Astrological forecast for September promises representatives of the zodiac sign a sea of ​​optimism and great enthusiasm for work. Libras will not recognize themselves. They had no idea that they had such a reserve of energy. You are tireless in your endeavors. Every task that comes to hand will be done to the highest possible quality. Listen more often to the recommendations of management and the advice of loved ones. In the romantic sphere, the situation will improve, you will learn to look for compromises and create favorable conditions for both.

Libra women will analyze the mistakes of the past, discard all sad thoughts and begin to look at the world more positively. There are a lot of interesting activities and events around that you want to take part in. There simply won't be time for depression.

Libra men will lead the team and organize an important project for the company. This will be responsible and difficult work. Envious people will begin to slander behind your back and put a spoke in your wheels. But aim for victory and everything will work out in the best possible way.

Finance horoscope for Libra

In the career field, representatives of the zodiac sign will face a difficult period when they will have to work day and night to achieve the desired result. But it's worth it. You will achieve recognition from management and colleagues. Libra will strengthen their financial position and will be able to take a long-awaited vacation.

Libra women associated with creative activities will make the project a reality and impress everyone. In September you don’t have to save on yourself. If you want to buy sexy lingerie, elegant shoes or a fashionable sweater, go for it.

Libra men will invest finances in business development and will be able to increase them. Your rational approach to business will allow you to soon purchase real estate or a car. But you should be careful when signing documents. Study the terms of the contract again and only then make a final decision.

Love horoscope for Libra

In the love sphere, Libra is expected to have serious quarrels and constant showdowns. It's likely that you and your partner are tired of each other. Take a short break. You will have time to think about whether all this is necessary and whether the relationship brings pleasure. If not, then it's time to end it. Take care of each other's nerves.

A Libra woman will meet a promising young man at work. At first it will be a tense relationship, you will not be able to find a common language. But in the middle of the month something will happen that will change your views for the better.

A Libra man will become a reliable wall for his beloved. She knows that in any difficult situation may seek your support. There is a high probability that at the end of September you will legalize the relationship.

Health horoscope for Libra

In the first month of autumn, representatives of your zodiac sign should undergo a full examination to determine if you have any problems. Watch your daily routine and diet. Avoid fast food, fatty, floury, salty and spicy foods; they damage the gastric mucosa and can lead to stomach disorders. If you are worried about your lumbar back, be sure to contact a qualified specialist and nip the problem in the bud. There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you look in the mirror and you're not happy appearance, which means it’s worth purchasing a subscription to Gym and improve muscle definition. Drink more fluids, this will speed up your metabolic processes in organism.

Libra's love relationships have been unstable throughout the year. They had to endure a number of disappointments back in the spring. Now Libra is going through a difficult time - their ecliptic period will begin on September 24. But for now, representatives of this zodiac sign can rest easy. Under the auspices of Venus, Libra will have the opportunity to become truly happy.

Love horoscope for Libra for September 2019

In September 2019, Libra will face the stubbornness of their other halves. This fact will not have the best effect on their relationships with their chosen ones. The innate optimism of Venus’s wards will help correct the situation. The stars in September will create for you all the conditions for a romantic date that will remain in the memory of your halves for a long time.

In September, Libra will feel a sense of peace. Despite the fact that their Patron is not active during this period, their personal life will be very eventful. At the beginning of September, amazing acquaintances are possible that have the prospect of developing into something more in the future.

Closer to the 10th, Libra will begin to show independence that is unusual for them. This may seriously scare loyal fans. Astrologers advise Libra to act carefully and wisely, without contradicting their own nature.

Oddly enough, it is better for Libra to schedule weddings during the period when the Sun is in its zodiac constellation, i.e. from September 24. Such a union will be emotional, rich in various events, but certainly happy.

Love horoscope for Libra women for September 2019

In September 2019, Libra women continue to hope for a successful acquaintance with a promising young man. At this time, the desire to improve your life intensifies even more. The love horoscope does not exclude the possibility of changes even for those representatives of the Zodiac sign who have been legally married for a long time.

You may begin to feel dissatisfied with your spouse, trying in every possible way to change him. If the chosen one has not yet become your husband, he will resist desperately. Then there will be a risk of deterioration of the relationship and even its rupture. This cannot be allowed, because in September Mars is retrograde, so it will not tolerate a reunion loving hearts after separation.

