As a rule, setting up a chicken coop yourself involves the use of fairly cheap but high-quality materials. The area of ​​such a room for keeping hens should be sufficient to ensure a comfortable stay. It is very important to correctly determine the size of the chicken coop. Such a room must be suitable for normal movement, so for two or three chickens there is one square meter of space, but the minimum area is 3 m2.

Proper arrangement of a chicken coop requires the presence of a walking enclosure, which is fenced with a net. To keep ten laying hens, you will need to build a building measuring 200x200 cm with a walking enclosure of 200x700 cm. The entrance and walking area are located on the south side, which is well protected from gusts of wind and drafts. Required condition The organization of the walk is a canopy over it, which will protect the poultry from the sun and precipitation.

The construction site must be sufficiently dry, without waterlogging and moisture accumulation. It is important to install a drainage system around the building to remove rainwater. It is recommended to create an artificial hill under the foundation using broken bricks, gravel or crushed stone. It is advisable to pour a clay base and a sand cushion 150 mm high on top.

How to make a cage for laying hens (video)

Pros and cons of cage farming of laying hens

Today, cage keeping of poultry is actively practiced in Russia. Moreover, such rules for raising laying hens apply not only to industrial farms, but also to home poultry farming.

The advantages of a cage system for keeping laying hens in backyard poultry farming are:

  • the presence of complete mechanization of the main processes of raising poultry, including feeding, watering, removing droppings and collecting eggs;
  • the ability to most productively use small poultry houses and the location of large livestock in a limited space;
  • a noticeable reduction in costs not only for maintenance, but also for energy supply;
  • the ability to create optimal, most comfortable conditions for chickens, including the use of artificial lighting and ventilation, as well as effective heating;
  • the ability to minimize the number of personnel involved in servicing poultry;
  • the ability to control feed consumption;
  • the ability to monitor the condition of laying hens and provide veterinary services.

Despite the high efficiency indicators of the cage system, this option for keeping poultry also has certain, sometimes very noticeable, disadvantages, which mandatory should be taken into account by the poultry farmer when arranging the poultry house:

  • increased costs associated with the acquisition of capital equipment and maintaining it in working condition;
  • increased costs for electricity, which is spent on maintaining the uninterrupted functioning of all mechanized processes;
  • the need to use fairly expensive feed to ensure the most complete nutrition for productive poultry;
  • the need to ensure and control the presence of an optimal, comfortable microclimate in the poultry house.

Among other things, as the practice of cellular maintenance shows, With such a system, veterinary costs inevitably increase, associated with the prevention of avian infections and preventing the development of hypovitaminosis. This feature is due to the lack of sunlight and the relative crowding of poultry, which provokes a weakening of natural immunity and requires the use of not only high-quality and fully balanced feed, but also the addition of special additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

Self-production of cages for laying hens with a double bottom

Proper production of cells requires compliance with certain simple rules:

  • standard, most convenient sizes are selected based on the size of the room allocated for the arrangement of a poultry house with a cage system for keeping poultry;
  • in the cages there should be a nipple drinking system, represented by high-quality polyethylene pipes with nipples and drip eliminators;
  • a feed distribution line is fixed outside, represented by a special chute made of high-quality materials;
  • tape or trays should be installed under each tier to remove bird droppings;
  • the cages should be arranged with a slight slope, which will allow the laid eggs to roll out onto a special chute of the egg collector.

How to build a chicken coop with your own hands (video)

Also, when independently producing cages equipped with a double bottom, The following parameters must be taken into account:

  • The standard stocking density is no more than 5-9 heads per square meter of cage floor area. Indicators vary depending on the breed characteristics and size of the bird;
  • the feeding front indicators are approximately 80-100 mm per adult productive layer;
  • The watering front indicators should be one nipple per five heads. When using a drinking chute, these figures are about 20-30 mm for each head.

As practice shows, cages with a double bottom are easy to use and easy to make yourself.

