To get a job, a person must present himself correctly. A resume must be prepared that includes short biography applicant and lists the professional skills that he possesses. To a certain extent, the correct execution of this document determines whether a person will get a job or not.

Basic professional skills

The main signs of a good resume are presentability and conciseness.

It should list those professional skills that correspond to the vacancy. There is a list of basic characteristics that every modern applicant must have. They are divided into 4 groups. In the first category communicative:

  • Negotiation;
  • competent written and oral communication;
  • resolution of conflicts and controversial situations;
  • ability to persuade;
  • working with objections and claims;
  • ability to speak in public.
  • time management;
  • budgeting;
  • project management;
  • strategic planning;
  • multitasking;
  • processing large amounts of information.
  • personnel Management;
  • motivation;
  • generation of ideas;
  • analytics.

The fourth group is applied skills necessary for a particular profession. Scroll:

  • PC ownership;
  • "blind dialing";
  • handling office equipment;
  • knowledge of the MS Office software package;
  • knowledge of GOSTs, SNIPs;
  • conducting business correspondence;
  • ability to work with legal frameworks, knowledge of legislation;
  • office work;
  • knowledge foreign languages;
  • personnel production.

Extra skills

There are professional skills, the presence of which is encouraged, although not considered mandatory. What additional skills can be listed on a resume:

  • attention to detail;
  • analytic skills;
  • flexibility;
  • communication skills;
  • punctuality;
  • management abilities.

Examples of professional skills in a resume

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand which skills are basic, which are additional, and which are better to be transferred to the “About Me” section or not mentioned. Below are examples of professional skills that can be included in a resume for vacancies:

  • manager;
  • manager;
  • economist;
  • engineer;
  • teacher;
  • bank employee;
  • accountant.

Manager skills

This position has many ramifications, which affects the list of skills you need to have when holding it. There are vacancies for sales, purchasing, personnel training, personnel selection, etc. manager. There are a number of general qualities that are important for performing job duties. You can include the following skills in your resume for a manager position:

  • work with objections;
  • conflict resolution;
  • PC knowledge;
  • processing large amounts of information;
  • sales experience;
  • office work;
  • working with office equipment and communications equipment;
  • communication in accordance with the rules of etiquette;
  • Negotiation;
  • knowledge of the relevant market;
  • building stable relationships with clients, suppliers, and personnel.


All actions of a person holding this position should be aimed at establishing the effective operation of the enterprise.

An applicant for a managerial position can include the following specialized skills in his resume:

  • ability to persuade and motivate;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(with listing and level of proficiency);
  • selection, training, control of personnel at all stages of the work process;
  • level of personal computer proficiency (be sure to list which programs you can use);
  • strategic thinking;
  • Negotiation;
  • critical thinking;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • delegation of authority;
  • management of temporary and labor resources;
  • forecasting, strategic planning;
  • search for non-standard management solutions;
  • organizational skills.


A person holding such a position must have higher education and analytical mind. In a resume for an economist position, you can indicate the following professional skills and knowledge:

  • PC proficiency (with a list of mastered programs, especially specialized ones);
  • accounting of company performance indicators;
  • maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(listed, level);
  • economic analysis;
  • planning, maintaining and accounting of payments;
  • work with electronic reporting, translations;
  • management, conclusion of contracts;
  • documenting transactions;
  • maintaining and submitting reports in accordance with rules and deadlines.


To hold this position, you need to have a variety of skills. What can be included in a resume:

  • PC skills and specialized programs (Compass, AutoCAD);
  • organization of construction and repair processes, management at all stages;
  • knowledge of regulatory documentation, laws and acts in the field of engineering design;
  • examination project documentation;
  • Conducting daily quality control, recording the volume of work performed;
  • processing tender documentation;
  • development of engineering projects;
  • drawing up contracts, additional agreements;
  • maintaining technical documentation;
  • work with providers;
  • reading and drawing up drawings;
  • knowledge of the specifics of mechanisms of varying complexity.


Teachers and educators are special professions that require great dedication. For applicants for these positions, both specialized skills and personal qualities are equally important. When writing a resume for the position of teacher, you can list those of these characteristics that you possess:

  • mastery of modern teaching technologies;
  • motivation;
  • experience in tutoring, individual lessons;
  • initiative;
  • broad outlook;
  • energy;
  • erudition;
  • skill effective communication;
  • flexibility, tolerance in communication;
  • making decisions;
  • organization, planning;
  • critical thinking.

