Causes of dry skin

A sufficient amount of moisture in the body affects the normal functioning of the skin and its appearance. Lack of hydration leads to sagging, increased sensitivity and dry skin of the body.

Reasons why dry skin appears:

  • Violation drinking regime. In order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water - 1.5-2 liters per day. The body needs this volume of fluid to replenish fluid losses during life. Lack of water directly affects the skin of the body.
  • Negative effects of the environment. The protective film of the skin suffers from ultraviolet radiation, cold winds in winter, sudden changes in temperature and unhumidified air. Such environmental conditions dry out the skin, causing it to age.
  • Climax. Age-related changes in a woman’s body, associated with the cessation of the production of certain hormones, are reflected in the skin of the face and body. Lack of estrogen causes dry skin.
  • Inadequate skin care. If you have dry skin, some cosmetic procedures are contraindicated. Intensive mesotherapy cannot be performed if dry skin is not sufficiently moisturized. Also, dry skin is caused by the use of alcohol-containing lotions and tonics, even best quality.
  • Poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet and in modern food leads to dry skin, because “we are what we eat.”

Essential vitamins for dry skin

Dry skin is clearly lacking some vitamins if it looks flabby, tense and flaky. In order for the skin to regain freshness, moisture, and slow down the aging process, it is necessary to increase the amount of vitamins that affect the normal functioning of the skin.

What vitamins does the body need if the skin is dry?

  • Vitamin A – affects the integrity and regeneration of the epithelium. Retinol protects the skin from negative environmental influences and helps maintain moisture and elasticity. Due to a deficiency of this vitamin, some areas of the skin dry out: a rough, dry crust appears on the elbows, bends of the fingers and hips, and wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes.
  • Vitamin C is an essential beneficial substance for the entire body, including the skin. Ascorbic acid plays the role of a good antihistamine and antioxidant, participates in the formation of collagen fibers and promotes the healing of skin lesions.
  • Vitamin E. This substance is also called the “vitamin of youth”, as it fights skin aging and the formation of malignant tumors. Tocopherol prevents capillary fragility, promotes muscle integrity, neutralizes the effects of free radicals and ensures normal skin hydration.
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10). These vitamins take part in skin metabolism and redox processes. Vitamin B3 affects hair pigmentation. A deficiency of these vitamins affects the skin with cracks, pimples, spots, and brittle hair.
  • Vitamin PP - takes part in the redox reactions of the body, ensuring the balance of organic substances in skin cells.

Healthy foods for dry skin

The first thing you need to do to improve very dry skin is to saturate your body with vitamins from the inside. To do this, you should include foods saturated with water in your diet. essential minerals and vitamins for dry skin.

What are the best foods to eat for dry skin?

  • Fruits and vegetables yellow and orange color. Such fruits contain a large amount of vitamin A. Eat carrots, pumpkin, melon, mango, papaya, and citrus fruits.
  • Avocado is a storehouse of antioxidants, including vitamins A and E. This fruit contains monounsaturated fats that regulate moisture levels in the skin.
  • Seeds and nuts. Flaxseeds and walnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, essential for the skin. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, which affects the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for skin hydration and elasticity. Any other nuts and seeds will also have a beneficial effect on dry skin.
  • Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and healthy fats. It can be used both internally and externally.
  • Herbal teas. Replace coffee and black tea in your diet with calendula decoctions - this will help combat dry skin, as the herbs effectively moisturize the skin.
  • Fatty fish– a source of protein and Omega-3 acids. The meat of salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and herring contains vitamins A, E, D and selenium, which remove harmful substances from the body and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  • Water. A deficiency of this fluid leads to dehydration, which interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Water is the main nutrient for cells, tissues and organs, of which the skin is the largest. Drink at least one and a half liters a day clean water.

Vitaminized products for dry skin

Taking vitamins for dry skin of the face and body will help solve the problem of tight and flaky skin.

What vitamins should I take for dry skin?

  • Aevit is a complex vitamin preparation in capsules containing vitamins A and E. It has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect on the skin, improves blood circulation and the reproduction of epithelial cells.
  • Vitasharm – vitamins for dry skin in tablets. The drug contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6), A and PP. The vitamin complex has a positive effect on skin microcirculation, the formation of collagen and elastin, and improves the nutrition of hair follicles.
  • Revivona is a complex of vitamins B, A, C, D, PP and H. Contains iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, burdock leaf extract.
  • Revalid – poly vitamin complex to improve the condition of skin and hair. The drug contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, H, iron, zinc, copper, silicon, extract of sprouted grains and millet bran.
  • Perfectil is a vitamin and mineral complex. The drug contains beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, E, C, amino acids, selenium, silicon, chromium, iodine, burdock and echinacea extracts. The drug has an antioxidant, wound-healing and protective effect on the skin of the body.

