After a long winter, we are all looking forward to the coming of spring. In March, buds appear on the trees, nature comes to life after a long sleep, birds sing and the sun shines. The Vernal Equinox Day, beloved by many - what date will it be in 2019 and how is it celebrated? Read the details in this article.

First of all, let's figure out what the spring equinox is. In fact, the answer lies in the name Equinox: day is equal to night, that is, the length of light and dark is the same.

There is a distinction between the spring equinox, which is celebrated in March, and the autumn equinox, which is celebrated in September. Some also talk about the spring solstice, but this is wrong. After all, they happen only in summer and winter - in June and December.

Holiday date in different years falls on different days: March 19, 20 or 21. Exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

In 2019, the spring equinox will occur on March 21 at 00:58 Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow time.

After this day, the length of daylight hours begins to increase, and the day becomes longer than the night.

Watch the video where the astronomical essence of the equinox phenomenon is revealed:

On March 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Pisces to the sign of Aries, and astrological spring begins (the period of the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini).

Since the Aries sign is associated with new things and initiative, this is a good time to start implementing new projects, implementing ideas and plans. Nature is being revived, so human activity in the world must also be revived.

Table of spring equinoxes until 2025

Year Date and exact time in Moscow
2019 March 21 00:58
2020 20 March 06:50
2021 March 20 12:37
2022 20 March 18:33
2023 March 21 00:24
2024 20 March 06:06
2025 March 20 12:01

Ritual to fulfill a wish

The spring solstice is a time of miracles and mysticism, when the Wheel of Fate can be turned in the right direction. Traditionally, various rituals were performed on this day. Today I will present a spring ritual to make a wish come true.

Important conditions: the desire must concern you personally and it should not be associated with harm to other people.

Choose a quiet place and ask not to be interrupted for half an hour. Prepare a white candle.

  • Light a candle.
  • Find a comfortable position with a straight back, for example, sit cross-legged.
  • Place the candle so that it is comfortable to look at it.
  • Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and slowly.
  • Imagine that your wish has already come true. For example, if you want to buy new car, then imagine yourself behind the wheel, as if you were driving around the city in a brand new car. Mentally examine the registration certificate you just received.
  • Be sure to experience the emotions that a fulfilled desire will give you - delight, joy, satisfaction.
  • Now place the image of the wish fulfilled in the pink sphere.
  • The sphere rises up and flies into the sky, higher and higher.
  • You have let go of your desire, thus leaving a request to the Universe for its fulfillment.

Try to forget about your desire for a while. Then it will certainly come true.

Folk signs of the holiday

People pass on signs for the Day of the Vernal Equinox from generation to generation.

  1. Whatever your thoughts and desires are, this will be the case all year. The fact is that on March 21, the energy template for the subsequent months of the year is laid. Therefore, thoughts must be positive, and wishes to other people only bright and kind. You can't wish bad things even on your enemies.
  2. The more fun you have on this day, the more fun your year will be.
  3. On this day, our ancestors looked for spring thawed patches and counted them. If you find 40 pieces, then spring will bring good luck.
  4. If the day turns out to be frosty, then another 40 days of frost are expected. And if the day is warm, then there will be no night frosts.

The holiday of the spring equinox among different nations

The spring equinox is celebrated all over the world. Different nations They greet spring in different ways, but everyone has common features— every person rejoices at the reborn Sun and waits for the warmth to greet him.

Holiday among the Slavs

The holiday of the spring equinox among the Slavs was called Magpies or Larks. The first name comes from the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia - Christian soldiers who refused to make sacrifices to pagan gods because they deeply believed in Christ.

However, even in the pre-Christian era, the spring equinox was celebrated on a grand scale. It was believed that on this day there comes a balance between light and darkness. The sun wakes up to give people warmth and harvest.

The Slavs called the Day of the Vernal Equinox - Larks. According to legend, on this day migratory larks return to their homeland, followed by others. migratory birds.

Before this day, any agricultural work was prohibited, since the land was still in hibernation. Now she has begun to awaken.

