There was also a question about whether it is necessary to put a comma after the phrase... when you are in a letter... so, you finish the letter and write “With respect.” And they asked me to provide, as it were, a theoretical justification. So, I’ll say right away that a comma is always used : “With respect – comma – such and such.” But, unfortunately, there is no theory on this matter, there is always a comma there, and it is simply accepted.

Marina Koroleva in the program “Speaking Russian” on the radio “ Echo of Moscow» 06/29/2014


As always, categorically, Marina Koroleva stated that after the expression (not the phrase!) “With respect” at the end of the letter, a comma is supposedly always placed before the signature. She could not explain this “as if theoretically,” but refers to the fact that it is “simply accepted.”

If you put such a comma and “accepted”, then it is not for everyone and, I’m afraid, not for those from whom you should take an example. However, I must admit that the problem is complex. M. Koroleva’s opinion is shared by the Gramota.ru website:

Of course, Gramota.ru is a respected site, and we know that Echo of Moscow journalists are friends with it. But it is still not the ultimate truth, as references on this site write ordinary people who also make mistakes. And let me remind you that there are other people who are doing the same thing, for example, the website “Gramma.ru”. He takes the opposite view:

This certificate quite correctly noted that this comma was thoughtlessly transferred by our businessmen from the rules for writing letters in English.

As for the theoretical justification for the absence of a comma, there is precisely one. Imagine that you wrote on the line: “ Regards, Ivan" This spelling makes the name Ivan circulation, i.e. it turns out that it is not you - Ivan, but the one to whom you are addressing. But a signature is not an address, and the words “with respect” are not an introductory phrase. These words are an incomplete sentence, a fragment of the implied phrase: “Ivan wrote this letter with respect to you.” By the way, “With respect” is not the only form of ending a letter; in the same way – without a comma before the signature – the phrases “With greetings”, “With love”, “With Best wishes" and so on.

And to completely dispel doubts, it is best to turn to authoritative sources. Such in this case will be letters from undoubtedly educated people. Let me first give two examples:

P.S. After the phrase "Sincerely" you can put a dash (since it replaces the implied words, for example, “wrote to you”) and a period. For example, Blok wrote:

Choosing the type of influence depending on the type of client, your inclinations, and the characteristics of the task has a significant impact on the effectiveness of communication with the client.

In fact, most of us intuitively use some or all of these types of influence. But their clear structuring and understanding of their pros and cons allows us to achieve greater and greater effect. It is important to understand that none of the types of influence that we will consider and learn to use consciously is universal; none of them can be considered a priori better than any other. It all depends on the specific situation. The main thing is to find the right tool for each situation, to do it quickly and confidently.

Impact of the law mandatory condition.

Formulation: “This is how it’s supposed to be...”, “Based on these instructions, you must...”

Some time ago, a very interesting international socio-psychological study was conducted, the purpose of which was, in particular, to identify the typical reaction of representatives different nations and countries to introduce unfavorable laws affecting individuals. The typical Russian reaction was: “We need to look for ways to get around it.” Unfortunately or fortunately, this is the case for now. Therefore, for Russia this type of influence is not very effective. You should not use it often, unless it is relevant only for low-level performers or in situations of legal conflict resolution. In other cases, as a rule, it causes a pronounced protest or a similar reaction: “You are supposed to choose a certain assortment and sales volume, these are our rules of interaction” - “That means I won’t take more, no matter what happens.” It is much more effective to rely on more positively perceived types of influence. However, it should be noted that this type of influence is quite effective in organizations with a corporate culture such as organizational management, that is, where everything is clearly regulated and complies with procedures, that is, where the basis of interactions is prescribed rules and procedures. It’s the same in terms of the type of person. If the client is a person who gravitates towards procedures, is manageable and values ​​stability and predictability, then the influence of the law as a prerequisite will be quite effective.

Influence of the Law of Mutual Agreement

Formulation: “As you and I agreed...” “You and I agreed that...”

It is effective in the vast majority of cases, provided that two conditions are met: such an agreement, at least conditionally, exists, and secondly, we are dealing with a decent person. As a rule, it is perceived quite organically, there is no coercion or any other negative. Moreover, the client receives recognition that he is a full partner in communication and decision making. Therefore, one of the very effective methods of influence is to involve the client in the decision-making process, achieve intermediate agreements, and initially jointly determine the “rules of the game.” This approach further allows us to apply the influence of the law of mutual agreement with greater efficiency. This type of influence is especially important when using a democratic style of interaction, when we strive to give sufficient freedom and independence to employees. From the point of view of the client’s personality characteristics, it is worth noting that the influence of the laws of mutual agreement is perceived very positively by people who gravitate toward internal reference and with mixed reference.

