During one of the television broadcasts, one of my colleagues gave me his book. It was Maxim Grigoriev, director of the Foundation for the Study of Problems of Democracy, member of the Public Chamber. And the book was called “Crimea: a story of return.” I read it with pleasure and with the kind permission of the author, I want to introduce my readers to a very interesting interview with the incredibly and deservedly popular Crimean prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya in our country, which was published in this book.

Source: M. S. Grigoriev, O. F. Kovitidi “Crimea: the history of return”, M., Kuchkovo pole, 2014. (P. 185-190)

"N. Poklonskaya: “I want my child to live in an honest country, not in Bandera’s…”

Before reunification with Russia: Senior Prosecutor of the 2nd Department of the Main Directorate for Supervision of Compliance with Laws in Criminal Proceedings of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. After reunification with Russia: Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

M. Grigoriev: As far as I know, you worked in the prosecutor’s office for more than twelve years, and before working in Kyiv, you were the deputy head of the department of the Crimean prosecutor’s office for supervising compliance with laws by special forces that fought organized crime. At the same time, according to Ukrainian practice, prosecutors dealt not only with issues of supervision, but also conducted pre-trial investigations into the activities of criminal groups. How did it happen that in Kyiv it was you who conducted cases related to Euromaidan?

N. Poklonskaya: Two years before the Maidan, I was transferred from Crimea to the Prosecutor General’s Office in Kyiv. First, I was appointed to the position of an ordinary prosecutor, then - a senior prosecutor of the 2nd department for procedural management of pre-trial investigation and support of public prosecution of the Directorate for Supervision of Compliance with Laws by Internal Affairs Bodies of the Main Directorate for Supervision of Compliance with Laws in Criminal Proceedings of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. Our department was then called “9th Company”, we had 40 people, and all the bad cases went to us - the most relevant, resonant ones.

I remember how on Prosecutor’s Day the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General congratulated us solemnly and beautifully. And the next day at 7:30 am they called and told everyone to urgently go to work. From that moment on, the Maidan did not fall silent for us. Kyiv was assigned to me. And then the Maidanists began to block us. At that time I was still amazed at the inaction of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies.

First, huge pots were placed near the prosecutor's office building, then they started burning fires at the entrance to the prosecutor's office and organizing provocations. One day we came to work, and they lay down on the ground at the entrance in four rows, and we had to step over, and the correspondents put a microphone in our faces and asked us to comment on why we were stepping over people. I also remember well how I was walking from the church and suddenly heard shots. All this time, many employees of the prosecutor's office hoped that an order would be issued to stop violations of the law. And others said - for democracy. There was already a conflict in the team.

M. Grigoriev: You once characterized what was happening on the Maidan as follows: “Devils simply crawled out of the ashes, from hell, from the inferno and staged their battles there. This is the beating of drums at night, like the Indians, you know, constantly beating drums. I don’t know what they drank, what they ate, but they didn’t get tired.” What happened after these people occupied government buildings?

N. Poklonskaya: When they seized power, instead of the police, “Maidan Self-Defense” immediately stood at the entrance with machine guns on their shoulders, and O. Makhnitsky, appointed by A. Turchinov, came to us. He spoke, stated that he was a lawyer, and then asked what wishes or thoughts he had. After that, some guy came out into the stands, began reading a poem about the Motherland, telling how he went to the Maidan, about the “heavenly hundred”, about what heroes they are, and then said that now we will live according to the new laws. And from the hall they started shouting the same thing. And I wanted to fall through the ground. All that remains is to put a swastika on everyone. Calls and threats from the former defendants immediately began, who now declared that they were heroes and Maidan supporters. It was not so much scary as it was disgusting and insulting that now I wouldn’t be able to put on a uniform - how can you serve the Nazis? It was a shame that I worked for eleven years and achieved everything on my own, without the help of friends, a matchmaker, or a brother. And now it’s such a disgrace that it needs to be abandoned. I came to the head of the department with a report, he calmed me down. Then I specially put on the St. George ribbon so that they would know what else was there normal people stayed and went to the head of the headquarters, and he was from Western Ukraine. He says to me: what have you thought of? Maybe you're tired? And I show him the tape and say: I’m not tired, I’m ashamed to come here. He sent me on leave, but I left my dismissal report on the table and already knew that I would not return to Kyiv.

I packed my things, and then bought cookies and went to the hospital to support the guys from the police who were lying there. The taxi driver was very surprised, because they supported the Maidan. As an employee of the prosecutor's office, I was allowed in and met with those who were in the hospital. I remember a 19-year-old guy from Dnepropetrovsk, who at that time had served for only four months and spent three of them on the Maidan. I extend my hand to him and say: I came to say thank you, you are real heroes. And the boy answers me: from the very first day I still didn’t understand why we were beaten? Nobody hit me like that in my life. None from the management high-ranking official did not come to them and did not shake hands. On March 6, I left for Crimea and was already home on the 7th. There was a Maidan checkpoint on the highway, everyone was searched, and those who were traveling to Crimea were recorded.

M. Grigoriev: Please tell us how your appointment to the position of prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea took place and how you managed to launch the work of the prosecutor’s office?

In one of your interviews, you said that you want to express gratitude to the leadership of Crimea for “the fact that they found courage and patriotism in themselves and did not pack up their things, did not go somewhere abroad, well, as many do - run away from the country and live themselves calmly in a beautiful environment - but they stood up for us, for the people. And I saw this hope that here, here people, everything seemed to be fine, people stood up, people defended their point of view, well done, not traitors.”21 This means that there were many who, under various pretexts, tried to wait it out in order to later become on the winning side?