For the holiday, housewives made ritual pastries from unleavened dough in the shape of larks. Birds were often baked with their wings and crests spread out. But each housewife, of course, had her own recipe.

The baked larks were given to the children. They ran with them into the street, threw them up, imitating the arrival of birds. Sometimes children would put the birds on a stick to raise them even higher towards the sun. These ritual actions were accompanied by calls of spring, the children shouted out special chants - calls of spring.

After the game, the larks were eaten, but the heads of the birds were not eaten. They were usually given to livestock.

Fortune telling was also common. For example, the housewife baked one bird for each family member. A coin was placed inside one. Whoever gets the bird with the coin will be happy all year.

Spring Larks Baking Recipes

How to cook larks for the Spring Equinox? Watch the recipe in the video:

And here is another recipe - a simpler one, made from yeast-free dough:

Celtic holiday Ostara

The holiday, named after the goddess of fertility of the earth named Ostare, is celebrated on the Day of the Vernal Equinox. The ancient Celts opened the agricultural season from this day.

The goddess Ostare is one of the most “ancient” goddesses, known since the second millennium BC. It is also associated with the awakening of nature, with the first herbs and flowers.

On this day, the ancient Germans performed rituals for the fertility of fields and trees in the coming season. It was customary to cleanse people of the filth accumulated over the winter.

The following were popular on this holiday:

  • Pouring water;
  • Fumigation with smoke;
  • Jumping over the fire;
  • The descent of fiery wheels from the mountain;
  • Throwing fire arrows.

After the advent of Christianity, the pagan Spring Equinox was combined with the Christian Annunciation.

There are two main symbols of the goddess Ostare. The first of these is the moon hare or rabbit. It symbolized fertility (everyone knows how rabbits breed) and personified rebirth.

According to legend, the goddess Ostare saw a wounded bird in the snow. He took pity on the bird and, wanting to save it from death, turned it into a hare. In its new guise, the bird still laid eggs. Therefore, the second symbol of the holiday was considered an egg - a symbol of the Sun and the rebirth of nature.

The eggs were painted with protective symbols, as well as signs of peace, wealth, fertility, etc. The ritual is similar to the painting of Easter eggs that are familiar to us today.

Higan in Japan

The vernal equinox in Japan is associated with a Buddhist holiday called Higan. This Public Holiday and a day off for the Japanese.

However, the celebrations last a whole week: they begin 3 days before the equinox and end 3 days after it ends. The exact date of the equinox is calculated every year at the National Observatory.

The name “khigan” is translated as “that shore” or “the world where the souls of ancestors settled.” Accordingly, this is a holiday of honoring ancestors.

Before the holiday, the Japanese carefully clean their houses and put things in order. Clean the home altar with photographs of ancestors and their personal items, place fresh flowers and ritual food.

During the holiday week, Japanese residents go to the graves of their deceased relatives. All ritual dishes are vegetarian. This is a tribute to the Buddhist tradition of not killing any living beings and not eating meat. The menu is based on rice, vegetables, beans, root vegetables and vegetable broths.

IN holidays The Japanese visit Buddhist temples, order prayers and pay ritual honors to departed ancestors.

Soon after Higana, the cherry blossom season begins, which symbolizes the true rebirth of nature. All residents of the Land of the Rising Sun go to admire the beautiful and short-lived phenomenon.

Turkic Nowruz

The traditional holiday of Novruz or Nauryz is celebrated by the Turkic and Iranian peoples; it is one of the most ancient holidays in human history. Has no relation to Islam, originated in Zoroastrianism and is associated with the astronomical phenomenon of the spring equinox. It is considered the true beginning of the New Year.

Currently, Novruz is celebrated on March 21 in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Dagestan.

Preparations for Nowruz begin well in advance. Be sure to clean the house, pay off debts, and ask for forgiveness for the grievances caused. A variety of traditional dishes are prepared. Be sure to have a lot of sweets. It is believed that the richer the table, the happier the year will be.

Sprouted wheat is often placed on the table, symbolizing the rebirth of nature.

