A person can receive negative information while watching television, listening to the radio, through the Internet, literature, and newspapers. Television horror films, thrillers, action films, and sometimes even animated films are a source of negative influence that causes widespread mental disorders, especially in children and youth. The widespread spread of evil occurs through the Internet computer system. Various types of negative information, and especially pornography, which has almost free access for any computer user, have a destructive effect on the psyche of children and youth. The reader receives a flow of black information through various kinds of occult newspapers, which cannot only be read, but even picked up. The greatest danger lies in brochures in which spells are disguised as prayers. Why come up with various kinds of conspiracies if there are healing church prayers.

People themselves can transmit negative information to each other. Popularly, this phenomenon is called damage (evil eye, spell, curse). In fact, the types of damage correspond to the degree of contamination with negative information subtle bodies person. What are these phenomena?

The most common type of negative impact of a person on a person is the evil eye - this is a partial filling astral body person with negative information with emotional overtones. The main type of casting the evil eye is the dumping of information from one person onto another, which has a connotation of a destructive nature. For example, a friend came to visit you and begins to share with you her hardships and unresolved problems. At this time, you empathize, sympathize with her, thereby taking on part of her problems, although you yourself also have a lot of these unsolved problems, and you don’t seem to need other people’s problems, but you listen carefully to everything, since this is your friend . At the end of the conversation, your friend tells you: “I talked to you, and it became easier,” and after she left, you suffer, you are worried about her problems, you can’t sleep at night. Thus, she involuntarily confirms out loud that she gave negative information to you, and you took on this terrible burden. As a result, there is a malfunction in the work of the astral body, which in turn will block, to some extent, the work of the etheric and physical bodies. Several such heart-to-heart conversations, plus your emotional experiences on various occasions, can seriously affect the astral body.

Why does this happen? It’s because you don’t know how to protect yourself from the influence of another person. The situation is even more deplorable with young children, because until a certain age they must be protected by their mother, but she herself does not know how to do this. This is why there are so many sick children, starting from infancy. Not so long ago, newborn children were not shown to anyone for a year, they were protected from the “black eye”. Otherwise, a grandmother or friend may inadvertently envy you that you have a good, healthy child, and as a result, negative energy may be discharged onto the baby. Or a man weighed down bad thoughts, simply standing by a child’s crib can become a source of negative influence on the baby, who during this period, like a sponge, absorbs any energy, including negative energy, if it is not protected.

The evil eye has a negative effect on the energy balance of the astral body. Degree of pollution given body directly affects its ability to convert energy for the etheric and physical bodies and, in general, on the state of human health.

In young children, the evil eye primarily affects internal organ- stomach, the baby’s red, painful cheeks (diathesis) signal the child’s stomach disease. This is how the Lord arranged the child, because he still cannot say what hurts him, and thus draws the parents’ attention to himself, that there is negative information on him, and that I need to be cleansed of it. In addition, children may experience various symptoms from this negative phenomenon. skin diseases, because the necessary positive energy for the skin does not come from the astral body. The skin becomes scaly, painful, irritable, up to the formation of ulcers on the child’s body. Such signs should immediately alert parents that something is wrong in the child’s body and take all measures to cleanse the child of the evil eye. However, it should be cautioned that the use of various ointments can help if the child is energetically pure.

One of the signs of the evil eye, which must be immediately responded to, is difficulty breathing through the nose, and when the child is in an active state, his nose breathes normally, but as soon as he goes to bed, his nose becomes blocked and he cannot breathe through it . This phenomenon just indicates that the child is smoothed out. As soon as you cleanse the child, he begins to breathe through his nose and nothing bothers him.

For an adult, this negative effect is almost imperceptible at first, but after several months, and sometimes years, a crisis in the body’s functioning can occur (and, as a rule, this happens). It can manifest itself in the form of stroke, heart attack, acute painful sensations in the lower back, etc.

At the psychological level, the evil eye can also be expressed in the form of fear, lack of confidence in one’s abilities, fear of being alone in an apartment, house, terrible dreams, dreams with visions of deceased relatives. All these phenomena signal to you that you have negative energy that you need to get rid of as quickly as possible.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that although the evil eye has a slight degree of filling the body with negative energy and information, it still has a negative effect on the material and subtle bodies of a person.

A more powerful negative informational impact of a person on a person can occur with the help of a spell, which in the form of thoughts and mental images is cast on the person’s mental body. This method of influencing a person is possessed by people specially trained in various centers and schools of magic. These include all kinds of sorcerers and sorceresses, various kinds of magicians, witches, psychics and clairvoyants who received education in these schools. They spread evil deliberately. A spell can be cast on a person in the form of a hex on water, tea, or alcoholic drinks; pouring with wax, water, manipulating the contents of a chicken egg; working with photographs or “doll images”, “prayer” spells (for love, for money, for good luck, etc.). Any type of spell causes significant damage to the human body. Sometimes a spell is cast because of a friend, even by family. The exception is close relatives, that is, parents and children who have the same energy, therefore they themselves impose negative energy they can't attack each other. So, one of the leaders educational institution turned to me for help to see why his big toe was swollen. Healing sessions with one of the psychics did not give the desired result and he was advised to contact me. Having made a diagnosis on him, it was said that he had a spell on him.

Usually men don't ask who put it on them, but here the question was asked. After the request, the answer was received that the spell was cast on him by the wife of his wife's brother. The boss was offended and said that this could not happen. However, the next day he invited me to his office, and when I arrived, he announced from the doorway that the whole village knew that her mother was a witch, but I didn’t know. And this happened after she visited them, saw the comfortable living conditions and, out of envy, cast a spell, as evidenced by the lumps of hair with needles found in the bathroom. When I asked how things were going with my leg, he replied that he forgot about his leg in the morning because it was all gone. Envy is one of the terrible sins of humanity; we must get rid of it, and the sooner the better, both for ourselves and for those around us.

