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About the author I am a student of class 9 "A" Mukhin Artyom, the author of this site. I am interested in electronics, I like to fix broken tape recorders, televisions, and computers. Thanks to this hobby, I took 2nd place in the regional competition "New Year's Carousel" in the category "Electrified Craft" and 1st place in the regional Olympiad in technology with the project "Use of a school overhead projector in holding public school events" and will soon go to the Republican Olympiad . I believe that all my inclination towards electronics and mechanics comes from my father, he works as a chief mechanic at the Carriage Repair Company. Currently, the VIA "Parallel" has been created in our school. I am the drummer in the ensemble. Of course, I have many hobbies, and I dream of finding my place in life. But the most important dream is to bring the new kind plants that are not only resistant to pollution environment, but they would also be able to cleanse the air and soil from harmful impurities.

Mordovia is a republic in the European part of Russia. It is located on flat terrain, between the Moksha and Sura rivers. What are the features of the nature of Mordovia? What characterizes its climate, as well as its vegetation and animal world?

A little about the republic

The Republic of Mordovia belongs to the Volga District Russian Federation and is part of the Volga-Vyatka economic region. It is located approximately 330 kilometers from Moscow. Transport routes pass through Mordovia, connecting the capital of the country with Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region. Its neighbors in the north and east are the Nizhny Novgorod region, Chuvashia and the Ulyanovsk region, in the west it is bordered by the Ryazan region, and in the south by the Penza region.

The republic is inhabited by approximately 800 thousand people, of which more than 62% live in cities. In addition to Russian, the official languages ​​are Erzya and Moksha. They are spoken by representatives of two ethnic groups that originally lived in the Oka-Sur interfluve.

Now the Mordovian peoples constitute the second largest group of the population. So, Russians account for approximately 53%, Mordovians - about 40% of the population. Approximately 5% of the population is Tatars.

The capital of the republic is Saransk with a population of 300,000 people. In 2013, French actor Gerard Depardieu received registration in this city immediately after becoming a Russian citizen. In 2018, Saransk will host some matches of the World Cup.

Climate Features

The republic is located in temperate latitudes, so all four seasons are clearly expressed and clearly replace each other. The remoteness from the oceans and seas also makes its contribution, forming the continental type of climate of Mordovia, with large annual temperature amplitudes.

The republic has a relatively hot summer, which lasts exactly according to the calendar: starting in June and ending in last days August. July is the hottest month, when temperatures reach +26-27 °C. During this period, western and northern air masses. In summer, thunderstorms, hot winds, squalls and droughts often occur.

The coldest month of the year is January with an average temperature of -11 °C. Winters in Mordovia are cloudy and frosty. But extreme frosts do not last long and temperatures rarely drop below -15 °C. The absolute minimum ever recorded in the republic was -47 °C. In winter, air humidity is much higher than in summer. Typical phenomena in the cold season are fog, ice, frost, snowstorms and strong winds.

Nature of Mordovia

The republic is located in the eastern part of the largest plain on the continent - the East European Plain. Its eastern and central part occupies which in the west passes into the Oka-Don lowland.

The territory is dissected by a dense river network, which contributes to the diversity of flora and fauna of Mordovia. Local plants are represented by both coniferous and broad-leaved species, as well as all kinds of mosses and meadow grasses. More than 12 types of soils have formed here, including chernozem, gray, gley, podzolic, meadow-chernozem.

The local terrain is not very elevated. The highest elevation reaches only 334 meters. In river valleys the height drops to 80-90 meters. The geological structure is dominated by clay-sand formations, as well as alternating layers of limestone and dolomite. The main mineral resources of Mordovia are construction sands, chalk, marl, clay, carbonate rocks, but there are no particularly large deposits in the republic.

Surface water

Rivers play an important role for the nature of Mordovia. There are approximately 1,525 of them in the republic, and all of them belong to the Volga basin. The rivers of Mordovia are fed by groundwater and sediments. They are winding and leisurely, with wide valleys and watersheds.

The largest rivers are the Moksha and Sura, whose basins cover the entire territory of the republic. The remaining streams in Mordovia are their tributaries. The Sura River connects directly with the Volga and is its right tributary; Moksha first flows into the Oka, and through it into the Volga.