Before choosing and using medications, consult a cosmetologist or therapist

In caring for dry skin, it is useful to use creams, ointments and nourishing masks. Dry body skin quickly absorbs the beneficial substances present in cosmetics.

You can buy ready-made masks with the active composition or make them at home. Use such products only in freshly prepared form on clean skin. And change the composition of the masks every time - this will saturate dry skin with more nutrients.

Also massage your face and body. Such procedures help relax and tone muscles, tighten, smooth and reduce folds and wrinkles on the skin, and also improve blood flow to skin cells. Do a massage with rubbing and grabbing movements of your fingers, stroking and kneading the skin of the body. Facial massage should be done only along massage lines.

Preventing dry skin

  • Avoid prolonged skin exposure to sunlight without first using protective creams.
  • Protect exposed areas of the body (hands, face) from severe frost and wind.
  • Avoid using cosmetics containing alcohol.
  • Wash dishes using special gloves or rinse your hands thoroughly after.
  • Take a shower after swimming in the sea and pool.

Based on the condition of the skin of a person’s face and body, one can assess his health. The skin is the largest organ in terms of volume in humans. And this organ needs special care. And if the skin becomes dry, this indicates a lack of nutrients. Vitamins found in food or medications will help solve this problem.

Since childhood, everyone has known the expression, which has already become an unshakable rule, that a person needs vitamins for health. These beneficial substances are needed for growth, maintaining beauty, and uninterrupted functioning of all organs and systems. Therefore, the skin should also receive vitamins. But a number of questions arise about what vitamins the skin needs in the first place, how, when and why they should be taken. Let's try to figure it out in order.

The skin is not only the largest, but also the most multifunctional organ. It is characterized by heterogeneity of structure in different parts of the body, multi-layeredness and a wide variety of tasks performed and processes occurring in it.

The most important functions of the skin are protection and respiration. The epidermis is more susceptible to external factors than any other organ. It must not only adapt to environmental conditions, but also protect everything under the skin from them. To resist moisture, viruses, microbes, dust, pressure and temperature changes, and mechanical damage, the strength, impermeability, and plasticity of the skin is required.

In addition, the skin, like a mirror, reflects the state of a person’s health. Malfunctions internal organs, infections will immediately “manifest” in a negative way on the surface of the epidermis.

Considering all this, we can conclude that the skin needs supporting substances - these, in fact, are vitamins. And not just single names of useful compounds, but a whole complex, that is, the majority known to science vitamins After all, the action of each vitamin is aimed at achieving a specific goal; many of these substances improve absorption and activate each other’s activities.

A deficiency of one or a number of vitamins can lead to serious consequences for the health of the entire body. And it can be seen on the skin almost immediately.

Vitamin deficiency on the skin will be reflected by the appearance of:

  • Dryness and flaking;
  • Various irritations, itching;
  • Premature wrinkles;
  • Thinning and sagging.

These are all signs of early aging and loss of attractiveness. To avoid this circumstance, for preventive purposes and to eliminate existing deficiencies, you should organize timely and full intake of vitamins necessary for the skin.

All vitamins for skin and their effects

Retinol (vitamin A)

This substance is necessary for the skin as “repair and maintenance”.

It promotes regeneration and rapid restoration of epithelial tissue, improves metabolic processes, and ensures normal activity of the sebaceous glands. Increases the production of elastin and collagen, which has a beneficial effect on the rejuvenation of the skin and resists its thinning. Has a calming effect, eliminates dryness, rashes and peeling, reduces age spots.

Retinol is found in products of both plant and animal origin. The richest sources of vitamin A are:

  • Dairy ( butter, whole milk);
  • Pork and beef liver;
  • Fatty fish (mackerel, trout, salmon).

The value of these products is also due to the fact that they all contain large amounts of fat. And optimal absorption of retinol by the body is ensured by its combination with fats.

From plant products You should pay attention to those that contain a lot of carotene, these are orange fruits:

  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Apricots;
  • Rowan;
  • Peaches;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Carrot.

When carotene enters the body, it is broken down and converted into vitamin A.

Vitamin compounds of group "B"

They are no less beneficial for the health of the epidermis. Each of the representatives of this group has certain properties, one promotes the removal of breakdown products and the burning of fats, the second accelerates the delivery of nutrients to cells, the third activates the metabolism of simple sugars and carbohydrates. It is difficult to single out which of them is the most necessary for the body as a whole, and for the skin in particular. It is noteworthy that vitamins belonging to group “B” are excellent “friends” with each other; taking them together improves the ability of each.

