Spi-ri-do-na Three-pound-skogo († c. 348).

This saint, who is very popular in Greek and Russian Orthodoxy, was born in the second half of the 3rd century. on the island of Cyprus. For many years he was a simple shepherd and had a wife and children. He donated all his funds to the needs of his neighbors and countries. For this, the Lord rewarded him with the gift of miracles: he healed the incurably sick and got rid of the poor. owls After the death of his wife, to the kingdom of the im-per-ra-to-ra of Kon-stan-ti-na Ve-li-ko-go (306-337), Spi-ri -don was elected episcopal of the city of Tri-mi-fun-ta, and in 325 he took part in the affairs of the I Universe -sky So-bo-ra.

Saint Spi-ri-don died around the year 348 during prayer and burial in Three-mi-fun in the temple of St. -tykh Apo-sto-lov. His last words were about love for God and his neighbors. In the middle of the 7th century, the relics of the saints were transferred to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol, and in 1453 - to the rest moat Kerk And ra in the Ionian Sea (the Greek name of this island is K O rfu). Here, in the one-named city of Ker-ki-ra (the main city of the island), the saints are still preserved - cabbage soup of the saint Spi-ri-do-na in the temple named after him (the right hand of the saint is in Rome) . Five times a year on the island there is a solemn celebration of his memory.

In Ru-si there is a sacredness Spi-ri-do-na from-known from ancient times. The people who have celebrated the famous ka-len-dar milestones in the church of ka-len-da-ryu (there were no others yet) ), called close to the day of the memory of the saint Sleep-to-the day of the Winter sun, or “at the time of the sun on the summer” then”, “Sleep-in-the-way”. (In brackets, we note that the XX-XXI century anniversary of his memorial in Yuli-an-sko-mu-ka-len-da-ryu is December 12 - arriving on December 25th according to Gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu, that is, in as-ro-no-mi-che-ski accurate day of Winter-not-sun-in-ro-ta. But in the 22nd century, yes-ta will shift to December 26, in the 23rd century - to December 27, and so on everyone days of the year cycle; however, like all holidays, they are still from-me-cha-e-my with us according to the calendar of Yulia Tse-za-rya.)

In a special way, Saint Spi-ri-don pol-zo-val-sya in Great Novgorod and Moscow, where in 1633 I built a temple in his name. In another hundred-personal church, the Resurrection of the Words at Yesterday (1629), there are two revered icons of St. Spi-ri-do-n with a part of his holy relics.

About the life of the saint Spi-ri-be-kept valuable evidence of the Byzantine is-t-ri-kovs of the WTO -roy in the 4th-5th centuries - So-kra-ta Scho-la-sti-ka, So-zo-men-na and Ru-fi-na, close to him in time -me and communicated with his students and younger moderns. The ancient life of the saint Spi-ri-do-na na-pi-sal yam-bi-che-ski-mi sti-ha-mi his disciple - saint tel Tri-fil-liy, episco-pop Le-taste-siy of Cyprus († c. 370). His classy life was na-pi-sa-but in the 10th century you were Viz-an-Ti-sky yeah O graph(that is, “description of the saints”) Si-meo-nom Me-ta-fr A stoma

In conclusion of this brief information, we provide evidence of St. Spy-ri-don, the first two above-mentioned. tykh is-to-ri-kov. The second fragment is especially important for understanding the true meaning of the story, which many reduce only to inconsistency -no-tel-noy “change-me-noy ra-tsi-o-na”, forgetting that dividing food into “clean” (ko-sher-nu- ) and “unclean” are ancient words, obligatory only for a Jew by faith (moreover, ob-re-zan -no-go). “Hear and hurray! Not that, What enters the mouth, desecrates a person; but that, What comes from the mouth, - This desecrates a person,” we read in the Gospel of Matthew (). The words of Christ are addressed not only to those who tried His fa-ri-se-yah, but also to them (free or unwilling) after -do-va-te-lam among the Christians.

