Construction is considered one of the most promising and profitable industries National economy. It is with him that a considerable share of already operating and newly opened companies of a completely diverse profile is associated: these are construction contractors themselves, and architectural and design bureaus, and numerous manufacturers of building materials: from primitive bricks and reinforced concrete products to technologically complex paints and varnishes, metal-plastic windows, “ corrugated sheeting" and much more.

However, many people forget such an important part of construction as preparing the “construction spot” or “point” for work, and in particular, the dismantling (demolition) of existing buildings, structures and structures. In fact, this area is almost empty: even in the largest cities of Russia there are only a few (literally 2-3) organizations involved in the demolition of buildings.

Sometimes (but not always!) a construction organization carries out demolition of buildings on its own. But this does not always happen within an acceptable time frame and is not always carried out in compliance with technology (including safety precautions).

In general, few people know that such activities are subject to state licensing. “To break is not to build,” many people think and dismiss the idea of ​​​​creating a dismantling company. And completely in vain. In fact, the business of demolishing dilapidated buildings can become a very, very profitable business, and, despite the apparent complexity, it does not require any special qualifications (at least for the manager).

A few words about the dismantling business

Currently, residential (as well as business) construction is proceeding in two main directions.

The first, which can conditionally be called “horizontal”, is the expansion of cities through the construction of suburban cottage and multi-storey “dormitory” areas on the outskirts within, or even beyond, the administrative border of the city – according to the Western type.

As a rule, “horizontal” construction does not require the intervention of dismantling companies - except in exceptional cases. The same cannot be said about the “vertical” direction – the construction, in the vast majority of cases, of multi-storey buildings on the site of dilapidated buildings in old, often central regions cities. It is carried out (with rare exceptions) in a targeted manner.

However, at the site of the future construction there are always at least ruins (and sometimes completely intact structures) of the previous building - as a rule, old Soviet and even pre-revolutionary buildings, which, despite their technical dilapidation, can become an unexpected obstacle on the way construction company, who decided to dismantle them herself.

If we're talking about not about “Khrushchev buildings” (which, however, are being demolished en masse only in Moscow), then, for example, meter or so (if not more!) walls, a solid (albeit cracked) foundation and cast iron piles can cool the ardor of even the most zealous developers. And this is not to mention the danger for neighboring houses, which are often also in disrepair.

That is why the demolition of buildings should be entrusted with such seemingly rough, but in fact very delicate work to professionals.

What you need to know when starting a demolition business

The main condition for the work of a house demolition company is, of course, State license, issued State Committee Russian Federation for construction and housing and communal services, or, in some cases, by some local authorities.

Of course, in order to open a demolition company, you should make sure that the number of construction projects in your city is sufficient for the uniform and constant implementation of activities, and that the construction is large enough and long-term.

The third issue, which should also be considered carefully, is the removal of construction waste, i.e. in this case, the rubble of a building being demolished. Who will carry it out?

Where exactly is it allowed to dispose of construction waste in your city? Is it necessary to attract additional equipment (dump trucks, bulldozers, etc.) and workers?

In addition, you can also consider the possibility of recycling construction waste - for example, bricks and concrete fragments crushed into medium and small fractions are an excellent material for strengthening dirt roads and the basis for laying asphalt, or use it to reduce the cost of driving piles. I call this material “recycled crushed stone”.

Necessary equipment and required investment for dismantling business

In this case, the option of purchasing equipment rather than renting it will be considered. What kind of machines are required to run a dismantling business? To carry out the demolition of buildings, automobile and tractor equipment that falls into the category of “special” (special vehicles) is used.

First of all, this is, of course, a truck crane. This machine is multifunctional - in addition to its direct purpose - for example, lifting and loading construction waste onto a dump truck; a special weight (the so-called “baba”) is hung on it, used as a hammer - the most popular technique for demolition of buildings today.

A truck crane should be purchased with a lifting capacity of at least 21 tons (from approximately 4.4 million rubles); the “baba” is ordered separately from steel foundries and similar enterprises.

