A native of the Abkhaz region became the youngest in modern history country by the head of the subject Russian Federation. The work in Kaliningrad as governor has just begun; he was elected on September 29, 2017. He came to the region in 2015 to take the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government.


The future governor was born on September 17, 1986 in Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which was then part of Georgia. Many were impressed career and changes in the biography of Anton Alikhanov in Kaliningrad. Who are the parents of someone so young? statesman? Many Russians asked this question.

His father, Andrei Antonovich, was born in Moscow, graduated from the Agricultural Institute, and specialized in the study of subtropical crops. Worked at the Sukhumi tea and tobacco factory. He is half Don Cossack, half Greek.

Mom, Liana Teiranovna, has Georgian and Russian roots. She worked as a doctor for a long time after graduating from college in Tbilisi. Has a PhD in Medical Sciences.

There were many questions about ethnicity in the biography of Anton Alikhanov from Kaliningrad: what are the nationalities of the parents? Since they, and to a greater extent Anton himself, are the result of “friendship of peoples,” there is no simple answer to this question. He has a younger brother Georgy, who was born in Moscow. Currently studying at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. He plays music and plays in a music group.

Moving to Moscow

The measured life changed dramatically with the beginning of perestroika, the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict began. Father had wanted to return to his place before small homeland. They decided to flee the war-torn region. Abandoning all their property, the Alikhanovs moved to Moscow. They rented a one-room apartment in which their large family settled. In the biography of Anton Alikhanov’s family (Kaliningrad), according to his recollections, these were the most difficult years. Nine of them lived in a small apartment in the Kantemirovskaya area - parents, children, grandmothers and other relatives.

In order to go to school, he had to get up at six in the morning. Then there was a dark and long way to the metro. Later, my mother got a job as the head of a department at City Clinical Hospital No. 4. After its closure, she worked in a private clinic. There was no work in his specialty for his father, so Andrei Antonovich went into business. I was studying wholesale trade th meat. Media reports that he has been friends since ancient times with high-ranking officials- Igor Shuvalov and Mikhail Babich.

In public service

Life's difficulties did not prevent Anton from studying well at school, after which he entered the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Where did you get two? higher education in the field of jurisprudence, finance and credit.

At the age of 24, the work biography of Anton Alikhanov (Kaliningrad) began in Russian Ministry Justice. Two years later, in 2012, he received a Ph.D. in economics, defending a dissertation on managing the costs of organizational corporate culture. He continued to use the acquired knowledge in management and economics at public service.

In 2013, he moved to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, where he took the post of Deputy Director of the Department of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities. After some time he headed the department. He took part in the work of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

To a distant land

In 2015, the next cardinal turn occurred in the biography of Anton Alikhanov. Kaliningrad, as a place of work, appeared completely unexpectedly. First, as he recalls, an authorized comrade called him and asked if the young official was ready to go to the border province. And already in September he was in Kaliningrad, taking the position of deputy chairman of the regional government for economics, industry and agriculture.

The most difficult task in which Alikhanov participated was the “problem of April 1, 2016.” The day when tax and customs duties for enterprises in the region were abolished. At the end of 2017, it turned out that in general the problem was solved. A significant decline in the economy was avoided.

For two years, Anton consistently climbed the career ladder. In 2016, he headed the regional government, and in the fall he became acting governor of the Kaliningrad region. After the sensational appointment, everyone became interested in the biography and nationality of Anton Alikhanov from Kaliningrad.

Political haste

It should be noted that he received the highest post when he just turned 30, less than a month after his birthday. This is the minimum age when Russian laws You can hold the position of head of a subject of the Russian Federation.

A year later he was elected to office, winning the elections. The politician received 81.06% of the votes of Kaliningrad residents. The President of Russia said that Anton Alikhanov is one of the authors of the program for the strategic development of the region, which he will now implement after being elected to a high position.

personal information

Alikhanov is married to Daria Vyacheslavovna Abramova. The couple have two children: Andrei and Polina. Daria graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. She worked on television in Moscow, now she works remotely - she writes materials for television programs.