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1). Warns premature aging skin, is responsible for the quantity and quality of collagen fibers. Contained in oatmeal, beans, yeast, buckwheat, barley, wheat.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2). Provides cellular respiration, is responsible for the color of the epidermis, therefore, a sufficient amount of this vitamin eliminates dullness of the facial skin and dark circles in the eye area. Also “B2” is a necessary component that accelerates metabolic processes. The following food products will provide the delivery of riboflavin: spinach, peaches, pears, eggs, tomatoes, cottage cheese. As well as almonds, kidneys, liver, mushrooms and cabbage.
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).“Monitors” the amount of sebum production, eliminates its excess, thereby ensuring the cleanliness of the skin pores. At the same time, it helps smooth out wrinkles. This compound is found in fish, bran, rice grains (especially brown), brewer's yeast, and royal jelly.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Its deficiency causes seborrhea, dermatitis and various skin rashes. A sufficient amount of pyridoxine, on the contrary, accelerates treatment and recovery from skin diseases. Sources of vitamin B6 are avocados, bananas, wheat germ, chicken liver, rice, fish.
  • Biotin (vitamin B7). A lack of biotin is manifested by hair loss, pale skin, severe itching and flaking. For the skin, biotin is necessary as an activator of cell restoration. It contains walnuts, egg yolk, Rye bread, liver.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9). Provides protection of the epidermis from the harmful effects of external factors, thereby enhancing the functional abilities of the integument. Also responsible for the freshness of the skin. These vitamins are found in foods such as wholemeal flour, fresh herbs, and legumes.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B 10). Powerful antioxidant, protects the epidermis from early aging and negative influence ultraviolet radiation. Potatoes, molasses, seeds, mushrooms, carrots, and nuts will prevent a deficiency of this representative of group B.
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Renews skin cells, removes waste products from them. Vitamin B12 is found in hard cheeses, cottage cheese, beef, tomatoes, and seafood.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

In the series of essential vitamins for the skin, this acid occupies one of the first places. This is a natural antioxidant - the body's main protector from the dangerous effects of radicals that are formed in the layers of the epidermis under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, radiation and toxic substances. It is because of these external factors that the skin cracks, dries out, and early wrinkles form on it. Vitamin “C” inhibits the process of skin photoaging.

Ascorbic acid strengthens blood vessels, increases collagen production, promotes fast healing wounds and cracks.

IN human body Vitamin C is not produced independently. Therefore, to compensate for its deficiency, it is necessary to obtain this compound from the outside. Rich sources of ascorbic acid are:

  • Citrus;
  • Cabbage (fresh and pickled);
  • Bell pepper;
  • Greens (spinach, parsley);
  • Berries (currants, viburnum, lingonberries, cranberries)
  • Fruits (kiwi, sour apples)
  • Walnuts;
  • Rosehip (fruit).

This fact should be taken into account: the amount of vitamin C in the body decreases significantly in severe physical activity, in a state of stress, in illness. Therefore, during these periods it is necessary to increase intake vitamin preparations or include foods rich in ascorbic acid in your diet.

Vitamin D"

An assistant in slowing down the aging process of the skin, an important link in preserving the youth and tone of the epidermis. Provides relief from itching and flaking. This compound is synthesized in the body under the influence of the sun. However, in some regions there is a long absence and a clear lack of the luminary - natural source vitamin D. Therefore, it is necessary to consume the following foods: eggs and seafood (fish oil, cod liver, red fish).

Tocopherol (vitamin E)

It is deservedly considered a “beauty vitamin”, as it actively acts to maintain the youth of the epidermis: it evens out the surface of the skin, restores elasticity, silkiness, provides nutrition, hydration and protection from natural irritants.

Tocopherol deficiency manifests itself in severe drying and roughening of the skin.

Vitamin “E” can be obtained by consuming:

  • Vegetable oils (cottonseed, flaxseed, olive, sunflower, peanut);
  • Corn, oats, sprouted wheat grains;
  • Almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Meat (lamb, beef);
  • Bananas;
  • Milk and butter;
  • Vegetables (carrots, tomatoes).

Vitamin K

It can be called the main fighter against increased pigmentation (spots, freckles). The vitamin is also needed to eliminate swelling and inflammation.

Suppliers of vitamin K are pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Considering that fat doubles the absorption of this vitamin, you can prepare a salad from the listed vegetables and season it with vegetable oil. A lot of this compound is found in nettles.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP)

It is a stimulator of metabolic processes, helps improve complexion. Provides cellular respiration and enzyme formation. The lack of this vitamin in the body provokes one of the most dangerous skin diseases - pellagra.

The vitamin is found in soy, chicken and large cattle, buckwheat, yeast.