There are much fewer lakes in the republic. They are mainly oxbow lakes formed due to changes in the river bed. The largest of them is Lake Inerka. Having been part of Sura in the past, it stretches 4 km in length and is only 200 meters wide.

Vegetable world

The modern nature of Mordovia was formed after ice age. It was forced to adapt to a radically changing climate, and at the same time adapt to the economic development of the land by humans. The natural forest and forest-steppe landscapes of the republic have not been preserved in full. Over the past three centuries, they have been greatly pushed aside by plowed areas.

Local plants are represented by almost all existing departments. There are only red and brown algae. There are especially many species of flowering plants (1120), mosses (77), lichens (83) and mushrooms (186) in the nature of Mordovia.

Approximately 27% of the republic's territory is occupied by coniferous and mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forests. They contain mainly oaks, pines, lindens, aspens, birches, willows, and ash trees. Also found in the forests are hazel, rose hips, and euonymus.

The meadow and shrub steppes of Mordovia used to occupy much more space. Now they have been preserved only in places where it is difficult to develop arable zones, that is, in ravines, gullies, along the outskirts of forests and on river terraces. Herbs and flowers grow here, such as feather grass, chamomile, pikulnik, broom, clover, and sage. On the banks of the swamps there are sedges, mosses, willows and thickets of horsetail.

Animals of Mordovia

Due to the connection of several natural areas, as well as a dense river network, the fauna of the republic is quite diverse. The pine forests are inhabited by quail, hoopoe, kestrel, badger, and partridge. Woodpeckers, blackbirds, wood grouse, warblers, warblers, wood and dormice, and vipers are found in oak forests and transition zones.

The local forests are home to moose, hares, squirrels, martens, weasels, voles, stoats, as well as bears, lynxes, foxes and wolves. The steppes are inhabited by jerboas, shrews, and ground squirrels. Beavers, muskrats, otters live in rivers and lakes; catfish, pike, bream, and ide swim. In total, among the animals of Mordovia there are 50 species of mammals, 170 species of birds, 30 species of fish and more than a thousand insects.

Lesson topic: “Rare and endangered species of plants and animals of Mordovia.” The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to rare and endangered species of plants and animals of Mordovia, to continue to instill in them love and careful attitude to nature, introduce the Red Books of Nature. Lesson type: combined, lesson - presentation.

Pollenhead red. A perennial herbaceous plant with a rhizome penetrating deeply into the soil, ascending, almost vertical, with shoots, the internodes of which are of different sizes. The stem is cm long, the branching system of shoots is monochasial, with 3-6 leaves. The red pollen head grows in dry, sparse forests, broad-leaved, coniferous, along the edges, among shrubs, often on steep slopes; with strong shading, it can go into a state of forced dormancy for a very long time (up to 20 years) and lead an underground lifestyle

Russian hazel grouse. Perennial herbaceous bulbous plant, up to 40 cm tall. Bulb up to 1 cm in diameter. Grows on the slopes of ravines, on the edges of deciduous and pine forests. But the Russian hazel grouse prefers fertile soils with a high humus content.

Osprey. Osprey is a large and, in fact, unique predator, since it is the only species in this family. Ospreys are large in size. Their body is up to half a meter long, and their wingspan reaches almost one and a half meters. Weight varies from one and a half to two kilograms. The wings of ospreys are elongated and characteristically curved where the carpal joint would be. The upper feathers are dark brown, and the crown, nape, chest and belly are white.

Golden eagle. Berkut is big bird with long and relatively narrow wings, slightly rounded tail; the feathers on the back of the head are narrow and pointed; the paws are very powerful, with strong claws and a tarsus feathered down to the toes. The dimensions of the golden eagle are as follows: total length 8095 cm, wing length 6072.5 cm, weight 36.5 kg. Female golden eagles are noticeably larger than males. Both sexes are colored the same.

May lily of the valley. May lily of the valley is a perennial herbaceous plant of the lily family with a creeping branched rhizome and thin roots at the nodes. The underground rhizome is no thicker than a goose feather, bears near the top several pale small lower leaves, half-hidden in the ground. Shoots consisting of 36 vaginal leaves extend from the apices and lateral branches of the rhizome. The leaves of the lily of the valley are basal, long-petioled with an oblong-elliptical pointed leaf blade, thin, entire, bright green, bluish on the upper side and shiny on the lower side. The plant has a strong but pleasant aroma and blooms from late May to June. The fruit is a juicy, three-lobed, spherical orange-red berry that ripens in August–September. The plant is poisonous.