N. Poklonskaya: With my appointment everything is very simple. On March 8, I went to Simferopol to see S. Aksenov. I saw in him a courageous, worthy patriot who cared about what was happening. And she said that I want to help and am ready to be anyone, just to remain a patriot and fight for justice, and not like in Ukraine, where even the Satanic Church with devils was officially legalized. S. Aksenov asked to be in touch, and the next day they called me with a request to speak at live. D. Polonsky held a round table on television. On March 9, I expressed my attitude towards the Maidan live. Some called on the air and asked questions, and one woman said that I was telling a lie and so on. I thanked her for the call and said that opinions may differ. And the next day I was appointed prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. At that moment, the prosecutor’s office was virtually gone; people were afraid to come into the building.

I insisted on holding a referendum, and some employees of the prosecutor’s office stated that they had families and needed to sit at home and wait it out.

When we arrived at the prosecutor's office building, all the doors were sealed and there were no keys to the doors. The employees said they didn't know anything. I came in with my team - about ten people in total - but they weren’t scared. I am grateful to them all for supporting us. We even had to break down some doors and then change the locks. For example, my office door. She was from good wood, but the main thing is not the door or the office, but the attitude to service, to duty, to the Motherland, which is what I called people to. Some employees of the prosecutor's office even wanted to initiate a case against me, tried to ban the referendum, wrote that I had seized power, and threatened with liability. They called me and shouted into the phone that I was a criminal. And I calmly answered them that their criminals were Maidanists. They threatened me: you even thought about what would happen to you - a group had already come for you, and they would take you to a cell. They sent us all sorts of papers and threatened us that we would be held criminally liable for organizing the referendum. My comrades called and said that they had to initiate proceedings against me under the article on the seizure of power and that if I now leave the prosecutor’s office of Crimea, they will not touch me, they will regard this as a voluntary refusal to commit a crime. I told them: thank you very much for warning me, but it’s not me who is the criminal, but those who seized power in Kyiv, and I won’t give up anything. And someone else called with threats that if I expected to live to see the trial, but it wouldn’t work out.

But our main task was to launch the work of the prosecutor’s office for the benefit of the people. And we did it.

M. Grigoriev: How many employees are there in the Crimean prosecutor's office? And how many went to work.

N. Poklonskaya: There were about 900 people in total, about 360 in the central office, and about 30 went to work. Many took sick leave and vacations on purpose. Then gradually people began to catch up. And about 20 people left for Kyiv. As a result, we started the work of the prosecutor’s office anyway. Citizens began to contact us - they saw that we were working in the interests of the people.

M. Grigoriev: I know that even now in Ukraine a criminal case has been opened against you, you have been put on the wanted list. You once said that you would do everything to make your child proud to live in such a great power as Russian Federation. I will quote your words: “So that my daughter honors the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War. To honor the memory of my two grandfathers who died in this war. So that monuments are not destroyed. I want my child to live in an honest country, and not in a Bandera, treacherous, Nazi country. I was ashamed that I was a citizen of that state. My grandmother called me and cried: the times when there was occupation are returning. She is 86 years old. She remembers the Germans and remembers the Ukrainian policemen. How they mocked me! How will I look my grandmother in the eyes if I put on a uniform and serve this very Galicia? When you think about it, there is no fear."22 Tell me, did you have any degree of uncertainty in those days?

N. Poklonskaya: There wasn't. And not now. When I wrote my resignation letter, I also had no doubts. I saw with my own eyes how Molotov cocktails were thrown on the Maidan. I made a decision and was ready for anything. S. Aksenov said at one meeting that we have no way back, and I thought so too.

With. 205-209

33-year-old Natalya Poklonskaya was appointed by the Supreme Council of Crimea to the post of prosecutor of Crimea just a few days ago, but immediately got involved in the work. According to her, the primary task of the Crimean Prosecutor’s Office is now to ensure the free and safe expression of the will of Crimeans in the referendum, after which the main supervisory agency of the republic plans to return to normal operation and engage in all other usual areas of activity. At our request, the newly appointed prosecutor commented on her appointment, spoke about herself and gave a legal assessment of the actions of opposition politicians and nationalists who seized power in Kyiv.

Protect the choice of Crimeans

Natalya Vladimirovna, despite such a short period of time after your appointment, we cannot help but ask: did you have time to get used to the new place?

Now my main task is to improve the work of the Crimean Prosecutor’s Office, which was disrupted by the events in Kyiv. We had to gather the team, calm and adjust the employees so that everyone would begin to perform their duties. The prosecutor's office, as a supervisory body, is obliged to ensure compliance with the laws during the all-Crimean referendum. I am sure that every Crimean wants to come to the polling station on referendum day and express his free will, and we are obliged to provide all residents of the peninsula with such a constitutional right. Therefore, now we are making every effort to ensure that there are no provocations and other negative aspects, so that people come freely to the polling stations, vote and do not fear for their lives.

How do you think the change of power in Kyiv can be assessed?

Current usurpation of organs state power illegal: from a legal point of view latest events in Kyiv - this is a constitutional coup and an armed seizure of power. This is a blatant violation of all international norms. I spoke about this at the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, where I worked before being appointed Prosecutor of Crimea, and I am not going to change my position.

But the same Alexander Turchynov, after the blessing of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, declared himself acting president.

