“Geographers, researchers, travelers have at all times made a huge contribution to strengthening humanitarian ties,” the head of state noted. “Their services to their native country, to the Motherland are invaluable.”

But they still don’t have their own professional holiday. “It would be possible to correct this,” Vladimir Putin decided and proposed adding Geographer’s Day to the calendar of significant dates, as well as establishing honorary title"Honored Geographer of the Russian Federation." “This will emphasize the importance of the profession, increase the status of representatives of geographical science and, most importantly, will contribute to the popularization of geography itself, involving even more people in the study of their native country, its nature, and history,” he explained.

The President thanked the trustees of the Russian Geographical Society for their great support of programs, research and expeditions. "IN last years with your support, the Russian Geographical Society has become a prominent participant in the public life of our country,” he assessed.

“Many programs of the Russian Geographical Society would be impossible without the targeted assistance of our trustees and members of the media council,” the head of state is confident. He also noted that projects with the participation of foreign partners “prove once again that the interaction of scientists is not subject to political conditions.”

Putin noted another important merit of the Russian Geographical Society. The result of the discussion about modern approaches The teaching of geography in schools and universities became the concept of the development of geographical education. Now the Ministry of Education and Science, in close contact with the expert and pedagogical community, is preparing changes to federal educational standards in geography. Particularly relevant are provisions such as the inclusion of a geography lesson native land into the course for grades 8-9 and the return of geography to all grades of secondary and high school, and from grades 6 to 10 - no less than 2 hours a week, the head of state noted.

“Along with the history of the Fatherland, the Russian language, and literature, geography serves as the basis for the formation of patriotic values, cultural, national identity and self-awareness,” the president emphasized.

But things are not going well with education in this area. Geographical dictation showed acceptable knowledge only among those who studied in the 60-70s of the 20th century, Putin noted. Since then, teaching hours have been constantly cut. “Now young people do not know enough about the geography of not only Russia, but also their native land,” he stated with regret.

“The geographical knowledge of students and young professionals is also imperfect,” the head of state continued. One of the reasons is that geography is no longer required for admission to such specialties as international relationships, land management and cadastres, regional studies and even tourism. “It is difficult to imagine a competent international specialist or manager of the tourism industry who does not have a deep knowledge of geography,” he noted and called for the creation of geography centers for talented schoolchildren at universities.

Geography is in demand by society today - in 2016, over 180 thousand people took part in the dictation, the president cited the figures. "The number of volunteer and creative competitions“, he added. “Such positive interest needs to be maintained,” he emphasized.

“We pay a lot of attention to education, especially the younger generation,” assured the head of the Russian Geographical Society, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and spoke about the network of youth clubs with rich programs and competitions with interesting rewards. There are already more than a hundred such clubs in 76 regions. “At the same time, we receive dozens of new applications every month,” he said.

Among the new projects presented at the meeting is a new center economic development in Siberia, research large whales, creation of Red Books of soils, atlases and maps of their ecological status, study underwater world Arctic waters of Russia, the Selenga-Baikal expedition, as well as the "Best Guide of Russia" competition.

An awards ceremony took place before the meeting. The Konstantinov Medal, the most valuable award of the Russian Geographical Society, was awarded to businessman Alisher Usmanov. He did not come to the meeting, so the award will be presented to him later.

Large silver medals were received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of EVRAZ plc Alexander Abramov, the head of Transmashholding Andrey Bokarev and the head of Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov. A small silver medal was awarded to Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov.

New members of the board of trustees were also announced: the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov, the head of the Kremlin administration Anton Vaino, the head of Sberbank German Gref, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin, the rector of the St. Petersburg Mining University Vladimir Litvinenko, the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin and the head of Transneft "Nikolai Tokarev.

On September 23, the autumn tourist rally “Geographer’s Day” took place at 25 km of the Pokrovsky tract. The participants of the meeting are traditionally students of the geographical department of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the North-Eastern federal university them. M.K. Ammosov, and the organizers were the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Family Policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Organizing Committee represented by the departments of geography and ecology of the Institute of Natural Sciences NEFU. The program includes such events as orienteering and an obstacle course, geographic caching, a tourist song competition, bivouacs, crafts from natural material. A whole tourist all-around competition between 11 teams of geographers, ecologists - current and future field workers, for whom tourism skills are very important.

