This article discusses in detail the question of which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign. Natural stones serve as amulets, talismans and amulets for their sign. Following fashion without taking these subtleties into account can harm yourself.

To figure out which stone suits which zodiac sign, let's pay attention to the colors of the seasons. After all, harmony is important in everything. Spring signs should avoid the autumn palette, summer signs should not use the frosty tones of winter, etc. Now let's look at each sign separately.

Ornamental, semi-precious and precious stones by zodiac sign


Spring has come into its own, so all the delicate shades of green (turquoise, hairy quartz, amazonite, uvarovite, emerald), the spring sun (citrine, pyrite, sapphire, heliodor), transparent clean air (rock crystal and diamond), and the colors of the elements are appropriate Fire (pyrope, ruby, fire opal, coral, carnelian).


The element of Earth has left its mark. Taurus is suitable for stones that originate deep in the bowels of the earth. So, the following are suitable for this zodiac constellation: agate, carnelian, amazonite, opal, lapis lazuli, diamond, sapphire, turquoise, onyx, emerald, jasper, chalcedony.


The following minerals encourage careless Geminis to be prudent: amethyst, pyrite, rock crystal, yellow diamond, almandine, pearl, sapphire, agate, emerald.

Dreamy and vulnerable Cancers will be protected and will not be offended by: aquamarine, emerald, pearls, beryl, uvarovite, jadeite, lapis lazuli and malachite.

The following will help Leo to calm vanity and pride, to be a leader and manage people, to distinguish flattery from a sincere compliment: diamond, amber, heliodor, hairy quartz, malachite, carnelian, opal, emerald, chrysolite.


A sign of purity and purity, an autumn sign, the element of Earth. Autumn colors, woody tones. Peace and tranquility, and gossip, pure love and devotion in the Virgo family are guaranteed by: agate, jasper, corals, rock crystal, opal, malachite, rhodonite, ruby, epidote, amber.


This Air sign craves peace all its life. Libras sometimes lack prudence and constancy; they often follow the lead of their desires and whims. The following will help them maintain prudence, find peace and good luck: amethyst, labradorite, citrine, rock crystal, diamond, sapphire, jasper.


The element of Water, the sign of late autumn, the constellation of fatal passions. Here, strong and dangerous stones of dark tones are appropriate as nowhere else: hematite, corals, black pearls, labradorite, ruby, hairy quartz, opal.


Strength of spirit, control over emotions and determination - the following almandine, corals, obsidian, ruby, pyrope, jasper, lapis lazuli, epidote will help Sagittarius achieve all this.


A very self-sufficient sign of the Earth element, which, however, lacks the ability to bring things started to completion. Strong stones of dark tones and stones of the fire element are suitable: hematite, serpentine, labradorite, black pearl, malachite, onyx, uvarovite.


Speaking about which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign, it should be noted that none of the minerals can do much harm to Aquarius. Although the fiery representatives of fossils are not particularly suitable for him. Amethyst, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, pearls, jade, jadeite, obsidian, chrysoprase, chrysolite, chalcedony, topaz, sapphire, hematite, opal will help to energize this winter sign of the element of Air, protect it from slander and gossip, and develop its abilities and intuition. citrine, pyrite, emerald, malachite.


The following will help protect touchy Pisces, the sign of the Water element, and also help them meet and keep their love: aquamarine, pearls, emerald, moonstone, topaz, peridote, epidote, opal.

On a note

You should take into account which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign, since unsuitable minerals can harm many signs. Also, beware of minerals given by people you don’t trust. Stolen stones can greatly ruin your life. Zodiac signs, whose representatives are evil, mercantile and cruel, will also not see anything good from these natural amulets. Be kind and merciful, then Nature itself in pieces of minerals will help you and protect you!

Astrologers (ancient and modern) claim that the influence of stones on a person’s health and destiny is predetermined by the position of the planets and constellations of the zodiac. The most favorable stones for a person are those that are associated with the sign under which he was born.

In 1912, the National Association of Jewelers convention unified the List of birthstones according to the zodiac sign. Below is the list.

