• Thrift gives freedom - from the unjustified desire for luxury.
  • Thrift gives the ability to conduct business wisely; including financial ones.
  • Thrift provides opportunities – to help those in need; A thrifty person always has something to share.
  • Frugality provides some autonomy - this can be important when extreme circumstances arise.

Manifestations of frugality in everyday life

  • Housekeeping. A good home owner always shows thrift.
  • Professional activity. The most thrifty people are economists; they know exactly the value of money and correctly assess the need or excess of financial investments.
  • Sport competitions. Running on long distances– a sport for people who know how to use their own strength sparingly.
  • State management. When creating a deficit-free budget for the next financial year, statesmen are showing frugality.

How to achieve frugality

  • Thrift is not only a character trait of a person, but also his manner of behavior and way of relating to life values. Striving for frugality is a worthy goal; achieving it requires serious work above oneself.
  • Difficult financial situations. Best teacher thrift is a difficult economic situation. In cramped conditions, almost every person learns to be thrifty.
  • Self-control. This is a powerful tool that helps you develop frugality. To achieve frugality, you need to learn to separate your needs from your desires: needs - what is necessary; desires - what you want.
  • Personal finance accounting. Convenient tools have been created for keeping track of personal finances. computer programs, for example, “Home Accounting”. Visual demonstration of spending is a good incentive for the development of frugality.
  • Workout. With regular physical activity a person learns to listen and hear his own body and use its resources carefully.

Golden mean

Extravagance | complete absence frugality


Hoarding, hoarding

Catchphrases about frugality

Next to order and liberty, frugality is one of the most essential parts of free government. - Calvin Coolidge - Money is not wealth, but frugality and intelligence. - Russian proverb - He who does not bend over for a pin does not deserve gold. - English proverb- A thrifty person is not like a stingy person. - Horace - Stinginess is further from frugality than even extravagance. - La Rochefoucauld - Thrift is commendable if it is not akin to stinginess, but, on the contrary, is associated with generosity. Thrift without generosity leads to greed, and generosity without frugality leads to extravagance. - Penn William - Thrift is an important source of wealth. - Cicero - Marcus Porcius Cato / Agriculture Of all the Roman thinkers, it was Cato who put frugality at the core of his philosophy. The treatise “Agriculture” is valuable not so much for its description of the techniques of ancient Roman agriculture, but for its detailed coverage of the issues of managing an estate, increasing its profitability, and the rational use of slave labor. Samuel Smiles / Collected works in six volumes You will find the work “Thrift” in volume three. The author supports his discussions about this virtue with examples from life. famous businessmen of the past.

Educational hour on the topic: “Thrift - valuable quality person"

The purpose of the educational hour:

Have a conversation with students about frugality, caring for loved ones and stranger

Teach the difference between the concepts of “stinginess” and “frugality”

Teach children to be careful about their surroundings

Explain the meaning of the concepts of economy and prudence.

Lesson plan:(in the form of a lecture-conversation)

Teacher's words: THRUG- economy, prudence.

Intelligence, kindness, talent - any of the virtues can be proud of. And everyone knows that they need to be developed in themselves. And for some reason, THRIVALITY among the virtues is like Cinderella. Many people hide it, fearing that they will be called stingy or petty. And some underestimate it: in comparison with talent, frugality is a small thing, a trifle.

Stinginess and frugality are not even related. Stinginess is selfish, it rows everything towards itself - it hoards, often pointlessly. The miser drags into his hole everything he can get. Thrift is not selfish at all. Thrifty people care about others first. It is customary for taiga hunters and geologists to throw all the garbage into the fire after a rest. Then it is filled with water. The remains of porridge and bread are not thrown into the fire, they are scattered under a tree - let the local animals and birds feast on it. In vintage folk tales thrift is glorified. One of them tells how in the royal garden the prince put a broom on the path and brought the girls here one by one. One tripped over the broom, the other kicked it, and the third picked up the broom and carried it to its place - the prince married this girl.

Thrift is caring for loved ones and strangers. It starts with little things, from childhood, and acquires national proportions. Thrift is like a strong bank protecting the full-flowing life of our Motherland, and wastefulness, like a mouse, wears away and drills into these banks, and the river becomes shallower.

