Antonina Petrovna Sadomova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Abakan Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 25”





-ek soak e To

R. p. lock ( e fell out)

-hic- key IR

key IR A

1. In noun. Wed kind with emphasis on the basis: ma "slitse, pla"titsa

2. In noun. m. genus: frost, sufferer

3. In noun. Wed gender with an accent on the ending: letter O, finger O

in noun and. sort of

lu"zhitsa, kni"zhitsa

-enk- from n. na-nya (-na)

bash nya– bash enk A

Remember: beige enk oh, beggar enk A,

m onash enk ah, Frenchman enk A,

Cherkesh enk oh, tender enk A

-in-k- pearl in a (on - in A)

pearl in ka

Exception: throat inc. A

-enk- after soft consonants:

aunt - aunty

-onk- after solid consonants:

birch - birch tree

Exception: little bunny, good girl,


1. In nouns ending in -mya:

seed - seed Echk O

2. In all other cases: morning - morning ech co

3.-en- in indirect cases of noun. on

-me:seed - seven en And


In noun and. kind,

from words to - ic-:

sisters ic a – sisters ich ka

-chick- after d – t, h – s, g:

Izvo hchick, perebe andchick

Alternation: k/t

spoils h a - spoils T chick

-schik- in other cases:

stone box

* after T in some foreign words: brilyan T box

*- Lishchik: pi l schik, but sva rshch ik, ba nsch IR

-rel- running around

-aries- chatter

-from- emptiness

-awn- price

-et- poverty

-There is- fluidity

-stv- Cossacks

-ness- championship

-ensk- Shushensky

-n- height

-outside- steepness

-inst- majority

-ist- silty


Possible options:

cam Yeshek– cam ears

sparrow yshek- sparrow ears

-ysk- Wed type: log yshk O

-yshek- in a few words: peg, pellets, pimples, wedges

-ushk- (-yushk-), -ishk-

and. r., m.r. (animated): winter


Wed r., m.r. (inanimate): gun


m. rod - lbishche

Wed genus - swamp

railroad - mud


-enk- in other cases:

green day cue

cheap yenk th

-onk- after g,k,x:

high onk th

lay down onk th

-chesk-: creation Czech th

-esk-: human esk th

-chat-: pattern chat th

eyelashes ts a- eyelashes Tchat th

freckle - freckle chat th

BUT before sk a – to sch aty

in sk- in sch any

-en- in short adjectives: zno en,

at worthy en

Exception: worthy in

-ev- unstressed: cle ev oh, enamel ev th

-iv- percussion: flax ive th

Exception: merciful ive oh, fool ive th

-chiv-:infusion chiv th

-liv-: talent Liv th

1. there is a short form:

narrow - narrow To th

daring - daring To th

2.derived from noun. With based on k, h, ts(k/c and h/c - alternation):

mute ts- mute ts cue

fish To- fish ts cue

weave h- tka ts cue

in all other cases:

sailor - sailor sk th

french - french sk th

hero - hero sk th

*In adjectives formed from the names of months, b is preserved:

April b- April b skiy

Jun b- Jun b skiy

September b– September b sky,

+ denb -denb sky

Exception: January ry- January rs cue

But ь is not written in words with a base on -ny, -ry:Sibiry - sibirs cue,

Kazano – kazans cue

*-LSK- hurrayl skiy


-ova- (-eva-)

annoyance ova t

I annoyance wow

-yva- (-iva-)

hang it up willow t

I hang it up willow Yu

Not to be confused with suffix -va-: recorded va sing (sing), write down va drink (drink)

Remember: eclipse e come on, intend e last, extend e wow, once e get stuck e wow, drill e exhort, exhort e wat


1. Insert the missing letters and indicate the spelling patterns.

Peas. nka, blockage. nka, birch. Nka, dear. nka, student quality, dignity ministry,

senior activity, running tya, authentic there is, beggar oh, soldier on, fresh. yes, bignststvo, floating there is,

Lukov. chka, peas nka, cargo ik, binding. ik, bridge k, pencil. k, bell k, story. ik,

hang it up get stuck borrow, borrow come on, spend the night wow, impoverished. let's go, let's go. wow, look. vat.

2. Form adjectives with the suffixes -ev-, -iv-, -liv-, -chiv- from these words.

Think about it, tug, trust, rain, pity, envy, key, edge, mercy, fidget, glutton, plush, conscience, soy, order, get along, service, give in.


1. At her feet, on a small chair, sits Lisa. 2. I drank from a puddle, washed myself, and refreshed myself. 3. The author chose soft words that “touch the soul”: “bread..c”, “baby..k”, “butter..tse”, “piece..k”. 4. If the son blacker than night, dirt lies on the face, clearly, this is very bad for a child’s skin. 5. And the sun plays in the dirty slurry. 6. After eating a little cold porridge, we set off. 7. And I also ask you - write me a letter. 8. White

a snowstorm is creeping outside the window.

4. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

Van..chka, vrem..chko, douche..chka, Zo..chka, im..chko, book..chka, baby..chka, medicine..chka, scissors..chka, nanny..chka, Ol..chka, Pet..chka, stove..chka, button..chka, seed, Son..chka, strainer..chko, stirrup..chka, dark..chko.

5. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

Close..distance,, strong..arguments, soft..soil, Havan..people, bold response, brutal..treatment, Caucasian..languages, Kazan University , Kyrgyzstan...Kie

steppes, horse harness, sailor suit, low level, November rains, Reim.. Cathedral, river tone, September day, Siberian frosts, what a way, what a stripe, the French language, a Circassian hat, a January cold.

Spelling of suffixes -EK- and -IK-

Here's the lock. The key to it is.

They will help us better

Find out the letter in the suffix

To write correctly.

Please kindly

In the genitive case

Follow the vowel

If you agree.

If the vowel has disappeared,

A person must remember:

Everywhere in every word

We write only the suffix -EK-.

If the vowel remains,

The student must remember

What's in words (so little)

We write only the suffix -IK-:



6. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

1. He came up to us and told me a few things kind words and began to command again (P.). 2. Manilova said that he made them very happy with his arrival (G.). 3. Ilinka looked at us with a timid smile of surprise and, when he was offered to try, he also refused (L.T.). 4. He had to spend the night in the field; buried himself in a haystack and slept all night (Garsh.). 5. Noticing an eagle sitting somewhere on top, I ordered the boat to moor to the shore and I myself went to sneak up on the cautious bird (Przh.). 6. Riders on thin horses galloped away from the colonnade illuminated by fires (A.N.). 7. The woodpecker knocked on the tree, the blackbird killed on the rowan tree (Coming). 8. Tikhon catches them (birch firewood), stores them on the shore, and the river carries more and more logs (Paust.).

To complete task 10, let's remember a few rules related to the spelling of prefixes, and spelling rules at the junction of a prefix and a root.

Task formulation:

Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) be..intact, r..col, and..walk

2) n..worst, z..went,

3) pr..found, pr..white,

4) un..skate, at..slant, over..interesting

5) stop..become, oh..fighty, jump..

What spelling rules can be found in task 10?

Spelling of prefixes;

Spelling I, Y after prefixes;

Spelling of separating signs b and b.

Prefixes, depending on the verification method, can be divided into three groups

1. Unchangeable prefixes All words are written the same way: bite, substitute, trim, wipe, paint, best etc.


There is no prefix in Russian Z: With reap With run, don't With talkative(In words here, local, building, health Z is part of the root.)

A fluent vowel O may appear in prefixes: above tear - necessary tear; about give - about bend; With burn - with warm up

Distinguish between the prefixes PRA- and PRO- The prefix PRA- has the meaning “primordial, ancient” or indicates the degree of relationship: proto-Slavs, proto-language, ancestors; great-grandmother(Compare: prototype Main character.)

2. Spelling of prefixes in Z and S depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the consonant that comes after the prefix:

Get rich - flourish

Tasteless - dishonest

Frost - disappear

To become proud - to exclaim, to run up - to scream

To overthrow - to fall, condescending

Extraordinary - too much

3. Choice prefixes PRI and PRE depends on its meaning:

Approaching, joining, adding: rush, stick, draw;

Spatial proximity: homestead, seaside;

Incomplete action, accompanying action: open, bite, sentence;

Bringing action to completion: cook, finish.

Meaning “very”, “very”: wise, most unpleasant, succeed;

Meaning of "re": barrier (to block), to break the law (to step over), tradition (that which is transmitted), to argue (to interrupt), refraction (to break) etc.

In many words PRI- and PRE- have lost their clear meaning or merged with the root, but their meaning can still be guessed:

unquestioningly– do not contradict, do not interrupt;

overcome- overpower yourself;

vicissitudes of fate, transformation– change, alteration;

incessantly- without ceasing;

certainly- no change;

limit of patience, punctuation mark- barrier, block;

attract- bring closer to yourself;

ghost– not fully visible;

fit, adherent, oath, find fault, claim, attend, partial, affection– in all these words there is a connotation of the meaning “approximation”;

can only be increased “slightly”exaggerate, exceed always “very”, “too”.

Words to remember:

Neglect, pursue, grovel, president, presidium, premiere claim, contender, advantage, prestigious, presentation, prefecture, precedent, fastidious, whimsical, primitive, privilege, priority, privatization.

Words that can be memorized in pairs:

Stay in the city - arrive in the city

Making dreams come true - pretending to be sick

Break the law - get to work

Bow before talent, kneel, bow your head (treat with respect) - bend the branches to the ground

To betray a friend - to give meaning

Criminal - inaccessible mountains

Presidential successor - receiver with antenna

Transient (temporary, impermanent) success, fame - a babysitter

Perverse Meaning - Gatekeeper in a Castle

The limit to patience is the chapel in the church (extension)

Despise the enemy - despise the orphan (shelter)

Immutable (cannot be changed) truth – appendix to the decree

An indispensable condition (without change) is to apply the rule

To endure (survive) hardships - to endure pain

4. Spelling of the letters Y, I after prefixes

After prefixes ending in a consonant, Y is written instead of I: play(a game), find(search), uninteresting(interest). (In a word charge written and pronounced I.)