The second most popular and functional is the bulldozer (from $44,000 to $484,000 - depending on power).

Ideally, you can purchase a fairly powerful backhoe loader (from € 82,000). As you can see, purchasing a separate bulldozer and excavator (tracked - from 3.4 million rubles; wheeled - from 2.1 million rubles) is unprofitable: in addition to larger capital investments, another operator (driver) will also be required.

The third element is, of course, a truck (dump truck). It is necessary to take into account that it will also carry a cast iron “baba”, so the desired carrying capacity is at least 20 tons (approximately 2.2-2.3 million rubles).

Other equipment: semi-trailers, trailers, tractors, flatbed trucks, tractors, graders, etc. it won’t be required to begin with, and with the development of the dismantling business, it will be quite possible to lease it. However, the above-mentioned machines can also be leased - if only local distributors are willing to help budding businessmen.

Of the other costs, one should take into account only purely office expenses, which, as is known, grow with the size of the company - additional secretaries, assistant accountants, lawyers, etc. You should also remember that operators of special equipment must have the proper form of license (tractor driver, bulldozer driver, etc.).

By following the advice from previous articles, you are holding in your hands detailed plan upcoming repairs and cost estimates for them. But, looking around your apartment again, you understand that before you build, you will have to tear it down. Perhaps just a little bit, just by removing the old wallpaper and worn out linoleum. Or perhaps on a very large scale, by tearing down a couple of walls and making a new door. Despite all the apparent simplicity, dismantling work is carried out according to certain rules. This is necessary so that the start of repairs does not turn into headache and chaos.

Types of dismantling work or what can be broken

Of course, for purely cosmetic purposes of the renovation undertaken, even the removal of decorative coverings - wallpaper, tiles, linoleum - will be considered dismantling. But, most often, this means something more serious: the appearance of new window and door openings, the demolition of walls, a change in communications running in the apartment. In order to find a starting point for work, it is important to find out whether future changes affect the supporting structures of the house. You should not treat this issue irresponsibly, because standard high-rise buildings were and continue to be built on the basis of complex and precise engineering and architectural calculations. The structure of the building is designed in such a way that part of the partitions bears the main “weight” and imparts “rigidity” to the entire building. Changing the load-bearing walls, even in part, violates the original calculations of the builders and can lead to disaster. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to involve specialized organizations in determining which walls can be disturbed and what strengthening measures are necessary. In addition, changes of this kind must be agreed with the supervisory authorities.

In general, dismantling work includes scrapping:

  • communications,
  • screeds,
  • floors,
  • walls,
  • partitions,
  • tiles

Let's talk about the most common of them.

Dismantling walls

We will talk about brick walls, since such changes in panel houses are more problematic from the point of view of maintaining the structural integrity of the building and obtaining the appropriate permits.

Before you begin demolishing the partition, you need to take care of:

  1. about those around you - since the work ahead is very noisy and dirty, it is advisable, if possible, to carry it out in daytime or not too late in the evening to avoid conflicts with neighbors, as well as heartfelt conversations with the police called by someone;
  2. about yourself - it would be good to purchase and use safety glasses, wear closed clothes and shoes to protect yourself from dust and debris;
  3. about the flooring - if you do not plan to change it, then you need to create a buffer between falling pieces of plaster with heavy bricks and a good parquet or linoleum, plywood, old blankets, etc. are suitable for this. things;
  4. about the wiring - you will have to either very carefully break it, having first de-energized the wall and using an indicator screwdriver to find out where the wires go, or first dismantle the electrical communications.

If it is possible, that is, everything can be easily removed and comes off, then dismantling can be done in layers. First the wallpaper, then the plaster, then the wall itself. The most difficult thing is to knock out the first bricks. It is advisable to start from the very top, destroying the joint between the brick and the ceiling using a sledgehammer and chisel, or a hammer drill. The broken integrity of the ligament will allow subsequent elements to break out more easily than the previous ones. To avoid excessive dusting, it is necessary to periodically moisten the work area with water.