Daria is the granddaughter of the famous surgeon Mogeli Shalvovich Khubutia, former director of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine (now president). It was he who most objected to the young family moving to the border region.

It is interesting that Anton Alikhanov’s biography did not include military service. This is quite unusual for civil servants. He is a long-time and active fan of martial arts. From the first grade I studied wushu, going to training twice a day - morning and evening. From the age of twelve I became interested and switched to judo, and from there to mixed martial arts. The latest hobby was kudo (formerly called Daido Juku Karate-do).

Anton Alikhanov biography nationality Kaliningrad who his parents are. Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed acting governor of the Kaliningrad region. Prime Minister of the regional government Anton Alikhanov, said press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov.

According to him, the decree on the appointment of Alikhanov will be signed in the near future.

Anton Alikhanov Kaliningrad who are the parents

On Thursday, October 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin transferred the acting governor of the Kaliningrad region, Evgeny Zinichev, to another job. According to the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, Yevgeny Nikolayevich himself addressed the head of state with such a request.

“The acting governor of the Kaliningrad region, Evgeny Zinichev, turned to Vladimir Putin with a request for family circumstances transfer him to another job,” the Kremlin spokesman said.

An official representative of the Kremlin said that Putin today held a meeting with Alikhanov, as a result of which he decided to appoint him to the acting post. heads of the region.

According to Putin, despite his young age (30 years), Alikhanov has enough knowledge and experience to lead the region. During the working meeting, which was broadcast on the Rossiya 24 TV channel, the head of state noted that Alikhanov headed a department in the Ministry of Industry and headed the government of the Kaliningrad region for more than a year and a half.

Anton Alikhanov Kaliningrad how old

Anton Alikhanov, appointed acting governor of the Kaliningrad region on Thursday, became the youngest head of the region in Russian history. The decree on the appointment was signed by the country's President Vladimir Putin 3 weeks after Alikhanov's 30th birthday. Before this, the youngest head of the region was the governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, who was appointed to this position at the age of 33.

Let us note that according to the Charter of the Kaliningrad Region, a citizen of the Russian Federation who, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, has passive voting rights and does not have citizenship, can be elected governor foreign country or a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of a foreign state, and has reached the age of 30 years.

Alikhanov thanked Putin for his trust and promised to make every effort to carry out the president’s instructions.

“The time I spent in Kaliningrad gave me an idea of ​​the main problems that exist. As you correctly noted, there is an understanding of how to solve these problems. We will move together with our colleagues from the federal government. I hope all tasks will be completed in the near future,” he added.

Anton Alikhanov biography nationality

The current acting governor of the Kaliningrad region has two higher educations; he graduated from the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit and Jurisprudence. In 2012, Anton Alikhanov received a Ph.D. in economics, defending his dissertation on the topic “Cost management for the development of a company’s organizational culture.”

Since 2010 he worked in the Ministry of Justice, since 2013 - in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. He held the position of Deputy Director of the Department of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities.

On September 22, 2015, the then governor of the Kaliningrad region Nikolai Tsukanov signed a decree appointing Anton Alikhanov as deputy prime minister of the regional government in charge of agriculture and industry. The appearance of an official from Moscow came at the time of the beginning of personnel changes that Tsukanov carried out after the election of the head of the region. Let us note that later, in November 2015, Muscovite Oleg Stupin, who previously worked as deputy head of the department of the Department of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, became the new Deputy Regional Minister for Industrial Policy, Entrepreneurship and Trade Development. Today he is the only “Alikhanov’s man” in the regional government.

He is currently married and has two children.

From the declaration data of Anton Alikhanov it follows that in 2015 his income amounted to 2.2 million rubles. Of the real estate, an apartment (57.1 sq. m.) is registered on him, another one is in use (80.9 sq. m.), and two (85.8 sq. m. and 101 sq. m.) are in shared or joint ownership . As for vehicles, the official owns a Mitsubishi Outlander passenger car. There were no official bank accounts listed for him at the time of filing the declaration.