The prefixes INTER- and SUPER- do not obey this rule: super interesting, inter-institutional.

It is written And after foreign language prefixes: disinfection, disinformation, counterplay; V difficult words: sports equipment, pedagogical institute, two-needle.

Separating marks b and b

Kommersant is written

after prefixes ending in a consonant, before E, Yo, Yu, I: tousled, supernatural, immense; inherent, flaw;

in foreign words: adjutant, subjective, injection;

in compound words, the first part of which is formed by numerals: two-tier, trilingual.

b is written before letters E, Yo, Yu, I inside the word (not after prefixes).

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Slide captions:

Task 10 for the Unified State Exam -2015 Spelling suffixes of different parts of speech (except N-NN and participle suffixes)

6. In passive participles of the past tense before –НН- or –Н- it is written a) A, I, if the corresponding one is –AT, -YAT, for example: write – written, dispel – dispelled, insist – insisted; b) E, if the corresponding verb ends in the indefinite form -ET, -IT, -TI, -CH, for example: see - seen, shoot - shot. Compare: Carpets are hung out to dry (hang out) – groceries in the store are hung up in advance (hang out); Soldiers hung (to hang) with mines are buyers hung (to be hung) by the seller; Oil pumped out (to pump out) from a tank is a barrel pumped out (to roll out) from the basement.

Slide captions:

7. In nouns that mean characteristic of a person by occupation or action, the suffix
written after consonants
d, t, h, s, g.

after other consonants a suffix is ​​written

also written after

in some words with foreign roots:
asphalt worker, repairman

and others - colloquial forms.
letter b

written only after
l: roofer.
4. To distinguish between the spellings of adjectives like
plank, cobbled
it should be kept in mind that the letter

is written in cases where the sound it denotes entirely refers to one morpheme:

alternates with D.; compare:
wax -

(the spelling of the root is preserved).
If in the generating stem before the suffix

letters stand
then they are saved, and
alternates with h:

3. Adjective suffixes
passive past participles before –НН- or –Н-
is written
if appropriate
the verb ends in an indefinite form
on –AT, -YAT
for example: write - written, dispel - dispelled, insist - infused;
if appropriate
the verb ends in an indefinite form
-EAT, -IT, -TI, -CH
for example: see - seen, shoot - shot.
Carpets to dry
(hang) – groceries in the store in advance
Hung up
(to hang) fighters with mines -
(to put) the seller on the buyers;
(pump) oil out of the tank -
(roll) the barrel out of the basement.
7. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.
Stick up
10. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.
calm down
2. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing
6. A suffix is ​​written in masculine and feminine nouns
grandpa, auntie,

in neuter nouns - suffix
: feather;

used in words of all genders with a base on a soft consonant:
uncle, volushka, little boy.
Some masculine nouns have suffixes
sparrows, pellets

sparrow, bread

etc. (forms vernacular),
and etc.
3. Adjective suffixes
Suffix -iv-
bears the emphasis:

lazy, truthful,
except for words
holy fool.
In unstressed position the suffix is ​​written
combat, lilac.
In the suffixes -liv- and -
(derived from -iv-) is written

caring, arrogant.
Suffixes are written after hard consonants
-, -
-, -ovit-;

after soft consonants - suffixes
-, -
3. B
adjectives on -chy,
formed from nouns in

in unstressed position it is written
under stress - a
froggy, froggy.
in past tense verbs before the suffix –Л- and in past participles before the suffix –ВШ-
, in perfect participles
before the suffix –ВШ-
indefinite verb suffix:
- a lot of advice
-l, advice
- fallen; glue
t - glue
l, glue
gone, fatherly
despair - despair
desperate, desperate
despairing, despairing
having fallen.
6. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.
walk around
Get stuck
15. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing.
Task 10
at the Unified State Exam 2015
Spelling of suffixes of different parts of speech (except N-NN and participle suffixes)
Verbs ending in –it, -vayu have the same vowel before the suffix –va- as in indefinite form without this suffix,
for example: pour - fill, fill; overcome - overcome, overcome.
get stuck - get stuck, get stuck, overshadow - overshadow, overshadow; extend - extend, extend, etc.
1. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing.
11. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.
mix in
5. After hard consonants, a suffix is ​​used
-onk-: striped,
less often -
before which the consonant is softened:
After soft consonants and sibilants, as well as after vowels, the suffix is ​​used
Katenka, Tuchenka, Zoenka
bunny, bunny, good girl.