The influence of law as group norms

Wording: “This is how we (in our business, in our relationships, etc.) accept/not accept”

If you have a strong, one-directional culture in your relationship with the company’s client, if people really value each other’s opinions and respect, if there are written and unwritten laws, then this type of influence will be effective for everyone. If this is not the case, then the influence of the law of group norms will only work when interacting with people with external reference, that is, for those who care about the opinions and assessments of others. The question is that they can be influenced just as easily by other people, including your competitors, using the same tool.

Expert influence.

Expert influence is one of the most effective types of influence, which has an impact on all people for whom professionalism, effective business management, and strategy are important.

Expert influence can be exercised in three ways:

  1. The expert is the first person, that is, in our case, the leader.

Formulation: “You know, I have encountered this situation many times (explanation), so I would ... (motivation)”

Effective influence, but it is very important that the client is convinced of your expertise. It makes sense to constantly confirm and demonstrate such expert experience, fueling the client’s confidence in your expert position. Sometimes it is very important to simulate a situation in which you have the opportunity to show your skills, knowledge and ability to solve difficult situations.

  1. Expert – objective statistics or data

Formulation: “You know, according to..., the most effective solution is


Effective influence if we're talking about that the data or statistics are meaningful to the client. This type of influence has a particularly good effect on people who have a systematic, scientific way of thinking, people who are inclined to operate with such data on their own.

  1. Expert – third party

Formulation: “XXX always did (advised, said) this way... (motivation)”

Such formulations allow us to achieve good results when this third party is truly an authority and is part of the reference group of the client whom we want to influence. In fact, in this case, it is very good to use “opinion leaders”, that is, people whose opinions are valued in the industry.

Charismatic influence or influence of example

Formulation: “I am sure that you can do this”, “It is very important for me that you do this”, “I would if I were you...”

This influence works provided that you are an example for the employee, are part of his reference group and have a strong charisma. Charisma is a combination of energy and personality charm. This is a quality inherent in a person from the very beginning; it can, of course, be developed and improved, but it cannot be formed “from scratch” in an adult. Charisma and charismatic influence are the most intuitive, so they can easily have both a plus and a minus sign (just remember such charismatic leaders as Hitler or Mussolini). If a commercial representative really has charisma, the temptation to use this influence constantly is very strong: it is very simple and does not require any additional effort. But the risks are very high. Firstly, with a significant deterioration in personal relationships, the charismatic influence may fade away or even have the opposite effect. Secondly, a person who built interactions with clients solely on the basis of charismatic influence is practically irreplaceable. In addition, charismatic influence has a relatively weak effect on strong personalities, on people who gravitate towards independence and self-esteem based on their own criteria. In general, we must remember that “from love to hate and from hatred to love there is one step.” Therefore, the conclusion is this: charismatic influence is effective and useful, but it should never be abused. It is necessary to use this type of influence in effective combination with the others.

Impact of Reward

Formulation: “You will do this, and it will help give you (benefits relevant to the client).” General formula: “Do this and it will give you (customer benefit)”

It is important to understand that the influence of reward does not at all mean material reward. The essence of influence is that we explain to the client how this or that action will allow him to realize his needs and motives. In order to effectively use the influence of rewards, it is necessary to be able to determine and know the motives of each specific client, that is, to understand what set of benefits is important to him or her. Then we will be able, on the one hand, to get the client to work with maximum efficiency (efficiency factor), on the other hand, to give him the opportunity to fully realize his needs and motives. That is, we simultaneously achieve a pragmatic goal (increasing productivity) and a humanitarian goal (human satisfaction).

The influence of coercion

Formulation: “If you don’t do this, then you won’t be able to grow further (any other anti-benefit option)”

In fact, the influence of coercion is the mirror image of the influence of reward. But it is important to remember several patterns. In most cases, a ratio of 70/30 is effective, where 70 is reward, encouragement, 30 is coercion, punishment. Secondly, the higher the level of the person, the higher the level of the client company, the more effective positive reinforcement is compared to negative reinforcement. Thus, the influence of coercion should be used very carefully, precisely when we understand that a person is more worthy of censure than encouragement.