Anton Andreevich Alikhanov was born in 1986, in sunny Sukhumi, hometown his mother, a graduate of the Tbilisi Medical Institute Liana Teiranovna. When the boy grew up a little, the Alikhanov family set off to conquer the Russian capital. They were brought to Moscow by the acquaintances of Anton’s mother in medical circles and the connections of his enterprising father, Andrei Antonovich. Alikhanov Sr., in particular, was familiar with, who invited him to found the Rosmyasomoltorg company.

However, by the end of the nineties, Rosmyasomoltorg became interested investigative committee Ministry of Internal Affairs The company was accused of misappropriating about two billion rubles received from the sale humanitarian aid from the USA and a number of European countries. Initially, the goods were to be sold through official dealers at a fixed price, and the profits were to go to the Russian Ministry of Finance.

But Rosmyasomoltorg often distributed products through the commercial structures of Babich, who at that time was the vice president of the company. Mikhail Viktorovich himself managed to retreat to the Federal Agency for Regulation of the Agricultural Market, and the volume manager of the Babichev company Antey, Dmitry Ilyasov, had to answer for everything.

However, Alikhanov’s father owned Rosmyasomoltorg in the 2000s. There was someone to take care of for the enterprise, so Rosmyasomoltorg had billions of dollars in contracts with such structures as the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. But by 2008, the company became unprofitable, and soon went completely bankrupt. In addition to Rosmyasomoltorg, Andrei Antonovich owned several other assets, in particular Donmyasoproduct and Alyat+. But all the business structures belonging to him went bankrupt in 2015-2016.

Big plans

Relying on their connections, the Alikhanov family made big plans for Anton, who grew up to be a very smart boy. When he graduated from school, he was able to be assigned to the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Moreover, Alikhanov Jr. entered two faculties at once, thanks to which he received two specialties - “finance and credit” and “law”. In addition, at the same time, he was placed in a structure that belonged to the Main Directorate of Diplomatic Corps Affairs (GlavUDK) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called UPDC-HINES LLC.

After Alikhanov graduated from university, they found a “warm place” for him in the Ministry of Justice. But still further young specialist decided to pursue a financial path, for which purpose he defended his dissertation in 2012 scientific degree Candidate of Economic Sciences. The defense took place at the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, and the title of the work was “Cost management for the development of the company’s organizational culture.”

After this, Anton Andreevich received his first major bureaucratic position, becoming deputy director of the Department of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. This department, which was already solving very serious problems, greatly increased its weight under the conditions of economic sanctions. It was in this department that import and export quotas for the supply of various equipment, raw materials and other products were determined. In addition, under Alikhanov, the department developed criteria for the status of “goods” Eurasian Union", and also participated in the creation of a project for cooperation in the field of agricultural machinery among the countries of the Customs Union.

High appointments

For that a short time Since Alikhanov was his deputy, he was able to purchase an apartment in Moscow with a total area of ​​100 square meters. m, this position was so profitable. And in the summer of 2015, Anton Andreevich initially became the acting director of the department, and in August he finally headed it. But he did not lead there for long, since already in September he was expected to be appointed to the Kaliningrad region, where he took the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government. There were rumors that the appointment was lobbied by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government, Igor Shuvalov, who had recently visited Kant’s homeland to check the region for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The then governor Nikolai Tsukanov and members of his team were, to put it mildly, not happy about the Varangian from Moscow. It should be noted that the first bad wake-up call for Nikolai Nikolaevich was the appointment in the summer of 2015 of a representative of Vladimir Putin’s personal security, Yevgeny Zinichev, as head of the local FSB Directorate. Around the same time, a message appeared on the Kremlin website that Tsukanov had been dismissed and appointed acting head of the region. This meant that he would go to early gubernatorial elections, but suddenly this message disappeared from the government portal, and was explained by a technical error. Such a signal could mean that certain forces prevented the extension of Nikolai Nikolaevich’s powers.