-ank-, -ink-, -ink-
in modern Russian literary language no (forms with them are found only in the works of writers
V. and in folklore).
After sibilants under stress it is written
e (
(although pronounced [o]):
at verb endings:

burns, bakes;
in the suffix of verbs
chew up, uproot

in the suffix of verbal nouns

demarcation, uprooting,
4) in the suffix of nouns
intern, retoucher, conductor.
5) in the suffix of passive participles

verbal adjectives-ev-
burnt, smoked,
and also in derivative words:
burnt meat, smoked meats;
6) in the form of the prepositional case of the pronoun
about (what)
in words
Moreover, it doesn’t matter.
5. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing.
14. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing.
take over
Well done...well done
4. Combination

written in nouns formed from feminine words in


written in diminutive nouns formed using a suffix
from words to

-on the,
in which it is in the genitive case plural letter
at the end it is not written:
tower (towers), pine - pine (pines),

as well as in some words denoting females

Suffixes are written
–YVA-, -IVA-
, if in the indicated forms the verb ends in
For example, I put off - put off, put off; I insist - insist, insisted.
4. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing.
Show off
Thin... thin
10. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.
Spelling of vowels o, e, e. after the hissing and
in suffixes and endings
1. After sibilants, under stress it is written
(according to pronunciation):
1) at the endings of nouns:

knife, ball
landscape, crying);
2) at the endings of adjectives:
alien, big (cf.:

red, good);
3) in suffixes of nouns:

, -
, -
He to
(a): shepherd boy, wolf cub, little river;
4) in the suffix of adjectives
5) "runaway"
in nouns and adjectives:

guts, funny;
6) at the end of adverbs:

fresh, hot
13. Write down the word in which the letter O is missing.
2. Noun suffixes
1. Suffix
-ik (-nick,

retains the vowel sound when declined
table, teapot, boy.

has a "fluent" vowel
nut - nut.
2. In masculine nouns - suffix
with "runaway"
e\ highlander - highlander;
in feminine nouns -
-its-: beauty;
in neuter nouns -
if the accent comes after the suffix:
if the accent comes before the suffix:
little name
3. In feminine nouns formed from words with a suffix
the suffix is ​​written
-ichk-: button - button.
In other cases the suffix is ​​written
-echk-: Manechka, little flame.
Unstressed suffix
not in Russian!
Before the suffix -chik there are final consonant stems
, h
are replaced by a letter
tavern - tavern, distributor - distribution.
9. Spelling nouns like
crumbly, mush
formed from verbs
(cook, fry, knead, smoke, bake
etc.) using the suffix
-ev(o) - -iv(o)

you need to check it using a Russian spelling dictionary

4.Verbs with suffixes –OVA-, -EVA-, -VA

Suffixes are written in the indefinite form and in the past tense.
. –OVA-, -EVA-,
if in the first person singular numbers of the present or future simple tense, the verb ends in
,–YU, -YU.
For example:
in charge - in charge, in charge; confess - confess, confessed; at war - to fight, fought; nomadic - nomadic, nomadic;
3. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing
get upset
The bell...k
9. Write down the word in which the letter O is missing.
12. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing.



Task 10. Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except for suffixes with N and NN)


complete the construction



calm down

reference Information

Task 10 does not include spellings with n - nn (a separate task is devoted to this topic. But even without them, the volume of material is large, because Russian is a language with a developed suffix system: there are many suffixes. A literate person needs to know the spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. However, not all suffixes are found in KIMs. The wording of the tasks involves searching for words with either the letter e or the letter i. This allows you to significantly narrow the circle of “necessary” suffixes. Moreover, in the vast majority of training variants prepared by FIPI, in the tasks in fact, there are mainly verbs in the indefinite form, participles, gerunds, adjectives. Can there be questions regarding the spelling of noun suffixes? Yes, because, firstly, this is provided for in the “Generalized examination plan Unified State Examination work in the Russian language" and, secondly, noun suffixes with a diminutive meaning are found in tasks.

I suggest the order of presentation reference material for preparation not in accordance with tradition (from nouns to other parts of speech), but according to the frequency with which words occur in KIMs. So, the order is: verb forms (including participles and gerunds), adjectives, and then nouns (there seem to be no more than 10% of them). Anyone who claims the highest score must follow us to the very end.

I advise everyone to carefully consider the examples. A consciously learned example will serve as a model for reasoning by analogy.

Verb suffixes

1. Suffixes ova, eva, yva, iva: draw, grieve - be late, evaluate


Test yourself, to do this, determine the form of the 1st person singular of the present or future tense.

If in the 1st person singular form of the present or future tense there are combinations

yu, yuyu, then write the suffixes ova, eva: advise - I advise, command - I command

yu, ivayu, then write the suffixes yva, iva: to be late - I’m late, to consider - I’m considering


eva and iva are phonetic variants of the suffixes ova and eva, which occur after soft consonants.

2. Distinguishing between the suffixes e + va and yva, iva: overcome, fall ill - justify, reassure


Pay attention to the emphasis.

The suffix va is always stressed: overcome, fall ill.

Before the suffix wa write the suffix e.

The suffixes yva, iva are unstressed: write down, glue, aim.