What is important to us? It is important to alternate types of influence, choosing them correctly based on the characteristics of the situation, organization and specific client. It is worth noting for yourself how effective this or that type of influence was for each specific person and groups of people. It is very useful for you to train in precisely those types of influence that are most difficult to achieve, without getting carried away by one thing that you can do well anyway. We must remember that the most the best option negotiations are adaptive negotiations, in which the representative knows how to vary and adapt his communication skills and abilities to the specific situation and characteristics of the client. Once you realize that you have become fully adaptive, you can be said to be a master salesman.

Exercise 1.

Task 2.

Task 3.

Task 4.

Task 5.

The client cares about mutual trust and respect more than the profitability of cooperation. What or what types of influence can be considered the most effective in such a situation?

Answers to assignments

Exercise 1.

In the presence of what feature of the metaprogram profile can the influence of coercion be more effective than the influence of reward?

If the client is dominated by avoidance

Task 2.

The main motives of the client are profitability, constant cooperation, reliability of the partner. What types of influence will be most effective?

The influence of reward, mutual agreement and “that’s the way it is”

Task 3.

The client is externally referent. What types of influence will be effective?

Influence of norms, expert and charismatic influences

Task 4.

The client reacted negatively to expert influence. Offer as many options as possible to answer the question, what could be causing this and what to do in such a situation?

Internal reference. We must use the “law of mutual agreement”

Wrong expert selected. Select the person or data that is truly important to the client
+1 -1

The Accounts Chamber checked the use of funds aimed at supporting small businesses within the framework of the State Development Program Agriculture.

Measures to support small businesses in agriculture have been implemented within the framework of the State Program and regional programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex for more than five years. The volume of federal budget funds allocated for grants during the audited period amounted to more than 25 billion rubles.

At the same time, the audit showed that state support measures have not yet become widespread and have not had a significant impact on the development of small forms of farming in rural areas. “The share of subsidy recipients is very small: in 2017, 3,289 peasant farms received grants, that is, only 1.6% of their total number V Russian Federation. At the same time, the share of products produced by them amounted to only 0.6% of the total volume of agricultural products,”- said auditor Alexey Kaulbars at the Board of the Accounts Chamber. "In the same time, - the auditor continued, - those small businesses that took advantage of these measures were able to obtain a positive effect from their application. Thus, if the average growth rate of marketable products produced by all small businesses in agriculture in 2017 was 12.1%, then for organizations that received grants in 2013-2015, this figure reached 53.8%, which allows us to speak about the effectiveness of state support measures.”

According to the Accounts Chamber, the low demand of agricultural producers for the support measures proposed by the state is due, among other things, to the inconsistency of the actions of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture in managing the state program. “The state program does not provide for a systematic assessment of the effectiveness of the subsidies provided. The size of grants and approaches to the areas of their use change almost every year,”- noted the auditor.

The audit showed that the competitive selection of potential grant recipients was carried out by regional commissions in violation established rules. Applicants were not properly checked for compliance with established criteria, and the assessment of their applications in some cases contained high corruption risks.

In 2017, grants in the amount of 82.7 million rubles. at the expense of the federal budget were provided to agricultural consumer cooperatives, which at the time of participation in the competition did not carry out activities and did not have revenue from the sale of products. In the Stavropol Territory, this violation was detected in all four recipients of state support, in the Republic of Bashkortostan - in two out of four.

In the Stavropol Territory, cases of unlawful provision of grants in the amount of 45.2 million rubles have also been established. heads of peasant farms, who were also founders of commercial organizations. However, other applicants for the grant were unable to receive it. “Here, in our opinion, the Ministry of Agriculture should pay Special attention on regional approaches to selecting grant recipients", the auditor emphasized.

The audit also revealed systemic violations related to non-compliance with the procedure for providing interbudgetary transfers and the lack of adequate control on the part of the Ministry of Agriculture over their use by the regions.

For example, in 2016, subsidies amounted to 149 million rubles. The Ministry of Agriculture provided 23 regions with no approved regional rules defining the procedure for providing state support.

Due to the lack of proper control, both from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministries of Agriculture Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Bashkortostan, the regions have not ensured the return of the balances of grants to the federal budget provided in 2015-2016. for a total amount of 47.94 million rubles.

In addition, regional departmental reporting data is not always correct. Thus, according to the report of the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2017, sent to the Ministry of Agriculture, the indicator “Creation of new jobs in peasant farms” with a planned value of 79 was exceeded and amounted to 100 units. However, according to the grantees themselves, only 42 jobs were actually created.

