When everything is good in a relationship and lovers understand each other perfectly, it seems to them that time passes unnoticed. And when a relationship ends or quarrels occur, then every minute seems like an eternity. Everyone dreams of finding out when this period will end and when their loved one will return. Fortune telling for the return of a loved one is an excellent option that allows you to find out how a quarrel or separation will end. By making a simple layout and familiarizing yourself with the meaning, you will understand what you can expect in the near future.

This is a very simple and truthful fortune telling for the return of a loved one, which, with the help of just one card, will tell you when the beloved will return and whether he will return at all.

To conduct it, you will need a fortune-telling deck of cards that no one has played before. You can only use a deck that no one but you has ever held in their hands before.

Fortune telling can be done on any day except church holidays. Also, the ritual is performed only once a day, even if you are not satisfied with the result.

Having shuffled the deck well, you need to remove some of the cards with the little finger of your right hand, thinking about the young man with whom you broke up or quarreled. These cards should be moved down. Your card is the top one. By looking at its meaning, you will find out your future with this young man.

Fortune telling with 7 cards

This fortune telling is considered more complex and allows you to find out not only the future, but also the past, the causes of discord in relationships and much more. To complete it, you will need a fortune-telling deck, which needs to be shuffled well.

As you shuffle the cards, think about a loved one with whom your relationship didn't work out.

Now you can randomly draw seven cards and place them in front of you on the table.

  • The first card (on the left) is the guy’s thoughts;
  • The second is the feelings of the young man;
  • The third is his desires;
  • The fourth (central) is the future;
  • Fifth – the goals of the chosen one;
  • Sixth – your thoughts;
  • Seventh – the causes of discord.

Using this fortune telling, you can find out a lot about your lover: his thoughts and feelings, goals and desires. Remember, this ritual can only be performed once a day.

The meaning of the cards


  • Six - the future is ambiguous and a lot depends on you;
  • Seven - if you change something in your character, a lot will change;
  • Eight - you will still be together;
  • Nine - your happiness is in your hands;
  • Ten - most likely you will not be together;
  • Jack - happiness with his friend;
  • Lady - a friend will help you be together;
  • King - try to improve relations with his parents;
  • Ace - it will end in a wedding.


  • Six - he got another one;
  • Seven - a lot depends on his friend, who influences him;
  • Eight - you have one more chance;
  • Nine - your hopes will not come true;
  • Ten - a future together is possible if you try hard;
  • Jack - ask his relatives for help;
  • Lady - there is a girl who wants to take your place;
  • King - you will have children together;
  • Ace - happiness to be together.


  • Six – unforeseen problems;
  • Seven - only friendship is possible;
  • Eight - quick reconciliation, which will be the beginning of the end;
  • Nine - being together means sacrificing your independence;
  • Ten - you don’t love him, so it’s better to let him go;
  • Jack - problematic relationships;
  • Lady - your mother will give you the right and necessary advice;
  • King - soon everything will work out for you;
  • Ace - let him go and you will be rewarded.


  • Six - your relationship will be based on benefits;
  • Seven - this guy is not suitable for you, don’t try;
  • Eight - common problems, the solution of which will bring you closer together;
  • Nine - falling in love will soon pass, and you will meet another man;
  • Ten - this guy loves you and will return;
  • Jack - your happiness does not depend on this young man;
  • Lady - his relatives are against such a relationship;
  • King - happiness with his acquaintance or friend;
  • Ace - wedding or birth of a child.

If in one of the two fortune-telling above it turns out that you and the young man will still be together and you have prospects, then one simple trick will help speed up this process.

That card with a good meaning foreshadowing his return should be kept. It needs to be placed on your joint photo or on your two photos. Along with the photo, the card should be placed in a clean white envelope and sealed.

The envelope should be placed at the end of the book with a good ending, where the lovers ended with a wedding. Naturally, tragedies like Romeo and Juliet will not work.

Fortune telling answer to question

The ritual on cards for a Yes/No answer is also considered quite effective. To complete it, you will need a fortune-telling deck, well shuffled. While you're shuffling the cards, ask one specific question that has a clear yes or no answer.

When the cards are shuffled, draw one randomly and look at the answer:

  • Hearts and spades - yes;
  • Clubs and diamonds are not.

As you can see, everything is very simple and clear. You cannot ask the same questions more than once. In total, this ritual can be repeated no more than seven times a day.

Card fortune telling for the return of a loved one is a truthful and proven magical ritual. Over a long period of time, such rituals told girls what awaited them in the future. After all, when breaking up, you don’t always want to come to terms with this state of affairs. And such a ritual can give hope and push to decisive action.

It often happens that even when the relationship is over, you can’t believe it for a long time. After all, just yesterday everything was fine, just yesterday you were together and all your acquaintances and friends were jealous of you, calling you an ideal couple. But then something happened, something happened and everything collapsed overnight. This is the first scenario for the development and collapse of relationships. Another - everything was heading towards a break for a long time, but neither He nor She wanted to admit it for a long time, pretending that everything was fine and that nothing special was happening. The third scenario is “a homewrecker, like a black cat that crossed the road.” Fourth... Fifth... Sixth... How many can there be? Yes, as much as you like! Everyone has their own life story, their own love story and their own story of disappointment.

However, there is no need to worry. You will always have time to do this. Even if the relationship is in the past, there is always a chance to build something new, something happier, taking into account the mistakes of the past. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Trees stand stronger on crooked roots.” “Crooked Roots” is your experience that cannot be lost, forgotten or thrown away as unnecessary. It is up to you and only you to decide how to use the experience gained - boldly move on and try to find happiness, or be sad, sprinkle ashes on your own head and live in memories of yesterday.

Anyone who has broken up but would like to restore a broken relationship is dedicated to the fortune-telling “Will he come back to me,” consisting of ten cards. With the help of Maria Lenormand's deck, you will find out what further predictions are regarding your reconciliation.

Before we begin fortune telling, let’s take a closer look at what each of the ten cards means. So,

  1. Card No. 1. Answers the question: What exactly caused the breakup of the relationship?
  2. Map No. 2. Answers the question: How do you react to a breakup?
  3. Map No. 3. Does it indicate what can be done to get your ex-partner back?
  4. Card No. 4. Warns about what not to do under any circumstances?
  5. Card No. 5. Answers the question: What exactly does your partner think about your breakup (illuminates his point of view regarding the breakup of your relationship)?
  6. Map No. 6. Reveals your partner's plans regarding his possible return to you.
  7. Map No. 7. Indicates external reasons that interfere with your reunion.
  8. Card No. 8. Answers the question: Will your partner come back?
  9. Card No. 9. Illuminates the future prospects of your relationship.
  10. Card No. 10. Gives advice or recommendations regarding your future.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

In any relationship, even the most trusted and warm, disagreement can occur. Moreover, it happens that the strongest couples separate because of little things. Of course, if there are sincere feelings between people, then they worry about what happened, but due to their character traits, women, as a rule, suffer much more than men, and try in every possible way to find out how to act in the current situation.

In order to find out whether we will make peace with our loved one, they often use fortune telling, both its classic versions and online fortune telling. The last option, by the way, is much simpler than usual, since everything is already provided for in advance - you just need to click on the start button on the site, and in a few seconds you will already receive a ready-made answer to the question you are interested in.

By the way, you can try out the method in question directly on this site - you can have no doubt about the reliability of online fortune telling, since it was created taking into account all the necessary conditions. But if you want mysticism and piquancy, read carefully the material that will be presented below - you can not only tell fortunes for the future, but also change it, and also eliminate further quarrels in the future.

Candle, plate and blood - a complex plot

To guess whether we will reconcile or not should be done in exactly this way - this version of fortune telling for the future was also used by Helgarda Mogilskaya, a famous Polish healer, who, according to unofficial sources, was able to reliably predict the marriage of Mikhail and
Raisa Gorbachev, so you can trust him. At least you will be able to find out whether reconciliation is possible in the current situation or not. And what needs to be done in order to restore the relationship - but it will be much more difficult to find out about this. To perform such fortune telling for a loved one, the following data will be needed:

  1. The exact date when the quarrel arose;
  2. The name of your lover's father and mother;
  3. Information about what zodiac sign the man was born under and in what year according to the Chinese calendar.

Fortune telling is carried out as follows:

    Good day)
    This article was very useful for me. What should girls do on Christmas night? Or for the old New Year!
    Fortune telling, of course. Doesn't matter. For the betrothed, for the family, for work. But it was in this article that I learned about a very interesting fortune-telling. I’ll give you some advice: it’s better to guess from 23:00 to 00:00. Why? Only because this is the best time to unravel the spell. Thank you for the article))

    Hi all:)
    I surfed the Internet and looked for fortune telling on cards. I came across this article. Well, I think I’ll read it. I was very interested in this type of fortune telling. What did I really like? Detailed description of card layout. I tell fortunes by candlelight. This gives a certain mystical atmosphere.

