Offers increasingly appear on the Internet for the sale of specialized olive oil for children, or, to put it another way, children's olive oil. Below you can read the text synthesized from several advertisements for the sale of children's olive oil, but there are nuances. Everything that is said in these materials about olive oil- true, but as the popular proverb says: “Make a fool pray to God, he’ll break his forehead.” Everyone who more or less consumes olive oil (meaning natural, first cold-pressed) knows that fresh oil is a healthy, but very “active” product. There are so many useful things in it that it is not always useful;) And the taste of this oil does not suit all gourmets. It literally burns my throat. And if not every adult is ready for such side effects, then what can we say about kids. Here you need to approach it wisely. The more olive oil in the product that the baby eats, the softer it should be. But two things give olive oil softness. Or if it is diluted or if it sits for a while. Now the question is: if you buy expensive fresh olive oil and mercilessly dilute it with milk or porridge. Or rather, even adding such oil to milk or porridge, then why is it “fresh”? Let us remind you that one of the main indicators of oil quality that directly affects its price is the acidity indicator. The smaller it is, the better the type of oil and, accordingly, more expensive. It seems to us that a few drops of olive oil with an acidity of 0.3 percent and the same amount of olive oil with an acidity of 0.7 percent in 100 grams of porridge will give approximately the same total acidity. And if you give your baby olive oil on a spoon in its pure form, then fresh, “throat-tearing” oil is generally contraindicated. Unless you need to remove salts and water from the child’s body through crying and tears...

Now back to the baby olive oil commercial. Of course, we choose the best and most useful for our children. But what is useful for an adult body is not always useful for children. And what is sold under the guise of baby oil is not some exclusive product, but precisely the same “olive juice” - naturally pressed from olives.

IMPORTANT: There is no special baby olive oil. This is the same as special baby milk or special baby water. There is high-quality and natural olive oil, which must be in the diet of both adults and children.

Our opinion is this: Children should not be given the most organic, organic, etc., especially in their pure form. olive oil of the latest harvest. Olive oil should be natural, high quality, but soft. To do this, you need to understand when it was pressed, as well as where and by whom. We recommend two types of olive oil for children's use.

  1. Extra virgin olive oil

  2. Olive oil PDO

Now, as promised above, a small text taken from an advertisement for one of the companies selling baby olive oil:

Not everyone understands or knows that olive oil is disproportionately more important for a growing child’s body than for an adult. After all, a child is growing and it is difficult to overestimate proper nutrition in his still small life. It (correct and good nutrition) will determine both the state of health and general physical development and development of mental abilities. And not only for the current period. After all, a child develops many things at certain stages of development and retains them for life.

Olive oil against cancer

Experts identify a microelement in olive oil - Squalene. Squalene, even in adults, not to mention children, prevents the development of cancer cells, strengthens and improves immunity, and promotes the development of brain activity. The entire Internet is also covered with information about the fact that olive oil contains monounsaturated acids. True, many are mistaken when they say that monounsaturated fats do not contain cholesterol. This one is not like that. They contain it, but not in those quantities and not the one that is harmful. In this regard, olive oil not only lowers cholesterol levels, but brings them to the correct level.

Olive oil for bones

Since olive oil contains certain groups of vitamins E, A, D, they help strengthen developing and existing bone tissue. Moreover, many are mistaken in believing that bones must be strong. Strong of course, but also elastic. After all, something strong can also be fragile. That is, incapable of even micro stretching and deflection.

Olive oil for fabrics and leather

Antioxidant substances contained in olive oil block the action of harmful radicals in our body (now quickly answer - what are radicals and how are they harmful?..). In addition, as previously written, fat forms the walls of cell membranes in our body. And the higher quality the fat, the better cell membranes. Olive oil can only be compared with fish oil in terms of the quality of fatty acids it contains. A fish fat, especially in fish living in cold water is generally recognized as the best for the formation of tissues in our body capable of withstanding stress and stretching. Moreover, we are talking not only about the structure of individual cells but also of entire groups of muscles and tendons.

Olive oil as a breast milk substitute

According to the results of the studies, it was revealed that the same fatty acids contained in olive oil are close in chemical composition to certain components of mother's milk. The child’s body is not able to synthesize them, and if for some reason the child is on artificial feeding, then olive oil must be present in the child’s diet. Of course, olive oil itself cannot replace mother’s milk, but when added to low-fat cow’s milk, you can get a valuable food product rich in linoleic acid.