Yuri Ruban,
Ph.D. ist. na-uk, cand. bo-go-word-via


1. So-crat Scho-la-stick. Church history. Book I, ch. 12. “About the Cypriot bishop of Spi-ri-don”:

“Now about Spi-ri-don. This shepherd gave such holiness that he was pleased to shepherd people. Having received the episcopacy over one of the cities of Cyprus, named Three-pound, he is in the rank of episcopate, according to great to my mind, I haven’t stopped tending the sheep. There were a lot of stories about him, but in order not to move away from the intended subject, I helped nude one or two.

One day, at midnight, thieves quietly entered the sheepfold and began to steal the sheep. But God, who preserved the shepherd, also preserved his sheep; the thieves, by invisible force, found themselves tied to ov-charne. Meanwhile, morning came, and the shepherd went to the flock; when he saw that the predators had their hands tied behind their backs, he immediately knew What happened, and, having prayed, untied them and tied them up for a long time, inspiring them to make themselves aware of work for the law, and not to take someone else without the law. Then, after giving them a shout and letting them go, he said kindly: “Let it not be in vain that you are awake.” This is one of the miracles of Spi-ri-do-na, and the other was so-so.

He had a daughter, a girl, who succeeded her father, named Irina. Someone I know gave her a valuable piece of jewelry for safekeeping, but she, recognizing it as safe to keep, while digging into the ground, hid the taken thing in the ground and soon died. After some time, the one who gave away his thing came and, having no longer found the girl, came to his father - partly with -we-don’t-eat, partly with a request. The old man, who in the morning thought that the decoration was his own misfortune, went to the grave before -ri and prayed to God that He would first show both the resurrection. No hope about him: the girl immediately appeared to her father alive and, indicating the place where she hid the jewelry -nie, disappeared again. Those kind of men were in the Church during the time of Tsar Kon-stan-ti-na. I myself heard this from many residents of Ki-p-ra, and read in the Latin co-chi-ne-nii of one pre-swi-te ra Ru-fi-na."

2. So-zo-men. Church history:

“It is necessary to know also that How he didn’t meet any countries,” wrote So-zo-men, close to mo-na-she’s circles, when he came to his “Church” -no-is-t-riy” is an amazing example from the life of a saint. - “One day, upon the arrival of the Great Post, a stranger knocked on his house. Seeing that the traveler was very tired, Saint Spi-ri-don said to-che-ri: “O-my legs to this man, and before “Let him have something to eat.” But, in view of the situation, no necessary provisions were made, for the saint “tasted food only in the definition of one day, and on other days I was left without food.” That's why the daughter said there was no bread or flour in the house. Then where is Saint Spi-ri-don, from-vi-niv-shis before the guest, he came to fry the former neck in the pan with salted pork meat and sat down at the table of countries -no, he started to eat, convincing the person to help him. When the last time, calling himself chri-sti-a-ni-nom, from-the-hall, Saint Spi-ri-don came : “Moreover, it is necessary to say, for the Word of God says: “For purity, everything is pure” ()" .

This is a testimonial about a person's actions is-tin-no-go Hri-sti-a-ni-na, what a saint Spi-ri-don was, he doesn’t need any com-men-ta-ri-yah. One can only ask one question: how many of our “zealous fast-mongers” would have done the same thing as him, without slaughter? - are you “sorting” and “ru-sewing” your gastro-but-mi-che-s “servants” before God?


The holy names of hierarchs, that is, holy servants who have the highest ecclesiastical rank - ar-hi-erey-sky. Inside this highest degree of priesthood in the Right-of-Gloriousness, they are sub-divided - according to the administration prince-tsi-pu - on epi-sko-pov, ar-hi-epi-sko-pov, mit-ro-po-li-tov and, finally, pat-ri-ar-khov (trans- vyh among equals). In the Greek church tradition, ar-hi-epi-skop is higher than mit-ro-po-li-ta.

Certainly. If you are friends with the under-mayor* Sobyanin. I have written more than once about the history of the Dynamo Aquatics Center, which suddenly turned out to be. And about how officials, and about how Sobyanin donated the site and the results of the project to a commercial company, depriving the MGO VFSO Dynamo and the residents of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district of a sports facility, and about how for this facility. And even about how from the website of the Moscow Construction Complex after the whole truth about it was revealed!

Today I will tell you about another most cynical violation, the fact of which was recognized by all regulatory authorities, but this recognition did not entail any consequences.