In conclusion, the auditor noted that the Ministry of Agriculture should pay special attention to the identified violations and shortcomings, since they may negatively affect the quality of implementation of the federal project “Creation of a support system for farmers and development of rural cooperation,” developed in pursuance of the goals established in the May decree of the President.

According to State Secretary-Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ivan Lebedev, who was present at the Board, the Ministry of Agriculture has already developed measures to eliminate the shortcomings identified by the Accounts Chamber: “We agree with the entire scope of the violations identified and have already approved a plan of systemic measures that will allow sufficient short term eliminate all violations."

When studying the effect of hydrostatic pressure on bacterial growth, unexpected results were obtained: it turned out that pressure changes in the range of 0-100 bar (0-10 MPa) have no effect on the growth of most bacteria or its effect is negligible. Nevertheless barophilic bacteria that live in sea ​​depths, not only adapted to high blood pressure, characteristic of these habitats, but also need it (for example, a pressure of 600 bar at a depth of 6000 meters). Studying deep-sea microorganisms requires sophisticated equipment that can maintain high pressure.

Natural habitats.

Many natural environments contain little dissolved oxygen, contain no oxygen at all, or become anaerobic for certain periods of time. Anaerobic conditions arise when O2 is consumed by microorganisms and its diffusion is limited. In addition, the concentration of molecular oxygen may fall as a result of its reduction by metabolic end products characteristic of anaerobes, such as H 2 S.


Microorganisms that can grow in both the presence and absence of oxygen are called facultative anaerobes. To microaerophiles include those organisms that require oxygen for respiration, but grow only when its content in the environment is low. Anaerobes are unable to breathe with O2; some of them can grow in the presence of oxygen and are resistant to it (aerotolerant bacteria), others - obligate(strict) anaerobes- die on contact with O2 or at least grow very weakly in its presence. The metabolism of obligate anaerobic bacteria is adapted to environments with low redox potential, and some of their enzymes are sensitive to oxygen. Thus, the growth of strict anaerobes is possible only in the absence of oxygen and under reducing conditions [oxidation-reduction potential of the environment (E0) must be negative].

Rp. Antipyrini 0.25

Powders according to this recipe melt regardless of whether they are wrapped in plain or waxed paper.

This mixture becomes damp even in a desiccator.

From those given in table. 11 factors influencing the melting of complex powders are strongly influenced by the contact surface of the mixed substances, mechanical stress and room temperature. Vigorous mixing in a mortar naturally entails an increase in the contact surface and mechanical impact. It is also obvious that the higher the temperature in the room, the closer the eutectic point is to it.

25. Rp. Acidi acctylsalicylici

Amidopyrini aa 0.25

S. 1 powder 3 times a day

For example, when preparing powders according to recipe No. 25, the melting point of the mixture decreases to 45° (melting point of acetylsalicylic acid 133-136 °C, amidopyrine 107-109 °C). However, since the air temperature is below 45 °C, a physical effect greater than clumping (dampness) is naturally not observed.

In the case of prescribing substances that form eutectic, the prescriptions are not subject to execution, except in cases where the eutectic is provided or, moreover, used to improve the technological operation.

26. Rp. Thymoli 0.1

Mcntholi 1.5 Acidi borici 10.0 Boli albae Talci~aa 15.0 M. f. pulv. D.S. Powder

For example, when preparing powder according to recipe 26, thymol and menthol in the form of eutectic are distributed more evenly in the mixture of powders than when they are introduced in crystalline form. A small amount of eutectic does not affect the flowability of the powder.

In the case of prescribing mixtures that are prone to dampening, the question of the possibility of their preparation must be decided each time on an individual basis. It should be borne in mind that dampening often entails chemical changes in the composition of the medicine to varying degrees.

For example, when acetylsalicylic acid is combined with sodium bicarbonate in a wet mass of powders, hygroscopic sodium acetylsalicylate is first formed. The latter, when hydrolyzed, forms sodium salicylate and acetic acid (the powders at this stage smell like “vinegar”), which is then converted into sodium acetate.

Chemically, the dampening of the powder also occurs in the previous 25. After some time, the moistened and sticky mass begins to emit the smell of acetic acid. In the presence of moisture, conditions are created for the reaction, as a result of which amidopyrine salicylate is formed and acetic acid is released.