In addition to specialists, there are also people, mostly grandmothers, who do evil unknowingly. An instructive example is the incident that happened to one of the soldiers who served in one of the academies of the Moscow garrison. Private A., who suffered from urinary incontinence during sleep, having learned that I healed people from illnesses, turned to me with a request to help him. Why he was drafted into the army with such an illness is another question. Having looked at him and established that he had an evil eye, he was given help and advised to take a teaspoon of honey at night. In the morning, the soldier said that everything was back to normal for him, and everything was fine for four months. After the New Year, when I saw him, I realized from the expression on his face that something had happened to him. He said that his illness had returned. Having looked at it, I saw that it had a spell cast by my own grandmother. I began to doubt whether I correctly determined that the spell was cast by my own grandmother, since the warrior had previously spoken about his residence in Penza. Having asked him if he had visited his grandmother, he received the answer: yes, he had visited his grandmother, who lives in the Moscow region. Then, developing the idea, I asked what she did with him. The soldier told me that she didn’t do anything, but he was very worried. I had to calm him down and restore the picture of his visit. Talking about his stay with his grandmother, he remembered how, after bathing in the bathroom, his grandmother sat him on a chair and made some manipulations with a chicken egg over his head, while saying something to herself. Thus, out of “good intentions,” my own grandmother did evil to her grandson. And having cleaned the soldier with God’s help, he warned him not to allow any more experiments to be done on himself. To his surprise, the illness went away again immediately, because most children at this age are sinless and suffer because of adults. It’s not for nothing that people say: we create without knowing what.

Recently, such a negative phenomenon as a love spell between a girl and a guy or a guy and a girl has become widespread. Some advertisements even write about a sinless love spell, in order to thus attract more people to your center or to yourself. But you must clearly understand these concepts, because they are mutually exclusive.

Those who agree to a love spell should also be warned that good things cannot be expected from such a relationship; on a subconscious level, the person will feel that something wrong is happening to him, and he will be repulsed by the one who bewitched him to himself. Moreover, a love spell can bring serious illnesses not only on the physical plane, but also mental disorders. It exists for a reason folk saying: “You can’t create happiness from someone else’s misfortune.” People should come together out of love and nothing else.

It is necessary to draw your attention to the danger of reading literature related to various conspiracies, which can be bought at any stall. The trouble lies in the fact that many authors first make reference to prayers, and then offer specific conspiracies for this or that disease. After reading such a plot for the first time, you may not understand anything, read it again and understand partially, after reading it a third time, you can understand everything, but it will be too late, after reading the plot three times, you impose it on yourself. This is the mechanism of casting a conspiracy. For the most part, conspiracies are aimed at a specific organ or disease, but this is a consequence, not the cause of the disease. Without eliminating the causes, it is impossible to cure a person. With a spell, we drive the disease even deeper.

Spells can also be cast on people by specialists at the request of the offended party. As a rule, these people ask for money to cast a spell on a person, which would bring him a lot of trouble, starting from work, family and personal life, even wishing the offender death.

Sometimes spells are cast by relatives out of motivation to do a good deed, without thinking about the negative consequences. So, in one of the cases, the mother-in-law bewitched her son-in-law to her daughter so that they could live even better, although they family relationships and so everything was fine. This ultimately affected my son-in-law’s health; after a few years, his liver became seriously ill. After lifting the spell, which they knew about, a few days later he passed all the tests, which testified to the recovery of his liver.

Some spells can be classified as "exotic" spells. So, in one case, the mother-in-law, who practices witchcraft, cast a spell on her daughter-in-law in order to spy on her, whether she was away from her husband or not. Without thinking about the fact that it blocks a person’s energy channel, and the necessary vital energy from space cannot enter it. All this leads to energetic imbalance of the subtle bodies, and various kinds of diseases on the physical plane. Moreover, when the woman received help, this witch tried in every possible way to interfere, because she did not want to get her negative energy back in the form of a blow. No matter how strong a sorceress she was, she forgot the law of karma - retribution for the evil caused is always inevitable.

The manifestation of the spell can occur in the form of psychological irritation, aggressiveness, mania of persecution, fear, emotional hysterics, soreness of the whole body, weakness, drowsiness, melancholy and other negative phenomena, even reluctance to live.

The most destructive informational impact on people is carried out through a curse. The word curse itself has a code meaning and affects the casual body, thereby making a significant change in a person’s karma, aimed at destruction. This is a powerful, evil, emotionally charged energetic influence of one person on another with the goal of destroying him. In a cursed person, the flow of cosmic energy into the causal body is blocked, which leads to irreversible decomposing processes in his body. There is a destruction of energy and physical body. Not only does the causal body itself become ill, but the energy necessary to nourish the mental body is blocked, thereby affecting the mental body, introducing an energetic imbalance in other bodies. Without understanding the essence of the destructive nature of this concept, people often use it. This is especially true when young people separate. This happens when a boy or girl breaks off a friendly relationship with each other and the emotional anger of one spills out on the other. Moreover, in the heat of hatred they curse not only each other, but also their future wife (husband) and, worst of all, innocent children who have not yet been born. I would like to draw your attention to one significant feature: if young people were in a very close relationship and exchanged their energies, then the curse, no matter how much they wanted to impose on each other, will not fall on them, because they have become husband and wife. It is not for nothing that people say that marriages are made in heaven. In the end, innocent people will suffer. Breaks in relationships between young people are inevitable, but it is necessary to do this as painlessly and without insults as possible; it is better to remain friends. After all, we are responsible for those we have tamed, the writer Saint-Exupery said. When dividing material values, some people also lose their human appearance, scold, quarrel, and curse each other. And they do it openly.

An example of this is the division of property between two families after the death of the father. He bequeathed an apartment and a garage to one daughter, and a car to another daughter. But younger sister she wanted to inherit everything, and so she, in anger, openly cursed her sister and her entire family for getting the car. As a result, a curse was placed on the sister's husband and an innocent child, who ended up becoming very ill. Unfortunately, there are many, many such examples. In this regard, you need to clearly understand that this black word should not exist even in a person’s thoughts; throw it out of your vocabulary. It carries ominous dark energy that can kill a person in a short period of time. And when it returns, which definitely happens, the curse will kill you as the source negative energy. Take this warning very seriously.

Woe to the man whom most of the people curse for deception. This fully applies to state and party leaders, high-ranking officials, bankers, businessmen and other categories of people who are trying to make political and material capital from the troubles of their people, and simply deceive gullible people. Deception will lead to physical and psychological disorders, and may cause fire and death. This is the law of karma, everything comes back, only with even greater force.