Two years ago I started my fight against this construction project with what seemed to me the simplest thing - . Then everything went quickly and efficiently and... As it turned out, the builders simply removed the fence for a time until they needed the shore, and they did not abandon the idea of ​​​​taking it forever.

At the beginning of summer, the fence returned and the shore was captured again. In response, a large-scale action was launched - complaints were sent to absolutely all bodies authorized to control this issue (and even some that were not authorized to do so, so as not to relax).

Briefly about what the problem is.

The developer is provided with the following land plot under a lease agreement:

As you can see, its borders run along the banks of the Moscow River. According to the Water Code, a strip of at least 20 meters wide must remain along the river bank for citizens to pass through. The lease agreement for the area covering this strip must include a condition to ensure unimpeded access for citizens to the coastal strip.

And this is what this piece of shore looks like now:

There is no talk of any free access; the trees and bushes that grew here two months ago have been razed by bulldozers, and the embankment is being prepared for laying granite. Here's what it looks like in promotional materials:

Obviously, no one is going to let the townspeople in there. No one cares about the law.

What do I think about this government bodies? You will be surprised - they all admit to breaking the law.

Here is Rosprirodnadzor:

And here is the Federal Fisheries Agency:

Their conclusions were confirmed by the Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office of Moscow:

And even the Department of Environmental Management and Protection environment was forced to admit that cutting down trees was illegal:

And only the relevant authorities that control the construction do not want to admit the violation and stop the construction!

The district administration thanks for your caring attitude:

The prefecture simply merged, offering to complain to Rosprirodnadzor, although by law it was obliged to forward the complaint there itself:

Mosgostroynadzor states that the construction plan they agreed upon is more important than the code and the fence is in place legally:

And Moskomstroyinvest directly admits that they did not care about water and land legislation; this is not their area. And the fact that the houses are sold under 214-FZ and the developer deceives buyers by promising them an illegal embankment—Moskomstroyinvest doesn’t care.

Please note that all of these answers were given a month ago. The photos of the shore at the beginning of the post were taken yesterday. That is, all regulatory authorities recognized the fact of the violation, but over the past time they have been unable to do anything to stop it.

And the most interesting thing. Remember at the beginning of the post I said that the lease agreement should stipulate the tenant’s obligation to provide access to the shoreline? Here the Property Department “forgot” to register such an obligation, as the State Real Estate Inspectorate openly admitted to me:

Separately, it should be noted that Rosprirodnadzor not only considered the complaint itself, but also sent it to all involved government agencies, which provided us with an invaluable service - we can now safely say that absolutely everyone was informed about the problem:

Since all the competent authorities, both city and federal, are aware of the problem, but do not want to solve it, there is nothing left but to turn to the President of the Russian Federation. I ask everyone to send a complaint with the following content to the Presidential Administration:

In the city of Moscow at st. Tamanskaya, vl. 1, the developers of Virtus-R LLC, by installing a fence to the water's edge, captured the shoreline of the Moscow River in the area with cadastral number 77:08:0013014:56 (photo attached). This action is a direct violation of the requirements of Art. 6 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

As I learned from open sources, including from publications on the DocumentCloud websites (https://www.documentcloud..online/2018/09/11/8882/), complaints about this violation were filed against the following government bodies:

  1. Moscow City Hall
  2. Rosprirodnadzor
  3. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
  4. Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office of Moscow
  5. Prefecture of the Northwestern Administrative District of Moscow
  6. Khoroshevo-Mnyovniki District Administration
  7. Mosgostroynadzor
  8. Moskomstroyinvest
  9. State Inspectorate for Real Estate of Moscow
  10. Rosrybolovstvo
  11. OATI of Moscow

The majority of these bodies recognized the fact of violation, cases of administrative offenses were initiated, but neither the construction of a granite embankment on the shore nor the seizure of the shore were stopped. In fact, government bodies, even recognizing the fact of a violation of the law, are inactive and do not take any measures to eliminate the violation. Because complaints were sent to absolutely all government bodies. authorized to exercise control over the issue of restricting access, then an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation is the last way influence the situation.

I ask you to instruct us to conduct an investigation into the inaction of the regulatory authorities and help return Muscovites access to the water body.

