Today, network setup on Android occurs automatically in most cases, but sometimes user participation may still be required to connect or select network parameters.

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To gain access to the network, it is often enough to insert a SIM card into the device. You need to make sure that the SIM card is activated and has connected services cellular communication. By default, automatic operator selection is enabled in the settings; the smartphone itself will find the network and connect to it. If not, enable this option or select your operator from the list of available ones yourself.

How to set network type on Android

Modern smartphones have the ability to work in several types (generations) of network: 2G, 3G and 4G (LTE). By default, the radio module will try to connect to a higher generation network; if that fails, it will try to connect to a lower generation network. Such a constant search best network negatively affects the battery charge. If you know that the 3G network is predominantly widespread in your region, you can select the appropriate option in the settings, thereby saving the device from unnecessary load when searching for 4G. If you do not use the Internet to watch videos or download large files, you can generally choose a 2G network. The Internet speed on this network leaves much to be desired, but setting up the network on Android in this way will help the battery hold its charge longer.

Setting up the Internet on Android also happens automatically, as does setting up the network on Android. However, there may be exceptions:

  • If you purchased a smartphone from some little-known manufacturer whose devices do not have automatic settings, then the settings will have to be entered manually.
  • If the smartphone is released for another country. In this case, connecting to the network may be completely impossible, since different countries Cellular communications may use different frequencies.

In order to enter Internet settings manually, you need to check with your operator's technical support for the necessary parameters for the access point (APN) and create a new access point.

Why does the network disappear on Android?

From time to time, Android smartphones, like everyone else, cell phones, there may be problems with the quality of your network connection. There are many factors that affect the signal level; it may not be the device itself or the operator. Here are some reasons why connection quality and Internet speed drop:

  • The long distance to the nearest PBX (automatic telephone exchange) tower is especially noticeable outside large populated areas.
  • Cell tower congestion - if many subscribers are simultaneously connected to one tower and using the Internet, then its speed for each subscriber drops.
  • Weather conditions - during rain, radio relay communication channels sharply lose their capacity.
  • Building density and other obstacles to the signal path. It happens that, due to obstacles, the device cannot catch the signal from the nearest telephone exchange and connects to a more distant one.
  • The quality of your smartphone - when purchasing a budget device, you must understand that it does not have the best components installed.
  • Some cases also negatively affect the quality of the received signal.

How to boost the signal on Android

To strengthen the signal in populated areas and beyond, so-called GSM/3G repeaters are used. The device is an amplified antenna that is capable of picking up a weak signal and amplifying it for use by subscribers. There are also applications designed to improve the quality of communication. They don't improve the signal itself, but they scan nearby cell towers and connect to the one with the best signal. If you are experiencing connection problems, you can try the application

It’s hard to imagine a modern Android smartphone without access to the Internet. In this material we will talk about how to turn on the Internet on Android smartphone by using mobile communications and Wi-Fi.

To enable Mobile Internet On Android you need to follow a few simple steps. First, you need to enable the Mobile Data feature. To do this, open the Android settings and go to the “Data Transfer” section.

In this section you need to find the “Mobile Data” function and enable it. Also in this section there is a “Traffic Saving” function. It is better to disable it, otherwise in the background it may block Internet access for some applications.

After that, you need to go back to the main settings screen and go to advanced internet settings. To do this, open the “More” section.

To turn on the Internet, here you need to select the network type: 2G, 3G or. Now, the 3G network works with almost all operators and in all countries. But, if your mobile operator supports 4G LTE, then it is better to choose this type of network. Because 4G LTE provides maximum speed Internet access. Also in the “Mobile networks” subsection there is an “Internet roaming” function. If you want to enable the Internet while roaming, then this function must also be activated.

In most cases, the steps described above are enough to enable the Internet on your Android smartphone. But, if your Internet still does not work, then most likely you do not have access points (APN) configured. In order to configure them, you need to open the settings and go to the “More – Mobile networks – Access points (APN)” section.

Here you can select one of the Internet access points and change its settings. You can also add an access point here. There is a button with a plus sign for this. If you do not know what settings to specify, contact the technical support of your Internet provider.

How to connect to the Internet on Android via Wi-Fi

If you want to connect to the Internet on Android using a Wi-Fi connection, then everything is much simpler than when using mobile Internet. All you need to do is open Android settings and go to the “Wi-Fi” section.

After this, a window will appear asking for a password. Enter the Wi-Fi password and click on the “Connect” button.

After entering the Android password, the smartphone will connect to the Internet via a Wi-Fi wireless network. In this case, the following message will appear next to the selected Wi-Fi network: “Connected”.

If, after connecting to Wi-Fi networks The Internet still does not work, then most likely the problem is the lack of Internet access on the router or Wi-Fi access point.

