Deep-sea manned vehicles "Mir-1" and "Mir-2"

The deep-sea manned vehicles Mir-1 and Mir-2 were built in Finland by the Rauma Repola company according to a joint Soviet-Finnish project. Construction of the devices began in May 1985 and ended in November 1987. In December 1987, the devices were tested in Atlantic Ocean at depths of 6170 m and 6120 m, respectively. During 20 years of operation, a wide range of deep-sea operations were carried out using the Mir devices. A large amount of scientific research has been carried out in various areas of the World Ocean. The main direction of research was the study of hydrothermal fields on the ocean floor. The devices operated in 20 areas with hydrothermal fields in the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. A large amount of archaeological research has been carried out on sunken objects, such as the Titanic (3500 m), Bismarck (4700 m), the Japanese World War II submarine I-52 (5400 m) and others. The devices were used to make deep-sea filming and video recordings for feature and popular science films. More than 10 films have been released, the most famous of which is James Cameron's famous Titanic.

A special place in the history of “Mirov” is occupied by work on the sunken nuclear submarines “Komsomolets” and “Kursk”, during the inspection of which a wide range of scientific and underwater technical problems were solved. To date, each of the Mir devices has made more than 400 dives, 70% of which were made to depths between 3000 and 6000 m. The devices have proven to be highly reliable technical means, capable of solving almost any problem in the depths of the ocean. However, until now, Mir spacecraft have never operated under continuous ice cover. Of course, solving this problem required some modernization of the apparatus and the development of new equipment that would make it possible to successfully carry out this kind of diving. Before moving on to presenting material about diving at the North Pole, it is advisable to consider issues related to the design features of the “Worlds” and the innovations that were introduced to perform the very difficult task of descending to the bottom North Pole. Many foreign experts call deep-sea manned vehicles mini-submarines. Obviously, this is due to some of their similarities with large submarines both in design and in the method of operation - in free swimming mode under water without rigid or flexible connections (such as cables or cables) with the surface or with a support vessel. The safety of a person’s stay at great depths is ensured, first of all, by a durable hull; the remaining elements and systems of the device are designed to deliver a durable body to a given depth, move underwater and return back to the surface. Most modern GOAs use rechargeable batteries as an energy source. The robust body, individual structural elements and basic components of the systems are combined by a connecting frame into a single structure, which is closed on top by a lightweight body, which is usually made of fiberglass and gives the device a streamlined shape. This is the general design diagram of the habitable vehicle.

Design of the deep-sea manned vehicle "Mir"

immersion depth 6000 m

crew 3 people

speed 5 knots

weight 18.6 t

dimensions 7.8 x 3.2 x 3.0 m

1 habitable sphere

2 lightweight body

3 ballast spheres

4 manipulators

5 retractable instrument rods

6 powerful lamps

7 TV and photo cameras on a rotating device

8 support skis

9 hopper with nickel shot (emergency ballast)

10 side engine

11 pump high pressure for pumping out water ballast

12 hydraulic station with electric drive

13 boxes with 120 volt batteries

14 boxes with 24 volt batteries

15 main engine

16 main engine nozzle

17 wing

18 emergency buoy

From the book “Depth” by A.M. Sagalevich. "Scientific World", 2002

It should be noted that very often deep-sea manned vehicles are called bathyscaphes. However, this is not true. Bathyscaphes were the first generation of autonomous manned vehicles. On bathyscaphes, a light liquid, gasoline, was used as a buoyant material. The bathyscaphe had a huge float, into which up to 200 tons of gasoline were pumped before diving, which during the diving process was replaced by water and the bathyscaphe acquired negative buoyancy. Upon completion of work at the bottom, solid ballast (usually steel shot) was dropped from the bathyscaphe, and it began to float. In deep-sea manned vehicles, solid floating material syntactic is used as a floating material, the basis of which is glass microbeads connected with epoxy resin into a single whole. Syntactic is made in the form of blocks; they can be given different shapes when casting. Thanks to the use of syntactics, GOAs have small dimensions and weight and can be transported to the dive site on board research vessels. To date, there are only four GOAs in the world capable of diving to a depth of 6000 m: one in France (Nautilus), one in Japan (Shinkai-6.5) and two in Russia - Mir-1 and Mir-2". Let us briefly consider the design of the Mir devices. The durable body of the GOA “Mir” is made of steel with a high nickel content. Two hemispheres, manufactured by casting and machined, are connected using bolts. The sphere has three portholes: a central one, with an internal diameter of 200 mm, and two side windows, with a diameter of 120 mm. Portholes provide good review when working underwater. Nickel-cadmium batteries are used as an energy source, replacing the originally used iron-nickel batteries. The total energy reserve of the Mir apparatus is 100 kW/hour. The device has three ballast systems.

