Komsomolskaya Pravda met with Lyudmila Markovna’s last husband, Sergei Senin, to talk about what this inimitable woman was like in everyday life.

“I was taken aback. Numb. Gave flowers"

“I couldn’t even imagine that we would be together,” admits Sergei Senin. - 1990... “I lived in dusty Odessa back then”... (Senin is an Odessa resident - Ed.), I dropped out of graduate school at the Construction Institute and plunged headlong into cinema. I opened a film company with a friend. And away we go! Experience - zero. Ambition is darkness! First works with the legendary Ephraim Sewela and Juliusz Machulski. These are truly the dashing 90s! Director from Moscow Elena Nikolaeva invites us to produce a film based on Nabokov’s story “The Fairy Tale”, in which she invites Lucy to play one of the main roles. Oh! It immediately flashes through my head - 1980, the magazine “Our Contemporary”. Circular hall of the construction institute. I don’t listen to the lecture - I read “My Adult Childhood.” I don't read - I swallow. Author - Lyudmila Gurchenko. Wow! I took a magazine issued for one day - there was a queue waiting! - with a great air of skepticism, and when I closed the last page, I discovered that I was sitting alone in a huge audience. No, not alone. With her. With the one that I will see with my own eyes for the first time 10 years later in Vilnius, in the pavilion of the Lithuanian Film Studio. We're filming "The Fairy Tale" there. Scene of Lucy and Sergei Zhigunov. I saw a woman of fantastic beauty. I was taken aback. Numb. Gave flowers. After filming, I was escorted to the hotel.

"Natural Romance"

- Were you still married then?

My wife emigrated with our daughter to Israel a year and a half earlier. For me, the issue of emigration was not an issue - impossible. I am one of those who loves my homeland.

We met Lyusya a year after the premiere of “Fairy Tale”, in 1992. I called - friends asked about her touring in Israel with a concert and our film. At the end of the conversation I got excited: “Let’s do something else together.” And I heard a laconic and simple answer: “Come, let’s talk.” We met. We discussed a program that later appeared on television called “Love.” Good name- Lucy suggested. I love. I love everything - dad, people, viewers-readers, life, dogs, profession, what was, what will be... But... I rang the doorbell - she opened - always looking great, luxurious, it took my breath away... And it seemed to me that there open door, there will be a thousand nannies, assistants, girlfriends and friends. Close people, in the end... No. I met a strong, powerful, not devastated, as Lyusya came up with in “Station for Two” - beautiful! - but a very lonely person.

“How did this all happen? What evenings? For three years I dreamed of you...” We walked with the dachshund Tuzik, talked, laughed, were sad, remembered (Lucy - always dad), had a delicious dinner at the House of Cinema restaurant. We supported each other. We really loved driving around Moscow at night in Lyusina’s Lada Nine. I went to Odessa for five days on business. It seemed like an eternity had passed. Came back... I think that's when everything happened. Lucy starred in one of her best, in my and not only my opinion, films - “Listen, Fellini”. Mosfilm. I know that she is in one of the dressing rooms. Found. He opened the doors. For this reason, her hug when we met... She clung to me like a child. Like a woman. Trusting... I fell in love.

“Gymnastics is terrible for her”

- You have a big age difference - 25 years...

We talked about it. Sometimes. But only with humor. I always felt older.

- How was your life structured?

Everyday life... Well, where can I get away from it... The principle was defined by Lyusya: the one on whom the well-being of the family depends today (financially, first of all), is outside of everyday life... When work brought dividends from my entrepreneurial business, Lyusya was a real housewife , wife and, as they call it there, the keeper of the family hearth. In the culinary arts she had a small range. But what she cooked was always exquisite. In oatmeal - a piece of dark chocolate, plum, banana, kiwi. The main thing is proportions. It turned out very tasty! Her signature salad is grated apple, carrots, raisins, banana, dried apricots, walnuts, sour cream. I loved to fry potatoes. I loved eclairs. I was always amazed: I just look at a bun and already feel like I’m getting better, but she could eat a dozen cakes and nothing. This is from God, her dad was at the same weight all his life, and so was Lucy. No training. Gymnastics or exercises are terrible for her! Favorite mise-en-scène is lying down. That’s how I composed and fantasized. Role, music, movements, text. First in my head, then I took hold of the pen.