Aries (21.03 - 19.04)

Aries corresponds to diamond - the most expensive and beautiful of precious minerals. The belief has survived to this day that it brought its owner good luck in business, protected against illness, injury and wounds, and gave courage in battle. Astrologers advised wearing a diamond as a talisman on the left hand or neck, and the setting should not prevent the stone from touching the skin. There was a belief that a stone brings happiness only if it was acquired by its owner, Aries, in an honest way. However, the beauty of diamonds aroused greed in man. The history of famous diamonds is often a detective story with murders, kidnappings, tragedies, and unsolved mysteries.
The red garnet stone also brings happiness and good luck to Aries.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Aries: diamond (diamond), amazonite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, garnet, pearl, coral, quartz, flint, hematite, Labradorite, lapis lazuli, jade, onyx, obsidian, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, hawk's eye, chrysoprase, peridot, crystal, amber, green and red jasper.

Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)

For Taurus the most suitable stone- sapphire, one of the most beautiful stones, a talisman for lovers and newlyweds, protecting against slander, strengthening memory, promoting prudence. It is believed that sapphire helps with heart disease, asthma and neuralgia.

Blue turquoise is also suitable for Taurus. It has long been considered a talisman that helps in love affairs. Turquoise rings should be given to a Taurus woman as a sign of heartfelt attraction. In the East there was a custom to place turquoise in the cradle of a newborn girl.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Taurus: agate, aventurine, amazonite, beryl, turquoise, bull's eye, jet, emerald, rose quartz, cacholong, white coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, jade, onyx, rhodonite, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, Tiger's Eye, topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, bluespar, jasper.

Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)

Semi-precious agate of various colors, green chrysoprase and bluish beryl are the best stones for Gemini.

Green chrysoprase was a talisman for business people, protecting them from deception and material losses. Its medicinal properties were associated with nervous diseases.

Bluish beryl should bring Gemini happiness in love.

And in ancient times agate was considered a stone, dedicated to the goddess gardens, vegetable gardens and harvests. This stone was widely used for making jewelry, figurines, and buckles. In the Middle Ages, doctors advised wearing agate beads for throat diseases.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Gemini: agate, alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, pearl, emerald, flint, coral, jade, rhodonite, sardonyx, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz, uvarovite, fluorite, chrysoprase, peridot, crystal, citrine, jasper.

Cancer (21.06 - 22.07)

The happiest stones for Cancer are emerald, moonstone and chrysoberyl, often called “cat's eye”.

Moonstone, or Selenite, symbolized the magical power of the moon's rays. Rings with moonstones helped lovers overcome obstacles on the path to happiness.

Emerald in Ancient Egypt was the precious stone of the goddess Isis, hence the belief that it helps women and protects home. The emerald was also considered a talisman for fishermen and sailors.

Chrysoberyl, called Cat's Eye, in past centuries It was customary to wear it during mourning. It was considered an amulet for gambling and helped children with diphtheria.

List of all stones corresponding to the Cancer zodiac sign: agate, aventurine, adularia, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, heliotrope, hematite, pearl, emerald, coral, cat's eye, moonstones, morion, jade, obsidian , onyx, opal, rhodonite, ruby, roasterite, carnelian, hawk's eye, topaz, chrysoberyl, peridot, euclase.

Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

Stones suit Leo best yellow color: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz.
Amber, used since ancient times as jewelry and amulet, was attributed miraculous properties cure skin diseases and rheumatism, protect from spells and anger.

Set in gold, the semi-precious yellowish-green chrysolite was believed to provide the ability to foresee the future. Rings with chrysolite were worn by astrologers and fortune tellers.

Olivine, according to our ancestors, ensured its owner the sympathy of others and good luck in business.
Topaz was an amulet for people going on a long journey, it was considered good remedy for insomnia, asthma and gout.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Leo: aventurine, beryl, bull's eye, heliodor, heliotrope, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, gold quartz, flint, jade, onyx, olivine, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase , peridot, crystal, zircon, citrine, amber, jasper.

Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)

For those born under the sign of Virgo, jade and carnelian bring happiness. For these talisman stones to have great power, they must be set in gold. In ancient times, jade was considered the stone of leaders, emperors, and monarchs, and then acquired the symbolic name of the stone of life. In the Middle Ages, jade beads were worn by people suffering from migraines, kidney diseases, and visual impairment.

Carnelian - an opaque semi-precious stone of red, reddish-brown, greenish or white color - was a favorite stone of Greek women. They believed that it gave shine and freshness to the skin. In the Middle Ages, carnelian jewelry was very popular, as people believed that it defeats black magic and helps keep secrets.