The main ballast system consists of two tanks made of fiberglass. Their total capacity is 1500 liters. When the apparatus is submerged, the tanks are filled with water, due to which its buoyancy becomes close to neutral. Further ballasting is carried out using a thin ballast system, which allows you to adjust buoyancy within a wide range, making it possible to dive and ascend at speeds of up to 35–40 m/min and hover at any horizon in the water column. When floating to the surface, the tanks of the main ballast system are purged with air, giving the apparatus buoyancy of +1500 kg and ensuring a normal waterline on the wave. The fine ballasting system consists of three durable spheres - two bow and one stern - with a total capacity of 999 liters. As the apparatus dives into these spheres, water is taken in, which makes it possible to regulate its buoyancy. To give the apparatus positive buoyancy, water is pumped out of the durable spheres using special high-pressure pumps.

Thus, the Mir vehicles operate entirely on water ballast, in contrast to foreign deep-sea vehicles, which continue to partially use the principles of bathyscaphes, i.e., discharging solid ballast in the form of cast iron pigs or sandbags. High pressure pumps are equipped with hydraulic drives. The devices have three hydraulic systems. The first, with a power of 15 kW, controls the main high-pressure pump and the propulsion complex of the device. The energy from the batteries is converted using a special inverter into alternating current energy, which powers the electric motor that drives the hydraulic pump. The high-pressure pump and propulsion system are controlled through a system of valves located outside in the oil box and controlled by the pilot from inside the habitable sphere. The second hydraulic system is designed in a similar way, but has less power - 5 kW. It controls all external retractable devices: manipulators, rods, bunkers, etc., a trim pump that pumps water ballast from the bow to the stern spheres and back, thereby ensuring the desired trim angle of the apparatus. In addition, the second hydraulic system controls the second high-pressure pump, which is used as an emergency pump: in the event of failure of the main pump or the first hydraulic system, the second pump allows pumping out water ballast and ensuring the device floats to the surface. The third hydraulic system is emergency; it makes it possible to reset some parts of the apparatus in the event of an emergency. emergency situation. The hydraulic pump in this system is driven by a DC electric motor, which is powered directly from the main batteries of the device or from an emergency battery. It should be noted that the reset individual elements In case of an emergency, the device can also be powered by a second hydraulic system. The following elements can be dropped from the Mir device.