The complaint must be accompanied by 1 photo from those posted at the beginning of the post. To paste copied text on the President’s website, you need to either use the Shift+Insert combination or (if you have Google Chrome and Shift+Insert didn’t paste, press F12 - F1 - check the Disable Javascript box, paste the text, uncheck it and press F12 again).

Is it possible to break the law, get caught doing it and continue to break it?

Is it possible to break traffic rules? Surprisingly, if a non-standard situation arises, it is possible. Let's look at the reasons for lawful traffic violations.

Article 2.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses Russian Federation describes an urgent need. But not everyone can understand the casual, dry description of this complex term. Let us state in simple language difficult truths for drivers.

Of course, you cannot violate traffic rules, but when a situation arises that threatens the lives of others and poses a risk to their health, such violations cannot be considered a violation. That is, in other words, if there is no other possibility, and the situation that has arisen has a risk for the lives of others, then it is possible to violate.

Let's say a car suddenly pulls out of a minor street in front of you and in order to avoid a collision, it becomes necessary to cross a solid line, turning sharply to enter the oncoming side.

There are times when you have to exceed the permissible speed due to emergency situations. For example, the need to quickly help a relative. Speeding can be justified by saving a person's life.

The real incident happened in a village. The man had to drive into the city at high speed to deliver his mother-in-law to the hospital with a stroke. The police, who stopped the car after learning the reason, immediately allowed it to leave and offered an escort.

Another situation happened with a doctor. While driving, he saw how the man became ill. In order to help the person, he had to stop in the wrong place, thereby breaking the rules. It is very important to quickly provide medical care a person having a heart attack or stroke.

An option may also arise when it is necessary to urgently transport a person to the hospital. If the car gets into an accident, but remains on the move. To save life, a person has to break the rules and leave the scene of an accident.

It is important to have the understanding that harm can be caused and prevented. Inflicted harm occurs when the law is violated during an accident, and prevented harm occurs when traffic rules are violated to save a person’s life.

The main indicator of extreme necessity is when the harm prevented exceeds the harm caused.

It is important to understand that emergency is salvation human life, not a loophole to avoid punishment.

If you had to violate traffic rules due to extreme necessity, it is important that this is indicated in the police report. But before breaking traffic rules, weigh everything carefully and decide whether there really is an emergency.

I would like to appeal to those who might think that in the above and other similar situations you can get behind the wheel while intoxicated. NO! This should not be done. In this state, you can do much more harm than you intended to act in conditions of extreme necessity. And you will not be able to defend yourself in court, even if you use the services of a qualified lawyer. Driving while intoxicated is unacceptable under any circumstances!

Our core value

We help drivers who are ready to personally participate in the process in short term defend your rights in court and save up to 50% of money on defense. Without legal complications, without unnecessary worries and loss of time. We will work until the result is achieved or return your money.

Call, write, we will definitely help!

Telephone Email Address

7 (910) 940 — 0005

300016, Tula, st. M.Mazaya, 11

Discussion: 4 comments

    That's right, an exception can be made to any rule, the main thing is that it is not harmful, but beneficial. And violation of traffic rules in certain life situations is a direct example of this


    I wonder how to appeal a fine for exceeding the permissible speed limit due to an emergency situation, if it was not the inspector who stopped you, but the camera recorded the violation?


    1. It is very difficult to prove that you broke the rules to avoid an accident. Moreover, if the offense was recorded by a digital device. But I think it’s better to cross a double line and pay a fine than to crash into a car flying towards you.


    I am the mother of a young and still inexperienced car driver. My daughter’s driving experience is just over a year. Much remains to be learned. I read the material about the possibility of violating the rules of an accident in special cases carefully and will advise my daughter to take these points into account. After all, driving (and even a pedestrian) is not safe from anything, even with a confident knowledge of the rules and strict adherence to them.


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In the dashing 1990s, “werewolves in uniform” in such a situation often made money from drivers. In areas where all parking spaces were occupied, the law enforcement officer stopped at a bus stop, or very politely asked to pull into the nearest lawn or sidewalk. While a gullible citizen was waiting in the wrong place for a policeman who had disappeared from sight, another law enforcement officer appeared and scolded the poor fellow. full program, ignoring all his explanations and justifications. Another case from the same series, but from modern life.

