Why go into the forest at night?

-I saw Maxim in the village on Saturday. About five o'clock in the evening. I was in the forest before this. She came out, and here Maxim was coming. I told him: “Don’t be afraid, Maksimka, Rex doesn’t bite.” And he says, “I’m not afraid,” says Valentina Aleksandrovna, a resident of Novy Dvor, that Maxim was friends with her son and often came to visit them.

According to Sputnik’s interlocutor, her friend said that on the same day, but after 19:00, she saw Maxim riding in the center of the village. And then he fell through the ground, everyone said that he had gone into the forest. But the woman is sure that going into the forest so late is unlike Maxim. After all, at eight o'clock in the evening at this time of year it is already dark, and the boy would not want to go into the darkness.

- He was a little cowardly. He was even afraid of my puppy. When he came to us, he usually stood near the gate and called: “Ilyusha!” or "Aunt Valya!" And I’ll go out and take him into the house. And it’s unlikely for him to go into the forest at night,- adds Valentina Alexandrovna.

Many in the village agree that if the child had been in the forest that evening, he would have been found. After all, the search began immediately and continued even at night. And a child wandering through the forest at night could not get far.

I've been planning my escape for three years.

The villagers assume that the boy might have been very frightened of something. And not bison, but, for example, impending punishment for some offense. " Maybe he was scared of his parents?- the neighbors reason and tell one telling example.

Last year, for some reason, Maxim went to the lake alone, without his parents, went for a swim and almost drowned. He was saved by people vacationing nearby. That day his parents punished him very much, they say they even beat him. They say that then the boy, either seriously or out of resentment, told his parents: “I won’t live with you and I’ll run away anyway. Don’t buy me anything, everything for Sasha (older brother - Sputnik).”

In the village they also relay the words of Maxim’s own grandmother, who told how her grandson several years ago, when he was 7 or 8 years old, said: “I’ll still run away from home.” Grandmother to him: “They will find you.” And he: “They won’t find me, I’ll go into the swamps.” And then he periodically said that he had such a plan.

Another resident of Novy Dvor, Tatyana Petrovna, said that the child was in Lately changed.

-Maxim has been friends with my grandson since he was five years old. Always together when he's on vacation. And this year the grandson said that he would no longer be friends. That Maxim started smoking and behaved differently. Maybe it's teenage. I regret that I didn’t tell my parents right away, my grandson really asked me not to tell anyone,- the village woman recalls.

At the same time, the woman emphasizes several times that Maxim’s family is very positive, prosperous, and his parents are hardworking.

I could have left

The main version that residents of Novy Dvor tend to believe is that Maxim left for another area, and did so the same evening or the next morning. The child most likely had money. Even local children say that it is very easy to earn money in the Pushcha. For example, you can sell berries or mushrooms. And everyone characterizes Maxim as a very lively and purposeful boy. They say that he often went to the forest.

Tatyana Petrovna reasons: " We searched so many times with step cameras, walked with dogs, and so many people walked through the forest over the weekend. Ours are constantly walking. If the boy had been here, they would have found at least some traces."

Rumors that the different time they saw a child either in the forest or on the road, the neighbors think it’s just fiction. And they immediately ask: “If they saw a child, why didn’t they catch up? They’re adults. But it turns out that they saw him and allowed him to leave.”

Many locals constantly go into the forest on their own to look for Maxim.

-My heart aches for the boy and for the family. We don't sleep at night either. Every day, both during the day and in the evening, I go to the forest and call him. So now I’m going too, maybe I’ll find something, - adds Valentina Aleksandrovna.

Let us remind you that Maxim Markhalyuk disappeared on September 16, a national search was announced. On September 26, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the disappearance of the child. Maxim has still not been found. The main version of the police is that the boy got lost in the forest.

Like in September. No one is going to close the criminal case. It is being dealt with by a special group, which includes 6 investigators and police officers. One of the heads of the USC in the Grodno region told TUT.BY about how the search for the boy is going on, about working with psychics and volunteers, and about the versions that the investigation is considering. And Maxim’s mother, five months after the child’s disappearance, is still waiting for her son to come home.

