Going to language courses in the USA is not only an opportunity to thoroughly master the English language and culture, but also a chance to stay in this huge and developed country for a long time or forever. At the choice of the future student, the course program can be more or less intensive, have different duration and focus. Intensive or summer courses are more aimed at improving the level of English proficiency; annual courses will help you learn the language perfectly in order to subsequently receive a decent education and find a job in any country in the world.

Language courses in America – great opportunities

Attending language courses in America is a unique chance to broaden your horizons, gain new knowledge and reach a different level of life. It’s nice that the country has separate English courses for adults, and programs for children or students.

The importance of completing the American language program cannot be overestimated:

  • courses provide complete immersion in the language environment and excellent language practice;
  • the student masters the English language perfectly, which opens up new horizons for study and work;
  • You can enter a selected American university or college based on the results of passing a language exam.

The US educational system allows you to simultaneously study a language and work part-time to cover the cost of room and board. You can live in a family, a hostel or rent an apartment.

Types of language courses

In the USA, you can choose an English language course to suit your taste. Various organizations offer a wide range of educational programs designed for all ages. Upon completion of the courses, the student is issued a diploma or certificate.

The programs are designed in such a way that learning English in America is possible for students of all categories:

  1. General English course.
  2. Intensive course - includes about 28 lessons per week to quickly master the language.
  3. A specialized program for highly specialized specialists.
  4. Preparation for passing international exams IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, FCE.
  5. Business English for business in the USA.

Language courses for school graduates aimed at further education in the States are often conducted by American universities.

Studying a language program at a US university is a great opportunity to gain quality knowledge and practice colloquial speech, find friends, learn the principles of education in the country.

University teachers present material adaptively, which helps Russians absorb knowledge faster.

Admission and training features

To enroll in a US language school, an applicant will need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

  • application form;
  • a copy of the completed passport pages;
  • receipts for tuition and school registration fees.

At the very beginning, students take a special test (written and oral), which helps the teacher determine their level of English knowledge. Based on the results of the work, the flow is divided into groups.

There are online tests you can take before traveling. A language school that offers such tests administers them several times and monitors each student's progress.

During classes, school students are constantly in contact with the teacher and among themselves, developing spoken English. In addition, training involves:

  • constant completion of tasks and exercises,
  • studying grammar,
  • taking notes,
  • writing essays and compositions,
  • listening to lectures,
  • work in the library.

Preparing documents for the trip

International students can apply for an F1, J1 or M1 visa. The first two give the right to work while studying, the latter does not provide such an opportunity.

In most cases, foreign citizens are issued a special student visa to the United States for language courses - F1. It is issued specifically for those who want to get an education in America: children can receive it after enrolling in high school (14–15 years old), adults - before turning 40 years old.

To obtain an F1 visa, a student must have an academic load of 20 hours per week. One of the advantages of this type is permission to work on campus 20 hours a week during the semester and full time during the holidays (for students in programs lasting 6 months or more)

Reasons for obtaining – completion of academic training:

  • English courses;
  • preparation for admission to higher education;
  • admission to college, bachelor's or master's degrees;
  • short-term vocational training;
  • summer language programs for schoolchildren.

To obtain an exit permit you will need:

  • receipt of payment for courses;
  • invitation from a language school - form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility);
  • receipt for payment of SEVIS I-901 Fee - in the online system of mandatory registration of all non-residents of America during their stay in the USA: the cost is $ 200, and you can register on the Student and Exchange Visitor Program website;
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application (Form DS-160);
  • confirmation of payment of the consular fee, which is 160 US dollars;
  • evidence of financial security;
  • international passport;
  • color photograph 5x5 cm (more detailed requirements can be found on the web resource of the information service for US visas for Russians).

You should consider in advance how to document such points as:

  • duration of stay in the USA;
  • place of residence;
  • payment for the trip – independently or with the support of a sponsor.

Additional documents often require photocopies of papers confirming connections with the homeland (property, marriage certificate, birth of a child), medical certificates, extracts from the place of study or work.