What does filling the human body with negative energy lead to? It is negative energy that is the habitat of the essences of evil. They manifest themselves in the form of various negative clots - cysts, tumors, compactions, growths, living negative entities (elementals, demons). How is this expressed on the human physical plane? The person is slouched, his spine is curved, his shoulder blades or lower ribs protrude. Subsequently, there is a feeling of stiffness in various areas of the back and even the formation of a kind of shell on the back, swelling of the legs, arms, etc. Such anomalies indicate that the person is very much filled with negative energy, and there is one of the varieties of negative essence in him, and maybe some. In my deep conviction, it is from negative energy that a person can have a stroke, a heart attack, various mental illnesses, damage to the brain, spinal cord and bone marrow of the legs and arms. At the same time, you should be protected from transferring the listed symptoms to yourself.

People are not aware of the destructive power of negative energy because they think that they will not have to take responsibility for their actions. But this is not so, everyone will reap the fruits of their sown seeds of good or evil.

Man lives by continuously exchanging energy with the environment, participating in the cycle of substances in the biosphere. In the process of evolution human body adapted to extremes climatic conditions - low temperatures north, high temperatures equatorial zone, to life in the dry desert and in damp swamps. Under natural conditions, a person deals with the energy of solar radiation, wind movement, waves, and the earth's crust. The energy impact on an unprotected person caught in a storm or tornado, in an earthquake zone, near the crater of an active volcano or in a thunderstorm area, may exceed the level acceptable for the human body and there is no danger of injury or death. Natural energy levels remain virtually unchanged. Modern technologies and technical means make it possible to reduce their danger to some extent, but the difficulty of forecasting natural processes and changes in the biosphere, lack of knowledge about them, create difficulties in ensuring human safety in the “man - natural environment” system.

The emergence of man-made sources of heat and electrical energy, the release of nuclear energy, the development of oil and gas fields with the construction of extensive communications have created the danger of various negative impacts on humans and the environment. The energy level of man-made negative impacts is growing, and the uncontrolled release of energy in the technogenic environment is causing an increase in the number of injuries, occupational diseases and deaths.

Negative factors affecting people are thus divided into natural, that is, natural, and anthropogenic - caused by human activity. For example, dust in the air appears as a result of volcanic eruptions, wind erosion of soil, a huge number of particles

emitted by industrial enterprises.

Dangerous and harmful factors according to the nature of their action are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysical.

Physical hazardous and harmful factors include:

Moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of equipment, unstable structures and natural formations;

- sharp and falling objects;

- increase and decrease in temperature of air and surrounding surfaces;

- increased dust and gas pollution;

- increased or decreased barometric pressure;

- increased level of ionizing radiation;

- increased circuit voltage that can short circuit to the human body;

- increased level of electromagnetic radiation, ultraviolet and infrared radiation;

Insufficient lighting, reduced lighting contrast;

Increased brightness, shine, pulsation of light flux;

The workplace is at its best.

Chemically hazardous and harmful factors include harmful substances used in technological processes, industrial poisons used in agriculture and in everyday life pesticides, medicines, chemical warfare agents.

Chemically hazardous and harmful factors are divided according to the nature of their effect on the human body and the route of penetration into the body.

Biologically hazardous and harmful factors are:

- pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, special types of microorganisms - spirochetes and recketsia, fungi) and their metabolic products;

Plants and animals.

Biological contamination environment arises as a result

accidents at biotechnical enterprises, wastewater treatment plants, insufficient wastewater treatment.

Psychophysiological production factors are factors determined by the characteristics of the nature and organization of work, the parameters of the workplace and equipment. They can have an adverse effect on the functional state of the human body, its well-being, emotional and intellectual spheres and lead to a persistent decrease in performance and poor health.

Based on the nature of their action, psychophysical dangerous and harmful production factors are divided into physical (static and dynamic) and neuropsychic overloads: mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, monotony of work, emotional overload.

Dangerous and harmful factors, by the nature of their action, can simultaneously belong to different groups.

1. Noise. Noise is a collection of sounds of varying frequencies and intensities, varying randomly over time. For normal existence, in order not to feel isolated from the world, a person needs a noise level of 10 - 20 dB. This is the sound of leaves, a park or a forest. Development of technology and industrial production was accompanied by an increase in the noise level affecting humans. In production conditions, the impact of noise on the body is often combined with other negative impacts: toxic substances, temperature changes, vibration, etc.

Noise is the most unfavorable factor affecting a person; the result of fatigue due to loud noise is the number of errors during work, the risk of injury increases and labor productivity decreases.

1. Ultrasound. Ultrasound is elastic vibrations that are not perceived by the human ear, the frequency of which exceeds 15 - 20 kilohertz; exists in

nature in the noise of wind, waves, produced by some animals - bats, dolphins, etc.

The propagation of ultrasound and an increase in the duration of its exposure can lead to excessive heating of biological structures and their damage, which is accompanied by a functional disorder of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, changes in the properties and composition of the blood. Ultrasound can break molecular bonds - for example, a water molecule breaks up into free radicals OH and H, which is the root cause of the oxidizing effect of ultrasound. Ultrasound breaks down high-molecular compounds in the same way. Ultrasound has a damaging effect at an intensity above 120 dB.

When a person comes into direct contact with the media through which ultrasound propagates, its contact effect on the human body occurs. In this case, the peripheral nervous system and joints at the points of contact are affected, capillary circulation in the hands is disrupted, and pain sensitivity is reduced. It has been established that ultrasonic vibrations, penetrating the body, can cause serious local changes in tissues - inflammation, hemorrhage, necrosis (death of cells and tissues). The degree of damage depends on the intensity and duration of the ultrasound, as well as on the presence of other negative factors. The presence of noise worsens the general condition.

It should be noted that noise and vibration enhance the toxic effect of industrial poisons. For example, the simultaneous action of a standard and ultrasound produces an increased adverse effect on the central nervous system.

3. Human exposure to static, electric and magnetic fields. WITH The existence of a person in any environment is associated with the influence of electromagnetic fields on him and his environment. In cases of stationary electric charges, we are dealing with electrostatic fields.

Electric fields from excess charges on objects, clothing, and the human body place a large burden on the human nervous system. Research shows that the central nervous system and cardiovascular system of the body are most sensitive to electric fields. The beneficial effect on well-being of removing excess electrostatic charge from the human body (grounding, walking barefoot) has also been established.

For functional diseases of the nervous system, treatment with a constant electric field is used. Under the influence of an external strictly dosed electric field, charges in the tissues of the body grow, which improves redox processes, oxygen is better used, and wounds heal.