How to make nests for chickens with your own hands

Making your own chicken nests is not difficult, but It is imperative to choose the optimal design in all respects, the most convenient design:

  • box design, which is a kind of “house” that resembles a standard box with a convenient opening. The so-called box nests can differ in the number of cells, but the main advantage is ease of use and the ability to quickly train the bird to fly in the right place;
  • homemade designs, for the manufacture of which almost any available materials are used, including cardboard boxes, wicker baskets and wooden boxes. Such nests are most often used by novice or inexperienced poultry farmers, and the main disadvantage of operation is represented by the irrational use of poultry house space and the fragility of the structure;
  • nesting structures, equipped with special egg collectors. This option is considered to be the most rational, but requires correct implementation in accordance with the drawings. A special feature is the presence of a special tray in the device socket. To laid egg rolled into such a tray, it is necessary to arrange an inclined floor in the nest or make a funnel-shaped, small hole.

Regardless of the type of structure, it is necessary to adhere to the standard dimensions of the nest:

  • construction depth – 300-400 mm;
  • structure height – 300 mm;
  • construction width – 300 mm;
  • the height of the nest above the floor is 300 mm;
  • The location of the take-off platform is 100 mm from the entrance.

For self-production, it is best to use sheet plywood, which must be treated with sandpaper, which allows you to eliminate all roughness and burrs.

Making a simple chicken coop with your own hands

To build a chicken coop yourself, you will need not only to purchase all the necessary building materials, but also carry out construction in accordance with the basic norms and rules:

  • arrangement of a support-column foundation based on blocks. At this stage of construction, you need to mark according to the specified dimensions of the chicken coop, after which it is removed upper layer soil, and holes are dug for supports measuring 400x400 mm with a distance of one and a half meters from each other. A crushed stone-sand cushion is poured into the pits, which is carefully compacted, after which a concrete base is poured, and block supports with bitumen waterproofing are installed;
  • erection of timber structure. The standard height of the walls should be 1.9 m. The walls are erected after the supporting pillars are covered with waterproofing material in the form of roofing felt. Correct and reliable fastening of the installed beams is carried out with wooden dowels. A door and window opening is installed on the south side;
  • flooring At the initial stage, windproof insulation is laid, fixed with 25x100 mm boards. High-quality slab insulation is laid between the joists, after which 50x150 mm boards are sewn perpendicular to the joists, and waterproof sheet plywood is laid;
  • at the final stage it is carried out roof arrangement. It is preferable to make a gable structure. In this case, horizontal logs will be represented by ceiling beams, and the rafters will be installed at a standard angle of 35-50 degrees. Then the sheathing is filled and waterproofing and insulation are laid. The roofing material can be anything. The ceiling surface is insulated and sheathed with sheet plywood.

How to keep chickens in cages (video)

Very important properly arrange the air exchange system in the form of supply and exhaust ventilation from plastic pipes diameter 14 cm.

To obtain the highest possible egg production from chickens, a number of requirements must be met, including proper feed and sufficient daylight. But no less important is to provide poultry with comfortable living conditions, which can be represented by either a traditional chicken coop or a high-quality cage system.

Does not amount to special problems for those who have a large plot of land. But what should those who do not have such capabilities do? Cages would be a good alternative for keeping.

As already mentioned, cage keeping of chickens is perfect for those who decide to raise poultry, but do not have additional space for this. It is known that on one square meter can fit from two to five chickens. And at the same time they will feel very comfortable. But it’s worth remembering that it’s not worth it.

The first signs of lack of space are conflicts between chickens. Thus, stronger individuals will peck the weaker ones and thus expand their comfortable space. Also, her egg production depends on whether the hen likes her apartments.. If it has decreased or disappeared altogether, then perhaps you should think about expanding your living space.


  1. Contents and .
  2. Easy to clean up litter. This is achieved by installing litter shields under the mesh. Their design is very simple, and the benefits are invaluable.
  3. Ease of bird care. Keeping birds in cages that are kept indoors prevents them from coming into contact with other birds. Because of this, the risk of infection is reduced.
  4. Always pure water . Nipple drinkers are often installed in cages. They prevent water pollution from external factors.
  5. Ease of feeding. Feeders are placed outside so the chicken cannot scoop up food with their feet. Accordingly, the food always remains clean.