There is a tradition of organizing a fire festival on Novruz. For example, they make a fire and dance around it. And then they jump over the fire. It is believed that this allows you to cleanse yourself of all ailments and problems.

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Only twice a year there comes a special time when day and night are equal. When not only nature changes, but also the human worldview. Everything is imbued with unprecedented energy, a special period when light and dark time Days last the same amount of time - 12 hours each.

Knowing exactly what day it is autumn equinox in 2017, you need to stop the daily bustle and put your thoughts in order. Autumn equinox perfect time for positive changes in life.

Autumn equinox 2017: date and exact time

According to the astrological calendar, this is the time when autumn comes to the northern hemisphere and spring to the southern hemisphere. Sunrise occurs exactly in the east and sunset in the west. Although due to refraction sun rays, daylight hours last a little longer. But after September 22, the day rapidly decreases, giving way to night. In autumn, the equinox will occur when the celestial body crosses the equator and moves to Southern Hemisphere. It is at this moment that a huge release of cosmic energy occurs. The most favorable period for new beginnings.
The date of the autumn equinox, different every year, can be either September 22 or 23. The astronomical year is approximately 6 hours longer than the calendar year. Therefore, the shift occurs every year, and if not for the extra day in leap year, which evens out the situation, then the offset would go further along the calendar.
In 2017, the autumn equinox GMT will occur on September 22 at 20:02, Moscow time at 23:02. Event times differ in countries with different time zones. The shift occurs exactly as many hours as the country's time zone deviates from Greenwich Mean Time.
With the onset of the autumn equinox, daylight hours are shortened, and the nights, on the contrary, become longer. The sun pleases us with its last warm rays, the second Indian summer begins. People call this time " Golden autumn"and it lasts until October 14. At this time, autumn leaves begin to fall, and migratory birds fly south.
From an astrological point of view, the period of the autumn equinox is indicated by the sign of Libra. This designation has been preserved since ancient times. Although the sun has long since moved, and now during the autumn equinox it moves into the sign of Virgo. Astrologers consider this the most fruitful period for negotiations and reconciliation with loved ones. The main thing is openness in everything, in communication and thoughts. We need to express words of gratitude for all the good things in life, and ask the universe for what this moment most important. During this period, a positive outcome in all endeavors is most likely.

Rituals on the day of the spring equinox

In ancient times, our ancestors lived according to the natural calendar. And with the onset of the autumn equinox, their new year began. They always celebrated the holiday on a grand scale, praising the gods, giving thanks for the bountiful harvest, singing songs, and performing round dances. They also commemorated their ancestors, believing that it was on this day that the connection between the living and dead world especially strong.
Exactly four times a year, during the autumn and spring equinoxes and the summer and winter solstice, there is not only a change of seasons, but also unprecedented energy fills all living things. People felt this and tried to live in harmony with themselves and nature. Retrieving maximum benefit for myself these days.
Since those times, many holidays have come to us, which have changed somewhat at the moment. But the essence has not changed. All over the world at this time they celebrate harvest festivals, say goodbye to summer and prepare for winter. In China, the autumn equinox is considered a public holiday. Using the knowledge of your ancestors, you should spend this day as fruitfully as possible. You can perform several rituals to attract good luck and happiness to your home. The autumn equinox is an ideal time for meditation. In solitude, stop your train of thought, let the energy of the cosmos pass through you, and get answers to important life questions.
As an old belief goes, early in the morning, after waking up, the first thing to do is take a shower or bath. This will help wash away all negativity, cleanse your soul and body. So that nothing welcomes the reception of new positive emotions and energy.
Water has a special power during the autumn equinox. If you wash your face in the evening, it will help maintain attractiveness and beauty for the girl, and health for the children.
The autumnal equinox is primarily a harvest festival. So that there is prosperity in the house. You need to bake a pie with apples or cabbage. He must be round shape. If the dough rises quickly and the pie itself does not burn, then your financial situation will improve in the near future.
You can protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye and everything evil with the help of rowan. It has long been believed that rowan is a kind of conductor between the sun and the earth, containing enormous energy. It has healing powers and will not allow evil forces to enter the house. In order for the fruits to have maximum efficiency, they need to be picked precisely on the day of the autumn equinox. Freshly picked berries should be laid out on the windowsill. Or make several bouquets of rowan, viburnum and ears of wheat, tie them with a red ribbon and place them around the house. The protective power of the amulets will last for a year.
If you want to end an unfavorable period in life, then you need to do general cleaning in the house, then take all the old things outside and burn them. On the way home, it's best to watch your step. There is a high probability that you will come across a “lucky stone”. There is no need to specifically look for it; when your gaze falls on it, your inner feeling will tell you that this is exactly what you need. If you are lucky enough to find a stone, it will become a kind of amulet and a symbol of change for the better.
It is on September 22 that love energy is especially strong. A favorable time for marriage, establishing relationships with your soulmate, or finding love. Lonely girls put a second pillow on the bed, and leave a second toothbrush next to theirs in the bathroom. Saying “my soulmate, come.” Also with thoughts about imminent marriage The branches of the nut are burned on a saucer, and the ashes are scattered on the street in the evening.
The main thing is to open your soul and heart to new acquaintances. Meet the autumn equinox with hope for the best. And the new autumn season will definitely bring many positive changes in life.

