Today, Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner is a large, generally recognized scientific center of higher medical education and research work.

They work at the university 607 highly qualified teachers, including 147 doctors And 365 candidates of medical sciences. Among them are State Prize laureates, Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers high school of the Russian Federation, honored doctors of the Russian Federation, laureates of the regional prize named after the outstanding scientist of the Perm region, Professor P. A. Yasnitsky, holders of honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, scholarship holders of state scientific scholarships for outstanding scientists and talented young scientists of Russia, scholarship holders of the Perm region. 80% full-time university teachers have an academic degree. This is the highest figure among universities Perm region and one of the highest among medical universities in the country.

Scientists from Perm State Medical University successfully develop scientific problems that are relevant both for Perm healthcare and for healthcare of the Russian Federation: in cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, neurology, dentistry, epidemiology and other areas.

Every year the university leads in the number of patents received for inventions and utility models among higher education institutions educational institutions region.

The university is given the main role in the implementation of national projects in healthcare and education in the Perm region.

The university has an electronic reading room and 11 modern computer classes. Internet technologies, electronic information systems are being actively introduced and interactive multimedia solutions are being deployed. There is a preparatory department for applicants and foreign students and a distance learning center.

Every year the university provides training for more than 3,400 students. Are being trained 482 clinical interns- By 22 specialties, 303 clinical residents- By 36 specialties, 149 graduate students- By 25 specialties. Within a year they improve their professional qualifications by over 2,000 doctors- more than 80 specialties. The university annually graduates over 500 doctors different profiles.

The university operates 4 dissertation councils with the right to award scientific degree candidate and doctor of medical sciences.

Since 1992, the university has had an international student exchange program within the framework of IFMSA. During this time, over 100 specialists have been trained who successfully work in foreign medical institutions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The university provides training to foreign citizens under pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education programs. Currently, foreign students are studying at the university. citizens from 21 neighboring countries and far abroad.

In the context of the Bologna process and the expansion of international relations, the number of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences at the university and with the participation of PSMU employees increases every year.

Since 1997, Perm Medical University has been a member of the European Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).

In 2006 - on the occasion of its 75th anniversary - the university was named after the outstanding scientist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, the first academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in the Urals - Evgeniy Antonovich Wagner.

In 2007, for many years of fruitful scientific, pedagogical and medical activities, Perm State Medical University was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the university was awarded a diploma of honor with inclusion in the All-Russian National Register “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia” under the heading “Education Elite of Russia” for outstanding professional achievements and a significant contribution to the development of education, education and spiritual and moral education of young people.

In 2010, the university received a certificate of compliance with the quality management system in relation to educational activities in the field of healthcare, GOST requirements. Became a laureate of the competition « Best university Volga Federal District".

In 2014, the Academy was awarded the status of a University.

Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Today Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner is a large, generally recognized scientific center for higher medical education and research, one of the leading medical universities in the Russian Federation.

They work at the university 569 highly qualified teachers, including 143 doctors And 354 candidates of medical sciences. Among them are laureates of the State Prize, Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, laureates of the Regional Prize named after the outstanding scientist of the Perm region, Professor P.A. Yasnitsky, holders of honorary diplomas from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, scholarship holders of state scientific scholarships for outstanding scientists and talented young scientists of Russia, scholarship holders of the Perm region. 87,7% full-time university teachers have an academic degree. This is the highest figure among universities in the Perm region and one of the highest among medical universities in the country.

Scientists from Perm State Medical University successfully develop scientific problems that are relevant both for Perm healthcare and for healthcare of the Russian Federation: in cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, neurology, dentistry, epidemiology and other areas.

Every year the university leads in the number of patents received for inventions and utility models among higher educational institutions in the region.

The university plays a major role in the implementation of national projects in healthcare and education in the Perm region.

The university has a center for practical skills and abilities, an electronic reading room, and modern computer classes. Internet technologies, electronic information systems are being actively introduced and interactive multimedia solutions are being deployed. There is a preparatory department for applicants and foreign students and a distance learning center.

Every year the university provides training for more than 3,400 students. Are being trained 365 clinical interns- By 22 specialties, 264 clinical residents- By 40 specialties, 94 graduate students- By 20 specialties. Within a year they improve their professional qualifications by over 2,000 doctors- more than 80 specialties. The university annually graduates over 500 highly qualified doctors different profiles and 50 open source specialists.

