SIGN: 30° Aquarius


CHARACTER. They are distinguished by perseverance and determination, and feel the need to constantly study the world around them. Following the instinct of an explorer, they manage to discover the secrets of distant worlds, in fact, the main challenge they accept is an attempt to achieve difficult goals. In childhood, they are hypersensitive and very insecure, but with age they gain the confidence necessary to withstand the daily stresses to which life exposes them. They are realistic and confident on their feet. People around you believe that you can rely on them.
LOVE. They are impulsive and spontaneous, so once they feel that they need to choose a certain path, nothing can stop them. Their partner must be truly willing to follow them everywhere, and if he does do so, he will be rewarded with strong love.
CAREER: Those born on February 19 are attracted to success, and although they are more effective if they work for themselves, they also function well in a team; are able to discern all participants and identify their strengths. They tend to separate work and personal life, erecting a high barrier between the first and the second. Very in demand in the social sphere.


Name of the figure: Sun, Light.
Image of the figure: two almost naked children smiling, looking at the brightly shining sun. Usually a boy and a girl are depicted.
Symbol: Those who enjoy the sunshine will be happy.
Meanings: prosperity, happiness, tranquility, marriage, fulfillment, sincerity.
Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Sun in Leo; HEALTH: diseases related to the eyes or heart;
PROFESSIONS: chemist, physicist, astronaut, electrical engineer, counterfeiter.


SUN (1+9=10=1+0=1): source of light and life and the basis of personality.
Symbol of warmth, courage, generosity, vitality, passion, energy, pride, dignity, majesty, creative energy. Represents confidence and power, as well as ambition and vanity.


NUMBER 1: symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also self-centeredness and superiority. Symbol of success and fame.
NUMBER 9: distinguishes innovators, revolutionaries, and various changes.
HEALTH. Migraine, colitis.
PROFESSIONS. Manager, researcher, athlete.
ADVANTAGES. Combat, courage, great abilities in various areas.
FLAWS. Sensitivity, openness, impulsiveness.

Many people are interested in the question: are Pisces or Aquarius born on February 19? This article will prove that people born on February 19 took from each sign best qualities. From Aquarius - a practical mind and composure, from Pisces - intuition, sensitivity, magical abilities, broad view of the world, ability for systems thinking. The multidirectional energy of these people can confuse even themselves. They periodically do everything in a row, or they can simply give up and give up. It depends on how much they have strong will and character.

Such people always have a strong imagination, they have a special flair and are endowed with an extraordinary gift. Usually in astrology, such individuals are considered border guards, that is, they simultaneously have two zodiac signs. People born on this day are susceptible to various accidents; they can often injure themselves due to carelessness, lack of proper attention, or their own stupidity.

Health and finance

Such people do not know the limits in anything. When playing sports, they can break their back; if they receive a large amount of money, they can simply go and spend all their savings. They need control. Don't collapse from exhaustion on the treadmill and buy a fifth red dress, of which you have plenty in your closet. Such people need the right and balanced diet, as they often suffer from obesity. It is important for them to monitor their finances. Another person can do this too. Take with you the amount of money you plan to spend, no more. Make lists of what you want to buy and carry them with you. This will save you from unnecessary spending.


Energetic people who were born on this day must define for themselves certain goals towards which they will gradually move. It could be a career. These individuals quickly become adults and realize how complex and simple life is at the same time.

From Pisces they took the following qualities:

  • persistence in work;
  • tendency to finish what is started;
  • presence of intuition.

They also behave differently at work and at home. At home they are affectionate and kind. And at work they are strict and practical, they like to live in grand style. However, they should devote more time to work, but they are often just lazy.

Experience and intelligence

You can safely trust people who were born on this day in any area. It should be taken into account that their behavior is influenced by several signs at once. This issue is quite controversial, but it is important to remember that such people rely not only on common sense, but also on their own intuition, for this reason they make good advisers who will not only help in difficult situation, but will also give some recommendations. Their intuition rarely fails them. They are capable of abstract thinking, are excellent at using logical arguments. Aquarians are characterized by astrologers as freedom-loving; it is difficult to limit them in anything. They can speak sharply on any issue.

They differ:

  • sincerity;
  • determination;
  • calmness in any situation.

If you communicate with such a person, take into account the fact that they like people with developed intelligence; they will like an erudite and knowledgeable person who has experience. And their chosen one must certainly have such qualities in order to gain confidence in such a person. In their relationships, they rarely express feelings in the usual way. However, they can do good deeds and show emotions not only with flowers and gifts, but simply with care. A partner can safely rely on such a person in any area, since he takes responsibility and common sense, sometimes listening to intuition. Such people quickly navigate critical and emergency situations thanks to his composure.