Removing the floor

If you decide not only to replace the old floor covering with a new one, but also the entire floor, then you need to be prepared for a large amount of construction debris and dirt in the apartment itself. Removing the screed allows you to make the new one more even, which can be very important. For example, when installing furniture, especially kitchen units, household appliances. Any housewife will be glad that the oil finally does not flow onto one side of the pan. Also, if there was high humidity in the room, a new floor makes it possible to get rid of mold and fungi that have settled in it.

It is better to immediately put the waste generated during the work in bags, so that you do not have to further clear and free up space later. If a large area is affected, you may have to hire a special removal vehicle. Since the tanks located next to houses are intended only for household waste. Many people decide for themselves the question of where to start dismantling on their own, but there are recommendations to still do it in the direction from front door. The motivation is the convenience of removing construction waste.

The specific types of work depend on the type of floor. So, wooden logs will have to be sawn, and for boards a nail crowbar will be useful. For tiles and concrete screed, it is good to use a hammer drill. They should not be directed perpendicular to the floor, but at an angle of 45-60 degrees, so as not to make a through hole in the ceiling.

Dismantling tiles

It can be produced different ways, tools and get different results. So, if the tile was installed with glue and you plan to use it again, then you can carefully remove the tile with any of the available tools. And if the task of further operation is not worth it, then you have a whole arsenal of tools at your disposal. You can use a hammer and chisel, or you can use a hammer drill, especially where cement mortar is used.

If the tiles in the bathroom are being removed, and you do not want to change the toilet or bathtub, then they need to be protected in the same way as the floor covering. Namely, cover with something thick and dense that will not allow the earthenware to break or damage the enamel coating.

Here are the main types of dismantling work that most often need to be done when carrying out repairs. As you can see, it is quite possible to do this yourself. To make it easier for you to imagine your future work, we offer you to watch the following video.

Construction is one of the most profitable and promising sectors of the national economy. Design and architectural bureaus, construction contractors, and various manufacturers of building materials (reinforced concrete products, bricks, metal-plastic windows, etc.) work in this area.

But don't forget about this important point, such as demolition (dismantling) of buildings, structures and structures. In Russia only in major cities There are 2-3 similar organizations. Sometimes the construction company itself dismantles the building.

Such activities must be licensed by the state. The business of dismantling dilapidated buildings can become quite profitable and does not require special qualifications from the manager.

Briefly about the dismantling business.

There are two directions of construction: “horizontal” - expansion of cities at the expense of the outskirts and “vertical” - multi-storey buildings. The intervention of dismantling companies is required more often in the second direction. Demolition of old Soviet buildings can be a real challenge for developers, so the help of professionals is necessary, even just for safety reasons for neighboring houses, which are often in disrepair.

Before opening a demolition company, you need to make sure whether there are enough construction projects in your city and how large they are. After all, this is what will determine the uniformity and consistency of your activities.

You should carefully consider the issue of removing building debris and possible recycling of construction waste. It is important to determine who will remove the garbage and where, and whether special equipment and workers are needed.

Necessary equipment and investment.

To carry out the demolition of buildings, special vehicles are used:

  • truck crane is a multifunctional machine that lifts and loads construction waste onto a dump truck and demolishes buildings using weights (“women”). The carrying capacity must be at least 21 tons - the cost is about 4.5 million rubles).
  • bulldozer ($44,000-484,000)
  • powerful backhoe loader, tracked or wheeled (from € 82,000)
  • truck (dump truck) with a carrying capacity of at least 20 tons - cost 2.2-2.3 million rubles).

Other equipment: tractors, trailers, semi-trailers, tractors, graders, flatbed trucks, etc. can be leased as the dismantling business develops.

Don't forget about office expenses, which increase with the size of the company - accounting assistants, additional secretaries, lawyers, etc.

You should also remember that operators of special equipment (bulldozer operator, tractor driver, etc.) need appropriate rights.

Many people know what demolition is. Is there a difference between the liquidation of a private house and an apartment building? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The work to clear inhabited land plots in the private sector of the city has its own assessment nuances, as well as some features of the procedure itself.

The fact is that such a territory provides people not only with housing, but also with land. For this reason, the resettlement of residents and the dismantling of buildings cannot begin until the fall, when the harvest and sale of the harvest comes to an end.

Usually owners decide to demolish their house if it begins to cost money to maintain it a large number of funds, and own strength. Some people do this regularly when they live there permanently. However, when the amount of hassle begins to exceed the level of benefit many times over, the house, as a rule, is demolished.

When demolishing a private house, a certain procedure is provided and you should not clear the land yourself, since unauthorized actions of this nature can lead to certain consequences.

What is the demolition of multi-apartment residential buildings (for example, five-story brick buildings)? Such an action is carried out in accordance with Part 10 of Article 32 of the RF Housing Code. This regulatory legal act states that a building recognized as unsafe is subject to dismantling or reconstruction within a certain time frame. Wherein Only a special commission can recognize a house as unsafe.

There are situations when homeowners do not perform either one or another action with the building within the established time frame. In such a situation, the land located under the building is subject to seizure for the needs of the municipality. All living spaces in the building are also confiscated. The only exceptions are those that are owned by the municipality. The above-mentioned article also clearly states how such a procedure should be carried out.

Thus, we can conclude that homeowners must demolish the dilapidated building themselves, otherwise the state will do everything. However, it is worth noting that demolition in mandatory must be sanctioned by the city administration, otherwise the action will be considered illegal.

What kind of housing is subject to liquidation?

As mentioned above, a decision on whether to demolish an object or not can be made by a special commission. It meets by decision of the authorities and local self-government. The decision is made only after all the documentation and technical condition of the property have been studied. To do this, they often use the services of expert companies.

The decision to dismantle is made if one of the following conditions is present:

  1. the level of technical condition of the building is unfavorable or poses a danger to people living in it.
  2. The land occupied by the building is planned to be used to meet the needs of the administrative territorial unit.
  3. Immovable properties recognized as dilapidated are subject to demolition.

    Such housing may be recognized as such for the following reasons:

    • natural wear and tear, reducing the level of reliability of the structure and its parts;
    • the location of the house in an area where frequent natural disasters occur.

Procedure for preparing emergency facilities

The commission mentioned above evaluates the building based on a statement written by the owner. This is done in accordance with the requirements specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 47, from which a decision is made in the manner prescribed in paragraph 47 of the same Regulations.

During the assessment of the building, compliance with the requirements is checked:

  • the actual condition of the house is taken into account;
  • The technical condition of all building structures and the residential building as a whole is also assessed;
  • the degree of resistance to fire, the conditions for ensuring the evacuation of residents in the event of uncontrolled burning, as well as compliance with various sanitary and epidemiological requirements and hygiene standards are taken into account;
  • The commission also takes into account the level of substances with potential danger, such as chemicals;
  • The air quality inside the home, radiation levels and physical sources of noise are assessed.

Thus, the commission is trying to study maximum amount information and make the most objective decision regarding the recognition of the building as unsafe and its demolition.

Where can I find out about upcoming changes?

When residents hear rumors about the demolition of the house in which they live, citizens try to find out the exact date carrying out dismantling.

Such a desire is quite understandable, because no one wants to suddenly find themselves on the street one fine day.

For people caught in similar situation, There are several options for obtaining such information:

  1. the most popular way is obtaining information on the website of the management company. As a rule, its employees try to post all reliable information regarding the house under their jurisdiction.
  2. If such information is not available on the official website, you can ask your question on a special forum directly to the head of such a company.
  3. In order to obtain information regarding the demolition of a house, you can visit the official website of the Housing Fund.
  4. Not bad Websites of real estate organizations can serve as sources of data on demolition.

Important! If the residents of the house use the methods listed above, they will automatically save themselves from the need to sit through endless queues at the BTI.

Who is demolishing the building?

