Esoterics and esoteric knowledge. Occultism and mysticism.

Key words: esotericism, mysticism, religious philosophy.

Esoterics. Esoterics and science.

Esotericism is an internal, hidden from society and therefore secret spiritual teaching. In the context of objective research, we cannot understand esoteric teachings as scientific, although some esoteric systems were considered scientific before XVI V. – this applies, for example, to alchemy. Esotericism can be understood by esotericists themselves as a science in the sense that it is a “science” that studies the laws of the universe; an appeal to the “scientific nature” of esoteric knowledge was also used to assert its legitimacy and objectivity. IN XVI V. normative science became experimental, based on the acquisition of empirical data through experiment; esotericism is alien to the experimental method, which assumes an equal result when equal conditions and therefore - a chain of its repetitions, confirming the truth of the hypothesis. In esotericism, with equal premises in the process of creative comprehension, radically opposite conclusions can be drawn; in this regard, it resembles art rather than science as it is understood today.

It should be noted that many esoteric systems interpret their own teaching or its individual components as “science” (astrology). Esoteric knowledge can also claim to be able to substantiate its content with scientific data. The image of esotericism as a “science”, formed since the time of Pythagoras, was perceived, for example, by Freemasonry, Thelema (interpreting magic as a science), etc.

Esoteric knowledge.

Esoteric knowledge is the core of esotericism, constituting the essence of the phenomenon. We intend to define it as a special, complexly organized cognitive base or information system, the elements of which allow its bearer to adequately and logically, from his point of view, interpret reality.

Thanks to the presence of esoteric knowledge, reality becomes esoteric for the esotericist - filled with hidden internal content, inaccessible to the layman. The specificity of this knowledge is determined by the dichotomy “intimate - revealed”; at the same time, what is revealed is what is hidden. This criterion draws a line between esoteric and exoteric knowledge. Esoteric knowledge comes to a person in the form of an irrational revelation from a transcendental source. Having reached the addressee, it becomes surrounded by a secret impenetrable to the layman. Initiation of this knowledge is made difficult by various filters, for example, dedication - the renunciation of judgments based on exoteric knowledge. The source of knowledge is located at the very core of knowledge, as an object of knowledge. Thus, the source of knowledge and the purposefulness of knowledge in esotericism coincide. This knowledge is turned inward on itself and is the prism through which it is viewed. the world.

An integral property of esoteric knowledge is its soteriology, while knowledge both dictates the need for salvation and provides it. An adept who has acquired knowledge is freed from incorrect interpretations of reality; he, as it were, “awakens” from a “sleep”. Another property of this knowledge is the idea of ​​the unity and identity of different aspects of reality; the adept thinks by analogy, intuitively, with the help of intuems, which bring together planets and metals, properties and names, tastes and qualities of the deity, etc. Esoteric knowledge is always ordered; it deals with strict systems. The boundary between the esoteric and the exoteric is drawn by the esotericist or esoteric system; There is no universalism in this matter, but exoteric knowledge invariably has a strong influence on esotericism. Thus, esoteric knowledge combines commitment to mythological thinking with openness to everything new in the exoteric environment.

By the method of esotericism we consider thinking with the help of “intuems”, intuitive analogies, based on the idea of ​​​​the unity and identity of various aspects of reality; Thus, the universe for the esotericist appears to be one. Thinking with “intuems” generalizes the qualities of an object, abstracting from their particular manifestations, which allows the esotericist to compare Zodiac signs with planets, planets with metals, Hebrew letters with Tarot arcana, etc. In the process of comparison, the esotericist can use images various systems, which results in the syncretism of many esoteric systems - for example, Thelema or Theosophy. This kind of thinking is not chaotic; on the contrary, esoteric systems are ordered and harmonized; this harmony can be called “systematic symmetry with an aesthetic component.” In the universe that esotericists model, there is strict order; chaos is thought of as participating in exoteric reality.

Some researchers, for example, Arthur Versluis, divide esoteric knowledge into cosmological and transcendental, depending on what this knowledge is dedicated to: the cosmos (alchemy, astrology) or the nature of the deity (German mysticism). In this case, the two types of knowledge do not contradict each other, but complement each other.

Esoteric interpretations of reality.

There are a number of esoteric interpretations of reality, which are most often found in esoteric systems in various combinations. Below we present the interpretations that S.V. Pakhomov highlights in the article “On the issue of demarcating the concept of “esotericism”:

“1) Almost any esoteric tradition places the universe (universum) at the center of its consideration;

2) The Universe is not a mechanical sum of some autonomous parts, not chaos, but an orderly, well-organized, integral structure, consisting of several interconnected parts and (or) levels;

3) The integrity and organization of the universe presupposes an intelligent creative Power at its core;

4) This Power either itself creates (or manifests) the world, as well as living beings, or such a creative prerogative passes to other higher intelligent entities, or creation (emanation) generally looks like a “falling away” from the highest ontological

center, “cosmic error”;

5) The created universe exists according to immutable laws;

6) “Soul of the world” – the main binding center of the manifested


5) The person is the most important Living being, is organically built into the universe and is understood as a microcosm in relation to the macrocosm. On the other hand, the macrocosm is perceived as a living anthropomorphic whole;

6) There is a close causal relationship between the levels of the world. Higher levels have their own “representation” in lower levels

7) Interaction between levels occurs through the forces of sympathy and antipathy;

8) The main goal of man is salvation (or liberation), which is achieved primarily through the acquisition of special spiritual knowledge - knowledge of oneself, the world, God;

9) The initial stage of the spiritual path is initiation, understood as the neophyte’s integration into the corresponding tradition and following certain practices;

10) Those who know the true reality are different from ordinary people(“profane”) and often form a hierarchical group of like-minded people, differing from each other in their degree of approach to the Truth and concentrating around a charismatic spiritual leader.”