First of all, these are protruding parts of the structure (with which the device can catch on cables, cables, etc. at the bottom): the main and side movers; wing; manipulator hands (if something is taken in the hand, but the mechanism for opening it does not work); an emergency buoy that comes out to the surface after recoil from the vehicle on a thin nylon cable 8000 meters long; in addition, the lower battery box of the main battery, weighing about 1000 kg, can be dropped. The Mir spacecraft also have an emergency ballast system (mentioned above as the third ballast system). Two rigid fiberglass containers contain 300 kg of nickel shot, held by electromagnets, the removal of tension from which allows partial or complete release of the shot and gives the apparatus positive buoyancy. An important part of the apparatus is the propulsion complex. The main stern propulsion unit with a power of 12 kW controls movement in the horizontal plane, providing rotation of the vehicle within ±60°. Two side thrusters with a power of 3.5 kW each have a rotating device that allows them to be rotated in a vertical plane within 180°; Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out vertical movement of the device while it is moving forward on the main mover, as well as in a horizontal plane in the event of a failure of the main mover. This design of the complex provides flexible control of the device, giving it good maneuverability, which is very important when working near the bottom in difficult terrain or on bottom objects of complex configuration. Inside the habitable sphere during a dive, normal Atmosphere pressure and gas composition of air. The life support system includes oxygen cylinders with dispensers, through which the atmosphere inside the sphere is replenished with oxygen, and a carbon dioxide collector with replaceable cassettes filled with a CO 2 absorber (usually lithium or potassium oxide hydrate). Fans constantly drive air through a carbon dioxide absorber, as well as through a special filter of harmful impurities filled with activated carbon and palladium. This way the atmosphere in the cabin is cleaned. The content of various components in it is monitored using special indicators that show the percentage of oxygen, dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. There are also monitors for pressure, temperature and humidity inside the cabin. GOA "Mir" is equipped with modern underwater navigation equipment. It allows you to determine the exact position of the vehicle under water relative to bottom hydroacoustic beacons, the installation and calibration of which is carried out from on board the vessel according to data from the satellite navigation system. The pilot can observe the trajectory of the vehicle underwater on the display, which creates undoubted convenience for controlling it during search operations, reaching bottom objects, etc. The underwater hydroacoustic communication system provides wireless voice communication with the vessel at a distance of up to 10 miles. Hydrolocation equipment allows you to search at the bottom for small objects up to a few tens of centimeters in size. The devices are equipped with hydrophysical and hydrochemical sensors, special devices for sampling and other scientific equipment. Two identical manipulators (right and left) with seven degrees of freedom make it possible to select various samples - from very fragile to large and heavy ones weighing about 80 kg. GOA "Mir" is equipped with modern video equipment for underwater video filming, as well as underwater photo systems. The devices are equipped with external light and radio beacons, which allow them to be detected on the surface after surfacing: the radio search system on the support vessel receives signals from the radio beacon and indicates the direction to the device’s ascent point. Diving at the North Pole under a continuous ice cover required special preparation of the Mir devices: modernization of some systems, development of new equipment that would ensure the exit of the GOA from under the ice roof into a small hole on the ocean surface.

January 27th, 2014

I told you yesterday that this also caused a mixed reaction. Expressions such as “... but before our bathyscaphes descended to the Titanic” were heard. It turns out that few people knew that the “Worlds” were built in Finland by order of the USSR.

"Mir" is a series of Russian research underwater deep-sea manned vehicles (GOV) for oceanographic research and rescue operations. They have a diving depth of up to 6 km. Based on board the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh.

Let's find out more about them...

The deep-sea manned vehicles (GOV) Mir-1 and Mir-2 were built in Finland by Rauma-Repola in 1987. The idea of ​​the devices and the initial design were developed at the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Lazurit Design Bureau. The devices were created under the scientific and technical guidance of scientists and engineers from the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The creation of the devices began in May 1985 and was completed in November 1987. In December 1987, deep-sea tests of the devices were carried out in the Atlantic at a depth of 6170 meters (Mir-1) and 6120 meters (Mir-2). The devices were installed on the support vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, built in 1981 in Finland and converted in 1987 to carry out work with deep-sea test devices.

GOA “Mir 1″ and “Mir 2″ are identical in design and are designed for a working diving depth of 6000 m. The total battery capacity of one device is 100 kW/h, which allows underwater operations to be carried out for 17–20 hours of continuous underwater cycle. In addition, this allows the installation of a large complex of scientific and navigation equipment on both devices.

The underwater speed of the Mir vehicle is 5 knots. It uses water ballast for ballasting. Before the device leaves the surface sea ​​water fills plastic main ballast tanks with a capacity of 1.5 cubic meters. m, which are blown with compressed air when the device reaches the surface after a dive. The buoyancy of the apparatus is regulated using a variable ballast system by receiving water into three durable spheres and pumping it out of the spheres with a high-pressure pump.

The body of the devices is made of martensitic, highly alloyed steel, with 18% nickel. The alloy has a yield strength of 150 kg per square mm (for titanium it is about 79 kg/ Manufacturer: Finnish company Lokomo, part of the Rauma Repola concern. Crew accommodation The crew of the GOA "Mir" consists of three people - a pilot, an engineer and a scientist-observer.