List of all stones corresponding to the Virgo zodiac sign: agate, diamond, beryl, turquoise, garnet, emerald, flint, coral, cat's eye, jade, onyx, opal, rhodonite, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, peridot, chrysoprase, crystal , citrine, jasper.

Libra (23.09 - 22.10)

Astrologers have long recommended opal and lapis lazuli for Libra. Iridescent, with a rainbow glow, opal guarantees success in business for people with noble aspirations. The ancients believed that this stone would even protect against the plague.

Gems were once made from blue lapis lazuli - oval plates with designs engraved on them. Roman art lovers were proud of their collections of gems. This stone was also considered to have medicinal properties. Medieval doctors recommended wearing lapis lazuli necklaces to anemic people suffering from skin diseases, epilepsy and rheumatism.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Libra: agate, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, emerald, smoky and rose quartz, cacholong, coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, morion, jade, opal, olivine, rhodonite, selenite, carnelian, hawk's eye, tourmaline, phenactite, fluorite, chrysolite, chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, crystal, zircon, citrine, jasper.

Scorpio (23.10 -21.11)

The main stones of Scorpio are aquamarine and carbuncle. They are used as amulets in rings or bracelets made in the shape of a snake.

Aquamarine is a transparent greenish-blue stone. Lovers exchanged jewelry from it before their forced separation, because... it was considered an amulet of happy marital unions. The sea-colored stone was supposed to cure diseases of the throat and teeth.

Carbuncle - old name deep red ruby. There were legends about his mysterious power. IN Ancient Rome The carbuncle was a talisman for pregnant women, as it was thought to ensure a happy birth. In the Middle Ages, they believed that the carbuncle protected against injury, which is why warriors loved to wear it.

Another purpose of the carbuncle is to awaken friendly feelings in people and drive away dark thoughts.
Red garnet is also suitable for Scorpio.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Scorpio: adularia, aquamarine, alexandrite, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, hematite, garnet, smoky and dark opaque quartz, coral, cat's eye, malachite, morion, opal, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, topaz, tourmaline, chrysoprase, jasper.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

The main stone of Sagittarius is considered to be amethyst, otherwise the stone of love. They say that it is capable of inspiring love for the giver, even if the one who accepted it as a gift is in love with another. “Amethyst is a stone of love - it turns former love into indifference. Beware of his betrothed or married women...” A Sumerian priest wrote these words on a clay tablet three thousand years ago. As we can see, the personal problems that worried people then are not much different from the problems of our days. Amethyst also brings good luck in games and protects against drunkenness.

Sagittarius, like Leo, is also very suitable for topaz and chrysolite.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Sagittarius: amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, blue quartz, flint, coral, Labradorite, lapis lazuli, jade, sapphire, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, hawkeye, obsidian, olivine , onyx, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoprase, peridot, amber, jasper.

Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)

For those born under the sign of Capricorn, ruby, a red stone with a purple tint, brings happiness in love. “If you want to achieve reciprocity, give him or her to whom your heart is inclined a ruby ​​the color of a flame - and you will kindle love in him,” advised the ancient astrologer. Rings with rubies were worn by people who feared poison. They believed that a ruby ​​immersed in a poisoned drink would change color.

Another Capricorn birthstone is a brown or even blackish colored semi-precious stone called onyx. The ancients highly valued it for its magical and healing properties.
People of this sign are also recommended an amulet with dark green malachite, which enhances a person’s spiritual powers.

List of all stones corresponding to the Capricorn zodiac sign: alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, garnet, cat's eye, flint, coral, malachite, morion, jade, obsidian, olivine, opal, onyx, ruby, selenite, carnelian, hawk's eye , tiger eye, tourmaline, chrysoprase, zircon, jasper.

Aquarius (20.01 - 19.02)

Garnet and zircon should bring happiness to those born under the sign of Aquarius. There are several varieties of semi-precious garnet, ranging from dark red to yellowish. This stone is considered a symbol of love and friendship. It was customary to give garnet rings as proof of friendship, memory, and gratitude. Lovers most readily exchanged this stone. Red stones were highly valued by Easterners, who believed that garnet had healing properties.