Maxim's day before his disappearance, investigators say, was "more than usual." The boy walked on the street, met several times with his peers, invited them to the forest to pick mushrooms, and together with a friend he went to the “base”, where he nailed some boards into the hut. Last time Mom saw him at about 18.15 - the boy was riding along the street near the house on a bicycle.

Everything was as always. And then the child disappeared.

The search for him began immediately, that evening, as soon as his mother called the police. Law enforcement officers - police and investigators - arrived at the scene, and a little later the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the military began combing the forest. After .

“The version with the accident was checked immediately”

“Two main versions were immediately put forward: there was an accident with the child (he got lost and is in the forest) and a criminal one,” says the deputy head of the Investigative Committee for the Grodno region, Colonel of Justice Victor Legan.

According to him, in the first two weeks a rescue operation took place: they were looking for a living child.

“The search began from the moment the report of his disappearance was received. At first, police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the military were looking for him. Aviation equipment was also used: a gyroplane (gyrocopter), three helicopters, an airplane and three drones with thermal imagers. Volunteers got involved in the search when the topic had already spread through social networks and the media.

At the same time, a criminal version was being worked out. As part of this, they began to locate people who might have been in the area of ​​the theoretical crime scene. Those who had previously been convicted, those who had been released, those who were mentally ill, and those who came to the attention of the police were checked. For example, those who have committed crimes of a sexual nature. First, those who could have been close to the place where the boy disappeared were checked, and later all those who live not only in the Grodno region, but throughout the entire territory of Belarus.

“More than five thousand people have now been checked for involvement in the disappearance of the child.”

These are the categories of people that I named earlier, as well as those who simply could have been in the area where the boy disappeared. We did not receive any information that could help us. But work in this direction is still ongoing. Including using a polygraph. Now, as before, we are considering these two main versions. As part of this, we also check private subversions.

- For example?

— For example, Maxim became a victim of an accident. For some reason, this version is on everyone’s lips now. But we checked it right away. We inspected all the roads that pass through the forest and identified the owners of all vehicles seen there at different times - both private owners and carrier organizations. We talked with the drivers using a polygraph. Then we examined every car that, according to our information, could have been in the area where the boy disappeared. The cars were checked using forensic techniques to identify traces of biological origin, as well as signs of damage to the car characteristic of an accident.

Here, too, no important information was obtained.

— Was the version of the involvement of one of the relatives in Maxim’s disappearance considered?

“Naturally, at the time the criminal case was opened, we checked all versions without exception and did not ignore all the people who communicated with the child and theoretically could have been involved in his disappearance. But there was no information that any of the relatives could be involved in Maxim’s disappearance. If we had even the slightest suspicion in this regard, then a criminal case would be initiated on other grounds of crime, and not on the unknown disappearance of a person.

- Why is this only ten days after the boy disappeared?

— A criminal case regarding the unknown disappearance of a person is initiated 10 days after receiving the application, if search activities have not brought any results. This is the law. But in fact, the date the case was opened does not mean anything: investigators, along with police officers, began carrying out operational search activities immediately. It doesn’t matter whether a criminal case has been initiated or not, such events are carried out in any case, and investigators immediately participate in the search.

— At what stage is the criminal investigation now? Is the search for the boy still ongoing and does it make sense?

— Search activities have not been stopped. Of course, they are not carried out as actively as before, but this is solely due to weather conditions. Police officers, military personnel and operational officers of the criminal investigation department of the Internal Affairs Directorate periodically travel to Novy Dvor. Employees of the Svisloch District Department of Internal Affairs and an investigator who is included in the investigation team searching for Maxim are always on site. Periodically, approximately once a month, meetings are held on site, during which we sum up interim results of what has been done and what still needs to be done. The criminal case is under control in the Central Office of the Investigative Committee, and the progress of the search is under the personal control of the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

The “base” hut where the child’s bicycle was found.

Maxim was afraid of animals, swam poorly and did not know his way around

At the same time, they were working on a non-criminal version, says Colonel of Justice Victor Legan.

“If we take into account that the boy was lost in the forest, then first of all we checked the swamps and nearby bodies of water with the help of divers.