Beautiful love awaits those Libra women who have not yet experienced it. Libra girls will be able to thoroughly enjoy the new feeling. However, the first September novel is doomed to failure. Libra can only live in the present and not try to resist fate.

Love horoscope for Libra men for September 2019

In September 2019, Libra men will find the strength to change the existing state of affairs, which categorically does not suit them. Men will easily give up time-tested relationships, and in the future they will not even regret it.

Single Libra men will feel a strong pull to remain single, because in September they will meet only unworthy partners along the way. A successful acquaintance is possible only during the period of era change, when Virgo cedes its dominance to Libra.

Mercury will react favorably to the beginning of a romance with Gemini and Pisces. In such a union, Libra will definitely be happy. But girls born under the sign of Sagittarius and Taurus will not bring you either joy or physical pleasure. You will not be able to make Cancer women happy. Even if Libra feels comfortable in such a union, the partner will not experience intense pleasure from the relationship.

Love horoscope for Libra for other months of 2019

Libra in September 2017 should not blindly trust their intuition. Facts and only they will help you create an objective picture of what is happening. Everything else, including your intuition, poses a great threat to you. The beginning of autumn will already be replete with all sorts of unpredictable accidents and unrest, so why aggravate them with a “false informant”, which will be your “sixth sense”. But it is not only his fault that you can become completely entangled in the unpredictable September events! There will be a couple of people around you who are interested in seeing you become irrevocably confused. It remains to be seen who will be interested in this and why.

Most likely, greatest number you will have ill-wishers in your personal affairs. If you family man, who even before September did not get along very well with the parents of his significant other, be mentally prepared that it is they, your unloved relatives, who will begin to put a spoke in your wheels. Not only will they quietly “sing” all sorts of nasty things about you in the ear of your significant other, but on top of that, these people will actively interfere in the planning of your family budget! You will have to “thank” them for the fact that the purchase you dreamed of for a very long time fell through, or for the fact that on the eve of this cherished purchase, cunning relatives lured all available savings from your treasury. Yes, yes, these people do not even disdain outright deception (one of them, wanting to cause you trouble, will pretend to be seriously ill, and your chosen one will decide that the money set aside for the long-awaited acquisition should be donated to the treatment of a sick relative). In general, be prepared for a real war, the outcome of which is simply unpredictable!

If you are single, your main enemy in September will be ex-friend, a neighbor or colleague (that is, a person with whom you have diverged ways, and who, for some personal reason, continues to consider you his fierce opponent). Once you start new novel, this person will appear as if from around the corner, and will begin to disturb the peace of your very young couple in every possible way. Of course, a lot depends on you (don’t forget the tip that at the beginning of autumn you should absolutely not trust your intuition!), but in general it will not be so easy for you to defeat your cunning ill-wisher.

You will also have many enemies in matters related to your career. Moreover, what will seem most offensive to you is the moment that your enemies did not appear from somewhere outside, and that they were your former friends and colleagues. At your place of work, the situation will be such that each of you will be a contender for the same prestigious position. So here it is. As soon as the start of this career race is announced, you will not have a single close friend left among your colleagues! Each of them will turn into a single player, cunning, calculating and cynical. By the way, this tactic will come in handy for you too! It is foolish to hope that while the “wolves” are fighting among themselves, you, the “modest lamb” sitting silently in the corner, will somehow miraculously get this coveted position. No, no and NO! You will have to declare yourself no less loudly, otherwise you risk losing at the very start of this cruel career race. But what you still have to forget about during it is about dishonest methods of combat. Don’t forget that every dishonest person still gets what he deserves from fate!

Attention, the Libra monthly horoscope for September 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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As the horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Libra will open up a lot of new perspectives. Fateful events and meetings are likely that will make you look at life differently. The tense moments are over, you can safely take on the development of long-cherished projects.

Avoid putting finances first, pay more attention to your morale. You need spiritual food that you can take away from fellowship with wise people. Fill your need for knowledge, put your thoughts in order, decide what you want from the future. Don't avoid changes in life, learn new skills and expand your horizons.

The period is favorable for creative Libra; they will be able to develop their talents and realize them profitably.
At the end of the month, many Libras will feel the need for solitude.


The Libra horoscope for September 2017 does not promise representatives of the sign serious illnesses, but your energy level is low now, so take care of your health, avoid excesses and bad habits.

Watch your diet, do not indulge in animal foods and spicy foods.

It is better to entrust the treatment of existing diseases to specialists, rather than to relatives who are “versed” in these issues and to alternative medicine.