Firstly, the concept of “and. O. “president” in the current conditions in Ukrainian legislation simply cannot exist! The legally elected and, accordingly, the only legitimate head of state is Viktor Yanukovych, and it is not so important where he is now. No matter what they say in Kyiv, Yanukovych is alive and well, speaks to the media, no one re-elected him, he himself did not relinquish his presidential powers ahead of schedule. In addition, the Supreme Council of Ukraine did not impeach him, and there were no new elections of the head of state in Ukraine. All! When appointing Turchynov as acting president, the Ukrainian parliament referred to Article 112 of the Constitution of Ukraine, saying that Yanukovych had withdrawn himself from the exercise of constitutional powers. But even self-removal under none of the laws does not provide grounds for early termination of the powers of the president. Hence the main conclusion - the government in Kyiv is illegitimate.

When the Prosecutor General is Tyagnibok’s ally

But Turchinov, apparently, didn’t give a damn about the laws. He took it and began to appoint officials he liked in key departments. Many were surprised when they learned that the acting Prosecutor General of Ukraine was a member of the Svoboda party, people’s deputy Oleg Makhnitsky.

Yes, taking into account the extraordinary socio-political situation in the country, the violation of all norms, rights and freedoms of citizens and seeing that the current illegitimate leaders of the central authorities of Ukraine are contributing to this, the team of the Crimean prosecutor’s office announced their resignation from subordination General Prosecutor's Office Ukraine. We will work exclusively for the benefit of the residents of Crimea. As for Makhnitsky, I only know that he worked for some time as an investigator in the prosecutor’s office of the Lvov region, but more is known about him in the political sphere.

I have never been a member of any party, because I understand: a prosecutor should be out of politics. We must be apolitical, but we must not be blind! Small, but important detail, which speaks for itself. According to Article 112 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the acting President of Ukraine, before assuming the post of the new President of Ukraine, is expressly prohibited from exercising powers related to the appointment of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the submission to parliament of proposals for the appointment of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

By the way, Makhnitsky has already accused you of seizing power and even threatens you with criminal liability. How do you rate this?

The Prosecutor General's Office informed me that a criminal case had been opened against me. But I'm not a criminal to be afraid of anything. They are bringing criminal cases against me because they are uncomfortable hearing the truth addressed to them. I am not afraid of the truth and believe: justice will triumph sooner or later.

“There will be no neo-fascists in Crimea”

How do you yourself assess your appointment?

From a purely human perspective, I will say that heading the Crimean Prosecutor’s Office is a great responsibility. Being the prosecutor of Crimea in the current situation is not a position for me, but a civil and officer duty to the Crimeans. Now, more than ever, we are obliged to defend the interests of the people, and not of individual groups of people, especially those who are radically minded and promote the ideals of Nazism and fascism. I officially declare to you: there will be no neo-fascists in Crimea. Everything that depends on me, all my powers will be used to ensure that our people live in a free democratic state. Fascism will not flourish in Crimea, and no one here will allow ardent nationalists and radicals to be made heroes. Let them forget once and for all that they can come to Crimea and shout their Bandera slogans. And before shouting that the Crimean government is illegitimate, let them first look at themselves.

We noticed that with your arrival at the Crimean prosecutor’s office, attacks began on you in the press, mainly in online publications.

It is clear that some Kyiv and Ukrainian media want to throw mud at new government in Crimea, including me. But they couldn’t come up with anything smarter than getting my personal photographs somewhere, publishing them and attributing whatever their imagination allows. I don’t pay attention to this, especially since now there’s simply no time for it - I have such a busy schedule that I’m at work day and night.

As for my appearance. Believe me, during 12 years of working in the prosecutor’s office, my appearance did not bother me. My defendants were the organizers and participants of various gangster groups, for example, from the organized crime group “Bashmaki”, who are serving their sentences in prisons. Draw conclusions. So let my appearance lull the vigilance of my opponents (laughs).

As you know, during the clashes in Kyiv, three law enforcement officers from Crimea were killed, and dozens of fighters were injured. Can we expect that sooner or later someone will be held accountable for attacks on police officers?

We began to investigate the facts of attacks on our security forces. Currently, nine injured employees of the Berkut special forces unit have contacted the Crimean supervisory agency, having received injuries of varying degrees of severity, including gunshot wounds. The Crimean Prosecutor's Office has organized an investigation into the fact that employees of the Crimean Special Purpose Police Battalion "Berkut" suffered bodily injuries while performing their duties to protect public order during protests in Kyiv. After carrying out the primary verification actions, the materials were transferred to the investigative department of the police for pre-trial investigation. The most important investigative actions will be carried out personally by employees of the Crimean Prosecutor's Office, but, as you understand, it is too early to talk about the results.

And finally, tell us a little about yourself.

I have lived in Crimea since I was 10 years old. The most wonderful years have passed here, I consider myself a Crimean and I am going to live and work in my native land. I have hobbies: I play the piano, I draw pictures, however, I have not had enough time for this for a long time. Especially now, when the future of Crimea is at stake.”

. And all this - on the centenary of the revolution. Will the fight against Matilda fuel discord in our society?

Maybe the film was created specifically for this purpose. Have you ever thought? It's not about a fictional character - about an Orthodox holy martyr. And weren’t specific actors specifically selected for the role of the Russian sovereign and other characters?

There are many amazing actors in Russia. Are they really over? No, they are. Orthodox. But the Holy Martyr is played by a German porn actor. Didn’t the filmmakers really understand that his image would not suit Orthodox believers, people who respect their own dignity? Respecting their history. Those who come to church to worship the saints.