Of course, we would really like to believe that the boy is alive, but all the experts with whom we spoke say that irreversible processes can occur in the body of a child of his age within seven hours, which in turn can lead to death. That is, theoretically, if in those weather conditions the child lay down under a tree and fell asleep, then there is a high probability that he could develop pneumonia with the corresponding consequences.

Brown indicates the squares where police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the military worked, yellow indicates volunteers.

We also considered the possibility that he might have been afraid of some animal. Here on the map the habitat of those animals that are found in the nearby forests is shown. For example, elk, bison, lynx. Despite the fact that Maxim everything free time spent near the forest or in the forest, he had problems with orientation on the terrain. There were times when he got lost, he was also afraid of animals and was a poor swimmer. The boy almost drowned in 2016 - his friends pulled him out of the pond.

It can be assumed that he, in a state of passion after being frightened, could go out to the swamp. In that area there are swamps and swamp areas three or more meters deep. They checked everything they could. Even hard-to-reach areas were explored - as far as our capabilities were sufficient.

— Did only police officers, Investigative Committee and Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the swampy area, or also volunteers?

— Volunteers were not allowed there. Only employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the military, and the police worked in the area of ​​​​the alleged place of the boy’s disappearance. It was important not to miss any details. A professional's view is needed here. I can assure you that throughout the entire distance of his possible route, we explored every centimeter of land.

“We all walked 200 square kilometers together. Probably only with the exception of the bottom of the swamps"

We even exceeded the scientifically proven capabilities of an 11-year-old child: even if he wanted to run away, he would not be able to run such a long distance as was examined.

— Did the volunteers interfere with all this work? How do you evaluate the interaction with search teams?

“This is not the first time a person has disappeared when volunteers have been involved in the search. But most of the time we find people in the first few days or weeks. Here it turned out differently. The boy was not found, time passes, people began to come to the Pushcha in groups. The volunteers did not interfere and, naturally, they could not trample on any traces. They did their job well in those squares where the security forces did not work. Truly, we are very grateful to all those people who responded and came to search for Maxim.

“We considered all versions. Probably, except for aliens"

- What about psychics? We know that during the search for Maxim Markhaluk they offered their help and talked about places where they could look for the boy. Were their versions taken into account?

— We worked on many private versions. And, of course, they listened to psychics. We have accumulated three volumes of information that was shared by concerned citizens (one volume is approximately 250 sheets. - Note TUT.BY).

“Dozens of people wrote and called who ‘consulted with the cosmos’, who ‘knew exactly the whereabouts of the child’”

We responded to every such message. For example, we receive information that a certain lady persistently calls Maxim’s family and says that she received information from a psychic and knows where the boy is. We find a psychic. She says she didn't tell anyone anything. Yes, I talked to the lady, but I only invited my parents, if they were interested, to talk to her. We find the lady. We ask where the information comes from. She replies that she had an appointment with a psychic on personal issues and at the same time asked about Maxim. “And by the way the psychic rolled her eyes, I decided that she knew something,” says the woman. And there were many similar calls. We have worked on each of them and will work if we receive any new information. Psychics definitely don’t harm us, but if they helped - and I personally don’t know of a single case where a clairvoyant helped solve a crime - they would have been working for us a long time ago.

— What were the most exotic versions that investigators had to check?

— The most exotic ones have already been covered in the media. Probably with the exception of aliens.
For example, there was a version that the boy was “disassembled for organs” somewhere in Lodz. We interacted with our Polish colleagues on it. We sent them an international order, and the local police examined those institutions where Maxim could allegedly be located. They talked to doctors. The version has not been confirmed. Just like the story about the boy. We also worked closely with Polish law enforcement officers on this issue.

“Moreover, initially we interacted with Polish border guards and we can say with confidence: the boy did not leave the territory of Belarus”

Anyway, technical means control did not record the fact of crossing the border.

We checked two German citizens who were hunting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on our territory at that time. We sent an international order to our German colleagues, and they talked with the hunters.

Belarusian tactics and methods of conducting operational search and investigative measures to find missing persons are among the most advanced in Europe, investigators say. “If someone goes missing there, they look for him in the territory of only one country, but we put our missing people on the interstate wanted list.”