Do not confuse:

In words like pour, chant, the letters i and e are at the root.

3. Suffixes in the infinitive form of the verb: see, paint

The suffixes of verbs of the 1st conjugation are different. Suffix of the verb stem of the 2nd conjugation and.


Exception verbs for this task are not of interest: after all, you need to recognize the letter not in the ending, but in the suffix. Therefore, if you define a letter in the suffix of an indefinite form of a verb, feel free to write e in exception verbs with an unstressed letter in the suffix: to offend, to see, to hate, to depend and derivatives from them: to see, to envy, to be offended and others like that. In other exception words, the suffix is ​​in stressed position.

4. Suffixes in participles and gerunds.

In task 10, no one checks whether you know the suffixes of participles and gerunds. In participles and gerunds, vowel stems are missing, from which the data in the form assignments are derived.

Examples from assignments:

gluing, pulling out, aiming, hoping, worming, squealing


You should not be distracted by the form of participles and gerunds, or remember their suffixes. We need to do something else: learn to accurately determine from which verb participles and gerunds are formed.

Gluing - from gluing

pulling out - from pulling out

aiming - from aiming

hopeful - from hoping

wormed...wormed - from wormed

squeal...vaya - from squeal

A common mistake is mixing verbs different types when restoring the original form. For example, it is a mistake to believe that the participle gluing is formed from the verb glue, aiming - from aim, etc. In many cases, such an error will lead to an incorrect identification of the vowel letter.

Correct: Gluing is derived from gluing, aiming is from aiming.

Adjective suffixes

Here, only the suffixes of denominate adjectives are considered, since it is this material that relates to the topic (verbal adjectives are words in the suffixes of which the spelling n-nn occurs). The list of suffixes of adjectives formed from nouns cannot be reduced to the two rules given below, but in the practice of the Unified State Examination, words based on these rules are used.

1. Suffixes iv, ev, liv, chiv: beautiful - fighting, happy, trusting


Pay attention to the emphasis.

In adjectives formed from nouns:

Under stress write the suffix iv: beautiful

Without emphasis - suffix ев: combat.

Write the suffix liv, chiv and under stress: happy, and without stress: trusting.

2. Suffixes ov, ovat, ovit - ev, evat, evit: businesslike, grayish, poisonous - speech, bluish, combative


Pay attention to the last consonant of the root.

After hard consonants, write the suffixes ov, ovat, ovite: businesslike, grayish, poisonous.

After soft consonants, sibilants, ch and ts, write the suffixes ev, evat, evit: speech, bluish, militant.

Noun suffixes

1. Suffixes with the meaning of person (producer of the action).

There are many suffixes with the meaning of person, but, fortunately, not all of them cause errors when writing words. Rarely does anyone make a mistake with suffixes:

East: handball player, tractor driver

nickname: road worker, railway worker

navt: cosmonaut

eng: messenger

er: combine operator

Erroneously dangerous suffixes: tel, as well as chik, shchik. They need to be repeated.

1) Suffix tel: teacher

Remember this suffix and always write it the same way, with the letter e.

Write the suffix in words denoting persons by occupation: teacher, writer, driver, leader, reader, viewer, etc.

2) Suffixes chik, shchik: pilot, bricklayer, asphalt paver

Pay attention to the last consonant of the stem.


consonants t, d, s, z, z write the suffix chik: translator, pilot, peddler, carrier, defector

write the rest of the consonants with the suffix schik: ferryman, glazier, mason, lamplighter


Before the suffix -chik- the letters k, ts, ch are replaced by t: razdat+-chik- ←distribution.

Write a soft sign only after l: roofer, glazier.

2. Suffixes with a diminutive meaning.

The Russian language has many suffixes with a diminutive meaning. What these suffixes are and how to write them, you will have to figure out. Let's limit ourselves, however, to suffixes in which the letters e and i are written, to which KIMs guide us.

1) Suffixes ik, ek: ball - handkerchief.

Watch for the fluent e vowel when changing the word.

If when changing a word in it

the vowel sound [and] is preserved, write the suffix ik: ball - balls

the vowel sound disappears, write the suffix ek: handkerchief - handkerchief

2) Suffixes ets, its: brother - smart girl, coat - dress

Find out the gender of the noun.

In nouns

masculine write the suffix ec: brother, finger

feminine - itz: beauty, smart girl

The neuter gender can be either ec or itz:

in a pre-stressed syllable (before the stress) write: paltetso´, letter´

in an unstressed syllable (after stress) write its: dress, kreslitse

3) Suffixes echk, ichk: daughter, place, Vanechka - onion

For feminine words, determine the derivative word.

In nouns, write the suffix echk: little insect, daughter, place, time, Vanechka, Sashechka

Do not confuse:

In feminine nouns formed from nouns with the suffix ici, write the suffixes ich and k:

tit← tit, button←button, onion←onion.

4) Suffixes onk and enk: apple tree - daughter

Determine what sound comes before the suffix.