Zircon is a rare transparent stone, which in the East was called the younger brother of diamond. This stone was believed to improve mental abilities.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Aquarius: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, pearl, emerald, rose quartz, flint, coral, lapis lazuli, jade, obsidian, opal, sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, hawk's eye, fluorite, crystal, citrine, zircon, jasper.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

Astrologers recommend pearls for Pisces. Pearl jewelry has been known since time immemorial. Rich Greek women willingly wore threads with pearls, which were supposed to give shine to the eyes and protect its owner from the torment of unrequited love. In the Middle Ages, dresses embroidered with pearls served as a bride's wedding dress - it was believed that pearls strengthened family ties. In the era of romanticism, it was fashionable to give the object of love a ring with pearls. Easterners also highly valued pearls. Indian merchants, for example, believed that a ring with pearls protected against thieves.

List of all stones corresponding to the Pisces zodiac sign: adularia, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, alexandrite, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, pearl, coral, lapis lazuli, morion, jade, olivine, opal, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, falcon eye, tiger's eye, peridot, chrysoprase, euclase.

The desire of man to enlist the support of higher powers in the implementation of his plans is rooted in the distant past. Ancient people were closer to nature and were able to identify patterns of how various talisman minerals according to the zodiac signs could help in different matters as an amulet. Take advantage of this knowledge - choose a reliable amulet for yourself!

Zodiac sign stones

Jewelry using such natural materials is not easy jewelry. If you choose the right stone by date of birth and year, this talisman will strengthen certain qualities of a person and attract good luck and wealth to him. Such an item, when selected according to the recommendations of a personal horoscope, can be a good amulet, protecting its owner from illnesses and negative external influences. Consider which stones according to your zodiac sign and date of birth are suitable for you. Take advantage of this knowledge, because neither women nor men can ever use a reliable talisman.


The most famous precious stone is perfect for these active representatives of the fire element. natural material- a diamond that, after cutting, becomes a diamond. This stone of the Aries zodiac sign seems to nourish its owner with strength for new achievements and helps to quickly recover from unsuccessful periods. Ruby will also help such people regain strength and move towards victories. Sapphires, amethysts and sultanites are also suitable for Aries, and the latter amulet is credited with the ability to warn of danger: if such occurs, cracks will appear on it.


People born in the last ten days of April and in the first two ten days of May are given spring-like bright green talismans. The best stones for the Taurus zodiac sign are precious emerald and semi-precious chrysoprase. The task that the first amulet will be able to achieve is to bring its owner success in business, help to comprehend worldly wisdom, give joy, and preserve love. The second talisman stone not only attracts good income and protects against failure, but can also solve many health problems.


What natural jewelry will be useful for representatives of this dual symbol? Agate, alexandrite, topaz, beryl - these are useful stones according to the zodiac sign - Gemini. Agate has the power to help its owner make the right, prudent decisions. Alexandrite promotes balance of character and smoothing out internal contradictions. Topaz serves the same purpose, and it also helps prevent Negative influence stress, quickly recover from energy and physical exhaustion. Beryl will be a talisman for Gemini who decide to devote themselves to a career.


These people are favorably influenced by pearls, emeralds, moonstones and chrysoberyl (“cat’s eyes”). Stones for the Cancer zodiac sign will help representatives of this symbol V different areas life. Thus, under the influence of pearls, their hidden talents, and such a decoration will also be a good amulet. He is credited with the ability to protect his owners from negativity, and girls - also from unrequited love. A stone according to the cat's eye zodiac sign will give you the strength to overcome your shortcomings, an emerald will relieve you of excessive isolation, and the lunar mineral will accompany you in love affairs.

a lion

For people of this fire sign, the protection of talismans will also not hurt. What gemstones are suitable for Leos? They definitely need to have solar amber so that higher powers will patronize their health and successful accomplishment of affairs. Peridots and topazes are also useful for Leos. According to legends, these minerals for zodiac signs are patrons in business and help to achieve the favor of others. Rose quartz is a mineral that promises the owner a long, comfortable life. The carnelian gem will help Leos build a cozy family hearth; its influence on women of this sign is especially beneficial.