To complete programs lasting up to 12 weeks, it is enough to apply for a B2 tourist visa (Visitor Visa), provided that the student will study for less than 18 hours per week. In addition, you should remember that working on this type of visa is prohibited.

When applying for a tourist visa to attend language courses, it is better to take care in advance to confirm the number of hours from the chosen school.

Choosing a city to study a language in the USA

Deciding on the city where it is better to enroll in courses is quite difficult. If the purpose of enrolling in language courses in the USA is to further study at a university in the country and/or do an internship in local companies, then three cities are ideal:

  • Boston,
  • San Francisco,
  • NY.

It is in these cities that the best universities America, where you can enroll in language courses. In addition, in megacities you can always find part-time work, and subsequently a good permanent job, which will serve as a reason to move to the country.

According to reviews, the most inexpensive options in New York are schools:

  • Bell Language School (Brooklyn),
  • Spanish American Institute (Manhattan),
  • Kingsborough Community College, and others.

The choice of city for those who plan to study further in America largely depends on the university they are planning to attend. It would be logical to take language courses at this university or at least in the same city.

Those whose goal is to combine business with pleasure, that is, improve their language skills and relax, or take up a hobby plus English, should pay attention to programs that provide summer schools in the USA in resort cities: San Diego, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Hawaii.

Other cities include: Chicago, Washington, Atlanta, Portland, Houston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles. The strongest language schools in America are located here.

The most popular language schools for admission in the USA

CitySchool nameAverage tuition fee per week (more specifically determined by the chosen course of study), $
New York, Boston, Los AngelesSprachcaffe180
MiamiOpen Hearts Language Academy220
MiamiEC Miami School220
San Francisco, New YorkSt. Giles406–421
Miami, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Portland, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Seattle, Philadelphia,Kaplan International English420–450
New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, BostonEuropean Center of English Language Studies (EC)370– 415
Boston (Kaplan school)Kaplan Boston Harvard Square450
Chicago, Boston, San FranciscoStafford House International370
San Diego, New York, San FranciscoEmbassy English325–355

As you can see, the cost of English courses in the USA varies depending on the location and school.

This is not the entire list of the best language schools USA. Large developed cities, modern high-rise buildings, beautifully equipped classrooms, experienced teachers - all this is offered by the leading language schools in America.

The language school Kaplan New York SoHo (official website of the school) stands out especially. The educational center located close to world famous attractions - Washington Square, Downtown, Midtown. You can come here to study a language at any time of the year; the school has all types of programs, including annual language courses.

A visitor to the United States has plenty of opportunities to learn English without paying any money. Language courses for students of English as a second language are called ESL - short for English as a Second Language.

Find in full free courses English in the USA can be found, for example, in:

  • libraries;
  • special centers or schools, for example, the Riverside Language Program in New York or the Cope ESL school with branches in Brooklyn and Manhattan;
  • groups that come together to improve speaking skills.

An excellent option for the summer are children's camps in the States, where you can relax and learn the language. The age groups are very different. For example, Julian Krinsky Haverford in Philadelphia offers programs for children from 4 to 13 years old. Most language courses are designed for teenagers from about 15 years old.

Employment while attending language courses

Many people are concerned about the possibility of earning extra money while studying language courses in the USA. In most cases, the workload at school is such that there is practically no time or energy left for work.

Students who attend language courses in the United States can work on the campus of their school for a maximum of 20 hours per week.

In order to officially find a job while studying a language, you need to contact the special Designated School Official (DSO) department, which is easy to find in any large university or educational institution.

It is prohibited to work during language courses without the permission of the DSO. If a student is found to be working illegally, the school's I-20 will be canceled and the student will be asked to leave the United States as soon as possible.

Is it expensive to live in the United States?