In nouns after

for hard consonants write the suffix onk: kitchenette, kitty, laponka

vowels, hissing and soft consonants - suffix enk: Zoenka, darling, daughter, grandmother

5) Suffix k in combinations ink, enk: middle, cherry

Look for a productive basis.

If in feminine nouns with the suffix k the productive stem

for in, write the suffixes in and k: middle+ka←middle

on n, write a combination of letters enk: cherry+ka←cherry.

3. Suffix en in indeclinable nouns: tenses, names


10 nouns for me: burden, tribe, time, seed, crown, stirrup, banner, flame, udder, name

Write the suffixes en or yon in all plural forms, as well as in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases in the singular.

Tests for training

Test 1

Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.





Test 2



lily of the valley



Test 3

Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.

Get upset


holy fool...

button up

Test 4

Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

nut...k Slide 2

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing. endure...fastidious...calm...patterned

2. Suffixes of nouns 1. The suffix -ik (-nik, -chik) when declined retains the vowel sound: table, teapot, boy. The suffix -ek has a “fluent” vowel: nut - nut. 2. In masculine nouns - the suffix -ets- with a “runaway” e\ highlander - highlander; in feminine nouns - -its-: beauty; in neuter nouns - -ets-, if the stress comes after the suffix: letter, and -itz-, if the stress comes before the suffix: imenitse. 3. In feminine nouns formed from words with the suffix -its-, the suffix -ichk- is written: button - button. In other cases, the suffix is ​​written -echk-: Manechka, flame. There is no unstressed suffix -yachk- in the Russian language!

4. The combination -ink- is written in nouns formed from feminine words ending in -in(a): hollow - hollow. The combination - enk - is written in diminutive nouns formed using the suffix -k- from the words na - nya and -na, in which in the genitive plural form the letter ь is not written at the end: turret "- tower (towers), pine - pine (pines), as well as in some words denoting females (beggar, etc.) -

5. After hard consonants, the suffix -onk- is used: striped, less often - -enk-, before which the consonant is softened: mama. After soft consonants and sibilants, as well as after vowels, the suffix -enk- is used: Katenka, tuchenka, Zoenka. Exceptions: bunny, bunny, good girl. There are no suffixes -ank-, -ink-, -ynk- in the modern Russian literary language (forms with them are found only in the works of writers of the 19th century and in folklore).

6. In masculine and feminine nouns the suffix is ​​written - ushk -: grandfather, aunt, in neuter nouns - the suffix - yshk -: feather; suffix - yushk - is used in words of all genders with a base on a soft consonant: uncle, volushka, polyushko. Some masculine nouns have suffixes - yshek: sparrows, pellets, etc., -ushek: sparrows, breads, etc. (forms of the folk language), - eshek: pebble, etc.

7. In nouns with the meaning characteristic of a person by occupation or action, the suffix chik is written after the consonants d, t, z, s, zh. After other consonants the suffix -schik is written. The suffix -schik is also written after t in some words with foreign roots: asphalt worker, repairman, etc. - colloquial forms. Before -schik, the letter ь is written only after l: roofer.

8. Before the suffix -chik, the final consonant stems k, ts, ch are replaced by the letter t: tavern - tavern, distributor - distribution. 9. The spelling of nouns like kroshevo, mesivo, formed from verbs (cook, fry, knead, smoke, bake, etc.) using the suffix -ev(o) - -iv(o), must be checked using a spelling dictionary of the Russian language

Spelling of vowels o, e, e. after hissing and c in suffixes and endings 1. After hissing under stress, o is written (in accordance with pronunciation): 1) in the endings of nouns: with a knife, a ball (cf.: landscape, crying); 2) in the endings of adjectives: alien, big (cf.: red, good); 3) in suffixes of nouns: - ok, - onok, - onk (a): shepherd, wolf cub, little river; 4) in the suffix of adjectives - ov -: penny; 5) “fluent” o in nouns and adjectives: guts, funny; 6) at the end of adverbs: fresh, hot, but: yet.

2. After sizzling words, under stress, e (е) is written (although pronounced [o]): 1) at the endings of verbs: burns, bakes; 2) in the suffix of verbs - yovyva -: chew, uproot yovyvat; 3) in the suffix of verbal nouns - yovk (a): demarcation, uprooting, but: hacksaw (from knife); 4) in the suffix of nouns -ёr: trainee, retoucher, conductor. 5) in the suffix of passive participles - yonn -: irrigated, verbal adjectives -ev-: burnt, smoked, as well as in derivative words: burnt, smoked; 6) in the form of the prepositional case of the pronoun what about (what), in the words ????, nothing.

3. Suffixes of adjectives 1. The suffix -iv- carries the emphasis: lazy, truthful, with the exception of the words merciful and holy fool. In an unstressed position the suffix -ev- is written: combat, lilac. In the suffixes -liv- and -chiv- (derived from -iv-) the following is written: caring, arrogant. 2. After hard consonants the suffixes are written - oe -, - ovat -, -ovit-; after soft consonants - the suffixes -ev-, -evat -, -evit -. 3. In adjectives na -chiy, formed from the nouns nashka, e is written before h in an unstressed position, under stress - a: frog, frog.