The university operates 4 dissertation councils with the right to award the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of medical sciences.

Since 1992, the university has had an international student exchange program within the framework of IFMSA. During this time, over 100 specialists have been trained who successfully work in foreign medical institutions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The university provides training to foreign citizens under pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education programs. Currently, foreign students are studying at the university. citizens from 21 neighboring countries and far abroad.

In the context of the Bologna process and the expansion of international relations, the number of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences at the university and with the participation of PSMU employees increases every year.

Since 1997, Perm Medical University has been a member of the European Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).

In 2006, the university was named after the outstanding scientist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, the first academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in the Urals - Evgeniy Antonovich Wagner.

In 2007, for many years of fruitful scientific, pedagogical and medical activities, Perm State Medical University was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the university was awarded a diploma of honor and included in the All-Russian National Register “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia” under the heading “Education Elite of Russia” for outstanding professional achievements and significant contribution to the development of education, education and spiritual and moral education of youth.

In 2010, the university received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system in relation to educational activities in the field of healthcare with the requirements of GOST. Became a laureate of the competition "The best university in the Volga Federal District".

In 2014, the Academy was awarded the status of a University.

For applicants choosing a university, there is an unwritten rule: you need to give preference to the educational institution that has created all the necessary conditions for successful mastery of the specialty and pays great attention to comprehensive development personality. In Russia, one of the educational organizations that meets these requirements 100% is the Perm Medical University named after academician E.A. Wagner.

Getting to know the history of the educational organization

The medical university that exists today in Perm is educational organization with a rich past and rich traditions. The university values ​​its history. It reflects the path that the university has gone through from the day it opened until the recognition of PSMU as one of the leading medical universities in Russia.

It all started back in 1916, when they opened State University. In his organizational structure created several faculties. One of them was physics and mathematics. It was within its composition that a special department for training doctors was opened.

A year later, the medical department was made an independent faculty. The reason for this change was a large number of students who have chosen the medical profession. And in 1931 the faculty was transformed into the Perm Medical Institute.

Positive moments in the history of the educational institution

After its founding, it immediately embarked on the path of development. In the 1930s, a research unit was created at the educational institution. Teachers began working there on current scientific topics of that time. The management tried to interest research activities students, because young people were the hope of the university and the whole country. The intellectual potential of students was considered a factor in the development of the state.

Important events that confirmed the growth of the educational institution took place from the beginning of the 60s. The institute built new academic buildings and opened additional dormitories for students experiencing housing problems. Within its structure, UZ organized a research laboratory. It was equipped with modern equipment for that time. All these changes and further development ultimately led to a change in status. The first such event occurred in 1994, when the institute was reorganized into an academy, and the second in 2014, when the academy became a university.

Location and teachers of the modern university

There is probably no resident in Perm who has not heard of Perm Medical University. The address of this educational institution (Petropavlovskaya Street, 26) is known to everyone. But the townspeople know not only about the location. The university is famous for its teaching staff.

The educational organization is proud of the indicator characterizing the number of employees with an academic degree. It is equal to 87.7%. No other university in the Perm region has this indicator. Such a high figure is not found in all well-known and prestigious medical higher educational institutions in the country.

University services for future students

In its educational activities, Perm State Medical University named after. Wagner great importance contributes to the preparation of applicants for admission. This work is carried out by a special structural unit - the Faculty of Pre-University Education and targeted training. He is responsible for the implementation of preparatory courses in the basic subjects required for admission to a medical university. This is the Russian language, chemistry, biology. Courses are offered in several forms. Each applicant can choose the most convenient option for himself:

  • Full-time - evening courses designed for 1 or 2 years, daytime Sunday or summer courses;
  • correspondence courses - courses conducted using modern distance technologies.

In some courses, applicants, in addition to school subjects, study disciplines that are taught to students. This is Latin, the basics of medical physics. Teaching such subjects, in the opinion of the university management, is necessary. First-year students, thanks to such courses, quickly adapt to student life at a medical university.

Faculties with higher education programs

At Perm Medical University, in addition to the department of pre-university education and targeted training, there are 5 more faculties involved in the implementation of higher education programs.