The following table will help you roughly compare prices in different American cities:

NYLos AngelesBostonSan DiegoSan Francisco
Visit to a middle class restaurant, for 2 people, 3 courses85 70 64 50 80
Transport fare, 1 ticket2.75 1.75 2.45 2.5 2.75
Gasoline cost0.8 0.97 0.75 0.95 1.01
Monthly utility costs148.81 146.52 156.22 133.38 118.23
Payment kindergarten, per month2328.32 1116.92 1739.83 1034.9 2117.54
Cost of a pair of jeans54.68 50.02 48.57 46.43 62.24
Rental cost of a 1-room apartment, per month3 135,7 / 2 153,7 / 2 380,3 / 1 965,5 / 3 390/
(in the center / on the outskirts)2031.5 1644.7 1742.4 1550 2775.8
Price 1 sq.m. housing in the center / on the outskirts4 117 / 6 252,3 7 386/ 4 830 9 324/ 4 269,5 5 850 / 4081,3 12 492,8 / 9 829
Salary (average, after taxes)4768 4189 4288 4229.8 6558.7
Cost of some products on the market
Milk, 1 l1.18 1.02 0.84 0.92 1.13
Bread, 500 g3.82 3.05 2.75 3.23 3.74
Eggs, 12 pcs.3.55 3.27 2.81 3.08 3.32
Veal, 1 kg14.74 12.97 14.8 12.03 17.85
Potatoes, 1 kg3.54 2.83 3.91 2.21 3.51

If you plan to travel to school in San Diego, you should expect $900 per month without rent. Including cost rented apartment the amount may increase to $3,500. However, in comparison, for example, with San Francisco, where about $5,500 will be spent for the same purposes, this is still inexpensive.

Language courses in the USA: good or bad?

The price of language courses for Russians, Kazakhstanis and other citizens of the post-Soviet space is quite high. This is one of the main disadvantages of studying in America.

Our compatriots also note difficulties in obtaining and extending a visa, differences in mentalities and the education system in general. However, the level of knowledge taught and the possibility of immigration with subsequent employment in the country more than compensate for these shortcomings.

Language programs have no age restrictions, are varied in areas and prices, even free. Russian-speaking visitors are treated very friendly here, which is also a big plus.

Language courses in the USA: Video

There are many reasons. Here are just a few of them:

Hospitality of local people. Foreign students feel comfortable in America. This is largely due to the fact that the country is tolerant of representatives different cultures, nationalities and religions.

Favorable prices. Thanks to the wide variety of programs, listeners have the opportunity to choose the best option taking into account their existing budget.

Communication practice. Attending language courses in America allows you to constantly practice the skills acquired in class in live conversations with others, which makes learning a foreign language abroad many times more effective than in Russia.

Broad prospects. Schoolchildren have a significantly increased chance of entering a university that is among the top educational institutions in the world. At the same time, adults can establish business contacts that will be useful to them in their work in the future.

Expanding your horizons. In their free time, students can get acquainted with the sights of the country, including the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Niagara Falls, Times Square, the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, the Hollywood Walk of Fame and much more.

There are two types of language schools in America:

International. They have a developed branch network in different cities, and sometimes even countries. These language centers include Kaplan and Language Studies International (LSI). Their main advantages are the high quality of educational services, compliance with the corporation’s internal standards based on many years of experience, as well as an excellent material and technical base and experienced teachers.

National. They work in a certain region. They are characterized by intimacy and a special atmosphere.

English language courses in America: types and their characteristics

By intensity:

Standard. It is an excellent solution for those who want to spend their vacation profitably. Within its framework, students will learn to read, write, express themselves in English, and most importantly, understand what a native speaker is saying. Since such a program provides only 15-20 lessons, students have enough free time for recreation, excursions and sports. The standard course lasts, as a rule, 1 week.

Intensive. It is an accelerated program that allows you to learn a foreign language as quickly as possible. The number of classes within the intensive course can reach 35 hours per week. Improving foreign language skills through this program is important for those who are planning to move abroad or want to go here to study.

By target orientation:

Business course. Provides for the study of business vocabulary from 30 hours per week. During this time, students master the skills of negotiations, presentations and correspondence with partners. At the same time, one of the subtypes of business courses are specialized language programs. They are aimed at studying highly specialized vocabulary, which in its professional activity used by lawyers, economists, IT workers, managers, etc.

