Quiet people, whom everyone commands and whom everyone reproaches (see the next group).

Quiet people

Fate and karma of “Quiet people” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These people with polluted karma in a past life were boors, rapists, bandits, aggressors, tyrants. Now fate teaches them that those around them feel a completely unmotivated desire to be rude to them, call them names, push them around and “ride them” with all their might. And oddly enough, Quiet people usually do not dare to fight back - they probably feel that if they do not show counter-aggression, they will work off their negative karma.

It must be said that if such a Quiet person moves away from Evil and becomes an active conductor of Good, then after the first twelve years his life will change. No, he will not become a courageous extreme sports enthusiast, but he will feel harmony in his quiet life and will be able to fully enjoy it.

In the future, such a person will move to a new stage of development - he will become a Generous Rich Man, a person who experiences happiness from the well-being of himself and the people around him (see the next group).

Generous rich people

Fate and karma of “Generous Rich People” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These lucky ones are born into happiness, which gives them material and energy wealth. Such people will never run out of livelihood and their energy will never run out. They have excellent health and an optimistic outlook on life. Maybe that’s why those around them, feeling this, are drawn to them. These people need to know: the more generosity they show towards others, the more happiness, health and wealth they gain.

However, it should be remembered: if these people cease to be generous and selfless, if they begin to be greedy, envious and jealous, they lose their fateful luck and in the next life fall into the category of stingy and jealous people (see the next group).

Jealous and stingy people

Fate and karma "Jealous and stingy people"by dates of birth in numerology.

However, if they begin to sincerely and calmly love what they have, appreciate what they have, behave nobly towards others (and most importantly, loved ones), and begin to take care of them, then they will be able to switch to new level. As people who have suffered through their “passions,” they will be able to become the most knowledgeable people in this world (see the next group).

Knowledgeable people

Fate and karma of “Knowing People” by dates of birth in numerology.

These people can form a stable and truthful picture of the world from the most scattered information. They are conductors of true, if not brilliant, but real and useful knowledge. They learn themselves and teach others, but often they teach those who did not ask them to do so. Then their teachings become mere hot air. In a word, before teaching, it is worth understanding whether it should be done. Otherwise knowledgeable people will become mere talkers, moving on to the next group.

Chatterboxes and foul-mouthed people (my tongue is my enemy)

Fate and karma of “Chatterboxes and foul-mouthed people” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These people believe that everything can be achieved through gossip, intrigue, and picking on their neighbors. Even in the past, they did not understand the value and purity of words, polluting them. They slandered, gloated, gossiped, although they knew that the word is the password of Eternity, a signal of communication. Now these people need to stop quarreling, conflicting, and even just “scratching their tongues.” They need to be careful about what they say, to whom and when. We need to stop pretending to be some kind of innocent baby who doesn’t know what he said. They should actively resist gossip, stop various slander, and especially never, under any circumstances, inform or blame others.

In the future, such a person can move to a new stage of development - become a wise Guardian of the clan, if he can stop loading his tongue with slander and empty chatter, and is able to extract wisdom from that highest gift that the Lord has given to me - words. After all, as you know, in the beginning it was exactly that. And a man who understands the value words of wisdom, will become their keeper (see the next group).

Guardians of the family

Fate and karma of the “Keepers of the Family” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These people are some kind of dedicated, holy sources from which ordinary people around them draw wisdom and hope. Guardians of a kind are people who know family secrets. Often they do not even suspect it themselves, but at certain moments the ancestral memory awakens in them, helping them to overcome this or that obstacle, to reach this or that height. It must be said that it was precisely this height that their ancestors once dreamed of, having failed to achieve it themselves. So the Guardians of the clan are a kind of arrows, fired back in ancient times by the efforts of the entire clan, but only now reaching their goal.

Guardians must not only preserve the memory of their family, but also take care of their older relatives - grandparents, mothers and fathers. In addition, they must introduce their own children to the history of their family so that the family’s experience is not interrupted and the history is not forgotten. In addition, Guardians must live not just in their family, but in their homeland, on the land of their ancestors. If they end up in other countries, in other families, they lose the support of their clan and become “strangers among their own” (see the next group).

Strangers among our own

Fate and karma of “Strangers among our own” according to dates of birth in numerology.