Vitamin H

Accelerates the synthesis of carbohydrates and fats, participates in cell regeneration and the formation of collagen fibers. Its deficiency is fraught with eczema and ulcers.

Egg yolks, cheese, and milk are rich in this substance.

Rutin (vitamin P)

Its action is aimed at strengthening the vascular walls, preventing their thinning and fragility.

Replenish your rutin by eating berries chokeberry, raspberries, as well as cherries, plums, sorrel, garlic, green tea.

Rules for taking vitamins (internal and external use)

Vitamin compounds enter the body in three ways:

  1. Natural vitamins found in foods and obtained through meals;
  2. Synthetic pharmaceuticals (vitamin supplements and complexes) taken in a course;
  3. Cosmetic creams, homemade vitamin face masks applied externally.

To organize preventive measures, you can independently create a diet of healthy foods and use homemade care products for your face and body. It is impossible to get an overdose this way.

If the skin has already suffered from vitamin deficiency, then it is better not to self-medicate. Excessive use of synthetic vitamins can harm the body. Only a doctor, after the necessary examinations, can determine which vitamin is missing and prescribe the correct treatment: medications and diet.

All vitamins are divided into categories:

  1. Fat-soluble /A, E, D, K are poorly soluble in water. For better absorption, they are taken with fat;
  2. Water-soluble/ C, B vitamins dissolve perfectly in water, are instantly absorbed into the blood and absorbed.
    This should definitely be taken into account.

You can buy the drugs as individual vitamins in their pure form, as well as complex supplements. Artificial vitamin complexes are well absorbed, but when taking a course of treatment, you must follow the instructions and dosage.

If there are no visible skin problems, then it is enough to take multivitamins 2 times a year during the off-season. It is at this time that the threat of vitamin deficiency increases.

External products can be used throughout the year. For preventive purposes, you should purchase creams and serums enriched with various vitamins for the skin. If the skin requires additional care, medicinal ointments, liquid vitamins, vitamin masks and lotions prepared according to home recipes are used to get rid of visible imperfections.

Vitamin recipes for external and internal use

To obtain complete vitamins from food, it should be taken into account that most of these compounds are destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore it is better to use:

  • Raw vegetables and fruits
  • You can make various salads from vegetables and season them with vegetable oil, not mayonnaise;
  • Meat and fish should not be fried, but steamed or baked in foil;
  • Drink more natural fruit drinks and berry infusions.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are also useful for external masks. Their advantage is that they do not require long preparation. You can mix any crushed fruits.

The composition of the caring masks includes: pharmaceutical drugs. Liquid vitamins in their pure form, applied externally to the face, can provoke an allergic reaction. The contents of the capsules should be mixed with other healthy products and used as a mask.


Mask "Egg"

Combine all components, mix thoroughly until smooth and apply to clean skin for 20 minutes, rinse without using soap.

Mask "Oil and yogurt"

Mix the ingredients, apply the mask to your face and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

Mask "Honey"

Prepare a decoction in advance. To do this, pour rose hips (10-15 pcs.) into a glass hot water and let it brew for half an hour. Mix the required amount of the resulting liquid with other components and apply to the face. Keep for 20-25 minutes. Use the remaining broth for washing.

These or similar caring masks can be used 2-3 times a week.

Pharmacy vitamin preparations

There is a wide selection of multivitamins on pharmacy shelves. You can always choose the product that is needed, taking into account your individual needs and financial capabilities.

  • "Aevit". The composition includes vitamins “A” and “E”; they combine perfectly and complement each other. The drug is presented in capsules with liquid content, which can be used both externally and internally; it provides hydration of the epidermis and smoothes wrinkles.
  • "Complete Radiance." The complex contains 11 vitamins, lipoic acid, 8 minerals and green tea extract. The action of the drug is aimed at smoothing the skin texture, getting rid of peeling, inflammation and acne.
  • "Supradin." A popular multivitamin containing big number vitamins and minerals necessary for skin health (8 minerals and 12 vitamins), as well as fatty acids and coenzymes. Available in the form of effervescent tablets, a course of which provides relief from signs of fatigue and aging of the skin, eliminates dryness, and returns the epidermis to its blooming appearance.
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics". A widely used vitamin complex for the health of the female body and skin as well. The focus of the drug is to preserve youth and beauty, get rid of visible imperfections in the skin, hair, and nails. The obvious advantage of the drug is the balanced selection of essential vitamins, taking into account their compatibility and absorption.
  • "Vitrum Beauty". A complex of amino acids, minerals and 10 vitamins to improve the structure of the skin and hair. A large package containing 60 tablets will provide a complete health course, both for therapeutic and preventive purposes.
  • "Vitasharm". Presented with a therapeutic set of vitamins aimed at improving the health of the skin. It is prescribed for diseases of the epidermis, various rashes, and severe acne. Take 1 tablet per day, strictly according to the course. Further administration must be agreed with the doctor.
  • "Revivona". The complex contains vitamins “A”, “H”, “E”, “D”, and group B. The drug provides the necessary hydration of the skin and its complete nutrition. The skin becomes softer, more elastic, hair is also strengthened, hair loss stops, and nails do not peel.
  • "Revalid". In addition to vitamins, the complex preparation includes amino acids (methionine, cystine), minerals and extracts of millet grains and wheat sprouts. "Revalid" is most often prescribed for the treatment of ulcers and eczema, but is also used to restore the structure of hair and skin. Its effect is very strong, therefore, in order to avoid hypervitaminosis and allergic reactions, you should consult your doctor before taking it.