It was impossible not to understand this at the time the film was made. It is based on life and on complex characters, not some fictional ones, but on Orthodox saints. On the first face of the Russian state.

The second actor to play the empress's psychiatrist. Also a German actor who spoke impartially about our country. An actor who spits on our history and treats us and our traditions with disdain. He says that he doesn’t set foot in Russia, because Russia is an uncultured country, and that immorality reigns here, Supporting various destructive forces. According to the script, it is he who is attracted to the Russian Holy Empress to perform black magical rituals. Doesn't this fact hurt your self-esteem?

- But what difference does it make what the performers have behind them?

In this case, all factors must be taken into account. Moreover, law enforcement and supervisory authorities.

Unfortunately, it's the other way around. The Ministry of Culture issued a rental certificate, but issued it in violation of the regulations. After all, they forgot to ask the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture. They forgot to hold hearings. Why?

- Why, of all the films that discredit our history, did you choose “Matilda”?

But I didn’t choose. This is my job. Voters contacted me in writing and orally. And to tell people that you are turning to your deputy with a question that is not the one that I would like to consider, it is very inconvenient for me, I cannot. I won't do that. Today people contact me from Lugansk and Donetsk with such letters. I can't help but talk about them. People say: “Natalya Vladimirovna, in Donetsk, when the Banderaites seize our churches, and we have no weapons, we peaceful people, we have never taken up arms, we - old men, women, children, young guys - we take our most basic, most sacred thing - these are icons. This is our faith. This is what still holds us together. We take the icon of the holy sovereign and royal family. Unarmed! And we go to the armed Banderaites without fear. And they can’t do anything to us.”

Why is it now allowed to insult what is most basic in the Donbass? What gives us strength and saves us? This is our faith.


- We recorded the opinions of people who spoke about this story. Please comment.

Alexey Uchitel, director:

“Conclusions can only be drawn by looking at the picture. And the trailer is a collection of several frames and I don’t see anything offensive there. Plus there was a request and there is a response from the prosecutor’s office. And the answer says that everything is within the law.”

- He notes that the prosecutor’s office did not find any violations. Why do you continue to write parliamentary requests?

Currently, I have not received a single answer from the Prosecutor General, as required by law. Therefore, knowing the regulations of the Russian Prosecutor's Office, I continue to write. Because the most important leader has not yet responded to the State Duma deputy. Only subordinate employees respond. It's all normal. These are working issues. This is provided for by departmental management orders. Therefore, the filmmaker should not worry about this. Everything is within the law. An inspection is underway. No one is taking measures that would infringe on the creator of this film. On the contrary, as far as I know, for any reason and for no reason, the director and his lawyer run to the prosecutor's office as if they were lawyers: help. The prosecutor's office, as a body that investigates objectively and on the merits, accepts my arguments and does not reject them, treats the Teacher's side and his good lawyer in a completely kind manner.

Nikolai Svanidze, historian:

“It is historically reliable that Kshesinskaya had an affair with the future Tsar Nicholas II. In general, love is love. She can’t help but denigrate and dirty anyone.”

- There is a conclusion from historians. Let those who disagree with the conclusions invite scientists and discuss this topic.

The fact that love can be different, you know, this, of course, is how everyone interprets this love for themselves. Love is pure and bright, but, unfortunately, not everyone can understand this. They call it love now European countries marriage with a dog, with a cat. They celebrate a wedding and leave a legacy. Man to man. Maybe for some this is normal. For example, apparently, the German porn actor Lars Eidinger, who plays the holy Russian Sovereign, does not represent love this way. It is enough to look at what he is interested in and how he presents himself to everyone. Either he is in shit, or with symbols of a secret satanic society, or with strangled babies in a bag. Either he’s hanging on the wall with his bare ass, or, excuse me, he managed to push a sausage in there.

Today it seems mystical, but a hundred years ago a brutal murder was committed. The sovereign and his entire family were brutally killed. One gets the impression that the sacrifice is planned to be repeated. After all, the actor who played the Sovereign, apparently, positions himself as being related to the society of Satanists (everyone can go to his Instagram and look). Isn't this blasphemous? Could this hurt the feelings of believers? You should also pay attention to his comments today, which ridicule not Poklonskaya, but our history, Saints and faith.

Law enforcement agencies should pay attention to this.

In the soul of a Russian person there is still love for the Motherland. This is when you simply protect her from everything dirty and vulgar. We must love her, our Motherland. We have only one. And I know it. And Crimeans know this. Because it was already taken away from us, our Motherland. We were not allowed to speak Russian, including through art. The Nazis were heroes, the Banderaites were heroes. And all this was hammered into our heads there, in Ukraine, in Kyiv. When the slogans were fascist and said that this was good. This was all done by artists. Therefore, creative freedom cannot be unlimited. And it can also offend a person. We must respect each other, our homeland and our history. And then everything will be fine with us. There is no other way.


Alexander Volkov, press secretary of the Patriarch:

“As for the position of the Church, in my opinion, it is premature to make statements. Everyone needs to wait for the film to come out. I already had the opportunity to watch some version of this film, quite definitive. I had a lot of questions."

Why do you think the Church does not give its assessment of events? After all, all speeches are private statements of priests.