Survived the death of her grandson

- Were you with your wife when her grandson died? (Maria Borisovna’s son Mark Korolev died on December 18, 1998 from a drug overdose. - Ed.)

Lucy was in the hospital after a major operation. Sinusitis is a consequence of the profession. In general, fractures and sinusitis are occupational diseases of actors... It was December, I dropped by home. I heard a message on the answering machine: a young voice said that an accident had happened, Marik had died. Despite the doctors’ protests, Lyusya went with me to the Vagankovskoye cemetery, where Mark was buried. He often came to us. She loved him very much.

- Many people argue: were Lyudmila Gurchenko and Alla Pugacheva friends or rivals?

She had an excellent relationship with Alla, there were simply no close points of intersection. Only some individual works. The “Diva” video, in which Lucy starred, for example. Lucy and Alla are two cosmic figures who each lived on their own territory: Alla on the stage, Lucy in the cinema. Another question is that Lucy felt free on the stage, this was her second calling. But they were not friends, because this implies a closer relationship.

- Did you have a premonition on the last day of Lyudmila Markovna’s life?

That day started out great. In a dream, Lucy saw that she was walking - she had a broken leg. I woke up, got up and took a few steps...

Lucy was for me... When I leave, I will know that my life was not meaningless, because she was next to me.


Left over 200 outfits

In the time of Lyudmila Gurchenko there was no expression “style icon”. But that’s exactly what she was for viewers during the Soviet years.

Lucy added something of herself to all the dresses she bought, and the result was sparkle,” recalls Sergei Senin. - I could embroider it with beads, decorate it with feathers, insert lace. More than 200 hand-made Lyusya stage costumes, accessories, and objects now exist. All this will be on Trekhprudny - the world of Lyusin is preserved there, you will feel it.

Both parents of the future star worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. The girl was brought up in a creative environment and began singing early. When my father, regardless of his age and disability, went to war as a volunteer, Lyusya was left in occupied Kharkov alone with her mother. In order to somehow get food, the girl began to sing in the market. Most of the money and food could be gained from the invaders, so little Lucy learned German operettas and partly the repertoire of Marika Rökk.

After release hometown, Lucy will go to high school, as well as in music. At the end of them, she will have no doubt: she needs to go to theater school.

A wedding shrouded in darkness

Gurchenko will enter VGIK on the first try. Two years before graduation, he will begin acting in films. But she will put her first fishing rod into the profession even earlier - at the age of 18. It was then that the young beauty with sharp features and a wasp waist would be noticed by an already famous director Vasily Ordynsky.

At first glance, Ordynsky lost his boyish head over Lucy. And she realized: he could become her personal director, and after a short friendship she agreed to marry him. Surprisingly, no one from her or his entourage knew about this marriage.

Ordynsky tried to justify the hopes of the young actress and invited her to audition for his new film, but the commission killed the beauty, and her husband could not resist. Then Lyudmila was severely disappointed and decisively filed for divorce, having lived with the director for just over a year. They say that he let her go with clenched teeth, loved her all his life and silently patronized her acting career.

To fall in love with a handsome man

Disappointed in marriage for the sake of a career, proud Lucy put an end to such a relationship and let her heart go free. There he was pierced by Cupid's arrow. Once in the dining room, the future star met with a student of the screenwriting department Borey Andronikashvili. A stately, black-haired young man gave her such a look that the girl’s tray fell out of her hands.

Gurchenko fell into this novel like into an abyss. A new relationship, a new wedding, the envy of all the girls in the year: such a handsome guy was enchanted! Everything was great in the family: the beautiful couple appeared together everywhere. Gurchenko idolized wonderful man and thanked God that fate had brought her together. High love culminated in the birth of a daughter, Mashenka. And this was... Lyudmila Markovna’s first disappointment. She adored her dad all her life and was waiting for a boy to name him Mark.

Busy with the child, Lucy did not immediately notice that her husband constantly disappeared not at all from classes and work. He loves parties, drinking and friends too much. And “real friends” began to inform the young mother that her husband was also having endless affairs on the side.

She did not stoop to scenes of jealousy and showdowns. She rejected this narcissist as another disappointment, put an end to sacrificial love and promised herself: no more children.