Precautions when taking vitamins, side effects, contraindications

With any method of taking vitamin preparations, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing vitamins and starting a course, you must obtain a recommendation from a specialist;
  2. At the end of the course (to continue treatment or change the drug), you will need to consult a doctor again;
  3. When taking vitamins, you should strictly adhere to the dosage;
  4. Not all vitamins are compatible, so it is better not to mix different substances, especially when taken orally.

Excessive consumption of any of the vitamin compounds can lead to hypervitaminosis, which can worsen the condition: dizziness, vomiting, intestinal upset, skin rashes.

Vitamins are necessary for the body. Received in a timely manner and in proper quantities, they provide support for health and beauty. But here, by the way, the truth will be true: everything is good in moderation.

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the skin is litmus paper, an accurate indicator physical health and a reliable external barrier. With age, it loses its elasticity and requires additional hydration. Often, even the highest quality cosmetic products provide only temporary results. The problem comes from within. Stress, lack of vitamins, poor environment weaken the body. As a result, the skin becomes dry, dull, and tight. To correct this situation you need to choose the right vitamins.

Dry skin


  1. Feeling of tightness (cheeks, arms, chin, forehead, forearms, décolleté, legs and other parts of the body).
  2. Peeling areas, early wrinkles. The skin is matte, the pores are almost invisible.
  3. Redness, increased sensitivity to winter winds, cold air, cosmetics, fabrics.
  4. The feeling of discomfort intensifies after washing.
  5. Decreased elasticity, pigmentation.

Causes of dry skin:

  1. The condition of the skin is influenced by both external and internal factors.
  2. Unfavorable environment: aggressive ultraviolet rays, frost, wind, prolonged stay in rooms with dry air, emissions from industrial enterprises.
  3. The skin can dry out due to malfunctions in the body: metabolic disorders (hormonal disorders, poor diet), exacerbation of chronic diseases, age-related changes, vitamin deficiency (seasonal or chronic), water balance in organism.
  4. Improper skin care: low-quality cosmetics, regular hot baths, washing more than twice a day, hard running water containing a lot of chlorine, too frequent use of scrubs, alcohol-containing products, hard sponges.

Vitamins for dry skin

Vitamin C. A very good antioxidant, renews cellular composition, participates in the formation of collagen, which gives the skin firmness and elasticity. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood flow. Thanks to this, cells and organs better absorb oxygen and nutrients. Accelerates the processes of hair growth and cell restoration, strengthens the immune system. The largest amount of this vitamin is found in:

  • rosehip;
  • black currant;
  • grapes;
  • grenade;
  • citrus fruits;
  • cabbage;
  • green peas;
  • young potatoes.

Promotes the restoration and maintenance of epithelial tissue, improves metabolism, slows down the aging process of cells, and helps get rid of age-related pigmentation. People get 50% of this vitamin from animal products:

  • beef liver;
  • egg yolk;
  • butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheeses.

The most useful vegetables:

  • bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • watermelon;
  • tomatoes;
  • apricots;
  • greens, especially parsley.

Berries include black currant, rowan, rose hips and sea buckthorn.

Vitamin E. Makes the skin soft and elastic, protects against cracks. Slows down the aging process in the body, improves the supply of oxygen to cells, reduces fatigue, and dissolves blood clots. Contained in large quantities in:

  • vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, soybean);
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • any leafy greens;
  • whole grains.

Vitamin H (biotin). Plays an important role in the synthesis of lipids, amino acids and nucleic acids. With its deficiency, dermatitis and skin depigmentation develop. Main sources:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • bread;
  • dairy products;
  • unpolished rice;
  • peas.

Raw egg whites prevent biotin from being absorbed.

