Every practicing magician needs knowledge about what an egregor is and how to work with it. Connecting to such energy structures can open up great opportunities. But you should be careful - the first thing you need to learn is how to disconnect from the egregor.

In the article:

Egregors - how to work with them

The ability to directly manipulate the energy and capabilities of egregors is the responsibility of only the most powerful magicians. These are people who have undergone a rite of passage and have sufficient knowledge of ritual and practical magic. All verbal formulas, supposedly intended for connecting to egregors, are only grains of necessary knowledge, without which it is dangerous to use such spells. With proper experience, a person can indeed use the power and capabilities of almost any egregor, but this requires years of practice and sufficient experience.

Nevertheless, really everyone can work with egregors in some way. After all, an egregor is nothing more than an energy structure embodied precisely from the thoughts and actions of people. More details about this are described in a separate article on our website. Here we will provide you with effective and safe methods for using these entities for your own purposes. Almost everyone can use them. But in any case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, because the power of some such collective energy entities is much higher than the abilities of any person.

In a sense, working with certain such entities is part of every person’s daily activities, even without any practice. For example, the egregor of a specific families remembers established traditions and habits, but bringing something new into it is working with such an essence. However, if you consciously manage the development of such an energy structure, understanding the principles of its operation, then you will be able to achieve much better results, getting rid of any negativity and getting only positive results.

How to create an egregor and why it is needed

Football fans- the basis of a powerful egregor that feeds on their emotions

It will be useful for many magicians to learn how to create an egregor. After all, having in your hands a powerful energy structure, fueled by several people, you can achieve a lot. Especially if you know all the features of this essence and its essence. In such a situation it is almost impossible to be exposed negative factors influence of the egregor and minimize any risks associated with working with this structure.

However, it should be remembered that it will be impossible to create an egregor alone. Otherwise, the resulting energy structure will simply be a waste of the magician’s strength. Therefore, egregors are usually created by groups of people - the conscious creation of such an energy entity makes it much more manageable and controllable. This is useful, because a group of people will create a similar energy structure in any case - and it is better to do this with a precise understanding of their actions and goals.

Ritual magic is best suited for creating egregors. Solemn ceremonies and collective rituals in this case make it possible to really effectively direct the power of magicians to obtain the desired result. During rituals, in one way or another, goals are set for the energy structure and the principles of its work are laid down. Subsequently, those who did not take part in the ritual can also connect to the egregor created in this way, if this was provided for by the magicians who created it.

Such rituals do not have any special features - they can belong to any magical tradition. The main thing is the determination of the participants and the presence of common goals. But egregors can be created not only with good intentions - many societies, by creating their own energy construct, attract followers, from whom energy and, in many cases, money are siphoned off. This is exactly how many destructive sects work.

Connecting to an egregor - how to do it

For people who strive to achieve any goal, connecting to an egregor can be a good help. Due to the fact that many such collective entities feed their supporters and stimulate the occurrence of certain events, this helps to achieve results both spiritually and material world. So, connecting to will certainly attract additional money to you. And by connecting to certain religious collective structures you can receive knowledge and support from above.

Images of managing people by egregor

The simplest way used to connect to the egregor is to replenish the ranks of its participants. The sharing of common interests, behavior algorithms and principles of life invariably connects a person to any specific energy entity. However, in this case, energy exchange is not always equal. In addition, many energy structures are opposite in meaning and do not allow simultaneous connection to others. For example, you cannot simultaneously use the power of both the egregor of drug addiction and the collective energy structure healthy image life. They especially zealously protect their followers from outsiders.

At the same time, an experienced magician can avoid any negative consequences of connecting to an egregor and only use their power to achieve his own goals, even when he does not completely comply with the principles of this energy structure. Thus, there are two main ways to connect to egregorial entities, and based on this, there are two principles for working with these energy structures.

In the first case, to connect to the egregor it is enough to meet its requirements. This could be undergoing an initiation rite in the community - for example, conversion in Judaism or baptism in Christianity. Or maybe it’s just communication with other people connected to the energy structure, as is the case with much softer egregors of various hobbies and hobbies, such as the collective essence of fishing or surfing.