These people are very sociable in the company of friends, but can behave rather reservedly with others. They are difficult to anger because they can control their emotions. They are also difficult to provoke. People born on February 19 may have completely different personalities. Examples include Shakira and Virginia Woolf. The latter is very withdrawn and quite depressed, while the former is full of enthusiasm and has a great mood.

Such people prefer to have their head in the clouds and are not practical. They can succeed if they are surrounded by active colleagues, friends, loving relatives and family who will always support and guide them. Such people do not always have tact in communication; sometimes they can be quite rude and unprincipled, but this is very rare. Among them there are mainly active and well-mannered people who achieve everything not only with work, but also with incredible intelligence. They have a developed imagination and sense of taste, they are gourmets and aesthetes who love to eat deliciously and dress in the latest fashion.

Look great video about the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces. You will definitely like it!

Persons born on February 1, 10, 19 and 28 are influenced by the number 1. If you were born on one of these dates, especially the 1st or 10th, you are under the influence of the Sun, Uranus and Saturn in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, House of Saturn (negative), third House of the trine of Air. However, the influence of Saturn will be less fatal for you than for persons born on the corresponding days of January, when Saturn rules positive. If you were born on February 19 or 28, you are in the transition period to the sign of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter.

The main traits and characteristics of your character will be the same as those described in the general characteristics of people born in February, but if you are a person of the number “1” of February, then it will be easier for you to implement your plans and satisfy your ambitions.

Yours early years will full of life and activity. However, unexpected changes will occur in your family, and everything that was planned for you will not come true. So you will have to start your own life, entering the adult world at an early age.

You will be full of diverse interests, original ideas. You will have big plans, a strong will, determination and a tendency to try many paths to achieve success.

You will be outraged by the betrayals of friends and the behind-the-scenes actions of envious people. In the first half of your life, no matter what you do, your career will take many different turns.

You will not be called “lucky” in relationships with other people. You should be extremely careful in all dealings with partners or colleagues. And in general, it is better for you to hatch all your plans alone, since you can easily be slandered and deceived.

You will always strive for greater things and try to get in touch with those whose position is higher than yours.

Yours most important numbers- "1" representing the Sun, and "4" representing Uranus, and giving their combinations.

You should try to complete all your important tasks on the dates that make up these numbers, i.e. 1st, 4th, 10th, 13th, 19th, 28th and 31st.

To enhance your magnetic influence, you must have in your clothes colors The Sun and Uranus, namely: the Sun - all shades from gold and yellow to brown; Uranus - all shades of blue and gray.

Most important years of your life: 10, 19, 22, 28, 31, 37, 40, 46, 49, 55, 64, 67 and 73rd.

If you were born on February 19 or 28, you are in the transition period to the sign of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. It's more favorable days February than the 1st or 10th.

Since February 19 is the beginning of the entry of the sign of Pisces, the most important numbers for persons born on this day, as well as on February 28, are the numbers of the Sun, Uranus (“1”, “4”) and the number of Jupiter - “3”.

Those born on these numbers find themselves at the beginning of Jupiter’s (negative) control and thus under its favorable influence, which was absent from previous persons with the number “1” of February. Therefore, it will be easier for them to realize their ambitious plans, and generally do any work. For them, there are fewer circumstances preventing the achievement of the goal than for persons born on January 1, 10, 19, 28 and before February 19. They can be less afraid of the fatalistic influence of the number “8” when meeting it.

Your most important numbers“1”, “4”, “3” and their generators, that is, 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31, and if you were born on the 19th or 28th, then - 3, 12, 21 , thirty.

If you were born on one of the above dates, your lucky stones and colors will be the colors and stones indicated earlier for persons of the number “1”, and for those born on February 19 or 28, the colors of Jupiter may be added - all shades of purple, pinkish- lilac, violet-purple with Jupiter’s stone - amethyst.

The greatest differences between persons born on February 19 or 28 from other persons born on February 1 will be in regard to health. If you were born on the 19th or 28th, you will have amazing vitality. However, you will tend to exhaust yourself by overworking or overexerting yourself. Every morning you will rise with the Sun and, full of energy, start a new day.

You will be prone to liver diseases, blood poisoning, will often catch colds and will always be at risk of pneumonia.

You will experience a strong magnetic attraction to persons born on dates that are "1", "4" or "3" in any month of the year, such as 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 28th, 30th and 31st.