This horoscope sign has its own amazing magical patrons. Virgo stones are chrysolite, jade and jasper. Help in business, attractiveness to others, patronage in education - chrysolite is responsible for this. He will help Virgos get rid of excessive conservatism, which so often blocks their growth and development. The jasper gem grants its owner wisdom, tolerance, and the ability to maintain a good relationship in family. Jade, which is revered by many peoples as a sacred mineral, protects Virgos from various ailments and strengthens them vitality.


What amulets should people born under this horoscope symbol look out for? Libra stones are aquamarine, opal, lapis lazuli and aquamarine. Semi-precious aquamarine balances sudden mood swings. Support peace of mind Tourmaline also helps, and it also promotes creativity. Lapis lazuli will smooth out the changeability and duality of nature characteristic of Libra, increase the vitality of its owner, and clarify the mind. Opal will bring Libra harmony and the ability to concentrate on important matters.


What talismans will favor representatives of this strong ambiguous sign? Aquamarine, garnet, black opal - these are the stones of Scorpio by date of birth. Sky blue aquamarine predicts a happy family union for its owner, and it also strengthens nervous system. Garnet will enhance the magnetic appeal of Scorpio, and black opal will balance the contradictory qualities of its owner’s character and guide him on the path of self-improvement.


People born under this symbol should definitely acquire turquoise. This is the best stone for Sagittarius, giving strong immunity, making up for the lack of determination and leveling out excessive carelessness. Topaz is also favorable for these representatives of the fire element. This mineral is a good amulet on the road, and also gives women of this sign fertility. Topaz will help to identify the machinations of ill-wishers and make the right decisions. A talisman such as chrysolite will help Sagittarius avoid unwise actions, and garnet will protect against bad influences.


What minerals help people born under this symbol? Stones for the zodiac sign Capricorn - ruby, onyx, green malachite. Ruby can have the most magical effect on its owner: it attracts happy love, and also tends to darken if the owner is threatened with misfortune. Onyx will clear your mind and help you complete all your projects. Green malachite will have a very beneficial effect on the health of Capricorn.


Representatives of this symbol will also benefit from the protection of talisman minerals. For people whose constellation is Aquarius, stones according to their zodiac sign help balance them negative quality focus on little things. Amethyst directs the owner’s abilities in the right direction, brings good luck, and is an effective amulet against various diseases. According to the horoscope, stones such as zircon and hyacinth (a type of zircon) will arouse Aquarius’ desire for knowledge, increase intelligence and memory, and enhance positive external influences.


What minerals will support people born under this symbol? Stones for the Pisces zodiac sign are pearls, aquamarine and amethyst. Pearls, which have long been used in jewelry, will not only delight the eye with their mother-of-pearl shimmer - they will help its owner maintain a balance between different sides life, will protect you from the evil eye and bring prosperity and longevity.

Aquamarine will not only ground Pisces who love to dwell in excessive dreams, but will also give them sometimes the lack of courage to realize their cherished plans. This mineral will protect people born under the influence of this constellation from the destructive desire, often excessively, to help others to their detriment. Together with an amethyst, peace and tranquility in the soul will come to its owner, success in business, and the heart will open to new love.


Magical talismans and amulets were used in ancient times, and their relevance remains in our time; many stones can not only decorate the owner’s necklace or ring, but also become a faithful companion and amulet for him, protecting against diseases or the evil eye.

But there are several rules thanks to which you can choose exactly your stone, because when choosing the “wrong” Magic force It may simply not work. For example, the most reliable talisman is one given to a person from the heart. If you went to a store with natural stones and bought one that you liked only externally, then it is unlikely to be of any use, because the stone must be chosen intuitively, without using visual evaluation. The simplest method is to hold the mineral in your palm and simply listen to your inner voice, which will give you the right advice. For a stone to truly become “yours,” you need to accept it only with positive emotions.

You can also choose a stone according to the time of birth, for example, stones of warm and red shades are suitable for summer people, while winter people should pay attention to cold tones. But it is believed that the most effective way It is considered to be a comparison of a particular stone with a zodiac sign.

How to find out your birthstone - Aries

Aries is the most fiery sign. People born in March-April are endowed with activity and determination in making even difficult decisions. They are also complex in character and love to argue even when they are wrong.
Rubies, sapphires, amethysts and diamonds are perfect for Aries. A ruby ​​will help you become a respected person in society, and a diamond will help smooth out harsh character traits. Aries, who work in the intellectual sphere, should choose sapphire, and amethyst will help win any business.