Plumbing, electricity. Bread, entrance walls, elevators, books and notebooks, school desks and chairs - all this is the work and time of other people. If we respect them and ourselves, we save all this. Remember, by breaking a tree branch, you have inflicted a wound on it, opened up access for microbes, a hollow may appear in this place or mycelium spores may fall in - and the young tree will rot alive, collapse, before reaching its full age, bringing no benefit to anyone. Develop frugality in yourself.

You can rightfully be proud of it, just like your intelligence, talent, kindness, because all these virtues are for people, and not for yourself alone.

Everything living and nonliving is connected by time and space. Extravagance, superficiality, stinginess, ignorance tear the connecting threads and violate the correctness of life.

FRANCISITY strengthens connections, strengthens the unity of life, it is like raindrops that, together nourishing the earth, give a rich harvest.

Lesson summary: Answer the questions:

- How do you understand the word thrift?

What is stinginess, greed, greed?

Do you think it is necessary to be frugal?

Saving should not be equated with boredom, necessity and want. Rather, the synonyms are different: “saving”, “thrift”, “thrift”. Associations with a word will be more pleasant the more creatively and thoughtfully you approach the process. How to achieve savings at home? This is what our article is about today.

A significant part is spent on food - a recognized fact. Another thing is that expenses can be reduced without compromising the quality of food. For example, how do you like the idea of ​​creating a menu for the week? Yes, of course, you will have to spend time thinking about a seven-day diet, but the benefits are undeniable. So, you definitely won’t buy extra products after work, but will only come in for what you need (bread, milk). In addition, planning in advance will allow you to gradually fill the refrigerator with homemade semi-finished products: dumplings, soup preparations, stuffed pancakes, etc. Agree: unexpected guests will not be taken by surprise, which will save hundreds of rubles in such an emergency. A consequence of planning a menu for the week is purchasing groceries in advance. Nowadays you can save a lot by shopping at small wholesale prices. Many supermarkets are happy to provide this opportunity.

Of course, at any time we cannot do without shopping at all. Clothes wear out, shoes tear, fail... But we can pay more attention to things so that they last as long as possible. Therefore, we are not lazy to study the care labels on clothes, the recommendations in the instructions for devices, and gain new knowledge regarding durable items. For example, a laminate flooring should not be treated with wax or oil, it does not tolerate water, does not favor wet cleaning more than a couple of times a week, and requires treatment with a special mastic once a year. Moving parts of fittings plastic windows Twice a year it is worth “treating” with a special lubricant, like rubber seals; you cannot use solvent to clean the plastic frame, etc.

Hold off on going to the dry cleaner. Maybe a greasy collar or pockets on a sheepskin coat can be cleaned with simple tooth powder, and a stain on a coat can be removed with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia? You can find a lot of ways to solve problems on the Internet. When you are convinced that the task is too much for you, then apply for a paid service.
A significant share family budget“eat up” utility bills. Provided that you are extremely wasteful about the benefits of civilization such as water and electricity. In practice, we can save up to 40% of our money without compromising the comfort of family members.

For example, any type of household appliance has its own energy consumption class. Having some simple knowledge in this matter will help you choose an economical model. Thus, the least wasteful classes of devices are marked A, A+, A++, B.

However, no matter how economical Appliances, it wastes electricity in vain, being “unattended” plugged into an outlet. Think about the number of devices that are connected to the network in standby mode. Maybe it’s a turned off TV, a computer, a phone charger left in the socket... In a year of such wastefulness, hundreds and hundreds of rubles are wasted! The easiest way to save money is to unplug your appliances when you leave the house.

Switching to LED lamps is another opportunity to replenish your piggy bank with saved banknotes. Unlike their counterparts (Ilyich light bulb, energy-saving versions), LED options are relatively inexpensive, last a long time, are unpretentious in electricity consumption and are available in various options.

A kind of home feng shui will also help. This is when electrical appliances not only work efficiently, save a hundred or two, but are also in their place. For example, a refrigerator should not be placed next to radiators and a stove; when using an air conditioner, close the windows, turn off the iron before ironing the last item (its surface retains heat for a long time). Would you like to wash your clothes in the washing machine or turn on the dishwasher? Download them by " full program”, rather than rushing a couple of objects back and forth.