It is necessary to examine two terms that are often used as synonyms for esotericism - occultism and mysticism. We believe that, although these concepts are included in the concept of “esotericism,” their features should be clarified.


Despite the fact that the word occultism (Latin “secret”) means the same as esotericism, it is advisable to distinguish between these concepts, first made in XII V. We believe that both phenomena are constituted by both the practical and theoretical spheres, however, in occultism the practical, “magical” component predominates, and in esotericism the theoretical component predominates. Occultism, as noted by E.R. Dodds, there is “an attempt to achieve the Kingdom of God by material means”; occultism depends more on material instruments.


Mystical experience is an internal dimension of spiritual experience, clearly distinguished from rituals or institutional religious practices, even if the mystic (proponent of mysticism) endorses and relies on them. Accordingly, mysticism is a teaching based on mystical experience. Mystical experience is, by its nature, an internal experience, but mystics may not claim to possess “hidden” esoteric knowledge, and therefore pass it on to laymen. As an example, we can cite the German mystics Meister Eckhart and Johann Tauler, who expounded their teachings in sermons. Another difference between mysticism is the greater subjectivity of knowledge, while esotericism claims objectivity, which provides little space for subjective interpretation or personal spiritual experience within a particular school or teaching.

Right there.

Right there.

Many people confuse the occult with esotericism. They were closed and secret topics, and remain so to this day. Few people really know anything and understand these areas.

What is called occult and what is esoteric? What is the difference between these concepts?


This is the general name for teachings that determine the presence of natural forces and indicate the presence of other forces, direct communication with which is impossible for everyone. This communication is possible only for initiates close to the Divine world.

Communication with otherworldly forces occurs in the form of sacraments, magical rituals, trance, occult symbols and mystical attributes.

The occult sciences include:

  • Alchemy. An area of ​​philosophical knowledge that studied the process of turning metal into gold and the secret of immortality.
  • Astrology. Real science that analyzes impact celestial bodies on events taking place on planet Earth. It contains mystical, magical aspects.
  • Cabal. This is a religious Jewish movement that still exists today.
  • Theosophy. The theoretical part of occultism studies the divine principle using magical methods.
  • Theurgy. Practical magic that allows you to interact with higher powers in order to acquire certain benefits.

Occultism is a serious direction that expands ideas about the world. To understand what occultism is, you should know its history and development process.

History of the occult

This trend dates back to the first mention of the term “secret philosophy,” which was introduced by the German astrologer, occultist, and philosopher Argippus of Nettesheim in the 16th century. Three centuries later, this term began to be widely used by the French tarot reader and occultist Elphias Levy.

The practices and methods used in occultism go against the religious dogmas of various peoples. In many countries, the occult is perceived as something sinful, since its methods are based on the use of higher forces, both light and dark, to achieve their goals.

Synonyms for occultism are concepts such as:

  • sorcery - communication with spirits and deities in pagan cultures and beliefs;
  • witchcraft - the use of dark forces and the forces of nature to achieve one's goals;
  • witchcraft - communication with dead spirits;
  • divination - fortune telling for the future using magical rituals.

There are about 30 synonyms for the term “occultism”; they are all based on the use of secret knowledge and ideas, rituals and occult symbols, as well as magical and mystical practices.

Theoretical foundations of occultism

The generally accepted methods of occultism, with the help of which knowledge of the surrounding world is carried out, are sensory perception, experience and speculation.

There is a fourth method of cognition - hypersensitivity. It cannot be verified by anyone scientific method, namely, it presupposes communication with the other world, with world of the dead, with superpowers and deities.

Famous occultists:

  • John Dee. He proposed to start counting from the initial (zero) meridian, wrote a textbook on geography, and at the same time was a famous occultist.
  • Saint Germain. Boasted that he had invented an elixir eternal life, which he allegedly used on himself and lived for centuries (this is his statement, which many believed in at that time).
  • Count Cagliostro. He studied traditional medicine, and used secret magical methods that allowed him to heal even seriously ill people.

There have been many people involved in the occult in the history of mankind. Scientists attribute connections with the occult sciences to many writers, artists, and politicians, including Napoleon and Hitler.

Types of occultism

The number of currents and directions in occultism is incredibly large. There are such types as:

  • Magical occultism. Which includes black magic, mediumship, hypnosis, sorcery, divination, prediction, fortune telling, tarot reading.
  • Systemic techniques. This is Feng Shui, palmistry, numerology, reiki.
  • Unrecognized sciences. This group includes alchemy, ufology, NLP, runes;
  • Cabal.
  • Extrasensory perception.

These are the varieties that form the basis of occultism. There are many more such directions, and their number is growing every day, as a person is constantly in search of information about the mysterious, the mysterious, the hidden.

The Church and others urge people not to use occult knowledge, explaining that it is associated with dark forces.

