
I really want to talk about my very big hobby, which has been making me happy for a very long time. I'm talking about Easter eggs. The tradition of painting Easter eggs has existed since pagan times! How can you not be interested in this?

Every year before the big Easter holiday, I can’t help but set aside time for this. This process is so exciting that I can't put it into words. At one time I dreamed of someone who would teach me how to write them correctly... Finding a person who would conduct a master class was very difficult. But I was lucky. At that time I was taking a course at an art school and, as it turned out, my teacher was also that master. Her robots constantly participated in exhibitions. My mother and I went to the master class because she also dreamed of learning.

It is a pity that our native art of pysankar-making, so famous and familiar before, is now an incomprehensible exotic for many. This art was unjustly forgotten for many years, as being involved in religion.But for everyone, spring comes someday, Christ rises, and everything must be reborn again. And pysanka too...

I learned it in one lesson, but since then I’ve been doing them constantly every year.

For many years now I have been conducting master classes in restaurants, schools, and art stores. There are always many people who want to learn. There is little time for this, since master classes are always in special demand just before Easter.

I planned to write this review for a long time, but I think now is the most relevant time for this.

The egg in many cultures (from ancient Egyptian to Etruscan) symbolizes the beginning of life, the sun, the symbol of the risen Christ, who, having conquered death, gives eternal life to humanity.

Writing Easter eggs is an ancient sacred rite, and they prepared for it with great responsibility. Pisankarka was fasting and was in a prayerful mood.

The photo shows the name of the restaurant where I conducted my next master class.

Today, with great pleasure, I will tell you about my secrets and conduct a master class for you, dear readers.

I specially photographed all the actions, step by step.

I'll start with the most important thing.

The ritual of writing Easter eggs begins with prayer.

The egg serves as a symbol of immortality, eternal life. Pysanky are encrypted messages.



  • egg (any one can be used, but most often chicken);
  • beeswax
  • a candle over which we will melt the wax;
  • scribbler
  • food coloring, half liter jars (where we will dilute them) and a spoon
  • wipes or rags for cleaning.
  • simple pencil

Pysanka is one of the ancient forms of Ukrainian folk painting, a symbol of spring, the sun, and the return of nature to life. Since ancient times, an egg, like a tree, has been considered a symbol of the spring awakening of nature, the birth of life, and procreation.

The appearance of a living thing in a dead shell caused sacred awe among many peoples.

You can paint both boiled and blown eggs.

It is clear that a blown egg will last a very long time. Most often I make these eggs for Easter gifts or for my own collection.


How do I blow an egg?

It's not as hard as I thought at first.

I choose a smooth egg, without stains or cracks. It should be white: this way the colors will appear brighter. Although I tried it on different ones. It is best to take white.

I wash it, dry it and then blow out the contents. Frankly, it takes some time to learn how to do this. Need to try. The first few times you can ruin the egg, but don’t give up, everything will work out over time.

I make two holes on both sides with a gypsy needle. I stir the contents with a needle (gently) so that it is easier to blow out. And then, using a syringe with a needle, I very slowly and gradually let air into the egg. The content will start to come out. When the egg is already empty, I wash it thoroughly and leave it to dry.


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  • Using a simple pencil, I draw a drawing, having determined the center, I make a “cross” so as not to make a mistake and for a more even drawing, which can then be easily wiped off. The pencil sketch will not be visible on the finished pysanka. Although now I no longer do this on simple patterns, I advise beginners to use only a pencil.





Thanks everyone!

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Easter is coming soon and all housewives are buying Easter kits with food coloring for coloring eggs in stores. Of course, they make our lives easier and give Easter eggs beautiful shades, but they are just pure chemistry.

Once saturated with such paint, the egg will no longer be so safe and useful. If you do not want to risk the health of your loved ones, then I recommend reading this article to the end. How to give Easter eggs colorful colors, make a real Easter egg, as well as Easter signs, read on.

