Hero of Alexandria,
gg. births and deaths unknown, probably 1st century.

Ancient Greek scientist who worked in Alexandria.
The author of works in which he systematically outlined the foundations of the achievements of the ancient world in the field of applied mechanics.

In Pneumatics Heron described various mechanisms, driven by heated or compressed air or steam: so-called. aeolipile, i.e. a ball rotating under the action of steam, an automatic door opener, a fire pump, various siphons, a water organ, a mechanical puppet theater, etc.

In Mechanics, Heron described 5 simple machines: lever, gate, wedge, screw and block.
Heron also knew the parallelogram of forces.
Using a gear train, Heron built a device for measuring the length of roads, based on the same principle as modern taximeters.

Heron's vending machine for selling "sacred" water was the prototype of our vending machines for dispensing liquids.
Heron's mechanisms and automata did not find any widespread use. practical application.
They were used mainly in the construction of mechanical toys.
The only exceptions are Heron's hydraulic machines, with the help of which ancient water drawers were improved.

The essay “On the Diopter” sets out the rules for land surveying, which are actually based on the use of rectangular coordinates.
Here is a description of the diopter - a device for measuring angles - the prototype of a modern theodolite.
Heron gave an account of the fundamentals of ancient artillery in his treatise “On the Making of Throwing Machines.”

Heron's mathematical works are an encyclopedia of ancient applied mathematics.

"Metrica" ​​provides rules and formulas for accurate and approximate calculation of various geometric shapes, For example:
Heron's formula for determining the area of ​​a triangle based on three sides, rules for numerical solution quadratic equations and approximate extraction of square and cube roots.
Basically, the presentation in Heron's mathematical works is dogmatic - the rules are often not derived, but only clarified through examples.

(1st century AD), an outstanding mathematician, surveyor, mechanic and engineer of the Hellenistic era. No biographical information has been preserved. It is known that he lived and worked in Alexandria, as most scientists assume, in the 1st century. AD He left behind works on mechanics, mathematics and geodesy (at this time, according to the classification of Gelinos of Rhodes (1st century BC), mathematics included arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, optics, geodesy, mechanics, musical harmony and practical calculations) ; invented a prototype steam engine and precision leveling instruments. From the works of Heron of Alexandria, “Mechanics” (in Arabic translation), “On lifting mechanisms”, as well as the above-mentioned “Metrics” and “Dioptra” are known. Three treatises of Heron are known in Greek: “Pneumatics”, “Book of War Machines”, “Theater of Automata”, “Catoptika” (the science of mirrors; preserved only in Latin translation) and etc.

The most popular were Heron's automata, such as an automated theater, fountains, etc. Heron described a "diopter" - a device for measuring angles - a prototype of a modern theodolite, based on the laws of statics and kinetics, he gave a description of a lever, block, screw, military machines. In optics he formulated the laws of light reflection, in mathematics - methods for measuring the most important geometric figures. Heron used the achievements of his predecessors: Euclid, Archimedes, Strato of Lampsacus. His style is simple and clear, although sometimes it is too laconic or unstructured. Interest in the works of Heron arose in the 3rd century. n. e. Greek, and then Byzantine and Arab students commented on and translated his works.

Heron's mathematical works are an encyclopedia of ancient applied mathematics. His works have not reached us in full. The best of his books, “Metrics,” gives a definition of a spherical segment, rules and formulas for accurate and approximate calculation of the areas of regular polygons, volumes of truncated cones and pyramids, and the so-called Heronian formula for determining the area of ​​a triangle on three sides, found in Archimedes; rules for the numerical solution of quadratic equations and the approximate extraction of square and cube roots are given. Metrics examines the simplest lifting devices - lever, block, wedge, inclined plane and screw, as well as some combinations of them. When studying “Simple Machines” (the term was introduced by him), he uses the concept of moment. He took into account the force of friction and recommended, when working with complex mechanisms, to slightly increase the forces applied to them. In “Pneumatics” he examined a number of ingenious hydropneumatic devices. In “The Theater of Automata” he described the temple and theater automata of his time. Heron has the ratio C2 » 17/12, where 17/12, as is known, is the fourth suitable fraction for C2. The content of Heron's mathematical works is dogmatic; the rules are most often not derived, but explained with examples. This brings Heron's works closer to the works of mathematicians Ancient Egypt and Babylon. In 1814, Heron’s essay “On the Diopter” was found, which sets out the rules for land surveying, which are actually based on the use of rectangular coordinates. Heron described the main achievements of the ancient world in the field of applied mechanics. He invented a number of instruments and machines, in particular a device for measuring the length of roads, which operated on the same principle as modern taximeters, a machine for selling “sacred water,” various water clocks, and more. The influence of Heron's work can be traced throughout Europe until the Renaissance.

