Photographer Mehmet Genç photographs women all over the world - before and immediately after a woman is given a compliment.

Two years ago, Turkish photographer Mehmet Genç started a project involving travel to indigenous communities in Latin America.

In full accordance with his pseudonym on Instagram - rotasizseyyah, or "wanderer without a specific route" - Gench took the first photo, which marked the beginning of the project "You are so beautiful!", completely by accident.

In January 2015, he ended up in the Mexican municipality of San Cristobal de las Casas. Trying to help his model feel more comfortable in front of the camera, he asked her to smile, and when that didn’t work, he unexpectedly called her beautiful.

“I needed to break the ice somehow,” he recalls. “I had to somehow start a conversation. Say something simple that causes [a person] an emotional reaction. Well, what if not a compliment? a short time establishes a connection with the interlocutor and helps to relax and smile."

According to him, the photo turned out to be so sincere and sincere that he decided to take this idea as the concept of a new project.

Genç is still traveling around the world, collecting the fruits of his compliments, and plans to complete the project by October 2017.

In response to a request to pose for a photograph, Matilda, from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, said: "I have no teeth. Please don't make me laugh."

But when she heard them call her beautiful, she forgot to think about her teeth. "We laughed a lot with her. It was a nice moment," Genc said, adding that this photo is one of his favorites.

Margarita sold fruit at a street market in the Ecuadorian city of Otavalo. Gench bought some goods from her, after which she agreed to filming.

Margarita did not respond to the request to smile, but the compliment made her break into a sincere smile.

Zarekkim is from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a remote mountainous area in Colombia, who speaks only his native Arhuaco language.

Arriving in this village, Gench learned how to say “you are so beautiful” in Aruacan, and captured on camera the face of a woman who heard these unexpected words from him.

Genç met Juliana in a village adjacent to Cabo de la Vela, a coastal region in northern Colombia where the desert meets the Caribbean Sea.

The area is very dry, some months there is no rain at all, and Juliana was wearing a mask to protect her face from the sun's rays.

She was selling handicrafts, and Gench's compliment brought a happy smile to her face.

Meto, a member of the Marubo tribe of the Brazilian Amazon, also speaks only their native language.

The photographer learned a few words of greeting and her signature compliment, and finally she smiled into the camera.

Mimba and little Maya also belong to the Brazilian Marubo tribe. Mimba was very shy, and only the second time, when he came to her home, the photographer was able to get permission to shoot.

However, after hearing the compliment, the girl felt freer.

Altena was sitting on the front porch of her home in the Brazilian city of Atalaya do Norte when Genc asked permission to photograph her.

As he recalls, she was very friendly: he took a few pictures, then told her that she was beautiful, and she burst out laughing.

And Cosmita, another resident of Atalaya do Norte, surprised Gench with her reaction to his compliment.

“No one else had such an impact on the words “You’re so beautiful!” strong impression", admits the photographer.

The world is an unusual and amazing place that can be explored endlessly. IN different countries ah, cultures can be completely different, so what is considered acceptable in one place may not be acceptable in another. If you are interested in the peculiarities of etiquette in different countries, you should familiarize yourself with this list. It included the most interesting rules behavior from all corners of our planet. Knowing them will help you avoid any embarrassment while traveling.

Afghanistan: kiss the bread that fell on the floor

In Afghanistan, they treat bread with great respect. If he falls to the floor, he should be picked up immediately and kissed.

Canada: a little late

In Canada, you shouldn't arrive early. On the contrary, a slight delay is quite acceptable. He is treated much better than arriving much earlier than necessary.

Chili: Never eat with your hands

In Chile, it is not customary to take even small snacks with your hands. Chileans always use cutlery exclusively; other behavior is considered extremely impolite.

China: Make a mess and don't be afraid to burp

In China, the host knows you enjoyed your meal if you make a mess on the table. When there is a piece of food left on the plate, it good sign that you are full and satisfied with your meal. It's just impolite to leave rice on the plate. Burping is another way to show that you enjoyed your food and is not considered impolite.

Egypt: Don't refill your own glass

In Egypt, it is customary to wait for someone else to fill your glass. You should top up your fellow drinker if necessary. It is believed that necessity occurs when the glass is less than half full. If your neighbor forgets to fill your glass, remind him by adding a drink to his glass. It is strictly forbidden to pour it yourself.

UK: Pass the port to the left

In England, it is customary to pass port wine at the table to the neighbor on the left until the bottle goes around the entire table in a circle. Some believe this tradition has its roots in the navy, but there is no exact explanation. If you haven't been handed a bottle, it is impolite to ask; instead, you should ask your tablemate if he knows the Bishop of Norwich. If he says no, you need to answer that he is good man, but always forgets to hand over the port wine.

Ethiopia: Eat with your right hand from one plate

Ethiopians believe that eating with cutlery is wasteful, as is using more than one plate for the whole group. It is customary to eat from one dish using the right hand. In some regions of the country, a tradition called “gursha” is used, when people feed each other.