The vernal equinox - one of the most mysterious and mystical days of the year. Many have heard about this natural phenomenon, but most people don’t even realize how colossal magical power he has.

Even from school, everyone knows that the day of the vernal equinox is an astronomical event when the Sun, moving along the ecliptic and crossing the celestial equator, passes from one hemisphere to another. Either from South to North, or from North to South, depending on the hemispheres of the globe. On this day, all over the planet, day and night become equal and last 12 hours.

From point of view astrology, the vernal equinox is considered to be the day when the Sun enters zero degree of the first zodiac sign Aries. From this time the countdown of the astrological New Year and the astronomical onset of spring begins.

We remind you that in 2016, the vernal equinox falls on March 20 at 4:30 morning Moscow time.

What is the magic of this day?

In many countries this day is considered a great holiday. Most magicians and superstitious people rejoice at its arrival, but at the same time, they are afraid of its consequences. Since ancient times, people have associated this day with the beginning of a new life and the awakening of nature from winter sleep. For one day, nature fell silent, and throughout the world, harmony and balance of earthly and heavenly, light and darkness, good and evil were mystically achieved. But experienced magicians also knew the dark side of this time. On the day of the vernal equinox devilry walks the earth and has complete power. But still, from the point of view magical calendar and natural magic - this day is more magical than frightening, you just need to live it correctly.

The Slavs had many will accept and magical rituals, associated with the spring equinox.

For example, from ancient times to this day, there is a fresh legend and sign that says that everything a person thinks about and what he concentrates on on this day will certainly come true in the near future. Therefore, our ancestors tried to think only positively on these astrological days, they committed good deeds, rejoiced and concentrated on fulfilling their desires.

The miraculous phenomenon of this magical time has its own explanation in the modern esoteric world:

At this time, the Sun illuminates the earth almost at right angles, thereby penetrating and endowing each person with powerful energy of creation. For this short period of time, anyone can become a magician. Therefore, on the day of the spring equinox, be extremely attentive and careful with your thoughts, feelings, and especially emotions. Think about love, health, happiness, perform useful rituals, and all this will soon come true. It is not recommended to quarrel, be offended, judge and wish someone harm, even in the heat of the moment. Firstly, your hatred will quickly overtake the “victim”, and secondly, your negativity will come back to you in the same short time.

Read also: Karma of condemnation. Thank you for your criticism!

So, this is what concerned the common folk signs on the day of the astronomical beginning of spring.

But the magic of this day is strong not only by signs. Many magicians have confirmed the effectiveness of rituals aimed at renewal, beginnings and cleansing.

Ritual for the fulfillment of wishes

Since this day accompanies everything new - ideas, undertakings, you should not miss this moment when all the forces of nature accompany the fulfillment of your desires. These can be a variety of wishes. Perhaps, for example, you want to meet your love, open or strengthen a business, get a new job, or completely change your lifestyle and place of residence.