As mentioned above, the influence of collective energy systems may not be positive in every case. Especially when you consider that many existing egregors conduct unequal energy exchange and literally feed naive people, caught in their network, without giving anything in return. And in this case, you need to know how to disconnect from the egregor in order to improve your life, and not turn into an obedient slave for other people’s desires and ideas or into a simple source of energy.

And the puppeteer can be someone's puppet.

It is worth noting that freeing oneself from an egregor is much more difficult than becoming part of it. Almost without exception, such energy structures hold tightly to people who feed them with their thoughts and actions. Any attempts to get rid of the power of the egregorial energy structure will cause an aggressive reaction from both the egregor himself and his followers.

But nothing is impossible. When getting rid of the influence of an egregor, it is necessary to combine both magical methods and direct limitation of the influence of such a structure on consciousness. No ceremonies, spells or rituals will help if a person himself constantly communicates with representatives of the egregor or, out of habit, performs the actions necessary for this energy structure. In the same way, even if a person is isolated from the visible influence of the energy field, it will affect him subconsciously and mentally - not on the physical, but on the spiritual plane. Therefore, deliverance must be comprehensive.

There is one ancient Slavic ritual that can be used specifically to destroy the connection with the egregor. It is held exclusively at night during the new moon. For it you will need to take a red thread, scissors, a candle and boiled egg. The egg must be wrapped in thread and placed on the table. Light a candle. Next, rolling the egg on the table with one hand and holding the other end of the thread in your hands with the other, you should read the spell three times:

How can this egg not come to life?
You can't be a chicken but a chicken
So no one knows the power over me

After this, you need to cut the thread with scissors with the words:

I cut someone else's yoke,
I free myself

Then burn the thread to ashes in the flame of a candle, slandering it:

The Tsar Fire burns the clamp
And it flutters in the wind
Key, lock, tongue

Knowledge about the power of energy formations is useful for novice magicians, healers and fortune tellers. The first thing a practicing esotericist learns is the ability to avoid danger. By disconnecting from the harmful structure, you will save your astral and physical body.

In this article

Operating rules

The Internet presents techniques, conspiracies, spells, meditations and recommendations for increasing the level of Consciousness. But this is the tip of the iceberg. Only professionals who have passed the stages of initiation acquire the skills to manage the Energy of the World. Following questionable instructions without preparation is dangerous. Magic rituals have a retroactive force that can cause destructive damage on the mental and physical levels.

World egregors and the human mind are one

A carelessly thrown phrase or word will lead to irreversible consequences. You don't know it yet, but you've already connected to the Dark Side.

Mikhail Bulgakov in his novel “The Master and Margarita” accurately described the cause-and-effect relationship between desire and its instant fulfillment.

Prokhor Petrovich: - What is this? Get him out, damn me!

Hippopotamus: - Damn it? Well, it's possible!

Bulgakov is considered a mysterious and controversial writer. In the works of the late period of creativity, the author makes it clear that there are Forces with which it is better not to meet. And if contact occurs, try to get rid of their influence.

To command the Force and not fall into slavery, years of persistent practice are needed. Before you climb new level, study the theory, find a worthy and proven Teacher. The power of collective thought forms exceeds the Mind of a single traveler.

Just a few years ago, seriously ill people were allowed into the intensive care unit only in one case - to say goodbye. Now doctors do not prevent visits. The fight is taking place on an invisible field. At this moment, spiritual and emotional support is needed. The sick person receives the strength of all who pray for healing.

But don’t be afraid in advance and give up forever on the dream of conquering the invisible Space. Everyone, without exception, is involved in communication with the Entities.

  1. Joint Family Channel - a matrix of relationships between children and parents; patterns of behavior depending on religious, cultural or ethnic background.
  2. Personal center of knowledge. It contains memories of celebrations, memorable dates and other identification information.
  3. – makes it possible to trace the family tree to the seventh generation; find out karmic purpose, calculate errors in the code of relatives.

But it’s not enough to be in the energy information system; it needs to be managed. Otherwise, they will settle in the mind harmful viruses, distorting the idea of ​​reality.

From this video you will learn a lot about egregors. About how to take power from them. And also about places of power and church magic.