Articles and Lifehacks

Purchasing a desired smartphone model is always a joy. Twisting it in your hands, examining it, listening to music, watching movies, photos. And even installing programs, setting up the launcher and desktop. All these operations can be called pleasure. One of the main pleasures is surfing the global Internet. But then an incident happened, you can’t go online, to your favorite contact, classmates, or somewhere for work. What to do if the Internet does not work on your phone? Remember if you accidentally dropped your favorite gadget into the water? However, the phone itself will not work, not only the Internet. Let's look at other reasons.

The Internet does not work: reasons and solutions

Let's look at the most common cases of why the Internet may not work on a smartphone and how to solve these cases.

The phone is new, the Internet is not configured. Yes, when using a phone out of the box, you always need to configure the Internet. Manually, call the call center and ask them to tell you or send the settings via SMS. Or go to service center and figure it out there.

The parameters went wrong after a hard reset. Similarly, configure using the above methods.

There is no money in the account. We called my girlfriend, my mother, at work, forgot to put it in, so the funds ran out. The solution is very simple: top up your balance mobile phone. How? Whatever is more convenient.

No network. Check if airplane mode is turned on. Communication often disappears in the subway, on trains, and in places remote from civilization. Where there is no regular connection with an operator, there will be no mobile Internet.

There is money on the phone, the connection is excellent, all the settings are entered, but there is no Internet. Then try rebooting your phone. If this doesn't help, call your cell phone company and ask why you can't get online. Perhaps the operator is carrying out testing work or an unexpected equipment breakdown has occurred.

Everything is fine, but I still can’t access the Internet from any application. Perhaps something is broken. Try to restart your smartphone, take out the battery and turn it on, insert other SIM cards. If nothing works, then go either to a service center, or to any repair shop, where at the same time you can find out, for example, and get advice on other nuances of handling the device.

Software problems. Certain applications, if configured incorrectly, can block Internet access to all programs. Go through all the applications, configure the ones you need, or simply delete those responsible for Internet access.

Hardware glitches. In some models (usually made in China), accessing the Internet is problematic even with a good connection. Then we go to the Internet, look for a forum with a discussion of your model and Google the solution. Or we ask a question and wait for an answer. Often you need to patch your mobile phone, and everything will immediately fall into place.

The Internet does not work - they forgot to pay the fee, the settings are blocking access. The absence of electricity does not matter to the towers. Autonomous power supplies will ensure uninterrupted operation of networks. Puzzle the nearby office.

MTS gives advice that sometimes eliminates the problem. Dial 0890 (03.MTS Help) on your phone and follow the instructions in the voice menu to listen to the recommendations yourself:

  1. Swap the phone's SIM cards (devices that provide 2 slots). More often than not, the second socket does not support modern technologies.
  2. Activate by opening Internet settings, network type 3G/4G.
  3. Charge your mobile when you see the charge level is 20%. Applies to laptops and tablets.
  4. Previously, the remainder of the traffic was provided by the request *217#. Nowadays the best way to find out the balance is the My MTS application. Since the network hangs, use a desktop PC and browser. Visit your personal account and find out the remaining meters.
  5. The traffic has ended. Activate the next package (Turbo button).
  6. Order Internet settings, WAP, MMS. Ways: personal account, call 0890.
  7. Close programs that initiate traffic (antiviruses, torrents).
  8. Test a nearby site. The operation of the resource means: the Internet connection is functioning properly.
  9. Stay close to the window.

Technical details

  • Stable operation of wireless protocols is ensured by immobility mobile device. It sounds strange - it works flawlessly. Dancing signal level negatively affects the quality of information transmission. Try to fix the position of the device (phone, tablet).
  • Craftsmen make external antennas, mainly biquadrate (stationary version), and vibrators. The speed noticeably increases, the reception is confident. Aces complement the design with an external amplifier, achieving amazing results.
  • Smartphones allow you to block mobile network traffic. Check the settings according to the device instructions.

Has the internet on your phone suddenly stopped working? There may be many reasons why it works, each of which requires separate consideration and solution.

There are a number of reasons why the Internet on a phone does not work, which are trivial and often happen due to simple inattention.

However, there are also those that are more difficult to deal with; they require a longer and more complex solution.

We have collected the most common problems with the Internet not working.

Trivial problems

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These reasons include a number of problems that can be solved using the simplest methods.

Checking these points is a priority if there is no access to the network.

  • The first and also the most common reason why there is no mobile Internet on the phone is a negative balance. Sometimes mobile operators withdraw funds without the user's knowledge. It could also be due to simple forgetfulness. In any case, if there is no Internet, it is worth checking the funds in your account. Verification methods usually differ depending on the mobile operator.
  • Lack of network can also be the reason for lack of internet. In this case, it is enough to check the network indicator. The solution to this problem can only be movement in space. Since the cause of this phenomenon is the specific location of the user. Depending on the distance of the communication towers, the network in various places may vary from excellent to none at all. This directly affects the operation of the mobile Internet. That is, if the network is low, then the Internet will be slow. Sometimes the reason may lie in the device itself. If the network is always quite low (even if the user is near the tower), then it’s worth taking the phone for repair.
  • "Data transfer" is not enabled. In modern gadgets, mobile Internet does not work on its own. It consumes a certain amount of phone power. In order to reduce battery consumption, a function was invented that allows you to turn off. Therefore, it is worth finding this item in the settings and checking it or switching the toggle switch (depending on the model).
  • Network registration failed. This phenomenon is possible after there is no network. As mentioned above, it is enough to change the location of the deployment. However, it happens that the user has come to a place where the network should work perfectly, but it is still disabled. The solution to this problem is to restart the phone. Often this problem typical for 3G networks.

Sometimes previous points are irrelevant, and then you have to look for a more compelling reason for the lack of a network.

Access settings are lost

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This is not uncommon for modern gadgets. Therefore, it is worth checking the settings related to the network access point (APN).

Usually it is not difficult to find this item in the settings, but its location may vary depending on the phone model.

There are 2 ways to solve this problem:

  1. Request settings from your network operator. Not all users know how to fix this problem. Therefore, you can contact your mobile operator, who will not only tell you everything point by point, but will also send you automatic settings; you just need to download them.
  2. Manual setup. More difficult option and it is not suitable for everyone, since many users do not even know where to find the settings item (let alone how to fix them). Typically, this setting will still have to be done with the help of an operator. It happens that automatic network setup for a certain phone model is not possible. In such cases, again, you need to call your cellular operator and find out the points for setting up the network manually. Usually the operator will tell you point by point where to go, what to click and enter in the fields. After this, click the “save” button. Problem solved!

Usually, eliminating the above points is enough to solve the problem. However, it also happens that the reason lies deeper.

If the above points did not help you log into the network, you should contact a specialist. Sometimes the phone requires more serious settings, flashing or even some repairs.

Sometimes it is enough to contact the service center of the service operator. Perhaps they will be able to find the cause and eliminate it.

To connect to high-speed mobile Internet, you need to switch to the appropriate tariff of your mobile operator.

And although nowadays almost all of them provide access to high speeds, the old tariffs do not have this opportunity.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose the most convenient and suitable tariff that provides such services and buy a card, or reconnect using an operator or enter certain combinations, you can also send an SMS with a code.

However, it is worth considering that such Internet functions are not possible on all phones, but only on modern smartphones.

And not all of them support 4G functionality. Therefore, when connecting a tariff with this function, you should make sure whether it is supported by the gadget.

However, such functions consume a large number of traffic, so when choosing a tariff you need to take this into account and give preference to unlimited access.

But this possibility is not always present. Therefore, when leaving the network, you need to turn off “data transfer”.

Do not forget about the banal reasons for the lack of Internet and check this function when connecting to the network.

If the tariff is not unlimited and the user has not disabled “data transfer”, funds may be debited from the account if the allotted number of available MB has been exhausted.

Therefore, it is worth considering this point in the absence of access and checking the account.

Speed ​​mode

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It is also possible that high-speed Internet coverage is not available in a certain region. In this case (on some mobile operators) there is an automatic transition to using 2G Internet.

It also happens that there is no access. In this case, you need to contact the network operator and find out what the reason is. Sometimes it's enough to reconfigure your phone.

But the coverage problem cannot be solved, so when connecting to a tariff you should carefully study the information on the website this issue so that there are no difficulties later.

Sometimes there may be difficulties with access if the network user is on the move. This usually does not apply to simple walking.

The problem is relevant when traveling by transport, since sometimes the phone does not have time to switch between communication towers, which causes interruptions in the Internet.

In this case, you should either reduce the speed of movement, or be patient with logging into the Internet until the vehicle stops.

The lack of Internet is also possible if 3G technology is disabled.

This is an item in the settings of some smartphones, which is responsible for the operation of this function and is disabled to save energy or traffic. Therefore, if there is no connection or low load, it is worth checking whether this item is enabled.

One common problem may be a SIM card that has been used for more than 5 years. The fact is that the production of new SIM cards uses improved technologies to speed up the connection.

In this case, it is enough to change the SIM card to a new one, which will eliminate the possibility of this problem.

The most popular Internet access is Wi-Fi connection.

All modern phones have the capability of such a wireless connection.

In addition, public institutions also provide such access.

Nowadays, you can easily connect to the network if there is an open connection.

However, various problems with Wi-Fi are not uncommon.