So, for this ritual for the fulfillment of desires you will need: a sheet of paper, a writing pen, two candles of black and white, plant seeds (of your choice), a pot of soil, indoor or cut flowers.

Make sure that during the ceremony no one will disturb you or disturb the peace and quiet.

Decorate the table at which you will perform the ritual with flowers. Or blooming indoor plants, or purchased cut ones, preferably in scarlet shades. This will symbolize the egregor of the forces of nature and the onset of spring.

Light two candles - symbols of the balance of day and night, light and darkness, good and evil. Try to meditate for a while, imagining that you already have everything you strive for. Breathe deeply and steadily and relax completely. Visualize your desired future life.

Then, without any fuss, place the bowl of seeds on the table and talk to them. Tell them about your ideas and hopes, about yourself and your goals in life. You just need to speak with love and faith that everything will work out for you.

Plant the seeds in a pot of soil, water it with water and place your future symbol of achievement on the window under the rays of the warm sun, if possible weather. After this, you need to groom, cherish your future plant - mascot your changes and growth in life.

Now, on a piece of paper, write about what you want to change in your life and what you would like to see in it. It is advisable to write in the present tense, as if all this has already happened to you.

After writing, fold the piece of paper and hide it in a secluded place until the autumn equinox. Put out the candles and complete the ritual.

After this ritual, it is recommended to go outside and take a walk in nature, relying with all your soul on its magic and mercy. Pay attention to the little things - the blossoming of tree buds, the smell of spring air. Think only in a positive way while walking, thinking about the fulfillment of your desires.

Rite of purification

This ritual will not require any magical efforts from you. It is very simple, but effective provided you believe in a positive result. Unlike the first ritual, this ritual can be performed in the coming days before the spring equinox.

The purpose of this cleansing ritual is to get rid of the negative energies and emotions accumulated over the year, normalize the state of mind and wait for a fair wind of change.

Do some spring cleaning in your home. You can do it yourself, or you can involve family members. When you clean - sweep and wash the floors, wipe the dust, wash the windows, etc. mentally imagine that you are thus getting rid of the accumulated negativity in your life. Imagine that illnesses and failures are leaving your life with all this dirt.

After cleaning, on a piece of paper write a list of what you would like to get rid of in your life, what is gnawing at you or preventing you from being fully happy life. Burn this sheet of paper with the list and scatter the ashes out the window.

After cleaning your home, be sure to thoroughly ventilate all areas. This will symbolize the beginning of your new life and the onset of a period of fresh wind of change!

Ceremonies of the spring equinox. The vernal equinox- one of the most mysterious and mystical days of the year. Many have heard about this natural phenomenon, but most have no idea what colossal magical power it has. Everyone knows from school days that day of spring equinox is an astronomical event when the Sun, moving along the ecliptic and crossing the celestial equator, passes from one hemisphere to another.

Either from South to North, or from North to South, depending on the hemispheres of the globe. On this day, all over the planet, day and night become equal and last 12 hours. From an astrological point of view, spring equinox It is considered the day when the Sun enters zero degree of the first zodiac sign Aries.

From this time the countdown of the astrological New Year and the astronomical onset of spring begins. We remind you that in 2017, the vernal equinox falls on March 20 at 4:30 a.m. Moscow time . What is the magic of this day?

In many countries this day is considered a great holiday. Most magicians and superstitious people rejoice at its arrival, but at the same time, they are afraid of its consequences. Since ancient times, people have associated this day with the beginning of a new life and the awakening of nature from winter sleep. For one day, nature fell silent, and throughout the world, harmony and balance of earthly and heavenly, light and darkness, good and evil were mystically achieved.

But experienced magicians also knew the dark side of this time. On the day of the vernal equinox evil spirits walk the earth and have complete power. But, nevertheless, from the point of view of the magical calendar and natural magic, this day is more magical than frightening, you just need to live it correctly. The Slavs had many signs and magical rituals associated with spring equinox.