How to create your own egregor and why you need it

Magicians, healers, herbalists and healers use their own skills and the support of several professionals to work. Each practicing occultist creates a personal egregor. But it is impossible to do this alone. A thought form gains power and strength if many associates are connected to it.

How to proceed?

  1. Clearly set your Goals and define your Intentions.
  2. Involve as many like-minded people as possible.
  3. Agree who will be in charge and how the Power will be distributed between the participants.

“Alone in the field is not a warrior,” says the Russian proverb. It accurately characterizes the purposes for which astral channels are created. Together it is easier to overcome difficulties and cope with troubles.

Scheme for connecting consciousness to the egregor

Will special actions be required or can a source of Knowledge and Energy be created without them? It is recommended to perform rituals:

  1. Collective magical actions are used for creation.
  2. Solemn dedications will create a mood of involvement in common cause.
  3. Rituals can relate to any of the existing magical cultures.

Depending on the charter, converts undergo initiation and testing of loyalty.

Signs of being inside an egregor

Even hermits and hermits living far from civilization are not completely alone. Their Mind is connected to the information field.

Beginners in esotericism ask the question: “”

  1. We are part of the whole, which means that we are a priori connected to one source or another.
  2. Belief or denial does not matter. Even atheists have an egregor, whether they want it or not.
  3. An unprecedented elation or prolonged depression indicates a connection to the corresponding mental plane.

A special system of rules and beliefs

The egregor is based on Thought. The more followers and supporters, the stronger he is.

“Rose-colored glasses”, “illusory captivity” - these idioms capaciously and aptly characterize the power of someone else's will.

The system strives for stability - this is the basis of its life activity, the key to its long existence. The more adherents, the stronger it is.

How do you know if someone is being influenced by alien ideas?

  1. Quotes phrases and relies on the opinion of the majority, neglecting his own.
  2. Any objectionable thoughts are rejected in an aggressive manner.
  3. Neither logical arguments nor scientific calculations work; they become isolated in their own world.

Meditation to connect to your Higher Self!

Ours and Others' egregors: what is behind this concept

Any team creates boundaries that cannot be crossed. Information formations in the Astral clearly divide aliens into friends and foes.

  1. Aggressive societies perceive those who are different as enemies. The Brotherhood of the Dark will not accept a white magician. Dissent is not welcome.
  2. Neutral - treat the world loyally. But they don't allow strangers. As in real life, you will be ignored.
  3. Positive ones are open to everyone. For example, or Mercies are ready to help every Soul experiencing difficulties, sadness or pain.

Akin to street gangs. They have clearly divided spheres of influence, and any newcomer from another territory is perceived as an enemy.

A feeling of comradeship: involvement in something big and strong

Many have experienced an emotional upsurge on a wave of global experiences, joy or grief. If such feelings are familiar to you, it means that at some point there was a connection to a powerful energy formation.

Closing of the 80 Olympics

Historical example. Representatives of the older generation remember the emotions experienced by people who were at the Luzhniki Stadium when the 1980 Olympics closed. A touching moment when a tear rolled down Mishka’s face! And one more when the symbol Olympic Games soared into the sky over Moscow to the song “Goodbye, our affectionate Bear.” Millions of people could not hold back their tears of sadness, delight and tenderness!

This is how the principle of belonging works, common feelings, aspirations and ideals are formed.

Constructive egregors

Faith, Hope, Love, Compassion, Mercy are the names of sources of support. Everyone can go to the Temple, light candles, and whisper an appeal to Heaven.

The main signs of positive formations in the World Mind.

  1. Constructive - always voluntary. We are free in thoughts and feelings. From them, a person receives information of a positive nature and leaves voluntarily.
  2. Positive attitude. Only pure energy flows into constructive wells of information.
  3. Neutrality and friendliness towards those who think differently, regardless of beliefs.

Fill your soul with love through meditation:

Destructive egregors

The action of an egregor cannot always be assessed positive assessment. The minus sign is valid when it changes thinking:

  1. He thinks for us, dictates rules of behavior, and forms a system of values.
  2. The egregor of poverty whispers the proverb “You haven’t lived richly, and you shouldn’t start.”
  3. Criminal and nationalist communities offer aggressive models: “Beat your own so that strangers will be afraid.”