Easter eggs / How to decorate eggs and make Easter eggs with your own hands

To color Easter eggs safely and beautifully you will need:

  • natural dye
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar to fix color
  • boiling utensils
  • small jars
  • white eggs
  • vegetable oil for polishing

If you have the entire set, then you can start coloring the eggs. But first, I’ll tell you more about natural dyes, or rather natural ones.

Natural natural dyes and colors obtained from them

Yellow, bright yellow and gold color, eggs are given a solution of 2 tbsp. water for 2-4 tbsp. l. turmeric, celery seeds, chamomile, orange or lemon zest, ground cumin, grated carrots or green tea. These products are used each separately. And the colors of the eggs they produce are different.

Pink color eggs will be given a solution of 2 tbsp. water and 1.5 tbsp. finely grated red beets, cranberry puree, raspberries and dark grapes. These dyes make eggs white pink, lilac, soft crimson and light red. And brown eggs get dark shades, from bright red to dark burgundy.

Orange color white eggs will be given an infusion of 1.5 tbsp. onion peels per 4 tbsp. water.

Purple on white eggs it turns out if you prepare a decoction of 200 grams. finely shredded red cabbage and water. The eggs are turning brown bright lilac. You can also use lilac leaves and sprigs of basil for this color.

Red, bright color obtained from a solution of 200-250 g. rose hips or pomegranate juice. Darker shades are obtained from an infusion of red onion puree, along with the peel.

ADVICE: Use ½ to ¾ cup prepared natural coloring per cup of water. Water should be poured 1 cm above the dye.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes?

    Bring the dye and water to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer the mixture, covered, for some time until it reaches the desired color. On average, boiling takes from 15 minutes to one hour. Keep in mind that the egg will turn out several shades lighter, so I recommend making the mixture richer. Remove the solution from the heat and let it cool until room temperature.

    Strain the natural paint through a sieve into glass jars, preferably not large ones, with a capacity of no more than 500 g. Add 3 tsp to the solutions. vinegar for every 200 gr. liquid dye.

    Dip hard-boiled eggs into the dye and refrigerate for 12 hours to achieve the desired color. Sometimes you can keep eggs longer, up to 18-24 hours.

    If you use juice as a dye, then eliminate the boiling step. Simply pour vinegar into the juice and color the eggs.

    Painted eggs have a matte surface. Vegetable oil will help give them gloss and shine. Drop the oil onto a paper napkin or towel and polish each egg until shiny.

Painted eggs are boring, I want to decorate them with something and make them unique. Maybe paint them like a pysanka?

What is pysanka? / How to decorate eggs and make Easter eggs with your own hands

Even the ancient pagan Slavs painted eggs, which they revered as a symbol of life and the sun. This was before Christianity, and the eggs were already painted and decorated. The tradition of making various designs and decorations on eggs came to us from the Slavs. What types of Easter eggs are still known?

From ancient times the following names and methods of decorating eggs have come down to us:

Krashenka, the egg is one color. Painted onion skins or dyes in one color.

Krapanka, egg with a plain background. The egg is painted one color, and then specks, spots, dots and stripes are applied to it.

Rubbish, the egg is painted one color and then the pattern is applied with a metal point.

Malevanka, The egg is painted with its own special pattern.

Pysanka, an egg painted with a traditional ornamental or plot pattern. Patterns for Easter eggs have been known for many centuries and are passed down from generation to generation. The eggs are boiled hard, cooled, and patterns are drawn on the cold egg with hot wax. Then the eggs are colored in liquid dyes. Then a new pattern is applied with wax and dipped in another paint, and so on. After applying all the patterns and painting with dyes, the wax is removed with a special wooden scraper.

Eggs, eggs carved from wood, cast from metal, porcelain, clay, beads, etc.

How to make a pysanka?