Consultations with doctors and cosmetologists in September will leave you satisfied.


In September, Libra's career is going well. Having proven yourself to be an executive and responsible employee, you you will succeed. Don't chase lofty goals, but move forward scrupulously. Now you have a lot of intellectual work that needs to be completed on time. Some Libra will come to the conclusion that they should improve their skills and learn new skills.

Representatives of creative professions will feel a surge of inspiration. Unexpected situation will contribute to the development of social activity and cooperation with other people.

Libra leaders will have difficulties with their subordinates. Libra - subordinates should be more careful in the team, because in September gossipers become more active.

Legal problems are likely.


The financial horoscope for Libra for September 2017 does not foretell any significant changes in the financial situation.

However, Libra, who has undergone a reassessment of values, will want to strive for more, change jobs, and find additional sources of profit. September has prepared some great offers for you.


As the love horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Libra will want novelty and thrill. Old relationships in which something did not suit you will begin to weigh on you. Discuss the situation calmly and peacefully figure out where to move next. Those who want to maintain a relationship should pay more attention to their other half, maintaining the flame of love and passion.

The first half of the month is a good period for making new acquaintances, one of which may end in a bright romance. Relationships with friends become important and meaningful; you can count on their support.

The end of the month is a difficult time when disagreements will arise more and more often. Try to come to a compromise.

Man - Libra

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, a Libra man striving for career growth should start looking for like-minded people. You can count on career and increased income. By investing now in a profitable project, you will increase your capital.

Do not neglect sports activities in September, participation in team games. Even ordinary morning running and visiting the pool will benefit your health and well-being.

IN love relationships be bolder. Your chosen one is waiting for decisive action from you. Don’t delay in proposing marriage if you have met your person.

Woman – Libra

Routine at work will bore women of the Libra sign; now you want creative freedom.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely, so do not delay visiting a doctor.

There will be difficulties in love relationships. You will not like criticism and pressure from your partner, and you will suffer from jealousy. Take a break from your problems for a while by finding something you enjoy that will help you gain self-confidence.

In September 2017, Mercury will return to its normal course. In this regard, it will become much easier for representatives of the Libra zodiac sign to work and study. The tension will also ease from your personal life. At the beginning of autumn, you can relax and live for your pleasure. Of course, you will have to take care of business, but you will need to spend very little time and effort on this. The stars advise to arrange now, at least, a little rest. It's great if you can travel to a new place. You will return inspired by a lot of pleasant emotions and morally renewed.

Horoscope work and finance Libra for September 2017

In professional terms, the horoscope for September 2017 recommends that representatives of the zodiac sign Libra, first of all, put their documentation in order. There is a high probability that the boss will assign you some new task. Even if it seems difficult to you, don’t make a mistake. Be bold enough to tackle it, and you will soon realize that you can do anything. And your professional future will largely depend on how well you handle the job.

The most favorable financial condition will be for those Libras who work for themselves. There is a high probability of concluding new contracts that will bring you significant profits soon. Large purchases, if the weight of your wallet does not cause cause for alarm, can be made now. But don't rush. Search best options. By spending a little more time, you can save a lot. At the same time, borrowing money, just like lending it to someone, is extremely undesirable in September.

Love horoscope and Libra family for September 2017

Love horoscope for September 2017 for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra who have children, focus on them. After summer holiday It will probably not be easy for your offspring to fit into the new regime - try to help the kids. It is also recommended to be more attentive to your chosen one. Show your tenderness and care. Don't give up on once again hug a loved one and talk about your feelings.

If you haven't met your soulmate yet, the first month of autumn brings great hopes that everything will change. In order to find cherished personal happiness, the stars advise being yourself and behaving as naturally as possible. Believe me, you will be much more attractive to a potential partner without trying to appear to him as someone you are not.

Libra health horoscope for September 2017

In terms of health, September will be a rather favorable period for people born under the zodiac sign Libra. The likelihood that even a minor illness will overcome your body is extremely low. Of course, oh in the right way life should not be forgotten. Try to drink enough fluids and minimize the amount of spicy and salty foods in your diet (especially if you have high stomach acidity). Great time to visit a beauty salon. Treat yourself!

Favorable and unfavorable days September 2017 Libra

Favorable days Libra September 2017 – September 8, September 12, September 17, September 25 and September 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Libra September 2017 - September 2, September 10 and September 22, 2017.