In the section on the question Most an old oak how many years in the world? given by the author Intelligent the best answer is STEPHAN'S OAK IS ONE OF THE OLDEST IN EUROPE
The oak tree in the village of Kobylya (the old name is Kobylnya) in the Soldenesti district is the oldest in Moldova. It is believed to be approximately 700 years old. However, it is likely that this tree is 300 years older. After all, accurately determining the age of trees is, in general, a very complex matter, requiring high-quality equipment.
Stefan's Oak survived the deep Middle Ages, saw wars and revolutions. It is believed that the Moldavian ruler Stefan cel Mare himself rested under the tree. The tree was restored, rotten wood was removed from the interior and sealed with cement fillings. The village of Kobylya itself is approximately 500 years old, that is, the oak tree existed long before the first settlers appeared here and the fields were plowed! The oak is still green, as in ancient times, there is not a single dry branch on it. It is under state protection as a natural monument.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How old is the oldest oak tree in the world?

Answer from Sanya Kun[newbie]
King oak. Belarus age 850 years. The oldest oak in Europe.

Answer from ЈtaZi[guru]
English oak - up to 50 m tall and up to 1500 years

Answer from Mister[guru]
The Mamre oak, which is mentioned in the Bible, is several thousand years old. More than 4,000 years old. True, it almost dried up - one shoot remained alive.
The Mamre oak is an ancient tree (about 5,000 years old) two kilometers southeast of Mamre, where, according to the book of Genesis, Abraham lived. The Bible reports that “the Lord appeared to him by the oak grove of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day” (Gen. 18:1). The text does not mention an oak tree anywhere, it only says that Abraham invited the three angels who appeared to him in the form of travelers to “rest under this tree” (Gen. 18:4).

Answer from Ua[guru]
A little history
The ancient Roman scientist Pliny considered centuries-old oak trees to be one of the wonders of the world, equal in age to the Universe. In Ukraine, in the village of Verkhnyaya Khortitsa on the Dnieper, there grows an 800-year-old oak tree, under which, according to legend, the Zaporozhye Cossacks wrote their famous letter to the Turkish Sultan. And the oldest oak in the world is considered to be from the Lithuanian village of Stelmuzhi -<Стелмужский старик>, which is 2000 years old.
The oak is located in Lithuania in the Zarasai region, in the village of Stelmuzhe, near the Latvian border.

Dear readers of the site “I and the World”, hello! Have you ever looked at the most tall tree in the world? Moreover, standing under him. It seems that its crown rests on the clouds and props up the sky. In the article you will see in the photo and find out which trees are currently taller than others.

In 5th place is the Tsar Oak - 46 m

The height of the royal oak reaches the 15th floor of a high-rise building, and its girth is 2.14 m. The oak has been growing for 800 years in the Pozhezhinsky Park of Belarus. Now the oak has been awarded the title of Natural Monument.

One day, lightning struck its crown and the top burned to the ground. Good people decided to help, even with difficulty, but they cut down the burnt crown, and inserted and secured a lightning rod into the trunk so that such situations would not happen again.

We gave 4th place to Sequoia “General Sherman” - 83 m

This sequoia lives for 2700 years, and its trunk diameter has reached 7.7 m. This conifer tree much heavier in weight than the largest aquatic animal - blue whale, which weighs 190 tons. The weight of the wood General is about 2000 tons. Sequoia branches are arranged in an unusual way: they grow horizontally and slightly bend towards the ground. In ancient times, sequoias grew on almost all continents, but now they can only be found in Australia and California. Only a few groves have survived, and the largest are protected by law.

3rd place – Sequoia Hyperion – 115.6 m

Although the diameter of the Hyperion is smaller than that of the Sherman (only 4 m), but what a height! And the giant would have grown even higher if the crown had not been damaged by a woodpecker, hollowing out the wood, so the growth stopped. Its age does not exceed 900 years. The name Hyperion was given in honor of one of the ancient Greek titans, which means “very tall.” 43 floors up and you reach the crown.

In second place is Regal Eucalyptus – 150 m

In the mid-19th century, an Australian forest inspector came across a huge fallen giant, 150 meters long. And although this eucalyptus no longer grows, it can be considered the second tallest giant on earth. evergreen tree was almost 20 m in circumference, but history contains information about eucalyptus trees with a circumference of 25 m.