The easiest way is to boil eggs, melt wax or paraffin, take the wax with a sharp toothpick and draw patterns. Patterns can be easily found in children's books with fairy tales, on the Internet, or you can come up with them yourself. Then dip the eggs in the dye, etc.

There have always been many signs and beliefs about Easter in Rus'.

Easter signs:

    Born on Easter week ( Bright Week), and even more so on Easter, the child will be especially lucky and perfectly healthy, and will achieve high ranks.

    Death on Easter is a special sign. A person who died on this day is marked by God. His soul immediately rushes to heaven. They bury this deceased with a red testicle in right hand.

    Rain during Holy Week is a harbinger of a good harvest.

    It was believed that in Easter week you need to walk the child along the wooden floor. Children develop better, get sick less, and their teeth erupt faster, and they can walk on their own and speak sooner.

    Don’t forget to bring home water from a well or from a tap on Easter night. Spray all the rooms with it. Sprinkle the nursery especially carefully. In this way, sins, evil eyes, bad thoughts, evil slander and gossip are expelled.

- This is an incredibly interesting and exciting activity. I especially love the moment when a beautiful, elegant Easter egg appears from an “ugly” egg sketched in wax and held over a candle. For many years on the eve of Christ's Resurrection, I have traditionally painted eggs. And this year my daughter Ksenya showed interest in this business. Together with her we are a little modified the classic technique pysankarstva. It turned out bright and stylish Easter Egg:)

For pysanka you need:

  • blown egg
  • vinegar
  • egg dyes
  • pisachok (special tool for painting Easter eggs)
  • candle
  • pencil

For the suspension you need:

  • threads
  • scissors
  • long needle

How to paint an Easter egg?

1. First you need to cover with wax the two holes through which the white and yolk were blown out. To do this, put a small piece of wax in a pisachka and heat it over a candle so that the wax melts. Then we move the pissator along the hole until it closes completely. You should get a waxy tubercle. We also repeat with the second hole.

2. Dip the egg into the vinegar solution (250 ml water, 1 tsp 9% vinegar) for 10-15 seconds. Remove the egg from the solution and wipe with a cloth.

3. Again, heat the wax in the pisachka. We give the instrument to the child and show him how to hold it. We carefully monitor his movements (the pissie should not turn over). You can take his hand in yours. The egg is in your hands, and you periodically twist it.

4. After your child’s work, you can independently add lines to the surface to make it more even.

5. Dip the egg into paint. (Dye for Easter eggs must first be poured hot water. I take 2 sachets of dye per 300 ml. water. Add 1.5 tbsp there. false vinegar 9%. The solution must cool completely before dipping the eggs into it.) Keep the pysanka in the solution until the desired color saturation. Usually no more than 1 minute.

6. Take out the painted pysanka and gently blot it with a rag.

7. We bring the pysanka to the candle. First, place the holes filled with wax closer to the fire. Wipe off the melted wax with a napkin. Then gradually heat the egg and wipe the melted wax from the heated part. We turn the other barrel towards the fire and wipe off the wax again. When the voluminous lines of wax are no longer visible on the egg, the pysanka is ready.

Pysanka pendant

Usually a pendant is threaded into pysanky made from blown eggs. This Easter egg is convenient to give as a gift and can be hung somewhere. We made the suspension like this:

1. We wind the threads on 3 fingers of the hand.

2. Thread a long thread (30-40 cm) through the winding. We tie a knot above the winding.

3. Cut the part of the winding opposite to the knot.

4. We tie the winding with thread 1 cm below the knot.

5. Trim off the excess. The pendant is ready.

6. Using a long needle (or wire folded in half and twisted), thread the pendant through 2 holes in the pysanka. It turns out this is such an elegant Easter egg that your little one made with your own hands!

“Look, I did this myself” :)

Christ is risen!

The master class was conducted by Semenets T.S.

Materials and tools:
raw white egg;
food colorings;
piece natural fabric or napkins;

- The pen can be made from an ordinary pencil. We attach a pin or grenade with a round head to the tip of a pencil.