Thule Society: German Occultism

This is a German occult and nationalist movement that first appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in Munich. The name comes from the mythical Hyperborea, mentioned in ancient legends. The community included prominent political figures and members of the National Socialist Party of Germany.

The Thule Society was created as an occult society.

The legend about the island of Thule says that during his travels Pytheas allegedly visited this mysterious land. This country was distinguished by its fertility, and a cultured population lived here. Until now, it has not been possible to correlate Thule Island with a real geographical object. There is a hypothesis that this island has disappeared.

As German ideologists believed, the island of Thule was part of the Arctic continent, a kind of northern version of the legendary and mysterious Atlantis. This territory was inhabited by fair-haired people, tall people who created a highly developed civilization. This chosen race of people was called Aryan. Their land was isolated from the rest of the world, separated from it by the sea, thanks to which they preserved traditions and purity of blood (Aryan). But as a result of a natural disaster, the climate changed, and life on this earth became impossible. About 15 thousand years ago, the Aryans left their lands and settled initially in the European zone of Scandinavia. Later they began to settle in that part of Central Europe, which later became the Holy German Empire.

The Aryans kept the memory of their ethnic land - Tula, so as not to forget their traditions, they put their sign everywhere - the swastika. Adolf Hitler became a member of the Thule Society in 1919.

Another teaching

What does esotericism mean? What does this concept include? Esotericism is a multifaceted teaching about the soul; it includes occult sciences, mysticism, psychology, philosophy, and religious movements. There are no clear boundaries for this direction. The purpose and essence of esotericism is to study the mysterious worlds and the development of man in them.

The term “esotericism” was introduced by Pythagoras and translated from Greek it means “inner territory.” This is a set of teachings, concepts, beliefs, the meaning of which is hidden from ordinary people, and is available only to the elite or initiates. This is the doctrine of material world and spiritual development. This includes various practices: yoga, meditation, breath work, palmistry, psychic schools. It is necessary to begin the study of esotericism by studying the fundamentals of the psychology of the human soul.

The most famous esotericists were Castaneda, Helena Roerich, Blavatsky.

Books on esotericism describe the three gunas (qualities) of human nature: goodness, ignorance and passion. Every person is influenced by all three components, but only one is fundamental in his life, it controls his life:

  • Guna of goodness. A person who is under its influence is virtuous and commits good deeds, brings positivity to the world. He strives for spiritual development, he is conscientious, honest, noble.
  • Guna of ignorance. Under a huge number of people are influenced by it. They prefer an idle lifestyle, momentary pleasures. They do not perceive other people, they try to retrain everyone and adjust the world to themselves. This does not mean at all that the corrupted ones belong to this guna, bad people. Their ignorance lies in the desire to violate the laws of nature and adjust the world to suit themselves.
  • Guna of passion. Such people put passion above all else. Pleasures, an idle life, pleasures are the main characteristics of this group of people.

Directions of esotericism

Scientists identify the following areas of esoteric knowledge:

  • Knowing yourself. There are many schools that teach a person to be himself through meditation, travel, and breathing practices. As a result, he must receive enlightenment, liberation. In this direction, esotericism is strongly intertwined with tantric yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, and sutra yoga.
  • Improvement and discovery of abilities to heal other people. Many achieve good results in this direction. There are people who were able to develop superpowers: tearing stones with their fingers, bending forks and spoons with their eyes, healing other people from deadly diseases. A person can develop many different abilities, and various teachings and techniques help him in this.
  • Impact on the world. These are teachings and practices that can help a person influence reality. This includes teachings about black and white magicians, extrasensory perception, the astral plane, energy, poltergeists, etc.

What does esotericism give?

Why can only a select few comprehend esoteric knowledge? Because not each of us is ready to say goodbye to the old idea of ​​the world, to the old thoughts, to the usual three-dimensional space. Only a select few strive for this knowledge, for transforming themselves and their thoughts.

But esoteric practices and technologies give people not only knowledge, they help to start thinking differently, to feel space, to understand that the world around us is not three-dimensional, but limitless and our consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person engage in esotericism?

Esotericism and occultism are different roads that lead to the same knowledge. They appear in a person’s life at the very moment when they are really needed:

  • when he is in search of new sensations;
  • when the world loses its attractiveness for him, becomes boring and does not bring joy;
  • when he stops seeing a miracle and looks only from the negative side;
  • when he is in search of a new method of treatment (traditional medicine turns out to be powerless);
  • when a person is in a state of prolonged depression, despair, grief.

Esotericism and occultism, religion or magic help a person to recover spiritually and physically. This is knowledge and wisdom accumulated over many years. Esotericism and occultism are mysteries that everyone can comprehend and with the help of which they can overcome difficulties. Become free and free from heaviness, achieve results, become healthy and happy.

How does occultism differ from esotericism?

Esotericism is a branch of occultism. This is exactly what scientists and researchers who are interested in this issue say. Is there a difference between esotericism and occultism? The goal of esotericism is not to attract the love of higher powers. It is aimed at gaining knowledge about the material and spiritual world, self-knowledge, gaining knowledge and information about higher powers.

Occultism is aimed at subjugation otherworldly forces, as a rule, dark ones with the aim of obtaining any kind of benefits.