Under the influence of destructive energy formations, a person becomes a piece on a chessboard

In the novel “We” by Evgeny Zamyatin, written in the 20s of the last century, a society is outlined that is completely subordinate to the power of the Benefactor and the Guardians.

The collective is more important than the personal

We wear the same uniforms and live according to a strict schedule. We do not reproduce for love, but give the children born to the state. We don't have names. We are numbers...

Fire is the strongest element of the Earth and. Symbol of Light and Faith. Torchlight processions, popular back in Ancient Rome, are still used in our time to create a sense of involvement in a common cause. If you see columns of demonstrators with lit torches and banners, know that at this moment a powerful hurricane is formed in the energy field of the Planet, capable of sweeping away everything in its path.

May Day demonstration as an example of the formation of a powerful egregor

How to connect to egregor

Believers know that it is enough to come to church, and your soul becomes lighter. By joining a group of like-minded people, achieving what you want is easy.

  1. gives meaning to life and hope.
  2. Do you need to improve your material and financial situation? .
  3. Do you want to give free rein to your imagination and develop your creativity? Join the virtual ranks of art lovers.
  4. Do you dream of creating a strong and loving family? Feed on the energy of happiness.

The connection algorithm is quite simple - at the level of thought and consciousness you will feel like part of a single whole.

  1. , form the appropriate thought forms, send them to the Universe.
  2. Pray, perform ceremonies and rituals.
  3. Communicate with those who are already members of the desired group.
  4. If we are not talking about magical, religious or closed, secret brotherhoods, then special rites and rituals are not required.

It is forbidden simultaneously belong to organizations whose ideology is directly opposite. Just as it is impossible in life to run in the morning and smoke, so on the subtle plane it is unrealistic to be a White Magician and ask for support from the Dark Ones.

Religious organizations select adherents especially zealously. The transition from one faith to another is not a formal ritual, but a restructuring of consciousness, entering an energy structure that is suspicious of a newcomer.

Is it possible to free yourself from the power of egregor and how to do it

It is easy to join the community of alcoholics both in real life and on the Astral plane. Coming out means doing serious work with the Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Break the value system and rebuild the subtle and physical plane.

This video presents a meditation on clearing the mind of negative programs and creating a positive future:

The figurative expression “break with the past” takes on specific meaning, When we're talking about about severing relations with a harmful and destructive energy system.

  1. Write down on paper everything you want to get rid of.
  2. Say: “I break with the past, annul outdated contracts, get rid of shackles.”
  3. Tear the paper into small pieces so that the words cannot be deciphered.
  4. Burn the message to the World.
  5. Mentally imagine that it is not just the list that is burning, but the past.
  6. Scatter the ashes into the air or rinse with running water.

Every day brings a lot of information, emotions, experiences. The ability to choose the main thing and weed out the unimportant will be useful to both esoteric practitioners and ordinary people.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

An egregor is an entity that interacts with the human mind, arising from the emotions and thoughts of people. With the help of egregor, you can make your wishes come true and completely change your life. How to create an egregor?

An egregor¹ is a certain object in the subtle world², consisting of information and energy of very high concentration. Egregors can be created independently to achieve your goals.

What magical knowledge is needed to create an egregor?

First, you need to decide on the goal, that is, clearly understand why the egregor is being created.

Then choose the right place that meets the following parameters:

  1. The place should be in the open air.
  2. There should be an abundance of objects that, in your opinion, have the necessary energy for your egregor. For example, a cemetery is suitable for the egregor of death, and a flower field is suitable for the egregor of love.
  3. The place should be deserted enough so that no one will disturb you.

Now about the time of creation. The time should also correspond to your plan - for death it is midnight, for love - a hot, sultry afternoon.

When all conditions are met, you can begin the ritual.

How to create an egregor?