The answer is simple. Everyone keeps saying, and it is written in the Constitution, that we are a secular state. The church is separated from the state, therefore the position of the Russian Orthodox Church clearly and clearly stated in the words of its representatives. I have this position recorded from the holy hierarch Archimandrite Russian Abbot on Mount Athos Eulogius. And he cannot call this film anything other than an insult and mockery of the feelings of believers. He hasn't seen it - and doesn't intend to look. And he says you can’t watch it. Do you know why? Because the idea itself, the idea, the stated topic is based on unscrupulous rumors. It is deliberately provocative. And it causes rejection in every person who values ​​​​his history. The very fact of staging such a “movie” in a great Orthodox country, which many other nations look to with hope today, deeply saddens and depresses us on the holy Mount Athos, all pilgrims and clergy.

This position is stated in writing and coincides with the opinion of other hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church.


- But there were militants who called for burning cinemas. They are associated with you.

I will dispel all doubts. I prepared parliamentary requests for these people to be checked and held accountable for displaying extremist activities. In response to my inquiries, unfortunately, I received the answer that law enforcement agencies did not find any signs of any offense or crime in the statements of these individuals. Therefore, no one was attracted anywhere. But since it is there, it means something is wrong. What provoked them? The fact that, in their opinion, insulting the feelings of believers occurs, including at the expense of state money.


Vladimir Solovyov, TV presenter:

“We should use all this energy to fight corruption. Poklonskaya heads this very commission in the State Duma. But we hear about her exclusively in the sphere of her religious views. But in the Duma she does not lead the commission on the Inquisition.”

- Name three completed cases that really benefited people.

Our information space is structured in such a way that when you do a good deed, it either causes negativity, or it is uninteresting, it is not readable. And when there is a conflict somewhere, we can already talk. The field of activity is such that one can judge each other...

I have published what I have done several times on my pages. On the Duma website you can see what the results are and how many appeals were considered. For example, since January 1, 2017, I have reviewed about 3 thousand applications. Ask the deputies whether anyone else has this amount or not since the New Year. And I only have two assistants. The three of us sit and work. We don't throw them away. These are those appeals (about 3 thousand) that are related to long periods of detention, illegal prosecution, unjustified refusal to initiate criminal proceedings, violation of the rights of victims, and others. For example, in St. Petersburg, the corpses of one of the applicant’s relatives were discovered with multiple stab wounds, which resulted in rejected material. She asks, please help me, I can’t get a legal solution. The inheritance is gone, rewritten to other enterprises, other legal entities, companions of the killed. Based on my parliamentary requests (also numerous), a case is being initiated and investigated, she is recognized as a victim. Is this a good deed? Judge for yourself. For the person I helped, this is a good deed, for others, I don’t know. Then there is an appeal, let’s say this: “Natalya Vladimirovna, we can’t get from Crimea, from Lugansk, from Donetsk, - send the child for treatment to Moscow, because we need to diagnose, we need to purchase medical drugs.” We help, we guide children. Do you know how many of these children we sent to Moscow? We provided a free appointment and diagnostics in Crimea. They took doctors from the Moscow Tushino Clinical Hospital. And they carried out a free diagnosis. 29 children (along with their parents) were taken to Moscow for treatment.

There is a lot to talk about. We have to do it. If anyone is interested in my work, take a look and monitor. It's nice when people appreciate and then write good letters in response.


Whose side are you on in the Matilda situation?

Victor MEREZHKO, screenwriter, film director:

Vitaly MILONOV, State Duma deputy:

The film openly aims to undermine the authority of state power. And we should make films like this in the West, but we don’t. And they do it here. And 20 years later, having retired, a high-ranking US official will tell us how they sold this film.

Yes, Nicholas II was canonized. But that doesn't mean he didn't live life ordinary person and could not have a mistress. And this does not mean that today we cannot discuss it.

Yuri GRYMOV, artistic director of the Modern theater:

A director has to be as confident as possible in his film to be so protective of it and be a part of the story. Obviously, everyone is now rushing to watch Matilda. If the picture turns out to be bad, it will be a serious blow to both the Teacher and all his defenders.

Alikhan TSECHOEV, Permanent Representative of Ingushetia to the President of the Russian Federation:

We are on the side common sense. Any film that is released should be addressed to everyone, not labeled “16+”, and bring with it peace and a unifying note...

Evgeny GERASIMOV, actor, head of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Culture:

How can I tell which side I'm on if I haven't seen the movie? Thanks to criticism, interest in the film has grown significantly, including abroad. I'll definitely go see it.

Sergei LUKYANENKO, science fiction writer:

I am absolutely indifferent to this situation. I'm not sure I'll watch this movie. Not interesting... But it would be ridiculous to ban Matilda.

Artem REMIZOV, listener of Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda” (97.2 FM):

I'm on the side of justice. And what we are seeing now is some kind of blatant bacchanalia... I think time will put everything in its place.

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Natalya Poklonskaya - “KP”: Freedom of creativity is not limitless, it can also offend. "Matilda" is an example of this. Will the fight against the Teacher's film lead to new revolution? What does Poklonskaya do besides fight the scandalous film? The State Duma deputy told KP about this in a long interview.


Ramzan Kadyrov asked the Minister of Culture to ban “Matilda” in Chechnya

Now the scandal surrounding the film about the romance between Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya has reached the Russian regions. The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov asked the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky to ban the film by director Alexei Uchitel - “KP” had a letter from Kadyrov at its disposal

Photo Vladimir Fedorenko / RIA Novosti

Head of the State Duma Commission for Monitoring the Reliability of Information on Income, Property and Property Liabilities Submitted by Deputies, Natalia Poklonskaya reported the elimination of an error in the deputy’s declaration Leonid Slutsky.