France: use bread as a utensil

The French never eat bread as a snack. They supplement their meals with it and use a piece of bread as a device to collect food from the plate and put it in their mouth. It is even customary to place bread directly on the table, like a fork or knife.

Georgia: Make a toast and drink the entire contents of the glass

In Georgia people can spend hours exchanging toasts. Everyone at the table makes a toast in a circle, after which it is customary to empty the entire glass in one gulp. When everyone has said a toast, the circle can repeat itself again. During the evening they drink ten to fifteen small glasses of alcohol; as a rule, Georgians drink wine or vodka. Making toasts while drinking beer is considered bad luck.

It is believed that the Austrians celebrated the defeat of Hungary in 1848 by clinking glasses of beer, which is why some Hungarians still remember it. Don't clink your beer glasses! In other cases, be sure to look at the person who made the toast.

Italy: Don't put Parmesan on pizza

If your pizza doesn't have Parmesan on it, don't ask for it. In Italy this is considered a culinary crime.

Inuit tribe: passing gas

You may not plan to visit these tribes, but it is interesting to know that in their culture it is customary to fart as a sign of approval after good reception food.

Japan: Sip the soup to thank the chef

In Japan, it is customary to loudly slurp soup or noodles. It is believed that this is a way to show your gratitude to the cook.

Korea: Take your first drink

In Korea, you have to accept when you are offered a drink for the first time, but not pour it for yourself first. Pour the rest first, then fill your glass.

Mexico: Eat tacos with your hands

Using a fork and knife for tacos is considered stupid snobbery in Mexico. It is polite to eat this food with your hands.

Middle East: Use only your right hand

In Middle Eastern countries, eating with your hands is quite normal, it is only important to use your right hand exclusively. The left one should not be used for eating.

Portugal: don't add salt

In Portugal, a cook will be offended if he sees you adding salt or pepper to a dish he has prepared.

Russia: drink vodka without additives and don’t give up

Offering a drink is considered a sign of trust, so it is rude to refuse. In addition, mixing vodka with juice or ice is considered not the best idea.

South America: Honor the Goddess of Nature

In some regions of Peru or Argentina, it is customary to honor the goddess of nature by pouring a few drops of the drink onto the ground.

Thailand: Don't eat rice with a fork

In Thailand, food is only served with forks on a spoon. It is not customary to eat rice dishes with a fork.

Tanzania: hide your soles

In Tanzania they eat while sitting on the floor. The main thing is not to show your feet, it’s impolite.

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Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

Photographer Mehmet Genç photographs women all over the world - before and immediately after a woman is given a compliment.

In January 2015, he ended up in the Mexican municipality of San Cristobal de las Casas. Trying to help his model feel more comfortable in front of the camera, he asked her to smile, and when that didn’t work, he unexpectedly called her beautiful.

“I had to break the ice somehow,” he recalls. “I had to start a conversation somehow. Say something simple that evokes [an] emotional reaction. What if not a compliment? It establishes a connection for a short time with the interlocutor and helps to relax and smile."

According to him, the photo turned out to be so sincere and sincere that he decided to take this idea as the concept of a new project.

Genç is still traveling around the world, collecting the fruits of his compliments, and plans to complete the project by October 2017.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

In response to a request to pose for a photograph, Matilda, from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, said: "I have no teeth. Please don't make me laugh."

But when she heard them call her beautiful, she forgot to think about her teeth. "We laughed a lot with her. It was a nice moment," Genc said, adding that this photo is one of his favorites.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

Margarita sold fruit at a street market in the Ecuadorian city of Otavalo. Gench bought some goods from her, after which she agreed to filming.

Margarita did not respond to the request to smile, but the compliment made her break into a sincere smile.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

Zarekkim is from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a remote mountainous area in Colombia, who speaks only his native Arhuaco language.

Arriving in this village, Gench learned how to say “you are so beautiful” in Aruacan, and captured on camera the face of a woman who heard these unexpected words from him.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

Genç met Juliana in a village adjacent to Cabo de la Vela, a coastal region in northern Colombia where the desert meets the Caribbean Sea.

The area is very dry, some months there is no rain at all, and Juliana was wearing a mask to protect her face from the sun's rays.

She was selling handicrafts, and Gench's compliment brought a happy smile to her face.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

Meto, a member of the Marubo tribe of the Brazilian Amazon, also speaks only their native language.

The photographer learned a few words of greeting and her signature compliment, and finally she smiled into the camera.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

Mimba and little Maya also belong to the Brazilian Marubo tribe. Mimba was very shy, and only the second time, when he came to her home, the photographer was able to get permission to shoot.

However, after hearing the compliment, the girl felt freer.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

Altena was sitting on the front porch of her home in the Brazilian city of Atalaya do Norte when Genc asked permission to photograph her.

As he recalls, she was very friendly: he took a few pictures, then told her that she was beautiful, and she burst out laughing.

Illustration copyright Mehmet Genç

And Cosmita, another resident of Atalaya do Norte, surprised Gench with her reaction to his compliment.