  1. At the appointed time, you need to stand in the middle of the chosen place and draw a circle around yourself, not a magic circle, but a circle.
  2. Extend your arms and imagine that the necessary energy flows out of your hands and collects into a small ball outside the outlined circle. The ball must be a color that matches the intended goal (love - red, death - black).
  3. Then imagine how energy comes out from the place you have chosen and feeds the ball. getting bigger and bigger. If an egregor of love is needed, then the ball is saturated with energy emanating from flowers; if an egregor of death is created, then from the graves.
  4. As soon as the energy of the place is depleted, you need to imagine how the same energy flies from the sky, but much stronger. She also feeds the ball.
  5. The ball begins to absorb everything around it except its creator.
  6. When the feeling comes that the egregor has acquired sufficient size and strength, he needs to give an order, that is, voice his goal.
  7. The order is given sharply and very loudly. It should be a cry or even a scream containing a command word. Let's say: “Kill” or “Fall in love.” Hearing the scream, the ball turns into a giant lightning bolt and flies to where the victim lives.


The cry should contain the emotions you need. The most interesting thing is that the egregor, having completed the task, will self-destruct and return the energy to where it came from.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Egregor - in occult and new (non-traditional) religious movements - the soul of a thing, an angel, a “mental condensate” generated by the thoughts and emotions of people and acquiring independent existence (Wikipedia).

² The Astral Plane, also Astral, Astral world, Subtle world - a concept in occultism, esotericism, philosophy, in the experience of lucid dreams, denoting a volume (layer) of the universe (nature) different from the material one (

Egregors of the human world [Logic and interaction skills] Dmitry Sergeevich Verishchagin

Independent creation of an egregor

Actually, you and I already know enough about egregors to create one of them.

An egregor is an energy-informational organism that exists in the collective unconscious of humanity.

He receives the energy of the needs of people that arise independently of him, directed towards him due to the existence of an archetypal tool - a concept that, by its properties, is capable of satisfying this need already during the construction of a mental model.

The success or failure of satisfying a given need with the help of a given archetypal tool means the success or failure of the egregor.

Accordingly, the basis of any egregor is a cyclic structure, in the most simple case(rarely encountered, often complex needs, there are several of them, several archetypes, there are also inter-egregorial connections that supply energy on secondary archetypes) consisting of needs - expectations the right way its satisfaction - an archetypal instrument - the expectation of satisfying a need or simply a need - an archetypal instrument - an expectation of satisfying a need.

It is easy to notice that in the area of ​​need the cycle is not closed; here the point of closure is our feeling of people who feel the need for one or another embodiment of the archetype to satisfy their needs. Accordingly, in a normal case, nature itself closes it, ensuring the periodic occurrence of needs in a person, and in an abnormal case, the very satisfaction of the need causes its renewal (drug addiction, alcoholism, any addiction).

And the popularity of such a simple egregor directly depends on the frequency of the need and the effectiveness of its satisfaction. Thirst - water - quenching is more powerful than the desire for truffles - truffle - quenching the desire for truffles, which is why, although truffle, due to its rarity and at the same time popularity, is more expensive than water, its energy turnover and financial turnover are a grain of sand compared to those of water.

Accordingly, any egregor begins with a cyclic expression of some idea that links a specific need with a specific way of satisfying it.

This, so to speak, is the phase of the logical, personal beginning of the egregor.

In this form it first arises in a person.

It spreads from person to person, becoming part of the atmosphere of groups of people, becoming more common and integrated into the collective consciousness.

And finally, in favorable circumstances for an idea, a moment comes when it becomes part of the heritage of humanity or a people, when even children who do not yet have this need begin to assimilate it, when the egregor enters the third phase and becomes an integral part of culture.

The third phase, of course, presents a certain difficulty for our work - after all, not every idea is capable of gaining such independent dissemination as to be integrated into culture... But, looking ahead, I will say that there are certain moves here too, and I will even hint: after all, changes in relationships, manifestations, shades of manifestations of stable ancient egregors cannot be controlled. And the idea, by its existence causing the appearance of these shades, can thus be integrated on the cultural level... but I’m really getting ahead of myself.

We will return to this later, but for now you and I need to learn how to create egregors through at least two initial levels.

And this is quite simple: learn to create an idea so that you can control it, and try to pass it on to others, making it transpersonal.