The length of the Mir apparatus is 7.8 m, width (with side engines) 3.8 m, height 3 m. The view from the habitable sphere of the Mir apparatus is provided by three windows: a central one with an internal diameter of 200 mm, and two side windows with a diameter of 120 mm. The position of the windows provides a wide viewing angle for the pilot and observers. The buoyancy reserve of the Mir apparatus at the bottom is 290 kg. Dry weight 18.6 tons. Life support capacity 246 people/hour. GOA "Mir" is equipped with navigation and scientific equipment, photo and video systems, manipulators, sampling devices, etc.

The emergency rescue system of the device consists of a syntactic buoy released by the crew, with a 7000 m long Kevlar cable attached to it, along which half of the coupling is lowered (the same as a railway automatic coupler). It reaches the device, then automatic coupling occurs, and the device is lifted on a long power cable, 6500 m long, with a breaking force of about ten tons.

As of 2008, in addition to the Russian Mir-1 and Mir-2, there are two more devices in the world (three were built). The American Sea Cliff (DSV Sea Cliff), which is currently being converted, the French Nautile, both with a diving depth of 6000 meters, and the Japanese Shinkai 6500 6500), which set a diving record for existing vehicles of 6527 meters.

Using the Mir-1 and Mir-2 GOA, 35 expeditions were carried out in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, of which nine expeditions to eliminate the consequences of accidents of nuclear submarines (NPS) “Komsomolets” and “Kursk”. A number of the latest deep-sea technologies and techniques have been developed, which made it possible to carry out long-term radiation monitoring on the Komsomolets nuclear submarine, which is located at the bottom of the Norwegian Sea at a depth of 1,700 meters, and to partially seal the bow of the boat. Seven expeditions were conducted to the area of ​​the sinking of the Komsomolets nuclear submarine in the Norwegian Sea in the period 1989-1998.

At the end of September 2000 The devices were used to inspect the Kursk nuclear submarine. Russian scientific institutions have developed a methodology that made it possible, using Mir devices, to conduct a detailed examination of the Kursk nuclear submarine, determine the cause of its accident and develop measures to eliminate the consequences of this accident.

In 1991 and 1995 with With the help of “Worlds”, research was carried out on the hull of the Titanic, which lies at a depth of 3800 meters. During the dives, unique filming was carried out, which was used to create feature and popular science films, including Titanica, Titanic, Bismarck, Aliens of the Deep, Ghost of the Abyss.

In January-September 2004

In January-September 2004 year, the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Fakel, carried out major renovation Mir devices with their complete disassembly, testing the strength of the housings, partial replacement of elements, components and equipment, subsequent assembly and testing of the newly assembled devices. As a result, “Mir-1” and “Mir-2” received a class certificate from the international register “German Lloyd” until 2014.

August 2, 2007 In 2007, as part of the Arctic 2007 expedition, the world's first descent of the deep-sea manned vehicles "Mir" was carried out at the point of the geographic North Pole to a depth of 4300 meters. During this unprecedented dive, a titanium Russian flag and a capsule with a message to future generations were installed at the bottom. The devices withstood a pressure of 430 atmospheres. The achievements of this expedition are included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The Arctic plunge caused a major public outcry, as some Russian commentators suggested that Russia was “staking out” its rights to a section of the ocean floor between the New Siberian Islands and the North Pole, although from the point of view of international law this action was legally void.

The dive of the deep-sea manned vehicles Mir-1 and Mir-2 at the North Pole is the first in history. This expedition will make it possible for the first time to study in detail the structure of the bottom in the polar region and clarify the boundaries of the Russian shelf in the area stretching from the New Siberian Islands to the Pole.

In fact, one of the goals of the expedition is to determine whether the underwater Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges, which stretch towards Greenland, are a geological continuation of the Russian continental shelf.

The expedition members also carried out a number of scientific experiments and took soil and fauna samples. In addition, as part of the dive, the Russian tricolor was installed on the ocean floor and a capsule was left with a message from the Russians, the “Heart of the World” - the mascot of the youth team “Heavenly Odyssey” and the flag of “United Russia”.

Answering a question about the tasks of the current expedition of Russian researchers to the North Pole, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: “The goal of this expedition is not to stake out Russia’s rights, but to prove that our shelf extends to the North Pole.” The minister expressed the hope that the current expedition and submersion of the bathyscaphe in the North Pole region “will allow us to obtain additional scientific evidence of what we are going to achieve.”