“No one else was so impressed by the words ‘you’re so beautiful!’,” admits the photographer.

In Iceland, I personally would have been immediately won over with just one compliment.

Japanese haiku

A compliment to a girl from a Japanese man is as unusual as everything connected with this country, which is distant to us in every sense.

Maybe a Japanese guy will compliment you in such a technologically advanced way and at the same time unexpectedly. Not just a compliment, but a haiku.

Romanian horror stories

With a touch of gore and horror, Romanians can give a compliment.

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“a resident of Romania can say to the girl he likes. Such a compliment makes your blood run cold. And it’s not clear whether they praised you at all or hinted at something?

Oriental tales

Eastern men can still beautifully say that your head will spin.

Says the Algerian in love. And you can immediately imagine the scale of his love, considering that Sahara is one of the most large deserts on the ground.

Practical Americans

My friend, who married an American, constantly says that these are the most best men on the ground. Because they are caring, attentive and specific.

And New Yorkers are generally masters at giving very practical compliments:

Some compliments are actually converted advertising slogans:

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And this compliment just immediately appeals:

Italian smell

Italians, even when giving compliments, cannot do without their favorite drink.

But how exciting it is:

Icelanders can't live without ice

Compliments in snowy Iceland are very warm. Although not without snow and ice.

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an Icelandic man might say.

And if he steps on the ice, then expect the following flirting phrase:

Denmark is amazing

The Danes compliment straight to the point and without hints:

But sometimes they are also drawn to romance:

British restraint

The British, with their characteristic humor, can give a compliment so unexpectedly that it is difficult to immediately come up with a worthy answer: “

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They can also be incredibly romantic, they can mention eyes and touch on the favorite topic of all Englishmen - the weather: “

Photos: shutterstock.

Let's be friends on Instagram!

How many countries are located on our planet Earth, so many different traditions exist in these countries. Although the Italians say with their proverb that “All of us are one country,” this is not at all true. Rather, each country is a special world with its own traditions and customs.

Let's consider this tradition, which is inherent in the culture of communication in different countries:

  • in Russia they say: “Hello!” or “Hello!”;
  • in China - “Have you eaten?”;
  • in Iran - “Be cheerful!”;
  • Zulus greet each other with the words: “I see you!”

Such diverse words denote a common tradition for all countries - greeting when meeting.

Different traditions in different countries

European countries

If in European countries Slurping at the table is considered a sign of poor upbringing, but in China guests champ intensely, afraid by quietly eating food they will offend the hostess of the house, who may think that the guests did not like the treats. Loud slurping while eating, a tablecloth stained with sauces are signs that the guests ate with appetite and enjoyed the treat.


In China, there is no tradition of presenting a bouquet of flowers to the hostess. A presented bouquet can offend the hostess, who will take it personally that the decoration of the house is not beautiful enough, which the guests want to decorate with their bouquet of flowers.


Imagine a situation where a European comes to visit without flowers for the lady of the house. At best, he will be accused of poor upbringing, at worst, of stinginess; it is worth thinking about the gift.

Compliments in Korea

The tradition of complimenting a woman differs in different countries. In Korea, a woman's beauty is judged by her fragility and paleness. Such painful beauty is appreciated by men who have a desire to take the girl under their wing. Therefore, the highest compliment Koreans can give is to tell a girl: “You look so bad!” For example, a Frenchman would try to give such a compliment to his girlfriend!


Japan is a country of unshakable traditions that are respected and passed on from generation to generation. Something as simple as blowing your nose into a handkerchief in public is considered unacceptable by the Japanese. Another indispensable tradition: you cannot leave your workplace before the boss. Violation of this tradition can have a detrimental effect on the employee, who will be accused of dishonesty in performing his duties.

Are there traditions associated with farming?

In many countries there is a tradition according to which it is forbidden to help the housewife wash the dishes. It is believed that by breaking this tradition, you are washing away your happiness. In Russia, on the contrary, after a feast it is considered a good tradition for women to help the hostess of the house wash all the dishes after the banquet.

USA and Russia - taxi traditions

In the USA, for taxi services, in addition to paying for the trip, there is a tradition of helping the passenger get out of the car and bring his luggage to the door. And only a compliment to a female passenger can be interpreted as sexual harassment. In Russia beautiful woman will be awarded with all sorts of compliments from the taxi driver, but the taxi driver can only carry the luggage for a certain fee.

Arab countries

In countries, mainly Arab, where the tradition of hookah smoking is developed, the hookah mouthpiece is never passed from hand to hand. This action creates a feeling of being forced to smoke a hookah, which is unacceptable, so the mouthpiece is placed on the table.


In Greece, they are very sensitive to the fact that a guest praises an item of home decoration (a vase, a painting). According to existing tradition, the host must give the guest this item.


When going on a tourist trip, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the traditions and customs of the country where you are going. This will help you avoid awkward situations and not offend anyone. Treat the traditions of another people with care and caution, who will be able to appreciate your delicacy and good manners, and then your journey will be pleasant and comfortable.

Cultural traditions of different countries