For example, from ancient times to this day, there is a fresh legend and sign that says that everything a person thinks about and what he concentrates on on this day will certainly come true in the near future. Therefore, our ancestors tried to think only positively on these astrological days, did good deeds, rejoiced and concentrated on fulfilling their desires.

The miraculous phenomenon of this magical time has its own explanation in the modern esoteric world: At this time, the Sun illuminates the earth almost at a right angle, thereby penetrating and endowing each person with powerful creative energy. For this short period of time, anyone can become a magician. That's why on the day of the vernal equinox Be extremely attentive and careful with your thoughts, feelings and especially emotions. Think about love, health, happiness, perform useful rituals, and all this will soon come true.

It is not recommended to quarrel, be offended, judge and wish someone harm, even in the heat of the moment. Firstly, your hatred will quickly overtake the “victim”, and secondly, your negativity will come back to you in the same short time.

Thank you for your criticism! So, this is what concerned common folk signs on the day of the astronomical beginning of spring. But the magic of this day is strong not only by signs. Many magicians have confirmed the effectiveness of rituals aimed at renewal, beginnings and cleansing.

Ritual for the fulfillment of wishes

Since this day accompanies everything new - ideas, undertakings, you should not miss this moment when all the forces of nature accompany the fulfillment of your desires. These can be a variety of wishes. Perhaps, for example, you want to meet your love, open or strengthen a business, get a new job, or completely change your lifestyle and place of residence.

This ritual is recommended to be carried out strictly in day of spring equinox at dawn or sunset. So, for this ritual to fulfill wishes you will need: a sheet of paper, a writing pen, two candles of black and white, plant seeds (of your choice), a pot of soil, indoor or cut flowers. Make sure that during the ceremony no one will disturb you or disturb the peace and quiet. Decorate the table at which you will perform the ritual with flowers. Either flowering indoor plants or purchased cut ones, preferably in scarlet shades. This will symbolize the egregor of the forces of nature and the onset of spring. Light two candles - symbols of the balance of day and night, light and darkness, good and evil. Try to meditate for a while, imagining that you already have everything you strive for. Breathe deeply and steadily and relax completely. Visualize your desired future life.

Then, without any fuss, place the bowl of seeds on the table and talk to them. Tell them about your ideas and hopes, about yourself and your goals in life. You just need to speak with love and faith that everything will work out for you. Plant the seeds in a pot of soil, water it with water and place your future symbol of achievement on the window under the rays of the warm sun, if weather conditions permit. After this, you need to groom and cherish your future plant - the talisman of your changes and life growth. Now, on a piece of paper, write about what you want to change in your life and what you would like to see in it. It is advisable to write in the present tense, as if all this has already happened to you. After writing, fold the piece of paper and hide it in a secluded place until the autumn equinox.

Put out the candles and complete the ritual. After this ritual, it is recommended to go outside and take a walk in nature, relying with all your soul on its magic and mercy. Pay attention to the little things - the blossoming of tree buds, the smell of spring air. Think only in a positive way while walking, thinking about the fulfillment of your desires.

Rite of purification

This ritual will not require any magical efforts from you. It is very simple, but effective provided you believe in a positive result. Unlike the first ritual, this ritual can be performed in the coming days. vernal equinox.

The purpose of this cleansing ritual is to get rid of the negative energies and emotions accumulated over the year, normalize the state of mind and wait for a fair wind of change. Do some spring cleaning in your home. You can do it yourself, or you can involve family members. When you clean - sweep and wash the floors, wipe the dust, wash the windows, etc. mentally imagine that you are thus getting rid of the accumulated negativity in your life. Imagine that illnesses and failures are leaving your life with all this dirt.

After cleaning, on a piece of paper, write a list of what you would like to get rid of in your life, what is gnawing at you or preventing you from living a full, happy life. Burn this sheet of paper with the list and scatter the ashes out the window. After cleaning your home, be sure to thoroughly ventilate all areas. This will symbolize the beginning of your new life and the onset of a period of fresh wind of change!