Constant magnetic fields do not pose a danger under normal conditions and are used in various magnetic therapy devices.

Power lines, electrical equipment, various electrical appliances - all technical systems that generate, transmit and use electromagnetic energy create electromagnetic fields in the environment (alternating electric and inextricably linked alternating magnetic fields).

The effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body is determined by the frequency of radiation, its intensity, duration and nature of action, and the individual characteristics of the body. The spectrum of electromagnetic fields includes low frequencies up to 3 Hz, industrial frequencies from 3 to 300 Hz, radio frequencies from 30 Hz to 300 MHz, as well as ultra-high frequency (UHF) frequencies from 30 to 300 MHz and ultra-high (microwave) frequencies from 300 MHz to 300 MHz. GHz.

Electromagnetic fields have thermal and biological effects on the human body. An alternating electric field causes heating of dielectrics (cartilage, tendons, etc.) due to conduction currents and due to alternating polarization. The release of heat can lead to

overheating, especially those tissues and organs that are not well supplied with blood vessels (the lenses of the eye, gallbladder, bladder). The central nervous and cardiovascular systems are most sensitive to the biological effects of radio waves. With prolonged exposure to radio waves of not too high intensity (about 10 W/m2), headaches, fatigue, changes in blood pressure and pulse, and neuropsychic disorders appear. Weight loss, hair loss, and changes in blood composition may occur.

4. Ultraviolet radiation from powerful artificial sources (luminous plasma of a welding arc, arc lamp, short-circuit arc discharge, etc.) causes acute eye damage - electroophthalmia. A few hours after exposure, lacrimation, spasm of the eyelids, pain and pain in the eyes, redness and inflammation of the skin and mucous membrane of the eyelids appear. A similar phenomenon is also observed in snowy mountains due to the high ultraviolet content of sunlight.

In production conditions, sanitary standards for the intensity of ultraviolet radiation are established; the use of protective equipment (glasses, masks, screens) when working with ultraviolet radiation is mandatory.

5. Infrared radiation produces a thermal effect. Infrared rays penetrate quite deeply (up to 4 cm) into the tissues of the body, increase the temperature of the irradiated area of ​​the skin, and with intense irradiation of the whole body, they increase the overall body temperature and cause a sharp reddening of the skin. Excessive exposure to infrared rays (close to powerful heat sources, during periods of high solar activity) with high humidity can cause a violation of thermoregulation - acute overheating, or heat stroke. Heatstroke is a clinically severe symptom complex characterized by headache, dizziness, increased heart rate, blackout or loss of consciousness, and loss of coordination.

movements, convulsions. First aid for heat stroke requires removal from the source of radiation, cooling, creation of conditions to improve blood supply to the brain, and medical care.

The effect of current over 25 mA on muscle tissue leads to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and respiratory arrest. With a further increase in current, fibrillation (convulsive contraction) of the heart may occur. A current of 100mA is considered lethal.

Alternating current is less dangerous than direct current. It matters which parts of the body a person touches the current-carrying part. The most dangerous are those pathways that affect the brain (head - arms, head - legs), heart and lungs (arms - legs). Any electrical appliances must be kept away from grounded elements of equipment (including water pipes, pipes and heating radiators) to prevent accidental contact with them.

Rooms with metal, earthen fields, and damp areas pose an increased danger. Particularly dangerous are rooms with vapors of acids and alkalis in the air. Safe for life is a voltage of no higher than 42 V for dry, heated rooms with conductive floors without increased danger, no higher than 36 V for rooms with increased danger (metal, earthen, brick floors, dampness, the possibility of touching grounded structural elements), no higher than 12 V for especially dangerous premises with a chemically active environment or two or more signs of premises with increased danger.

In the event that a person finds himself in the vicinity of a live wire that has fallen to the ground, there is a danger of injury from step voltage. Step voltage is the voltage between two points of the current circuit, located one step apart from each other, on which a person simultaneously stands. Such a circuit is created by the current spreading along the ground from the wire. Once in the current spreading zone, a person must connect his legs together and slowly leave the dangerous zone so that when

When moving, the foot of one leg did not completely extend beyond the other. If you accidentally fall, you can touch the ground with your hands, which increases the potential difference and the risk of injury.

The effect of current on the body is reduced to heating, electrolysis and mechanical impact. This may explain the different outcome of electrical injuries in other equal conditions. Nervous tissue and the brain are especially sensitive to electric current.

Mechanical action leads to tissue rupture, delamination, and the shock action of fluid evaporation from body tissues.

During thermal action, overheating occurs and functional disorder organs in the path of the current.

The electrical effect of the current is expressed in the electrolysis of fluid in the tissues of the body, changing the composition of the blood.

The biological effect of current is expressed in irritation and overexcitation of the nervous system.

7. Harmful chemicals. Harmful environmental chemicals, like any other, can be divided into two groups: natural (natural) and anthropogenic (entering the environment due to human activities).

Diversity for the human body chemical substances has unequal significance. One of them is indifferent, that is, indifferent to the body, others have a harmful effect on the body, and others have pronounced biological activity.

A balance disorder, resulting in disruption of vital processes or the development of a disease, can occur when exposed to a factor of extreme magnitude or unusual nature. external environment. This kind of situation can occur in certain territories due to the natural uneven distribution of chemical elements in the biosphere: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere.

In these areas, an excess or deficiency of certain chemical elements is observed in the local fauna and flora. Such territories were called biogeochemical provinces, and the observed specific diseases of the population were called geochemical diseases. So, for example, if one or another chemical element, say iodine, is insufficient in the soil, then a decrease in its content is detected in the plants growing on these soils, as well as in the bodies of animals that feed on these plants. As a result, food products of both plant and animal origin are depleted in iodine. The chemical composition of ground and underground waters reflects chemical composition soil. If there is a lack of iodine in the soil, there is not enough iodine in drinking water. Iodine is highly volatile. In the case of reduced content in the soil, its concentration in the atmospheric air is also reduced. Thus, in a biochemical province depleted of iodine, the human body constantly does not receive iodine from food, water and air. The consequence is a geochemical disease among the population - endemic goiter.

In a biogeochemical province depleted of fluoride, when the fluorine content in the water supply is 0.4 mg/l or less, there is an increased incidence of dental caries.