Deputy's mistake

An appeal to the commission with information that Slutsky owns an undeclared plot on Rublyovka came from the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). " All appeals received by the chairman of the commission - in my name - were preliminarily considered. Even from those persons who are not the subjects initiating the inspection of our specialized commission. That is, in particular, this is an appeal from the Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation regarding Slutsky“,” Poklonskaya told reporters, noting that this appeal was also considered.

According to her, not only Slutsky, but also other deputies also had questions regarding the provision of certificates for declaring land plots for real estate, and they asked about making corrections to the declarations.

As the parliamentarian noted, for “technical reasons”, due to the fact that “there were no similar problems before”, the deputies submitted a declaration and indicated a separate house and a separate plot of land in the income certificate. " But if this land under the house is under a separate legal document, then, of course, it must be indicated. And there was a discrepancy in this. And some deputies did not always pay attention to this, and then, when presenting the relevant certificates to make changes, the deadline passed", RIA Novosti quotes Poklonskaya.

That's why new information, in her words, is already indicated in the declarations for 2017, including from Slutsky. " That is, today there are no omissions that were made in the declaration for 2016", concluded Poklonskaya.

According to her, within a month, deputies have the right to correct inaccuracies that were indicated in the certificates they provided. Information about the income and property of deputies will be published before April 19, 2018, the head of the commission said.

We need to check FBK

Poklonskaya also said that she intends to contact law enforcement regarding the FBK complaint regarding deputy Slutsky, as she sees signs of a violation of the federal law “On the Protection of Personal Data.”

“Regarding Slutsky, they received legal documents concerning him real estate. Due to the law on the protection of personal data, such documents cannot be publicly available. Therefore, I will send a request to law enforcement agencies in this regard.", - explained Poklonskaya, whose words were quoted by RBC.

FBK lawyer Ivan Zhdanov in turn, he told RBC that all the fund’s investigations are based on open sources and there are no violations of the law on personal data.

“It is very strange to observe how the State Duma commission, instead of raising the issue of terminating the powers of Deputy Slutsky, for which there are undeniable legal grounds, threatens with liability those who proved and pointed out a gross violation of the law by Deputy Slutsky.”, says Zhdanov.

— Natalya Vladimirovna, you announced the start of a declaration campaign: journalists and public organizations can send you information about facts of corruption among State Duma deputies. Have there been many complaints?

“The appeal that I made is an order that has worked for many years, and I just clarified it. This is a procedure for people who want to talk about some violations, about the facts of concealment of reliable information about property, assets, accounts on the part of State Duma deputies. So far no messages have been received.

At the beginning of the work of the new convocation of the State Duma, there was an appeal regarding one of the deputies, but the facts concerned the period election campaign and did not concern the work of this person as a deputy. This was information about what happened before he became a deputy. The circumstances outlined in the appeal were in no way within the competence of our parliamentary commission. Therefore, this appeal was not considered by the commission, but at its meeting, which I chaired, it was decided that these facts would be taken into account during the declaration campaign in 2017.

As for public organizations, there was only one appeal. And not as the chairman of the commission, but as a deputy. It came from the Anti-Corruption Foundation and concerned the mayor Nizhny Novgorod. As expected, in this regard, I sent a letter to the competent authorities with a request to conduct an inspection.

— What kind of information regarding the mayor of this city was contained in the FBK appeal?

— I think all this information is in the public domain. Everything that came from public activists was redirected law enforcement agencies.

— People are always interested in the personal lives of deputies, senior officials, as well as their income. When do you plan to submit your personal income tax return? What property will you declare?

— I plan to submit a declaration to as soon as possible. Already in February we will prepare it with my assistants. In fact, nothing has changed for me compared to the previous period. Therefore, it will not be difficult to fill out this declaration, collect all the necessary certificates and submit it before April 1. The declaration for 2016 will include a service apartment in Simferopol, which I was entitled to as the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. There will be no Moscow service apartment there - the documents for it were finalized only in January. Unfortunately, we don’t have our own housing. I cannot yet say about the exact amount of income, since I do not have all the necessary certificates on hand.

— Which immediate relatives will be declared?

— What concerns me personally and my minor child, daughter Anastasia, will be declared.

— Alexey Uchitel said the other day that he would submit a statement to the Prosecutor General’s Office against you “and other opponents of Matilda.” How will you react?

  • Poklonskaya commented on Teacher’s intention to file a lawsuit with the Prosecutor General’s Office against her

“My reaction is completely calm, because during the period of my service in the prosecutor’s office - which is 15 years - they often complained about me. My work is what I do in the interests of the state and in the interests of the people. I have received appeals - I am obliged to consider them. That is, I will under no circumstances hide these appeals in a nightstand or closet. Appeals regarding the film "Matilda" were received in my name with about 20 thousand signatures of citizens attached - a check was organized. The results of my work do not always bring joy to some people. If they have questions about my work, Alexey Uchitel or other people, they can make their statements about this - this is their right. I regard this as a defensive reaction, since it is known that best protection- this is an attack.

— After scandalous stories in the field of art (exhibition of photographs by Jock Sturges, the play “Tannhäuser”, the exhibition of dead animals by Jan Fabre in the Hermitage, the film “Matilda”), perhaps we should think about mechanisms of social regulation? Admission of certain works of art. Maybe it’s worth creating special expert groups?