  1. You will have to buy a chicken cage or make it yourself. But in any case, you need to spend money on materials. Although such a drawback is insignificant because you do it once and use it for a very long time.
  2. Full and balanced diet . the cages must contain everything the bird needs nutrients. If you have a large area and a paddock for walking, you should not adhere to a strict diet. Indeed, in this case, the bird itself can always find what it needs.
  3. The microclimate of the room must be appropriate. Since chickens in such conditions are unable to move wherever they want, there must be comfortable conditions in the room where the cages are kept. Namely, humidity within 60-70% and good ventilation.
  4. Additional room lighting. Since chickens are kept locked up all their lives and are not allowed outside, a simple light bulb will replace the sun for them. The duration of indoor lighting should be 13 hours for young animals in the fifth month. Then, every two weeks it is increased by 30 minutes until they reach 17 hours a day.


In order to make chicken cages with your own hands, you need to purchase wire, mesh, wooden blocks and nails. Then you should find a detailed manual with design drawings on the Internet, a book or some magazine. But you can look at a poultry farm and ask them to inspect the cage structure. Perhaps you will be lucky and the poultry farmer will offer to buy a ready-made one from him for a reasonable price.

Well, if not, then you will have to do everything yourself. It must be remembered that the chicken will feel quite comfortable in the cage. Therefore, it makes no sense to install additional perches and nests. Also, to save you time, below are some examples of DIY cages.

Option for laying hens

Materials and tools

  • Mesh with a cell no more than 15x15 mm. You can do it yourself. To do this you will need a wire 2-3 mm thick. Making the mesh yourself will save money, but will take more time.
  • Unequal corner with shelves 30x20 mm.
  • You will also need a welding machine. But, if you use a ready-made mesh, you can do without it.
  • Plywood, slate or QSB board are suitable for making a roof.
  • Since the frame is planned to be made of wood, you will need boards or wooden blocks.
  • You also need to stock up on nails and take a hammer.
  • And several long awnings.

Cage for keeping laying hens: 1-drinker; 2-rods of the front wall; 3-feeder; 4-tray for collecting eggs; 5-tray for litter.

Manufacturing process

  1. We build a wooden frame based on the planned number of chickens.
  2. Then we make a mesh using a welding machine.
  3. Upon completion or in case of purchasing a finished mesh, we nail it to the wooden frame.
  4. We knock down the plank floor. Calculation for 2 individuals is 1 m wide and 1 m long, and for one – 45x45 cm.
  5. We make a roof from previously selected materials.
  6. We fasten the walls to the floor and roof using the same wire.
  7. Next, we make a door from corners and mesh or boards, which will be the entrance to the cage, and attach it to the frame using canopies. Decide for yourself which side to mount it on, but it’s better to do it from the top.
  8. We make a small wooden bolt or metal hook that will close the door.
  9. All that remains is to install drinking bowls and feeders.
  10. When finished, you can make a litter shield from tin. This will make cleaning easier.

Option for broilers

The conditions are different from those needed by laying hens. If the latter need privacy, little lighting and warmth, then the former only need a bright space. Thus, per 1 sq. m. can be posted more birds. But at the same time, the cell should be more illuminated and stronger.

a) Maintenance of broilers: 1-door; 2-shelf for feeder; 3-feeder; 4-feeder in cross section; 5-tray for collecting litter; 6-mesh floor; b) Maintenance of laying hens: 1-cross section of the feeder; 2-tray for collecting eggs; 3-mesh floor; 4-tray for litter

Manufacturing is not much different from the above. The main differences are the use of thicker boards or bars to make the frame. Then you need to additionally secure the net, because the area is more populated and the bird itself is larger. Next, any waterproof material is suitable for the roof. Also, if the broilers are already large, then you can use a cheaper mesh with large cells.

Another alternative option

This option is well suited for owners who have small area. Thus, the cage will be placed in this area. It can be made in the form of a small house with an attached frame covered with mesh. Such a frame will serve as a pen for the birds to walk during the day.

There are many advantages to such a cell. The main thing is the presence of a paddock for walking. Then it is not necessary to adhere to a strict diet, because the chicken itself walks and looks for what it needs. There is also no need for additional lighting in the summer. And if you skillfully approach the design of the house, it will also become a wonderful decoration for your yard.

There are many designs of such houses. The most common ones have already been listed on our website earlier. Therefore, it makes no sense to delve into the process of its manufacture in detail once again.