A dash in life

Two years after the divorce, in the bohemian restaurant WTO, Lyudmila meets a charming young gentleman Sasha Fadeev Jr., the adopted son of the famous writer. Their acquaintance was short, but the beautiful courtship of the new man and Lyusin’s fatigue from loneliness shortened the young couple’s path to the registry office. They signed as soon as they met.

This marriage did not last long. The VTO restaurant, where Fadeev spent more time than with his family, became an abyss between the lovers. The movie star herself considered this marriage a blip in her romantic biography, claiming that it was her mistake, and she and Sasha did not give anything to each other.

Two stars

They were brought into an equal marriage of established celebrities by a common corridor in which they did not meet at all: what was there to get acquainted with, and so the whole Union knew both Gurchenko and Kobzon. He paid attention to her earlier, but she, taught by past marriages, resisted. This only provoked the handsome and handsome star. For several months, Kobzon courted beautifully, looking for the key to Lyudmila Markovna’s heart. Found.

Of course, the couple was told happy family, they suit each other so well. Only a few understand how difficult it is for two deep personalities, two real talents, to get along under one roof. There are constant strife and conflicts over professional activity, quarrelsomeness in everyday life, disagreements... In my last book“Lucy, stop!” Gurchenko will write that Kobzon needed directors of his appearance, style and repertoire, but nothing can replace real taste. She was the one who filed for divorce. He didn't mind.

Papa Kostya

Lyudmila Markovna met this man by chance, and their acquaintance was short. But it was he who helped a woman who was almost disappointed in love and family values, believe in happiness again.

She was already approaching forty, her daughter was 14, when a flame of love, lit by a young pianist, began to flutter in the heart of the talented actress. Konstantin Kuperweis. Mashenka will call him dad (even though he was only 10 years older!)

For almost twenty years, this man was sensitive to all the moods of his star wife, knew his habits, and indulged his weaknesses. For almost twenty years she adored him, relied on him, understood that he was in her complete power. The blow from the news became all the more devastating: Kostya has someone else.

Gurchenko will note in his book: what a subtle artist Cooperweiss is! How he played - she didn’t even turn an ear, she had no idea that he could change, love another woman.


At almost 60 years old, Lyudmila no longer thought about looking for a spouse. I only remembered my father as the main and beloved man of my whole life. And in the early 90s, on the set of “Sex Tale” I met Sergei Senin- a producer who was 25 years younger than her. Despite this, it was he who was more like anyone else than Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko - both in appearance and in character traits. It was he who saw in his wife a perky little girl, and called her “daughter.”

Lyudmila Markovna, towards the end of her life, found what she was looking for - a real happy love. She left in an instant, being at home with her beloved husband. He will later tell you that Lucy only managed to scream and fell dead. The ambulance that was called had no choice but to declare death.

k.f. Mechanic Gavrilov's beloved woman

Lyudmila Markovna some admired her, others hated her, and still others fell madly in love with her. On the occasion of the actress’s birthday, AiF.ru remembered only those men with whom she was in legal relationships.

Husband No. 1. Director

Gurchenko got married for the first time when she was 18 years old. Her chosen one was a famous director at that time Vasily Ordynsky. He fell in love with young Lucy at first sight. Whether this love was mutual is a big question. This marriage generally still remains a mystery, shrouded in darkness. For a long time neither those around Gurchenko nor those around Ordynsky knew about him. They say that Lucy married the director solely for convenience. She hoped that he would become her personal director. Ordynsky tried to meet her expectations. He invited her to audition for his film. However, the artistic council rejected Gurchenko's candidacy. Then the actress decided to end the marriage. Ordynsky was against it, but could not stop her. Their relationship lasted a little over a year.

Husband No. 2. Screenwriter

Not long after the divorce, Lucy truly fell in love. My love - a student of the screenwriting department Boris Andronikashvili- she met in the dining room. As the actress later admitted, when she saw her second husband for the first time, she almost dropped the tray from her hands. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, a whirlwind romance broke out, which ended in a wedding. At first family life turned out happily. Lucy and Boris practically never separated. Everything changed with the birth of my daughter Maria. Forced to take care of the child, Gurchenko began to notice that her husband was increasingly absent from home. And then they began to report to her that Boris was cheating on her. Convinced of the veracity of the rumors, she filed for divorce without any scenes or scandals.