B vitamins. Promote the synthesis of essential acids, hematopoiesis, normal liver function, and the healing of ulcers. When there is a lack of vitamin, the skin is the first to suffer. Natural sources:

  • meat and fish products;
  • cheeses;
  • almond;
  • Walnut;
  • strawberry;
  • spinach;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • wheat.

PP (nicotinic acid). An important vitamin that must be consumed for dry skin. Responsible for restoration reactions in cells, promotes the absorption of vegetable protein and proper carbohydrate metabolism. The following will help replenish your reserves of this vitamin:

  • corn and oat flakes;
  • flour and dairy products;
  • wheat bran;
  • yeast;
  • peanut;
  • mushrooms;
  • fish;
  • chicken eggs.

Vitamin K. Normalizes blood clotting, protects against internal bleeding and hemorrhages. Contained in large quantities in:

  • greens (cabbage, spinach, dill);
  • soybean oil;
  • fish oil;
  • yoghurts;
  • raspberries;
  • green tea

Vitamin D. Formed under the influence of sunlight on the fatty part of the integument. Necessary for the absorption of vitamin A, skin elasticity, elimination of inflammatory processes in both women and men. Also prescribed for peeling skin. People suffering from acne should take these vitamins with caution.

They also prevent destruction cell membranes. The most natural source is the sun. Food products include milk and all dairy products, as well as fish such as tuna, salmon, herring and sardines.

Vitamin complexes

Of course, it is best to get vitamins from in kind. But, on the advice of a doctor, you can take them in the form of injections and tablets. It is better to do injections in a hospital under medical supervision, rather than in a regular beauty salon. It is also important to take into account that in some cases there is an allergy to one or another type of vitamin. It is necessary to take a break between taking tablets for dry skin. Oversaturation with vitamins is just as dangerous to health as their deficiency. And one more important point: You should not take vitamins orally and make vitamin masks at the same time. This can also lead to an overabundance of minerals.

The most popular names of vitamins for dry skin:

  • Aekol;
  • Supradin Rosh;
  • Solgar Biotin.

Before you buy a drug against dry skin and begin treatment, you should consult a doctor. After the prescribed tests, the doctor will tell you which microelements should not be consumed so as not to worsen the condition.

These should be high-quality formulations that moisturize from the inside and do not cause side effects. To prevent your skin from drying out, you should take a whole course of capsules, as indicated in the instructions. Only in this way will it stop cracking and acquire a healthy appearance.

The health and beauty of your skin directly depends on the general condition of the body. Dry skin is not a death sentence. A balanced diet enriched with vitamins and well-chosen cosmetics will help you get rid of this problem forever.

There are three main causes of dryness:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • improperly selected care;
  • lack of nutrients in the body.

In all cases, the skin may suffer due to a lack of vitamins from food. The main components that should be present in the diet regularly are vitamins A, B, C, E. Let’s talk about each of them in order.

Vitamin A

This component is also called Retinol. Available in two variations:

  1. Ready vitamin.
  2. Provitamin (carotene). A plant source that, when supplied with food, is converted into the desired substance.

The daily requirement of vitamin A in a woman’s diet is 700 mcg, for a pregnant woman – 770 mcg (it must be used with care during pregnancy, since an excess is harmful to the fetus), for a nursing woman – 1300 mcg.

Products containing Retinol:

  • carrot;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • melon;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • grape;
  • melon;
  • beef liver;
  • milk;
  • egg yolks;
  • butter.

Necessary for the high-quality operation of all systems, as well as for the health of skin and hair. It starts the process of growth of new cells, thereby renewing the dermis. It has a beneficial effect on a woman's hormonal levels.

A deficiency of the substance provokes premature aging of the skin, its protective properties are destroyed, and peeling appears.

Vitamin B

Substances of this group have a positive effect on the growth of new cells, including the epidermis.

When food lacks this vitamin, problems with skin, nails, and hair begin.

Some of the group (for example B1) are able to be synthesized in the human intestine.

The B group of vitamins takes part in all metabolic processes of the body, so this component is vital.


  • apricots;
  • tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • fish;
  • seaweed;
  • beans;
  • nuts.

If there is a one-time absence of a component in food, nothing pathological will happen to the skin, however, if these products are regularly neglected, problems may arise.

Vitamin C

It is popularly called ascorbic acid. Participates in cell regeneration, promotes the restoration of damaged tissues, and affects metabolic processes. Registered as a food additive E300.

It is an excellent antioxidant of harmful substances in the body. The average daily dose is 100 mcg.

Products that are sources of the component:

  • citrus;
  • kiwi;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • all leafy vegetables;
  • offal (liver, kidneys);
  • potato.

Vitamin C perfectly fights infections, promotes rapid healing of skin wounds, and is beneficial for the skin of the face, hands and body.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful allergen, the use of which is recommended to be discussed with an allergist to avoid side effects.