Becoming a student at Perm Medical University is not easy. A lot of applicants apply to this university. Competition exists in both free and paid places. The admissions committee reports that in 2016 the highest competition on the budget was recorded in “Dentistry” - 15.22 people. in place. The average score of those enrolled was 241. Least competition on the budget was in “Medicine” - 5.51 people. in place. The average score of those enrolled in this specialty was 239.

The following situation was observed at paid places in 2016:

  • “Pediatrics” had the highest competition - 5.35 people. for a place, and the average passing score at Perm Medical University was 171;
  • the lowest competition was in “Nursing” - 0.4 people. to the place (the passing score was not determined because all applicants who applied for this specialty were admitted).

Information for applicants about tuition fees

At the Medical University of Perm, as in all other higher educational institutions of a similar profile, high price training on paid places. For example, for 2017-2018 academic year first-year students paid 115 thousand rubles in “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical and Preventive Affairs” and “Dentistry”.

A lower cost of education at Perm Medical University was set for “Clinical Psychology” - just above 101 thousand rubles. The cheapest training is provided in “Nursing”. In this area, students paid 70 thousand rubles for 1 academic year in 2017.

What students say about studying

Students of Perm Medical University always speak positively about the educational institution. First of all, they praise teachers who are always friendly, ready to help if any problems arise and are able to explain incomprehensible material.

Students are also pleased with the material and technical base of the university. At the university, theoretical classes are conducted in large classrooms equipped with modern technology. The equipment allows you to play educational films and show digital presentations to students.

Practical classes are conducted at the bases of city clinical hospitals and clinics. The conditions there are not comfortable enough for learning. Classes are held in small and often stuffy classrooms. This nuance is considered one of the disadvantages of studying at a medical university.

Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Today Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner is a large, generally recognized scientific center for higher medical education and research, one of the leading medical universities in the Russian Federation.

They work at the university 569 highly qualified teachers, including 143 doctors And 354 candidates of medical sciences. Among them are laureates of the State Prize, Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, laureates of the Regional Prize named after the outstanding scientist of the Perm region, Professor P.A. Yasnitsky, holders of honorary diplomas from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, scholarship holders of state scientific scholarships for outstanding scientists and talented young scientists of Russia, scholarship holders of the Perm region. 87,7% full-time university teachers have an academic degree. This is the highest figure among universities in the Perm region and one of the highest among medical universities in the country.

Scientists from Perm State Medical University successfully develop scientific problems that are relevant both for Perm healthcare and for healthcare of the Russian Federation: in cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, neurology, dentistry, epidemiology and other areas.

Every year the university leads in the number of patents received for inventions and utility models among higher educational institutions in the region.

The university plays a major role in the implementation of national projects in healthcare and education in the Perm region.

The university has a center for practical skills and abilities, an electronic reading room, and modern computer classes. Internet technologies, electronic information systems are being actively introduced and interactive multimedia solutions are being deployed. There is a preparatory department for applicants and foreign students and a distance learning center.

Every year the university provides training for more than 3,400 students. Are being trained 365 clinical interns- By 22 specialties, 264 clinical residents- By 40 specialties, 94 graduate students- By 20 specialties. Within a year they improve their professional qualifications by over 2,000 doctors- more than 80 specialties. The university annually graduates over 500 highly qualified doctors different profiles and 50 open source specialists.

The university operates 4 dissertation councils with the right to award the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of medical sciences.

Since 1992, the university has had an international student exchange program within the framework of IFMSA. During this time, over 100 specialists have been trained who successfully work in foreign medical institutions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The university provides training to foreign citizens under pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education programs. Currently, foreign students are studying at the university. citizens from 21 neighboring countries and far abroad.

In the context of the Bologna process and the expansion of international relations, the number of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences at the university and with the participation of PSMU employees increases every year.

Since 1997, Perm Medical University has been a member of the European Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).

In 2006, the university was named after the outstanding scientist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, the first academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in the Urals - Evgeniy Antonovich Wagner.

In 2007, for many years of fruitful scientific, pedagogical and medical activities, Perm State Medical University was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the university was awarded a diploma of honor and included in the All-Russian National Register “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia” under the heading “Education Elite of Russia” for outstanding professional achievements and significant contribution to the development of education, education and spiritual and moral education of youth.

In 2010, the university received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system in relation to educational activities in the field of healthcare with the requirements of GOST. Became a laureate of the competition "The best university in the Volga Federal District".

In 2014, the Academy was awarded the status of a University.