How to find out your birthstone - Taurus

Taurus is a leisurely and hard-working sign. An emerald will be an ideal amulet for Taurus; this stone will dilute everyday life and bring a feeling of happiness and joy. Turquoise and sapphire are also suitable as a talisman.

How to find out your birthstone - Gemini

Geminis are inquisitive and witty; agate is perfect for this zodiac sign, as it will give the owner good intuition and help convince people. Chrysoprase will relieve bad mood, and beryl will help you find true love.

How to find out your birthstone - Cancer

Cancer is a mysterious and sensitive sign, which is suitable for stones such as moonstone and emerald. Moonstone will be an excellent ally for the sign protected by the moon and will help to avoid adversity and difficulties, and emerald will relieve depression.

How to recognize your birthstone - Leo

Leo is a bright and independent zodiac sign, which is suitable for amber, alexandrite, ruby, topaz, and peridot. Peridot will help restore peace of mind, and the ruby ​​will help people in power.

How to find out your stone - Virgo

Virgo is a picky and hardworking sign. For Virgo excellent companions will become carnelian, jasper, olivine, jade. The last stone is recommended for people involved in sports - it will help avoid injuries, and carnelian will help avoid betrayal from loved ones. Jasper will help attract health and money.

How to find out your birthstone – Libra

Libra is a harmonious and artistic sign. For people born between September 24 and October 23, stones such as diamond, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and opal are perfect. Beryl and diamond will bring success in business and work, while lapis lazuli will make the owner more harmonious and calm, and opal will make the owner lucky.

How to find out your birthstone - Scorpio

Scorpio is a mysterious and emotional sign. For Scorpios, amulets with the following stones will be excellent allies: corals, topaz, aquamarines and garnets. Coral will protect against bad mood and negative influences. Aquamarine will help you become luckier, and you can attract capital with the help of garnet.

How to find out your birthstone - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is optimistic and freedom-loving; the best stones for this zodiac sign are sapphire, turquoise, amethyst and peridot. Turquoise will help you find family happiness, and will also provide career, and chrysolite will help strengthen the immune system and protect against nightmares in your sleep.

How to find out your birthstone - Capricorn

Capricorn is a reliable and patient zodiac sign. Capricorn stones are ruby, garnet, onyx, malachite, opal. If Capricorn lacks vital energy, then opal will come to the rescue, while onyx will endow the owner with excellent insight and wisdom in all matters.

How to find out your birthstone - Aquarius

Aquarius is friendly and sociable. The following stones are suitable for Aquarius: garnet, amethyst, zircon and sapphire. Pomegranate will help restore harmony in the family and in relationships with your loved one, and will also help restore health. Zircon will help improve your memory, and sapphire will help attract money.

How to find out your birthstone - Pisces

Pisces is an impressionable and changeable sign. Stones such as amethyst, pearls, chrysolite and jasper will be excellent helpers for fish. Pearls will bring stability to Pisces in love, and amethyst will protect them from bad habits. Jasper will become a guardian against poverty, shame and depression.

Choosing your stone is not difficult, the main thing is to follow your heart and listen to your inner voice. If you think that you simply cannot imagine your life without this or that stone, then it is truly yours!

When choosing jewelry, talismans or decorative items for yourself and your loved ones, you should take into account the influence of a particular mineral on a person, because an incorrectly selected stone can not help a person with its energy, but, on the contrary, harm it. Gems according to zodiac signs will differ in their properties.

Meaning for Aries

  1. It must match the energetic and ambitious nature of the owner, giving even more self-confidence and vitality.
  2. The protective abilities of the talisman are also important, because Aries are capable of making many enemies for themselves along with their achievements.
  3. Also, the precious mineral should have a slight calming effect in order to help the owner avoid too strong manifestations of emotions.

The main choice for Aries, based on the above, is diamond. It has been a symbol of strength and power since ancient times, so it is ideal for this sign. It is also believed that the diamond is able to protect the owner from illness and enemy intrigues. Treated diamond or not - big difference no, the main thing is that the stone is not a fake, because otherwise it beneficial features will not show themselves.

If your financial situation does not allow you to buy a diamond, then you should think about a more affordable alternative. Heliotrope is a semi-precious stone, so while it has the same qualities as diamond, its power is often not as powerful.