There are countless options for ideas for saving money at home. One can only be amazed at human ingenuity. Someone finds regular travel companions before work, another learns the basics so as not to pay strangers for work, a third is constantly looking for discounts, a fourth sews and knits on his own...

The main thing is not to descend into ordinary redneck in the pursuit of profit. Agree, the advice to wash once a week, and only in the shower, turn off the doorbell when you leave home, send your children to visit before dinner, etc. sounds funny and absurd.

As they say, saving should be reasonable, and not just economical. Therefore, if you want to go to a movie or a cafe, you shouldn’t give up entertainment altogether. Like, you can watch the same movie for free at home on your computer or just cook holiday dish within the walls of the apartment. Small joys help you get through difficult times, and they grow into good mood, positive attitude towards life. Happy spending!

Despite the fact that many people are trying to save money, not everyone is ready to admit it. It so happens that saving is not cool and, due to embarrassment, we often find ourselves in awkward situations.

I’ll say right away - I’m the most frugal of all my friends.

When your work touches on the topic of personal finance, you begin to look at money differently. So it's easy for me to keep my head on my shoulders when it comes to expenses.

And while I don't shout about frugality on every corner, wherever I go, my actions usually speak for themselves. I must note that the economy of some people is not always welcomed by others.

It’s not so easy to hold on when you constantly feel pressure from the outside. There have been times when my preference to save rather than spend has led to judgment and even some isolation. Despite the fact that in no way affected the lives of other people. In such situations, I felt obligated to explain and defend my point of view.

The question arises - since when, in fact, modesty and frugality turned into something bad, negative?

If you've ever encountered a similar situation, you probably know what I mean.

Thrift began to be equated with cheapness, stinginess and boredom.

Such a picture does not attract supporters at all. And it repels those who have just decided to start saving.

It turns out that financial security is seen by others as a sign of personal and professional success, and savings as a sign of stinginess and failure in life.

But before we try to understand our confusing relationship with financial stewardship, let's take a look at the definition of the concept itself.

Here's what Wikipedia says:

"Thrift is careful attitude to property, prudence, economy. A system of actions leading to a moderate expenditure of any resources."

This is a completely appropriate interpretation, despite the general words, and even from such a short definition it is clear how useful and valuable this quality is. Of course, the dictionary will not describe why people cultivate it in themselves, how differently they perceive it and apply it in life.

Indeed, thrift and thrift mean something different for each person. This quality is based on many external factors, and its essence will vary from person to person. Therefore, speaking about the same thing, different people perceive it differently.

Then how do we deal with misunderstanding?

If you can determine what is behind a behavior, what motivates another person and what drives him, then it is easier to understand and accept the validity of his point of view.

When it comes to exercising stewardship, it is important to remember that every person is driven by his or her personal circumstances. Let me give you a few examples of frugality and saving that you have probably encountered in everyday life.

Of necessity. For some, there is a direct need for such behavior. Without diligence, bills will go unpaid and needs will go unmet. Eating out won't break your budget, but it will have financial implications. A budget is a part of life and it reflects expenses that you cannot do without. And this should evoke nothing but respect and understanding.

Save to spend. Those whose budget allows can try to save on something in order to spend the money received in another category. A good example Travel enthusiasts serve here. Flights, accommodation and pocket expenses require significant expenses. Thrift in such cases is nothing more than a manifestation of compromise. To spend money for your own pleasure, you have to limit yourself to something else.

Trait. All people are different. And everyone has their own vision of personal finance. Perhaps they have before their eyes unsightly examples of how excessive spending leads to problems. Some people simply have no interest in shopping and there is nothing wrong with that.

Savings by inertia. I tested this on my own skin - frugality as a habit that takes over you more and more. Once you start to see the first fruits of your savings, it is very easy to continue down the same path.

Saving for the future. Future goals are a strong incentive to create a savings plan and stick to it. For those who are focused on big goals, such as buying a home, early retirement, traveling, etc., frugality is a necessary step in the process of achieving the goal.

You may not find yourself in any of the examples given, or, conversely, recognize yourself in several of them.

Whatever the reason for your frugality, it may be completely different from friends, family members or just acquaintances. It's OK.

It is important to understand that everyone has their own approach to personal finance. Once you find a reason to save your own money, you can begin to identify the values ​​that are important to you and get to work on achieving your goals.