On this day, astronomical spring begins and astrological spring begins. New Year. From ancient times to the present day, the day of the spring equinox has been revered and solemnly celebrated among many peoples of the world as a joyful holiday of the awakening of nature.

On a short time all nature freezes and is in a certain balance of light and darkness, good and evil. From the point of view of natural, elemental magic, this is an important, solemn and magical moment. Not only the time of awakening of earthly forces, but also the inclusion of new energies, reaching a different level. After a period of winter calm, the hour of accomplishment comes: after all, from this moment on, the sun “does not take its eyes off us” for a whole six months. And for the Slavs, the Sun was not a “luminary” of the neuter gender, but rather the Father, the founder of the human race, the sun had a proper name - the god Yarilo. So it turns out that from the moment of the Spring Solstice we are under the watchful gaze, under the supervision of the Forefather. On the one hand, we are under the Patronage of the Sun, on the other hand, as usual in public, we are obliged to show our best sides and deeds.

Among the ancient Egyptians, only the pharaoh was considered the son of Ra, only he had a divine nature: all other citizens of Egypt were mere mortals and descended from an earthly father and mother. Whereas the Slavs - from princes to the last tillers - considered themselves children of the god Yarilo, and everyone could turn to him with a request. Therefore, everyone certainly took part in the joyful ritual on the days of the solstice.

Previously, through the rites of the spring solstice, harmonization took place between the cycles of the Sun and the cycles of the Earth: Father Yarilo could not help but respond to the requests of his children and harmonized life. This is the simple ancient principle of sacred harmony.

So it turns out that many rituals of the spring equinox symbolize rebirth and activate vital energy.

Nowadays in the countries of the Middle East, Central Asia, in Azerbaijan, as well as in Russia (Bashkortostan, Tatarstan) on this day they celebrate the New Year - Novruz.
In Japan, this is the Higan holiday, associated with the veneration of nature and ancestors.
Among the Slavic and Western European peoples, echoes of this holiday are Maslenitsa and a series of spring carnivals. Usually the holiday takes place several days before and several after the equinox itself. And on this day the astrological New Year begins, which will be held under the auspices of the Sun. In the year of the Sun, many human talents are revealed, long-planned ones are realized creative projects. This year we can expect more light, energy, strength, speed in everything.

What meaning did this holiday carry for people at all times?
First of all, the day of the vernal equinox meant the beginning of spring, the time of rebirth, the awakening of nature and all living things to a new life.

From time immemorial, people have perceived spring as the beginning of a new life; on this day they revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things, and the Goddess of spring and dawn.

We welcomed her return from underworld, associated with the complete revitalization of nature and the return of its vitality.
Ancient spring celebrations were filled with gaiety and rituals promoting the fertility of the earth and the well-being of the people. Before the celebration, they cleaned up, collected and burned all the garbage that had accumulated in the house and yard. On the day of the equinox it was given great importance what people say and do. Tried to avoid evil words and actions, quarrels, insults and abuse.

OSTARA is another name for the Spring Equinox Day (19-21.03)
Ostara - the spring holiday of the Wheel of the Year, mid-spring, a holiday of balance, when the day is equal in length to the night, falls on the spring equinox on March 20-21

In the Wiccan tradition, the Goddess becomes younger on this holiday, restores her virginity, and until Beltane appears in the guise of the Virgin, along with God, who by this time grows up and becomes a youth.

It is believed that her name has common roots with the names of Astrea, Astarte, Astghik (Armenia), Atargatis, Ishtar, Ashtoret and Eos, thus obtaining associations with the dawn, the eastern direction, the beginning and the “morning star” - the planet Venus. In addition, among the peoples of the Mediterranean region, at the spring equinox there were celebrations associated with the resurrection and/or return to the world of living male companions of mother goddesses: Attis, Adonis, Astara, Tammuz-Dumuzi (in the latter case - a later cycle of myths) and etc., which also meant the spring revival of nature.

I suggest you spend cleansing ritual spring equinox.