“I don’t believe in any of the versions”

Now Novy Dvor, shrouded in fog and snow, lives its quiet and measured life. The village, where people from all over Belarus gathered in September, returned to its usual way of life. True, local residents are still discussing what happened and expressing a variety of versions. But the mother of the missing boy is not inclined towards any of them: “I don’t want to believe in any of the versions and am waiting for my son to come home.”

Maxim's mother is Valentina.

Valentina is silent for a long time. We are standing on the porch of the house. A woman is getting ready for work. She, as before, works at a local school as a technician and came home for lunch.

- What can I tell you? - the woman finally asks. — That the investigation was poorly conducted, so the child has not yet been found? No, I can’t say that - the investigators worked and are working. I am not an expert to evaluate their activities. And the search was carefully organized. I am very grateful, who all that time were not only in the forest, but also came to me, supported me, and talked.

- Do you have anyone to talk to now?

- I have almost no friends. Of course, we discuss Maxim’s disappearance with his relatives. They sympathize, but each of them has their own life. Therefore, we are often left alone with my husband. It is especially difficult to be at home, where everything reminds you of your son, but he is not there.

Valentina says that she knows and even read comments in thematic groups on searching for a boy on social networks. He says that some of the remarks make it offensive when they, the parents, begin to be blamed for the disappearance of the child.

- If they knew how we are going through...

— At some point, psychics joined the search. Did they help you?

- Yes, many clairvoyants came. But have you heard their versions?

“According to them, Maxim has long been buried, killed, buried in the forest, or he was taken somewhere in a car. I don’t even want to hear these versions.”

There were a lot of psychics in the first days after Maxim disappeared, but now none of them come to us.

— What do you think about your son’s disappearance? Which version is better for you?

- I think nothing. I don't believe in any of the versions. There were so many of them, and they didn’t come up with anything! By the way, Maxim didn’t know the forest well, as many here said. So, just this edge,” my mother points towards the forest, which comes close to the two-story houses. “I just believe that he will come back.” He will walk along this road out of the forest as if nothing had happened. You know, sometimes I leave the house, look for a long time at the stadium where he played in the summer, at the street, at the yard, and I miss him very much. I wait for him every day. Because of all these experiences, my father (husband - approx. TUT.BY) and I have been on medications all this time.

Valentina speaks quietly and looks tired. Out of some confusion I ask:

- Maybe you should go somewhere, change your surroundings...

- How can I leave? What if the child comes back?..

Continue. There is still no consensus on “what really happened to the boy?” Residents of the village of Novy Dvor and everyone who follows this story have their own version of what is happening. One of the participants in the search for Maxim decided to put all the versions together and talk about it.

So. Before delving into such a hair-raising topic, I simply have to make a number of clarifications. The next paragraph is dedicated to exactly this. You can sleep for now.

I didn’t want to write about this topic, but you can’t help your heart. For the last two days, I, like many other Belarusians, have been captured by one huge detective. The whole country sincerely worries about the boy, although the mind has already understood everything a long time ago (I would like it to be wrong). This is not an attempt to hype a hot topic. But when a text has been written in your head willy-nilly for the last 48 hours, it’s impossible not to let it out. Anticipating many questions: yes, he helped the search, transferred money to the Angel PSO.

I tried to abstract myself as much as possible from conclusions and value judgments. I won't blame anyone. All coincidences that happened in the past, are happening now and will happen in the future are random. I don't have any inside information. None of the versions (except the official one) from this text should be taken into account by law enforcement and other related authorities. I, like all of you, hope for a successful outcome. All my work on this topic consisted of me, armed with a tablet and plenty of time, collecting information on the Internet, paying special attention to comments, reading even the wildest ones. The result is a list of versions, each of which I will try to cover in a variety of ways. Go!

  1. Version oofficial: the boy is lost

In favor of the version:

Well, look, after all, where it all happened! On the edge of Belovezhskaya Pushcha! I repeat: BELOVEZHSKAYA PUSCHHA! For a second, one of the largest (if not the largest) relict forest in Europe! All the nonsense about how the boy “couldn’t get lost”, “knew the forest like the back of his hand”, “led out mushroom pickers” (I can just imagine how the boy, instead of rescuers, runs into the forest to lead out mushroom pickers). Those who cannot swim never drown. For he does not climb into the water, but sits on the bank, dangling his leg. And only good, experienced swimmers drown. Because they are self-confident. Even adults get lost in three pines, and this is a child! The video from the scene clearly shows how overgrown the forest is in those places. And the wording “They searched everything within walking distance of the child” does not stand up to any criticism at all. Who measured it, that reach. If he wants, he can walk 100 kilometers. Adrenaline and stress do their job. Several traces were found, although it is difficult to say that they definitely belong to Maxim. But there were many tracks of bison in the place, which could have frightened the boy and he rushed away from them into the thicket.

Version vs:

There’s no need to even say anything here. Just look at the map.

Despite the fact that the village is surrounded on all sides by forest, it is not that big. Even YandexMaps shows that there are enough white spots in the forest. Add to this a huge number of paths, clearings, wandering rangers and foresters, camera traps and so on. Even if the boy just starts walking in one direction, in less than 24 hours he will be released into the light of God. They started looking for him almost immediately, shouting and signaling, but no answers. According to volunteers, the forest was eventually encircled and completely combed. That is, the boy simply cannot be in the forest, either alive or dead. The only exception is that the child could drown in a swamp - although even in this case there should be at least some traces! And why would a child go into the forest at dusk? We add here the brother’s testimony: “He did not go anywhere far alone.” How this fits in with “I knew the forest like my pocket” is still unclear. The purple line on the map from one point to another is only 16 km long. Regarding the bison: why did he run not towards the village, along the road on which he came, but to let him in? Did the bison learn tactics and encircle the child, cutting off his escape route?

2. Semi-official version: the boy is hiding

In favor of the version:

There were several witnesses who clearly testified that they had seen the boy. Alive and healthy. A mushroom picker saw him once literally immediately after the boy disappeared. Allegedly, he asked him why the boy was walking through the forest alone at such a time, to which the boy, without saying anything, rushed to run away. Then two more times the volunteers said that they saw a boy running in the distance. Each of us knows stories about how children, afraid of what they have done, do not go home. The boy could simply be afraid of punishment when he saw the scale of the search. Again, remember about the tracks. Also in the forest they found places where the boy could presumably spend the night. Maxim’s friends remembered some secret dugout in the depths of the thicket. The boy may be there. As a subsection of this version, a theory is put forward that the boy could have gone on a journey. Theoretically, even cross the border with Poland.

Version vs:

Still, 10 days have passed. You can hide for a day, maybe two or three, but not a week and a half. And who saw the witnesses who noticed him? Either it’s a fiction, or they didn’t see it. Moreover, in one of the cases of “witness testimony” the boy ran across the road and slipped through the soldiers in chains. I know the people’s opinion about the army, but there are not total (and at the same time deaf-blind) idiots serving there. Haven't you seen or heard? Unlikely. The child has absolutely nothing to eat or drink. He has nowhere (most likely) to sleep, and the nights are cold. All buildings where the child could have spent the night have been checked - he is not there. Crossing the border is not very realistic - it is guarded on both sides.

3. Criminal version: a crime has been committed

In favor of the version:

It's all pure guesswork here. Why did the child throw the bicycle on the ground without even leaning it against the hut (according to fellow villagers and parents, he loved the bicycle very much). What kind of strange broken basket stands next to the hut, where, as if to divert attention, they threw the first mushrooms they came across with the garbage? According to dog handlers, the boy’s trail is confidently followed by dogs to the highway, where it evaporates in an unknown direction. If a child goes out onto the track, then there is absolutely no point in saying that he got lost. Do you think there are a lot of paved roads in those parts and the boy didn’t know where he was? Nothing was found in the forest at all, that is, literally. None of the crumbs that were found can exactly relate to the boy. They say that in those parts, half the population makes money from poaching, and the other half from moonshine. The boy simply could see something wrong. Or become a victim of an accident: at dusk, be hit by a car or shot by mistake with a gun. God forbid, of course. Or be deported to the same Poland.

Version vs:

The police were at the scene from the very first hours. I believe that all the necessary criminological measures at that time were carried out. I once saw a search for a missing person. They turn the house and buildings upside down, shake all the witnesses and neighbors, and restore the path of the missing person. Don't think that the police made a mistake this time. And any crime leaves traces. Explicit or implicit. Blood, signs of a struggle, pieces of clothing, some other evidence. This time nothing was found at all.

The hut where Maxim Markhalyuk disappeared
Old basket with bad mushrooms

4. Conspiracy theory: something doesn’t fit here

In favor of the version:

The inconsistencies start from the very beginning. When did the boy disappear? Someone says that he warned about mushrooms (elder brother), someone says that they knew nothing about mushrooms (mother). The friends also differ in their testimonies: either the boy called them, but they refused, or they went together, and he moved on. And the story about mushrooms itself looks very strange. The boy allegedly went to pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest at around 19.00 in the evening. For the sake of experiment, gentlemen, go outside today at 19.00 pm and look at the light level. Next: mushrooms at the edge of the forest. While the hut where the bicycle was found is located either five hundred or eight hundred meters from the edge of the forest. That is, the child went for the night looking into the forest a kilometer away (within the forest this is a lot) in order to pick mushrooms by touch? Some witnesses say: the boy was timid, he even stuttered, he could be scared of animals and rush into the thicket. Gentlemen, who is not one of the timid: would you risk going into the thicket at dusk a kilometer deep? I'll tell you right away - I couldn't. It's scary. Next come completely ambiguous versions. Allegedly, a local village madwoman approached the members of the search party and quietly muttered: “Look and search, you still won’t find it.” Someone talks about Maxim’s friends fainting while being questioned by the police, and that one teenager’s parents simply do not allow him to be questioned, insisting that there is no criminal case. Allegedly, someone saw a teenager, one of the missing boy’s acquaintances, returning from the forest at night. What he could see there is unclear. There is even talk about some mysterious house that volunteers tried to break into, but it was locked from the inside. When the door was broken down, there was no one in the house. There are so many inconsistencies that the post threatens to turn into a sheet.

Version vs:

It is quite possible that all this is nothing more than the imagination of our people. Since childhood, we have all been prone to inventions and fantasies. Moreover, nothing can be checked in the comments at all. People simply copy-paste erroneous versions into more and more public pages. I don't think it's all that confusing. And the seemingly unrealistic versions are simply not sufficiently covered in the press; often people are content with such forums and fragmentary tales of volunteers who visited the site. Stories about crazy houses locked from the inside (who in their right mind would break down the door of a house where the curtain on the window just swayed?), nightly adventures of children seem even more unrealistic than the mysterious disappearance itself.

5. Military version: we have exercises

In favor of the version:

All this can be nothing more than exercises in the interaction of civil society and various services. According to rumors, no one saw either the boy’s parents or his brother. Journalists do not communicate with them, where they are is not clear. It is quite possible that there simply was no disappearance. Rumors of this kind were once confirmed in Russia. And, by the way, remember that same girl from Mexico who allegedly fell under a collapsed building and who they tried to get out of the rubble for days. As a result, the girl turned out to be a fiction, created to distract people from trouble. A completely wild version, also inspired by the exercises: the boy accidentally saw a reconnaissance group of fighters of some kind foreign country, who was returning after observing the exercise. During such meetings, no one is left alive, and the bodies are carefully hidden. Moreover, it is near the border with Poland, through which the fighters could pass.

Version vs:

I don’t believe that the state would do such a thing. This is too much. It was possible to come up with some other way to gain search experience. Thermal imagers, helicopters, the army, equipment - all this is money. It’s also hard to believe that he was killed by enemy saboteurs. This is all very incredible. The idea that all this was invented to distract people from something important also does not work. Nothing important has happened in the country yet.

Perhaps we should end here. I tried to process all possible versions that I found on the Internet and present them in accessible language. I hope I accomplished something. The picture is, of course, incomplete, however general idea gives.

And may he still be found.

For the second month now, law enforcement officers and volunteers have been searching for a schoolboy who disappeared in mid-September. Maxim Markhalyuk left for Belovezhskaya Pushcha I didn’t return home to buy mushrooms. The internal affairs bodies of Belarus sent information about the missing boy through Interpol, but there is still no information about the child.

AiF recalls cases where missing children were found alive even after a long time.


The disappearance of 5-year-old Yakov Ziborov became known in March 2016. Unknown people took the boy from an apartment in Moscow, where he lived with his grandparents. Russian law enforcement officers suggested that the disappearance of the child could be criminal in nature.

For more than a year, the boy was searched all over the world, including with the help of Interpol. As a result, he was found alive and well in June 2017 in the Mogilev region and handed over to his grandmother.

Representatives Investigative Committee Russia was told that members of a radical religious community were involved in the kidnapping of the boy. Moreover, according to one version, the child’s mother belongs to this community.

In 2010, a resident of the Kyiv region, 10 years later, found her daughter, who was kidnapped at a train station in the Ukrainian capital in 2000 at the age of 4 years. The mother saw her daughter in one of the Internet episodes of a program dedicated to the search for missing children. When we met, the girl couldn’t even recognize her. The woman had to undergo a DNA examination and prove her relationship with her daughter for two years.

In 2008, in Daugavpils, Latvia, 16 years after his disappearance, a boy was found who had been abducted at the age of one and a half months. As it turned out, all this time he lived next door to his real parents. The case of the missing child was solved by accident: the woman with whom he lived all these years ended up in a pre-trial detention center, the teenager was handed over to social service employees. When officials began collecting documents for the boy, they discovered that he did not have a birth certificate. After lengthy inquiries, the woman admitted that the child was adopted. DNA analysis completely confirmed the relationship lost child with his parents searching for him all these years.

Most of the missing people in Belarus are found within ten days. If by this time the person has not been found, he is put on the wanted list. In addition, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus, a criminal case is initiated into the disappearance. Moreover, even if a person disappeared more than twenty years ago, the criminal case is not closed, but only suspended until the moment when it becomes known where he is.


In March 2017, three children from Vitebsk went to school for classes, but never returned home. They took passports and money with them, but left Cell phones and a note saying they were leaving home.

A week later, the missing children were found almost 9 thousand km from their home in Khabarovsk, Russia. The schoolchildren were removed from the train on which they intended to travel to Vladivostok.

In 2015, a mother and daughter were found in Russia, who disappeared in 2001 and were considered murdered since 2006. It turned out that the residents of Grodno decided to sever all relations with their relatives and left for permanent residence in a neighboring country without informing anyone about it.

In Russia, mother and daughter lived without registration. Identity documents were not reissued.


In 2007, two girls from the Moscow region, who attended the Young Biologist club, came to the Urals with a group of ecologists. The girls got lost in the area of ​​the nature reserve in the Sverdlovsk region.

Children in the taiga ate berries, drank water from springs and streams, and slept on cedar branches. Wandering through the forest, the girls walked tens of kilometers. The girls were prepared for survival in nature through classes in a circle. A foot rescue team found the children alive and well after more than a week of searching.

Since the disappearance of Maxim Markhaluk, a ten-year-old resident of A.G. New yard of the Svisloch district of the Grodno region - 20 days have already passed. Various versions of what happened are still appearing in the media, but there is still no information about his whereabouts! That is why this case interested our research organization. As practice shows, cases in which there are virtually no clues or evidence can be solved only using unconventional, from the point of view of orthodox science, methods.

First, let's look at the overall picture of the incident.

On Saturday, September 16, 2017, at about 19.00, Maxim gets on his bike and heads to the “base”. This is what local boys call a hut in the forest, located about 300 meters from the agricultural town.

The boy's mother, having prepared dinner, begins to call her son home, but does not find him anywhere. By calling his school friends, she finds out where he went. It also turns out that before leaving, Maxim invited his comrades to pick mushrooms, but they refused. This fact automatically excludes the version of a pre-planned escape.