It is unknown what approval processes took place behind the scenes, but Tsukanov’s early resignation did take place, and Alikhanov came to Kaliningrad just on the eve of the upcoming early elections. But even after being elected to a new term, Nikolai Nikolaevich could hardly resist the young metropolitan “upstart”, who was actively building close contacts with the local elite.

Many associated Anton Andreevich’s arrival in the westernmost region of Russia with the process of abolishing customs benefits of “Special Economic Zones” (SEZ) and the introduction of a mechanism for compensating lost income in connection with this. Since the region was not transparent about the distribution of funds from the federal budget, Alikhanov had to track these cash flows. The young official himself said regarding the new law that, according to his calculations, Kaliningrad businessmen, during the time that the “customs benefits” were in effect, underpaid about half a trillion rubles to the budget, while the level of investment was only 90 billion rubles. He also argued that such competitive advantages“extinguished” similar production in other regions of the country.

In addition, Alikhanov took full responsibility for developing a new law on legal regulation special regime entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Kaliningrad region. At the same time, he coordinated all important issues not with representatives of the Tsukanov government, but directly with curators from the Kremlin. He decided to consolidate all provisions on SEZs and provisions on priority development territories in the new law on the Kaliningrad region. In 2016, Anton Andreevich fought real battles to coordinate this law with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he did this, again, bypassing the governor. In April 2016, customs benefits were indeed replaced by direct federal subsidies.

Tsukanov's resignation

In July 2016, President Vladimir Putin made a series of resignations and appointments, which included Tsukanov. Nikolai Nikolaevich was forced to leave his governor's post and become the President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Northwestern Federal District. The results of his rule over the region turned out to be rather negative, and his resignation was long-awaited for many Kaliningrad residents. But a shock for those who were thinking about economic changes was the appointment of Yevgeny Zinichev, a native of the security forces, as the acting head of the region.

The situation was saved by the fact that, simultaneously with his appointment, Evgeniy Nikolayevich announced Anton Alikhanov as acting chairman of the government, who obviously was supposed to take over all economic issues. But the locals were confused young age premiere. However, part of the local elite, with whom Anton Andreevich had already established contact, perceived his promotion quite positively, and many business representatives believed that the step with the appointment of the young prime minister was made to increase the investment attractiveness of the region.

There was a strong opinion that personnel changes were directly related to the upcoming law on the creation of a special economic status in the Kaliningrad region. This was also evidenced by the unexpected invitation to the presentation of the new governor of the local disgraced politician Solomon Ginzburg, who under Tsukanov was not allowed near a wide audience under any circumstances. Ginzburg is considered a long-time supporter of introducing a special status for the region, which he stated at the event itself. In addition, he always advocated the division of gubernatorial power into a representative function and a premier function, which in fact happened under Zinichev.

While Anton Andreevich headed the regional government, the operation of the special economic zone in the region was extended until 2095, with the exception of the so-called “customs” benefits. Other privileges, such as benefits on property and income taxes, remained. In addition, Alikhanov said that he was going to make the Kaliningrad region a zone without value added tax, including importing Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh, and Armenian goods into the region without VAT. He also lobbied the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the introduction of electronic visas for the entry of foreigners into the territory of the Kaliningrad region.

Transparency of power

Alikhanov also tried to show a more “advanced” approach to conducting work compared to his predecessor. Thus, at one of the meetings, he compared the lighting in the area of ​​the Amber Museum and the presence of shopping tents around it with a term from users of the social network Instagram, which sounds like “food porn.” By analogy, he called unpresentable appearance around the museum with “amber pornography”. At another meeting on healthcare, the head of government claimed that his wife, after visiting the district clinic, left a complaint about “ hotline“, thanks to which changes took place almost immediately in this institution. In addition, Anton Andreevich focused on increasing the transparency of government bodies and their structures. In particular, he seriously criticized the regional Tourism Development Corporation for its lack of transparency. A few days after this, the head of the corporation, Alexander Arutyunov, was fired.