The age of steam engines was short-lived. But it turns out that even the ancient Greeks knew how to “tame” steam and even use it in warfare. Our close ancestors spent a lot of time and effort on mastering "steam", and in Lately this topic even received a second wind.

People were able to put steam to the service of humanity only at the very end of the 17th century. But even at the beginning of our era, the ancient Greek mathematician and mechanic Heron of Alexandria clearly showed that one can and should be friends with steam. A clear confirmation of this was the Geronovsky aeolipile, in fact, the first steam turbine - a ball that rotated with the power of jets of water vapor.

Unfortunately, many amazing inventions of the ancient Greeks were firmly forgotten for many centuries. Only in the 17th century is there a description of something similar to steam engine.

For reference:

HERO OF ALEXANDRIAN (Heronus Alexandrinus)

Dates of birth and death are unknown, probably 1st - 2nd centuries.

Heron of Alexandria was a Greek scientist who worked in Alexandria.

The author of works that have survived to this day, in which he systematically outlined the main achievements of the ancient world in the field of applied mechanics. In his famous two-volume work “Pneumatics,” he described various mechanisms driven by heated or compressed air or steam: aeolipile, i.e., a ball rotating under the influence of steam, an automatic door opener, a fire pump, various siphons, a water organ, a mechanical puppet theater, etc. In "Mechanics" I examined in detail the simplest mechanisms: lever, gate, wedge, screw and block. Using a gear drive, he built a device for measuring the length of roads, based on the same principle as modern taximeters. He created a vending machine for selling “sacred” water, which was the prototype of our vending machines for dispensing liquids. Heron's mechanisms and automata did not find any widespread practical application and were used mainly in the construction of mechanical toys. The only exceptions are Heron's hydraulic machines, with the help of which ancient water drawers were improved.

In his essay “On the Diopter” he outlined the rules for land surveying, which were actually based on the use of rectangular coordinates. Here he also gave a description of the diopter - a device for measuring angles - the prototype of a modern theodolite. In the essay "Catoptrics" he substantiated the straightness of light rays with an infinitely high speed of propagation. Gave a proof of the law of reflection, based on the assumption that the path traversed by light must be the shortest of all possible ( special case Fermat's principle). Based on this principle, I considered various types of mirrors. In his treatise “On the Making of Throwing Machines” he outlined the basics of ancient artillery. Heron's mathematical works are an encyclopedia of ancient applied mathematics. The Metrics provides rules and formulas for the exact and approximate calculation of various geometric figures, for example Heron's formula to determine the area of ​​a triangle based on three sides, rules for numerically solving quadratic equations, and approximate extraction of square and cube roots.

Heron of Alexandria (10 - 75 AD) - ancient Greek mathematician and mechanic. He studied geometry, mechanics, hydrostatics, and optics. The author of works in which he systematically outlined the main achievements of the ancient world in the field of applied mechanics. In Mechanics, Heron described 5 simple machines: lever, gate, wedge, screw and block. Heron was also known for the parallelogram of forces. Using a gear train, Heron built a device for measuring the length of roads, based on the same principle as modern taximeters. Heron's vending machine for selling “sacred” water was the prototype of our vending machines for dispensing liquids. Heron's mechanisms and automata did not find any widespread practical application. They were used mainly in the construction of mechanical toys. The only exceptions are Heron's hydraulic machines, with the help of which ancient water drawers were improved. Heron gave an account of the fundamentals of ancient artillery in his treatise “On the Making of Throwing Machines.” Heron’s mathematical works are an encyclopedia of ancient applied mathematics. The Metrics provides rules and formulas for the exact and approximate calculation of various geometric figures, for example Heron's formula for determining the area of ​​a triangle on three sides, rules for the numerical solution of quadratic equations and the approximate extraction of square and cube roots. Basically, the presentation in Heron's mathematical works is dogmatic - the rules are often not derived, but only clarified through examples.

In 1814, Heron’s essay “On the Diopter” was found, which sets out the rules for land surveying, which are actually based on the use of rectangular coordinates. Here is a description of the diopter - a device for measuring angles - the prototype of a modern theodolite.