There are other biogeochemical provinces depleted in copper, calcium, manganese, and cobalt; enriched with lead, uranium, molybdenum, manganese, copper and other elements.

The natural geochemical situation, which is heterogeneous in different territories and determines the entry of chemicals into the human body with food, inhaled through air, water and through the skin, can also change to a significant extent as a result human activity. There is such a thing as anthropogenic chemical environmental factors. They can appear as a result of purposeful human activity,

and as a result of population growth, its concentration in major cities, chemicalization of all sectors of industry, agriculture, transport and everyday life.

The limitless possibilities of chemistry have led to the production of product products instead of natural, synthetic and artificial materials. In connection with these, the level of environmental pollution is constantly increasing:

- atmosphere - due to the entry of industrial emissions, exhaust gases, fuel combustion products;

Air in the working area - with insufficient sealing, mechanization and automation of production processes;

Air in residential premises - due to the destruction of polymers, varnish, paints, mastics, etc.;

Drinking water - as a result of wastewater discharge;

Food - with irrational use of pesticides, as a result of the use of new types of packaging and containers, with the continuous use of new types of synthetic feed;

Clothes - when made from synthetic fibers;

Toys, household items - when manufactured using synthetic materials and paints.

The widespread development of chemicalization has led to the use of a huge number of chemicals in industry and agriculture - in the form of raw materials, auxiliary, intermediate, by-products and production waste. Those chemicals that, penetrating into the body even in small quantities, cause disruptions in normal functioning, are called harmful substances. Harmful substances or industrial poisons in the form of vapors, gases, dust are found in many industries.

The toxic effects of toxic substances are diverse, but a number of general patterns have been established regarding the routes of their entry into the body.

organism, sorption, distribution and transformation in the body, excretion from the body, the nature of the effect on the body in connection with their chemical structure and physical properties.

Harmful substances can enter the body in three ways: through the lungs by inhalation, through the gastrointestinal tract with food and water, and through intact skin by resorption.

The distribution and transformation of harmful substances in the body depends on its chemical activity.

There is a group of so-called non-reacting gases and vapors, which, due to their low chemical activity in the body, either do not change or change very slowly, therefore they accumulate quite quickly in the blood. These include vapors of all aromatic and fatty hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

Another group consists of reacting substances that easily dissolve in body fluids and undergo various changes. These include ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and others.

At first, blood saturation with harmful substances occurs quickly due to the large difference in partial pressure, then it slows down and when the partial pressure of gases or vapors in the alveolar air and blood is equalized, saturation stops. After removing the victim from the contaminated atmosphere, desorption of gases and vapors begins and their removal through the lungs. Desorption also occurs based on the laws of diffusion.

The danger of poisoning from dusty substances is no less than from vaporous substances. The degree of poisoning depends on the solubility of the chemical. Substances that are highly soluble in water or fat are absorbed in the upper respiratory tract or nasal cavity, for example, narcotic substances. With an increase in the volume of pulmonary respiration and blood circulation speed, the sorption of chemicals occurs faster. Thus, when performing physical work or staying in

conditions elevated temperature air, when the volume of breathing and the speed of blood flow increase sharply, poisoning occurs much faster.

The entry of harmful substances through the gastrointestinal tract is possible from contaminated hands, food and water. A classic example of such entry into the body is lead: it is a soft metal, it is easily washed, contaminates hands, is difficult to wash off with water, and easily penetrates into the body when eating or smoking. In the gastrointestinal tract, chemicals are more difficult to absorb compared to the lungs, since the gastrointestinal tract has a smaller surface area and the selective nature of absorption is manifested here: substances that are highly soluble in fats are best absorbed. However, in the gastrointestinal tract, substances may, under the influence of its contents, change in an unfavorable direction. For example, the same lead compounds, poorly soluble in water, dissolve well in gastric juice and are therefore easily absorbed.

Harmful substances that are highly soluble in fats and lipids can penetrate through intact skin (epidermis, sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles), for example, many drugs, naphthalene substances, etc. The degree of penetration of chemicals through the skin depends on their solubility, size the surface of contact with the skin, the volume and speed of blood flow in it. For example, when working in conditions of elevated air temperature, when blood circulation in the skin increases, the number of poisonings through the skin increases. Great importance at the same time, the substances have consistency and volatility: liquid volatile substances quickly evaporate from the surface of the skin and do not have time to be absorbed; The greatest danger is posed by the oil's low-volatile substances; they linger on the skin for a long time, which facilitates their absorption.

Knowledge of the ways in which harmful substances enter the body determines measures to prevent poisoning.

What is the limit for the content of chemicals in the environment?

where are the quantitative boundaries of this limit for life safety, what are the limits of permissible levels of exposure to negative environments on the environment and on humans.

In connection with this problem, the concepts arose: maximum permissible levels (MPL), maximum permissible emissions (MPE), maximum permissible concentrations (MPC).

The sanitary standards of the above-mentioned concepts are the legal basis for the design, construction and operation of industrial enterprises, the planning and development of housing, the creation and use of personal protective equipment.

These standards are regulated in accordance with GOST and are mandatory for all legal entities and individuals.

Standards are an integral part of sanitary legislation and the basis for preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision, and also serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of developed and implemented health-improving measures and measures to create safe living conditions.

One of the toxicologists I.V. Sanotsky in 1971 proposed the most accurate formulation of the maximum permissible concentration in relation to any parts of the biosphere (for atmospheric air, work area air, water, soil, etc.):

“The maximum permissible concentration of a chemical compound in the external environment is such a concentration that, when exposed to the body periodically or throughout life, directly or indirectly through environmental systems, as well as through possible economic damage, does not cause somatic or mental diseases (latent or temporarily compensated) ) or changes in health status beyond the limits of adaptive physiological fluctuations detectable modern methods research immediately or in the long term of the life of the present and subsequent generations.”

The maximum permissible factor level (MAL) is the maximum

level of exposure, which, with constant action throughout the entire working time and length of service does not cause biological changes in adaptive-compensatory capabilities, psychological disorders in humans and their offspring.

A level is an absolute or relative value for a person’s health and his genetic fund.

There are remote control levels of pollution, radiation, noise, vibration, etc.

