In progress

It is in the area of ​​work that you will have to get used to some small changes. If you wish, you can quickly get used to new circumstances. If you work for yourself, try not to put too much pressure on your subordinates; if you don’t have time to do something, it’s best to shift things to someone more late date. In general, in December Taurus will have good opportunities receive several financial bonuses. if you are employed, do everything possible to impress management, December is the ideal time for this.

In love

In the area of ​​personal relationships, Taurus may find themselves in an awkward position due to haste. Remember that actions speak louder than words. In December, you can radically change the situation in this area if something does not suit you. This month you cannot listen to the advice of your friends and relatives; you must make all decisions in this area yourself.

In December 2016, in many respects, representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus will depend on their environment. Stick to the beaten path and proven methods and try to enlist the support of colleagues or friends in any undertaking.

Work, career, business

For all professional matters best time for the zodiac sign Taurus – the first and second ten days of December 2016. During this period, you will be able to complete old projects and begin discussing new matters. Bosses can count on subordinates, and employees can count on colleagues. However, your superiors will also favor you and will help you in any way they can. The third ten days of the month are more difficult. Existing connections with colleagues from other cities or countries in Once again will face difficulties. Foreign colleagues may make unexpected demands or refuse their obligations. This will make you think carefully about continuing cooperation. In fact, why do you need partners who are disingenuous, refuse their obligations and destroy established projects over and over again? No one is stopping you from looking for others - after all, the world is big and there are many people in it. The stars also advise entrepreneurs and bosses to prepare for inspections, which may appear in the third ten days of December 2016 and cause many problems. Be more attentive to papers, documents and remember that the success of many things often depends on little things.


The financial situation in December 2016 for the Taurus zodiac sign is not particularly stable, and the point is not that there will be no money, but that December 2016 will bring a lot of expenses. You will have to pay off old debts and solve complex and controversial professional problems. At the same time, old debts will be returned to you, additional profit is possible from successful investments in banks, financial support from business partners or loved ones.

Love, family

In personal life, everything goes on as usual in December 2016, spouses from the Taurus zodiac sign are busy with general everyday problems, home improvement, and raising children. Things are somewhat worse for lovers, especially those separated by distance. If your crush lives in another city or in another country, then December 2016 is unlikely to make you happy. The likelihood of various obstacles, both objective and subjective, is quite high this month. In many families, problems will arise with relatives, and in one case it will be about another quarrel, and in another - about some problems that your relatives may be experiencing.

Taurus will have a lot of easy communication in December 2016 thanks to the fact that Venus will move into the sign of Aquarius from December 7th. Representatives of the sign pay a lot of attention to conversations, especially on work issues. Moreover, the end of the year demands the effective completion of all started work. However, until December 7, Taurus may be more uptight, modest, and communication may be difficult for them. This is due to the planet Venus, which is in the sign of Capricorn until December 7th.

General horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

December for Taurus is the most good time to resolve career issues. Thus, thanks to good work and at the end of the year, Taurus may be offered a new, higher-paying, responsible position or a cash bonus.

Taurus in December 2016 can successfully make decisions related to real estate and their own home. Perhaps these are serious plans or just dreams of a purchase that may come true in 2017. It is best for Taurus to decide on their desires in the period from December 9 to 12, and they mainly need to focus on financial side question, as well as make accurate calculations.

Career and money horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

After December 19, the planet Mercury begins retrograde movement. And for Taurus in December 2016, this may lead to a temporary stop or slowdown of projects started between December 2 and 11, until the middle of next month.

In December, Taurus may notice that their work after the 19th has ceased to have a future for them and is being carried out very slowly. Fortunately, these are just temporary experiences for Taurus sign people due to Mercury's retrograde motion.

After December 19, Taurus will spend a lot of time communicating, and in the second half of the month they will least want to work.

The December 2016 horoscope for Taurus warns that the worst may happen this month an important event of the outgoing year related to career advancement, the purchase of real estate or the distribution of funds. Taurus should expect it from December 9 to December 12.

