Olga Krasheninnikova
Summary of the workshop for educators “If a child does not obey”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 10 "Sun"

Summary of the workshop for educators

« If the child doesn't listen»


Educational psychologist

Krasheninnikova O. E.

Target: development of teachers’ competence in matters of maintaining discipline.


1. Introduce educators with the main reasons disobedience of children, ways constructive disobedience;

2. Develop the ability to respond to specific situations, select the most effective methods behavior regulation baby;

3. Develop the ability to see positive traits children.

Progress of the lesson

We all often have the question, "what to do, if the child doesn't listen. To answer this question, you must first determine the reasons child's disobedience.

Let's try to remember one of the recent situations. disobedience. Describe your emotions and actions step by step. Now try to determine the main thing, what was your prevailing feeling that you experienced then (anger, resentment, despair, irritation or other feeling). There is a hypothesis by which the cause can be determined child's disobedience, to do this you need to determine the feeling that you experienced when child's disobedience.

If you feel irritated, then disobedience, most likely caused by the struggle for attention. If the child do not get required quantity attention, which he so needs for normal development and well-being, then he finds his own way to get it - disobedience.

To solve this problem you need to pay attention to kid a sufficient amount of attention, find interesting activities for him that would captivate him. Parents need to make a rule of allocating some time, even if not very long, exclusively for communicating with child.

Are you feeling angry? Then most likely the reason disobedience is the struggle for self-affirmation against excessive parental care. It is especially difficult for children when their parents communicate with them mainly in the form of comments, concerns, and instructions. The child begins to rebel. He responds with stubbornness and contrary actions.

To solve this problem, you need to analyze your behavior and attitude towards to kid and give him more freedom and rights.

If the feeling is resentment, then the reason disobedience - desire for revenge. Children are often offended by their parents. TO example: parents are more attentive to the youngest; parents separated; a stepfather appeared in the house; parents often quarrel, etc. Many isolated reasons: harsh remark, unfair punishment. Deep down the child is worried, and on the surface - protests, disobedience, failure at school.

To fix this problem, you need to find out why exactly child holds a grudge against you and try to rectify the situation.

If You fall into the grip of a feeling of hopelessness, and sometimes despair - in this case, the cause disobedience is a loss of faith in one's own success. Having accumulated bitter experience of failures and criticism addressed to me, child loses self-confidence and develops low self-esteem.

To solve this problem you need help to kid increase his self-esteem.


Work on pedagogical situations: read the situation, identify the reason child's disobedience, build an action algorithm.


The teacher asks the child five years old, remove the paints and album from the table, because dinner will be served on the same table. Child continues to do his business. The teacher repeats the request, child says“now” or “yes” and continues to color enthusiastically. Why is he ignoring the request? teacher, doesn't pay attention to her?


The child poured compote on the table at breakfast. Educator, knitting her eyebrows, shook her finger at him and took the cup away. At lunch child repeats the experiment. But teacher good mood, she doesn't punish baby. At dinner - the same situation, but the teacher loses his temper, outputs baby from the table and punishes him.


Educator walks with children in the area. Child playing in the sandbox, suddenly takes a handful of sand and throws it at another baby. "Do not do that. It is forbidden!"- speaks teacher. Child laughs and throws it again. “Don’t do this, otherwise I’ll ask you!”- raises voice teacher. The child repeats again. The teacher takes the child out from the sandbox and places him on the bench.


One day to teacher mother of two children asked for advice (boys – 3.5 and 4.5 years): "What should I do? If children commit the same offense, I punish them - I forbid them to watch their favorite cartoons. But at the same time, one bears it calmly and with an understanding of guilt, quickly gets distracted, finds something else to do, while the other begins to cry, scream, demand and sometimes does not calm down for several hours in a row.”

Draw a portrait obedient child: what qualities should one have? obedient child.

Working with reminders: Each training participant is given a reminder.

Memo “Options constructive adult behavior in different situations disobedience»

- If there is a struggle for attention, you need to provide to kid this is positive attention. Come up with some joint activities - games, walks.

- If the source of conflicts is the struggle for self-affirmation, then, on the contrary, you should reduce your involvement in affairs baby. It is very important for him to accumulate experience of his own decisions and even failures. What will most help you get rid of unnecessary pressure and dictate is understanding that stubbornness and self-will baby- just a form that irritates you pleas: “Let me live by my own mind.”

When you feel offended, you need to ask myself: what made baby cause it to you? What kind of pain does he have? How have you offended or are you constantly offending him? Having understood the reason, we must, of course, try to correct it.

The most difficult situation in despair teacher both a parent and someone who has lost faith in their abilities baby. You need to stop demanding “expected” behavior and minimize your expectations and complaints. Surely a child can do something, he has a knack for something. Find the level of challenge available to him and start moving forward. Help, together look for a way out of the deadlock. Wherein You can't criticize a child! Look for any reason to praise him, celebrate any, even the smallest, success. Try to insure him and save him from major failures.

Memo: “What kind of adult do you have to be so as not to provoke your child for even greater disobedience».

Be patient. This is the greatest virtue one can have educators and parents;

Be able to explain to kid WHY his behavior is wrong, but at the same time avoid being boring, be extremely brief;

Be able to distract, suggest to kid something more attractive than what he currently wants;

Don't rush into punishments;

Be able to express gratitude to kid for the good deeds he does. Reward him. Rewards are more effective than punishments. If you praised a child for good behavior, instead of considering it ordinary, then this alone will awaken in him the desire to do so further in order to hear praise again.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “What to do if the child does not listen?” It is very difficult for a teacher to do his job if the child does not obey, does not want to get dressed, put away his toys, and many others.

Physical education lesson as part of a workshop for parents with children Summary of an open physical education lesson by FC instructor Olga Yurievna Gordeeva “Workshop workshop for parents with younger children.

Summary of the workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions within the framework of the program “Prevention of emotional burnout” Topic: “Body, emotions, mind: principles of interaction” Equipment: music center + music. CD with fun music, hoops by number.

Summary of the workshop for teachers “Theater and play activities with children of senior preschool age” Goal: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, development of imagination and creative abilities.

A workshop is an event that allows you to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. In them, participants will have to find answers to problematic questions or offer options for solving problematic situations. Work can be carried out either individually or in mini-groups. For successful implementation of the lesson, it is important to choose current topics seminars for preschool teachers, which touch on all issues of the life of the institution and the team.

The structure of the event involves several important stages:

  1. Preparatory. At this stage, the responsible employee studies the topic, determines the objectives of the event and, in accordance with them, forms a lesson plan. He selects the necessary theoretical material and tasks that will allow you to best assimilate the information by applying it in practice. It is important to formulate the desired results in order to evaluate, in accordance with them, to what extent the goals have been achieved.
  2. Organizational. Necessary for specifying the problem and updating the stated topic. All participants of the event discuss the topic (problem) frontally or in groups; the organizer can suggest implementation psychological exercises or various tasks to create a comfortable working atmosphere in the team.
  3. Theoretical. A workshop begins with a short lecture on methodology or psychology, announcement of important information, demonstration of a presentation, description of a controversial situation or event. It could be an update legislative framework, advanced pedagogical technologies, guidelines or specific examples from teaching practice.
  4. Practical. Participants in the event are invited to speak out about what they heard, join a discussion, and complete certain tasks independently or together with colleagues. This stage differs depending on the chosen form of the lesson (“round table”, master class or business game).
  5. Reflection. Regardless of the topic of the seminars for preschool teachers, the stage of reflection - assessing the results achieved and the progress of the lesson - is mandatory. It allows you to draw conclusions on collective work and assess the degree of involvement of educators in the process of self-education.
  • The optimal time for the meeting is chosen for all participants, which will ensure maximum interest and create a friendly atmosphere.
  • before choosing a topic for a lesson, it is important to assess the audience, its needs and capabilities, since a general seminar for workers of different levels of training may not be effective;
  • strictly regulate or, if possible, follow the rules of speech in order to prevent aggravation of disputes and infringement of the rights of event participants (as a rule, 20-25 minutes are allocated for a participant’s speech, but you can limit it to 10);
  • it is necessary to monitor the culture of communication of the meeting participants, the tolerance of statements; criticism of ideas, but not personalities, is acceptable;
  • active participation and passive listening should alternate during the lesson, which will allow educators to maintain concentration longer (if the meeting drags on, it is wise to take a break for coffee or a snack).

Kalininsky Department of Education

Preschool educational institution No. 300




Puresina N. A.


Purpose of the game:

relieve psychological fatigue;

activate motivational compo nent in daily work and the need for­ professional development;

highlight the symptoms of emotional exhaustion and methods for overcoming it;

develop self-regulation skills emotional state;

improve professional computer skills Tendency and self-esteem of teaching staff.

Materials: ball, A4 paper, felt-tip pens; stickers: sun, moon, clouds, colorful stars; cards for testing the level of resistance to stress, a bag, circles of two colors, drawing paper, colored paper, glue stick, scissors, pencils, a poster for the game “Symptoms - Methods”, A2 paper, wish cards, a vase, light music.

Basic Rules

1. Active participation.

3. Talk here and now.

4. Don't criticize.

Progress of the lesson

During the game, we will be guided by the following rules:

1. Active participation.

2. Everyone's opinion is heard.

3. Talk here and now.

4. Don't criticize.

5. There are no spectators in the game, everyone is a participant.

Exercise « Greetings »

Target: create a favorable psychological esc climate.

Participants in a circle, passing the ball, calling ­ They have their name and character trait that begins with the first letter of the name, their life credo.

Exercise « Waiting flowers »

Target: determine the expectations of participants from the business game.

Leading. In front of you is a field where flowers grow, but we only have stems, and we must plant the flowers, writing our expectations on them:« I expect from the meeting...", " I would like to... ".

Read what is written in order and attach the flower to the stem.

Admire the flower field.

Exercise « Associations »

Target: clear awareness of oneself as a professional teacher.

Leading. Take a piece of paper and write on­ Draw what object, natural phenomenon, animal or plant you could associate yourself with as a professional teacher.


Why did you choose this particular item (animal, plant, natural phenomenon)?

Was it easy for you to choose an association?

Exercise “I am in the rays of the sun.”

Instructions. On a sheet of paper, draw the sun the way children draw it - with a circle in the middle and many rays. Write your name in a circle and draw a self-portrait. Next to each ray, write something good about yourself. Your task is to remember as many good things as possible.

Carry the sun with you everywhere. Add rays. And if you feel especially bad in your soul and it seems that you are good for nothing, take out the sun, look at it and remember what you were thinking about when you wrote down this or that quality of yours.

Exercise « Portrait »

Instructions. Participants are divided into 3 subgroups using the sun, moon and clouds. Each subgroup will receive a sheet of A4 paper and write down"portrait" teacher according to an elongated card on which the age range of the teacher is determined:

young specialist;

professionally mature educator;

teacher 45 years or more. ( Participants must determine main fear teacher at this age and present the groups’ work. )

Summarizing . Dear Colleagues! Remember: if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it! Perhaps this very statement is a recipe psychological well-being not only the teacher, but any person in general.

After all, in both personal and professional life there are situations that cannot be corrected; they must be experienced in order to move on.

Exercise « Predicting a stressful event »

Instructions. Knowledge of possible details , of course, helps prepare for them. Pedagogical activity, which is characterized by unpredictability, is considered stressful. I offer a test that will help you assess your resistance to stress.

Each participant receives a question card and circles a number in one of three circles. ­ nok: « rarely », « Sometimes », « often ».

Creative task « No to negativity! », « Yes - positive! »

Teachers ­ zen their works.

Exercise “Good catcher”.

Leading . No matter what happens to you, try to find positive sides. It's about not about self-defense, but about learning to see the good in everything.

Instructions. Name the positive aspects of rain. (Teachers take turns giving answer options.) It knocks down the dust - the air becomes cleaner. Waters all living things - vegetable world appears in all its glory. The rain washes away the dirt from the streets and fills the ditches in the garden with water - now there will be enough water for irrigation for a long time. Thanks to the rain, you can finally do your daily chores. When it's raining, reads well, sleeps well, etc. Rain has a beneficial effect on the quality of groundwater - which means it does notyou need to look for a master to deepen the well. Mushrooms grow from rain, bites better

Then teachers are offered the following situations:
1. What can be good about holding an open event for colleagues?
2. What could be positive in the next certification process?

Teachers exchange their positive statements.

Exercise « Symptoms - methods »

Target: highlighting characteristic symptoms­ movs and techniques for dealing with emotional exhaustion.

Leading: Health is a state of complete physical and spiritual­ spiritual well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical disabilities. Every minute, due to the influence of external and internal factors, a person can feel differently. Emotions are directly related to health. Emotional exhaustion is one of the defense mechanisms caused by mental fatigue, when a person is forced to do the same job for a long time, constantly provide support and help.

I propose to divide into four groups according to the color of the stars. (Participants choose stickers with stars)

Assignment for each subgroup : select sim volumes characteristic of emotional exhaustion, and then methods for overcoming emotional exhaustion.

A representative from the group reads it and attaches it to a specific column.

dissatisfaction with oneself, unwillingness to work;

increased somatic diseases;

insomnia or bad dream;

neglect of one's duties;

need for stimulants (coffee, alcohol, tobacco);

decreased appetite or overeating;

negative self-esteem;

cynicism, pessimism;

inability to concentrate;

inability to complete work on time;

fast pace of speech;

lack of pleasure from work;

lack of new ideas;


decreased enthusiasm;

uncertainty and irritability;

formal performance of duties;

distancing from students, loss of the ability to sympathize;

desire for solitude;


    emotional support from family and friends;

    positive thinking, goodwill;

    good health;

    adequate sense of responsibility;

    favorite activities, sports, walks;

    communication with nature;

    massage, bath, aromatherapy;

    time management skills;

    the ability to say “no”;

    relaxation methods.

Leading (after voicing symptoms ): The greatest emotional exhaustion threatens those teachers who cannot Separate "I" from "You" that is, they perceive other people's problems as their own. Those who do not know how to communicate, express their feelings and emotions may also be in danger. Not only emotional stress predetermines emotional exhaustion. Boredom can also cause it.

Parable « Wisdom of parents »

A young girl comes to her father and says:

Dad, I'm tired, I have such a hard life, so many problems, I'm always swimming against the current, I don't have any more strength... What should I do?

Instead of answering, the father put three identical pots of water on the fire, threw carrots into one, put an egg into another, and poured coffee beans into the third. After some time, he took the carrots and egg out of the water and poured coffee from the third pan into the cup.

What changed? - he asked his daughter.

“The egg and carrots were cooked, and the coffee beans dissolved in the water,” she answered.

No, my daughter, this is just a superficial view looking at things. Look: hard carrots, having been in boiling water, became soft and pliable. The fragile and liquid egg became hard. Outwardly, they did not change, but changed their structure under the influence of the same unfavorable circumstances - boiling water. So it is with people: the strong outwardly can fall apart and become weak where the fragile and tender only harden and strengthen...

What about coffee? - asked the daughter.

ABOUT! This is the most interesting! The coffee beans completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - they turned boiling water into... red aromatic drink. There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change the circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and beautiful, gaining benefit and knowledge in such a situation.

Exercise. "Ways to overcome emotional burnout"

Leading. I wish that you also change the circumstances in your life and none of you feel emotional burnout. And for those to whom this may still happen, let’s make recommendations “How to overcome emotional burnout”

1. Find out what exactly is bothering you. Pogo talk with loved ones, analyze your condition out loud.

2. Don't consider yourself a "poor lamb"! Find someone who is worse off than you.

3. Plan beyond your own work time, but also rest. Set priorities. Remember the Eisenhower principle: unnecessary things go in the trash.

4. Don't make mountains out of mountains!

5. Lead your emotions! Close your eyes. Imagine the seashore. Raise your hands up and lead to the side. Feel the power of energy. Place your hands on your stomach.

6. Don't forget to praise yourself!

7. Smile, even if you don’t feel like it!

8. Do gymnastics. Adrenaline cannot be accumulated.

9. Use aggressive energy in the world new purposes! Go out into the dense forest and loudly scream.

10. Have holidays for yourself! Live beautifully!

11. Know how to refuse politely, but convincingly!

12. Become an enthusiast!

13. Problems don’t need to be experienced Yes, they need to be solved! Away with self-sacrifice and long-suffering!

14. Make days " informational recreation» from television. Read something.

15. Take care of your health.

Participants voice ways to overcome emotional burnout.

Exercise « Magic vase »

Instructions. Colleagues! I suggest you take out one piece of paper from the magic vase, which will tell you what awaits you today­ nya or what you need to do in the near future.

It is advisable to make as many of these pieces of paper for yourself as possible and take them out one every morning. These wishes have a great impact on structure, encourage, betray confidence.

You will be especially lucky today!

Life is preparing a pleasant surprise for you!

Everything is going well for you!

Today is your day, happiness to you!

Today Fortune is with you!

Remember: you were born to be happy!

Expect profit today!

Love yourself as you are, unique!

Remember that you are loved! Take care of the health of your body!

Give yourself a gift, you deserve it!

Higher powers protect you!

You have everything to enjoy life!

Everything you need comes to you easily!

All your desires and dreams will come true, believe it!

Peace and joy are with you today!

Today is a happy day!

Exercise « Weather forecast »

Leading . Were your expectations confirmed? Choose the weather (sunny or cloudy) and attach it above our field. Let's enjoy the weather on the field.

Finishing wishes.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Trubchevsky Children's

combined garden "Teremok"

242220, Bryansk region, Trubchevsk, Bryanskaya st., 100, tel. 8 (48-352)2-28-63

Summary of the workshop

for educators

"Pedagogical skills of a teacher"

Senior teacher: Turlak Alla Alekseevna.

October, 2012


MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok"

Seminar program.

Draw, warm-up (not evaluated)

1st round. "Question answer".

2 round“Create your image.”

Report “Image of a teacher”.

3rd round Game “Five Five”.

Dynamic pause “Friendly cartoon”

4th round « Fiction

5th round“What would that mean?”

6th round " Teacher-artist."

"Dramatization of a fairy tale."

Report “Teacher Positions”

Solving puzzles (not graded)

Purpose of the seminar: formation in teachers of skills that are basic in the implementation of pedagogical competence.


  1. Identify the level of professional preparedness and general culture of teachers.

  2. Provide an opportunity for teachers to self-assess their abilities.

  3. Motivate teachers to develop and improve their practical skills.

  4. To help teachers increase their level of pedagogical competence through practical exercises.

  5. Develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend your point of view with reason.

  6. Create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere, activate the group’s potential.

  7. Apply different types of group work to achieve the objectives of the workshop.
Materials and equipment: large chairs according to the number of participants, tables (on which there are signs with the directions of children’s development in accordance with FGT), a tape recorder, CDs with musical accompaniment, pens, paper, a “Five Five” stand, reproductions of paintings “Spring. Big water.», « Golden autumn", "March" - Levitan; “Alyonushka”, “Three Heroes” - Vasnetsova; "Morning in pine forest", "Rye" - Shishkina; “The rooks have arrived” - Savrasova, attributes for dramatizing a fairy tale, rebus, task cards, magnetic board with magnets.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with literature on the topic of the workshop.

The jury is members of the expert group, the head of the MBDOU.

Round 1 is assessed:

5 points - complete, detailed correct answer to the question;

3 points - the answer is partially correct, but incomplete;

Round 2 is assessed:

5 points - per person from the group with justification for their choice.

3 points – per person from a group without justifying your choice

0 points – no one was sent

Round 3 is assessed:

5 points - for the correct answer;

3 points - for the answer given after the hint;

0 points - no answer to the question.

1 point - for the correct answer to another team’s question

Round 4 is scored for each piece:

3 points – continued with errors, named the author or continued confidently, not

0 points - no continuation

Round 5 is assessed:

3 points – for the correct answer;

0 points – incorrect answer

Round 6 is assessed for each painting:

5 points – the painting and the artist are named;

3 points – either the painting or the artist are named;

0 points – no answer.
Progress of the event

(Music sounds)

Senior teacher:

Leafing through well-known volumes,

We learned to speak beautifully.

In the words of Pushkin, Makarenko, Dumas,

But this is not only our strength.

And at every hour, and at every minute

Someone's fate is an eternal concern.

Giving a piece of your heart to someone

This is our job.

And if the issue is not resolved,

They rush to you, looking for help.

They conduct a vital interrogation.

But you and I are far from gods!

Today we will hold a workshop “Pedagogical skills of a teacher.” For the seminar to work, we need a jury, as well as 2 teams for the game, and I offer the guests and the head of the MBDOU an honorary mission - the jury. And now we are forming two teams.

Here on the table are cards with educational areas written on them. On the tables opposite there are signs with the names of the directions of children's development in accordance with FGT - these are: “Physical development”, “Cognitive-speech”, “Social-personal” and “Artistic-aesthetic”. Dear Colleagues! Using these cards, you will split into 2 teams, i.e., each will take a card with a designated educational area and take a place according to the direction of development. Please come to the table, take one card each and take your seats.

So, we got 2 teams: “Experts” and “Masters”. Attach your logos and let's get started.

Warm-up to help you get ready for work: the envelopes contain cards with a number of abbreviations, decipher them and make up your own word, abbreviation related to education, offer your options to the opposing team.

Dear jury, the warm-up is not graded, it helps teachers not only get ready for work, but also in a game situation exercises their imagination, demonstrates knowledge of the surrounding reality and their intellectual development.

1st round "Question answer"
One group of team members selects a card with tasks that they need to discuss and write down the correct answers. The answers are submitted to the jury. The task is given 10 minutes.

Task: testing knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the regime preschool work, knowledge of the content of the work of the preschool educational institution during the year, knowledge of the names and patronymics of the preschool educational institution employees.

  1. card

  1. What is the maximum permissible amount of weekly educational load for children of the 6th year of life? (15 lessons)

  2. Write the names and patronymics of assistant teachers and men who work at the MBDOU?

  3. What is the duration of GCD for children of the 5th year of life? (No more than 20 minutes)
2 card

  1. List the tasks of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan that the team is working on.

  2. What is the maximum permissible weekly educational load for children of the 4th year of life? (11 lessons)

  3. Write the names and patronymics of the technical staff of our kindergarten, except for assistant teachers?

  4. What is the duration of GCD for children of the 6th year of life? (No more than 25 minutes)

2nd round “Create your image”

3 minutes are allotted for the task.

Task: the ability to behave correctly in force majeure circumstances, to give a full assessment of your choice.

A telephone message is read out to the teachers: “Urgently in 15 minutes, the kindergarten needs to invite at least 2 people to the conference.” It's a working day, teachers don't have time to change clothes, do makeup, or do their hair. After 1 minute, each team must send 1 person to the conference and explain their choice.
Report “Image of a teacher”. (Appendix No. 1) - 4 min
3rd round “Five five”
Task: check the erudition of the team.

On the magnetic board there is a table with five topics for discussion. Each topic consists of 5 questions.

Team members take turns choosing a topic and question number. The presenter asks a question from this topic. Time to think about the question is 15 seconds. One group member gives the answer. If there is no correct answer, then the question goes to another group. Each team can select each sector no more than 2 times.

  1. Not only the result of multiplication, but also the fruit of the labor of a writer or poet. (Work)

  2. What fairy tale do we owe to K.I.’s little daughter? Chukovsky, who did not want to wash her face? (“Moidodyr”)

  3. A fairytale neighbor who fought for brotherly love? (Gerda)

  4. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective work? (Turnip)

  5. Which fairy tale tells about the limited admission of shareholders to a housing cooperative? (Teremok)

"Pig in a poke"

  1. To which educational field refers directly to the view educational activities– “Speech development”?

  2. What educational field does the type of direct educational activity – “Design” – belong to?

  3. What are the types of children's activities in accordance with FGT?

  4. What program does our preschool educational institution follow?

  5. What are the forms of cognitive and research activities?


  1. Long distance running? (Cross)

  2. Sports kayak, amba, fenders, end? (Finish)

  3. Reward for the winner. (Cup)

  4. gun ancient man and an athletics projectile for throwing? (A spear)

  5. A very smooth place for a "cow dance"? (Ice rink)


  1. Biggest puddle? (Ocean)

  2. Which regional center of Russia flies? (Orel city)

  3. A universal menagerie? (Fauna)

  4. Which Russian peninsula complains about its size? (Yamal Peninsula)

  5. A tributary of the Dnieper, which can be found in our mouth. (Desna River)

  1. Holiday flowers in heaven? (Firework)

  2. The most cheerful of muses, adored by women? (Waist)

  3. Vanya, who became king? (John)

  4. Religious group, community that broke away from the dominant church? (Sect)

  5. Government paper warehouse? (Archive)

Dynamic pause “Friendly cartoon”. 5 minutes are allotted for the task.

Each team is invited to invent and depict one of the teachers of the other team using facial expressions and gestures.
4th round Fiction (Appendix No. 2)
One teacher is invited from each team and receives cards with the following tasks:

Complete the poem that is written on the card and name its author.

Discussion and preparation – 5 min.

Task: to identify teachers’ knowledge of program works and authors.
5th round What would that mean?

Guess the modern meaning of Old Church Slavonic words:



Curly (correct answer);


Warm up:

Get dirty (correct answer);

Wrap up;

Get lost.

Be dumbfounded;

Be angry;

Be stubborn;

Get confused (correct answer);


Fall in love;

Catch yourself (correct) answer);

- shake yourself up.


Wheat tortillas (correct answer);

Vintage women's jewelry;


Walk barefoot;

Dress up (correct answer)
6th round Teacher-artist
The senior teacher shows reproductions of paintings by famous artists that are used in the educational process of the kindergarten; in 30 seconds the team needs to determine the author and title of the painting.

Task: identify teachers’ knowledge of programmatic works of art and authors.
Our competitions are over. The jury has time to sum up the results to name the winners of our meeting. And we will continue.
So, we have 2 teams. In which there are 14 people. You are all different, but you have a lot in common and now we will check it.

  • Exercise “Similarities and differences”:

  • Stomp those who know how to knit;

  • Arise, you who love sweets;

  • Let out the cry of the Indians, ye who love nature;

  • Jump up those who love the holidays;

  • Those who don't like to exercise, pat yourselves on the knees;

  • Shake your heads at those who can't play a musical instrument;

  • Those who want to go on vacation, rub your palms together;

  • Cross your legs for those who love to dance;

  • Meow those who have pets at home;

  • Clap your hands those who love children.
You see how much you have in common, and so that 2 teams can now become one, I offer you a joint dramatization of a fairy tale.
Dramatization of a fairy tale. (Appendix No. 3)

Task: develop cohesion, the ability to work harmoniously in emergency situations, the ability to distribute roles, and show creativity.
Teams unite, assign roles according to the proposed scenario, choose attributes and dramatize the fairy tale.
Solving the puzzle

Keyword "Well done." The teams are given a task - say the word:

All participants - loud, quiet, fast, slow, fun

jury - questioningly

All participants - affirmatively.

Summing up the results of the workshop.
Appendix No. 1

Report “Image of a teacher”
The modern conditions in which we live and work are fundamentally different from those that existed before. And in the new conditions, we should behave and live differently, in accordance with other models of behavior.

Imageology and image – what is it? Science or art? Today, among the new disciplines for us is imageology - the science of how to live in conditions when not only the administration or management has the right to vote. This is a science about the laws of communication, which dictate a completely new type of relationship not only at work, but also in society. Armed with knowledge, educators must understand that this is a type of relationship that, even against the will of the teacher and preschoolers, develops in modern relationships. Imageology is often reduced to advice on the color of a tie and socks. This is the wrong approach, because without a general strategy, none of the proposed advice makes sense, because when caring for the beauty of a teacher, you need to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.

There are many judgments and opinions about who creates the image?

  • firstly, the person himself, who thinks through which facet to turn to others, what information to present about himself.

  • secondly, image makers are professionals involved in creating an image for such famous persons as politicians, statesmen, artists, etc.

  • thirdly, the media - print, radio, television - play a big role in creating an image.

  • fourthly, it is created by friends, family, and employees.
For the teaching profession, the following main components of the image are distinguished:

  • appearance,

  • use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication,

  • internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner “I”.
The image of a teacher is an emotionally charged stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the image of a teacher, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

Reliance on one's own image is needed today in every profession. Especially for a teacher who is a representative of a large team that carries its own image, its own face. Translated from English, image literally means image. Consequently, when they talk about a person’s image (“he has a negative image” or “he has the image of an excellent teacher”), they are talking about the image that other people have. Moreover, by image we mean not only a visual image, appearance or appearance, but also the way of his thinking, actions, deeds, etc. Image is “an opinion, a judgment that expresses an assessment of something, an attitude towards something, a look at something.” (S.I. Ozhegov).

Appearance helps a person attract attention, create a positive image, and show himself not only as a nice person, but also as an excellent teacher. The teacher, with his appearance, wins over

children and adults. It should always be remembered that children learn from adults and, first of all,

Just ask your favorite teacher to dress correctly. One of the main rules is manifested in the manner of dressing: looking beautiful means showing respect for the people around you. The requirements for a person’s appearance help the teacher improve his professional image and achieve success. To avoid colleagues' mistrust of their professional qualities, we recommend that young educators do not come to work in trendy clothes. When wisely combining fashion trends with your appearance, follow this rule: being dressed too fashionably is a sign of bad taste, but it is unacceptable to lag behind fashion, i.e. you need to dress in fashion, but closer to the classic style. A real teacher will not emphasize his appearance with clothes; he will demonstrate his intelligence, professional skills and abilities.

In general, there are specifics to clothing and shoes (high heels are not allowed - it’s dangerous, shoes only with backs, clothes of dull colors, preference for shades of yellow, pink, blue, green) well, who has what... Psychologists recommend that you definitely emphasize your lips in makeup, the child should see the articulation of the mouth.

Appendix No. 2
Elena Blaginina

Mom is sleeping, she's tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
I sat down and sat.
My toys don't make noise
The room is quiet and empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper,
Let's sit in silence!..

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Winter evening

Alexander Pushkin

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child,
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
The way a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

Our dilapidated shack
And sad and dark.
What are you doing, my old lady?
Silent at the window?
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are tired,
Or dozing under the buzzing
Your spindle?

Let's have a drink, good friend
My poor youth
The heart will be more cheerful.
Sing me a song like a tit
She lived quietly across the sea;
Sing me a song like a maiden
I went to get water in the morning.

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
She will cry like a child.
Let's have a drink, good friend
My poor youth
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be more cheerful.

Olga Vladimirova
Summary of the workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions on the prevention of emotional burnout “My good mood”

Equipment: music center + music. a disk with fun music, colored pencils, A4 sheets according to the number of participants, hoops according to the number of participants, several blindfolds or scarves, 1 balloons per pair of participants, tongue twisters written on separate pieces of paper at least 10 pieces, soft toys or soft snowballs , several baskets.

Location: music or physical education hall

Number of participants: from 6 to 12 people

Time spending: 1 hour.


Create a positive emotional mood;

Team building;

Relieving muscle tension;

Training in techniques for working with negative emotions.

1. Greeting. Gathering expectations from participants seminar.

Psychologist: How do you start feeling? seminar? What would you like to receive during seminar?

Answers teachers: Good mood, I want to learn something new. I want to play and raise mood…. Relax and forget about problems...

Psychologist: Our theme seminar today: "My good mood» . Today we will play with you, raise mood, and also learn to see a problematic situation from all sides, analyze it, gain new experience in dealing with negative emotions and pronounce them using tongue twisters and much more...

2. Warm up.

2.1. A game "Take Your Place". Instructions. Each participant stands in a hoop. Then cheerful music plays and the players come out of their hoops. They walk around the hall while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops playing, participants must have time to stand in a free hoop. Then remove one hoop at a time. The one who takes the last hoop wins.

2.2. A game "Equilibrium". Instructions: One participant tries to unbalance the other person with any ways: presses, pushes, distracts. The first one's task is to stay on his feet. Then they change.

2.3. A game "Spiders and Mosquitoes". Instructions: participants break into pairs, one pair catches other group members with their free hands, similar game networks.

2.4. A game "Ball for two". Instructions: hold a balloon at the same time by two participants, make various actions to a cheerful music: walk back and forth so as not to burst or fall. You can make the game more difficult by instructing the participants to hold the ball with their foreheads, backs, knees, etc.

If you are nevertheless thrown off balance and taken away good mood, is it possible to somehow return it?

3. Reflection. The ability to see a situation from all sides. Find good and bad sides in any situation.

Situation: “The weather outside is gloomy and rainy. It's raining"

What's your usual reaction?

Hint Questions: What happened in this situation? Is there something here good? What could this situation be? beneficial for you personally?

4. Game "Patter" target: raise mood, restore strength, relieve facial muscle tension and inner anger.

Each participant receives a card with a tongue twister and recalls a situation in which they felt irritated. Simulates this situation: with knitted eyebrows and clenched fists, he walks around the room and mutters a tongue twister under his breath (at a comfortable pace, grumbles. From time to time the players stop in front of each other and pronounce their tongue twister monotonously in front of each other, trying to convey their dissatisfaction and irritation with the intonation and timbre of their voice .

Second phase: The players silently walk around the room. From time to time they stop in front of each other and shout out their tongue twister three times in an angry, menacing voice. After that, they continue to walk, silently, until the next meeting.

At the end of the game it happens discussion: how the participants felt after the game. In what case were you able to free yourself from tension? Did you want to laugh?

Tongue Twisters:


“All beavers are kind to their beavers”

“White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white, but the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white.”

“The water truck was carrying water from under the water supply system”

“The bench was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.”

“There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap.”

"Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle, mountain under the eagle, eagle under the feather"

“The Greek was driving across the river, and he saw a cancer in the river. He put the Greek’s hand in the river - Tsap by the Greek’s hand!”

“Sasha was walking along the highway, carrying a dryer on a pole and sucking on the dryer.”

“Six little mice rustling in the reeds”

5. Trust game in pairs. Instructions: The 1st participant, blindfolded, must follow the verbal instructions of the 2nd participant to “collect the toys in the basket without bumping into other participants in the game. The winner is the pair that completes the task the fastest and collects all the toys in the basket without losing a single one.” Then the participants change - 10 minutes.

6. "Magic Palm" Drawing. Each participant traces their palm with colored pencils. Each participant writes a wish inside their palm. Then he passes his palm to the neighbor on the right, until all participants write a wish to each other. Visualization Have a good mood, which each of the participants will take with them today seminar - 5-7 min.

7. Conclusion. Discussion in a circle.

Psychologist: How do you feel when you finish a lesson? Two or three sentences to yourself, about the seminar as a whole.

Answers teachers:

Teacher#1: I liked the tongue twisters, it was hard not to laugh and shout it out loud. She stammered and got confused. I finish with a feeling of peace and satisfaction….

Teacher No. 2: I also liked the tongue twisters….it was also interesting to put the toys in the basket, it was easier to listen to the instructions than to give them yourself….

Teacher No. 3: I finish with a feeling of relaxation, warmth throughout my body, playing with a balloon required my composure and dexterity, holding the balloon with my head turned out to be not at all easy….

7a. Final exercise "Jug of Pleasures", puts you in a positive mood. Participants stand in a circle. Filling the jug good mood and abundance, everyone human benefits. For example, happiness, relaxation, good mood, pleasure, favorite job, prosperity…. then all group members take turns pretending to bathe in this jug of pleasure - 3 minutes.

Most popular

Workshop on speech development “Development speech activity preschoolers in the organization of the pedagogical process"

Purpose of the seminar:
creating an information space for the exchange of teaching experience and improving the professional competence and skills of preschool teachers in the development of children's speech.

1. Development of speech activity in various types activities.
2. Encourage preschool teachers to think and practical activities on mastering technologies for designing and modeling the pedagogical process for the implementation of complex tasks of speech development of preschool children, ensuring the assimilation of generalized ideas about the construction of the pedagogical process of teaching children their native language.
3. Deepen the understanding of the content of speech development based on the modern paradigm of developing personality-oriented education.


Teachers sit on chairs in a circle, take turns introducing themselves and naming a personal quality starting with the first letter of their name, for example, “I am Lena and I am easy.”

K. D. Ushinsky - the founder of scientific pedagogy:
“Teach a child some five words unknown to him, he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

Mnemonics is a “memorization technique.” These words come from the Greek “mnemonikon” - the art of memorization.
Modern encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definitions of mnemonics.
Mnemonics is the art of memorization, a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity through the formation of artificial associations. Mnemonics uses the natural memory mechanisms of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech. A special place in working with children is occupied by didactic material in the form of mnemonic tables and diagrams - models, which significantly makes it easier for children to master coherent speech; In addition, the presence of a visual plan - a diagram - makes stories (fairy tales) clear, coherent and consistent. A mnemonic table is a diagram that contains certain information. For younger and middle children preschool age It is necessary to provide colored mnemonic tables. Since children retain individual images in their memory faster: red fox, mouse - gray, Christmas tree - green The essence of mnemonic diagrams is as follows: for each word or small phrase a picture (image) is created; Thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

1 task to create a mnemonic table for learning a poem:
1 My new dress has pockets.
These pockets have daisies embroidered on them.
Daisies, daisies, like meadow daisies
Daisies, daisies seem to be alive.
2. There are many beds in the garden. There are turnips and salad here.
There are beets and peas, but are potatoes really bad?
Our green garden will feed us all year round
We bought the cat
For the holiday - boots.
They combed her mustache,
We sewed new panties.
Just how to put them on,
The tail has nowhere to go.
Ira asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog,
Will you sew me a dress?
The hedgehog answered from under the tree:
- There are no threads, only needles!
The hedgehog bought boots at the market.
Boots for your feet,
A little less - for my wife,
With buckles for my son,
With clasps for my daughter.
Conclusion: Mnemonic tables-diagrams serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech in children.
I would like to emphasize that mnemonic tables are not limited to all work on the development of coherent speech in children. This is, first of all, the initial, “starting”, most significant and effective work, since the use of mnemonic tables allows children to more easily perceive and process visual information, store and reproduce it.
2. Task: Game: “Similar words.”
Task: match nouns to adjectives by association.

There is a sweet word - candy,
There is a quick word - rocket,
There is a word with a window - a carriage.
There is a sour word - lemon!

Now don’t yawn, pick your words word by word!
Quick words - (rocket, plane, tiger, eagle).
Sweet words – (sweets, cake, pastries, sugar).
Funny words - (holiday, clown, gift, music).

Task: name objects that simultaneously have two characteristics.
Bright and yellow – (light, lemon, sun, cherry, lamp).
Sweet and light - (cotton wool, cherry, life, smell, victory).
One of these technologies is games for the development of imagination and verbal creativity. To your attention, I want to invite you to play games and feel like children.

Game "Magic Wand"
Here's a magic wand, it can increase or decrease whatever you want.
So, the first team will talk about how they want to increase, and the other will decrease.
Here is what the children answered: I want to reduce winter, increase summer;
I want to increase the candy to the size of a refrigerator, etc.
Game "Box of Fairy Tales"
The box contains pictures of fairy-tale characters. Participants take pictures out of the box and take turns inventing them using fairy-tale heroes your fairy tale.
The first participant said 2-3 sentences, the next one takes out a picture and continues the tale.
Game “Create an unusual creature”
Draw and talk about a fictional character
Game "Nonsense"
Give away black and white pictures and colored pencils. The task is to find and paint over absurdities. Who can name them faster and more?
Answers to the test
Picture for the “Nonsense” test.
Note. Both parts of the instruction are executed sequentially. First, the child simply names all the absurdities and points them out in the picture, and then explains how it really should be.
The time for exposing the picture and completing the task is limited to three minutes. During this time, the child should notice as many absurd situations as possible and explain what is wrong, why it is not so and how it really should be.
Another direction for speech development is oral folk art. In children's folklore, it is necessary to distinguish between works by adults for children, works by adults that have become children's over time, and children's creativity in the proper sense of the word.
The children's folklore of the Russian people is unusually rich and diverse. It is represented by heroic epics, fairy tales, and numerous works of minor genres.
Assignment: show one finger gymnastics at a time.
It is proposed to show one exercise from finger gymnastics(preferably with speech accompaniment).
Assignment: The presenter invites team representatives to choose cards with tongue twisters. Talk about the technique of telling tongue twisters. The first tongue twister must be pronounced quickly, and the second must be pronounced quickly with a certain intonation.

IN educational process on retelling literary works, learning to talk about a toy and a picture, all speech tasks are solved in a complex. However, the main task is to teach storytelling. When implementing this task already from the 2nd junior group, I recommend that educators use various game methods and techniques, didactic exercises when working with children. For example: When looking at a picture, you can use gaming techniques that help you highlight the object and examine it carefully: “WINDOWS”
Benefit. A painting covered with a white sheet with cut out windows of different geometric shapes. Paintings with similar plots.
Option 1. One window (any shape).
Option 2. Number of windows by number of objects.
Progress of the game.
- Who (what) do we see in the windows? What picture is hidden?
Benefit. Painting, paper rolled into a tube.
Progress of the game: Offer to look at the picture through the pipe and name as many objects seen as possible. Offer to find an object according to the description of an adult and a child.
“WHO WILL NAME MORE?” Goals. Learn to highlight an object against a “noisy” background.
Benefit. Painting, real images of objects in the painting. Name who you see in the picture.
Progress of the game As objects are named, clarifying questions are asked to clarify the color,
spatial location, belonging, etc.) “WHY?”
Goal: develop logical thinking, establish connections between objects,
construct simple sentences. "WHAT DO YOU NEED?"
Goal: To develop initiative in speech, activate and expand vocabulary. IN middle group We are already using symbols and signs to draw up a graphic plan as a kind of visual support reflecting the sequence of the story.

During the lesson we use a variety of children's activities that can be integrated with each other, for example, dramatizing a fairy tale with construction from building material, pronouncing a tongue twister and drawing what it says. (The wasp does not have a mustache, not a whisker, but antennae). Integrated learning helps children develop a holistic picture of the world and makes it possible to realize Creative skills, develops communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions. When using ICT in speech development classes even for younger preschoolers, their interest increases significantly and the level of cognitive abilities increases. Multimedia presentations allow you to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images. An assistant for the development of speech of preschoolers are Internet sites: “Everything for Kindergarten”, the site “First of September”, http://bukvar.edu.ru, etc. Here you can find an illustrated dictionary for the development of children’s speech and story albums that mainly intended to increase vocabulary children; didactic games and exercises, lesson notes, various illustrative materials, both static and dynamic (animations, video materials). In order to implement the tasks of forming the components of oral speech, teachers need to actively use the project method using fairy tale therapy technology in the development of speech and communication skills of students.
Teachers give examples different forms work for the speech development of preschool children: literary and musical festivals, folklore fairs, dramatization games, various types of theaters, propaganda teams, social events, speech newspapers, homemade books, problem situations, gatherings, logo corner, interactive speech stands, event calendar, etc.
LEGO constructors are widely used in preschool educational institutions. They represent a variety of thematic series, designed on the basis of basic building elements - multi-colored Lego bricks. Developing the speech creativity of preschoolers, the teacher can invite children to come up with a fairy tale about how one building turned into another, carrying out this transformation in the course of the story.
LEGO elements are also used in didactic games and exercises. A teacher can develop various manuals and use them to conduct exercises to develop speech and mental processes in children, developing interest in the pouch”, in which children develop tactile perception, learning, and the formation of communicative function. For example, the game “Wonderful Forms and Speech” can be played with LEGO.
The use of didactic exercises using LEGO elements is quite effective when conducting classes in preparation for learning to read and write, correcting sound pronunciation, familiarizing with the outside world, etc.
In the process of constructive play activities, the teacher, relying on the involuntary attention of children, activates them cognitive activity, improves the sensory-tactile and motor sphere, shapes and corrects behavior, develops communication function and interest in learning. In the process of constructive play activities with LEGO, the teacher can use various forms: tasks are given by the teacher, children perform them; tasks are formulated by the child and completed by the children and the teacher; children give each other tasks; The tasks are given by the teacher and completed by the parents and the child.
Pozdeeva S.I. notes that “when organizing any educational situation, any lesson in a preschool educational institution, it is important for the teacher:
- firstly, think through the organization of different ways of adult-child and child togetherness,
- secondly, to see the resources of different stages of the lesson for the development of children’s communicative competence"
Thus, various forms of work are resources in terms of the development of speech of preschoolers, the formation of communicative competence of children, if: - children jointly solve an educational and gaming task that is interesting and significant for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone,
- enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks,
- the teacher is not a tough leader, but an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

MBDOU "Beloyarsky DS"

Seminar-workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Algorithms for project development in preschool educational institutions”

Prepared by:


O.V. Kogodeeva,

K.I. Pleshkova


Target: to provide conditions for the development of creativity and professional activity of teachers in their mastery of design technology, to unite the efforts of the kindergarten team to use the achievements of advanced experience and pedagogical science in practice.
- improve the pedagogical skills of teachers;
- improve the methodological level of teachers in their mastery of design technology;
- promote creative search.
Preliminary work:
- selection and study of literature on the use of the project method in kindergarten;
- production of handouts.
Didactic material and equipment:tickets for each participant, cards with tasks, laptop, audio recording of the sound of the sea.

Seminar/workshop progress

Teacher 1. Dear colleagues. We are very glad to see you. The topic of our meeting: “Project development algorithms”
Teacher 2 Using the Project Method in preschool education, as one of the methods of integrated education for preschoolers, can significantly increase children’s independent activity, develop creative thinking, children’s ability to independently, different ways find information about an object or phenomenon of interest and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of preschool educational institutions open to the active participation of parents.

Teacher 1 Touching on this topic, we propose to go on a pedagogical journey on our steamship “Fairytale Polyanka” to the warm shores of project activity on the island of Projects. To refresh and use your knowledge of the design method in your creative work.
You have already purchased your tickets, so please take your seats in your “cabins”
(teachers are seated at tables, each table has its own name, all the tasks that will be needed for subsequent work are prepared on it).
Teacher 2 So. Let's set sail. Close your eyes, sit back and listen to the sound of the sea(recording of the sound of the sea). Open your eyes, we are already far from the shore, the ocean is all around. In the meantime, while we are gently swaying on the waves, let's remember what the Project is. For fruitful work, I ask you to unite in your cabins around the tables. Take ticket number 1 and discuss the task. One of the cabins needs to answer the question asked.

1 Task: Choose a definition of what a project is?
The project is………
1. Collection and presentation of comprehensive information on a given topic from various sources, including presenting different points of view on this issue, providing statistical data, interesting facts(abstract, report, report);
2. A way of communicating and transmitting information from person to person in the form of oral and written messages, body language and others (communication);
3. Work aimed at solving a specific problem, at achieving a pre-planned result (project) in an optimal way;
4. This is providing conditions for the development of universal human values ​​in children, the formation of moral meanings and attitudes in them - attitudes towards the world according to the laws of Good, Truth, Beauty (education);
5. This is the child’s desire for coordinated, well-coordinated work in a children’s team (cooperation)
Well done, you completed the task quickly.

Teacher 1. Project activities will help connect the process of training and education with real events from the child’s life, as well as to interest him and captivate him in this activity. It allows you to unite teachers, children, parents, teach you how to work in a team, collaborate, and plan your work.
The main goal of the project method is the development of free, creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children’s research activities.
Teacher 2. The specificity of interaction using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to help the child discover a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it, but at the same time not overdo it with help and care.
Teacher 1 . Now I suggest you try to do this work. Take ticket number 2 and complete the task.

Team members stand near their chairs. They need to calculate in order up to 33. But for each number “3” and the number that is divisible by this number, they need to clap their hands. The test reveals skills such as listening and hearing others. After a minute of preparation, the teams begin to complete the task.
Educator2 Our journey to Project Island continues. Open ticket No. 3 and let's remember what kind of projects there are. First read the task, discuss it, and then answer the question.

  • research and creative: children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;
  • role-playing games:(with elements of creative games, when children take on the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way);
  • information-practice-oriented: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests, albums, stained glass, etc.);
  • creative: After the project is brought to life, the result is formalized in the form of a children's party, performances, children's design, etc.

Teacher 1 And now we invite you to answer humorous questions.
- What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have behind? (Letter "B").
-Which watch shows the exact time only 2 times a day? (Which stopped).
- How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
- Two birch trees are growing. Each birch tree has 4 cones. How many cones are there in total? (Cones do not grow on birch trees).
Teacher 2 We suggest you open ticket No. 4.
4 Task: Come up with a topic for the project and develop it schematically. Time 10-15 minutes.

Teacher 1. Presentation work. Pay attention to the slides.
Senior teacherAnd now we suggest taking your places in the cabins, it’s time to return to kindergarten (the sound of the sea).

Teacher 2. While we are sailing back home, I propose to exchange our impressions and continue the phrase: “Today I...”
Teacher 1. “Dreams are the sails of our lives. You can swim without them... but slowly and not far. And I wish for you that your ship “Work” always sails confidently and is accompanied only by positive emotions. I wish you creative success. Thanks for the work.
1. Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten. A manual for educators - M.: Iris - press, 2008;
2. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions, M. - 2006;
3. Stupnitskaya M.A. What is a learning project? M. 2010

  1. Assignment: Choose a definition of what a project is?

The project is......

  1. Collection and presentation of comprehensive information on a given topic from various sources, including the presentation of different points of view on this issue, the presentation of statistical data, interesting facts;
    2. A method of communication and transmission of information from person to person in the form of oral and written messages, body language, etc.;
    3. Work aimed at solving a specific problem, achieving a pre-planned result in an optimal way;
    4. This is providing conditions for the development of universal human values ​​in children, the formation of their moral meanings and attitudes - attitudes towards the world according to the laws of Good, Truth, Beauty;
    5. This is the child’s desire for coordinated, well-coordinated work in a children’s team.

2 Task: Psycho-gymnastics “Be careful...”

Team members stand near their chairs. They need to calculate in order up to 33. But for each number “3” and the number that is divisible by this number, they need to clap their hands. The test reveals skills such as listening and hearing others.

4 Task: Come up with a topic for the project and develop it schematically. Time 15 minutes.

3 Task: Choose a definition.

Research projects are -

Creative projects are

Information projects are

Game projects are

Children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design/

Children take on the character of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way/

Children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests, albums, stained glass windows.

After the project is brought to life, the result is formalized in the form of a children's party, performances, and children's design.