For example, permissible noise levels in workplaces are regulated by No. 2.2.4/ The noise in the ventilation chamber should not exceed the permissible standards of 100 dB (A), in accordance with GOST 12.1.003-83, and in the room - 65 dB (A); in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT standardize optimal and permissible microclimate conditions (air temperature, humidity, and speed in the working area).

The development of human society is associated with the use of various natural resources. The natural environment is the habitat of man, the source of all the benefits necessary for his life and production activities.

The achievements of science and technology have created the illusion of man's isolation from nature, and even dominance over it. To meet your needs modern man needs significantly more resources than before.

And humanity faces serious and complex problems in protecting humans and their environment from the dangers that arise from specific activities. The more complex the type of activity, the more compact the system of protecting labor protection and health of workers in production, when special attention is paid to the human factor, becomes the most important task.

Occupational safety and health are closely related to environmental protection objectives. Purification of wastewater, gas emissions into the air basin, preservation and improvement of the condition to combat noise and vibration, protection from electrostatic

fields and much more - these measures help ensure normal working and living conditions for people and help minimize the impact of negative factors on people and their environment.

is the impact of environmental factors that pose a threat to human life or health or a threat to the life or health of future generations. The effects of pollutants on the human body are very diverse and depend on their type, concentration and duration of contact. There are more than 300 cities in Russia in which the maximum average daily and maximum one-time content of gaseous and liquid pollutants annually exceed the MPC. In more than 80 cities, the maximum one-time concentrations of pollutants exceed 10 MPCs. Pollutants that enter the human body through inhalation are 10 to 100 times more potent than when consumed through food and water.

In accordance with the assessments of experts from the World Health Organization, the following categories of public health reactions to environmental pollution are distinguished: increased mortality, morbidity, the presence of functional changes that exceed and do not exceed the norm, and a relatively safe state.

The most important environmental risk factors include: pollution of the atmosphere, drinking water, and food. According to experts, air pollution reduces human life expectancy by an average of 3–5 years, poor-quality water by 2–3 years, and acute food poisoning by 1–2 years. Depending on the dose, time and nature of exposure to pollutants in the human body, acute or chronic poisoning or long-term disease-causing pathological processes develop.

Chronic poisoning is caused by the systematic or periodic intake of relatively small amounts of toxic substances into the body. Their diagnosis is very difficult, because the same substance different persons causes diseases of various organs and gives the so-called. general toxic effect. Individual effects unite a wide group of pathological processes. These are, first of all, various degenerative processes leading to tissue atrophy and causing chronic inflammatory processes (for example, in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and digestive tract). Pathological phenomena in nervous system cause parkinsonism, polyneuritis, paresis, psychosis, heart attacks, etc. Separate effect with consequences is carcinogenesis (formation malignant tumors), mutagenesis (disturbance of heredity at the genetic level), gonadotropic (on the reproductive organs), embryotropic (on the intrauterine fetus) effect of poisons. Long-term adverse effects are evidenced by mortality statistics from cardiovascular pathologies (about 50%) and malignant tumors (about 20%) in industrialized countries. The frequency of these diseases in last years has a steady upward trend. The organs of the respiratory system are most sensitive to the effects of atmospheric pollution. Toxification of the body occurs through the alveoli of the lungs, the area of ​​which exceeds 100 m2. During gas exchange, toxicants enter the blood. The following types of biosphere pollution are distinguished: chemical, radioactive, physical and biological.

Chemical pollution – is the introduction of polluting chemicals into the environment that pose a threat to people, animals and plants over a certain period of time. Chemical pollution of the environment is formed as a result of changes in its natural chemical properties or when chemical substances (pollutants) that are unusual for it or were absent in this environment enter the environment, as well as in concentrations exceeding the background (natural) ones. Changes in the chemical properties of the environment can be formed as a result of exceeding the average long-term fluctuations in the amount of any substances for the period under consideration. Chemical pollution may be natural and anthropogenic nature.

In the biosphere surrounding a person, a huge number of substances of technogenic origin circulate. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are especially dangerous for the human body: organochlorine pesticides (DDT), dioxins, dibenzofurans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. POPs are highly toxic, have a low rate of decomposition in nature, low solubility in water, are chemically inert, and have the ability to accumulate along human food chains up to fatty tissues. Chemical inertness determines the resistance of POPs to environmental influences, and high vapor pressure contributes to their distribution in the atmosphere.

There are the following main sources of POPs entering the environment: the functioning of imperfect, environmentally unsafe industrial production technologies, the use of products containing POPs, imperfect and unsafe technologies for the destruction, burial or disposal of household waste and industrial waste. Thus, dioxins are formed as by-products in some chemical processes, as well as in a number of high-temperature or chlorine-based processes (incineration of household waste, chlorination of water, or bleaching of paper). 95% of dioxins enter the human body through food. The most effective concentrators of dioxins are fish and dairy cows.

POPs move through aquatic and terrestrial trophic chains and accumulate in aquatic fauna, birds, herbivores, piscivores and carnivores, and are then found in common food products.

Radioactive contamination - this is the contamination of the surface of the earth, atmosphere, water or food, food raw materials, feed and various items with radioactive substances in quantities exceeding the level established by radiation safety standards (NRB-99) and rules for working with radioactive substances (OSPRB-99). Radioactive contamination occurs during a nuclear explosion, destruction of radiation-hazardous objects, or accidents at these objects with the release of radioactive substances.

In connection with the problem of biosphere pollution by products of nuclear explosions in last decades much attention was paid to the genetic consequences of radiation exposure. The hereditary nature of more than 500 human diseases has been proven, among which are diabetes, hemophilia, schizophrenia, etc., from which 2-3% of the world's population suffers. Exposure to ionizing radiation on the genes of germ cells can cause the formation of harmful mutations that will be passed on from generation to generation.

Annual human radiation dose from natural sources ionizing radiation averages 2.2 m 3 per year, incl. from radon in indoor air - 1.0 m 3 per year, from radiation of natural radionuclides (NRN) from soil and building materials - 0.5 m 3 per year, from NRN entering the body with water and food - 0.4 m 3 in and from cosmic radiation - 0.3 m 3 in/year. Radon and its decay products in indoor air account for more than half of the “natural” collective radiation dose received by the population in “prosperous” regions and up to 92% in areas of increased natural radioactivity. According to the Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (SCEAR), 20% of all lung cancer cases are caused by radon and its decay products.