Esotericism and occultism: substitution of concepts

Occult sciences are a system of knowledge about the material and spiritual world that gives a person enormous opportunities. They closely resemble esoteric teachings, but there is one significant difference. Esotericism is self-knowledge and spiritual development, awareness of the divine essence and complete renunciation of material wealth. Occultism is aimed at developing abilities to acquire power and strength in the material world. That is, occult knowledge should help achieve status and material benefits. Often occult sciences, such as palmistry, astrology, numerology, and fortune telling are called esoterics. But this is an erroneous statement, since their main task is to improve financial situation. While esotericism is the divine path and spiritual perfection.

Since ancient times, esotericism (from ancient Greek ἐσωτερικός - internal) and occultism (from lat. occultus- hidden, secret), or rather a set of unique teachings and traditions, special ways of perceiving and describing objective reality, attracted searching, restless minds, hungry for knowledge and insight. Esotericism with its own, and occult sciences accessible only to initiates - magic, alchemy, astrology, theosophy, theurgy, shamanism, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, extrasensory perception, Kabbalah, predictive techniques - all these disciplines arouse interest and desire to educate people with special abilities.

Training in esotericism - secret content and sacred meaning of magic

Regardless of how long you have been practicing magic or other esoteric sciences, you will need tips on effective magical protection from astral and energy attacks, as well as techniques for putting up strong shields to protect against a backlash. Energy attacks without practice of entering the astral plane are a high degree of skill. Esoterics as a set of practical sciences allows the adept to create ethereal entities during training. Having created an astral image of his enemy - the larva, and sent him to the right person, you will deplete your opponent energetically, deprive him of vitality and the desire to resist you.

Unique ancient occult teachings and traditions are presented to us in a different light. We can consider esotericism and occultism from different points of view, highlighting less and more dangerous species witchcraft. Necromancy is rightfully the darkest and one of the most ancient types of magic. This is covered in the most terrible legends and blood-chilling myths. There are various variations and shades of occultism, but only the magic of death allows the sorcerer to extend his power beyond the world of the living and beyond the boundaries of the subtle worlds inhabited by spirits. The necromancer is able to penetrate beyond the line of death.

A necromancer for whom death magic is part of esotericism has its drawbacks.

For example, he has practically no energy field, the necromancer’s aura is small and weak. A necromancer is not able to enter the occult worlds without a guide. Only the astral world opens its gates to him, but other subtle worlds are actually closed to him.

In magical wars, necromancers are very dangerous. And most of all the so-called natural born. These magicians are the most unpredictable, cunning, real attackers, and they require close observation and serious esoteric training. The magician of death carries within himself the energy of cold, decay, decay, and, even without meaning to, can harm others. His abilities allow him to extinguish the flame of life in the hearts of the living and delay death.

Magic as an integral part of esotericism - who you really are

I am sure that from time to time you indulge in thoughts about who you really are, are you living your life or are you wasting your days, what are you capable of and what should you do? What opportunities are you hiding from yourself? The process of inner cognition is activated when you begin to observe your thoughts, analyze your own intentions and actions. This is the beginning of inner work, and this gives reason to believe that you can begin your path in magic or in another discipline of esotericism.

In the process of studying the occult and magic, you will need different tools, including intelligence and logic. Studying magic is an activity for smart people, for those who analyze, do not take their word for it, and question any facts. However, mental activity alone will not make you a magician. Work on your consciousness, your higher nature.


This is how they interpret" Big dictionary esoteric terms" and "Wikipedia", what esotericism and occultism are:
ESOTERICA - “the science of the secret hidden within ourselves; the object of its study is the internal processes occurring in the Universe and the depths of the human soul.”

ESOTERICA - “a specific system of psycho-practices that exists, as a rule, within the framework of any cultural and religious traditions, used only by a limited number of adherents and predominantly of an applied nature. Esoteric systems are hidden in the depths of religions, but are fundamentally different from them in that, unlike religions and esoteric systems are extremely practical and pragmatic."
(This is the definition of esotericism from Wikipedia).

OCCULTISM "(from the Latin occultus - hidden) is the general name of teachings and traditions that believe that there are hidden and unknown to science forces and phenomena in man and the cosmos, the experience of which is available only to people with “special abilities” or “initiates”. With this associated with astrology, magic, shamanism, beliefs in communication with the “other world”, “witchcraft”, “extrasensory perception”, “ paranormal activity"and others. Occultism is a type of esotericism."

OCCULTISM - (from Latin occultus - secret, hidden), the general name of teachings based on the recognition of timeless and extra-spatial connections between all elements of the world (cosmic, spiritual and material) and the existence of hidden forces in man and the Cosmos, accessible only to “initiates” who have undergone special psychospiritual training. Explores secret natural forces, which he considers possible to use for practical purposes with the help of spells, magical actions, and the like.
(Large dictionary of esoteric terms).

"Occultism summarizes the One Existence as follows: "The Divinity is the hidden living (or moving) Fire, and the eternal witnesses of this invisible Presence are Light, Heat and Moisture," this trinity contains everything and is the cause of all phenomena in Nature. Intracosmic movement is eternal and continuous; visible cosmic movement, or that which is subject to cognition, is finite and periodic."
(H.P. Blavatsky "The Secret Doctrine" vol. 1 art. 57 ed. "EXMO-PRESS" Moscow, "FILIO" Kharkov, 2000.)