The most important years in your life are 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31, 37, 40, 46, 49, 55, 64, 67, 73 and 76.

Financial condition

You should avoid risky and speculative transactions that affect the interests of other people. At times, you will be tempted to outdo yourself in your efforts to make easy money.

For those who have a professional career as a doctor, lawyer, actor, artist, etc., the month of February is not very favorable for accumulating and saving money. On the contrary, this is a good combination for those involved in "hard" business - these are bankers, financiers, or managers of large enterprises - perhaps because people born under Aquarius are better at doing things for other people than for themselves .

If you were born on February 28, then you are at the beginning of the “advanced” sign of Pisces, outside the influence of Aquarius, in the House of Saturn (negative). Therefore, you will have fewer restrictions on the type of work you can do, and you can expect significant success in any field.


If you were born on February 1st, 10th, or 19th, you will have an abundance of mental energy, but you will not be as physically strong as those born on February 28th. You will have a weak digestive tract. You will eat little but often, and sleep more than people usually sleep. You will, however, have a very hardy constitution, and you will easily endure all diseases.

Aquarius, the zodiac sign of those born on February 19, endows people born on this day with coldness and prudent rationality. However, the very next day the sign of Pisces comes into its own, which cannot but affect the previous date. From Pisces, those born on February 19 received emotionality, intuition and sensitivity.

As a result, we see an enterprising businessman who often displays the gift of foresight.

The multidirectional energy of these people sometimes confuses even themselves: sometimes they want to develop and move in several directions at the same time, or sometimes they want to sit back and philosophically observe the bustle of the world around them. These people are endowed with a strong imagination; if they are captivated by some idea, then they will surprise everyone around them with their energy and desire to move towards the goal.

Even on February 19, the zodiac sign corresponds to Aquarius; such obsession and following ideas is characteristic of Aquarius.

Diseases of those born on February 19

Those born on February 19 often get into road accidents and various wrecks, they are often injured (injuries to the legs, spine). Sometimes they are plagued by pain of unknown origin (headaches or stomach pains), and they also often catch colds. They should be consumed regularly a large number of liquids, and better than plain water. Those born on February 19 usually love sports themselves, but often do not know the limits of it, practicing to the point of exhaustion.

This is not entirely the right approach. You will be cheerful and full of strength if you do not exhaust yourself and squeeze out every drop of strength. Carefully monitor the amount and duration of exercise you perform. Those born on February 19 most often do not monitor their diet. This applies to both its regularity and the menu.

It makes sense to reduce your meat intake and add more vitamin-rich foods (fresh fruits and vegetables) to your meals. Don't forget about rest. Only regular, sound sleep at night can protect you from nervous breakdown and overvoltage.

Work and career of those born on February 19

Energetic people born on this day should set goals for themselves and begin to move towards them, without curbing their innate “Aquarius” curiosity and craving for other worlds. The date February 19 - which zodiac sign corresponds to we remember, it is Aquarius. These people mature early and become surprisingly strong personalities. They are very stress-resistant, practical, pay enough attention to everyday life and business, and carefully observe what is happening around them.

Despite the influence of Pisces, these people rarely study everything mysterious and mystical. The sensitivity of Pisces is manifested in them by romance, a desire for travel and adventure. They are rational, unlike Pisces, and always, even before a trip, they set themselves a set of goals that they must achieve. It immediately becomes clear which zodiac sign on February 19 is Aquarius.

Those born on February 19 easily overcome obstacles and difficulties. They love to build on it thorny path. Bringing something new into life is always very pleasant for Aquarius. They achieve success for a reason; they work hard and systematically, do not hesitate to express their opinions, choose those areas, tasks, projects that are most interesting to them. They do not go with the flow, but actively choose and build their lives themselves.

They need to ensure that their soul does not harden on the path of constant struggle with difficulties and problems, and not fall into indifference. At all costs they need to preserve the subtlety and sensitivity given to them by nature. Those born on February 19 often separate work and family; they believe that these are two, almost non-overlapping lives, that at work they can have one image and the same behavior and reactions, but at home, with their family, they are completely different. They are wrong.

They owe much of their success to their loved ones and friends, their moral support and warmth. Therefore, it will not be possible to suppress sensitivity in yourself at work, leaving it for the family.
Those born on February 19 are not eager to become the boss, but they make good leaders. Colleagues consider a person born on February 19 to be very calm, calm, reliable, and you can always rely on him. But the framework greatly hinders these people.

At the moment when they decide that it is time to start or continue the rapid movement towards the goal, nothing should interfere with them, no conventions. They can also dramatically change their image and surprise others. Their team or their regular colleagues should be prepared for any surprises from these people.