Physical pollution – this is the introduction of energy sources (heat, light, noise, vibration, gravity, electromagnetic, etc.) into the ecosystem, manifested in a deviation from the norm of its physical properties; pollution of the environment, manifested by deviations from the norm in its temperature, energy, wave and other physical properties. Most often, people encounter noise and electromagnetic pollution.

Noise pollution is a form of physical pollution characterized by excess of natural background noise levels. Sound intensity up to 30–40 decibels (dB) – no noise pollution, above 120 dB – pain threshold for humans. Noise pollution is especially typical for cities, the vicinity of airfields, industrial facilities, and has a negative impact on humans, animals and plants. Noise makes communication difficult, has a negative impact on the psyche; in production, exposure to noise leads to injuries and a decrease in labor productivity. Long-term exposure to noise reduces life expectancy. A third of the Russian population is exposed to traffic noise, with 70–60% of city residents experiencing acoustic discomfort; for 3% of the urban population, exposure to aircraft noise is relevant. Electromagnetic pollution is a form of physical pollution of the environment associated with a violation of its electromagnetic properties. The main sources of electromagnetic pollution: power lines (power lines), radio and television, some industrial installations. Electromagnetic pollution can cause disturbances in the fine biological structures of living organisms, lead to geophysical anomalies (soil compaction), and complicate the operation of mechanisms and machines.

Biological pollution - is the introduction of pollutants into the environment biological substances: microorganisms, bacteria, etc. that pose a threat to people, animals and plants over a certain period of time.

IN modern world The impact of the environment on human health has become a global problem requiring drastic measures. Today there is a lot of talk about protecting nature and water resources, but little is being done. The decline in soil fertility, the death of flora and fauna, the deterioration of air quality, and the pollution of freshwater lakes and rivers continue.

Main types of pollution

Let's look at the most common types of pollution. The most common are permanent chemical emissions industrial enterprises, automobiles, boiler houses. Increase in carbon dioxide volume leads to a gradual increase in temperature on our planet. This is urgent problem of modern humanity.

The world's oceans are suffering from human activities in the oil refining industry. Territories located near oil fields are subject to destructive exposure to industrial waste. This leads to disruption of gas exchange between the hydrosphere and.

The most dangerous is radioactive radiation. The radiation disaster has irreversible consequences: development genetic diseases, oncology, neurological diseases, early aging.

We have briefly outlined the main sources representing danger to life that negatively affect human health.

Reasons for the deterioration of the situation

Ecology studies interaction of living beings and plants with the environment and the results of human activity. How does it affect our health?Environmental pollution and human health are closely interrelated.


How it happens atmospheric influence on the human body? It changes every season and daily - temperature, pressure, humidity. A healthy body quickly gets used to and adapts to changes. But there are categories of patients and weather-sensitive people, whose organisms have difficulty adapting to weather changes, various disasters, so they do not feel well during sudden changes in temperature and surges in atmospheric pressure.

When harmful substances enter the atmosphere, air pollution. Many substances, coming into contact with other natural elements, are modified, becoming even more dangerous. The most common consequences of this process are ozone holes , acid rain, greenhouse effect and smog. According to statistics World Organization health (WHO) for 2014, the cause of the annual death and almost 3.8 million people becomes exactly air pollution. Total people who died due to inhalation of contaminated air in open and closed spaces reached 7 million. Don't forget the impact negative ecology on the development of cancer. According to WHO research, air pollution is the main cause of cancer.

Important! If you want to protect yourself from unwanted impacts in your home and outdoors, review your city's ambient air quality reports daily. Based on the data obtained, take measures to protect yourself.

The soil

Soil is an invaluable resource that gives humans a chance to exist. The main reason soil pollution the person himself becomes. It is estimated that over the past hundred years, approximately 28% of all fertile soils on the planet have been eroded. Every year a considerable part of the land is lost fertile layer turning into desert. affects health, because all the food we eat is grown on the earth. In modern food you can find lead, cadmium, mercury, and sometimes even cyanide (arsenic and beryllium compounds). These substances have one dangerous property - they are not excreted from the body.

Important! The impact of an unfavorable environment on a person can increase significantly if the body lacks vitamins A, B and C.

Special mention should be made of agriculture. To control weeds and pests, agricultural producers use pesticides, which end up first in the soil and then in food. Fertilizers are divided into several types:

  • herbicides– serve to destroy harmful plants;
  • insecticides– used to control insects;
  • fungicides– used against fungal formations;
  • zoocides– are created to combat animal pests.

All of them are found in food products in certain quantities. You see how closely connected nature and human health are.

Arable land are most susceptible to degradation, and repeated grazing of animals in one area leads to the destruction of grass cover, which is especially noticeable after grazing sheep. Negative Impacts also causes irrigation of the land, leading to its salinization.

Surface and underground waters

It has been established that more than 400 types of different substances can cause water pollution. To find out if water is suitable for drinking, it is subjected to special treatment . It goes through three stages: sanitary-toxicological, general sanitary and organoleptic. If at least one indicator is exceeded, the water is considered polluted.

Water pollution divided into three types:

  • chemical ( oil and its products, dioxins, pesticides, heavy);
  • biological(contains viruses and other pathogens);
  • physical(radioactive substances,).

The most common types of water pollution are the first two types. Radioactive, thermal and mechanical are relatively less common.

The process itself surface and ground water pollution, including drinking, is determined by various factors. The main ones include:

  • leakage of oil and petroleum products;
  • the entry of pesticides from fields into water systems;
  • gas and smoke emissions;
  • discharge of sewage water into water systems.

Exist natural sources of pollution. They include highly mineralized underground and sea ​​waters, which are introduced into fresh water due to improper operation of water intake structures.

The importance of ecology

Ecology affects health every day. Ecological problems are inextricably linked with our everyday life. The food we eat, the water we drink and the food we inhale depend on the state of the environment.

Impact polluted air- a pressing problem in big cities. The air of large industrial cities contains a huge concentration of chemical substances, which contributes to the development of various diseases, including cancer. Pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract, blood, allergic and endocrine diseases are the consequences of influence environment for development pathogenic microflora, degenerative and other changes.

Important! During pregnancy, the fetus is very sensitive to all external pathogens. Environmental factors play an important role in shaping a child's health.