Vitamin E

In medicine it is called Tocopherol. It is the most “feminine” vitamin that the weaker sex needs regularly. It is definitely prescribed by cosmetologists for increased dryness of the dermis.

Widely used in cosmetology, as remedy. The daily dose for a woman is 500 mcg.

Removes toxins from the body, normalizes water and salt balance, and perfectly moisturizes. It is used as one of the main components in cosmetics for dry skin and is a preventive measure against wrinkles.

What food contains:

  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • chicken eggs;
  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products.

Video: Important Features


However, a balanced diet will help dry skin maintain its functions without aesthetic damage:

  1. The presence of all the vitamins the skin needs in food will help speed up the metabolic processes of the main external organ.
  2. They will help in the speedy healing of microtraumas associated with dryness.
  3. They will give the dermis elasticity and nourish it.
  4. Improves the aesthetics of the skin.

Attention! To choose the most suitable complex for your type, it would be a good idea to consult with a cosmetologist. He appreciates her condition and will help you choose the most balanced diet and prescribe vitamins for dry skin.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

The condition of the epidermis will primarily indicate the absence or insufficient intake of nutrients.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency:

  • Loss of elasticity and turgor, peeling, itching, dryness.
  • Inflammation and acne may occur.
  • Formation of age spots.
  • Hair loss, poor growth of nail plates.
  • The appearance of facial wrinkles.

If the above symptoms appear, skin health should be addressed as early as possible. This will help avoid serious aesthetic problems.

How to take vitamins for dry skin

It is imperative to take vitamins for dry skin of the face and body. To do this, it would be a good idea to contact a cosmetologist who will select the most necessary products and diet for a particular case.

The problem should be dealt with comprehensively, dividing forces into three components:

  • diet,
  • vitamin complexes,
  • masks.

Balance your diet

To keep your skin healthy, you need to eat enough foods that contain essential vitamins. You should enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits, healthy vegetable fats, cereals, and animal products.

Impacting the problem from the inside will not give quick, but high-quality results. It needs to be maintained throughout your life, and this ensures that your skin will thank you with a healthy and radiant appearance.

Pharmacy complexes

In pharmacies you can find many vitamin supplements that are formulated in the best way to affect skin health. This medicine is best used in the autumn-winter period, when natural sources of nutrients are significantly reduced.

Attention! The selection of drugs for treatment must be discussed with a specialist, since an excess of vitamins will harm without bringing any benefit.


For a comprehensive fight, face masks are also recommended. To nourish dry skin, it is enough to do them 1-2 times a week, subject to regular procedures.

With vitamin E

You need to take:

  • vitamin ampoule;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil.

Mix an ampoule of Tocopherol with a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese or sour cream, add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes.

With vitamin C

You need to take:

  • vitamin ampoule;
  • banana;
  • oatmeal.

Brew oatmeal with boiling water. Mix an ampoule of ascorbic acid with the fruit and add to the porridge.

You can also nourish the skin with any vitamin by mixing it with butter, oatmeal, banana or sour cream.

If redness, itching, or allergic reactions occur, stop the procedure and no longer use this mask.

Dermatologists are confident that dry skin needs regular care more than other types. This is due to her weak protective properties and a tendency to premature aging.

To prevent facial wrinkles, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Protect skin from exposure to external irritants. Frost, sun, wind, sea ​​water– are not friends with dry epidermis.
  2. Use moisturizing cosmetics regularly.
  3. Do not overdry your skin with running tap water. It is better to use distilled water for washing.
  4. Don't wash your face too often. Enough in the morning and evening, as well as in the presence of visible dirt.
  5. Use skin care products designed for this skin type.
  6. Visit a cosmetologist regularly.

Dry skin is the most vulnerable and sensitive. Daily care must include gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and nutrition. With proper care of the skin, it is guaranteed to reciprocate, delighting its lucky owner with beauty and health.

Dry skin is a problem that many people face. Rough knees and elbows, frequent formation of calluses, early expression wrinkles and unpleasant sensations of tightness after water procedures are far from full list consequences of this disaster. Dry skin in youth is very thin and velvety, but with age it looks very faded, age-related changes appear more clearly on it.

Fortunately, you can successfully deal with this problem by using vitamins for dry skin. With the right approach, they can remove tightness, peeling, and irritation.

There is a simple test to determine whether your skin is well moisturized - press your finger on a clean, dry area of ​​skin - if the mark does not go away for a long time, then the materials in this article will be useful to you as the owner of dry skin.