Currently, such giants no longer exist. They did not survive the Australian fires and burned out completely.

Sequoias grow not only on the Australian continent, but also in South America. Interesting fact: all sequoias got their name in honor of the Indian leader of the Sequah tribe, who fought against the conquerors.

1st place – Baobab – 189 m

Where is the tallest tree in the world located and growing? More recently, it was discovered in Africa, 189 meters high. Previously, it was customary to consider sequoias and eucalyptus trees to be the longest, but this baobab is considered taller than all. Its age reaches 5000 years. The thick tree has a diameter of about 9 meters and is perfectly adapted to life in a very hot climate. Its powerful and long roots go deep into the ground for kilometers.

Baobab is good at recovering from damage to the bark by people or fires. Even if the core burns out, the baobab tree stubbornly continues to live. The baobab also blooms during the rainy season and is covered with large flowers with delicate white petals.

We would like to especially note the longest plant - Rattan palm. It belongs to the liana family. So, if this fast-growing plant is delivered, for example, to Paris, then it will be higher than the Eiffel Tower (more than 300 meters).

In the article we showed which is the tallest tree in the world and what it is called. We tried to highlight Interesting Facts some giants. And if you liked everything, suggest reading the article to your friends and acquaintances. See you on the pages of our website!

Forests are one of the the most valuable wealth our endless Motherland. Forest occupies about 45% of the territory and accounts for about 24% of the entire planet's reserves. The most common forests in Russia are coniferous trees, such as larch, pine, spruce and cedar. But in the European part, deciduous and mixed ones are still more common.

It is known that many trees live several times longer than humans, but few people think that there are plants that took root long before the creation of the Egyptian pyramids and survived the rise and fall of more than one human civilization.

It is precisely established that on our planet there are about 50 trees whose age exceeds the 1000-year mark. In reality, there are much more such plants, since many of them are located in hard-to-reach areas, and it is not possible to carry out their examination.

The oldest tree on the planet is the bristlecone pine, which grows in California's Inyo National Forest. The tree is about 5000 years old. To protect him, information about his exact location is not disclosed.

One of the oldest trees in our country is the Grunwald oak, growing in the Kaliningrad region; the tree is more than 800 years old. Among the two dozen oldest trees in Russia, there is an oak in Chuvashia aged 480 years, a 400-year-old oak on the Don and a 700-year-old plane tree in Dagestan. In addition, in Yakutia, scientists discovered an entire area of ​​Cajander larches (Larix cajanderi), among which more than a dozen trees are aged from 750 to 885 years.

However, the latest methods of dating the age of trees suggest that the longest-lived of all trees on Earth are TISS s.

Yews are relics that reached their maximum development in the Tertiary period; now they are extremely rare and scattered. The genus yew belongs to the yew family and includes 8 species growing mainly in the Northern Hemisphere: Europe, Asia, North America.

In Russia, yew is represented by two types: berry yew (also known as common or European - Taxus baccata) - grows in the Caucasus, Kaliningrad region. both in the Crimea, and yew spiky - grows in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories.

In the Khosta area near Sochi on Black Sea coast Caucasus, there is a yew-boxwood grove in which 600-1000-year-old yew trees grow.

Abroad, the age of the oldest yew in Scotland in Fortingall is estimated at nine thousand years. In England, in the county of Kent, there grows a yew tree with a diameter of 490 cm. When the pyramids were built in Egypt, this yew was already a quite decent mature tree.

One of the oldest yew trees in Central Europe is considered to be a tree growing near the Czech city of Havlicuv Bord, its height is up to 25 meters, and its age is more than 2000 years.

Perhaps the tallest and oldest yew in the Caucasus currently growing is the Adjarian yew in Georgia. Its height is 32.5 meters, its trunk diameter is 2.5 meters, its age is about 4000 years.

It can be difficult to accurately determine the age of yew trees. After four hundred to five hundred years of life, the trunk becomes hollow, and it is impossible to calculate the life time from the annual rings. The main parameters in such cases, which make it possible to estimate the lifespan of trees, are their height and trunk diameter.

