Summary of drawing lesson " Sea fish" (senior group)

View directly educational activities– integrated
Integrated areas:
1)Cognitive development
2) Artistic and aesthetic development
3) Physical development
4) Speech development
5) Social - communicative
Target: Teach children to draw sea fish with wax crayons.
1) Introduce children to drawing techniques (with wax crayons);
2) Learn to draw fish, convey their shape, size, structure, proportions, color, composition. Continue to introduce marine life and aquatic plants;
3) Develop creativity, attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination;
4) Educate careful attitude to living nature.
Methodical techniques:
1) Visual
2) Verbal (reminders, instructions, questions)
3) Gaming (surprise moment)
4) Differentiated analysis of the lesson.
Demo material: Presentation.
Handout: Sheets of A4 paper, wax crayons, scissors.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: The children in our group brought a letter.
Let's read it? (children answer)
Educator: “Hello everyone from the depths of the sea
The king writes from the seabed
I'm crying and there's a reason
Unfortunately, not alone.
Oh, how boring

All this beauty!
Everything is seething here every now and then
I'm so tired of this!
The waves then rise,
Then suddenly they go down.
I don't like lunch and dinner
I started getting angry and grumbling
I'm lonely and bored
Here in the transparent depths.
I'm alone, the fish are gone
Little mermaids are sleeping nearby.
Sea king.
Educator: why does the sea king ask for help?
Children: there are not enough fish in the sea, they are caught in nets, the water is polluted.
Educator: The sea king is a magician, if you and I draw fish and he likes them, he will definitely turn them into real living fish. What will our fish need in the sea kingdom?
I show whatman paper with an image of the sea and aquatic plants.
Educator: guys, what plants can live and grow in the sea (brown, green algae; kelp? Why do you think plants are needed in the sea (they enrich the water with oxygen, serve for sea ​​creatures food, and even a house?
What fish do you know that live in the sea (cod, herring, sturgeon, flounder, sea ​​bass, shark?
(Children name fish, the teacher shows their images).
Educator: Let's look at herring. Name the parts of the fish's body (head, body, tail, fins) What is on the head (eyes, mouth, gills? Why does the fish need gills? Does the fish have a neck? What is the body covered with? What scales? (smooth, shiny) What kind of tail? How many fins? What types of fins are there (gill, ventral, dorsal, caudal? What color is the herring? (blue with a silver tint) Yes, guys, you correctly named all the parts of the fish: head, body, but everyone has different tails, number of fins. Each fish beautiful in its own way, for example, sea bass is red, sturgeon is green with a lilac tint, flounder is brown with black spots. And what else is there in the sea (starfish, shells, underwater rocks, octopuses? I show pictures starfish, shells.
I invite children to play the game “The sea is agitated once”
I take out envelopes from the package from the sea king.
Didactic game “Assemble a fish from parts”
I suggest the children draw sea fish with wax crayons.
I quickly show you how to draw a fish and post a drawing diagram.
Finger gymnastics"Fish"
A fish swims in the water, - with palms folded together they show
It's fun for the fish to play like a fish swims.
Fish, fish, naughty girl - they shake their finger
We want to catch you - palms slowly clench
The fish arched its back - the fish “swims”
She took a bread crumb and made grasping movements with both hands.
The fish waved its tail - “swim.”
The fish quickly swam away.
Next, the children and I insert the fish into a piece of paper with a drawn seabed.
I ask the children if we got the seabed with fish. (Children answer) The king of the sea will turn them into real live fish, and he will have fun living with them. Guys, what else do you think we can do so that the fish do not disappear from the sea, so that the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes are clean (we cannot pollute the water, catch fish with nets and take care of all living things around). Well done boys! What did we do in class today? (children answer by drawing fish with wax crayons, playing the outdoor game “The Sea is Worried Once”, didactic game“Assemble a fish from parts” and did finger gymnastics “Fish”. Well done boys!
And in conclusion, I will read you a poem, and you listen:
Under one blue
We live under a common roof
House under a blue roof
And spacious and big
The house is spinning near the sun
To keep us warm
So that every window
It could illuminate.
So that we can live in the world,
Without being scared or threatening.
Like good neighbors
Or good friends!
Photos from the lesson

Lesson notes on drawing for children with intellectual disabilities

second year training (with tarshaya group).

Subject: "Fish in the Aquarium"

Target: Teach children to draw with their fingers.