Women should think about purchasing lilac amethyst, which develops female intuition and gives family harmony, as well as garnet, which helps in the search for love.

Talisman for Taurus

Drag stones based on zodiac signs are not suitable for everyone. Worth when choosing a talisman for this zodiac sign:

  • Taurus is an earth sign, so preference should be given to green stones.
  • A useful quality for a talisman is adding courage to the owner.
  • Also, earth signs are often materialists, so help in financial matters would be useful.

Emerald as a stone symbolizing water, will always come in handy for Cancers. It can magically clear the mind of its owner, help cope with anxiety and obsessive thoughts, as well as lift the mood and drive away sadness. In addition, this is a powerful amulet that will help protect the owner from the dangers of the surrounding world and various damage and slander.

Pearls can to some extent replace moonstone, because it also helps cope with mood swings and nervous tension. But its main ability is to strengthen the connection between people, in particular, marriage ties.

Magical properties for Leo

Precious and semiprecious stones Zodiac signs should be taken into account when purchasing jewelry. For Leos must meet the criteria:

Topaz of the desired shade - the best choice for this sign. The stone is able to charge Leo with incredible optimism and self-confidence, drive away gloomy thoughts and give inner peace. Topaz can give beauty to women and wisdom to men.

Amber as the personification of sunlight and fire, also a great amulet for any Leo. First of all, this is a stone for creative individuals. He is able to help with new ideas and bringing old projects to completion. In addition, it charges with physical strength and helps improve the health of its owner.

Virgo birthstone

Representatives of this sign should also pay attention to stones before purchasing jewelry. Stones with the following properties are suitable for Virgos:

  • This zodiac sign is one of the calmest and most optimistic. This, on the one hand, greatly simplifies the search for a talisman, and on the other hand, complicates it.
  • First of all, you should think about the protective abilities of the amulet, which will not harm anyone.
  • In addition, it is worth remembering to attract good luck, material well-being and help in finishing what you started.

Jade can give Virgos courage and self-confidence. This stone is always charged with strength and good luck in all endeavors

It is capable of bringing good luck to the owner in his personal life and financial affairs; moreover, jade helps to track the mood of its owner, because when negative emotions jade immediately darkens.

Malachite will save Virgos from indecision and give confidence in their abilities. Since ancient times, this mineral has been considered a magical wish-granter. In addition, it promotes emotional balance and has a beneficial effect on the owner’s health.

Yellow topaz will help representatives of creative professions, it gives self-confidence, calms unwanted emotional impulses, helps to recharge with optimism and overcome anxiety. Topaz also helps Virgos focus on achieving goals and concentrate on their own inner world.

Characteristics for Libra

Semi-precious talismans are suitable for Libra. For representatives of this air sign It is worth selecting stones with features:

  • Libra is an emotional and extremely sociable sign. An important factor for the amulet will be protection from ill-wishers.
  • In addition, it is worth thinking about protecting the owner from anxiety, stress and obsessive thoughts.
  • The stone should enhance Libra's already powerful intuition and creative abilities.

Opal has long been considered a stone of friendship, so it can help sociable Libras create new relationships and strengthen existing ones

In addition, it sharpens the owner’s mind and drives away unwanted thoughts. Opal can also help in your personal life, as well as with health problems, especially the immune system.

Coral is generally similar in its properties to opal; it is also capable of sharpening the intuition of its owner, but also helps emotional and impulsive Libra to develop rational thinking and self-control. In addition, it is a powerful amulet. As for physical health, the stone helps with problems with digestive system and internal organs.

Another great talisman for Libra is the lapis lazuli stone. Samples are considered especially powerful of blue color. The amulet helps its owner achieve their goals, avoid unwanted thoughts and lifts their spirits.

Amulet for Scorpios

Finding a suitable amulet for Scorpios is a rather difficult task. It is worth considering in the process:

Garnet is a stone that has long been associated with Mars., thanks to its bright red color. It is a powerful source of physical and emotional strength, and also helps Scorpios concentrate on the tasks at hand and not be distracted by trifles. In addition, pomegranate has a great effect on human relationships, be it a business partnership or a passionate romance.

Alexandrite- the talisman is incredibly impressive in appearance. It changes color depending on the lighting in the room. But at the same time it also has powerful magical properties: the mind of the owner of alexandrite becomes sharper, and intuition increases many times over. Some even believe that reflections in the stone can warn the owner of impending danger.