— You can create a lot of expert groups on various issues. But why reinvent the wheel? There are already law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor's office. There are people appealing to these structures. It is simply necessary to fully and objectively consider the appeals of people who believe that their rights have been violated. Instead of making unsubscribes, saying that something didn’t work out, that they didn’t see something somewhere, and the like. Government agencies need to fulfill their responsibilities. For example, an exhibition of dead animals is propaganda of violence and cruelty to animals. Is an expert commission really needed here? Here you just need to check with competent structures and respond to this in a documented manner so that such things do not happen again. Here, expert groups will be of assistance, which, by the way, can be created upon the recommendation of the prosecutor’s office.

— Let's talk about your work as deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Anti-Corruption. How do you think legislation in this area should be improved?

— First of all, you need to fulfill and comply with those requirements and norms that are already prescribed in the current legislation. Current laws regulate absolutely all issues and address all problems that arise in practice during anti-corruption work. Of course, there may be gaps and points that need to be improved. But if law enforcement agencies made full use of the powers and levers that are already provided, it would be easier to understand what needs to be improved.

I asked law enforcement agencies - the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, Supreme Court Russia - information on whether there are any problems in law enforcement practice in the area related to the work of law enforcement officers in anti-corruption work. If they have problems that are not resolved at the legislative level, or proposals on how the law can be improved so that corruption can be fought more easily and effectively, I will study this information and materials and propose amendments to the legislation.

— The media reported that you propose to control the income of ex-wives of officials as affiliates. How to identify such cases among deputies and officials? Are children of officials affiliated? At what stage is the bill now?

— In each specific case, it is necessary to check and prove the fact of affiliation . As I already said, I made a request for information to government agencies. This information needs to be obtained in order to develop measures to prevent or suppress the possibility of veiling or providing false data by officials in terms of property, assets, and all provided restrictions. They can do this through fictitious divorces, through registration of their real estate, property or accounts in ex-spouses or children, close relatives or other people. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the practice and problems that exist today in identifying such cases. And then discuss them at a round table and make appropriate proposals.

— By the way, about children. Do you have any suggestions on how to combat nepotism?

- How to fight him? Officials and their families must understand that they are subject to the requirements of the law and society to a greater extent than other people.

If a person goes to perform government functions, to work for the benefit of the people and the state, he must understand that he needs to separate his life and work - the responsibilities that he has assigned himself.

— What bills are you still working on?

— A bill is in the works to amend several federal laws to simplify the acquisition of Russian citizenship by compatriots living abroad. I am a co-sponsor of this bill. This is a bill, in accordance with the instructions of the President of December 12, 2012, on the accelerated procedure for obtaining citizenship by native speakers of the Russian language and culture - descendants of those who were born in Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union. For those who would like to move to Russia for permanent residence and renounce their current citizenship.

— Previously, proposals were repeatedly made to introduce polygraph testing for officials, including senior officials, as well as for parliamentarians. What is your opinion on this measure?

  • Poklonskaya commented on the possible introduction of a polygraph test for parliamentarians

- My sister- polygraph examiner. And one day I asked her: “Len, let’s try it on me how it works.” My sister asked me, relatively speaking: “It’s February 3, 2016. Right?" I answer: “Yes.” “It’s sunny outside now, right?” - “Yes.” Then she shows me the result and says: “You fooled the polygraph! It’s 2017, not 2016.” I just didn't pay attention to this moment. Likewise, a person who will be examined by a polygraph will be able to deceive him, believing that he is right. Therefore, the results of polygraphic research are not 100% reliable; they cannot be the basis for accusing a person of committing a particular crime. The results of a polygraph examination must be confirmed by the totality of all circumstances and collected data. If it is advisable to use a polygraph to check an official, including on his initiative, this, of course, can be used. But the universal use of the polygraph is unjustified.

— In Russia, various initiators proposed introducing punishment for promising a bribe. Do you think it is necessary to punish for promising a bribe?

— If we provide for liability in the Criminal Code for every intention to commit an unlawful act, then every resident will have a criminal record. Offering a bribe can also be a joke or deception and have no real consequences. Let's say someone offered a bribe, but did not intend to give this bribe later, he was just joking. But he has already been prosecuted; he already has a criminal record. But this man also has children who will later want to enroll in law school and want to serve for the good of their homeland. But they won’t be able to, because the parent has a criminal record, because he once joked or promised to give a bribe.

I don’t think it’s worth introducing such liability, especially criminal liability. The current Criminal Code contains enough articles - both bribery and attempted bribery - that represent an unfinished crime. If law enforcement agencies record the criminal activity of an official, then the persons who provoked and committed crimes involving “bribe-giving” will be prosecuted. If someone sees in such a proposal (introduce punishment for promising a bribe. - RT) meaning, then you need to approach this very carefully - this is a delicate issue. Because as a result of this innovation, every second or third resident will have a criminal record. And not only for an offer to give a bribe, but also for any offer to do something illegal, but without a real intention to do it.

— Former minister economic development Alexey Ulyukaev was accused of extortion and receiving a bribe of $2 million. Should corrupt actions of senior officials, such as the case with Ulyukaev, be equated to high treason?

— It happens that an ordinary police officer receives a “reward” in the form of food or a bribe of 20-30 thousand rubles. And in such cases, the officials accused of this receive full program taking into account all aggravating circumstances. And for an official of such a level as a federal minister, the demand should be much greater. But, definitely, guilt must be proven. And the punishment in court will be determined, among other things, taking into account the official position of this official. But treason is punishable under another specific article. For receiving and extorting a bribe there should be a punishment no less (than for high treason. - RT), but one should not mix two different crimes - the article for high treason involves completely different actions than the article for taking a bribe.