The more archaeologists find various artifacts, the clearer it becomes that our civilization is not the first and not the most advanced. There is more and more evidence that there were civilizations on Earth that were superior in development to our civilization and which, for some reason, died, but in their place new ones were born and this was repeated more than once. Skeptics will say: “Where is the evidence?” But there is plenty of evidence. These are megalithic structures, which are problematic to build even with modern technology, and unidentified fossil objects, and traces of the use of nuclear weapons in ancient times, and much more that orthodox science does not like to advertise, because the entire “building” that was so diligently erected is collapsing this science.

Anyone who wishes can type in the Internet search box “Unidentified fossil objects” or “ Nuclear wars ancient" and read. Technical and magical civilizations strive for high knowledge, but with different methods, i.e. to achieve this knowledge they have different means and methods. It seems that the teaching of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is confirmed that there were already four Root races on Earth , our fifth. And in each Root Race there are seven sub-races or sub-races. But this is already the realm of esotericism.

So, what is esotericism? Knowledge is divided into exoteric (external, accessible to everyone) and esoteric (internal, secret, accessible to initiates). Esoteric knowledge becomes exoteric as civilization is ready to accept it and not harm itself by applying this knowledge in everyday life. There are several degrees of initiation; the higher the degree of initiation, the more dangerous the knowledge that the initiate possesses. It is no secret that knowledge can be used both for the benefit and harm of humanity. And to open them for humanity, as mentioned above, it is possible, as humanity is ready, to use them for benefit, and not for their own destruction. For disclosing knowledge that is too early for humanity to know, the initiate may even lose his life.

The development of civilization can follow a mental or technogenic path of development. Our civilization has chosen the technogenic path. The civilization that was before our civilization chose the mental path of development. In the mental path of development (also called magical), a minimum of technical means, but what science has long denied and is only now beginning to recognize is widely used: telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, etc. But at some stage of development, scientific development This (these) civilization was outstripped by moral development, and the civilization destroyed itself. This reason, by the way, is given in the works of Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, as a result of the death of Atlantis.

Why is society hostile and even wary of this knowledge, and in the recent past this knowledge was prohibited and one could lose one’s life for being interested in it? People who were interested in esoteric knowledge were simply burned at the stake. And even now this knowledge is simply ridiculed official science, and this is the most effective method of prohibition. A person is afraid to appear funny in the eyes of others. Now imagine that our civilization is dying in a nuclear conflict.

How do you think the survivors will relate to the knowledge that led to this conflict and to those who propagated and disseminated this knowledge? And in the future, when the next civilization develops to the proper level and if it does not follow the technogenic path, then ours: physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, hydraulics, strength of materials, etc., will become for them the same as now for us: magic, palmistry, astrology, alchemy, etc. Whatever prohibitions affect knowledge, there will always be people who, despite the prohibitions, even under pain of death, will strive for this knowledge. By the way, they preserve occult knowledge.

Occult knowledge is knowledge left to us by a previous civilization. And here is what H. P. Blavatsky says about occultism: “Occultism is an exact science in any sense of the word, while the teachings of even the most capable but untrained seers, working without outside help, can only be of an empirical nature.”
("Fragments of Occult Truth" p.596 ed. Moscow "EXMO" 2003)


From school, from the physics section, we know that the basis of the existence of our Universe is movement. But at the same time, movement depends on temperature. We also know that there is no absolute peace, there is relative peace. It has been proven that the Universe is not infinite, as was believed by science in the recent past, but has a closed volume, the size of which is difficult to imagine. According to esoteric knowledge, the Cosmos is born into existence, exists for a certain time, and then again dissolves into non-existence.

In the ancient legends of India, the period of the existence of the Cosmos is called the “Age of Brahma” or the “Great Manvantara”. To write a number indicating the time in our years, the existence of the Universe, fifteen digits are required. And although the figure is huge, our Universe is not eternal. The “Great Eternity of Non-existence”, called “Maha Pralaya”, continues for the same amount of time, i.e. worldwide dissolution. In the alternating cycles of Existence and Non-Existence, the Universe is eternal. According to scientific data, our universe arose as a result of the Big Bang from a point in space, a point of singularity, in which colossal energy was concentrated.

If we assume that the energy in the Universe, within a certain temperature, occupies a certain volume, then the cause of the Big Bang becomes clear. The temperature limit for our Universe is the temperature at the first moment of the Big Bang (Steve Hawkins suggests that it was approximately 400000000000000 degrees Kelvin), and the lower limit is absolute 0 i.e. -273.15 degrees Celsius. By the way, the temperature of our Universe is only 4 degrees warmer. Our Universe is expanding and continuing to cool. What happens when the maximum temperature is reached? Our Universe will explode at a new level as an elementary point and everything will repeat again only at another level, which is an order of magnitude greater than the level at which we are now.

In the 60s of the last century, a hypothesis was put forward in “Technology of Youth” that quarks are Universes, but at a different level from us. Perhaps our Universe is a quark in a Universe an order of magnitude higher than ours. Matter is a special state of energy, its emanation (EMANATION - (from Latin emanatio) - outflow, outflow), the central concept of Neoplatonism, meaning the transition from the highest ontological level of the universe (one) to lower, and less perfect. Emanation is the “way down”, or the transformation of the absolute into the relative: heat is the emanation of fire, cold is snow, aroma is a flower, a stream is a source.) and this is perfectly confirmed by Einstein’s formula, energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared, but this This is also true for mass, which will be equal to energy divided by the speed of light squared, thus, under favorable conditions, everything in the Universe can again turn into energy.