Preparation for passing international exams. A similar course is aimed at successful completion students of tests such as TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, FCE and CAE. To do this, in class, students study the structure of assignments and write trial papers similar to exam papers. To undergo such training, the student’s level of language knowledge must be at least intermediate. Otherwise, it is better for him to first take a standard foreign language course.

Preparation for entering university. This program lasts for a year. Within its framework, the future student will receive knowledge in the basic disciplines, which he will subsequently have to study within the framework of his chosen specialty. In addition, he will improve his knowledge of English and adapt to the conditions of being abroad.

By student composition:

Children's. Relevant for guys of different ages. For preschoolers, classes are held in the format of games, performances or excursions. The program for older children includes visiting attractions, going to the cinema and amusement parks. The intensity of classes depends on the age of the children. Typically, 12 to 20 hours a week are devoted to foreign language lessons. Children's courses last from a couple of weeks to several months. At the same time, vacation programs are the most popular among schoolchildren, since they provide an opportunity to improve foreign language not at the expense of basic studies.

Family. These types of English language courses in the USA allow both children and adults to improve their knowledge at the same time, since learning for them is organized in parallel. In this case, students usually live together in a host family, apartment, hotel or school residence. Children and parents spend their free time and weekends together. They walk around the city, attend excursions, go to museums and cafes.

The program that provides accommodation, meals and foreign language learning in the teacher’s home deserves special attention. It is universal because it is available for both adults and children. In this case, the teacher prepares an individual course for the student, taking into account his range of interests and abilities. This approach is most effective because short term allows the student to access new level foreign knowledge. The duration of training and intensity of classes are agreed upon with the student.

What should you pay attention to when choosing English language courses in America?

To an educational institution. It is better for foreigners to improve their English in schools with the smallest number compatriots among the listeners.

On the topic of the course. The material will be learned more effectively if its focus is interesting to the student.

For financial inclusion. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of language courses, but also the cost of flights to the USA, accommodation, meals and pocket expenses.

To the place of training. It is worth choosing a city in which the listener will feel as comfortable as possible. Since there are linguistic schools and centers in almost every state, this will not be a problem.

Features of teaching English in the USA

  1. Improving foreign languages ​​in the States allows you to quickly overcome the language barrier. Why? Because the American version is more flexible than the British one, it is easier to perceive by ear. In addition, US schools offer programs that take into account linguistic features listeners' native language. They are aimed at developing students' oral and writing, as well as reading and listening comprehension.
  2. English language courses in the USA involve dividing students into groups. To do this, before starting classes, students take a test that helps teachers understand general level foreign ownership in order to subsequently more objectively distribute them into groups.
  3. American language schools offer a large selection of programs for various categories of students. The best option Vacation programs are considered for schoolchildren. Adults can choose year-round English courses, additionally choosing classes that will suit their professional interests or hobbies.
  4. During the training, students complete intermediate tests. This is necessary to measure progress and identify gaps in the knowledge of foreigners.

Teaching English in America with STAR Academy

Do you need to improve your English, but can't give up the desire to travel a lot? And it is not necessary! You have a direct road to the USA! The United States of America is one of the most interesting and unusual countries peace. The nature of the USA is extremely diverse, from North to South - from Alaska to Hawaii, from West to East - from Florida to Niagara. Going to study English in the USA is an opportunity to plunge into the modern American rhythm of life, travel around the country, discovering new horizons, and at the same time choose a training program that would be ideal for you, meeting exactly your needs and wishes. Of particular note is the fact that language schools are located on both coasts North America, which is undoubtedly another advantage of studying in the USA.

Language schools in the USA

Education received in the USA is highly valued throughout the world, and educational establishments This country prides itself on providing state-of-the-art equipment and resources for students. By coming to study English in the USA, you will join the world's largest community of international students, and will be able to fully benefit from this for your future career or study. American schools and universities treat international students very well, and Americans as a nation are very friendly and welcoming. Finally, many employers will value your knowledge gained in this country, as well as the important communication and social skills that international students traditionally develop while studying in the United States.