Motherhood did not bring happiness to Gurchenko either. Firstly, I dreamed of a son. And a daughter was born. Secondly, she dreamed that her daughter would inherit her talents: voice, plasticity, acting talent, figure, in the end. But Masha disappointed Lyudmila Markovna in all these respects. The result was a quarrel and a break in a 19-year relationship. Maria learned about her mother’s death from the media. And now myself.

Husband No. 3. Actor

After breaking up with Andronikashvili, Lyusya was alone for two years. One day in one of the restaurants she was introduced to an actor Alexander Fadeevadopted son famous writer. And although the acquaintance was casual, Fadeev set himself the goal of winning the actress’s hand. He succeeded very soon. Without really recognizing each other, Lucy and Sasha went to the registry office. This marriage did not last long. The actress quickly realized her mistake and offered to divorce.

Husband No. 4. Singer

About my relationship with Joseph Kobzon Gurchenko didn’t like to remember. However, this marriage became an event of all-Union significance. Kobzon courted Gurchenko for a long time, and in the end the actress gave up. The star couple was admired. It seemed that Lucy had finally found her happiness. However, it turned out to be very difficult for two complex personalities to get along under one roof. Conflicts and disagreements began almost from the first days of life together. All attempts to find a compromise led nowhere. Lucy realized that she would not be able to live with Kobzon. As in all previous times, Gurchenko became the initiator of the divorce.

Husband No. 5. Musician

After divorcing her fourth husband, the actress decided that there would be no more husbands in her life. She was already approaching forty when she met a young pianist Konstantin Kuperweis. This time, Gurchenko was in no hurry to go to the registry office - she wanted to get to know her new lover better. Konstantin, like no one else, felt the character of the actress and knew how to “adapt to her.” Of course, in the end Gurchenko gave up and got married again. Their relationship lasted almost 25 years. The actress was sure that this marriage was the last in her life. Konstantin was her support. Everything collapsed when Gurchenko found out: all these years, her husband has actually been living with two families. The divorce that followed this news became the most painful for Lucy.

Husband No. 6. Producer

In 1991, on the set of the film “Sex Fairy Tale,” Gurchenko met the producer Sergei Senin, who was 20 years younger than her. Of course, Lucy did not think about any relationship with him. But after a short time fate brought them together again. Gurchenko met Senin on the set of the film “Love”. After this meeting, Lucy realized that she did not want to part with this person. She considered him someone similar in character to her father, and he jokingly called her his daughter. The problem was that Senin was married and had a growing child. He was in no hurry to file for divorce. But hide the relationship with famous actress It turned out to be difficult. Senin’s wife found out that her wife and Gurchenko had more than just a creative relationship, and she filed for divorce herself. Lucy got married for the sixth time. This marriage became the happiest in her biography. As she herself called, Senin was the only one of all her husbands who became a truly close person to her.

Actress Lyudmila Gurchenko does not need any special introduction. She is known and loved by several generations of viewers. She was able to be remembered for her roles in films that were watched not only by people of the older generation, but also by young people.

The most important thing is that she remained desirable to men at any age. When the actress was already over 70, there was talk of her affair with a young designer who was 35 years younger than her.

During her life, Lyudmila Gurchenko was married six times. Probably, the constant love of men gave her energy and inspiration. This woman could not live a single day without love.

Marriage of convenience

Little Lucy grew up in a creative environment. Her parents were involved in art. The girl learned to sing very early and during the war years she earned her living in this way. When she graduated from school, the question of where to go to study next did not even arise. The talented schoolgirl decided to enroll in VGIK and she succeeded the first time.

Already as a student, Lyudmila began to try her hand at cinema. Director Vasily Ordynsky played an important role in this. He noticed the aspiring actress when she just became a university student. He literally fell in love with her beautiful facial features and chiseled figure.

Lyudmila decided for herself that her marriage to the director could become a profitable match for her. Ordynsky could become her personal director and direct her in his films. Lyudmila and Vasily got married. The man understood that the girl’s feelings were not sincere, but he loved her and tried to justify all her hopes.