14.5 billion years ago, our Universe arose as a result of the Big Bang, that is, there was a colossal release of energy from a point in space. Upon reaching critical point(-273.15 degrees Celsius), our Universe will explode at a new level as an elementary point, and energy will begin to transform into matter (emanate) in a new temperature regime acceptable for this level (volume). Why not the “Great Manvantara” or the “Age of Brahma”, but not explained in occult language. What if the above was considered from the point of view of occult knowledge? The Universe itself is the original egg, from which the Universe again arises, but on a different level. At the same time, it is androgenic i.e. generating itself. Two occult axioms are also true: “As above, so below.” and "Infinity generates space, Eternity - time, Substance (Energy) - substance (matter)." Those. the number of levels with a temperature regime defined for them is infinite and on each of them, upon reaching the temperature regime characteristic of this level, the Universe is reborn - a closed volume - space, i.e. "Infinity gives rise to space."

This process is eternal, but at the same time, there is only that time that exists in the born Universe for an observer located inside it, time at the next level in the direction of increasing the Universe practically stands still, and at the level from which the Universe arose, it rushes at such a speed that it also practically does not exist. Thus, the second point of the axiom “Eternity gives rise to time” is fulfilled. Well, the third point is confirmed by the famous formula of Albert Einstein. Energy turns into matter. “The Secret Knowledge teaches the constant development of all things, both worlds and atoms, and this wonderful development has neither an intelligible beginning nor an imaginary end. Our “Universe” is only one of the endless, countless Universes, and all of them are “Sons of Necessity” , for they are links in the great cosmic chain of Universes, each being a consequence of the previous one and a cause in relation to the next one." (E.P. Blavatsky “The Secret Doctrine” vol. 1 art. 101, published by “EXMO-PRESS” Moscow “FILIO” Kharkov 2000) “Kabbalah” speaks about the same thing: “Sephira (spheres) of the world tree 10, and they correspond to the manifestations of the One, descending into our world. Each sephira has its own number and certain of its characteristics. The will of the One manifests itself most strongly and holistically in the sephira and most clearly in 10, which is the end of the cycle and the transition to new round(Sephira 10 is Sephira 1 of the next revolution)."


All major religious faiths, except Buddhism and Hinduism, claim that life is given once and, depending on how a person lives it, the soul goes to hell or heaven. Science is getting closer to what our ancestors knew thousands of years before us. The question is increasingly being raised that the main thing for us is not the body, but a certain essence that does not disappear with death. Depending on knowledge and religion, it is called differently: consciousness, soul, manada, etc. Doctors took measurements on ultra-sensitive scales and weighed the dying. At the time of death, the human body loses from 2.5 g to 22.4 g.

American psychologist and physician Raymond Moody collected stories from patients who were in a state of clinical death. Based on these memories, in the 70s and 80s of the last century he wrote the books “Life after Death”, “Life after Life”. In their memoirs, the patients told how they left their body and observed how they were resuscitated, while describing all the actions of the doctors. Then, in most cases, a dark tunnel with a bright light at the end appeared and they began to be drawn towards this light. Many see their relatives and friends who have already died. Then they hear some voice, very pleasant and good-natured, which reports that it is too early for them to be here and they again find themselves in their body. Some people can remember their past incarnations.

In 1989 in the magazine "Echo of the Planet" No. 19 under the title "Transmigration of souls: a bluff or a mystery?" The following article was published: "I am Suresh Varma, owner of a radio shop in Agra. My wife’s name is Uma, we have two children,” says five-year-old Toran, or, as he is called in the family, Titu. At the same time, the thin voice of the village boy suddenly thickens, becomes truly masculine. Hearing this for the first time, Titu’s parents took it as pampering However, the boy repeated his story again and again, adding new details to the story: “One day I was returning home from work by car. Approaching the house, I sounded the horn so that Uma would open the gate. Then I saw two people running towards the car with pistols. Shots rang out and one of the bullets hit me in the head...” Then the boy fell into hysterics, starting to throw plates at his father and mother, saying that they were not his parents.

Mortally frightened, Shanti and Mahavir Prasad, Titu's parents, drove from their home village of Vadh to Agra, 13 kilometers away, and discovered that one Suresh Varma, the owner of a radio shop, actually lived there. Five years ago, he was shot in the head outside his home. His widow's name is Uma, she has two children. Having learned about Titu's strange behavior, Uma, along with the parents of the late Surish, decided to look at the strange boy. When they met, he recognized all three and rushed to them with hugs. Seeing that they arrived in a Maruti car, he asked Uma where his old Fiat was. I was upset to learn that it was sold.