In addition, the number of maintenance personnel is also significantly reduced, which also helps reduce costs.

However, along with a fairly extensive list of advantages, this type of content also has some disadvantages. In this regard, the following factors should be highlighted:

Therefore, when using such a system, you should still have an area for birds to walk. Otherwise, the quality of the original product, as well as the life activity of the hen itself, will not be at the highest level.


In general, the layout of a DIY laying hen cage is fairly standardized, but there are slight differences in some components. Thus, The following cell types are considered:

  1. on the litter;
  2. with a sloping floor.

Requirements for cages for laying hens

A good cage is one that meets all the requirements and allows the bird itself to develop properly, which, in fact, determines the productivity and quality of the product. The mesh must be galvanized, but it is better if it is environmentally friendly plastic.

Regarding these structures, the following requirements should be highlighted:


The size of the mesh should be small - such that the bird can only stick its head through. The norm for one head is 10 cm2 for a chick, 30 cm2 for young birds, 60 cm2 for an adult laying hen.


Besides, General requirements for the premises in which blocks with cages will be located should also be highlighted:

IMPORTANT! In this case, you should not save on arrangement, since non-compliance with the recommendations can lead to disastrous results - disease and pestilence of birds.


It should be noted right away that it is better to take materials with a small reserve, since some unforeseen situations may arise during direct installation.

To install the cage you will need the following materials:

  • metal or plastic mesh;
  • metal corners;
  • boards and wooden beams;
  • plywood;
  • sheet of tin or special plastic tray;
  • hardware for fastening the mesh - galvanized wood screws, screws with a wide head for fastening the mesh.

In addition, you will additionally need to purchase components for drinking and feeding.

How to do it yourself?

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of the block, you should decide on its number of storeys and structural type, as well as its dimensions. The calculation should be based on the number of birds in relation to the standards described above.


  • roulette;
  • jigsaw or wood saw;
  • grinder for sawing sheet metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil or marker for marking;
  • sander

The cage frame is most often made from wooden blocks, as it is the easiest to work with and is relatively inexpensive. In some cases, a profile for fastening drywall or metal corners may be used. However, in this case the structure itself will be more massive, and a welding machine will be needed.

Assembly according to drawings and dimensions

Do-it-yourself cage for laying hens, photos, drawings.

Further operations to assemble the cell block proceed approximately as follows(let’s take as a basis a cage of three floors with two sections of the following dimensions - 1407 by 1660 by 700 mm):


The cell assembly process itself is now complete. Now you need to make a tray-pallet, the size of which must correspond to the length and width of the cell block (that is, 1407 by 700 mm). For this should use a tin sheet, it is better to bend the edge of the tray inward in the form of a handle.

This will help prevent feed from spilling out of the chute. Actually, at this point the cell block itself is ready. Before moving birds there, be sure to carefully double-check all attachment points for sharp corners, chips, and untreated wood.

Feeders and drinkers

The feeder can be made from planed boards or polypropylene pipes of sufficient diameter. In the case of using a wooden base, the work algorithm is as follows:

  1. three boards of the same length (1407 mm) should be pre-treated with a sanding machine and an antiseptic;
  2. three finished parts should be fastened together with galvanized screws with a fastening pitch of 3-4 cm (about 50 pieces of hardware). Plugs are installed at the ends.

When using a pipe, it is enough to cut it in half lengthwise and install special pipe plugs along the edges. The feeder is mounted above the egg tray at a height of 10-15 centimeters. It can be secured using galvanized wire or special fasteners in the places of the frame bars.

As for the drinking bowl, then It is best to use a nipple design, since in this case the birds will always have clean water. Drinkers should be placed inside the cage, mounted on a grid using wire or a galvanized clamp.


In order for laying hens to feel comfortable, you need to properly care for their habitat. Here are some general recommendations:

  • carry out cleaning in a timely manner. It should be noted that in winter time such procedures need to be carried out more often;
  • drinkers and feeders must be systematically washed and treated with a special antiseptic to prevent infectious diseases in birds.

In addition, you need to monitor the microclimate in the room, correctly distribute the birds according to their behavior and monitor good nutrition chickens