Traditionally, teams fight for first overall team place until the last moment. This time, too, it seemed that the teams were “breathing” down each other’s necks, but it turned out the other way around.

The winners of the individual championship in orienteering were Stanislav Oshchepkov (3rd year ecologist) among boys and Evgeniya Nikolaeva (2nd year ecologist) among girls, who ran the distance in 29 and 23 minutes, respectively. But in the team competition, the team of 2nd year geographers and hydrometeorologists became faster, who subsequently were the best at almost all stages and became the undisputed winners of the Team Championship and won the “Geographer’s Day” Challenge Cup. A complete victory for geographers at “Geographer’s Day”! This turned out to be a powerful revenge for the defeat at the last meeting, when the majority of the winners and the winner were environmentalist teams.

The most quick commands Geographers and hydrometeorologists of the 2nd year also took part in the obstacle course; future teachers of geography and ecology of the 4th year, who became second, were only 3 seconds behind. Last year's winners finished third, another 2 seconds back. The role of even seconds was so great.

In total, the team of 2nd year geographers and hydrometeologists became the winners in the team competition by a wide margin.

But in general, all teams showed their results and gained a lot of skills in the field of geography, ecology, and tourism skills. The main thing was friendship, songs, sport games, delicious food over the fire and much more! We hope that “Geographer’s Day” will be remembered for many years to come!

The awarding ceremony was attended by the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs and Family Policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Tatyana Nikolaevna Pyatkina, who not only presented the main prizes of the tourist rally from the ministry, but also encouraged young people to also continue to actively engage in sports, lead healthy image life. Great support was provided by the sponsors of “Geographer’s Day” - the exhibition hall of the Komdragmet RS (Y) “Treasury of Yakutia”, the climbing wall of the NPSOSH No. 2 of Yakutsk and a number of other organizations to which the participants expressed their gratitude for supporting the event.

Text, photo: manager. Department of Ecology, Institute of Natural Sciences NEFU, Doctor of Biological Sciences Cherosov M.M., hAv. Department of Geography, Institute of Natural Sciences NEFU, Ph.D., Associate Professor Danilov Yu.G.

Geographers should have their own holiday, the president said in St. Petersburg at a meeting of the board of trustees of the Russian Geographical Society. Why does the President of Russia, in such a difficult period as the present time is, devote so much time and effort to geography?

“Geographers, researchers, and travelers have at all times made a huge contribution to strengthening humanitarian ties,” noted the head of state. “Their services to their native country, to the Motherland are invaluable.”

Of course, you need to read between the president's words. Geography is the basis of military science. If a warrior does not know how to navigate and find a target, then he is not a warrior. The first place training begins in all branches of the military is geography.

But that's not all. Today great importance devoted to the study of the shape of the Earth. Previously it was believed that the Earth was flat, then that it was spherical. There is now work showing that the Earth is bowl shaped. The famous scientist Andrei Aleksandrovich Tyunyaev writes about this in his books (see video below).

But the shape of the Earth itself is not geography. But the consequences of changing ideas about the shape of the Earth are geography. If Andrei Tyunyaev turns out to be right, then we will have to reconsider the concept of the Earth and the location of countries.

And this must be done for the national economy, for the economy. For example, the other day strange weather hit Moldova - “”.

Therefore, it becomes clear why the Russian President focuses on geography and is surprised that geographers still do not have their own professional holiday.

“This could be corrected,” Vladimir Putin decided and proposed adding Geographer’s Day to the calendar of significant dates, as well as establishing the honorary title “Honored Geographer of the Russian Federation.” “This will emphasize the importance of the profession, increase the status of representatives of geographical science and, most importantly, will contribute to the popularization of geography itself, involving even more people in the study of their native country, its nature, and history,” he explained.

The President thanked the trustees of the Russian Geographical Society for their great support of programs, research and expeditions. “In recent years, with your support, the Russian Geographical Society has become a prominent participant in the public life of our country,” he assessed.