The case of Titu has attracted the attention of scientists. N.K. Chanda from the University of Delhi and E. Mills from the University of Virginia (USA) examined the boy and discovered a strange scar on his right temple. When scientists got acquainted with the results of the autopsy of Suresh Varma, it turned out that it was in this place that the bullet hit the head, ricocheted from the skull and exited above the right ear. In this place Tito was found with a large birthmark. India Today magazine reported on this mysterious story. "

From 1975 to 1989, Indian scientists recorded 250 cases of reincarnation. As a rule, the “reincarnation effect”—remembering one’s past lives—is observed in children aged 3 to 7 years. So children suddenly begin to say: “When I was big...” and then some kind of memory follows, but adults take this for a child’s fantasy and begin to laugh. Over the years, children completely forget about this. Cases of remembering past lives outlined in the article “Transmigration of Souls: A Bluff or a Riddle?” , are observed not only in India, but throughout the globe, but orthodox science does not recognize them. Regressive hypnosis can also serve as confirmation of the immortality of our essence. This is a hypnotic state where a person returns to their past lives.

Cases have been recorded when, in regressive hypnosis, a person remembers up to nine of his past lives. Most likely, our essence represents some kind of energy formation that leaves the body at the moment of death, and in science and esotericism it is generally accepted that energy does not arise from nothing and does not disappear into nowhere. Occult knowledge claims that everything has intelligence to the extent it needs. The esoteric axiom states: "From mineral to plant, from plant to animal, from animal to man......"

The ellipsis at the end indicates that this process is not yet completed. Those. with the new rebirth of the Universe, there is a transition of essence from the level of minerals to plants, from plants to animals, from animals to humans and further into what can only be assumed. Perhaps these are the creatures that religion talks about: angels, archangels, etc. According to the same knowledge, the goal of Existence is improvement, but life is one of the stages of Existence. Our essence, after the death of the body, after some time, is embodied in another body and so repeats until the end of our Universe. But improvement occurs in two independent, but mutually supporting directions - mental and moral. Then the purpose of life is to give the next entity the opportunity to enter our world for further improvement, i.e. give a birth to a baby. The meaning of life is knowledge.


According to esotericism, life is one of the stages of Existence. If you know the axiom: “From mineral to plant, from plant to animal, from animal to human.....(and further)”, then it is not difficult to guess that the goal of Being, and therefore life, is improvement. And as already mentioned in the previous chapter, improvement occurs in two main independent, but mutually supporting directions, mental and moral. Mental improvement for the body, moral improvement for the soul. If we improve mentally throughout life, using the experience and knowledge accumulated by civilization, then morally, in the process of reincarnation of our essence.

“The Fundamental Doctrine of Esoteric Philosophy admits neither advantage nor special gifts in man, except those won by the “Ego” itself through personal efforts and achievements over a long series of metempsychosis and incarnations.”
(H.P.Blavatsky "The Secret Doctrine" vol.1 art.74 published by "EXMO-PRESS" Moscow, "FILIO" Kharkov, 2000)

Because our body depends on many factors: humidity, nutrition, temperature, radiation...etc. then our morality is formed from the choice of how we will get what we need. Most effective way moral improvement through suffering. This is why most faiths do not encourage voluntary death. By voluntarily leaving this life, you did not complete the program of suffering that was assigned to you for moral improvement. There is an opinion that reason and morality are one and the same. For this to become one and the same, morality and intelligence must be improved separately and, having reached the required level of improvement, they may become one. There is an assumption that the source of thinking (Mind) is not in the body and not in the material world at all, at least not in the way we imagine this material world, and the brain is only a relay.

After all, according to the axiom: “From mineral to plant, etc.,” our essence did not immediately begin to inhabit the human body and therefore could not think as it thinks now, and in moral terms it’s the same story. So, according to our concepts, minerals have neither reason nor morality, and their rudiments appear only in animals. But what is morality? It is practice, i.e. choice of how to act. For clarity, I will give an example. Since our body needs moisture, we develop a feeling of thirst, which makes us want to get drunk. This desire motivates us to action to look for water. You can find it (spring, river, lake), extract it (dig a well), buy it, ask for it, steal it, take it, and even kill someone like yourself for water. What we choose will determine the level of our morality. That is, morality is an individual’s choice of his practical actions. At the same time, with the help of reason we develop scientific and technical progress, but if morality in its development lags behind mental improvement, then with the help of this N.T. progress, civilization destroys itself. And this is the law of evolution, otherwise you can imagine what suffering on a cosmic scale can be caused by an immoral but mentally developed civilization. (Perhaps this is the reason why we are not allowed to go to the Moon).

And so as not to cause this suffering to others, we improve morally through it. Or perhaps this is mainly in the material body and hence the fear of life. There are two universal laws: the Law of Conservation and the Law of Karma. But here is what Theosophy, namely H. P. Blavatsky, says:
"Occultism asserts that a). the life atoms of our Life Principle (Prana), when a person dies, never perish completely. That those atoms which are most saturated Life Principle, an independent, eternal, conscious factor, are partly transmitted from father to son, through heredity, and again partly drawn together and become the animating principle of a new body at each new incarnation of the Manada. Because b). just as the Individual Soul is always the same, so the atoms of the lower principles (the body, its astral or vital double, etc.) are attracted by affinity and karmic law always to the same individuality throughout a whole series of different bodies."
("The Secret Doctrine" vol. 2 art. 782 ed. "exmo-press" Moscow, "folio" Kharkov 2000).