Stops you for any violation, and you park at his request in the only possible place - on a dedicated public transport lane. While the employee draws up the report, the location of your car is safely recorded by cameras that you didn’t even notice. After a while, you receive a “letter of happiness” with another fine.

Of course, if the moment a traffic cop stops a car in a prohibited place is filmed, you can still prove your identity, but, alas, this will require you to spend effort, time and nerves...

Be that as it may, clause 6.15 obliges drivers and pedestrians to comply with all orders of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, the requirements of road signs or markings. As you know, a “regulator” is a person vested with the authority to regulate traffic in accordance with the established procedure. That is, any traffic police inspector who demands the driver to stop using a “gesture of the hand directed at the vehicle” can be considered as such.

In turn, traffic police inspectors must strictly comply with their Administrative Regulations, which in paragraph 87 instructs them to stop vehicles taking into account the requirements of traffic rules and compliance with measures aimed at ensuring road users.

But the next paragraph 88 talks about exceptions that allow traffic cops to brake cars anywhere: if the stop is related to the need to suppress a crime or administrative offense, when carrying out administrative and regulatory actions, as well as to prevent a real threat of harm to the life, health or property of road users.

So, if it requires you to stop in a prohibited place, you must do it. But, before presenting the documents, it is better to politely remind him that, on his instructions, you violated traffic rules, and that this may be unsafe.

In connection with the above, in Once again reminds: The best way To protect yourself from all sorts of misunderstandings, troubles and discrepancies related to the law - this is to install a DVR in your car, which will record everything that happens on the road and, if necessary, will become important evidence in your favor.

Imagine a situation where a traffic police inspector demands that you park your car under a “No Stopping” sign or at a public transport stop indicated by a corresponding sign and road markings yellow color. What should a driver do when, on the one hand, it is impossible to ignore the traffic cop’s instructions, and on the other hand, it is impossible to violate traffic rules?

In the dashing 1990s, “werewolves in uniform” in such a situation often made money from drivers. In areas where all parking spaces were occupied, the law enforcement officer stopped the car at a bus stop, or very politely asked to drive onto the nearest lawn or sidewalk. While a gullible citizen was waiting in the wrong place for a policeman who had disappeared from sight, another law enforcement officer appeared and harassed the poor fellow to the fullest, ignoring all his explanations and excuses. Another case from the same series, but from modern life.

The traffic police inspector stops you for any violation, and you park at his request in the only possible place - on a dedicated public transport lane. While the employee draws up the report, the location of your car is safely recorded by cameras that you didn’t even notice. After a while, you receive a “letter of happiness” with another fine.

Of course, if the moment a traffic cop stops a car in a prohibited place is filmed, you can still prove your innocence, but, alas, this will require you to spend effort, time and nerves...

Be that as it may, clause 6.15 of the traffic rules obliges drivers and pedestrians to comply with all orders of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, the requirements of road signs or markings. As you know, a “regulator” is a person vested with the authority to regulate traffic in accordance with the established procedure. That is, any traffic police inspector who demands the driver to stop using a “gesture of the hand directed at the vehicle” can be considered as such.

In turn, traffic police inspectors must strictly comply with their Administrative Regulations, which in paragraph 87 instructs them to stop vehicles taking into account the requirements of traffic rules and compliance with measures aimed at ensuring the safety of road users.

But the next paragraph 88 talks about exceptions that allow traffic cops to brake cars anywhere: if the stop is related to the need to suppress a crime or administrative offense, when carrying out administrative and regulatory actions, as well as to prevent a real threat of harm to the life, health or property of road users.

So, if a traffic police inspector requires you to stop in a prohibited place, you must do so. But, before presenting the documents, it is better to politely remind him that, on his instructions, you violated traffic rules, and that this may be unsafe.

In connection with the above, the AvtoVzglyad portal once again reminds you: the best way to protect yourself from all sorts of misunderstandings, troubles and discrepancies related to the law is to install a DVR in your car, which will record everything that happens on the road and, if necessary, will become an important piece of evidence in your case. benefit.