In the mountains of Crimea, yews usually do not rise above a thousand meters above sea level (the tree does not like frost). Prefers soils that are fresh, nutritious, rich in lime - dolomites, limestones, marls.

Knowing the barbaric nature of some bipeds, yews climb into deserted places and reluctantly allow erectus to approach them. These relics can be found in secluded places on the southern steep slopes of the Main Ridge under the canopy of beech and hornbeam forests.

The first time we discovered two relict trees was completely by accident, having lost our way in the mountains near Sevastopol.

Every time we returned to this place, a new, more ancient giant was revealed to us again and again. It was as if the trees were making sure that we did not want to harm them.

On the 5th or 6th time of our visit, a real ancient beauty was revealed to us. Height - 18-19 m, diameter - 104 cm (circumference - 3 m 25 cm), which means that The relic is about 2000 years old!

The tree is not hollow, healthy and strong. It seemed to us that this was the limit!

And imagine our surprise when the next time the patriarch of this grove revealed himself to us. Judging by its height - 24-25 meters and trunk diameter - 130 cm (circumference 4m 07cm) this tree is 2500-3000 (two and a half - three thousand) years old!

This is the oldest tree in Russia! Its age is 2500-3000 years


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Yew (Yew) - Tree of Resurrection, Tree of Eternity. From the book “Celtic Wisdom of Trees.” Jane Gifford ©.

Tiss guards the gate between this life and the future life, and also protects people from the evil spirits of the heavenly world. Since ancient times, the yew, as the sacred Tree of Immortality, has been associated with burial sites, where it protects and purifies the dead. In Brittany they believe that cemetery yews are connected by their roots to the mouth of each of the bodies resting around them. Ancient custom placing yew branches under the shroud of the deceased was considered a means of protecting the immortal soul of the deceased on the way to the Underworld. In ancient Greece and Rome, the yew was dedicated to Hecate, whose cult spread all the way to Scotland. The potion bubbling in the famous witches' cauldron from Shakespeare's Macbeth contains "collected during lunar eclipse» yew shoots. Hamlet's uncle, in order to kill the king, pours poisonous, “twice deadly yew” into his ear.

The Irish Ollavs revered the yew more than any other tree. The yew, like the tree of life and death, was called “The Glory of Banba.” The ancient Celts gave yew other names. The name "Enchantment of Knowledge" speaks for itself, and the name "Royal Ring" is said to refer to a brooch that symbolized the changing cycles of existence. The brooch was worn by the rulers of the Celts to constantly remind them of the inevitability of death and subsequent rebirth. The yew was a symbol of the changing of these cycles.

The Druids believed that yew was able to overcome the boundaries of time. In the rituals of the Druids, the yew personified a high degree of priesthood, called Ovate. To be initiated into Ovate, the aspirant had to go through a symbolic death in order to be reborn with new knowledge that has no boundaries and is beyond time. Thus, the yew became a means of direct communication with the ancestors and the kingdom of the spirit, where angels and intercessors live who can help each of us

The mystical aura surrounding the yew further strengthened faith in him. magical power. And the formation of prejudices was helped by the inherent fear of death in all people and the use of yew as a weapon and deadly poison.

In many legends, yew appears as a symbol of unhappy love, when lovers are united only by death (the legend of Tristan and Isolde).

As a tree whose lifespan not only exceeds that of other trees, but also spans much of human history, the yew serves as a symbol of supreme wisdom.

For christian church The yew became the tree of resurrection - a symbol of Jesus Christ rising from the tomb after the crucifixion.

Thiess talks about brevity human life and that most of our affairs are short-lived and eventually turn out to be untenable. And the last, general lesson of yew and the pinnacle of our spiritual path is the understanding that death is more significant than all other events of our existence.

Warning: All parts of yew are extremely poisonous!
Yew secretes a deadly poison that was coated on arrowheads, making the arrows doubly lethal. The poison is absorbed literally in minutes. In small doses, it slows the heartbeat, can cause collapse and cause gastroenteritis. Even in small doses, the poison can lead to sudden death. The poison is distributed evenly throughout the plant, and the older the needles, the more poisonous it is.