These people do not feel like they belong in any environment (even if it is their own family). Moreover, they are unable to relax, and therefore they cannot enjoy life carefree or simply laugh. They are always on guard. They probably intuitively remember that they once offended the Heavenly forces by desecrating ancestral shrines, not respecting their family or blood relatives. When experiencing mental discomfort, such people often talk about generational curses, crowns of celibacy, not thinking that their cure could be respect for their own relatives, for shrines native land. Well, the best medicine for such souls tormented by melancholy can be travel, or rather, wandering to holy places.

But as soon as a person begins to comprehend the spiritual shrines of his family, his people, fate forgives him and gives him the opportunity to become interested in “indigenous” ethno-arts - folk crafts, traditional crafts, the art of primitivism, finally. In a word, a person who is not recognized by anyone, “a stranger to everyone,” may well become creative (see the next group).

Creative people

Fate and karma of “Creative people” by dates of birth in numerology.

Such people live for the happiness of creativity. At the same time, they can not only create themselves, but also inspire the creativity of others. These are people of unusually bright energy, joyful activity, and emotionality. Of course, creativity does not always bring only happiness, there are also paths through thorns, but creative people ready to take risks.

But if they begin to bury their talents in the ground, imagining that no one understands them, they will become embittered and may well end up in the next group - the offended proud ones.

Proud people

Fate and karma of the “Proud Men” by dates of birth in numerology.

These people are passionately jealous creative individuals. They think of themselves as even more talented. Their pride, vanity, and lack of recognition eat them away from the inside. They imagine themselves as proud eagles soaring above the vain, vulgar and absurd reality, but in fact they crave recognition like no one else on earth. Pride complicates their relationships with family and friends. They themselves suffer, because deep down they are sensitive and vulnerable, because in fact they, in the recesses of their souls, strive for universal justice and are ready to make efforts to achieve it. But circumstances constantly develop in such a way that these Black Eagles have to show a spirit of pride, and again they suffer from this.

But will their whole life really be spent in such torment? No and no! These people just need to learn to trust the world around them, stop looking for the negative in everything, curb their own pride and look around. There they will find many worthy people with whom they want to communicate, who will help them, and they, in turn, will become helpers for these people. As soon as the Proud People find sincere friends and become sincere themselves, they will move into the category of Heavenly Helpers and receive a well-deserved reward and recognition.

Heavenly Helpers

Fate and karma of “Heavenly Helpers” by dates of birth in numerology.

These people are chosen for the common cause of humanity. They live and act according to the principles: “If my loved ones are happy, I am happy,” “What you hide is lost, what you give is yours.” Caring and attentive, these people are usually happy among loved ones.

However, if they suddenly decide that they know better than anyone who needs what, that everyone should act according to their orders, that everyone is obliged to them, then even good Heavenly helpers can ruin their karma and become Bureaucrats (see the next group).


Fate and karma of “Bureaucrats” by dates of birth in numerology.

This is not a very large layer burdened with karma. Careerism, lackeyness, veneration, oppression of the humiliated and insulted were true delights in their past life, but (worst of all) remained such in this existence. If they have not yet climbed into the bureaucratic apparatus, they passionately dream about it. Tyranny and humiliation of their neighbors is the only opportunity for them to prove their own importance. However, deep down in their souls they constantly suffer, because there is always someone who has a higher chair and more power. The higher authorities humiliate them, they take it out on their subordinates, and the minor officials take it out on the common people. Fines, bans, bureaucratic delays, scams and bribes - all this leads Bureaucrats not to gaining power, as they think, but to the hatred and contempt of others. But the worst thing is that these negative qualities, if they are not abandoned and corrected, they will lead the Bureaucrats to the only possible ending - the Higher Powers, no longer needing their services, will scatter their souls as failures.

However, if Bureaucrats understand that they can bring good into this world by helping in the cause of justice, defending true legality, these people can become real lawyers who defend goodness and justice. Then their souls will move to the next group - the Peacemakers-Legislators.


Fate and karma of “Peacemakers” by dates of birth in numerology.

These are creative people. They stand guard over the true laws - earthly and heavenly. For the sake of peace and justice, they can sacrifice themselves and therefore have the right to judge others. So that these people do not lose their strength and capabilities, they are always given an extremely courageous and powerful guardian angel, whom a peacemaker can ask for help. Creators-peacemakers seem to hear from space the Heavenly laws that they must implement on earth.

However, it is extremely important for these people to grasp the fine line between justice and violence, truth and error. If they cross the line of the Heavenly Treaty, they will become Violators - servants not of order, but of chaos (see the next group).

Treaty breakers

Fate and karma of “Treaty Breakers” according to dates of birth in numerology.