Heron pump

Rice. 1. Heron pump

The pump consisted of two communicating piston cylinders equipped with valves from which water was alternately displaced. The pump was driven by the muscular power of two people, who took turns pressing the arms of the lever. It is known that pumps of this type were subsequently used by the Romans to extinguish fires and were distinguished by high quality workmanship and amazingly precise fit of all parts. Until the discovery of electricity, pumps similar to them were often used both for extinguishing fires and in the navy for pumping water from holds in the event of an accident.

Heron's steam ball - aeolipile

Also, in his treatise “Pneumatics,” Heron described various siphons, cleverly designed vessels, and machines driven by compressed air or steam. Aeolipile (translated from Greek as “ball of the wind god Aeolus”) was a tightly sealed cauldron with two tubes on the lid. A rotating hollow ball was installed on the tubes, on the surface of which two L-shaped nozzles were installed. Water was poured into the boiler through the hole, the hole was closed with a stopper, and the boiler was placed over the fire. The water boiled, steam was formed, which flowed through the tubes into the ball and into the L-shaped pipes. With sufficient pressure, jets of steam escaping from the nozzles quickly rotated the ball. Built by modern scientists according to Heron's drawings, the aeolipile developed up to 3500 revolutions per minute!

When assembling the aeolipile, scientists encountered the problem of sealing in the hinge joints of the ball and steam supply tubes. With a large gap, the ball received a greater degree of freedom of rotation, but steam easily escaped through the gaps, and its pressure quickly dropped. If the gap was reduced, the loss of steam disappeared, but the ball also became more difficult to rotate due to increased friction. We do not know how Heron solved this problem. Perhaps his aeolipile did not rotate at such a high speed as the modern model.

Unfortunately, the aeolipile did not receive due recognition and was not in demand either in the era of antiquity or later, although it made a huge impression on everyone who saw it. This invention was treated only as a fun toy. In fact, Heron's aeolipile is the prototype of steam turbines, which appeared only two millennia later! Moreover, aeolipile can be considered one of the first jet engines. Before the discovery of the principle jet propulsion There was only one step left: having the experimental setup in front of us, it was necessary to formulate the principle itself. Humanity spent almost 2000 years on this step. It is difficult to imagine what human history would have looked like if the principle of jet propulsion had become widespread 2000 years ago. Perhaps humanity would have long ago explored the entire solar system and reached the stars.

Rice. 2. 1 - steam supply, 2 - steam-conducting tubes, 3 - ball, 4 - exhaust tubes

Steam boiler

Rice. 3. Steam boiler

The design was a large bronze container, with a coaxially installed cylinder, a brazier and pipes for supplying cold and removing hot water. The boiler was very economical and provided rapid heating of water.

As we see, Heron developed three very interesting inventions: aeolipile, piston pump and boiler. By combining them it was possible to get a steam engine. Such a task was probably within the power, if not of Heron himself, then of his followers.

He also described an automatic door opener, a fire pump, various siphons, a water organ, a mechanical puppet theater, etc.

Ἥρων ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς ) - Greek mathematician and mechanic. The time of life is attributed to the second half of the first century AD. e. based on what he gives as an example moon eclipse March 13, 62 AD e.

The details of his life are unknown. Heron is considered one of the greatest engineers in the history of mankind. He was the first to invent automatic doors, an automatic puppet theater, a vending machine, a rapid-fire self-loading crossbow, steam turbine, automatic decorations, a device for measuring the length of roads (an ancient odometer), etc. He was the first to create programmable devices (a shaft with pins with a rope wound around it).

Years of Heron's life

The years of Heron's life in the 20th century have become the subject of debate. According to ancient sources, he lived after Archimedes, but before Pappus, i.e. sometime between 200 BC and 300 AD Some historians of the 18th-19th centuries indicated more specific dates in this interval, for example, Baldi places Heron under 120 BC. , and the ESBE indicates the year of Heron’s birth - 155 BC. . In 1938, Otto Neugebauer suggested that Heron lived in the 1st century AD. This assumption was based on the fact that in his book “On the Diopter” a lunar eclipse was mentioned, which was noticed 10 days before spring equinox. His indication that it happened in Alexandria at 5 o'clock in the morning clearly indicates in the interval between 200 BC. e. and 300 AD for the lunar eclipse of March 13, 62 (Julian date). Recently, Neugebauer's dating has been criticized by Nathan Sidoli.

In film and television

  • cartoon "Heron" 1979 "Screen"
  • animated series "Once upon a time there were discoverers" episode 3. "Heron of Alexandria."
  • documentary film "Ancient discoveries: amazing machines. Heron of Alexandria"



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