Tasks: Teach children to leave fingerprints inside the silhouette of a fishand do not go beyond the contour. Strengthen red and yellow colors. Development of fine and general motor skills. Cultivate interest in the world around you.

Equipment: Sheets of paper in the form of an aquarium, red and yellow color, cards of red and yellow color, guest of the lesson - a toy fish, a fish on a stick for playing gymnastics for the eyes, for playing a basin with buckwheat and fish toys, cardboard fish and clothespins, an aquarium with 3D fish.

Vocabulary work: fish, tail, fins, eyes, scales

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy:

The sun is rising bright
He sends his rays to us

We will stretch our hands to the sun,
Hello, sunshine, we'll say!

Guys, let's say hello to each other like birds with their noses,

Like fish side by side, like bunnies with tails.

Let's look into each other's eyes and smile.

Surprise moment:

Educator: Guys, we have an unusual guest in our group, and you will find out who it is as soon as you guess my riddle:


I'm swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.
I don't walk on the ground

I have a mouth, but I don’t speak
I have eyes - I don’t blink,

I have wings, but I don’t fly.

(balyk fish)

Are there any fish in our group? let's consider

them. Tell me, guys, where do the fish live? The fish live

aquarium. The fish want to play with us.

Game: "Catch the Fish"

Artistic word:

Fishes swim in the water

Fishes have fun playing

They will shrink and unclench

They'll bury themselves in the sandand among the stones.

Look, the fish are hiding from us, let's catch them.

( Children put their hands into a bowl of buckwheat and dig out small toys depicting fish.)

Problem situation:

Educator: Our fish felt sad. Why did your fish feel sad? She wants, so that all the fish become her friends. But to do this you need to get to know the fish even better.

Survey object What is a fish made of?

First, let's look at what the fish consists of.

The fish haveeyes , what are they for? To see everything.

Gymnastics for the eyes :

Guys, look, our fish swam up, and now down. Our fish swam to the left, and now to the right. (Children look with their eyes up, down, left, right)

The fish hasmouth . Articulation exercise: "The fish opens its mouth"- Show how the fish opens and closes its mouth. Take your time

The fish hastail . He serves as her steering wheel.

Fishtail game with clothespins

Look how beautiful the fish are. And we can make them even more beautiful. Decorate the fish's tail with colorful clothespins

Poem reading and dramatization

The fish was catching up with the fish,
The fish wagged its tail.
She poked her in the abdomen: - Caught up!
Hey girlfriend! How are you?

The fish also hasfins .Why does she need them?

To swim. Let's swim like fish using fins (show)

The body of the fish is covered with plates - thisscales .Why does the fish need it? (defend)

Now we'll swim a little:

Game: Fish

Fishes swim on the river

Brighter, purer than silver

The fish's scales shine,

Wags his tail back and forth

And there are no fish, And there is no trace

Where do fish live at home?

At home, fish live in an aquarium.

Our fish will live inaquarium .

Now let’s help the fish and draw him many, many friends in the aquarium.

Showing and viewing a sample.

Showing the step-by-step execution of work :

Let's draw unusual way, with the help our fingers and paints. First, let's repeat the colors on the cards: show the red color, and now the yellow color.

Our fish will be bright and beautiful.

Now we will draw using our fingers. Choose any color andleavingeatfingerprints inside a fish silhouetteAnddon't go beyond the contour.

Finger gymnastics:

Once upon a time there was a burbot

Two ruffs were friends with him.

Three ducks flew to them

Four times a day

One two three four five.( Children get to work drawingwith background music)

-Creative work children.

Educator: Now, guys, get to work, and I will help you.

Result: Educator: -What are we guys doing today?

painted? R fish - Thank you guys,now I have many friends. Educator: - Guys, you did great, you helped the fishe make friends with all the fish. Look how merrily they swim in aquarium.

AND gra "Fish"

The fish swims in the water.
The fish have fun playing.
(Two palms together depict swimming movements)

Fish, fish, mischief,
We want to catch you.
(Palms alternately clenched into fists)

The fish arched its back
I took a bread crumb.
(Grasping movements with a pinch)

The fish wagged its tail
She quickly swam away.
(Wave hand)

Expected result: Know-what is fish made of?

Be able to- finger painting

Have - draw without going beyond the outline

GCD for unconventional drawing "Aquarium". Middle group of preschool educational institutions

Description of work: The lesson is useful for educators kindergarten. Intended for children of the middle group.

Educational objectives:
Teach children to draw in unconventional ways - with soap bubbles, printing.
Teach the ability to choose independently color scheme.
Improve technical image.
Developmental tasks:
Develop the creative use of previously learned methods of depiction in drawing.
Develop attention and observation.
Educational tasks:
Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Bring up personal qualities children - organization and independence.
cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.
Aquarium, sheet of white paper, soap solution, gouache (blue, yellow, red), cocktail tube, spoon, foam rubber, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, what are you in the mood? (good). Let's smile and ours good mood let's give it to each other.
- Look at what an unusual glass house I have on my table, and there’s someone in it.
(Children look at an aquarium with fish).
-Guys, this is an unusual house, what is it called? (aquarium). Repeat (children repeat in chorus, individually).
- What do we see inside the aquarium? (water, fish).
That's right, there is water in the aquarium, and there is a fish in it. What is she doing? (swimming).
Tell me, what kind of fish? What does she have? (Children describe appearance fish).
- That's right, the fish has a head, eyes on its head, they are large and round. There is also a tail and fins. When a fish swims, it moves its tail and fins. The body of the fish is covered with scales, they are yellow in color, and you can also say “golden”, which is why our fish is called “ gold fish».
Do you want to have an aquarium too? (Yes) Let's draw it. But we will paint not with a brush, but with soap bubbles. Now I will teach you this.
Take paper and a glass of soapy water. add blue paint there and blow into a cocktail tube until foam forms.

Then take the foam with a spoon and place it on the sheet.

Fill out the entire sheet. The result was wonderful bubbles, the “water” of our aquarium.

While the paint dries, let's rest a little.
Physical education minute:
There are reeds by the river,
Ruffs splashed there.
The circle is older.
The circle is younger.
The circle is just a baby.
Let's continue. Using foam rubber and yellow paint we paint the bottom - stones and sand.

Then we take a “fish” cut out of foam rubber and use printing to depict fish in an aquarium.

We finish drawing the eyes of the fish and algae. So we got a wonderful aquarium.

(Independent work of children with musical accompaniment. As the activity progresses, the teacher helps and reminds about the careful use of paints).
- Look how many beautiful fish and algae you have drawn. Let's get our hands in order (clean our hands of paint with napkins).
The teacher leans towards the aquarium and listens.
- Guys, the fish told me that she really liked the new friends you drew (praises each child) and says thank you.
- Let's say goodbye to the goldfish.


1. Exercise children in the technique of working with gouache;

Practice holding your hand correctly (without straining your muscles or squeezing your fingers);

Learn how to carefully pick up paint on a brush, dip all the bristles into a jar of paint, and remove excess paint on the edge of the jar. light touch lint;

Learn to draw using a non-standard technique.

2. Develop aesthetic perception;

Draw children's attention to the beauty of surrounding objects and natural objects;

Generate interest in creative arts classes.

3. Cultivate a love for pets;

Cultivate kindness towards people, help people.

Type of lesson: Subject drawing.

Type of lesson: Communication of new material (info-receptive method); exercise (reproductive method).

Equipment and materials: demonstration material - toys, fish in an aquarium; handouts - painted aquariums, a dish with paint, wet wipes, paints, a brush.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time:

Educator:-Hello guys! Take your seats. They sat down correctly, beautifully, legs together, backs straight.

MASHENKA enters the group. Crying

Educator:- Mashenka, why are you crying?

Mashenka:-My fish got sick because she was bored alone in the aquarium. And there is no one to help me.

Educator:-Don’t cry Masha, we will help you! Guys, can we help Masha? Let's draw friends for the fish.


Educator: Now look carefully at the toy. Guys, who do you see on my palm? (Fish). Who has aquarium fish at home?

Look at the fish, its head and body are together. They form one single thing.

What shape does the fish's body have? (oval). What shape does the tail look like? (triangle). What color is our fish? What other colors are fish?

Outdoor game: “Find out your color.”

The teacher gives the children red, yellow, blue colors. Then he shows the ball and offers it to the children with fish of the same color as the ball being shown, with the command “run to me!” run up to him.

Educator: Guys, now look carefully, I will show you how we will draw a fish.

Place your palm in a plate of paint. Then place your palm on the center of the sheet and press well. Then wipe your hand with a napkin.

Dip your finger in green paint and draw algae. Draw a wavy line without lifting your finger, press firmly so that it is drawn well. Wipe your hand with a napkin. We take the brush by the iron shirt, dip it first in black paint and draw an eye and mouth for the fish. Wipe off excess paint from the brush on the edge of the jar.

Physical education minute

Fishes swim in the water

Fishes have fun playing

They will shrink and unclench

They'll bury themselves in the sand


Educator: Now let's take our seats. Let's start drawing. Don’t forget that we first dip our palm in the paint, then draw algae, an eye and a mouth for the fish. Whoever finished drawing hang the work on the board.

Educator:-Guys, look carefully at the pictures. Which drawing did you like best?

Mashenka comes in.

Mashenka:- Guys, look how fun my fish is now because she has so many friends now! Thank you!

teacher, MADOU No. 97 “Bee”,

Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia

Drawing in middle group“Fish in the Aquarium”
Program content:
1. Exercise children in the technique of working with gouache;
2. Develop the ability to place an image on the entire sheet when conveying a plot,
3. Continue teaching children to draw silhouettes of fish swimming in different directions.
4. Practice holding your hand correctly (without straining your muscles or squeezing your fingers);
5. Learn to pick up paint on a brush carefully, dip all the bristles into a jar of paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of the bristles;
6. developing in children the idea of ​​fish as living creatures living in water;
7. developing children’s knowledge about the characteristic structure of fish: body shape, fins, gills, etc.
8. Develop imagination, artistic and creative abilities.
9. Build children’s skills and abilities in visual arts.
10. Cultivate children’s emotional and aesthetic feelings and accuracy in work.
11. Strengthen children’s knowledge about aquarium fish.
12. Instill a love for living nature.
Preliminary work:
1. Acquaintance with the models “Fish”, “Who Lives in the Pond”.
2. Reading fiction: A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Goldfish”, Permyak “The First Fish”, I. Tokmakova “Where the Fish Sleeps”, Russian folk tale"By pike command».
3. Drawing Fish in an Aquarium.”
4. Acquaintance with the names of aquarium and river fish.
5. Watching the video “On rivers and reservoirs.”
6. Looking at images of fish in atlases and on postcards, watching videos about aquariums.
7. Modeling fish.
8. Reading the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” Composing fish figures from different geometric shapes. Learning a poem about an aquarium.
9. Listening to the musical work “Aquarium” by Camille Saint-Saens.

Progress of the lesson:
Voss: Guys, be quiet, didn’t you hear anything? I think someone meowed.
Ah, that's who called us. Did you find out who it is?
Guys: We found out, this is Kotofey Ivanovich.
K.I: Hello guys.
Guys: Hello Kotofey Ivanovich.
K.I: Guys, do you remember why I came to you at the last lesson?
I really want to have an aquarium at home.
You have already put in the aquarium…….
Guys: Pebbles, shells.
K.I: They planted it between the stones.....
Guys: Algae.
K.I: You know, I looked and saw that the plants in the aquarium began to grow. So they feel good there. And if the plants feel good, then the fish will feel good too. I really want to get the fish in there as quickly as possible.
What about you guys?
Guys: Yes.
Voss: Then take your seats.
Look who's swimming in my aquarium.
Guys: Fish.
Voss: Let's look at it and remember what the fish has?
Children: The Fish has a body.
Voss: What shape is it? What kind of figure does it look like?
Children: Oval. To the oval.
Question: Let's show with our finger how to draw an oval: round it, extend it, round it, connect it.
What else does the fish have?
Children: Fins (on the back and on the tummy, abdomen), tail, head, eyes, gills.
Voss: Do you think all the fish are the same and similar to each other or are they different?
Children: Various.
Voss: What might be different between them?
Children: Body, tail, fins, coloring.
Question: Look guys, I have drawn three different ovals (or two, and the third teacher draws in class with a thick brush if there is a need for it). I’ll draw fins of different shapes (Dip, stretch and dab, ask the guys with as thin a brush as possible). Look at how different the fish turned out (I place a pre-drawn fish in my aquarium). These are the fish I have. They have fun together.
Now you will draw your fish, but first our fingers need to do exercises so that they work well.
Sit up straight. The backs are straight.
Fishes swim in the water.
Fishes have fun playing.
Fishes, fishes, naughty girls,
We'd like to catch you.
The fish have arched their backs,
The fish wagged their tails,
And quickly swim away.
Now quietly start drawing.
(K.I watches them draw)
Voss: It's time to give aquariums with fish to Kotofey Ivanovich.
Kotofey Ivanovich, together with the guys, examines the fish, how different they are (plump, thin, big and small, how different their tails are, etc.)
K.I thanks the guys.