In a past life, these people betrayed others and violated all possible agreements. But in this life, don’t feed them bread, just let them gossip and slander, while they always sincerely believe that they have the right to judge and impose their decisions. They have a flexible and tenacious mind, the ability to instantly grasp the situation, but often they direct it to justify their bad actions.

But are they really all such terrible violators of oaths and contracts, small and even large traitors and provocateurs? Of course not! It’s just that life leaves such imprints on them. These people should avoid oaths, arguments, and imposing their opinions. As soon as they start judging others, they will immediately find themselves in legal proceedings.

However, if they use the gift of their tenacious, cunning mind, the ability to analyze events and discuss them (for example, they begin to help the offended as lawyers), they will be able to achieve great success in life, and in the future, move to the rank of Teachers - who else but them Those who have learned in their own practice the line between many truths and the only Truth can become Teachers who teach people.

White magicians

Fate and karma of the “White Mages” according to dates of birth in numerology.

The fate of representatives of this category of people is initially predetermined. They are born with their own program and special mission. If you are a White Mage, your goal is to fight Evil by restoring Good. You are an initiate, you have a higher path, you are on the border of Light and Darkness. God forbid you cross this border by taking the path of Evil. Then you simply have no future life. You will not go anywhere - you will be scattered like a soul that did not live up to Bright hopes.

Black magicians

Fate and karma of “Black Magicians” according to dates of birth in numerology.

Alas, in your past life you were not a White magician, you were born with the magical mark of Evil. However, if you have magical skill, you can still use it for the benefit of people. Humanity doesn’t always need “white and fluffy people”; someone has to do the dirty work. Remember: The Black Magician lives only once.

Only for cosmic black Evil you can get new life, but it is unlikely that White magicians will allow such rampant black passions. Usually the soul of the Black Magician is dissipated. However, if you begin to use your witchcraft not for selfish purposes, if you understand that the black hole does not reward you with unprecedented power, but, on the contrary, only takes it away from you, if you use your talent to make life cleaner, ridding it of murderers and rapists, you have a chance - you can become a White magician.

Remember, Evil is fruitless. It only promises to give, but in reality it takes everything last straw. Well, when he takes it, he destroys it. He needs your strength, which only a person can produce. He doesn't need the person himself. Evil will find another simpleton whom it will be able to seduce, promising a lot, but ultimately not fulfilling anything. For Evil cannot destroy Good: evil is only a small derivative of excessive good.


Fate and karma of “Teachers” by dates of birth in numerology.

These people should teach, instruct, advise, and show the way. They have the right to this from birth. However, if suddenly in their pride they decide that only they are right, then their Truth will turn into many false truths, and they will move into the category of False Prophets (see the next group).

False prophets

Fate and karma of “False Prophets” according to dates of birth in numerology.

In the past, these people were active spreaders of false teachings and false worldviews, they desired power and glory through the corruption of other people's souls. In this life, they also strive for fame and power, but wise fate puts many obstacles in their way. They are the ones who more often than others fall into the networks of various sects and false teachings that deceive and rob them. Sometimes these people get into leadership positions, but end their activities in the most fatal way.
These people are extremely hardy, fanatical, persistent. However, they need to abandon their destructive passions and stop fanatically proving that they are right. And if, having abandoned fanaticism and the desire to impose false teachings, they do not lose their strength and perseverance in achieving their goals, they may well move to a new level - People of the Highest Goal (see the beginning of the Heavenly List). You just need to find this goal correctly.

Attention! Dates of birth can carry the properties of two different groups - usually opposite.
If your birth dates fall into two groups at once (for example, People of True Freedom and Proud People), this means that your character includes properties of both groups at once. You were sent to earth specifically so that you could decide which of the groups on the Heavenly List to prefer. In your destiny, the path of choice is open and therefore metamorphoses are possible: you started life as a representative of a negative group (Prouders), but to mature age They realized that Good must win, and joined the People of true freedom. This is the right path and it will bring you true spiritual happiness. However, another path is also possible: from the positive group (People of true freedom) you moved into the category of the Proud, that is, you took the path of sin. This is your right, but you have to answer for it to the Higher Powers. They sent you here so that you would improve, clear your dark karma, but you did it your own way - and therefore the Higher Powers are no longer responsible for the fact that you only worsened your karma.

Attention! Dates of birth may not appear on any list. This is a rare case, but possible.
In this case, you are a blank slate. Perhaps you came to this earth for the first time and therefore are working on your karma for the first time. Try not to make it heavier, but, on the contrary, to make it light.