As mentioned above, before demolition of an emergency real estate object, such a procedure must be authorized by local government authorities by issuing a corresponding requirement. After this, the demolition of the building should be carried out by the person who is the owner of the particular building.

In this case, everything must be done in accordance with Part 10 of Article 32 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The fact is that after the authorities have issued a demand for demolition to the owners, the house must be dismantled within a time limit set by them. If a situation arises in which the owners of the building did not demolish it and reconstruct it within the prescribed time, then the land located under the building is subject to seizure to meet the needs of the municipality. The authorities are also confiscating every last apartment located in a residential building.

The only exceptions are residential premises owned by the municipality of education. Such actions are carried out in strict accordance with parts 1 -3, 5 - 9 of Article 32 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, it will not be possible to prevent the demolition or reconstruction of dilapidated housing, under any circumstances.

What does the destruction process look like in the photo?

What do they give in return to owners of dilapidated housing?

When a residential building is dismantled, a large number of its former residents actually remain on the street. However There is an option to obtain living space to replace that lost in a demolished building. A similar process is stipulated in Article 89 of the RF Housing Code:

  1. if you believe the established norms, then people who become owners of housing under a rental agreement are moved to the same living space, in size not inferior to the previous ones. In this case, the new housing must be located in the same locality. The price of the property is not taken into account.
  2. In such situation owners are offered to buy the property, but the price is lowered. This is due to the desire of investors to save some money. For this reason, many citizens refuse this deal. For such comrades, the only way out is resettlement.
  3. A citizen is usually offered several apartments to choose from. An exchange or purchase and sale agreement must be signed. Wherein new apartment they take ownership.

Thus, a person is only required to decide whether he will buy a new apartment or receive it in exchange for the old one.

Let's watch a video on this topic:

The state is doing everything possible to ensure that Russian citizens live in serviceable houses. It is for these purposes that timely demolition or reconstruction of emergency housing is carried out. However people left without an apartment are not thrown to the mercy of fate. They can receive new property free of charge if this housing was lost due to the demolition procedure.

Dismantling as a business is a fairly popular idea, which is successfully used in different countries peace. The key area of ​​activity of specialists in the field of dismantling is the dismantling and demolition of partitions, buildings, fences, and various structures for economic purposes. By turning to a company that provides dismantling services, the customer saves himself from the need to independently carry out heavy dismantling work, and from problems with garbage removal and eliminating the consequences of the work.

As a rule, companies that carry out dismantling and removal of garbage from apartments with movers use physical force, especially when the work must be carried out manually and indoors. In this case, sledgehammers and hammers, nail pullers and crowbars, as well as other tools, are used, depending on the conditions of the dismantling work. In addition, a stretcher will be useful for moving construction waste to the car, and the truck itself, which is necessary for removing the debris remaining after dismantling work. Because the company’s reputation depends on the quality of the work performed, and if you leave the site of the dismantling work uncleaned, your clients are unlikely to be satisfied with the result.

Business related to dismantling work is often in demand when demolishing outbuildings and residential buildings. In this case, you cannot do without heavy mechanized machines, such as tractors and excavators. You can buy a tractor as your own or rent it, but in any case, you cannot do it with manual labor alone when demolishing large buildings. In the future, as the dismantling business develops, it may be possible to purchase an excavator or mobile crane unit to carry out large-scale dismantling of tall multi-storey buildings.

One should not lose sight of the fact that this type of business, like many others, requires legal registration, as well as state registration. Then, you will be able to hire workers and pay employees wages, according to the letter of the law. Carrying out dismantling alone, in any case, is an almost impossible task.

You can offer your services privately, through advertising in newspapers, the Internet and on television. There is also the possibility of corporate cooperation with different construction companies who often need help preparing a construction site. In addition, you can offer cooperation to the local administration, because often government agencies assistance is required in the demolition of illegally erected buildings, and there are not enough resources to carry out this action. Developing your business, expanding your sphere of influence and introducing new services are the key to the success of your company!