Owl. If we consider owls beautiful, then the most beautiful of them, of course, is the eagle owl. The size of the eagle owl also commands respect. This is an owl with a wingspan of almost two meters and a weight of about three kilograms. An eagle owl's egg weighs grams - the same as an adult Ussuri owl.

Geography and relief of the Republic of Mordovia

The Republic of Mordovia is located in the central part of the Russian Plain between the Oka and Sura rivers. It is located at the junction of steppe and forest natural zones.

The total territory of the republic is 26.2 thousand square meters. km.

The Republic of Mordovia borders on:

  • Nizhny Novgorod region (north),
  • Penza region (south),
  • Ryazan region (west),
  • Ulyanovsk region (east),
  • Chuvashia (northeast).

The republic's topography is a plain, somewhat hilly and elevated (south-eastern part), low-lying and flat mainly in the valley of the Moksha River and its tributaries (west and north-west).

The eastern regions are represented by spurs of the Volga Upland with a characteristic hilly, rugged terrain. The most elevated areas - the Alatyrsky shaft (Mordovian ravine plateau) are located in the east of Mordovia in the area between the Insar and Sura rivers.

The western part of the republic is an almost flat lowland with slightly dissected relief.

Watersheds have the character of flat plateaus and bring a certain diversity to the landscape. There are floodplains and above-floodplain terraces formed by sandy sediments.

Climatic conditions and soils

The climate is temperate continental with cold and snowy winter, warm summer. Due to the compact location of the region, climatic conditions poorly differentiated.

The duration of the warm period of the year is 209-214 days. Spring proceeds quickly (69-71 days).

The average daily temperature in cold weather ranges from -8 to -18 ºС, and in summer – from +15 to +25 ºС.

The average annual precipitation is 450-500 mm. Most of the precipitation (70%) falls in warm time, from April to October. Minimal amount precipitation is observed in February (15-30 mm).

Dry winds are observed from 37 to 44 days a year, and droughts occur periodically.

The most common weather conditions are daytime cloudy weather and partly cloudy weather.

The soils of the republic differ in fertility. Characterized by a combination of the most valuable podzolized and leached chernozems (44%), complexes of gray forest soils and small areas soddy-podzolic soils.

In the valleys large rivers and their tributaries there are floodplain soils (3.2%).

Natural resources

TO natural resources The Republic of Mordovia includes:

Water resources. About 360 rivers flow through the territory of the republic. The entire river network belongs to the Moksha and Sura basin. The rivers are typical lowland rivers with calm flows, wide valleys and winding channels. The main rivers are Alatyr, Sura, Piana, Insar, Sivin, Moksha, Vad, Issa, Vysha, Partsa. The rivers are fed by mixed soil and snow-rain. There are few lakes, most large lake– Churilki with an area of ​​41 hectares. Large reservoirs - Tokmokovskoye, B. Sarke-Tarasovskoye, Alatyr, Seitme, Pyrme - are reservoirs of complex use. Groundwater reserves are significant, but only 5-6% are used.

Minerals e. Deposits were discovered: brown iron ore, phosphorites, peat, mineral paints. Near the rivers Sura, Vad, and Moksha there are deposits of bog oak. There are significant reserves of building materials: deposits of opoka and marl-chalk rocks (Chamzinsky and Bolshebereznikovsky districts); marl and chalk (Atemarskoye, Kulyasovskoye, Piterskoye deposits); tripol ( eastern regions Mordovia), limestones (northwestern regions); sandstone (Bolshiye Berezniki, Saransk); refractory, brick, pottery clays (Shishkeevskoye and Nikitskoye deposits).

Soil and land resources. They are a natural basis for the production of agricultural products. On the territory of the republic, several regions are distinguished according to the provision of fertile soils: low-income areas (Temnikovsky, Tengushevsky, Zubovo-Polyansky) - sod-podzolic soils; low availability (Ichalkovsky, Bolsheignatovsky, Krasnoslobodsky, Bolshebereznikovsky, Kovylkinsky districts) - soddy-podzolic with gray forest soils; average provision (Elnikovsky, Kochkurovsky, Kadoshkinsky, Insarsky, Dubensky and other areas) - gray and dark gray forest soils with areas of chernozems and floodplain soils; high level security (Lyambirsky, Romodanovsky, Chamzinsky, Atyashevsky, Atyuryevsky districts, the city of Saransk) - highly fertile chernozems.

Note 1

In the construction industry, on the basis of mineral deposits, they produce: silicate and clay bricks, expanded clay gravel, blocks, limestone flour, carbonate rubble, mineral wool, crushed stone; construction sands are mined for storerooms and plaster mortars.

Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of Mordovia, by their nature, can be classified as forest and forest-steppe zones.

The vegetation cover is represented by alternation forest areas from arable land and meadow steppes or areas of steppe meadows.

The forests are mixed, dominated by small-leaved species: alder, birch, linden. Large areas are occupied by hardwood trees: ash, oak, maple. 25% of forest areas are represented by coniferous forests (mainly spruce and pine).

Figure 1. Typical landscape of Mordovia. Author24 - online exchange of student works

Steppes are found along forest edges, on river terraces, and on the slopes of ravines and ravines.

The predominant types of steppe vegetation are rhizomatous grasses: feather grass, fescue, bluegrass, timothy, bromegrass. Common herbs include forget-me-not, clover, and adonis.

About half of all meadow lands are flooded meadows in river floodplains. Cereals (meadow-steppe keleria, meadow bluegrass, red fescue, etc.) and legumes (crescent alfalfa, red clover, etc.) grow here. There are many medicinal plants: burnet, valerian, yarrow, string, and others.

The republic's fauna is very diverse. Foxes and wolves are ubiquitous; in remote places you can meet lynx, bear, and moose. Valuable fur-bearing animals live here: squirrels, badgers, martens, weasels, hares. Lots of jerboas, gophers, shrews, beavers, muskrats, otters. There are many songbirds and pigeons; black grouse and wood grouse live in remote areas.

They have commercial significance the following types fish: ide, bream, pike, chub, catfish, burbot, crucian carp.

The Republic of Mordovia is located in the east of the East European Plain. The terrain here is predominantly flat, but there are hills and hills in the southeast. In the west is the Oka-Don Plain, and in the center is the Volga Upland. Climate zone Mordovia is temperate continental. in winter average temperature is -11 degrees Celsius, and in summer - +19 degrees. Approximately 500 mm of precipitation falls annually.

Flora of Mordovia

Mordovia has forest, meadow and steppe landscapes. The forests here are both mixed and broad-leaved. Pine and spruce trees, larches and ash trees, English oaks and maples, elms and warty birches, lindens and black poplars grow in them.

Among the undergrowth and herbs you can find hazel, rowan, euonymus, lilies of the valley, buckthorn, lungwort, and plantain.

Among the rare plants, the following should be mentioned:

  • - leafless iris;
  • - forest anemone;
  • - spring adonis;
  • - Saranac lily;
  • - green-flowered lyubka;
  • - Russian hazel grouse;
  • - open lumbago Perennial;
  • - real lady’s slipper;
  • - Siberian scilla.

On the territory of the republic, not only new deposits of some species of flora were found, but also populations of those plants that were previously considered completely extinct were discovered. To increase them and preserve other species, several reserves were created in Mordovia.

Fauna of Mordovia

Representatives of the animal world of Mordovia live in forests and forest-steppe. Here live the muskrat and the muskrat, the steppe mole rat and the common mole rat, the beaver and the speckled ground squirrel, the large jerboa and the marten. In the forests you can find moose and wild boars, lynxes, hares, and squirrels.

The bird world is rich and diverse, it is represented by hazel grouse, tits, woodpeckers, wood grouse, blackbirds, reed harrier, falcon, falcon, black stork, short-tailed eagle, peregrine falcon. The reservoirs are inhabited by bream and sabrefish, pike and ide, catfish and loach, char and tench, sterlet and pike perch.

Marsh harrier

Snake eater

Since the nature of Mordovia is rich and diverse, but its preservation is threatened by anthropogenic activities, nature reserves are created and environmental protection measures are carried out. The republic was created national park“Smolny”, on the territory of which many animals live and plants of various species grow.