Quite often, those born on February 19 are too rude and boorish. They will benefit from communication with children. On social work They will learn to better understand the needs of other people, and they will not be able to isolate themselves from other people and their problems, as they often do.

More often, these people are engaged in self-improvement and completely forget about the existence of the rest of humanity, focusing only on themselves. But requests for help usually reach their ears. They need to keep their energy under control because sometimes their sense of adventure creates a lot of problems for these people. They may be too careless. Be careful not to act to your own detriment!

The date that is at the junction between Aquarius and Pisces is February 19th. What is the zodiac sign of people born on this day? Whatever one may say, on this day the zodiac sign Aquarius completely reigns. Moreover, some are of the opinion that it is valid not only until February 19, but also until the 20th of the same month. People born on this day are characterized by some duality of character, so it is quite difficult for their relatives to understand who is in front of them - still Aquarius or already Pisces?

Aquarius or Pisces?

Those born on February 19 must rely not only on the date of birth, but also on the time of birth, accurate to the minute. It is assumed that if you were born closer to midnight, then your character is still more Pisces than Aquarius. And if in the morning, then you are undoubtedly an Aquarius. However, if you do not delve into the study of all the details of a person’s life, you can determine who is in front of you by the nature of the person’s behavior in the company. If he behaves at ease, often “makes eyes” at one of the representatives of the opposite sex and then disappears without a trace, leaving no memories of himself, or simply lives one day at a time - you have a pronounced Aquarius in front of you. Pisces are the complete opposite of this type: they are most often monogamous, exemplary family men and jacks of all trades.

How to identify Aquarius?

This is easy to find out by analyzing certain traits of a person and understand special person who according to the horoscope. February 19 is a rather chaotic day, so babies practically “choose” who they will become. Aquarians, on top of everything else, are also quite purposeful: they clearly and clearly understand what they want from this life, although sometimes their excessive curiosity gets in the way. That is why they often abandon one task halfway in order to immediately start a new, even more interesting one. Aquarians endlessly love romance and travel, they are crazy about various adventures.

In the struggle for a place in the sun, Aquarians often become indifferent and insensitive. And this is theirs the main problem: if they can maintain youth and spontaneity of character in their souls, they will be able to achieve unprecedented heights. You can only understand how difficult this can be if you were born on February 19th. The zodiac sign plays a huge role in a person’s life and determines his future destiny.

Difficulties in the life path of Aquarius

Aquarians have a dreamy nature, so they can only achieve success if they have sufficiently enterprising colleagues and a loving, supportive family. In any case, remember that if you are communicating with an Aquarius, then this is not the most well-mannered person. Expect him to be rude and short-tempered, especially if born on February 19th. Which Zodiac sign is the owner. Delicacy, a desire to help others and pay attention to the needs of other people - this rather impulsive sign can develop such qualities only if it communicates frequently with children. And the children do not have to be relatives.

Difficult question and character

One of the most controversial issues- this is a question about February 19th. What is your zodiac sign, if this is considered the border between Aquarius and Pisces? It is quite difficult to answer, but it is important to remember that the characters of people born on the same day or under the same zodiac sign can be completely different. A striking example of this is the singer Shakira and the writer Virginia Woolf. The first is cheerful and always full of energy, and the second is depressed and withdrawn.

Despite the fact that this zodiac sign is always sociable in the company of friends, he greatly needs peace and tranquility. By the way, he chooses his friends very carefully; it is quite difficult to enter his circle, because his sensitivity and caution play a significant role in this. It is very difficult to win the affection of an Aquarius, and even more difficult to force him to show his true feelings. But if you have gained his trust, then know that you have received a devoted and unusually sensitive soul mate as your comrade.

Experience and intuition

You can always trust people who were born on February 19th. Which zodiac sign influences their life the most? This question may bother many, but it is important to remember that those born on this day always rely not only on their life experience, but also on intuition, and therefore are excellent advisers. They think abstractly, and a well-developed intuition helps them in this. By the way, it is this fact that makes them more successful than other signs of the Zodiac.

Aquarians are freedom-loving and can always express their opinion on a particular subject. If you try to limit their freedom, this can lead to dire consequences.

When communicating with Aquarius, you must always remember that he likes people with developed intellect, he is incredibly seduced by a conversation with an erudite and an original person. These are the qualities his chosen one will have to possess, and Aquarius will be able to guarantee sincerity and devotion. In a relationship, you cannot stop him from expressing his feelings; he should always feel that he can completely rely on his partner.