The serpentine gives Scorpios wisdom and calmness, helps them make the right decision in difficult situation. In addition, it is a powerful amulet. In terms of physical health, the coil can also seriously help its owner; it cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system.

Amulets for Sagittarius

According to the horoscope for Sagittarius, semi-precious stones have a strong influence. Sagittarians are suitable for stones with the following properties:

  • Sagittarius are people of the fire element, vital and creative energy is always seething in them, the talisman should help direct it in the right direction.
  • Sagittarius's compatibility with other zodiac signs is lower than usual, so the amulet should help improve the owner's personal life.
  • Also, the stone should effectively protect Sagittarius from negative energy and physical hazards.

Amethyst is the main talisman for Sagittarius, because it helps clear the mind of unwanted thoughts and help with minor psychological problems, dispel anxiety and obsessive thoughts. In addition to everything, this is a powerful amulet that can protect even from the most sophisticated curses. The magic of the stone increases if it is worn in silver. In addition, amethyst looks more attractive with silver jewelry.

Ruby is a more luxurious and expensive stone, but it's worth it. The main ability of this talisman is to attract love energy into the life of its owner; this is the number one amulet for any unmarried woman. In other areas of life, ruby ​​also brings good luck and fulfills your most cherished desires.

Sapphire, like amethyst, brings mental strength, inner peace and unprecedented concentration to the life of Sagittarius. In addition, it is considered an amulet of winners, bringing good luck in all endeavors.

Minerals for Capricorns

When talking about what stones you should choose as a gift for Capricorn, you should be guided by some factors. These include:

Onyx, preferably black, gives the owner confidence in own strength, helps you achieve what you want and concentrate on the final goal. The amulet also helps heal wounds and increases the effectiveness of any kind of treatment.

With the help of a pomegranate, a Capricorn woman is able to reveal herself in a new light, gain self-confidence and enhance her natural charm. The stone also gives its owner a huge supply Have a good mood and wisdom.

Black tourmaline can become a powerful amulet for Capricorns. Moreover, he is able to help not only with esoteric threats, but also with physical health, according to ancient beliefs, it can even reduce the influence of factors environment to its owner. In addition, black tourmaline increases muscle tone. Green, on top of everything else, helps with heart disease and chronic fatigue.

Talisman stones for Aquarius

Speaking about which gemstones according to the horoscope are suitable for this sign, Aquarius should not forget about a few things when choosing a talisman stone. For example:

Aquamarine has suitable color and at the same time it is an excellent stress reliever. It can relieve irritability, chronic fatigue, drive away anger and gloomy thoughts of Aquarius, as well as significantly improve physical well-being and strengthen the immune system.

Azurite is similar in properties to aquamarine, but is primarily aimed at the mental health of its owner. This stone helps to cope with psychological problems, relieve depression and obsessive feelings of anxiety, and also keep emotional impulses and impulses in check.

Light-colored quartz is an excellent way to improve the personal life of Aquarius. It also helps to cope with despondency and melancholy, find self-confidence and overcome life problems. For creative people The stone acts as an excellent catalyst in the creative process.

Jewelry for Pisces sign

Speaking about what talismans mean for Pisces, for this zodiac sign important factors when choosing a talisman among precious stones are given below. Should be considered:

  • First of all, it is worth remembering that Pisces is a sign water element. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to the appropriate stones; gems and minerals of golden shades are also perfect.
  • The fact is that the color gold has symbolized since ancient times financial well-being, and among Pisces there are traditionally many businessmen and people associated with finance.
  • It is in business that Pisces will encounter enemies and ill-wishers, against whom a powerful amulet must work.

Sapphire, especially yellow, helps people who own own business, it also attracts financial well-being. In addition, since ancient times, people have believed that sapphire is capable of making wishes come true, which will also come in handy for any business person.

Aventurine, also in yellow and golden shades, is considered an amulet of good mood. It helps its owner cope with depression, blues, despondency, and gloomy thoughts. In addition, this mineral gives the owner enhanced insight and intuition.

Labradorite is another rare but extremely effective stone. He has magical ability attract lucky coincidences and happy accidents into the life of its owner. In addition, it is an extremely powerful amulet.