— Does your experience as a prosecutor help you in your parliamentary work? Do you plan to return to the prosecutor's office after some time?

— I live by this prosecutorial experience ( laughs). Everything I have learned, all my work consists of prosecutorial experience. I have been working in the prosecutor's office since 2002, and for me it is a more comfortable environment.

Of course, prosecutorial experience helps me in my work. For example, an elementary point is citizens’ appeals. Conducting prosecutorial checks on compliance with the law on citizens' appeals in other departments, we identified gross violations. Thus, these are cases when citizens’ appeals were not considered - a selective approach to appeals was used. Either the review deadline was missed or the answer was given incorrectly. As a State Duma deputy, I understand how work is carried out with citizens’ appeals, how to work with relevant departments regarding inspections, and so on.

As for returning to the prosecutor's office, that's how it turns out. Wherever they decide, appoint me, I’ll be there. My job is to serve my homeland. Where I need to serve, there I will serve ( smiling).

— What goals do you set for yourself as deputy chairman of the Duma Anti-Corruption Committee?

— The goal is to do your job with dignity. I have been entrusted with heading the commission to control the income and expenses of State Duma deputies. The work of this commission involves considering all received applications, conducting inspections, and identifying violations. Therefore, the goal is to perform in detail, comprehensively and completely the functions that are assigned.

— Are you following how Crimea is developing?

— I not only watch, but also worry about how Crimea is developing. My parents live in Crimea. It is very pleasant to see how Russian Crimea is connected before our eyes with the Russian Caucasus - that grandiose construction that is taking place under the personal control and on the initiative of our president - the Kerch Bridge. It's nice to see how the airport infrastructure in Simferopol is developing. I am very happy about all this. But there are also negative aspects: the condition of the roads, various problems of local and regional significance. They, of course, are being resolved, but it is necessary to take all measures, use all our strengths, including me, so that these problems are resolved more actively.

— You have extensive experience working in the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine. Do you know about corrupt officials or corrupt deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine?

  • Poklonskaya: I have materials on specific corrupt officials in Ukraine

— Of course it is known, I worked in the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. And my former colleagues from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine know these facts. Maybe someone doesn't have the fortitude to work with it.

If I have a wish former colleagues from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, I can provide materials on specific deputies of the Verkhovna Rada and officials of the highest echelon of power in Ukraine on corruption activities. Just let them make an official request.

Of course, we can and should talk about corruption. But what can we call what is happening now in the south-east of Ukraine - in the Donbass - and the lack of reaction from the Ukrainian prosecutor's office?! When children and old people are being killed right under their noses, civilians are being bombed. And no measures are being taken, no one is holding anyone accountable from among those leaders of Ukraine who are in charge of these war crimes.

Comparing socially dangerous consequences corruption and war crimes that are being committed today in the Donbass, it is necessary to respond first of all to these war crimes. And regarding corruption, if my colleagues from Ukraine want to receive it, let them contact me, I will provide it.

— The media reported about a new money laundering scheme. A non-resident files a claim for debt collection in court against a resident, a citizen of Russia. The resident agrees to write off the debt, a court decision is made, and the bailiff service writes off the money from the resident’s account, transferring it to a non-resident abroad to a foreign bank. How should this problem be solved?

“The solution is for law enforcement to fulfill their responsibilities.” It is they who must identify such facts, including with the participation of the bailiff service. Collect materials about this, including the official nature of the crime on the part of FSSP employees, if such cases actually occur. And decide to initiate criminal cases. Law enforcement agencies need to work.

— Our readers are interested in who your grandparents were. Could you talk about this?

  • Poklonskaya spoke about her grandparents

- This is completely personal ( smiling). For me they are the best. For example, one grandmother, she is 89 years old, who, thank God, lives. She now lives in Lugansk on the territory of the LPR. Under no circumstances is she going to leave and doesn’t want to, because it’s hers. native land. She is already a hero - she survived the years of war, and now there is a second war. And he says: “I will not die until peace comes again to our land.” These are my grandparents, I am proud of them. But who they were or their pedigree is personal ( smiling).

— Do you communicate often? What does grandma say about the worsening situation in Donbass?

— Of course, we are constantly in touch.

The situation in Donbass cannot be called anything other than war.

— On February 2, Vladimir Putin appointed Oleg Kamshilov to the post of prosecutor of Crimea. Do you communicate with him?

- No, I don’t communicate. And, unfortunately, I don't know him. I am sure that he is a worthy person and that everything will work out for him. new position, I wish him success! I would like the staff of the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Crimea to be preserved. Because this is a team that, at the most crucial time for our republic, for our peninsula, was able to organize itself and was able to support. These are employees who honorably fulfilled their duty to defend their homeland and defend the officer’s honor.

— What advice do you give to young patriots who want to follow your path - to serve their country in government agencies - but due to the fact that they are inferior to older, more experienced people in the competition and cannot get there?

— Both more experienced people and young professionals have their pros and cons. For example, at young specialist his eyes are burning, he wants to show that he is able to move mountains. It is important to show what is required of him. And this person will try, will grow, achieve his goals. It is very important that I want to wish such people - let them believe in themselves, in their strength. And the most important thing is when they achieve that goal, the most desired goal - to become good specialist, receive the rank of general - let them always remember that they must do this in good conscience. You can’t betray, you can’t step over people, you need to value friendship, and everything will be fine. Good luck and God's help!