4. To distinguish between the spellings of adjectives like plank, paving stone, it should be borne in mind that the letter ш is written in cases where the sound it denotes entirely belongs to one morpheme: do c k-a - dosh-at-y (sk alternates with D. ; cf.: wax - wax-an-oh, flat - flat). But: brus-ok - brus-chat-y (the spelling of the root is preserved). If in the generating stem the letters z, s, zd, sh appear before the suffix -k-, then they are preserved, and k alternates with h: vesnush-chat-y - vesnush-k-a, b-rozd-chat-y - furrows -k-a. 3. Adjective suffixes

4. Verbs with suffixes –OVA-, -EVA-, -VA. Suffixes 1 are written in the indefinite form and in the past tense. –OVA-, -EVA-, if singular in the first person. numbers of the present or future simple tense, the verb ends in, –УУ, -УУ. For example: in charge - in charge, in charge; confess - confess, confessed; at war - to fight, fought; nomadic - nomadic, nomadic;

The suffixes –YVA-, -IVA- are written if in the indicated forms the verb ends in –YVAYU, -IVAYU. For example, I put off - put off, put off; I insist - insist, insisted.

Verbs ending in –it, -vayu have the same vowel before the suffix –va- as in the indefinite form without this suffix, for example: pour – fill, fill; overcome - overcome, overcome. Exceptions: get stuck - get stuck, get stuck, overshadow - overshadow, overshadow; extend - extend, extend, etc.

5. In past tense verbs before the suffix –Л- and in past participles before the suffix –ВШ-, in perfect participles before the suffix –ВШ- the suffix of the indefinite form of the verb is retained: sovetov a -t sovetov a -l, sovetov a - shiv ; glue - glued, glued, despaired - I despaired, despaired, despaired.

1. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing. Letter...tso Dress...tse Mom...Dol...howl Eclipse...

2. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing Ezh…vyy Solom…nka Protal…nka Extend…vat Torts…vyy

3. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing Lukov...tsa Get upset Book...tsa Bell...k Key..k

4. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing. Book...chka Poba...t Thin...Glossy...vy

5. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing. Spal...nka Rech...nka Sleep...chka Pear...vyy Izyum...nka

6. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.

7. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.

9. Write down the word in which the letter O is missing. Passionate Truncated Girly Night Night Embarrassed

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing.

11. Write down the word in which the letter E is missing. Spider...face...howl Color...mix...brocade...howl

12. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing. Ring Book... Dance... Tempting Patterned...

13. Write down the word in which the letter O is missing.

14. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing. Capture Reserved Almond Perplexed Well done

15. Write down the word in which the letter I is missing. Vasilyoch...k Oresh...k Cat...k Tender...Eclipsing

Approximate wording of the task:
Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.

calm down

What do you need to know? Theoretical material on spelling suffixes of various parts of speech!

Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -Н- and -НН-)

1. Suffixes of adjectives -IV- and -EB-.

In adjectives, the suffix -IV- is written under stress, and -EV- is written without stress:
EXAMPLE: beautiful, truthful, regional, drill, gauze.
Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

2. Suffixes of adjectives -CHIV-, -LIV-.

The suffixes -CHIV-, -LIV- are written only with the vowel I (in Russian there are no suffixes -LEV- and -CHEV-):
EXAMPLE: persistent, caring, touchy, calculating.
BUT: enamel, diagonal, gutta-percha (the consonants Ch and L belong to the root).

3. Adjective suffix -CHAT-.

In the suffix -CHAT- the letter A is written: stepped, webbed.
Before the suffix -CHAT- the final C of the noun stem alternates with T:
EXAMPLE: granular (grain), ciliated (eyelash), imbricated (tile).

4. Adjective suffix -IST-.

The adjective suffix -IST- is written only with the vowel I:
EXAMPLE: floody, teary, rolling, clayey, broad-shouldered.

5. Suffixes of adjectives -ONK- (-ENK-).

In adjectives, after the consonants G, K, X, the suffix is ​​written -ONK-, after other consonants - ENK-:
EXAMPLE: young, heavy, dry.
Possible spelling options: light, easy.
The suffix -INK- is not written in adjectives.

6. Verb suffixes -OVA- (-EVA-), -IVA- (-YVA-).

In the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -OVA- (-EVA-) is written on verbs, if in the 1st person singular form of the present or future simple tense this suffix alternates with -УУ (-УУУ):
EXAMPLE: conversations O shaft, conversations O vat - conversations wow; potch e val, potch e vat - potch wow

In the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -YVA- (-IVA-) is written on verbs, if in the 1st person singular form of the present or future simple tense this suffix is ​​preserved:
EXAMPLE: examination s shaft, view s vat - look yva Yu; unbuttoned And shaft, unbuttoned And vat - unbuttoned willow Yu.