In 2008 Both Russian deep-sea vehicles completed their dive to the bottom of Lake Baikal and safely rose to the surface. For the first dive, a point was chosen near the island of Olkhon, approximately 10 km east of the shore of Lake Baikal between capes Izhimei and Khara-Khushun, where the lake reaches its maximum depth. The expedition was lucky with the weather: while on Monday there was a storm on Baikal, two-meter waves and continuous rain, then on Tuesday morning it was completely calm and the bright sun was shining. Mir-1 is piloted by the head of the expedition, head of the laboratory for the scientific operation of deep-sea manned vehicles at the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Anatoly Sagalevich.

With him on board are the President of the Republic of Buryatia, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Preservation of Lake Baikal, Mikhail Slipenchuk. The second crew includes pilot Evgeny Chernyaev, State Duma deputy Vladimir Gruzdev and director of the Baikal Institute of Environmental Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences Arnold Tulokhonov.

Let us remind you that Baikal is the deepest inland reservoir on Earth and the largest reservoir of fresh water. In June 2008, according to the results of an Internet survey, the lake was recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia.

In August-September, the Mir-1 and Mir-2 bathyscaphes made 60 dives at various points of Lake Baikal. Then the expedition was interrupted for the winter. As of 2009, 100 dives were completed.

Scientists conducted visual observations, took water samples at different depths, studied the fauna of the lake and the geological structure of the bottom. In addition, they hoped to find archaeological artifacts in the depths of the lake.

According to State Duma deputy and famous polar explorer Artur Chilingarov, who is also participating in the expedition, the main thing for its participants is not record dives, but concern for the ecology of Lake Baikal.

“Any dive is a page in history. We are not going to set any records. We want to draw your attention and tell you what needs to be done to the Russian state to preserve this lake,” Chilingarov said earlier.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin dived to the bottom of the lake on August 1, 2009. In total, the “excursion” on the Mir 1 apparatus along the bottom of Lake Baikal took about 4 hours. During the dive, Putin contacted journalists. At that moment, “World 1” was at the deepest point of the southern part of the lake, 1395 meters. Putin admitted to reporters that he was somewhat surprised by the opacity of the water, calling it “plankton soup.”

James Cameron dived to the bottom of Lake Baikal August 16, 2010 on his birthday and spent four and a half hours underwater. The maximum depth at which he found himself was 1380 meters.

In 2011 Russian bathyscaphes "Mir-1" and "Mir-2" made their first dive to the bottom of Lake Geneva - one of the largest but practically unexplored bodies of water in Europe. A full-scale research program began yesterday and will continue throughout the summer. In Switzerland and France they wanted to find out what was hidden under this picturesque surface of water and were eager for discovery.
The first to go to the depths were the heroes of Russia Anatoly Sagalevich (he leads the expedition), the American Don Walsh (he was at the bottom Mariana Trench) and the Swiss Bertrand Picard. For him, however, another element is more familiar. Picard is an aeronaut and creator of the world's first solar-powered aircraft.

The bathyscaphes reached almost 300 meters - this is the maximum value for Lake Geneva. As Anatoly Sagalevich reported, at the bottom they saw the wreckage of the steamship “Rona” (its wreck a century ago claimed 15 lives) and several fish. There were still about a hundred dives ahead, collecting soil and water samples.

Over the course of 20 years, the Mir spacecraft made more than 800 dives, about 80 percent of which were performed at depths from 3,000 to 6,000 meters. There was not a single emergency situation. Undoubtedly, this is the merit of the professional group of submariners of the Institute of Oceanology, who fully support the work of the Mir GOA - from the development of new equipment, modernization of GOA systems, carrying out repair and maintenance work to piloting vehicles under water.

Characteristics of the deep-sea vehicles "Mir" Working depth of immersion - 6000 meters Stay under water - up to 80 hours Energy supply reserve - 100 kW-hour Life support reserve - 246 man-hour Maximum speed– 5 knots Buoyancy reserve (from the surface) – 290 kilograms Dry weight – 18.6 tons Length – 7.8 meters Width (with side engines) – 3.8 meters Height – 3 meters Diameter – 2.1 m Crew – 3 people Exit at the top Operating principle Submersion – ballast tanks are filled with water Lifting – pumps are turned off, water is pumped out Propulsion motor – powered by batteries. Travel speed – 9 km/h.