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It’s no secret that people are much more productive and easier to achieve their goals when they act together. But there is one nuance: we act together only with those with whom we pursue similar goals and objectives, with whom we have the same values ​​and views. By uniting with others, a person not only gains confidence in his intentions and strengths, but his very strength increases exponentially. Just as it is easy to tear a book page by page or break a broom by twig, it is just as easy to lead a person deprived of support astray from the intended path.

But at the same time, it is almost impossible to tear an entire book or break an entire broom at once, just as it is difficult to bring down a person who has enormous power behind him. However, it is not always obvious that a person is not alone, even if he considers himself a loner, although in fact he has great resources. This is often due to the fact that he is connected to an egregor, which gives him strength, knowledge, and leads him along a certain path. Today we will try to figure out what an egregor is, how to connect to it, whether it is possible to get out of it, what its types are and how they work.

The meaning of the word "egregor"

The word "egregor" is absent from known Russian explanatory dictionaries. Different sources speak differently about its origin. There is an opinion that the word “egregor” comes from the ancient Greek “ἐγρήγορος” - ‘awake’. Others write that it is translated from Greek as ‘guardian angel’. . Third sources reduce it to the Latin “grex” - “herd”, “crowd”, in a broad sense - “totality”. And also again ancient Greek, only “egeiro” - ‘to guard’, ‘to keep an eye on’. In any case, this concept took root in the Russian language, after which it was endowed with meaning, which we will talk about later.

It is believed that in Russian literature this term was first used by Daniil Andreev in his work “Rose of the World” and gave it the following definition: “Egregor is an intangible formation that arises from some mental secretions of humanity over large groups: tribes, states, some parties and religious societies . They are devoid of monads (i.e., an indivisible original unit, we would call it a soul - note by the author of this article), but they have a temporarily concentrated volitional charge and the equivalent of consciousness.”

What is egregor

An egregor is a single energy-information space that is formed due to the energy of people united by some common idea (interest, passion). Examples include fans of one musical genre, a pop culture star, or an author. These can also be religious egregors, their branches. Even non-believers belong to their egregor. A film, a thing, a clothing brand, a car, vegetarianism, yoga and much more are also egregors. In addition, gender, nationality, and planet form egregors. There is also an egregor of a place: a store, a cafe, a restaurant, a city, a country, etc. For example, when entering a certain store or restaurant, a person may experience a feeling of awkwardness, feel out of place, poorly dressed, and low-income. Despite the fact that, having left such a place, he will not remember about it. Moreover, he may have enough money and be dressed appropriately for certain circles. latest fashion, but not for this egregor.

When a person connects to any egregor, he begins to meet like-minded people in the most unexpected places. I had such an example in my life. I began to be interested in yoga, and often visited Vedic cafes and shops. And then it was time to take the driver's license exams; it was very cold, and it took a long time to wait. And one couple offered to warm up in their car (the wife was taking an exam, and the husband was just present for company). Imagine my surprise when, after talking, it turned out that they had their own Vedic store. Or, having moved to small town, I met a woman who is taking online Vedic courses at the same school that I also visited more than once, only in person. We might never have crossed paths, since she is the only one in the whole city, but a common interest or energy brought us together. If everyone starts analyzing their life, they will find a lot of similar examples.

How egregors work

An egregor collects the energy of the elements belonging to it and then redistributes it between them. The collection of energy occurs precisely due to concentration on general ideas and objects that underlie the formation of this egregor, especially during moments of mass practices and rituals. Members of society can consciously gather and direct the energy of the egregor in the direction they need. If a person uses the energy allocated to him against the needs of the egregor, then negative consequences may arise for this person. In fact, he will simply begin to fall out of it and not receive additional energy, feel tired, exhausted, and despondent. In this case, a reconnection to another egregor may occur: either a more beneficial one, or vice versa.