While Alikhanov himself constantly gave informational reasons and willingly communicated with the press, Governor Zinichev, despite his public position, almost did not communicate with the press, and his rare public appearances were surprisingly fleeting. On October 6, 2016, Evgeniy Nikolaevich turned to the President with a request to transfer him to another job. Putin granted the request of his former security guard, and appointed Alikhanov as acting governor of the Kaliningrad region, with whom he previously held a meeting. What is noteworthy is that Anton Andreevich, two weeks before this event, had just reached the age of thirty, which allowed him to occupy such a high post. Many then believed that Zinichev was “warming the place”, waiting for Alikhanov’s thirtieth birthday.

A week after his appointment, Anton Andreevich submitted proposals to the regional Duma to reorganize the regional government. Among the government's major changes was the formation of the Ministry of Regional Control (Supervision) on the basis of the Control and Audit Service, the Housing Inspectorate and the State Inspectorate for Architectural and Construction Supervision. Also, some ministries were merged into single departments, the same thing happened with a number of regional funds, as a result of which Tsukanov’s people left their posts.

Serious relatives

But the majority of Kaliningraders were interested not so much in Alikhanov’s personnel policy as in the question of who the governor himself was. The public's attention was drawn to family ties through his wife. It turned out that the governor’s wife, Daria Abramova, is the granddaughter of a transplant surgeon, director of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, Mogeli Khubutia, by the way, a native of Sukhumi. Khubutia is known in the media under the name Anzor.

According to the director of the research institute himself, he met with Vladimir Putin to discuss medical issues when he was still prime minister. In addition, he closely interacted with Dmitry Medvedev when he was President, and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin during the organization of assistance to victims of the terrorist attacks at Domodedovo Airport. In the same year, Medvedev personally presented Mogeli Khubutia with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.

Mogeli was immediately connected with another Khubutia, Mikhail, who is considered a member of the so-called “Rostec clan” and who controls the Kolchuga chain of weapons stores. Mikhail is considered one of the leaders of the Georgian diaspora in Russia and even until 2015 headed public organization“Union of Georgians of Russia”, which, however, was removed from the list of NGOs by the Ministry of Justice. Among other things, Khubutia owns the Rosimpex company, co-owned by Eduard Ioffe. Ioffe, in turn, is an advisor on commercial issues general director Kalashnikov concern, part of Rostec. Both Mikhail Khubutia and Eduard Ioffe are on the US and Canadian sanctions lists as close to the head of the state corporation Rostekhnologii Sergei Chemezov.

Alikhanov himself hastened to refute the family connection between his wife’s grandfather and Mikhail Khubutia, thereby disowning Chemezov as well. But, nevertheless, noteworthy is the activity in last years"Rostec" in the Kaliningrad region. Thus, the state corporation began to acquire the assets of the amber plant. Chemezov also had his eye on the Yantar plant, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Avtotor auto industry holding. In addition, Rostec structures became interested in waste disposal in the Kaliningrad region. It should be noted that Alikhanov, before becoming acting governor, immediately visited the amber plant, after which he declared the need to modernize production. In addition, Anton Andreevich advocates toughening penalties for illegal mining of gems.

In addition to these facts, it can also be noted that a close friend of Alikhanov’s father, Mikhail Babich, as the plenipotentiary representative of the President in the Volga Federal District, together with Chemezov, organized Vladimir Putin’s visit to Izhevsk to get acquainted with the updated Kalashnikov concern. In addition, the same Babich, while still a State Duma deputy, lobbied for the interests of Chemezov, who then headed Rosoboronexport, promoting the idea of ​​exempting from VAT all barter transactions of the arms monopolist without exception. In addition, he called for legislation to give Rosoboronexport the right to use foreign accounts Russian embassies and other foreign institutions.