Wild yew berry is protected throughout the world. As an ancient relic and a unique natural monument, it deserves the most careful protection and breeding; the plant is listed in the Red Book of Russia, its damage is strictly prohibited.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov called oaks “the sentries of the century.” The image of a mighty oak evokes ideas of strength, power and longevity. Patriarchal oaks have survived to this day; their age is estimated not even in hundreds, but in thousands of years!

In 2009, scientists discovered the oldest tree on earth in North America. It turned out to be Palmer oak (Quercus palmeri), whose age was estimated at 13000 years. This is a shrubby type of oak. Scientists made a conclusion about its age after they discovered that all the trees in the discovered population appeared as a result of asexual reproduction, that is, in fact, they can be considered one plant.

The oldest oak on Earth

Not far from the oldest city of Palestine - Hebron - there is a sacred tree of Christians - Mamre oak(it is also called Palestine Oak, Oak of Abraham). According to the Bible, near him Abraham received God's revelation of the Holy Trinity. This oak tree is believed to be about 5000 years! It is known from the legends of Christians, Jews and Muslims, which speak of the oak grove of Mamre. Actually, the Mamvrian oak is all that remains of this oak forest.

According to Orthodox tradition, as long as the Palestine oak tree is alive, there will be no end of the world. Alas, the oak has already dried up! This happened... in 1997 (in last time a green leaf on it was seen in 1996). The demise of the oak was brought closer by pilgrims who mercilessly stripped its bark and branches as a keepsake, as a talisman. But in 1998, a young shoot appeared near the trunk of the withered patriarch! Now its height is already 20 cm.

Russian forester F. Medvedev reported in 1899 that in the Ardennes (France) in 1824, woodcutters cut down giant oak and in a huge hollow they found fragments of sacrificial vessels and coins of Samkit coinage. The French botanist Decandolle, after a series of measurements and calculations, determined that oak 2400 years. Archaeologists have confirmed that the objects found in the oak tree date back to the time of the barbarian invasion.

Until recently, in another French city, Sainte, one of the oldest oak trees in Europe grew. Its crown rose to a height of 20 meters, and the circumference of the trunk reached 9 meters. According to legend, Caesar’s soldiers rested in its shadow after a difficult campaign. It is believed that the age of the oak reached 1800-2000 years.

The oldest oak tree in Europe grows in eastern Lithuania, near the village of Stelmuzh. That's what they call him - "Stelmuzhsky old man". Dendrologists have determined that he is about 2000 years. The diameter of its trunk is 2.7 meters, and the crown reaches a height of 25 meters. “Stelmuzhsky Oak” was taken under state protection back in 1960. There was a huge hollow in its trunk, where several people could fit. It threatened to kill the tree. The hollow was thoroughly cleaned of debris (several dump truck trips were required to remove it), then it was disinfected and all the holes were “darned” with copper sheets.

In Armenia, on the slope of Mount Dur-Sar near the village of Nizhny Agdan, in 1974 an oak tree, which was more than 1520 years. The circumference of its trunk at the base was 10 meters. According to legend, it was planted by the famous Armenian commander Vardan Mamikotyan after his victory over the Persian troops in 451 or 449 AD.

In the city of Ladushkino, Kaliningrad region, there lives a witness to the great battle of the Teutonic Order crusaders with Polish and Russian-Lithuanian troops in 1410 - "Grunwald Oak". To him more than 800 years.

On the Dnieper island Khortytsia grows - the patriarch of the oaks of Ukraine, the National tree of Ukraine. According to legend, under this oak tree the Cossacks wrote a letter to the Turkish Sultan in 1676, and in 1648 Bogdan Khmelnytsky rested under it, calling on his Cossacks to be as strong and mighty as the oak. The height of the tree is 36 meters, the girth of the trunk is 6.32 meters, and the diameter of the crown is 43 meters (previously it reached 64 meters)! In 1953, they decided to determine the age of this giant. With difficulty, they sawed off one of the branches, cut off a ring from it, polished it and counted the growth rings - there were 675 of them. However, forestry experts claim that until 25 years old, an oak tree grows very slowly and does not form growth rings. In this case, this symbol of the Zaporozhye Sich is already about 750 years.

This was the “Zaporozhye Oak” in 1987.