In addition, an egregor can impose certain obligations on people in the form of observing rituals, through which a significant part of the energy is directed into it. Often, in moments of non-compliance, a person feels internal pressure and doubt: to perform or not to perform a certain act. Here we are not talking about conscience, since an act may be absolutely harmless from the ethical side of the issue, but for a particular egregor it is not permissible. Let's say, according to the rituals of a certain society, a person cannot use left hand when preparing food, and if he suddenly does this, then, from the point of view of a person who does not belong to this society, nothing bad will happen, but from the point of view of someone who belongs, this terrible sin, for which punishment will undoubtedly follow. It must be said that there is an opinion that conscience is the measure of the compliance of an action with one or another egregor, however, in my opinion, it is better to consider conscience in the context of universal moral norms.

Some places have such a strong egregor that people, entering their field, involuntarily observe the necessary rituals. For example, a person may drop something from his hands and he bows while picking it up, or something catches his eye and he involuntarily walks around the circle from right to left, as prescribed according to the custom of the place, etc.

In addition to energy, information comes from the egregor, which is expressed in the emergence of similar ideas and thoughts among its members. You can often find cases where people belonging to the same movement, without talking, begin to perform the same rituals or practices, or become interested in something. That is, the egregor synchronizes the activities of its elements.

People who belong to the constructive egregor can consciously transfer themselves to its will, while feeling the state of flow. While those who are connected to a destructive egregor do not understand at all that they are mostly under its influence. This is expressed in reflexive behavior, loss of control over actions. Such people can find themselves in places they never intended to.

There is an opinion that belonging to an egregor can be determined by a person’s mission, and after its completion, the connection with this egregor is curtailed, and the person disconnects from it: school, university, camp. There are also egregors from which it is necessary to disconnect at a certain point in life or weaken the connection, otherwise there will be no development. For example, maternal or family egregor. That is, the connection must weaken significantly for independent life, accumulation of own experience.

Each egregor has goals and objectives, upon achieving which it can either cease to exist or merge with another egregor. Also, an egregor can collapse if its goals and objectives are not fulfilled, i.e. it ceases to be viable. For example, there is an egregor of the Earth - this is an egregor of a planetary order, it has its own tasks in the Universe. Everyone who lives here feeds it with their energy. Accordingly, if the energy is creative, then the Earth will continue to exist, and we along with it. If its inhabitants only take from the Earth and give nothing, depleting the egregor itself, then it will collapse, destroying those who are connected to it. This is to say completely in simple words. Of course, everything is somewhat more complicated. Or the egregor of humanity, to which you and I belong. If we continue to destroy ourselves, then, as a result, we will destroy the human race - the egregor will exhaust itself. But there is a suspicion that the decay does not occur instantly, but gradually, taking away the energy of its elements, i.e. dying can be long and painful. At the same time, those who strive to preserve the egregor still necessary for a good life will be forced to make incredible efforts. Here it is appropriate to quote Martin Buber: “Creation rules over me, and if I do not serve it as I should, it is destroyed or destroys me.” The same can be attributed to egregor.

It may also be that, by entering any egregor, a person (or a creature with a very large supply of energy) is able to change its vector of development. Moreover, the change can occur both positively and negatively. negative side. Here, in the understanding of this issue, contradictions may arise: on the one hand, a certain idea is associated with the egregor, on the other hand, this idea can be changed or replaced. It really is possible. Moreover, now this is happening due to a person’s loss of awareness and attention, i.e. a person thinks one thing, says another, and does a third. Such a person will not even notice how the substitution occurred, since it may not be at odds with his actions. This can be compared to the merger of one company into another. For example, private company has become state-owned, and people working and being served by this company simply take it for granted. The strategy, goals, and means of the company will change, and, as a result, people may remain, while more conscious ones may leave or change. Highly spiritual people, who understand themselves not as a separate being, but as a single whole with all that exists, are able to change the course of events in a more beneficial direction, eradicate or significantly reduce negative influences in the egregor.

It must be taken into account that each of us is connected not to one, but to many egregors, and each of them influences our behavior, worldview, and life. And with whom we maintain the strongest and most stable connection, he will have the greatest influence. The following situation can serve as an example of everyday order. A woman works in an office where all women have the same problem - no family. And until she quits, this problem will not go away, because it is in the interests of the working egregor that a woman invest as much strength and energy as possible into the company, and not into her family. It often happens that as soon as one woman in a group becomes pregnant, many others begin to become pregnant. Or someone in the family begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, and gradually other family members also change in better side. This means that the person managed to change the vector of development of the family egregor.