Let's remember again or for example what it looks like . But here's an unusual one. Let us also recall the history of the study of the Mariana Trench - The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

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The International Naval Show held at the end of June provided a lot of interesting news. Among them were reports on the developments of Russian specialists in the field of construction of deep-sea vehicles. The website of the Zvezda TV channel has collected five of the most interesting research and rescue deep-sea vehicles that are used by the Russian Navy. Deep-sea vehicle "Rus" and its modernized version "Consul" The first third-generation deep-sea vehicle built in Russia was the Rus vehicle. To him for a long time held the record for diving among Russian vehicles. It was able to descend to 6180 meters. The device belongs to the Russian Navy and is intended for research and underwater work. It can perform underwater technical work using a manipulative device, inspect underwater structures and objects, deliver to the ground or lift to the surface objects weighing up to 200 kg. In addition, it can move not only vertically, but also horizontally at a speed of up to 3 knots. on board there are: a hydroacoustic complex with antenna devices, a specialized manipulator complex, an outboard television camera in a durable box, and a sound underwater communication station. The device is equipped with a reliable security system. For the first time in the world, it is possible to shoot the lower part of the device in case of emergency sticking to silt or bottom soil. Russian specialists have developed a modernized version of the device, which was called “Consul” from the words “sulfide nodules.” Although the device is similar to the bathyscaphe of the Rus project in its main characteristics, it is intended for geological and geophysical research of the sea shelf. “Consul” was able to descend to a depth of 6270 m on May 14, 2011. Bathyscaphes "Mir-1" and "Mir-2" Two Russian research deep-sea manned vehicles have made a huge contribution to the study of the world ocean and Lake Baikal. Bathyscaphes can dive up to 6 km. Currently, the Mir-1 apparatus is located as an exhibit in the Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean, and Mir-2 is based on board the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh.
"Mirs" were used during the expedition to the sunken nuclear submarine "Komsomolets". Then the devices descended 70 times to a depth of 1,700 m. In 2000, they descended to the nuclear submarine "Kursk" to establish the cause of the death of the submarine. Using the GOA "Mir-1" and "Mir-2" in the period 1987 to 1991, 35 expeditions were carried out in The Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, and on August 2, 2007, for the first time in the world, the bottom of the Arctic Ocean was reached at the North Pole, where the Russian flag and a capsule with a message to future generations were placed. AS-30 The Russian Navy uses deep-sea vehicles project 1855 code “Prize”. One of the most modern devices in this series is considered to be the AS-30 device. It recently underwent modernization, during which obsolete special equipment was completely replaced with digital-generation systems. Unlike the Worlds, this device’s mission does not include scientific and oceanographic research; it is designed to rescue crews from damaged submarines by docking to submarine emergency exits.
Experts consider the devices of this project to be the most effective rescue devices in the Russian fleet. The device was equipped with television cameras, manipulators capable of cutting metal cables with a diameter of up to 10 mm, carrying out underwater welding work, tightening and unscrewing nuts. It has a special device for docking with the coaming platform of a submarine, through which submariners leave the emergency submarine. AS-34 Another device of this series, AS-34, is in service with the Russian Navy. It is located on board the rescue ship "Georgiy Titov". The modernization that the AS-34 recently underwent allowed to extend the service life of the bathyscaphe until 2032.
The hull of the rescue vessel is made of titanium. And although the working depth of the SGA is 500 meters, if necessary, the device can descend to a depth of 1000 meters and evacuate submariners from an emergency boat in case of increased smoke, and with high blood pressure. The second compartment of the AS-34 is used as a pressure chamber. This device can take on board up to 20 submariners. Usually the crew of the bathyscaphe is three people. The oxygen supply for three people is designed for 120 hours. For the situation with the rescued people - for 10 hours. Bester-1 Another newest deep-sea rescue vehicle is the AS-40 Bester-1. Last year he went on combat duty in Vladivostok. A unique bathyscaphe, superior to foreign analogues, is capable of dry evacuating the crew of a submarine in distress from a depth of more than 700 meters. It is located on board the lead rescue vessel of the Pacific Fleet, the Igor Belousov, which has no seaworthiness restrictions.
A distinctive feature of Bester is that it can quickly become mobile. According to experts, the device can be used not only from the Igor Belousov, but also from other rescue ships, after it is quickly transferred by cargo plane to any of the fleets.

will begin on Lake Baikal in the first half of the day on Thursday, Inna Krylova, deputy director of public relations of the Baikal Conservation Assistance Fund, told RIA Novosti.