And this is what he looks like now

However, the “Zaporozhye Oak” is a young man compared to the oldest oak tree in Ukraine, growing near the village of Stuzhytsia in Transcarpathia. To him about 1300 years old.

In Russia, the oldest oak tree is considered to be a tree that grows in the Lipetsk region in the park of the village of Kon-Kolodez (Khlevensky district). Specialists from the Voronezh Forestry Academy found that he was about 430 years.

List of the world's oldest oak trees

Raleigh, North Carolina is known as the City of Oaks.

The Jurupa Oak tree or Palmer oak in Riverside County, California is considered the oldest tree in the world at 13,000 years old.
Large groups of very old oaks are rare. One of the oldest groups of oaks, found in Poland, the group is about 480 years old.

  • The Tamme-Lauri oak is the oldest tree in Estonia.
  • Liberation - National geographical society this oak is considered one of the 10 Great Trees of the World.
  • The Ivenack Oak, Europe's largest tree, is located in Mecklenburg (Vorpommern, Germany), and is approximately 800 years old.
  • Bowthorpe Oak, located in Bourne (Lincolnshire, England), 1000 years old.
  • Minchenden (or Chandos) Oak, at Southgate, in London - the largest oak tree in England, 800 years old.
  • Seven Sisters is the largest oak tree, with a trunk measuring 11.6 meters, located in Mandeville, Louisiana, and is up to 1,500 years old.
  • Friendship Oak, a 500-year-old oak tree in Long Beach, Mississippi.
  • Major Oak, 800-1000 year old tree - found in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire. According to folklore, it was used by Robin Hood for shelter.

Crouch Oak - 11th century - located in Addlestone, Surrey. An oak tree is used to mark a boundary in Windsor Great Park. Legend has it that Queen Elizabeth I stopped by to have a picnic.

Angel Oak - On John's Island near Charleston, South Carolina. The Angel Oak is estimated to be over 1,400 years old, 20.3 meters tall, and 8.5 meters in circumference.

Kaiser Oak, located in the village of Gommecourt in Artois, France.

Oak as a National Symbol

The oak, a symbol of strength and endurance, is chosen as the national tree in many countries. This is an ancient Germanic symbol.

In November 2004, the United States Congress passed legislation designating the oak as America's national tree.
Other countries also consider the oak as their national tree, including Serbia, Cyprus, England, France, Germany, Moldova, Romania, Jordan, Wales, Galicia and Bulgaria.

The name of the Irish county comes from the city of Derry, which was originally known in Irish as the city of Doire, meaning oak tree. The Irish county of Kildare takes its name from the town of Kildare, which was originally Cill Daragh in Irish, meaning Church of the Oak.

Iowa designated the oak as its official state tree in 1961; and White Oak, a tree of Connecticut, Illinois and Maryland. The Northern Red Oak is a native tree of New Jersey and Georgia, United States.

  • Oak national symbol Basque Country, Biscay Province.
  • The coat of arms of West-Agder has the oak tree as its national symbol.
    IN Greek mythology, oak is the sacred tree of Zeus, the king of the gods.
  • At the oracle of Dodon, Epirus, the sacred oak was the central site of the ritual, and the priests divined the statements of God by interpreting the rustling of the oak leaves.
  • In Baltic mythology, the oak is the sacred tree of the Latvian Pērkons, Lithuanian Perkūnas and Prussian Perkūns. Pērkons is the god of thunder and one of the most important deities in the Baltic pantheon.
  • In the Celtic religion of polytheism, the name of the oak was part of the proto-Celtic word for 'druid': derwo-weyd / druwid; synonym for "strong". However, Ranko Matasovic interprets the word druwid as "firm knowledge".

As in other Indo-European beliefs, Taranus, being the God of Thunder, was associated with the oak tree. The Indo-Europeans worshiped oak and this was associated with the god of thunder or lightning; "Tree" and Drus can also be related to "Druid". For the priests of the Celtic culture, the oak was a sacred tree. There have even been studies that have shown that an oak tree is more likely to be struck by lightning than any other tree of the same height.

According to legend, the Christianization of pagan tribes was accompanied by the symbol of the oak being replaced by the fir (whose triangular shape symbolizes the Trinity) as the “sacred” tree.
, the oak was the most important tree of the god Perun.