Anton Andreevich Alikhanov is the youngest head of the region of the Russian Federation. Having started his career at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, he unexpectedly found himself in the Kaliningrad region, where he quickly rose from deputy prime minister to acting governor. Someone believes that Alikhanov built such a dizzying career thanks to his talent. But the majority sees family ties behind his success, as well as the interests of the “omnipotent” Chemezov. But it is more interesting to understand what scenario for the development of the region Anton Andreevich is intended to pursue. With the arrival of Zinichev, the residents of Kaliningrad did not have time to prepare for the “closure” of the city and the “protective” policy, when literally in a matter of months everything changed, and there is already talk of new economic freedoms for the region and on attracting external investment.

Alikhanov Anton Andreevich

Alikhanov Anton Andreevich - Russian politician, lawyer. Governor of the Kaliningrad region since September 29, 2017. Candidate of Economic Sciences. From October 6, 2016 to September 28, 2017, he served as temporary acting governor of the Kaliningrad region. Member of the Russian political party"United Russia" (since December 21, 2017).


Alikhanov Anton Andreevich, born September 17, 1986, native of Sukhumi.

Relatives. Father: Alikhanov Andrey Antonovich, born on June 28, 1960, entrepreneur. For a long time was engaged in business related to the supply of meat products to various institutions. According to some reports, he concluded contracts with state enterprises thanks to connections with government officials.

Mother: Alikhanova Liana Teiranovna, born November 23, 1961, gastroenterologist. Currently in private practice.

Brother: Georgy Andreevich Alikhanov, born on April 2, 1994, student at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Wife: Abramova Daria Vyacheslavovna, born December 22, 1986, graduate of MGIMO University under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. She is the granddaughter of the chief physician of the Moscow Sklifosovsky Research Institute, Mogeli Khubutia.

Awards. Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation. Medal "For Diligence" II degree of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. 2015 - medal “For contribution to the creation of the Eurasian economic union» III degree of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

State. From the declaration data of Anton Alikhanov it follows that in 2015 his income amounted to 2.2 million rubles. Of the real estate, an apartment (57.1 sq. m.) is registered on him, another one is in use (80.9 sq. m.), and two (85.8 sq. m. and 101 sq. m.) are in shared or joint ownership . As for vehicles, the official owns a Mitsubishi Outlander passenger car. There were no official bank accounts listed for him at the time of filing the declaration.


Graduated from the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with a degree in finance and credit and jurisprudence. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Labor activity

  • After graduating from university, he worked at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, then was an employee of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, where he held the positions of deputy director and then director of the department of state regulation of foreign trade activities.
  • In 2015, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region.
  • In 2016, he became the acting chairman of the government of this region.
  • On October 6, 2016, he was appointed acting governor of the Kaliningrad region.
  • In September 2017, he won the gubernatorial elections.


Alikhanov himself hastened to refute the family connection between his wife’s grandfather and Mikhail Khubutia, thereby disowning Chemezov as well. But, nevertheless, the activity of Rostec in the Kaliningrad region in recent years is noteworthy. Thus, the state corporation began to acquire the assets of the amber plant. Chemezov also had his eye on the Yantar plant, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Avtotor auto industry holding. In addition, Rostec structures became interested in waste disposal in the Kaliningrad region. It should be noted that Alikhanov, before becoming acting governor, immediately visited the amber plant, after which he declared the need to modernize production. In addition, Anton Andreevich advocates toughening penalties for illegal mining of gems.

In addition to these facts, it can also be noted that a close friend of Alikhanov’s father, Mikhail Babich, as the plenipotentiary representative of the President in the Volga Federal District, together with Chemezov, organized Vladimir Putin’s visit to Izhevsk to get acquainted with the updated Kalashnikov concern. In addition, the same Babich, while still a State Duma deputy, lobbied for the interests of Chemezov, who then headed Rosoboronexport, promoting the idea of ​​exempting from VAT all barter transactions of the arms monopolist without exception. In addition, he called for legislation to give Rosoboronexport the right to use foreign accounts of Russian embassies and other foreign institutions.