The deep-sea manned submersibles "Mir-1" and "Mir-2" were built in Finland by Rauma-Repola in 1987. The devices were created under the scientific and technical guidance of scientists and engineers from the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The creation of the devices began in May 1985 and was completed in November 1987. In December 1987, deep-sea tests of the devices were carried out in the Atlantic at a depth of 6170 meters (Mir-1) and 6120 meters (Mir-2). The devices were installed on the support vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, built in 1981 in Finland and converted in 1987 to carry out work with deep-sea test devices.

Using the Mir-1 and Mir-2 GOA, 35 expeditions were carried out in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, of which nine expeditions were carried out to eliminate the consequences of the accidents of the nuclear submarines Komsomolets and Kursk. A number of the latest deep-sea technologies and techniques have been developed, which made it possible to carry out long-term radiation monitoring on the Komsomolets nuclear submarine, which is located at the bottom of the Norwegian Sea at a depth of 1,700 meters, and to partially seal the bow of the boat. Russian scientific institutions have developed a methodology that made it possible, using Mir devices, to conduct a detailed examination of the Kursk nuclear submarine, determine the cause of its accident and develop measures to eliminate the consequences of this accident.

In 1991 and 1995, with the help of “Worlds”, research was carried out on the hull of the Titanic, which lies at a depth of 3800 meters. During the dives, unique filming was carried out, which was used to create feature and popular science films, including Titanica, Titanic, Bismarck, Aliens of the Deep, Ghost of the Abyss.

In January-September 2004, the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Fakel, carried out a major overhaul of the Mir devices, including their complete disassembly, testing the strength of the hulls, partial replacement of elements, components and equipment, subsequent assembly and testing of the newly assembled devices. As a result, “Mir-1” and “Mir-2” received a class certificate from the international register “German Lloyd” until 2014.

On August 2, 2007, as part of the “Arctic-2007” expedition, the world’s first descent of the deep-sea manned vehicles “Mir” was carried out at the point of the geographic North Pole to a depth of 4300 meters. During this unprecedented dive, a titanium Russian flag was planted at the bottom. The achievements of this expedition are included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Currently, the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences is working on several projects, within the framework of which it is planned to conduct scientific research and underwater technical work using the Mir-1 and Mir-2 GOA. One of the projects is comprehensive ocean research in circumnavigation ship "Akademik Mstislav Keldysh". During this expedition, it is planned to study hydrothermal fields at the bottom in various areas of the World Ocean and conduct dives on several sunken objects.

In 2008-2009, the scientific research expedition “Worlds” will take place on Lake Baikal.” Comprehensive program scientific research lake Baikal prepared Russian Academy Sci. Most of the research program will be carried out using the Mir deep-sea manned vehicles. The purpose of the expedition is to collect information and use the data obtained in forecasting various natural processes, diving to the maximum elevations of the bottom of Lake Baikal, exploring the outlets of underwater hydrothermal springs and mud volcanoes, studying the bottom of the Barguzin Bay. The expedition's objectives also included studying Baikal's hydrocarbons and determining their reserves, obtaining accurate data on tectonic processes at the bottom of the lake, the state of the coastline, and searching for archaeological artifacts.

Technical characteristics of the manned deep-sea vehicles "Mir":

Working diving depth - 6000 meters

Energy reserve - 100 kW‑hour

Life support capacity - 246 man-hours

Maximum speed - 5 knots

Buoyancy reserve (from the surface) - 290 kilograms

Dry weight - 18.6 tons

Length - 7.8 meters

Width (with side engines) - 3.8 meters

Height - 3 meters

Crew - 3 people

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources