On Maslenitsa, fun, festivities, fun and feasting have always been in first place at all times. Maslenitsa, or Cheese Week, is also famous for pancakes, symbolizing the sun, dishes made from them, as well as fish and butter. Every day Cheese week has its own meaning and traditions.

Maslenitsa week

Monday - Meeting. The in-laws, husband and wife's parents, get together for tea. The first pancake prepared on this day is given to a beggar to remember the dead.

Tuesday - Flirting. Previously, traditionally, the bride's viewing took place on this day in order to have a wedding after fasting. On this day, friends and relatives come together to spend time together, have fun and have fun.

Wednesday - Gourmets. On this day, the mother-in-law invites you for pancakes.

Thursday - Revelry. This day is the most important and fun. They go out to parties, ride sleds, ice slides, and horses. Dress up in carnival costumes and sing songs. A stuffed animal of winter is being carried around the winter town.

Friday - Mother-in-law's evening. The mother-in-law goes on a return visit to her son-in-law for pancakes.

Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings. On this day, the daughter-in-law invites her husband's relatives to her place for pancakes. In the city, a scarecrow is installed in the square. People say goodbye to winter with songs and games, and treat themselves to delicious food. Then a fire is lit and the effigy is burned.

Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone must ask each other for forgiveness.

Fun and games

The festivities continued throughout the week. A winter town is being built for play areas and stalls with treats and delicacies. Maslenitsa fun were held all day and evening. Children, young people, adults and old people took part. Here are the most interesting traditional folk games:
1. Snow shooting range. Place wooden targets (meter by meter) on a fence, buried pole or wall. Concentric circles of different diameters are applied to the shield. The targets are hit with snowballs. You can also make targets from tin cans or other materials that can be knocked down with snowballs.

2. Horse and rider. There are two people on both sides - one is a horse, the other is a rider. The task is to knock down both opponents, at least the top one.

3. Roosters. Opponents stand on one leg and try to knock each other down.

4. Parsley fun.

Previously, the parsley comedy was very popular. They were shown by parsley plants several times a day.

The skits were satirical, instructive, and showed the truth of people's lives. They were simple and understandable to everyone, young and old, and always attracted a lot of people. Parsley was characterized by a long nose and a hump (there could be two of them). He always wears a red shirt, pants tucked into boots, and also wears a beautiful cap on his head.

5. Ice pillar. They dig in a tall pillar and pour water over it to ice it. All sorts of gifts are hung on its top. The participants were supposed to climb this pillar to get gifts, but they slipped. The fastest and most persistent player, who tried to get to the top and get the most valuable gift, won.

6. Kalashnikov. Option one. Two people stand opposite each other and take turns hitting the other in the chest until someone gives up.

7. Kalashnikov. Option two. There are two standing. They put sticks behind them. Participants hit each other with force until someone stumbles from the blow or falls over the stick. Hitting the heart and throat is not allowed. You can't step forward. Taking a blow and dodging is also prohibited.

8. Snow labyrinth. On the site, a diagram of a labyrinth in the shape of a circle or square is drawn. There must be two ways out. Then they lay out the inside of the labyrinth from snow and then the walls. The height of walls and partitions should not exceed 1 m. This is done to facilitate the detection of a lost person. The average width is about 90 cm.

9. Ice carousel. A pole is driven into the ground or frozen with ice. A special wheel is attached to the top. Several long sticks are attached to the wheel, to which the sled is hooked. The path under the sleigh is filled with water under the ice. And under the pillar itself, the area is cleared of ice and snow, so that it is convenient for the children to spin the carousel. The sleigh is made wide or held together by two.

10. Tug of war. Two teams play tug of war, standing either facing or with their backs to each other.

11. Three-legged. A pair of participants have their legs tied together, the left of one and the right of the other. In this position, the players must run to the flag and return to the starting place first.

12. Snow towns. Fortresses are built from snow. Participants are divided into two teams: cavalry - attacking, infantry - defending. The cavalry captures the fortresses and, together with the infantry, destroys the snow structures.

Maslenitsa is a cheerful, mischievous holiday that is loved by both children and adults. These days you can eat plenty of pancakes, ride down the slides and take part in folk entertainment. Festive events are held in all settlements, as well as in children's educational institutions. You can have fun yourself by inviting friends and preparing fun competitions for Maslenitsa in advance.

A little history

Maslenitsa was originally a pagan holiday marking the arrival of spring. These days, they made an effigy of winter from straw and solemnly burned it. There was a lot on the tables delicious dishes, which symbolized people’s hope for a rich harvest. The main delicacy is pancakes - a prototype of the sun and warmth. With the adoption of Orthodoxy, the holiday was transformed into a religious one. He copes before Great Lent.

Traditional competitions for Maslenitsa were wall-to-wall fist fights, an assault with its destruction, and playful fights, during which people helped spring overcome winter. Mummers walked around the villages and performed lively dances. Mountain skiing was a must-have entertainment. According to legend, whoever travels the farthest will have the longest flax in the new year.

Scenario for Maslenitsa

How to organize happy holiday for a friendly company? First of all, you need to choose a suitable scenario. On Maslenitsa you can organize a theatrical performance in which buffoons, Winter and Spring, and fairy-tale characters will take part. As a last resort, you can get by with one perky presenter. He will hold competitions, in between talking about the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa.

Divide those gathered into two teams: “winter” and “spring”. Invite them to compete. Winter doesn't want to just give up its place. Vesna must prove that she is worthy of this honor and is ready to withstand all the tests.

Competitions for Maslenitsa on the street

If the weather permits, the celebration is held outdoors. Games should be active so that guests do not freeze in the cold. For Maslenitsa competitions you will need equipment: two sleds, two brooms, skittles or small plastic bottles with water, two twigs.

  1. Winter - best time for playing snowballs. Invite the teams to first roll as many snowballs as possible in a certain time, and then knock down targets (skittles, bottles) with them.
  2. Sled racing. Two players sit with their backs to each other and try to cover the distance as quickly as possible. They run back, pulling the sled behind them. All team members must take part in the relay.
  3. The pins are placed in a row. Participants, riding a broom, run around them like a snake. On the way back, you need to replace the knocked down pins and pass the broom to the next player.
  4. Two circles are drawn at a certain distance from the teams. Players take turns running up to them, drawing a ray with a twig and returning back, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that draws the sun the fastest wins.
  5. Salky. Those gathered do exercises together, repeating the movements of the leader. Suddenly he shouts out the name of the team, for example: “Winter!” Its players try to catch up and spoil as many of their rivals as possible, who are in a hurry to hide in a pre-designated “house”. Those who were touched are eliminated from the competition. The game continues until there are only members of one team left on the field.

Indoor competitions

After fun on the street, the seasons are reconciled. Frosty Winter agrees to give way to a bright, blooming Spring. All those present are invited to hot tea and pancakes.

The premises can also host a number of competitions for children. On Maslenitsa they can be associated with traditional food.

  • Stock up on cardboard “pancakes” in advance. Hide them in unexpected places and invite the kids to find the blanks.
  • Organize relay races with the “pancakes” you find. Invite children to jump over the distance, holding cardboard circles between their knees. Then place them on your head. Most difficult option- carry “pancakes” on your stomach, standing in the “cuttlefish” position (supporting your feet and palms).
  • Prepare an obstacle course by placing "pancakes" in a row on a short distance from each other. Children must jump over them. Then start a race, going around the “pancakes” in a “snake”.
  • Place "pancakes" on the floor. There should be one less of them than players. The children dance to the music, and when it stops, they rush to take the “pancake.” Those who fail to do so are eliminated. The number of players and "pancakes" decreases every time.

In addition to competitions, on Maslenitsa you can have fun with mountain skiing, round dances, and riddles. With your children, make a doll figurine from sticks, a broom and old clothes. At the end of the holiday, it is burned, and with it all grievances, problems and discontent are burned.

Maslenitsa – ancient pagan holiday, during which people had fun through the winter and welcomed spring with the New Year. Celebrations traditionally begin on Monday with the construction of an effigy of winter, which will be burned at the end of the week. The holiday is named so because during the week people “oil” the sun to warm the earth after winter. All week people have fun, eat the main delicacy of the week - pancakes, start games, all kinds of competitions and funny activities.

Fun competitions for Maslenitsa

Russian bath

In this funny competition, the winner is the one who can quickly deprive the bath leaf of its leaves by “floating” his opponent with it.

Broom on forehead

The essence of the competition is that you need to keep the broom on your forehead longer than the other players.

Jumping on the broom

Another pretty funny competition with a broom. At a certain place they set up a chain of any obstacles, for example, of pins. Participants must ride a snake on a broom through obstacles. The one who knocks down the fewest pins wins.

Russian broom

A fun competition in which you need to throw a broom without a tree. Participants compete to see who can throw a broom the farthest.

Three legs

For the competition you need: a start and finish line, as well as a rope. All teams must split into pairs. The essence of the competition is that the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of another, in which a rope helps. Players must thus run to the finish line and then return to the starting line. After the first race, the following participants run.

Jumping in bags

At the place where the game will be played, tracks are drawn for each player to run. Everyone must jump to the finish line and back. The winner is the one who never fell or fell fewer times than other players.


The game is somewhat similar to sack jumping. Circles are drawn on each player's path at a distance of several meters from each other, and pins are also placed in different places. Participants must walk the entire obstacle course on stilts so as to get into each circle without knocking over any pins.

Maslenitsa relay race

Two teams of players are needed. For each team, there is one dish with a bunch of pancakes, glasses and a bottle of some drink. The first person must pour the drink into the glass and return back, the second must drink the drink and also return back. The third participant eats a pancake, and the fourth already does all three actions. The team that runs out of alcohol the fastest wins.

On a friend's lap

People form one large circle and stand behind each other as closely as possible. The presenter says to everyone at the same time: bend your legs and sit on the knees of the neighbor behind you, then stretch your arms to the sides. After this phrase, all players will instantly fall.

Competitions for Maslenitsa on the street

Tug of War

On this holiday, you can diversify the competition and stand with your backs to each other and thus measure your strength.

Delicious pancakes

Each participant bakes pancakes with with different fillings and an interesting design and brings them to the competition. Everyone tries each other's pancakes, trying to guess the filling and evaluate the design.

Damn it!

Fun for children, which consists in the fact that children must compose poems with the words winter, spring, sun, Maslenitsa, damn. The winner will be the author of the most interesting and original poem.

Handkerchiefs of sympathy

At a certain place, a gate is installed on which multi-colored handkerchiefs will be hung at different heights. Participants must run up, jump as hard as they can and tear off some kind of scarf, then give it to the girl.


A circle is drawn in which two people should fit. Only one leg is allowed to be in the circle, and the other must be bent at the knee and held by the heel with one hand. Players must use their shoulders to push the opponent out of the circle without the help of their free hand, standing on only one leg.

Earth, air, fire, water

All participants must form a circle; in the middle of the formed circle is the leader with the ball. He must choose to throw the ball to one of the participants.

If the leader said the word “Earth,” then the participant who caught the ball must quickly say the name of the animal while the leader counts to five. If the word “Water” was said, then you need to say the name of the fish, which is more difficult. If the word “Air” is heard, you need to say the name of a bird. And if the presenter says the word “Fire,” then all participants should wave their hands. If one of the participants did not have time to name the word or made a mistake, then he needs to “pay” a forfeit and the game continues.

Hot and cold

Two participants are selected as drivers. One driver closes his eyes and counts to 30, while all the other participants hide. The second driver watches who is hiding where. Then the first one opens his eyes and goes to look for everyone. The second driver tells him how far or close the participants are hidden, telling him “hot” or “cold.”

Slide ride

Choose the coolest hill and sled down it with other participants in the celebration.

Snowball fight

Simple but very fun fun, which can be played on any snowy day. Players simply make snowballs and throw them at each other. Great time outside on Maslenitsa.

Fishing rod

Participants stand in a wide circle, and the leader is in the middle of the circle. The leader should have a long rope, at the end of which a small bag of sand should be tied. He must twist this rope around himself at different heights. Participants standing in a circle must jump so that the rope does not touch their feet. Whoever is hit by it is eliminated.

Find yours

The presenter forms two teams from all participants. Participants are blindfolded and shuffled. Their task is to get the whole team together. One team meows, and the second grunts. Whose team assembles faster will win.

How many dryers?

We put a bunch of dryers (100 pieces) around the neck of one participant. The remaining participants must guess the number of dryers. Whoever guesses correctly will receive the whole bunch.


Two guys take part in the relay race. They have to put on a shirt, a sash, eat a banana, whistle and finally kiss beautiful girl. Whoever passes all the tests first will kiss the girl.

Name dances

The presenter calls a couple of names, and only those holiday participants whose names have been named dance to the music.

Broken pot

A stake is placed vertically on the ground and a pot is placed on it. Each participant approaches the stake and tries eyes closed break the pot with a special stick. Each person has three attempts, if the first participant does not break the pot, the turn goes to the next one and so on.

Pancake fortune telling

All girls, with the help of fortune telling, want to find out more about their future fate and about your chosen one. The easiest way to guess on Maslenitsa is using pancakes:

  • If your young man eats up pancakes with delicious caviar, this means that he will be a reliable husband, and will also be able to fully provide for his family. But this also means that the chosen one is very stern and the woman will find it difficult at times with him;
  • If a lover prefers to eat pancakes with red fish, it means that the man will be affectionate, gentle and kind. However, he will not be able to act as a protector and master;
  • If the chosen one’s favorite dish is pancakes with cottage cheese, then he is caring and kind;
  • A person pouring sour cream on pancakes does not have his own opinion and is used to relying on others;
  • If he sprinkles sugar on pancakes, it means that the chosen one prefers the comfort of home with his family and wants to have many children. However, upbringing is entrusted entirely to the wife;
  • If your man likes pancakes that have egg filling inside, it means he is a very grumpy, boring homebody who doesn't like to stress out in life;
  • You can be especially happy if your man loves pancakes with honey or jam. This means he is a leader in everything, handsome, kind and smart. These people are referred to as the “golden mean”.

Of course, you don’t need to rely entirely on fortune telling, but it’s still worth paying attention to them on this holiday.

Maslenitsa week is one of the brightest and most fun events of the year, which you certainly cannot miss. There are many competitions and games for Maslenitsa for both children and adults, so no one will get bored. At the end of the holiday, everyone traditionally burns an effigy of winter and rejoices at the arrival of the beautiful spring.

Maslenitsa in Orthodox Christianity precedes the beginning of Lent, its second name is meat-eating week.

The celebration of Maslenitsa takes place year after year in different days, but strictly seven days before the start of Orthodox Lent.

The celebration among the people began on Saturday, which was called Little Maslenka.

On this day, it was customary for all children to go sledding down the hills, and adults would notice whose child would go further - it was believed that his family would have the most big harvest flax

There were a lot of traditions associated with the pre-Christian significance of the holiday, then called Komoeditsa, and the most fun of them were the Maslenitsa games, here are some of them:

1) Snow shooting range. In a winter town specially built for entertainment, targets were installed at which people threw snowballs. They were shields made of boards measuring one meter by one meter, with concentric circles marked on them. And the fun competition began.

The rules are the same as in the summer version, but firstly, the opposing teams stand with their backs to each other, and secondly, on slippery ice or snow this competition looks much more spectacular and fun.

3) Wall to wall. In our weakened and tolerant society, such entertainment is not in honor, but earlier, when people were healthier and more cheerful, this game was very popular.

The “fighters” were divided into two teams, provoked each other with mockery of their opponents and a battle cry for about an hour, and then met in hand-to-hand combat.

They tried not to cause serious injuries to each other, but the clothes of the participants in the competition could not be restored.

Children play it; they stand in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. The leader, “Zarya,” walks with a ribbon behind them and reads a little rhyme, with the last words of which he places his ribbon on the shoulder of one of the participants.

The player who got the ribbon grabs it and, together with “Zarya”, begins to run in a circle, but in different sides. The one who doesn't have time to borrow free space, he himself becomes the leader and the game is repeated.

5) Malechina-Kalechina. Players choose a driver, pick up a small stick and read a rhyme. As soon as spoken last words, everyone should place the stick on their palm or finger and try to hold it for as long as possible.

The one whose stick falls last wins. The presenter has the right to give the players tasks, for example, to walk or sit down, while keeping the sticks in balance.

. The driver reads a special rhyme, while giving tasks to the players, for example, to sing, dance, jump. Everyone must complete these tasks; those who fail or do not do it well give their forfeit to the driver.

The game ends as soon as the driver has five forfeits in his hands. Each of those players whose forfeits got there must redeem them by performing various funny tasks, which only the driver has enough imagination for. After the last forfeit has been redeemed, a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated from the beginning.

7) Cockerels. A circle is drawn on a small area and two players enter it. Each of them stands on one leg, bending the other at the knee and holding the heel with his hand. The winner is the one who can push the opponent out of the circle; pushing can only be done with the shoulders.

Nowadays, the list of games, unfortunately, is narrowing, but, nevertheless, they continue to be an indispensable attribute of this fun and ancient holiday, along with pancakes, burning an effigy of Winter and sledding.

In addition, fun, competitions and games keep walking people safe from the cold, because quite severe cold weather is not uncommon on Maslenitsa, despite the fact that it represents the welcoming of spring and the onset of warm days.

You need to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with joy. Our ancestors were very fond of Maslenitsa festivities. During Maslenitsa games on the street for children were organized here and there - the children ran around, had fun, played snowballs. Of course, there were Maslenitsa games for adults: fist fights, slides, ice pillars.

Have you decided to devote Maslenitsa week to outdoor fun and joyful moments? We will be happy to tell you about fun games for Maslenitsa for all ages!

Maslenitsa games on the street

Snowy winter calls you outside, and frost stings your cheeks. Even at -20 you will be warm if you actively move and play.


What can I say - pick up the sled and go find the slide! And then - your fantasy: take turns riding, linking several sleds into a “train”, and racing down the hill. The main thing is to remember about safety, bruises and bumps are not our friends.

Shooting gallery

You'll need a target and a keen eye. The target can be a fence or a blank wall. You can prepare in advance and make targets yourself from wooden shields.

ice column

Fun games and activities for Maslenitsa that came to us from the past. For fun, you need a tall pole, which must first be doused with water in order to freeze. We are already hanging various gifts on the ice pillar. The participants’ task is to remove these gifts. Climbing on ice is not an easy task! The winner is the one who can get the top prize.

Snow fortress

If the winter has pleased you with an abundance of snow, you can build two improvised fortresses, and then, breaking into teams, destroy the building of the opposing team with snow volleys. The goal is to destroy the enemy’s castle, not the opponents themselves, don’t get carried away!

Throwing felt boots

Throwing at a distance, accuracy and closeness of the fall of the second felt boot from the first. The game is simple, it’s much more difficult to get felt boots!

Tug of War

The main thing is to divide into mixed teams, i.e. there should be both boys and girls in one team. Otherwise, the outcome of the tug-of-war is known in advance. You can arrange a family competition - the Ivanovs against the Petrovs. Or you can call one team “Spring”, the other “Winter” and make a prediction - who will win - spring or winter.

Also, for variety, teams can stand with their backs to each other and measure their strength in this position. Tug of war is a great outdoor game for children during Maslenitsa.


Draw a circle on the snow (this is a frying pan). All players join hands and jump on one leg, trying to push each other into the circle. Whoever got into the circle was “sintered” in a frying pan. The players' task is not to get into it.

Gamesfor Maslenitsa on the street for children

To keep kids from getting cold and bored outside, offer them these simple, but fun and active games:


You can start the game with the well-known “stream”. Children are divided into pairs and stand next to each other. The kids hold hands, arms raised up, forming a gate. The last pair runs under the gate and becomes the first, and so on until everyone has passed the stream. A child without a partner is appointed as a driver. It moves 5 steps away from the stream. Everyone sings the song “Burn, Burn Clearly”:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
- Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, the first couple scatters on both sides of the stream, and the driver must catch one of them before they stand at the end of the stream and hold hands. If the driver manages to catch someone, they become the last pair, and the one who is not caught becomes the driver.


Children stand in a wide circle, each with their hands behind their backs. The leader - "Zarya" - walks with a ribbon in his hands around the round dance and sings:

Dawn - lightning,
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined
Let's go get some water!

As soon as the last words of the song are sung, the driver puts a ribbon on the shoulder of one of the children in the round dance and runs away. The child must take the ribbon and run with it in the other direction. Each of them strives to take the vacant place in the circle. The one who managed to take his place remains in the circle, and the remaining one becomes “Zarya”. You can add an element of round dance rotation, having previously discussed in which direction it will spin


For this game you will need a rope, 3-5m long, with a bag of sand tied at the end. Children stand in a circle, the leader spins with a rope, and the rest must jump over. Whoever is hit by the rope is eliminated from the game.

Riding on a broom

First you need to prepare an obstacle course - place pins or other objects in a row. The child’s task, riding a broom, is to run between obstacles without hitting them. The one who knocks down the minimum number of pins wins.

Indoor Maslenitsa games

Indoor games for children during Maslenitsa differ from others only in the limited space. But if the house has a minimum of furniture and a maximum square meters, you can safely play the games described above. And the following children's games for Maslenitsa are quite suitable for other holidays, so take note.

Find yours

Participants are divided into two equal teams. Everyone is blindfolded and dispersed around the room. One team meows, the other grunts. Whichever team gets together faster wins.


For the game you need to prepare a lot of artificial flowers. Children are divided into two teams and sing the chant:

Spring, Red Spring,
Come, Spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With the heavy rains,
With abundant flowers.

During the singing, the driver scatters flowers around the area. As soon as the song ends, the children begin to collect flowers. The team that collects the most flowers wins.

Fist fights

Don't worry, kids won't have to wave their fists! The battle will take place through long balloons. This game has 2 advantages: children have fun, and parents train their lungs!

Pancake race

To organize a fun pancake race, prepare in advance some pancakes made of paper or felt, two kitchen spatulas and 4 chairs. Divide the participants into 2 teams. The task of this relay game is to transfer all the pancakes on a shoulder blade from the first chair to the second by each team member in turn.

As you can see, games and competitions for Maslenitsa can be very diverse. The main thing is to enjoy spending time with family and friends!