Language schools in the USA are located throughout the country: you can study English on the sunny shores of Miami, enjoying the tropics and year-round warmth, in the center of New York, getting into the spirit business world, in calm Washington or windy Chicago, admiring the vast Lake Michigan. At the same time, it is worth understanding that from north to south you will find the same high quality of education. Most language schools in America are network schools, working according to uniform methods and having equally high technological equipment. Some American universities also offer English courses: as a rule, such classes are intended for students planning to enter a given university in the future.

Living in the country while taking English courses in the USA can also be considered part of the educational process. Many schools offer accommodation not only in residences, but also in host families: in this case, the student will communicate with native speakers even in their free time from lessons. Just like excursions, shopping or other pastimes are not only entertaining, but help to hone the acquired knowledge in real situations.

English language programs in the USA

Language courses in America are intended for those who aim to quickly and efficiently learn modern English and obtain a diploma or certificate. Depending on the goals of students, language schools in America offer a wide range of programs.

One of the most popular areas is a general English course, which can be easily combined with relaxation, excursions or sports. This decision- an ideal option for a useful “vacation” pastime.

For those whose plans are more ambitious, intensive English courses are offered in the USA. In this case, the number of lessons increases; for greater effect, it is possible to take additional individual lessons with a teacher.

For those students whose need for language is related to professional tasks, English schools in the USA offer business English courses, preparation courses for the international TOEFL exam, and general preparation courses for further study at universities in English-speaking countries.

In short, no matter what purpose you come to America for, finding suitable language courses will not be difficult!

Cost of English courses in the USA

Many Russian students think that language courses in the USA are very expensive. This is not entirely true. The cost of English learning programs in America varies greatly. It depends on the course itself (intensive or individual lessons always cost more than a standard course), location (studying in central New York or in the southern states is more expensive than in small towns « middle zone"), as well as the season (traditionally, in the summer and during the New Year holidays - the highest prices). The preferences of the student also play a role: the final cost of English language courses in the USA is influenced by the type of accommodation, meals, leisure expenses and class of air travel.

A budget option for studying English in the USA will cost 1500-2000 USD for a week-long course. The cost of the intensive can be 2-3 times higher. The price of an individual lesson is 50-100 USD per lesson.

Separately, it is worth saying that many language schools in America accommodate Russian students and periodically hold seasonal promotions when you can book an English course in the USA at a price 20-40% lower than usual.

Language courses are designed for people of different ages and levels of preparation. Our company will select basic programs and intensive training for schoolchildren and adults. We will also find family courses for parents and children that involve staying in the country together. Studying in America will give children and adults the opportunity to improve their educational level and see the sights of the country. Specialized English courses in the USA will suit students high school those planning to enroll in local universities, and adults preparing to move for permanent residence or for work. They provide in-depth knowledge.

Pros of learning English in the USA

  • More than half of the native speakers live here. American English is the most popular throughout the world. Special courses will help you master modern oral and written speech.
  • America is one of the world leaders in economics and politics. Motivated and ambitious people from all over the world come here to achieve success in their careers. The country is a leader in many educational areas and science. Studying at English language schools in America makes it easier to enter foreign universities.
  • Special business courses are offered for adults. These include learning the language and features business sphere. This is good preparation for those who are going to enter into contracts with American companies.
  • In America they use a more flexible version of English. It better meets the requirements of modern communication and responds faster to current trends.

Specifics of organizing courses in the USA

Studying English in America has its own characteristics that distinguish it from European practice. On the one hand, educational programs are focused on the development of oral speech, reading and auditory perception, on the other hand, they are better adapted to people from different countries who face difficulties in pronunciation and understanding. As a result, students overcome the language barrier more easily.

In organizational matters, English language schools in America are not fundamentally different. Based on the test results, students are divided into several groups with different levels language proficiency. Each of them follows their own program. In addition to training, leisure activities are organized, excursions to historical or natural attractions are possible. The number of people in the group and hours of English in different courses differs. Duration educational program is 1–24 weeks or more.

Types of language courses in the USA

Summer courses are intended for students aged 9–18 years. They are held at schools, special centers, language camps, universities or colleges. Programs for high school students are designed to prepare for the international exam. They are usually chosen by those who intend to enroll in foreign universities. Studying in the summer is convenient because the child does not have to take time off from school.