The main day of the month emotionally is the new moon on December 29th. At this time, it is most favorable for Taurus to think about the future, about the coming year, about their plans and prospects. It will be good if Taurus thinks positively in December 2016 and resolves all the accumulated work issues before the end of the year.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in December 2016 for Taurus: December 9 - 12.

Love horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

The presence of the planet Mars in the sign of Aquarius until December 19 can affect the personal relationships of Taurus so that sexual energy will be weakened at this time, and representatives of the sign will devote more time to their careers. During this period, Taurus may talk more with their partner, which is why there will be almost no time left for intimacy.

On December 19, the planet Mars moves into the sign of Pisces, due to which the Taurus partner may feel sad and melancholy, and it may also be very difficult for him to collect his thoughts and get ready to do some serious work.

The December 2016 horoscope for Taurus foresees the opportunity to return to a former partner in the days from December 23 to 26. The stars warn Taurus that such relationships cannot have any serious development, however, representatives of the sign can receive pleasant feelings and emotions from such a connection and understand that they are worthy of love and care.

In December 2016, Taurus needs to pay attention to the days of December 7 and 25 - at this time the Black Moon is most active, which can lead to severe mood swings. It may also happen that Taurus and his partner will not understand why they acted this way, and in the future they will make excuses for their behavior. These days, Taurus needs to control themselves and avoid unnecessary worries.

Favorable days for love relationships in December 2016 for Taurus: none.

Health horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

It is likely that Taurus in December 2016 may spend on health on December 2 or 5. This may concern not only treatment or examination, but also disease prevention, including payment for health tours.

The December 2016 horoscope for Taurus foresees positive effects from physical education or sports. Yes, visit gym or a swimming pool will have a great effect on general health, stamina and mood of Taurus.

In December 2016, Taurus will have a good time thinking about what kind of body he wants to have and what he needs to do for this. Healthy eating and refusal bad habits will help Taurus achieve the desired result faster.

As the horoscope for Taurus woman for December 2016 says, the month will bring love relationship Taurus women have a touch of novelty. Surprises, interesting acquaintances, the emergence of a new feeling - these bright colors will come into your life if you just want it. Single representatives of the Taurus sign will have an excellent opportunity to improve their status and meet long-awaited love. The stars predict a fateful meeting at a party or at a party. Don't miss the chance!

A married Taurus woman will be forced to devote part of her time to deciding everyday problems. However, thanks to the support of your beloved spouse, you will be able to realize any endeavors. Listen to your soulmate!

Financial horoscope for Taurus woman for December 2016

Most likely, your career path this month will not be strewn with roses. Against the backdrop of successful business cooperation, disagreements with partners are possible, but these problems can be resolved. Our accurate horoscope advises during this period to pull yourself together and show patience - the situation will be successfully resolved no earlier than the middle of the first month of next year.

Finances in December will be unstable due to the emergence of unexpected family problems. The Taurus woman may also incur additional expenses due to the opening of a new business project, says the horoscope for the Taurus woman for December 2016.

On the love front, Taurus faces the danger of becoming the culprit of many funny situations - in December 2016 you will make others laugh more than once, and completely unconsciously. The reason for this is the habit of speaking first and thinking later. Agree, ideally it should be the other way around! But stubborn Taurus will only act as they see fit. Which is quite forgivable this month, since verbal intemperance will not bring serious consequences. You will simply amuse others with your awkward situation.

As for serious moments, first of all they should include relationships with your loved one. There may be certain problems here that will certainly not be solved on their own. In December 2016, the stars recommend reflecting on your union and reconsidering some aspects of the relationship. This option is also quite possible: you finally realize that you do not consider your personal life successful. And in this case, you will have to move on to active action, because now the right moment will come to break off this difficult relationship and find yourself a more suitable pair. It's good if you can take a risk. But in any case, before taking decisive steps, try to call your significant other for a frank conversation, honestly discussing all the disadvantages of your relationship. But you shouldn’t turn to friends for advice, this will only aggravate the situation, and then you will begin to blame your sins on those around you.