    Hello everybody!
    The topic “Will your loved one return” was very touched upon?
    We separated a couple of months ago. The old New Year is just around the corner! And this is the time to guess. The article is quite interesting. Detailed description, well written. I love mysticism, enchantment, magic so much. Every year I look forward to those days on the night of which you can tell fortunes! It’s so wonderful! Phew.. I’m writing and getting inspired! I went to guess)

    I want to say a huge thank you to the author of this article)
    For literacy, detailed explanation, for truthful information.
    Like most couples, my boyfriend and I had small
    Problems. What to do? Who can I find out what will happen next? Money
    Not much after the holidays. Going to a family specialist is expensive. I thought. I was scratching my head. I've already figured it out! Divination. What could be better?? I’m waiting for steps from the young man, I hope for the best. It’s already getting better, but it’s not all smooth sailing yet)

    Hello! An amazing site, just 15 minutes and you get answers to questions that have been bothering you for so long. Now I know what to do to get him back. It’s also nice that you can ask a question in person, the cards help, but there are points that I would like to clarify in person. In a word, thank you very much!

    Good day! These are modern technologies. Why did he leave? What to do next? You can get the answer without leaving home, and most importantly - for free, I just came across your site. Accidents are not accidental, as they say) I learned something about myself and him that I couldn’t even imagine.

    Hello:) Thank you very much, very useful site! I didn’t know whether to go to a fortune teller, but then I came across this site. So many questions, but no answers until now. The explanation of the cards is quite clear. Of course, I didn’t expect such interpretations, but the bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.

    Good afternoon) for the last couple of months there have been problems in relationships, I asked my friends, but, as they say, as many people, so many opinions. I decided to tell my fortune, especially since now is the time! I learned what to do and what not to do. Cards are better than friends. And it’s good that for narrow-minded people like me there are detailed instructions and explanations)) Thank you very much, now only you can get the answers!

    Hello. I bought him an anniversary gift, cooked him dinner, and he decided it was best for us to break up. I was broken and didn’t know what to do, but then I remember, now is the time for fortune-telling! That's it. I got answers to all my questions, thank you very much for your site! I don’t know what I would do without you!!!

    Hello! I went to see friends for the weekend, and then announced that we were breaking up. I didn’t know what to do. I decided to tell my fortune. It turned out that the problem was not only with him, but also with me. I received advice for the future. Now, knowing all the mistakes, I will act. Are there others who have found problems within themselves?

    Good evening. Yes, Varvara, it turns out that this happens too. We are used to blaming others, but we forget to look for mistakes in ourselves. You are no exception. But my situation is a little different. Everything has been heading towards a break for about 3 weeks now. Now, thanks to fortune telling, I have received answers to my questions. As you said, we will act in the right direction!

    Hello. I also decided to tell my fortune at night. As they wrote earlier in the comments, “a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.” Well, let’s not despair, I read my fortune again for another person... the answer is positive)) It took about 15 minutes to do everything!

    Hello! I've heard so much about fortune telling, but it's better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times. And who ever said that fortune telling is not a man’s job? Just 20 minutes and you will get answers to your questions! Everyone says “listen to your heart,” but sometimes everyone needs advice and the right vector. In my case, it was fortune telling that helped. Thank you!

    Very often I began to worry about the experience of “is he cheating, no, can’t, or can he still...?” I started returning home later, cold communication, justified by work. I decided to try fortune telling. Now I know how he feels about our relationship and what I should do, I received personal advice. Thank you!

    Hello! My man left for another woman a couple of months ago, I wanted to get him back, but I didn’t know how, what to do, and is it even worth it? It turned out, yes, it’s worth it! The question remains: are there anyone here who has been guessing? What do you say, really?

    Hello:) yes, I was wondering, it’s all true! I also had a man leave me, though not for someone else, but still. The cards showed what he thinks about this situation and what I should do. Try it, you won't regret it!

    Good day! I was wondering for the first time, I didn’t know it was so simple and I don’t understand why I didn’t try it before, now I’ll be a frequent visitor! Problems in my personal life plagued me day after day, so I decided to check and the cards were right. The fact is that he may return, but I am not ready for this and will not be able to take him back. Unfortunately, there are things that cannot be forgiven.

    If you don't try, you won't know, but it's true. I’ve been with a young man for almost 4 years, I didn’t know if he was ready for something more serious, for marriage? The cards answered all questions + gave personal advice. I would never have thought that it would be so simple and fast!

    Hello! My husband often began to respond negatively to all my requests, communicate somehow coldly, and then even declared that it was better for us to live separately for some time! Can you imagine? I tried all the methods except fortune telling and you know, it helped! At the same time I recommended it to my friends.

    I would like to have friends like this who recommended this site to me! I came across it by accident, I don’t think I was there. I tried it and it was not in vain. Not long ago a young man left me, the separation did not go very smoothly, but not all is lost! We will try. Now I know what and how to do.

    Good evening! I have always been interested in mysticism and fortune telling. Very useful article. Explained and clarified all possible questions. I like to tell fortunes at night, as they wrote earlier in the comments, it’s best to do this from 23:00 to 00:00, but it’s also more interesting))

    It was a very difficult moment in life; it’s not easy to make such an important decision when you decide to tell your fortune. I came across your site, better than any advice from others: “he won’t come back, he doesn’t need it” or “you yourself don’t want his presence in your life.” At one point I realized for myself, let them talk, and I’ll tell my fortune! Now I know exactly what’s wrong and what to do))

    Hello) I read the previous comments and I see myself. That's right, girls, it's better to tell your fortune once than to listen to 1000 and 1 advice from others. The cards definitely won't lie!
    It was also a difficult situation, now I’m waiting for the result of my actions...

    Good evening) A friend also advised me... and for good reason!
    Two weeks ago we broke up with a young man, and before that we had been dating for almost 2.5 years. I thought she was cheating... I don’t even know. I told my fortune, now I will solve the problem with the right actions, based on the help of cards. They say he’ll come back, but we’ll see)

    I couldn’t even imagine that it would ever occur to me to guess.
    But he found himself in a seemingly hopeless situation, and the girl left.
    Friends laughed and told me to read it and try it.
    I read it, liked the article, tried it, felt better.
    I just got my second wind. I know what to do!
    Thanks to the author.

    Hello! In general, I liked the article and helped to understand the root of the problem.
    I separated from my husband, and without any explanation on his part. I couldn’t find a place for myself. Fortune telling helped clarify the situation and accept reality. It turned out to be simple. Let's look at the result)

    I tried to guess before, but it was of little use.
    The article explains everything clearly and clearly, and now I did it!
    My life is full of problems on a personal level (Apparently I don’t know how to build this personal plan.
    I received recommendations from the cards) I’ll try to follow them. I hope everything will work out.

    Hello. I'm a random guest. I passed by while browsing the Internet. Since there is a problem with a young man - we are on the verge of breaking up, I decided to try. It turned out that everything was clear. The cards told me what to do and what I was doing wrong. I really hope and believe that everything will be fine now!

    Good afternoon. I want to thank the author of the article. Everything is very clearly written and decorated.
    I have problems with my husband, I don’t know what to do. I told my fortune and it became easier. The cards answered important questions for me. Obvious things became really obvious, and before I would not have even thought about it...
    Thank you, now I know where to run in case of problems.

    The problem with the young man fell like a brick on my head... I drove myself crazy. I would go to my grandmother, but where can I find her in a big city? I was advised to read the article. I was skeptical, but I came. I shouldn’t have believed it, I’ll tell you! I don’t know if this will help me settle my relationship with my loved one, but I definitely found peace of mind! Thanks to the cards, I now have hope for the future.

    I've always been interested in mysticism. But there was no time to try. And what happened was that my beloved left me. I went to see my friend, it was very unpleasant.
    But I love him and still hope to return him. I decided to tell my fortune. The cards helped me look at the situation differently. They gave me advice and support. I believe that now everything will work out and we will be together again!

    I liked the article and most importantly it helped!
    I'm still in school, I have a boy. Something has gone wrong between us. I don't understand what to do. It seems like you can’t run to your mom with such a question. I decided to tell my fortune. The girls recommended this site. I like it! The main thing is to carefully read the meaning of the cards. I will definitely come again.

    Hello! I didn’t think or imagine that I would ever decide to turn to cards. The situation in the family prompted decisive action. But I couldn’t decide which ones. I needed to understand myself and ask for advice. Fortune telling helped me here, the main thing is that it’s convenient that it’s all online! No need to bother buying cards. In general: your head is clear, there is an action plan, mistakes have been taken into account. Everything will be fine!

    Hi all. I’ll join the positive reviews - I liked the fortune telling! My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year. The relationship began to deteriorate, it is not clear why. The cards answered almost all the questions. They even advised me what to do. I'm impressed!)) Shit tonight, and now I've come to write. Because I tried the advice of the cards and you won’t believe it... The reaction was exactly as the cards said! Hurray, we will continue to act!!!

    I tried online fortune telling. Liked.
    The cards didn’t lie about the past, and about the present too. Question about the future.
    My boyfriend and I have been dating for three months, I hoped that we would continue dating, but the cards say - Don’t wait.
    It’s a pity, of course, I’ll be fed up that they’re lying at least a little bit)

    The family boat crashed into everyday life. Have you heard this? This is how it happened for me.
    It will take a long time to tell what and how. The bottom line: my husband started taking walks, I’m almost sure of this.
    I laid out the cards, and they confirmed my guesses. True, there are also positive aspects: they advised what to do and what to do.

    Difficulties of adolescence, they say. A difficult teenager they say. First love is never happy they say.
    You might think you were born old right away...
    Of course, I have problems, I have a lot of questions that I have no one to go to.
    I don't want to hear stupid advice. I decided to tell my fortune, but here everything is written so clearly on the pages.
    I was impressed and even somehow my head became clearer.

    There came a time in my life when I had to make a difficult decision for me whether to stay with a person or not.
    Friends advised me to leave. Mom said be patient and fall in love.
    I decided to do it my way and trust the cards.
    I laid it out and made decisions.
    Thank you, your article was very helpful.

    Girls, this is understandable. It's normal for women to guess. But if someone had told me that I was a guy who would try to guess... I would definitely have cracked.
    And now I’ve come to try it myself.
    My friend intrigued me, go and go. Came for fun - I liked it)
    The main thing is that they didn’t lie, they told the truth)

    I, Thomas, am not a believer, I question everything. I don’t go to fortune tellers and don’t believe in conspiracies.
    My sister, on the contrary, believes in all this!
    So we argued with her, each one stands on her own and does not yield. She suggested that I come to this site and try it myself. And I went. I read the article and laughed - nonsense.
    I told fortunes online and became thoughtful. It’s not like it’s completely nonsense. I told my fortune again, almost everything was told correctly. So now I think which of us is right?

    I read all the reviews, everyone really believes me. But I doubt it.
    What if someone here didn’t get what was predicted by the cards?
    Maybe you can share, I’d like to hear another opinion.
    I myself tried to guess online, all the answers added some confusion to an already incomprehensible situation. Can anyone advise what to do?

    Maria, it’s not entirely clear what you are asking for advice on?
    Should I advise you to believe it or not? No one can believe for you.
    Here either there is faith or there is not.
    I personally like guessing, I know many ways. I come to this site for online fortune telling, when I want advice, but I can’t give it myself.
    Faith is a lot, decide for yourself.

    Oh, I didn’t expect such a quick response, thank you Katenka.
    Yes, of course, you're right. Faith is everything.
    But how can you believe when you expect a different result? Difficult.
    I'm probably talking nonsense, I'm not in the right place.
    I'll try again, maybe everything will work out.
    Thanks to the site and to you!

    I walked in by chance and got stuck! It turned out to be interesting, and I was completely captivated.
    I like to lay out the cards myself so that my hands can feel the cards. I can’t even describe the impression it leaves.
    I was pleased with the page and found unknown moments for myself. And of course I tried fortune telling with a robot) Interesting. Thank you!

People meet, people fall in love, get married. They disperse and everything goes in circles again. The cycle of human life includes meetings, partings, love, experiences, hopes, sorrows and various torments. Love, separation, parting, hope, faith, expectation - these feelings go with us through life. It's good to do it from time to time, if only to check if your intentions are the same. Whether we like it or not, we enter into different kinds of relationships. Be it the relationship between classmates and teachers, employees and employers, subordinates and superiors. It could be a chance meeting and a fleeting glance, two words for acquaintance and then nothing. Or maybe this is the love of your life, which was destined for us from above. And how painful and offensive it is when the word comes into life - parting.

Clarify the situation by telling fortunes about separation

When making this Tarot layout, we are primarily interested in how long the relationship will last, and whether we should expect separation. Big or small, but parting. In some cases, a separation may mean moving away for an indefinite period of time, or it may mean that you will have to separate completely. A restless heart forces us to turn to magic, in the form of card layouts, in order to understand the correctness of our choice or attitude towards a particular incident. When you need to make the right decision, but you can’t do it yourself, turn to Tarot cards. There are a large number of layouts that are similar to open windows into which we look, wanting to receive additional information.

The Tarot layout for separation will tell you whether you should continue the existing relationship and will characterize the depth of your feelings. In some cases, the cards will indicate the inappropriateness of your relationship. But what to do is still up to you to decide. Tarot layout for separation is made of six cards. In the first position, the card will show how you feel about the existing relationship. This alignment will answer the question of what is important to you in this relationship. The card lying in the third position will indicate arguments that indicate that it is better for you to break up. The fourth position in the reading will argue in favor of preserving your relationship. The cards of the fifth and sixth positions will tell you what is best for you and what to do in this situation.