Considering all of the above, it can be quite difficult to feel confident when you feel uncomfortable sharing your goals with others and constantly feeling pressure from them.

When you constantly feel like you have to explain your actions, it can be confusing and even cause you to doubt yourself. To cope with such feelings, there are several techniques that you can use to look at things through new eyes.

Understand that those who judge you are simply reflecting their own reality. Most of these people don't want to make you feel uncomfortable at all. You may similarly judge them for overspending.

Gain confidence in your own rightness. The only thing we can truly control is our reaction to what is happening around us.

Whenever you feel pressure to spend money you've been meaning to save, or your own frugality begins to confuse you, take a step back.

Remember, you have goals that are of high value. Remember them so you don't lose motivation.

Be kind to yourself and have a positive outlook on the decisions you make. Showing kindness to yourself is just as important as showing kindness to others. Evaluate your decisions on merit and do not try to make excuses for them. If you think it necessary, explain your point of view, but this is your personal business.

Thrift is part of a normal healthy financial life. Be confident that you are doing the right thing.

Well, if with the help of frugality you decide to create your first capital for investing or trading, then my 3-week practical course will help you. .

(Figure TAW4 (freedigitalphoto.net)

What qualities should you have? modern man? Should he be frugal? What is frugality, how does it differ from other qualities, how to manage it? You can find out more about this below in the article.

The word “save” appeared during the times ancient Rus', has the same root as in the word “shore”. It means to cover with the shore. Protect, hide, take care.

The importance of frugality cannot be overestimated, because in ancient times people believed in a goddess named Bereginya. It was believed that she protects the family and the earth from evil spirits and brings happiness to the house.

Hence: the word “thrift” means the quality of a person, which lies in his ability to take care of what he has. Thrift is also the wise use of what you have. This is the preservation of material and spiritual benefits.

You need to understand that this quality applies not only to money, but also to other resources. For example: if you turn off the light behind you when leaving a room, you save electricity. If you wash in the shower rather than in the bath, you save water.

How not to confuse frugality with greed?

If you are saving up and saving your pocket money for something special, giving up going to the cinema and buying unnecessary things, then you are doing the right thing. But if your friend asked to lend him money for travel, and you refused because then you would have nothing to put in your piggy bank, then you are doing something bad, because this is already greed. There is no need to refuse help from friends and family if their requests are truly serious.

Also, excessive frugality can turn into greed towards oneself. This can happen if you suddenly start saving on things that you absolutely cannot do without. For example: if you skimp on food and go hungry all day, you can develop health problems that will cost you much more than on lunch.

Thrift and prudence

These words are synonyms, but there is a slight difference between them. If frugality is simply small savings and avoidance of various unnecessary expenses, then prudence is also taking into account circumstances and having a plan. A prudent person, as a rule, thinks about how he can save and for what.

Good quality

Thrift used to be considered the lot of poor people, while the rich, on the contrary, did not spare money for anything. Now things have changed and there are many benefits to be found in this capacity.

Such as:

  • proper handling of money;
  • ability to save;
  • the ability to appreciate what you have (especially if it was purchased with accumulated funds);
  • the ability to determine what is more important to you in this moment;
  • ability to manage your time;
  • possibility of choice.

How to manage lean?

How can you learn to save without becoming greedy? Let's look at some tips that will teach you to monitor your expenses, but at the same time not go too far with saving.

  • Calculate your income (this could be pocket money, gift money, etc.).
  • Calculate your basic expenses (what you will definitely need to spend money on, travel and lunch).
  • Determine how much you have left.
  • Decide how much you are willing to put into your piggy bank.
  • Try to save the planned amount of money each time.
  • Thrifting is not about giving up everything, sometimes you can buy what you want.
  • Don't skimp if you're hungry or cold (it's better to buy food and take public transport home than to get sick).
  • Tell your loved ones what you are saving for (most likely they will want to help you, and your piggy bank will fill up faster).

Thrift is not just a quality of a person, but a way of life. Thanks to it, you will be prepared for any life circumstances, you will be able to manage your savings yourself and choose what to spend them on. Being frugal is not difficult, but useful, and not only for the people themselves, but also for the planet as a whole.