“Many programs of the Russian Geographical Society would be impossible without the targeted assistance of our trustees and members of the media council,” the head of state is confident. He also noted that projects with the participation of foreign partners “prove once again that the interaction of scientists is not subject to political conditions.”

Putin noted another important merit of the Russian Geographical Society. The result of the discussion about modern approaches to teaching geography in schools and universities was the concept of the development of geographical education. Now the Ministry of Education and Science, in close contact with the expert and pedagogical community, is preparing changes to federal educational standards in geography. Particularly relevant are provisions such as the inclusion of a geography lesson of the native land in the course of grades 8-9 and the return of geography to all grades of middle and high school, and from grades 6 to 10 - no less than 2 hours a week, the head of state noted.

“Along with the history of the Fatherland, the Russian language, and literature, geography serves as the basis for the formation of patriotic values, cultural, national identity and self-awareness,” the president emphasized.

An awards ceremony took place before the meeting. The Konstantinov Medal, the most valuable award of the Russian Geographical Society, was awarded to businessman Alisher Usmanov. He did not come to the meeting, so the award will be presented to him later.

Large silver medals were received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of EVRAZ plc Alexander Abramov, the head of Transmashholding Andrey Bokarev and the head of Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov. A small silver medal was awarded to Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov.

New members of the board of trustees were also announced: the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov, the head of the Kremlin administration Anton Vaino, the head of Sberbank German Gref, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin, the rector of the St. Petersburg Mining University Vladimir Litvinenko, the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin and the head of Transneft » Nikolay Tokarev.

Marina Vetrova

March 14th(date given for 2010) - Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers. The professional holiday of surveyors and cartographers was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1867 of November 11, 2000. It is celebrated every second Sunday in March. It was in March that important events for Russian geodesy and cartography. In 1720, Peter I signed a decree that marked the beginning of cartographic surveys in Russia. On March 15, 1919, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR signed the Decree “On the establishment of the Higher Geodetic Administration” (VGU) under the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the RSFSR.
March 22- World Water Day. Established by the UN General Assembly in 1993, it is celebrated annually. On this day, it is proposed to hold events dedicated to the conservation and rational development of the Earth's water resources.
March 23- World Meteorology Day. Established on the initiative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which was established on this day in 1950, it has been celebrated annually since 1961 under the auspices of the UN. The event is attended by 189 WMO member countries. Our country celebrates Day of workers of the hydrometeorological service of Russia.
22nd of May- International Day of Biological Diversity. Established by the UN General Assembly in 1995, it has been celebrated annually since 2001 (until 2000 it was celebrated on December 29, then the date was moved). On this day in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity was adopted at the Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, which entered into force on December 29, 1993.
June 5- world day environment . Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1972, it is celebrated annually. The date was chosen to commemorate the start of the Stockholm Conference on surrounding a person Wednesday, also held in 1972.
July 11- World Population Day. Established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program in 1989, it is celebrated annually. The date coincides with the following event: it is estimated that on July 11, 1987, the world population exceeded 5 billion people. The purpose of the Day is to draw attention to population issues and solutions to common problems.
July 23- celebration of geographers of Moscow University. Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov was created on the basis of a decision of the All-Union Committee on Affairs high school dated July 23, 1938 as a result of the division of the soil-geographical faculty into geological-soil and geographical. Currently, the faculty is not only the largest, but also the highest educational and scientific team of geographers in the world.
August 18 - unofficial "Geographer's Day". On this day in 1845, Emperor Nicholas I approved the proposal of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Count L.A. Perovsky on the creation of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society in St. Petersburg. Expeditions of the Russian Geographical Society played a big role in the development of Siberia and Far East, Central Asia, the World Ocean, in the discovery and exploration of new lands, in the development of meteorology and climatology.
Nov. 1- hydrological " New Year» . The date coincides with the beginning of the hydrological year, which includes periods of accumulation and consumption of moisture in the territory under consideration, taking into account climatic conditions Russia (during this period, moisture reserves carried over from year to year are small).
December 11th - International Mountain Day. Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly following the results of the International Year of Mountains, it has been celebrated annually since 2003. On this day, it is proposed to organize events promoting the importance of the development of mountain regions.
The presented list is open for additions!
When writing, materials from Wikipedia were used.