Anton Andreevich Alikhanov is the youngest head of the region of the Russian Federation. Having started his career at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, he unexpectedly found himself in the Kaliningrad region, where he quickly rose from deputy prime minister to acting governor. Someone believes that Alikhanov built such a dizzying career thanks to his talent. But the majority sees family ties behind his success, as well as the interests of the “omnipotent” Chemezov. But it is more interesting to understand what scenario for the development of the region Anton Andreevich is intended to pursue. With the arrival of Zinichev, the residents of Kaliningrad did not have time to prepare for the “closure” of the city and the “protective” policy, when literally in a matter of months everything changed, and there is already talk about new economic freedoms for the region and about attracting external investment.

TASS DOSSIER. On September 11, 2017, the election commission of the Kaliningrad region reported that in the elections of the governor of the region, held on September 10, the acting head of the region, Anton Alikhanov (United Russia), won. According to preliminary data, after processing 100% of the protocols, he received 81.06% of the votes. Second place was taken by regional Duma deputy Igor Revin from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (8.89%). Anton Alikhanov has headed the Kaliningrad region as the acting head of the region since October 6, 2016.

Anton Andreevich Alikhanov was born on September 17, 1986 in the city of Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia). Father - Andrei Antonovich Alikhanov (born in 1960), an entrepreneur, was engaged in business related to the supply of meat products. In particular, he was one of the co-owners of the wholesale meat trade company Rusmyasomoltorg, the position of first vice-president of which was held by Mikhail Babich, now the presidential envoy to the Volga Federal District. Mother - Liana Teiranovna Alikhanova (born in 1961), Candidate of Medical Sciences, headed the gastroenterology department at City Clinical Hospital No. 4 (Moscow), currently engaged in private practice. Paternal ancestors are Greeks and Don Cossacks, maternal ancestors are Russians and Georgians.

In 1992, after the outbreak of the armed Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, the Alikhanov family was forced to leave Abkhazia and move to Moscow.

Has two higher educations. He graduated from the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (now part of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) with a degree in finance and credit and jurisprudence.

Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 2012 at the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov defended his dissertation on the topic “Cost management for the development of a company’s organizational culture.”

From 2013 to 2015 - at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. He was deputy director of the Department of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities of the Ministry of Sergei Koldaev. Then he served as acting director of the same department. He was a member of the Coordination Council for Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

On September 22, 2015, by order of the governor of the Kaliningrad region, Nikolai Tsukanov, he was appointed deputy chairman of the regional government (the powers of the prime minister were exercised by the current governor). In the regional government, Anton Alikhanov dealt with economic issues, Agriculture and industry.

On December 17, 2015, he headed the administration of the special economic zone in the Kaliningrad region. Oversaw the development of a law on the legal regulation of a special regime for business activities in the Kaliningrad region.

On July 28, 2016, the head of the FSB Directorate, Evgeny Zinichev, became the acting head of the Kaliningrad region. On July 30, 2016, Zinichev appointed 29-year-old Anton Alikhanov as acting chairman of the government of the Kaliningrad region. The acting governor justified his decision by the need to increase the investment attractiveness of the region. Anton Alikhanov oversaw the activities of the vice-premiers of the regional government, with the exception of Deputy Prime Minister on domestic policy, as well as the activities of ministries, except the Ministry of Finance. He was one of the authors of the strategic development plan for the region for the medium term, lobbied for the extension of the special economic zone regime in the region, the introduction of electronic visas for the entry of foreigners into the region.

Moscow state institute international relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, worked as an editor on television. Her grandfather (on the maternal side) is a native of Sukhum, a famous transplantologist, president of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky Mogeli Khubutia.

He practiced judo, mixed martial arts, and kudo wrestling.