Immediately the parents run into the forest and find their son’s bicycle neatly standing on the step near the hut, but the boy himself is nowhere to be found. Two hours later, the relatives contact the police. Neighbors, acquaintances and fellow villagers immediately join the search, and later - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Starting the next day, volunteers from all over the republic come to the agricultural town to participate in search activities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and even riot police are involved, divers and specialists with dogs are working. The territory is inspected from the air by helicopters with thermal imagers on board and unmanned aircraft. The result is negative!

Main versions: escape or kidnapping.

In turn, we are starting to monitor the media and social networks for information that could help solve this case. An important fact is revealed: according to the director of a local school, when service dogs were working in the forest, one of them took the scent and confidently ran along a dirt road, then went out onto the asphalt, spun around and lost its scent.

It should be understood that if the guy had simply left this place on a ride, the driver who gave him a lift would have long ago reported this to the law enforcement agencies, but that did not happen. The kidnapping version is also very controversial. Kidnapping a child is a serious crime that is carefully prepared for. It is difficult to imagine that everything could have happened spontaneously, although such a possibility remains.

October 1, 2017 in the comments to one of the thematic news posted in the group of the Grodno search and rescue team "CenterSpas" in social network VKontakte, a video recording of the session appears regressive hypnosis, as a result of which accurate and very plausible information was obtained explaining what happened. Here is the video:

The group administrators considered the information received “nonsense” and deleted it. We began to analyze it. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that we're talking about not about some fantasies of psychics, but about information obtained through the use of techniques for connecting a person’s consciousness to the so-called. information field. In the USSR, similar techniques were taught to officers of closed military units to obtain intelligence data, and the term “information field” was used by the military as part of educational process. Unfortunately, to an ordinary person, who does not have the appropriate information training, knows nothing about this.

Let's consider the picture that emerges from the analysis of the above-mentioned video recording.

Conditional picture of the incident

On the evening of September 16, 2017, Maxim Markhaluk gets bored and goes on a bicycle towards the forest. For a reason known only to him, he leaves the vehicle near the hut and continues to walk along the road. It’s already dark outside, and the guy’s clothes may not have reflective elements.

Outside the agricultural town, a dark-colored car is moving at high speed. Behind the wheel is a young guy named Leonid (dark hair, short haircut, large bald patches in front). On the right in the passenger seat is also a young guy named Kirill (bald or with a cropped head, a jacket with a hood, presumably brown), apparently lives in Grodno. There is a fresh air freshener in the shape of a (painted) green apple hanging in the cabin.

The driver does not notice a little boy walking along the side of the road and causes a collision, in the area of ​​which there should be traces of blood, and nearby there is a reinforced concrete pillar with a lantern shining. Very frightened, the guys load Maxim, who is unconscious, into the back seat of the car and head to the hospital.

Having passed a populated area (which one is not known), the guys check the pulse and realize that Maxim is no longer there. Nearby is a field. The body is taken to a forest plantation and covered with a little earth. In addition to the field, there are pillars located not far from this place (no details). Searchers walked near the body. During the hypnosis session, information was leaked that the location of the body was 30 kilometers from a populated area (meaning the agricultural town of Novy Dvor), but there is reason to believe that this information is unreliable.

Please note that the information was not obtained during a regression hypnosis session by us, so we cannot be 100% sure of its reliability. At the same time, we do not have the moral right to ignore the information received, as representatives of search and rescue groups do.

  1. Searchers need to focus not on finding a living person, but on finding the possible burial place of his body. Despite moral standards, ignoring this version means playing for the audience, and not engaging in a real search.
  2. The search area can be narrowed to roadside areas (for specialists with dogs) and forests no more than 30 meters deep, thereby expanding the geography of the search. Special attention pay attention to areas on the map highlighted in red, and first of all - with right side from the road.

P.S. In parallel with working out the version of the accident, we began working with individual psychics. Analysis of the information received showed some differences with the above version, but at the same time there were very precise details that coincided with it. According to psychics, one of whom gave very accurate information in the case of Sonya Chetvertnova, a five-year-old girl from Kalach on Don (Russia), who disappeared the day before Maxim and then was killed, his underage “comrades” with parallel cover-up were involved in the disappearance of our guy one of the adults. By the way, one of Maxim’s friends’ name is Kirill, as a passenger in the car according to regressive hypnosis. Work in this direction continues...