Discord in the family occurred after Gurchenko was not approved for main role in one of Ordynsky's films. The commission rejected her candidacy, and the director simply could not resist her. After this incident, Lyudmila filed for divorce. The man still loved his wife and was against separation, but the actress was adamant.

People close to the director said that even decades after breaking up with Gurchenko, he could not forget her and stop loving her. And she simply chose to forget this marriage as a mistake of her youth.

Fall in love with a handsome man

Having broken off her first relationship, the actress was ready for a new one. She was young and beautiful, and her career was just beginning. New love overtook Lyudmila unexpectedly. They met their future husband Boris Andronikashvili in the canteen of VGIK. The guy passing by looked at the girl so much that she almost lost consciousness from such a look.

Lyudmila was struck by the beauty of Boris and plunged into new novel with the head. The couple got married and were predicted to have a long and happy family life. At first everything was like that. The newlyweds always appeared together at all events and looked very harmonious. Lyudmila was madly in love with her man and was ready to make any sacrifice for him.

The fruit of such love was the birth of a child. The couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. But the birth of a child was not a joy for the actress. She hoped that she would have a son, whom she would name Mark in honor of her father. Another disappointment followed.

Gurchenko's daughter - Maria Koroleva

Lyudmila was forced to leave her career as an actress for some time and start raising a child. While she was busy with household chores, her husband often stayed late at work, and preferred to spend time in the company of friends. Soon the woman found out about his many mistresses.

Lyudmila calmly packed her things, took her daughter and filed for divorce. Boris didn’t really resist. So the couple calmly filed for divorce, and the actress promised herself that she would never give birth to children again.

A fleeting romance

A woman like Lyudmila Gurchenko did not remain alone for long. Two years after her divorce from Andronikashvili, she met Alexander Fadeev, who was the adopted son of a famous Soviet writer.

Their acquaintance took place in an elite restaurant. At first, Gurchenko did not consider him as a potential spouse, but under the pressure of beautiful courtship she gave in. Lyudmila agreed to Fadeev’s proposal to become his wife. They formalized the relationship after just a few months of dating.

Interesting notes:

Lyudmila hoped that with Alexander she would find her feminine happiness. But that did not happen. Her husband spent most of his time in restaurants and devoted more time to his friends than to his wife. In fact, Gurchenko and Fadeev turned out to be completely different and could not give each other anything important. As a result, after two years of marriage, the couple divorced.

Two stars

Lyudmila Gurchenko and met in the same corridor. This is how their family life began. There was no acquaintance as such. The whole country knew them and they needed no introduction.

The initiative came from Kobzon. Lyudmila already had three unsuccessful marriages behind her and was rather pessimistic. For some time she did not respond to the singer’s advances. But he did not back down and the actress gave up.

The whole country followed the development of their relationship. It seemed that such a marriage would be successful. Two accomplished stars, two strong personalities, but this is precisely what prevented their happiness.

There were constant conflicts in the family, including on professional grounds. After several years of marriage, Lyudmila filed for divorce, but Joseph did not keep her.

Hope for happiness

When Lyudmila Gurchenko was already 40 years old, and she didn’t expect to meet a real man, fate gave her a chance in the person of Konstantin Kuperweis. Their acquaintance was completely accidental, but continued for almost twenty years.

Konstantin became support and support for the actress, and for her daughter Maria he replaced her biological father. The man became Lyudmila’s personal guardian angel. He tried to predict all her desires and fulfill any whim.

For Gurchenko, the news that her husband had another woman came as a real shock.

For a long time she could not believe it. How could Konstantin deceive her like that, fulfill her every whim and at the same time have relationships on the side. She was able to survive this and let go of her unfaithful husband.

Little girl

It would seem at 58 years old to look new love almost impossible. But for Gurchenko, age was not a barrier. Her last husband became producer Sergei Senin. They met while working together on the film “Sex Tales.” Next to Sergei, the actress finally felt loved and protected.

She saw her father in her wife. Senin was similar to him both in appearance and character, and called Lyudmila his daughter. She was pleased to feel like before - a little perky girl who was loved and cared for.

Gurchenko lived with her sixth husband until the end of her life. She even died in his arms. She died happy and loved, as she dreamed of living her whole life.