Bank employee

The position, as a rule, involves constant communication with people. To obtain it you may need the following professional knowledge:

  • sales experience;
  • tactfulness, tolerance;
  • time management;
  • effective communication – the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give competent advice;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • learning ability, easy assimilation of new information;
  • ability to motivate and persuade;
  • working with objections, searching for compromises.


The list of skills that a person holding this position must have is very large and may vary depending on the narrow specialization.

Professional knowledge that can be listed in a resume for an accountant vacancy:

  • conducting mutual settlements, reconciliation acts;
  • knowledge of relevant legislation;
  • maintaining accounting and tax records;
  • knowledge of the Client-Bank system and specialized programs;
  • accounting entries;
  • analytical thinking;
  • preparation and submission of reports;
  • planning;
  • carrying out inventory;
  • attentiveness;
  • accrual wages;
  • knowledge of the principles of calculating vacation pay and sick leave;
  • working with primary documents.

Professional skills on a resume without experience

If you have not yet worked anywhere, this does not mean that you do not have any skills. What knowledge can be reflected in a resume for people who have no professional experience:

  • mastery of a PC and computer programs;
  • theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of mathematical modeling, marketing analysis, sociology (any field in which you received an education or completed an internship);
  • experience in conducting sociological research (can be obtained during studies);
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, etc.);
  • skills acquired in certain part-time jobs (optional);
  • Availability thesis with an "excellent" rating.

Common mistakes

You need to approach writing your resume very responsibly, because your career and future depend on it. When preparing a document, avoid the following mistakes:

  1. The optimal number of points is from 6 to 9. If you write too few skills, then the HR manager or company leader may get the impression that you do not have enough qualifications to fill the position. If there are too many of them, the document will raise doubts. The specialist may think that you have listed knowledge that you do not possess.
  2. Do not write professional skills that are not relevant to a specific job, even if you are very proud of them.
  3. Do not include personal qualities or character traits in the “Professional skills” paragraph. There is a separate section for them.
  4. Write about each professional skill not in an abstract way, but specifically, for example, “Work experience in wholesale sales - 5 years.” Operate with the words “I own”, “I know”, “I have experience”.
  5. Don't forget the principle of relevance. Write key skills first, additional ones later.
  6. Avoid template phrases and cliches.


Hello! Today there are a lot computer programs(software) for various purposes. In general, they can be divided into two categories:

  1. general purpose;
  2. professional.

They are often called application programs. Speaking in simple language, they are designed to perform specific functions through a user interface. Okay, let's not go too deep into the theory. Let's get down to business.

Today we’ll look at what types of computer programs there are for antivirus protection, office work, internet browsing, design activities and accounting - 1C. I will make a list of names of popular software and briefly tell you what it is.

Computer programs for resumes: briefly about the thematic selection

Computer proficiency level. Is this a familiar phrase? Not surprisingly, it is often found in the form of an applicant’s resume for a certain position.

In addition to the general assessment of knowledge, it may be necessary to indicate specific application applications and their level of proficiency. It happens that you don’t use some of them for a long time and forget the names.

For these and other cases, we will consider small lists of common software and some of their features. From them you can choose the ones you need to study and fill out your resume. Moreover, you don’t have to write everything in it. The main thing is to indicate what will actually be required to complete job responsibilities and what knowledge there is.

Antiviruses: list and brief description

There is a huge selection of software for PCs and mobile devices.

Here is a list of some of the popular antivirus programs:

  • Kaspersky. There are different versions with different functionality. Among them you can find a suitable option for your home or business. I prefer it because I consider it a very powerful and reliable antivirus for both PCs and phones and tablets.
  • ESET NOD32. It's quite reliable. For a long time I used it before for one simple reason - in the recent past my computer was not very powerful, but NOD32 provided good performance.
  • Dr. Web (“Doctor Web”). A good multi-platform antivirus.
  • Avast. Available in free and paid versions. Naturally, the latter have wider functionality.
  • Avira. Quite an interesting and functional antivirus that can be installed on PCs and mobile devices.

The choice of antivirus depends on individual preferences. The only thing, as an experienced system administrator, I want to point out the existing nuance that arises when there are serious suspicions of a threat to computer security.

When thoroughly checking computers for viruses, it is better to do a maximum scan with several programs. However, you cannot have 2 or more antiviruses installed on your computer at the same time.

How then to do this? I won’t go into details now, the publication is not about that, but as an option - one can check it through Windows, the other with DOS mode.

Office programs

Among them there are standard ones for the operating room Windows systems, and additional. The latter can be classically divided into paid and free PC software.

So, let's look at what kind of office programs there are for working on a computer.

I will list 2 standard ones for Windows applications.

  • Notebook. A simple text editor with rather modest functionality.
  • WordPad. There are more possibilities than the previous editor, and less than the analogues described below.

Free office programs include OpenOffice products, among which, according to my observations, the ones listed below are most often used.

  • Writer. Suitable for creating standard text documents. Similar operations are often performed in Word.
  • Calc. It is designed to work with tabular documents.
  • Impress is designed for creating graphic presentations.

Paid office software includes products called Microsoft Office. Among it there are corresponding alternatives to the three options presented above.

  • Word.
  • Excel.
  • PowerPoint.

They usually don't need any introduction. It's hard to meet a user who hasn't heard of them.

There are different versions of the described software. The choice depends on the tasks at hand.

Internet browsers

I present a list of names of alternative browsers.

  • Internet Explorer.
  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Opera.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Yandex browser.

They meet in different versions. For maximum security, it is better to use the latest one available.

The first browser in the list is the standard browser in the operating system. All of the above are very popular. Among the users I meet, and there are quite a few of them, I notice that they most often use Google Chrome or a browser from Yandex. The latter has cool functionality - protected mode. It is able to enhance security when working with payment services.

1C programs for accounting

A very common program in the field of economics. It is difficult to imagine large-scale business activity without its use. Among the latest versions is 1C 8.

Depending on production tasks, different configurations for 1C can be used. This feature makes your work much easier.

For ease of use, several users can be connected to one database (DB), where all important information is stored. Since not everyone needs full access, it can be limited for each connected user.

Programs for designers and professional earnings

There are many of them. Among the powerful and frequently used ones, 4 specific programs can be distinguished under the following names:

  • Adobe Photoshop. Used for image processing.
  • Adobe Premiere. Useful for video processing.
  • Adobe Indesign. Designed for professional layout design.
  • CorelDraw. Can be used to work with vector graphics.

Specific versions of licenses and software are selected taking into account work tasks and the configuration of the computer on which they will be installed.

Having mastered one of these programs masterfully or at least at an intermediate level, you can seriously think about finding a well-paid one. Good specialists with such knowledge are valued in the real world and online. There are actually a lot of people who want to make money, but it’s not always easy to find real professionals.

This publication is nearing completion. We looked at what common programs there are for performing specific tasks on computers. You found what you were looking for? If so, I'm glad I was able to provide valuable information. If not, then you can ask a question in the comments or add to this publication.

Subscribe to updates. You can receive information by e-mail or track announcements of publications in in social networks, where I regularly add them. See you later.

Proficiency in a set of office applications, especially word and excel, today is a necessary, and in some cases, mandatory skill in many professions and areas of life. Our word and excel training program for beginners is intended primarily for those who need to master these programs comprehensively and thoroughly, with detailed description all the necessary tools and settings. Word and Excel courses are the minimum, having mastered which, you will be able to work independently in almost any industry, performing basic office tasks for the circulation of documents and various types reporting. Many people believe that learning Word and Excel for dummies is something insufficient to quickly advance in education and in the profession, but under this somewhat humorous name lies a well-developed program for learning Word and Excel, which allows you to master the subject easily and effectively, and most importantly, the Excel training program for beginners step by step allows you to clarify the direction you are mastering at each stage.

Microsoft Excel Features and Capabilities

MS Excel is a universal and multifunctional spreadsheet editor whose functions are not limited to creating and editing spreadsheets. Using this application, you can significantly increase the efficiency and speed of solving a wide range of professional tasks - from creating databases, analyzing and grouping them using filters to complex calculations with various coefficients, visualization and forecasting.

Excel skills are indispensable for specialists working in the following fields:

  • Financial and economic analytics;
  • Accounting;
  • Marketing and sociological research;
  • Scientific activity;
  • Banking sector and work with loans;
  • IT sphere, SEO optimization and promotion;
  • Working with databases in various fields.

In the above areas, you will need advanced Excel skills, but for managers and other office workers, in most cases, basic skills in using a spreadsheet editor are sufficient. Firstly, this will be a big advantage when finding a job, and secondly, it will really help you cope with your work easier and faster.

Demand for Word and Excel specialists

Despite the fact that you can now learn to work in Excel from scratch in almost any training center In computer technology, there are not enough specialists who know these programs at the proper level. Most people who come to MS Office Excel courses and think that they can more or less work in these programs, in fact do not reach the very beginning level. But having a correct understanding of our skills allows us not only to choose the right training course, but also to be able to apply for a certain job. The demand for Word and Excel specialists is one side of the coin, the other side is their professionalism and skill. Therefore, Excel for Dummies training is necessary for everyone, at least in order to understand what level of proficiency in Word and Excel programs we are at, and whether we are doing the right thing by learning Excel from scratch or whether we need ms excel training at a higher level. And even if you have First level knowledge of Excel and Word programs, but the study was carried out independently, then in the courses you will be able to systematize your knowledge and find a lot of new things in seemingly understandable things. Well, if you undergo training at more complex levels of proficiency office programs, then it is better to immediately resort to the services of specialized centers - you will save not only time and money, but also your nerves.

You will need knowledge of the following MS Excel tools:

  • Data storage - creating tables, databases, lists, sheets and books;
  • Data processing methods - searching, filtering, formatting and grouping by parameters;
  • Methods of calculations, analysis and forecasting based on available data;
  • Visualization of data in graphs and charts;
  • Logical, text, mathematical and statistical functions;
  • Formulas for fast computational operations with large data sets;
  • Macros, pivot tables and other tools.

Where to start learning, with Word or Excel

Traditionally, learning begins with Word; the program allows you to fundamentally master the keyboard and basic skills in working with text and information of various types. After mastering the Word program, Excel program is easier to master, if only because you have confident typing skills on the keyboard. Working in Excel, training for dummies, implies computer proficiency not only at a basic level, but also at the level of confident use. If Word is a program that is necessary for almost everyone, as a tool for creating, editing, sending and receiving any document, then Excel is a specialized program that may not be necessary for everyone, but mastery of this tool, even at an elementary level, will open up a lot of possibilities. Therefore, in addition to Word, it is highly recommended to take Excel for Dummies training. This combination - word and excel, is very popular as a popular skill for any specialist.

How to quickly master Word and Excel

For experienced computer users, using the main components of the software package at a superficial level is not difficult. Opening a file, reading or typing text, saving a document - these are actions that absolutely every person who works with a computer faces. Once you master any application included in Microsoft Office, you will be able to understand the logic of the interface and menus, and basic operations will become intuitive in the future.

The situation is completely different if you are a novice PC user or you need Office tools for professional purposes. In the first case, lack of skills in using office applications, in particular text Word editor, is a serious obstacle to the further development of all the capabilities of a personal computer. Therefore, learning Office for beginners should be done with systematically with a detailed understanding of basic functions, menus and toolbars.

Master MS Office for professional use It’s even more difficult - most ordinary users do not know about 95% of the capabilities of the Word text editor and Excel spreadsheet editor, unless their work requires it.

Selfeducation requires a lot of time, self-discipline and the ability to concentrate, so the optimal solution would be to take specialized courses dedicated to learning Word and Excel from scratch. They will help you with this Computer literacy courses (Windows, Word, Excel) And Excel courses (Excel) - basic level, which take place at the State Center for Postgraduate Education. If you want to become a professional in using a spreadsheet editor, here is your service:

Computers have become an important part of work for any profession. And therefore, it is important to know a variety of applications and also be able to use them. Today we will look at which resume computer programs are extremely important. Of course, each profession has its own list of everything necessary. But there are also applications that are considered universal. That is, everyone should be able to use them. And some “original” applications for your chosen profession will really give you a significant advantage over others. Let's identify computer programs (names) for resumes and then discuss what they do.

Microsoft Office

So, the first point, which is mandatory, is to indicate an application such as Microsoft Office. This is a fairly convenient “collection” of various kinds of programs that help process information.

For example, you cannot do without Word. Any computer user is familiar with it. This application helps to process text information, edit it and print it. So, for example, if you do not indicate this tool in your resume, then they are unlikely to communicate with you at all potential employer. After all, then we can assume that you don’t even know how to type text on a PC.

We continue to analyze computer programs for resumes. The Office isn't over yet. In addition to Word, you must specify at least Power Point, Excel, Outlook Express, Access. The first program helps you create slides and show presentations. Now every schoolchild owns it. Excel is an editor that helps you carry out calculations using complex formulas. Of course, they are all included in the “set” with the program. By the way, every schoolchild knows how to use it. Thus, if you do not indicate the application data, then they will not really want to communicate with you either.

"Outlook" and "Access" are email and database, respectively. If you must be able to use the first application, then it is advisable to use the second one. Databases are important primarily for accountants, economists, lawyers, operators, and so on. In general, knowing them will give you a slight advantage over others.

But what other computer programs should you include on your resume? Let's try to think and understand this. Moreover, you need to make a bias towards those applications that will always give you an advantage when submitting your resume. Regardless of the chosen profession.


Of course, every computer user should, or rather, is required to be able to use the Internet. With all this, it is important to know some browser functions. And they are also worth pointing out.

Are you thinking about which computer programs to use for your resume? The list, of course, can be endless. But you must transfer the tools for working with the Internet (or rather, with virtual information) to mandatory. These include: “Google Chrome”, “Mazila Firefox”, “Explorer”, “Opera”.

If you want to show off your knowledge in the field of browsers, then you can describe what you can do in these applications. For example, export/import bookmarks, install plugins, protect your computer from various spam (here specify the "AdBlock" program), and so on. In principle, these are still mandatory items for all employees. Knowledge of computer programs in your resume shows your professionalism and desire to explore “new spaces.” The more different applications you specify, the better. But what else is worth recommending? Let's try to find out.


There is another rather important program. It should be indicated when you want to get into accounting or economics. In general, it is best to always know this program. After all, we are talking about “1C”.

This application, to be honest, also has quite a lot of different “subtypes”. Just like Microsoft Office. All 1C products are aimed at economics and settlements. For example, you can quickly draw up a report and reconcile debits and credits. In other words, it is an excellent tool for bookkeeping.

Having proficiency in computer programs on your resume helps employers assess your worth. And skills too. Agree, in our time it is difficult to imagine an accountant who has no idea about the applications in which reports are compiled and summary statements are maintained. This is precisely why it is worth specifying “1C”. But our list does not end here either. The thing is that we are currently studying only basic computer programs for resumes. A little later we will also learn about optional ones, but they give you certain advantages over other candidates for the position.


Yes, yes, the list of computer programs for cutting also includes operating systems. Now there are quite a lot of them. And no one knows which one we will have to work with next. Maybe with the familiar “Windows”, or maybe with the “exotic” - “Linux”. And therefore it is important for the employer to know which “axes” you work with.

Be sure to indicate all versions (mostly the latest) of Windows. In particular, the "Seven" and "Eight". After all, it is with them that we often have to deal. In principle, if you have already worked on Windows 10 and understood it, then also indicate this feature. After all, this operating system is relatively new. And users have already had enough trouble with it.

In addition, it would be nice to include the so-called operating system Linux. To be honest, it will be unusual for the average user who is accustomed to Widows. But knowing it will give you a significant advantage over others. However, if you are applying for a position as a system administrator, then Linux should be on the list of important and necessary applications. Otherwise, his knowledge will elevate you above other candidates.

The computer programs in the resume, examples of which we have given, are far from being the entire minimum. Let's try to figure out what else should be on your must-have list. After all, the computer and its applications are diverse. And the better the user knows them, the easier it will be for him to work in the future. Thus, we continue our conversation with you.

Graphic arts

Of course, if you know how to work with text and information, then you should also be able to work with computer graphics. Yes, this is not particularly important for an accountant or lawyer, but nevertheless, now even schoolchildren are mastering a variety of applications for working with graphical data.

What computer programs should I use for my resume in this case? Of course, there are two unsurpassed leaders - Photoshop and Corel Draw.

Let's start with the second one. Corel Draw is a special application that is used for graphics processing. Here you can edit, redraw, change colors, create a collage, and so on. In general, if, for example, you are planning to edit photos or glue them together, then this idea will be implemented in a matter of minutes.

"Photoshop" is the main competitor of "Corel Draw". In general, this application, in truth, performs the same functions. It just has a different creator and interface. Many users actually find Photoshop easier to use. However, it is better to list the two programs together. This will help demonstrate your versatility. Computer programs for resumes, which everyone must know, have basically run out. Now we will find out with you those that give advantages over other candidates, regardless of your profession.


Basically, modern teenagers and the younger generation is familiar with an application like Fraps. You can include it in your resume. It is not so important for work, but its mention will demonstrate your desire to study a variety of computer capabilities.

The thing is that Fraps is a special application for capturing “pictures” from the screen. In other words, it helps you take screenshots and also capture videos from your monitor. And both with system sound and from your microphone. And, of course, simultaneously both from the system and from “reality”. True, few people use this opportunity at work now. Perhaps to track what the employee is doing on the computer.

But what other resume software can help you? In fact, there are very, very many of them. But nevertheless, we will give some more rather interesting examples. Let's get down to business as soon as possible.

3Ds Max

Well, another rather interesting application is 3Ds Max. What is it for? To create 3D models. This point is especially important for designers and developers of computer games.

The thing is that 3D modeling is now used in many places. So, you can make a “virtual” room and demonstrate it, as well as develop something of your own and show it “from all sides” to clients. For example, this application is very useful for those who create furniture. You can discuss the order with the buyer, and then place it virtually. Then you show, finalize and get maximum compliance with the requirements.

For the average worker, knowledge of 3Ds Max is not that important. Nevertheless, the presence of this application will help draw the employer’s attention to you. Maybe you will be offered another position that is more interesting and matches your skills. As a rule, such “places” also pay better. There are also computer programs for resumes. And now we will get to know them.

For communication

Well, don’t forget about the various applications used for communication. At first glance, it may seem that you are simply pointing out programs that no one needs. But in reality this is not the case at all.

After all, today everyone is trying to negotiate through various kinds of applications. So, it is worth indicating in your resume knowledge of ICQ, Skype, Mail@Agent, and so on. This will actually help you connect with clients. For example, conducting consultations. The most often used, of course, is Skype.

In principle, you don’t have to specify specific programs. Sometimes it is enough to write “means for communicating on the Internet.” However, to avoid being asked for details later, it would be better to indicate the names of these applications.

Sony Vegas Pro

Well, here's another program that you can put on your resume. True, it also serves for graphics processing. After all, we are talking about Sony Vegas Pro. This application is a real universal video studio on your computer.

Here you can easily and simply create a video from slides, edit a video, process it, prepare it for display, and so on. In general, this application is simply necessary for those who decide to work with graphics in principle. For the average user, knowledge of Sony Vegas Pro is just a small plus in the direction of being considered for a particular position.


Well, if you don’t know what other computer programs you can list for your resume, then you should write about antivirus knowledge. In fact, the issue of data protection is usually very important. Especially in the workplace.

Write several antivirus programs - Nod32, Avast, Dr.Web, Kaspersky. After that, specify additional applications such as SpyHunter, Ccleaner and so on. In general, this list is enough to show your data protection skills.


So, today we learned about computer programs for resumes. In fact, our list can go on. After all, there are a lot of applications on the Internet.

However, if you include the following programs on your resume, regardless of the position, you can expect success. After all, the more a user knows, the more necessary and “universal” he is in the workplace. You already have a list of computer programs for resumes (the most popular ones). You can easily master them and use them.

The computer has deeply penetrated all areas of our lives. We have prepared a list of computer skills that will help you in your work and will reduce the time it takes to complete a particular task.

Before looking for a job.

Recruiters review dozens of resumes every day, and most of them are not original. Templates downloaded from the Internet, similar phrases such as “confident PC user”, “I can work in Word and Excel” do not surprise anyone.

We recommend that you show high level PC ownership - create a landing page with a portfolio. This can be done on WordPress or Squarespace, for example. To do this you will have to register a domain.
Place a presentable photo on the landing page, provide contact information, describe your skills, experience, skills and place examples of work - analytical tables (for economists and analysts), examples of articles (for journalists and copywriters), drawings (for designers), etc. . Place a link to your personal page in your resume marked “my portfolio” or send it to e-mail to the employer.


Nowadays, to be successful in employment, you must be able to work in several specialized programs. Each profession has its own “crown” program, which you need to know thoroughly.
- Excel – for financiers, analysts, economists;
- “1C Accounting” and “Parus” - for accountants;
- Adobe Illustrator – for designers;
- Adobe Photoshop – for photographers, etc.
Many specialists need to know several programs at once. A striking example of this is Excel, the knowledge of which today is needed not only by economists and financiers, but also by sales managers, marketers, and accountants.
We recommend studying 20-30 vacancies on job search sites and making a list of programs that employers most often require. If suddenly you are not confident in your knowledge, it makes sense to take online training or sign up for courses.
"Advanced" Internet search.
As practice shows, many people do not know how to correctly search for information using Google, Yandex and other search engines. As a result, a lot of time is wasted, several dozen pages are looked through before you find what you are interested in.
We recommend using simple life hacks to quickly and easily search the Internet.
On Google:
- put the text in quotation marks to find an exact match of the phrase, for example “site about vegetarianism”;
- to find a quote with a missing word, simply replace that word with “*”, for example, “After the darkest * there is always a day”;
- to search on a specific site, use the site operator, for example “site: work for young mothers”;
- to narrow the search, use the ampersand - it will allow you to quickly find two words that will appear in the same sentence, for example “Flowers & interior”;
- to exclude a word from the search, just put a minus sign in front of it. The query “Oil prices – rubles” will return price results in different currencies, except Russian;
- for example, you need to find a Samsung tablet worth from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles - put the price between “...”, for example, “Samsung tablet 10,000...20,000”;
- if you need to find a file in a specific format, add a filetype operator and specify the format, for example “Ray Bradbury Dandelion Wine filetype: fb2”;
- For quick translation phrases use translate and into indicating the language, for example “translate I love creativity into Spanish.”
It is enough to remember simple techniques for the search engine that you are used to using, and any information will be found quickly and easily. Many of them are universal and suitable for different search engines.

Blind ten-finger dial.
Learning to type without looking at the keyboard using both hands is not as easy as it seems. This usually takes from two to three weeks to several months. There are special online simulators and programs for this. Some people study on their own, without going through the same type of tasks and lessons that training programs offer.
Of course, you can type quickly and efficiently without using the “blind” method, but people who have mastered it begin to type text much faster and make fewer typos. This skill is an important advantage for journalists, editors, copywriters, and secretaries.


To increase the speed of your work and not twitch the mouse endlessly, you definitely need to remember the basic keyboard shortcuts. It's very convenient and easy. It is enough to use the combination a couple of times, and it will be remembered. Perhaps the most famous keyboard shortcuts are “Ctrl + C” and “Ctrl + V” (copy and paste), they work in all programs.
On Windows the following are often used:
- “Ctrl + N” – opens a new window;
- “Win ​​+ E” – launches the file manager;
- “Win ​​+ D” – minimizes and expands open windows;
- “Alt + Tab” – allows you to switch between running applications;
- “Shift + Delete” – deletes files without moving them to the trash.
In fact, there are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts in different programs, so we recommend learning the ones that will help you get started. You can find out the combinations for a particular program on the Internet.
Working with mail.
You have to work with mail constantly, and for many people, their working day begins by reading new letters and responding to them. For convenience and speed, you need to be able to configure mail, in particular:
- sort letters into different folders. In Outlook, you need to create rules for this, and in Gmail, you need to set categories and create shortcuts;
- set up automatic sending of messages, that is, auto replies;
- create mailing lists with a large number of recipients;
- set outgoing emails on a timer so that the recipient receives them at the right time
Synchronization of work.

Important computer skills include the ability to synchronize work. There are a huge number of options on how this can be done. Very often you need to use a shared folder for several computers in order to quickly exchange information - for this you need to create local network and open shared access in the required folder. In a shared folder, you can create files in which several people can work at once.
Another option for synchronizing work is using Google Docs, which includes a text editor, a spreadsheet editor, and a service for creating presentations. Several people can work on or view one document. This eliminates the need to send files to everyone by mail.