There are also similar winter, autumn and spring courses. During their studies, children can engage in sports and creativity, attend interesting places. The number of classes per week is usually about 20 hours.

Year-round English language courses in the USA for school-aged children are intended for students over 15 years of age. They involve obtaining education in academic programs or preparing for exams according to TOEFL and IELTS standards.


Classes are held in any season, so you have the opportunity to choose a convenient time. Adult courses are designed for participants aged 15 years and older. Studying English in the USA is carried out in several educational programs:

The choice of option depends on your goals and level of training.


Such programs are created specifically for parents with children. This is a great option for those who are not ready to send their child to another country alone. Family learning Prestigious schools such as OISE, Rennert, TLA practice. Children and parents study in parallel and spend their leisure time together. Entertainment events and trips to interesting places are organized for them. The organizers of such courses offer several accommodation options: residences, host families, hotels.

Popular language schools in the USA

ELS Malibu Youth Camp is located on university campuses. Here students can study English in academic programs and prepare for international exams. Valid at school summer camp. Sports activities are held daily, leisure activities are organized, excursions to Disneyland, Beverly Hills, and Hollywood are organized.

St. Giles International College-New York offers business English courses. The school provides in-depth knowledge of the language, trains telephone negotiation skills, and teaches how to correctly format business correspondence, explain the features of discussions. Classes are conducted according to individual program or in small groups (5 people). Students are over 21 years old.

FLS California State University-Fullerton offers combined classes for teenagers 12 years and older. In addition to studying English, children choose to take initial courses acting, computer technology and programming, surfing. The school provides a rich sports and entertainment program.

Home Language International offers family courses. They are held for adults with children over 5 years old. This is a great opportunity to combine a vacation with a useful activity. Accommodation is organized in the family of teachers.

Additional features

In addition to training and preparation for international exams, the courses include:

  • sports training and competitions,
  • educational and entertaining activities,
  • dancing.

Cost of English courses in the USA

The price is influenced by factors such as

  • location and prestige of the school,
  • training period,
  • complexity of the educational program,
  • accommodation format,
  • organization of leisure time.

The table shows the estimated prices for teaching English in the USA.

Related costs

In addition to training costs, an additional amount must be included in the budget:

Required documents

To legally study English in the United States, you must obtain a nonimmigrant visa. The type of permit is determined by the length of stay in the country. If you are interested in short-term courses (up to 12 weeks), a visitor visa (category B-2) is sufficient. If you plan to study for a long time, you will need a student's (F-1) certificate.

The USA is considered the unofficial education capital of the world. Especially in the field of natural sciences, medicine, as well as finance and economics. English language courses in the USA are also considered very prestigious, provide extensive knowledge of the subject and often become the first step to obtaining an education at one of the American universities.

Studying English in the USA is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and environment of the most influential state in the world, find new friends here, and make useful business contacts.

Language courses in the USA have several basic areas:

    Preparation for entering universities and passing special exams;

    Obtaining basic knowledge of the subject, developing spoken language - which will help you organize full and constant communication with native speakers in the future;

    Obtaining highly specialized knowledge in English - studying biological, chemical, technical English. With this knowledge you will be able to lead scientific activity in English, write and defend works, collaborate with scientific centers anywhere in the world;

    Learning business English - to improve the quality of business negotiations and correspondence.

Language courses in the USA: unexpected benefits

The first step to American higher education often are language courses in the USA. Indeed, this is one of the most popular opportunities for obtaining a diploma from a prestigious university.

English language courses in the USA prepare students better than many others for admission to one of the country's universities. After admission, the applicant is extended study visa. Thus, learning English in the USA can indeed be a ticket to a new life.

Studying English in the USA has other benefits as well. First of all, this is an opportunity to gain unique and extensive knowledge, master English perfectly and then communicate freely in it throughout your life. This is also an opportunity to see with your own eyes the sights and cities of one of the most developed countries in the world. The experience you gain while studying and living in the USA will always stay with you and allow you to take a fresh look at things, work more productively and build your career.