Plant food and water, which we consume daily, are taken from the soil. Nowadays, almost every farm uses fertilizers, growth stimulants, and pest control agents. All this comes to our table. If the transmission of harmful substances does not occur directly, then through products animal origin- meat, milk. The result is a variety of diseases. digestive system, decreased protective functions of the body, impaired absorption nutrients, toxic effects on the body and early aging.

The main problem - drinking water contamination, which negatively affects human health. Territories where there is a persistent deterioration in the quality of drinking water tend to increase infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Statistics say that deaths due to viruses entering the body account for 30 to 50 million cases in Russia.

Today people are constantly faced with ionizing radiation. Mining, air travel, nuclear explosions and the release of processed radioactive substances lead to changes in the radiation background of the external environment. The effect depends on time, dose and type of radiation. How does radiation affect humans? Most often, the consequence is the development of infertility, radiation sickness, burns, cataracts - visual disorders.

Environmental risks

One of the main quality indicators public health is environmental risk. But the main problem is not the degree of this indicator, but the fact that when it affects a person, the consequences appear only after 2-3 generations, gradually affecting the human body. Therefore, most people do not think about it, because they do not feel a direct threat.

Diseases mainly depend on age, profession and gender. IN risk group people get there after reaching 50-60 years of age. Men aged 20 to 30 are considered the healthiest, girls under 20. The area of ​​residence plays an important role. In places with increased environmental risk, the population gets sick 30% more often.

Patterns of action of environmental factors on organisms

Examples of environmental pollution


As we see, the influence of an unfavorable environment on human health can lead to disastrous consequences, even death. Unfortunately, creating unfavorable and often destructive living conditions for oneself is inherent in one person. It's time for us to think about this global problem for the sake of our own well-being.

| The influence of an unfavorable environment on human health

Basics of life safety
6th grade

Lesson 31
The influence of an unfavorable environment on human health

Human health largely depends on the state of the natural environment. Pure water, fresh air and fertile soil - all this is necessary for people.

Environmental pollution has a negative impact on health. Polluted atmospheric air can become a source of harmful substances entering the body through the respiratory system. Contaminated water may contain pathogens and substances hazardous to health. Contaminated soil and groundwater degrade the quality of agricultural food products. Man has long considered the natural environment mainly as a source of raw materials (resources) necessary to satisfy his needs. At the same time, most of the resources taken from nature are returned to nature in the form of waste. The bulk of this waste and pollution is generated in cities.

Currently, more than half of the world's people live in cities (in Russian Federation about 74%). Cities are not only places where people live, but also industrial centers that house large factories and factories that pollute the environment.

In cities, railroads and highways continuously transport goods and people. All types of transport heavily pollute the atmosphere with exhaust gases containing substances harmful to human health.

In every modern city, as a result of human activity, a lot of industrial and domestic waste is generated.

An unpleasant odor spreads over a long distance from landfills located near cities. Reproduces in landfills a large number of flies, mice and rats, which are carriers of various pathogenic bacteria.

Human activity leads to constant pollution of the natural environment: atmospheric air, natural waters and soils.

Air pollution. In some cases, air pollution is caused by gaseous substances, in others - by the presence of suspended particles. Gaseous impurities include various compounds of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and hydrocarbons. The most common particulate matter is dust and soot particles.

The main sources of air pollution include enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, transport and industrial enterprises.

Water pollution. The main pollutants of natural waters are oil and oil products, which enter the water as a result of natural oil seeps in the areas of its occurrence, oil production, transportation, processing and use as fuel and industrial raw materials.

Pollution aquatic environment occurs when liquid flowing from agricultural and forest lands treated with chemicals enters water bodies, and when waste from enterprises is discharged into water bodies. All this worsens the sanitary and hygienic indicators of water quality.

Soil pollution. The main soil pollutants are metals and their compounds, radioactive elements, as well as fertilizers and pesticides (chemicals used to control weeds).

It is known that under the influence of the environment, inherited changes (mutations) can occur in the human body. Continued environmental degradation may ultimately lead to a decline in protective properties an organism that will no longer resist various diseases.

Society is aware of the need to legislate human rights to a clean environment. Thus, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, defines: “Everyone has the right to a favorable environment, reliable information about its condition and to compensation for damage to his health or property due to environmental violations.”

People all over the world are taking certain measures to reduce harmful industrial emissions into the environment, but this is not yet enough. Every person must take care of the natural environment and his own health. Caring for the environment begins with your own home, street, park, etc. It is necessary to change your consumer, aggressive attitude towards nature, replace it with concern for the preservation of all living things, and participate in landscaping hometown or populated area. How to increase the body's resistance to the adverse effects of the external environment?

Recently, substances that increase the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences have been actively studied. Such substances are vitamins A (retinol), E (topherol), C ( ascorbic acid). All vitamins are absorbed most fully if they are consumed in combination.

Note that these vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body are contained in significant quantities in products plant origin. We list the most accessible of them.

White cabbage contains a whole complex of vitamins, enzymes and microelements, which make it one of the most important products of therapeutic and dietary nutrition. Both fresh and sauerkraut are useful; when sauerkraut is sauerkraut, it retains a significant amount of vitamin C.

Carrots are a valuable food product. Carrots contain all the vitamins the body needs (B, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP). Daily consumption of fresh carrots significantly strengthens the body and increases its resistance. infectious diseases and adverse effects of the external environment.

Other vegetables you know also contain many health benefits: potatoes, onions, sweet peppers, beets, tomatoes, parsley. It has been established that vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, etc.) are rich in vitamin E. Vegetable salads and vinaigrettes, seasoned vegetable oil, contain the entire complex of vitamins and microelements necessary for your body. Never give up fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh salads. To maintain health, experts recommend that 2/3 of a person’s daily diet consist of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Test yourself

■ What impact does the natural environment have on human health?
■ Why, in your opinion, does environmental pollution occur? Justify your answer.
■ Why should every person protect and preserve the natural environment?
■ Is it possible to increase the human body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors?
■ Why is regularly eating fresh vegetables and fruits good for human health?

After lessons

Eating fresh vegetables and fruits is beneficial. Try to confirm this, based on the experience of organizing meals for your family and materials on the Internet and 8 various printed publications (books, magazines). Write your opinion in your safety diary.

In the empty cells of the table in the safety diary, write down what, in your opinion, industry, transport and landfills are poisoning the natural environment (air, water, soil). Use the knowledge gained from studying the paragraph and your own observations of environmental pollution in your region.