Types of egregors

An egregor can be both destructive and creative, or, as we said above, destructive or constructive. A destructive egregor is characterized by the fact that, in addition to the surrounding space, it also destroys those who feed it. Creative - improves the lives of people connected to it, helps in difficult times. Any egregor has power and holds the person associated with it. The difference is that if this is a destructive egregor, then retention occurs due to fear, poor health, and exhaustion of the member itself; if the egregor is creative, then retention is achieved through help and constant support.

Egregors differ in vibration frequency: there are high-frequency ones, and there are low-frequency ones. Accordingly, connecting to low-frequency ones is not difficult, but to reach more worthy ones, you need to have high level vibrations That is why primitive egregors are often much stronger and have greater coverage than their opposites. Look on video portals how many views and admiration a cat or a simple clip gets and how many an educational lecture gets, and everything will become clear. And this is a vivid example of collecting energy into an egregor, and where do you think one egregor will direct this energy and where the second, respectively, what quality of energy will be returned to those who watched this video. It's like giving money to an alcoholic and expecting him to spend it not on drinking, but on something good. So in the above example, it is quite obvious how and who will use the received resources.

There are egregors with such different vibrations that crossing them is almost impossible, to the point that people can be nearby, but not see or notice each other due to different vibrational fields. Those who are quite conscious about their lives closely monitor who and what appears in their field of vision, and consider this as a bell and a guide: whether they are moving in the right direction or whether something has gone wrong.

Egregor structure

How are egregors arranged? To answer this question, you need to take into account that a person needs control, and if he does not take responsibility for himself, then someone else will take it. In other words, if a person does not realize and does not control where his energy is spent, it means that some other entity is taking control of this energy and using it in its own interests.

The structure of an egregor primarily depends on how conscious or unconscious a person is attached to it. In the first case, we can talk about the direct connection of a person’s consciousness to the egregor; in the second, the connection is carried out through an intermediary, that is, through the entity that controls the person.

Let's take a closer look at the unconscious connection. A person who has any negative habit feeds it, and gradually it turns into an independent entity - a larva, which itself controls the person. Remember a smoker or an alcoholic: he doesn’t even notice how he lights up or drinks - this is a clear sign of the presence of larva. And a person is connected to the egregor, as a rule, through it. That is, a person’s consciousness is turned off. Surely you have come across a situation when a person tells you something, but he seems to be in a fog, as if someone is speaking for him, as if he is hypnotized. And as soon as you do something out of place, the person “wakes up”, or falls into a stupor, or gets angry, because the program has gone wrong and the person is lost. That is, he has to turn on his consciousness in order to continue the conversation, and in this case he is left without recharge and control through the larva.

If initially the egregor was headed by a person on whom everyone concentrated, then over time she may lose her influence due to the excess of the energy of the fans over the energy of the leader. In this case, it is more likely that the leader is subordinate to them, and not vice versa. Moreover, such an object of veneration may experience severe exhaustion, and a self-destruction program may be activated. A striking example is music and film stars who, unable to cope with the energy they receive, begin to drink too much, or even worse. The reason is a large number of energy of low quality, i.e. the leader was unable to raise the level of incoming energy. The most interesting thing is that an egregor can continue to exist even after the death of the object of veneration. Therefore, people who thirst for fame must understand: how they want to get it, what level of consciousness people will concentrate on them, what quality of energy they will exchange, etc.

How to get out of egregor

It is not possible to completely get out of all egregors. However this question is relevant when we talk about those egregors that deplete and destroy us. Sometimes, to get out of them, you just need to start dressing differently or eating different food, stop listening to a particular artist or visiting a certain establishment. Since an egregor is created to implement certain tasks and goals, one of the ways to disconnect from it is to change your life guidelines, rethink your tasks and goals, realize where your actions lead, and stop performing alien rituals. In other words, the best way The way out from under the influence of one or another egregor is to increase awareness and, as a result, change the algorithm of actions.

I wish you that your level of consciousness and positive energy will be so high that you could redirect any egregor into a creative direction!