Note. Verbs with the root -VED-, having the 1st person form in -YU (-YUYU)-, are written with the suffix -OVA- in the indefinite form and in the past tense: confess - confessed, preach - preached, manage - was in charge (so as I confess, preach, lead),
BUT: to scout - scouted, to taste - to taste, to visit - to visit, to visit - to visit, to find out - to find out (since the suffix is ​​preserved).

Verbs with the suffix -EVA-, -IVA- should not be confused with verbs in which the stressed suffix -BA- is combined with the preceding root vowel A or I. Such a root vowel, unlike the suffixal one, is preserved in an indefinite form in verbs without the suffix - VA-:
EXAMPLE: entwine - entwine, fill - fill, overcome - overcome.

In the verbs to get stuck, to overshadow, to intend, to prolong, to corrupt, the suffix -EVA- is written.

Now let's go back to the beginning of this article. Have you guessed which word needs to be written down? Of course the word nickel!

nickel ev th ( in unstressed position the suffix -ev- is written )
dostra willow th( I'm done willow yu means willow )
Hello Liv O ( no suffix -lev- )
picky Liv th ( no suffix -lev- )
calm down willow there is
(I'll calm down willow yu means willow )

Spelling: Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech(except -Н-/-НН-): spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

1. Spelling of noun suffixes

Suffixes -chick/-schik. Suffix -chick written after roots ending in d, t, z, s, zh, suffix -schik- in other cases (scout, mark, sample, subscriber, defector, porter, changer).

Suffixes -ek/-ik. Suffix -ek it is written if, when a word is declined, a vowel in the suffix is ​​dropped; suffix -ik it is written if, when the word is declined, the vowel in the suffix is ​​preserved (lock - lock, key - key).

Suffixes -ets/-its. Suffix -ets is written:

  • in masculine nouns (brother, businessman, loaf);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the ending (writing, paltetso).

Suffix -its- is written:

  • in feminine nouns (street, soapbox, mill);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the base (dress, structure).

Suffixes -ichk-/-echk-. Suffix -ichk- written in feminine nouns formed from nouns in -its-(onion - onion, mitten - mitten). Suffix -echk- written in words formed from nouns Not on -its- (nanny, little basket, Tanechka).

Suffixes -yshk-/-ushk-/-yushk-. Suffix -ysk- written in neuter nouns (the ending -o is written after it) (grain, sun, bottom). Suffix -ushk- written in masculine and feminine nouns (grandfather, girl, nightingale). Suffix -yushk- is written in words of all three genders (polyushko, dolyushka, uncle).

Suffix -ink-(-in- + -k-)/-enk-. Suffix -inc- written in words formed from nouns with a suffix -in-(straw - straw, rowan - rowan). Suffix -enk- written in diminutive forms of nouns -na, -nya, who have R. p. pl. h. the soft sign is not written at the end ( spinner - spinner - spinner, tower - tower - turret ), as well as in words refugee, sissy, French, cherry and so on.

2. Spelling suffixes of adjectives

Suffixes -iv-/-ev-, -evat-/-evit-. Suffix -iv- written with emphasis -ev- in an unstressed position (handsome, arrogant, combative, dashing). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

Suffixes -ov- And -ev-. After sizzling and ts the suffix is ​​written under stress -ov-, without accent - suffix -ev-(brocade, pepper, reed, key, end, bucket, clothing).

Suffixes -chiv-/-liv-. Always written with And(friendly, changeable).

Suffixes -k- and -sk-. Suffix -To- is written:

  • V qualitative adjectives, which have a short form (sharp - sharp, low - low);
  • in adjectives formed from nouns with stems k, ch, ts, the suffix -sk- is simplified to k; the sounds k, ch alternate with c (Nenets - Nenets, Cossack - Cossack, weaver - weaver). Exceptions: Uzbek - Uzbek, Uglich - Uglich).

Suffix -sk- preserved in relative adjectives with a consonant stem d, t, h, s(sailor, French, fraternal, urban) and with a base on consonants g, k, x, which often alternate (Onega - Onega).

3. Spelling verb suffixes

  1. In past tense verbs before a suffix -l- the same letter is written as in the indefinite form before -th(see - saw, facilitate - facilitated, accept - accepted).
  2. Suffixes are written in the infinitive form of the verb and in the past tense form -ova-, -eva-, if in the 1st person the verb ends in -yu, -yu(I draw - draw).
  3. If the 1st person verb ends in -I am, -I am no emphasis on A, then the suffix -yva-, -iva- persists (to think - I'm thinking, to finish - I'm finishing).

4. Spelling of adverb suffixes

Adverbs with prefix in-, for-, on- formed from short adjectives have the suffix -O(to the right, dark, white), and adverbs with prefixes to-, from-, from- suffix -A(before dark, occasionally, on the right, exception - ahead of schedule).

At the end of adverbs, after hissing adverbs without stress, a suffix is ​​written -e, under stress - suffix -O(pleadingly, okay, another exception).

Lesson summary “Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech (except -N-/-NN-).”