- To work, you need a wax container (metal, small and shallow). While working, the container with wax should be kept over the fire (gas stove, electric stove or stand with a candle). The wax must always be hot.

We dilute the paints according to the instructions. We paint the eggs, starting with light tones and ending with dark ones. In the original Lemko Pysanka the last color should be burgundy.

Pisankaris always say a prayer before work and tune their thoughts and thoughts only to the good.

How to make Lemko Pysanka with your own hands.

Soak a cloth in vinegar and wipe the egg with it. Wetting the piss in the wax over and over again, we begin to apply the design to the egg. When you touch the egg with your piss, you can see a drop of wax flowing down the hairpin and a dot forms on the egg.

Moving in a circle, place a drop and pull it towards the center. So on both poles of the egg we draw the sun - a symbol of health, joy, a source of light and life on earth.






We apply three more dots on both sides of the eggs - these are future flowers. Carefully dip the egg into the paint yellow color and wait about one minute. We take out and blot the excess paint with a cloth.





Already on a yellow background we put a central drop and draw an asterisk - it’s like a wish for a better life. It should be noted that now we will draw the scribbler from the central droplet to the edges. We will have two such stars, on both sides of the egg.



We also add a few strokes to the future flowers, here the scribbler moves from the edge to the center. Dip the egg into orange paint and wait one minute. Take out the egg and blot off the excess paint.




Already on the orange background we add flowers, symbolizing youth and girlish beauty. We also add a few more strokes to the star, with the painter moving from the edges to the center.


Painting eggs is truly a folk ritual. Traditionally, women painted them by hand, in privacy from everyone. Water for painting was taken from seven sources or at the junction of three streams. At the time of painting, the woman had to be completely immersed in her work in order to complete the patterns with good emotions and good wishes to those who will be the owners of Easter eggs.

Most Easter eggs were created in the spring, during the solstice. There was a belief that painting eggs with red paints at this time helps the sun to find vitality before the long summer.

DIY pysanka

If desired, almost anyone can learn the craft of painting eggs. You can do this yourself, or by contacting an experienced professional.

If you decide to start painting eggs, first prepare everything you need. For work you will need: an egg, a simple pencil, a candle, a brush (a special tool for painting), wax and a napkin.

First you need to wash the egg and boil it in salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water). An egg intended for long-term storage must be hollow, so if you want to preserve your work for a long time, make small punctures in the shell and carefully remove the contents of the egg, then rinse and dry it.

To create Easter eggs, it is recommended to use only natural paints. For example, green paint is obtained from the leaves of nettle and lily of the valley, or the bark of buckthorn and ash. Yellow paint is made from chamomile inflorescences and onion peels, and red paint is made from bird cherry berries or St. John's wort seeds and flowers. Black paint is made from alder roots, and brown paint is obtained from oak or apple tree bark.

To create the paint itself, you need to soak it in cold water suggested plant material for a couple of hours. After this time, the resulting solution should be boiled over low heat: water with bark for about 3 hours, with leaves for 40 minutes, and plant inflorescences should be boiled for about half an hour.

The broth should be filtered and 1 teaspoon of potassium alum should be added to it. This vegetable paint can be stored for no more than fourteen hours, so you should not stock it up for future use.

You can buy a brush (scribbler) at a specialized craft store. If you can't find the right tool, you can try using a thin brush for manicure painting.

Apply the desired pattern to the shell, first with a pencil and then with heated wax, trying not to go beyond the lines of the pattern. After this, dip the egg into the lightest paint you have prepared.

The next step is to reapply the wax and dip the egg into the darker paint. Such procedures are performed until the selected pattern is obtained. At the end of the painting, the pysanka is placed in the oven or held briefly over a candle. Remaining wax should be carefully removed with a napkin. In order for the finished pysanka to acquire a beautiful shine, it is rubbed with sunflower oil.