It is held either on the day of the equinox itself, or in the days closest to it.
This ritual is performed in order to cleanse negative energy and regrets, restore order in the emotional and spiritual spheres of life and let the wind of good changes into your life. Take up cleaning your home or workspace on your own or with your family. While sweeping away the trash and wiping the dust, imagine that you are being cleansed of all negative emotions, illnesses and misfortunes.
Write down on paper everything you want to get rid of and burn it.

After cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room, sprinkle water flavored with herbal infusions around, take a shower and perform meditation to fulfill your desires.

This is a day of pure energy, a unique moment when you can correct mistakes, forgive and receive forgiveness, and create a sunny future for yourself.

During this period, you need to make a list of all the insults and injustices you have caused to your friends and loved ones. These individual lists, compiled during the week, are aimed at restoring harmony in human relationships through sincere apologies, repayment of old debts, etc. After this, during the week before the holiday, a person should try to correct something from this list or decide which -a problem, such as repaying a debt or asking for forgiveness. As a result, another list is compiled - of what has been corrected.

On the day of the holiday, a person brings to the circle his list indicating what he has done to correct injustice and cleanse his karma. During the ritual, the paper is burned, and this serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual cleansing.

The spring equinox favors those who seek to begin new life, correct previous mistakes, rewrite something “from clean slate" The most delusional hopes get the opportunity to come true.

The vernal equinox is one of four days of power associated with the solar cycle (which includes two equinoxes and two solstices).
What was laid down as an intention, a dream, a plan on the day of the winter solstice is now ready to blossom, bloom, open up and manifest itself in all its glory.
There is a special time on this day - the time between the equinox and sunrise the next day.
Let me remind you that the equinox occurs in 2016 - March 20 at 6:30 am (Moscow time).
This is a magical time, a time of signs, symbols, signs.
Notice everything that happens at this time.
Through symbols you can understand yourself and your future.
At this time, you need to control your thoughts, directing your consciousness to what you want to realize.
Your thoughts, dreams, fantasies, dreams - everything conceived in these moments can come true within a year.

In conclusion, I would like to offer you a meditation to fulfill your desire.
Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light a candle and place it in front of you. Breathe calmly and deeply.
Try to relax. Close your eyes.
Now mentally imagine your desire come true.
This could be, for example, an image of a new home, you in new position on new job, or you and your new life partner.
Don’t try to imagine everything in detail, it’s more important to feel the positive energy of a fulfilled wish, so try to feel the feelings that you will experience when your wish comes true.
Now place your image in the pink sphere.
Let this sphere gradually rise into the sky, decreasing in size, until it completely disappears in the heights. You have released your desire and sent it to the order table of the universe.
Now breathe easy and joyfully.
Your order has been accepted and your wish will come true in due time.
Circle of luck. (Anastasia Volkova)

To perform the next ritual you will need several branches of trees or shrubs. Their number is not so important, and you can determine it yourself. The main thing is that there are enough branches to create a small circle around you. Or more precisely, so that you can stand in a circle made of these branches. By the way, it is not at all necessary to cut fresh branches from trees. You can take broken ones or frozen ones in the snow. Believe me, even in such seemingly lost “wrecks” there is still a glimmer of life, and the natural strength is no less than that of their “growing brothers”.
Once you have the necessary “branch tools” in your hands, you can begin...
On the day of the spring equinox, at any hour convenient for you, retire to an apartment or a separate room. Dress warmly and open the windows, turn on the lights everywhere, open the water taps.
If you cannot manage the entire apartment, then at least turn on and open everything you can in the room.
By doing this, you activate the favorable energy of your home, which is a reflection of yourself. Place branches on the floor in the shape of a circle with the words: “Branch to branch, the circle of luck is strong.”
Then stand in your circle, close your eyes and imagine yourself successful and happy man, imagine the performance of the most cherished desires and say: “Good luck is ahead. Luck is behind us. Good luck, walk with me by the hand!”
This completes the ritual. Gather the branches and place them in a beautiful vase with water.
From this moment your life changes for the better!
And when the first green leaf appears on the branches, your dream will begin to come true!
Love and joy to you!