An important condition for proper functioning, protective functions and good appearance of the skin is the required amount of moisture. Required quantity moisture provides sufficient nutrition to the skin. Lack of moisture, on the contrary, leads to depletion of the skin, aging and dryness. In addition, insufficient skin hydration leads to increased sensitivity.

Factors affecting the degree of hydration are presented below:

  • The level of general water balance in the body. It's no secret that to ensure the normal functioning of the body, you need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of clean water per day. It is this amount that can compensate for the natural loss of water in the body and eliminates breakdown products, which has a huge impact on the beauty and quality of the skin.
  • Negative environmental influences. Aggressive Sun rays, cold wind, low air humidity, temperature fluctuations - all these natural influences deprive the skin of its natural lipid film, causing dry skin and turning facial wrinkles into serious age-related changes.

Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco have a huge negative effect. These bad habits- the real enemies of female beauty. Alcohol leads to stagnation of fluid in the body - this provokes swelling and dry surface of the skin and mucous membranes. The undoubted harm of smoking to the skin has long been proven - tobacco smoke contains a colossal amount of carcinogens that destroy the membrane of skin cells, causing its aging.

Its lack in the body leads to dry skin and mucous membranes - this is noticed by many women who have crossed the age of forty-five.

Dry facial skin should be cared for with special care, choosing cosmetics with special moisturizing complexes, and all cosmetic procedures should be carried out in salons, under the careful supervision of a specialist - a dermatologist. Care products for dry skin should contain vitamin supplements, A, E, C and minerals. The use of homemade masks and creams has a good effect.

  • Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals. The age-old adage “we are what we eat” applies more than ever to the problem of dry skin. Modern food contains too few nutrients that are necessary for the normal functioning of the skin. For health and beauty, you should supplement your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, quality meat and fish, and also take necessary vitamins inside.

Proper use of vitamins

The most important are vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E (tocopherol), B vitamins, vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), vitamin H (biotin) and vitamin F. Usually, for normal skin hydration, you need to take vitamin-mineral complexes twice a year. It is mandatory to take microelements in late winter - early spring to prevent traditional vitamin deficiency.

The most in a simple way To compensate for the deficiency of the above microelements, take oil solutions of vitamins orally. Externally, they are small capsules from yellow to orange. It is better to prefer solutions of pure vitamins rather than mixtures. In addition, keep in mind that you need to wait a while between doses of some elements.

For example, vitamin A is best taken in the morning, and E in the evening. It is better to find out about the most successful combinations from your pharmacist or doctor. Do not forget that an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as their deficiencies. Therefore, do not forget to take sufficient breaks from taking medications. Typically, two months of use require four months of rest.

Positive results for increased dry skin are obtained by taking the well-known product orally fish oil. This product is very rich in beneficial lipids, vitamins, trace elements and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body and the skin in particular. To the same useful products includes linseed oil.

You need to take it orally, one tablespoon in the morning. The best results are achieved in combination with warm water. Dosage regimen: a glass of water – a spoonful of oil or fish oil – a glass of water. Half an hour after the procedure you can have breakfast.

Please note that taking these products cannot be combined with other mineral complexes - this can lead to hypervitaminosis. The not-so-pleasant taste and smell of the above-described products are more than compensated for by their beneficial effects.

In addition to application medicines, it is worth paying attention to general diet, because junk food can nullify all your past efforts. Too fatty, fried foods with a lot of sunflower oil and sweets should not form the basis of nutrition. But salads with herbs and olive oil As a dressing, red meat and fish in adequate quantities, nuts (especially cashews, almonds and hazelnuts) will help in maintaining vitamin balance in the body.

Using vitamins externally

To maintain facial skin in normal condition, you can add two to three drops of a solution of vitamins A and E to your day or night cream. In addition, these solutions can be used in their pure form as face masks. Be sure to remove residues from the skin with napkins; half an hour will be enough for the effect. In addition, you can add vitamins to homemade masks based on kefir, eggs or cottage cheese.

Vitamins are very fragile substances, so you should not add them to masks that involve heating. Retinol, biotin and tocopherol are hydrophobic elements, so you should not mix them with water. They will not be removed from the face under the influence of water alone - use soft remedies for removing makeup.

The skin of the face needs additional care, but the skin of the rest of the body should also receive a sufficient amount of vitamins from the outside. Dissolve a few capsules of vitamins A and E in your favorite body cream and use it after taking a bath - the feeling of skin tightness will no longer bother you.

Remember that you cannot combine taking vitamins internally and their external effects. This can lead to an overdose of vitamins.

Dry skin that bothers the owner with peeling, irritation and increased sensitivity is not global problem, and the reason once again pay attention to your body, saturate it with the missing microelements, vitamins and minerals. Remember that everything can be fixed and use the tips above to keep your skin in perfect condition!