If mental development is closer to the body, then moral development is closer to the spirit. The highest degree of morality is righteousness, and exceeding righteousness is already holiness. At the same time, the highest degree of intelligence is talent, and the highest degree of talent is genius. Our essence is spirit, i.e. a piece from God, which at the end of perfection will merge with him, and maybe become a new Creator, and the soul is the link that connects the body with the spirit, the same silver thread that does not allow our essence to leave the body during out-of-body travel. Death is not the stopping of the heart or the cessation of brain activity, but the breaking of this silver thread. There are cases in medicine when doctors stated that brain and cardiac activity had ceased, but the patient returned to life even after a few hours.

There are many cases of returning to life in shamanic practice. I don’t remember, in “Technology for Youth” or in “Around the World”, somewhere in the 70s or 80s, a case was described when a shaman brought a frozen person back to life after three days. The two examples from The Secret Doctrine given above, in my opinion, confirm the laws of Conservation and Karma. But the accumulation of karma occurs throughout our lives and it will be worked out in our next incarnation. And what we earned in past life, we are working on this one. “I will be rewarded to everyone according to his deserts” - it seems so in the Bible, even though Christianity rejects reincarnation. According to the Christian concept, the souls of the dead go to Heaven or Hell, depending on their merits in life, and remain there until the second coming, after which the Last Judgment will take place. At first, Christianity accepted reincarnation, but in 553 the local council of the Church of Constantinople recognized this as heresy. Karma is not beliefs and exhortations, but roughly speaking, the carrot and stick that shapes our morality.

But it should be formed not out of profit, like: “I’ll do everything well and in my next life I’ll become a saint,” but from a pure heart. That is why we are not given the opportunity to remember past incarnations. Good example stated above in Nosov’s children’s book “Dunno in the Sunny City”. To get a magic wand, Dunno had to do three good deeds in a row, but not think that he was doing them for the sake of magic wand. And he began to do good deeds, but at first three in a row didn’t work out, and then he couldn’t help but think that he was doing good deeds for the sake of a magic wand, even though he did three good deeds in a row. And finally, he got so used to doing good deeds that he stopped think about a magic wand and get it. Karma has approximately the same principle, only instead of a magic wand the “reward” is morality-righteousness-holiness. And in the future, our essence passes from a person into a new carrier, no longer a person (maybe into an angel) and is further improved. Morality is precisely that (if, of course, a person is moral) that forces us to voluntarily stay within the limits of norms and standards. For a moral person, stealing or lying is as disgusting as apologizing for shitting in your pants. Morality depends on the number of reincarnations; the more reincarnations the entity has experienced, the higher the morality of the individual. And if we consider that the essence (spirit, manada, consciousness, etc.) is our internal part, and the body is external, then everything falls into place. But all this is given through the suffering of the body. Reason is also given in order to kill the beast within oneself.


This chapter is the author’s assumption and the correctness of this assumption requires verification, three options of which the author offers at the end of the chapter. The assumption is based on the law of cyclicity; the author did not set out to offend people with blood types 1 and 2. Their resentment is comparable to a child’s resentment against adults for not having grown up yet.

According to esoteric knowledge, the goal of Existence, and life is one of the stages of Existence, is progress, i.e. improvement (evolution). But improvement occurs in two directions - Mental and Moral (all types of improvement - cultural, physical, etc. can be attributed to one of the two mentioned above or to two at once). These two types of progress, although they do not go side by side, mutually support each other. According to my assumptions, moral progress in the material world plays a greater role than mental progress

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Esotericism and occultism - what is the difference?

If you ask any occultist, he will remember only two or three, at most five occult sciences - magic, palmistry, numerology and something else.

A person who is interested in the occult or esotericism, and even more so a specialist who makes a living from this, must clearly understand what is occultism and what is esotericism. Without understanding a clear structure and classification, knowledge will be scattered.

Even if a person becomes the happy owner of a complete set of knowledge about the occult and esotericism, this is just knowledge. He will be like a person who has all the parts of a car, but he cannot drive them anywhere. Without a detailed drawing of the car, it will be very difficult for him to assemble it. And if it is assembled, then this is not a fact that the car will run.

Yes and scattered knowledge by themselves they give little to their owner. In the mountains of literature, in the multi-volume literature, you can drown if you don’t know the structure. You can read endlessly, attend lectures - and not achieve anything, not one step closer to understanding the truth. This leads to loss of time on the path of self-education (self-improvement), and sometimes leads to personality degradation when a person takes The Path of Darkness for the Path of Light, that is, it uses part of the secret knowledge, not knowing what it can lead to.

Thus, branches from a tree are not yet a tree. Systematic knowledge is needed.

That's why, without understanding and awareness of the classification and structure of occultism and esotericism, it will be very difficult for a specialist to advance, to become a real professional in his profession. And it will be difficult for a spiritual seeker to find “his way” in the darkness. After all, there are many roads and paths in these sciences.

And vice versa. Knowing the structure, it is enough to read ten good books, study according to them, and you will see results.

If a person is engaged in numerology, or has written a book on dreams, he should not confuse people and say that he is an esotericist and deals with esotericism. If he is involved in occult sciences, then he is an occultist, not an esotericist.

The goal of occultism is not to increase love for God. Books on occultism expand the worldview (give a broader idea of ​​the world), increase spirituality, and help develop abilities. And abilities, in turn, make it possible to succeed in the material world - to gain power, to make a career. That is, occult knowledge provides increased opportunities to control the world.

Any power at all times relied on occult knowledge. This is power, this is the ability to control people, masses of people and states. Only occult knowledge moves a person to power (control of the world).

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Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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