The released acetic acid, due to its hygroscopicity, absorbs moisture from the air, which speeds up the reaction. Amidopyrine salicylate decomposes in light, coloring the mixture yellow. The recipe clearly cannot be followed.

The hygroscopicity of aminophylline is also a reason for irrationality, since chemical reactions begin to occur in a number of its combinations.

27. Rp. Acidi ascorbinici 0.1 Euphyllini 0.1 Sacchari 0.2

M.f. pulv. D.t. d. N. 12 S. 1 powder 2 times a day

For example, powder prepared according to recipe 27 soon turns yellow when stored. The explanation must be sought in the fact that in the presence of air moisture, aminophylline, a compound of theophylline with ethylenediamine, which has an alkaline reaction, transforms V ethylenediamine ascorbate, which is very unstable and quickly oxidizes.

Adsorption phenomena reducing the therapeutic effect, noted in prescriptions mainly with alkaloids.

28. Rp. Extra. Belladonnas 0.015

Papaverini hydrochloride 0.03

Carbonis activati ​​0.5

S. 1 powder 3 times a day

Activated carbon in the given example (recipe 28) almost completely adsorbs papaverine hydrochloride and belladonna extract alkaloids; At the same time, the adsorption capacity of coal decreases.

29. Rp. Pcpsini 0.1

Carbonis activati ​​0.5

S. 1 powder before meals

The enzyme pepsin is adsorbed by carbon.

In medicines one has to deal with white clay not only With physical, by and with chromosorption.

30. Rp. Morphini hydrochloridi

Kxtracti Belladonnae aa 0.01

S. 1 powder 2 times a day

White clay adsorbs both morphine and tropane alkaloids. In addition, the latter on the surface of white clay are destroyed at the site of the etheric connection. Using this recipe as an example, you can see the possibility of eliminating incompatibility if the pharmacist recommends that the doctor replace the white clay with another filler (sugar, calcium carbonate, etc.). White clay also actively adsorbs methylene blue. It has been proven that approximately two-thirds of methylene blue is adsorbed by white clay.

In the recipes below, 31-33 combinations turned out to be irrational in pharmacological terms.

31. Rp. Barbitali 0.15

Phenobarbitali 0.02 Amidopyrini Themisali aa 0.2 Acidi ascorbinici 0.15 Coffeini-natrii benzoatis 0.02 Extr. Belladonnae 0.015 M. f. pulv. D.t. d. N. 6 S. 1 powder inside

It has been established that the hypnotic effect of barbiturates is reduced by atropine contained in belladonna extract.

Hypnotics are also pharmacologically incompatible with thiamine, picotnamide and glucose.

Cardiac glycosides are pharmacologically incompatible with sleeping pills, insulin, aminazine and valerian.

Diuretics are pharmacologically incompatible with salsolin, sleeping pills, aminazine, promedol, novocaine, lev-zea and ginseng preparations. All these drugs reduce diuresis if prescribed together with Temisal, Diacarb and other diuretics.

32. Rp. Themisali 0.1

Salsolini hydrochloride 0.01

M.f. pulv. D.t. d. N. 12

S. 1 powder 3 times a day for a 3 year old child

The decrease in diuresis is not associated with a decrease in blood pressure caused by salsolin, but is the result of a decrease in glomerular filtration and an increase in urine reabsorption in the convoluted tubules.

Sulfonamides are incompatible with quinine in the treatment of malaria, as they weaken its effect on plasmodium.

In order to avoid premature judgment about pharmacological incompatibility, one should not forget about the duration of action of the drug, which contains antagonists. For example, in a recipe:

33. Rp. Phenylii salicylatis 2.0

Sodium sulfatis 30.0

D.S. I la one step

sodium sulfate is an antidote to phenyl salicylate (a phenol derivative), but this property manifests itself only after the conversion of phenol into sulfonic acids, which takes time. And before this, the components of the medicine manage to exert the therapeutic effect for which they were prescribed: sodium sulfate is a laxative, and phenyl salicylate is a disinfectant and antiputrefactive.


Powder crushing shops (departments) of pharmaceutical enterprises, in addition to meeting the needs of their enterprises (tablet shop, extraction preparation shop), produce a large number of powders for pharmacies. These are mainly powders plant origin(powders of leaves, roots, seeds, etc.), necessary in everyday recipes when preparing powders, pills, suppositories, etc. Along with this, enterprises produce a significant number of complex powders according to recipes regulated by the FS, VFS or MRT.