Olive oil for digestion

Stomach problems? Olive oil can reduce the acidity of gastric juice produced by the body. In some cases, this is a good prevention against the occurrence of gastritis, or even ulcers. Olive oil stimulates the body's production of bile. Bile is a very important component necessary for the full functioning of the gallbladder. In turn, normal functioning of the gallbladder leads to normal functioning of the intestines.

It would be possible to publish a few more pages of information, but it would be rather general, having little to do with the use of olive oil for children. Unfortunately, we have to admit the fact that in the pursuit of profit, all means are good. And one of the most powerful factors influencing the decision to purchase a particular product is the mother’s care for her child. This is how the generally beneficial product “Ordinary Olive Oil” became the Specialized Product “Olive Oil for Children” or “Children’s Olive Oil”. So let’s figure it out more calmly - what’s specialized there? The same as in good milk or water or any other products. Namely, their quality and naturalness.

The benefits of olive oil are undeniable for everyone, but pregnant women and children simply need it. The product has a beneficial effect on most systems of our body, as it contains fats similar to breast milk fats, sugar, carotene, vitamins B and C. Fatty acids contribute to the formation of the brain and nervous system fetus (and then baby). Human body does not produce them on its own, which is why the role of the olive fruit product is so important.

Baby olive oil becomes indispensable when bottle-feeding a baby. By adding it to cow's milk(necessarily low-fat), we get a product that is closest in composition to breast milk.

When transitioning from breastfeeding to regular food, the effect of olive oil has no equal, since it is it that can make this transition painless for the child’s body.

Consumption of the product has a good effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines: by reducing the acidity of the environment in the stomach, it prevents the development of gastritis and the appearance of ulcers. Thanks to the oil, unnecessary substances are removed from the body faster. In addition, it improves the activity of the gallbladder, regulating the secretion of bile, and normalizes blood pressure.

Features of baby olive oil

Oils produced using special technology that have undergone additional testing, including GMO content, are suitable for feeding children. Such oils are enriched with vitamins that children need for full development. A special role is played by the packaging of the oil, which is selected especially carefully: only environmentally friendly materials are used.

We offer baby olive oil from well-known manufacturing companies from Italy, Chile, Germany:

  • Basso;
  • Las Doscientas Kids;
  • Fleur Alpine.

Vegetable oil is one of the products that a child becomes familiar with in the first year of life. Therefore, before introducing complementary foods, all mothers should find out at what age it is allowed to give vegetable oils to babies, why they are included in the children's menu, and which oil is best suited for feeding infants.


Adding vegetable oils to the diet of children is justified and necessary, because these products:

  • include healthy fatty acids that have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain function;
  • are quickly absorbed and provide energy;
  • help cleanse the body of harmful compounds;
  • are the source fat-soluble vitamins;
  • help normalize stool and prevent constipation;
  • envelop the walls of the stomach, preventing their damage;
  • change the taste of dishes for the better;
  • have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Possible harm

  • Any type of vegetable oil can provoke an allergic reaction. Although it is very rare, it occurs in the form of a rash, changes in stool, redness of the skin and other unpleasant symptoms. If they occur, the new product is excluded for a while, and later they try to introduce it into complementary foods again.
  • Unnecessarily a large number of oil in the diet negatively affects digestion, harms blood vessels and the thyroid gland. In addition, this product is quite high in calories and consumption in excess can provoke excess weight gain.
  • Prolonged heat treatment of vegetable oils leads to the formation of trans fats. Such compounds are dangerous for the child’s body and can cause various pathologies, so their use in early age strictly limited.
  • Expired oil or a product that was stored without observing the correct temperature conditions can also harm the baby and cause poisoning.

From what age, how much and how to give?

More often vegetable oil added to vegetable or meat dishes. In order for all the beneficial substances to be preserved as much as possible, the food should be slightly cooled.

Older children are offered salads of fresh vegetables dressed with oil. Fried foods should not be given until the age of three.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2 020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

When breastfeeding

According to pediatricians, infants can be introduced to vegetable oil from the age of 7 months. Until this time, babies receiving mother's milk do not need such a product.

  • At 7 months a portion of vegetable oil for a baby should be only 1 gram (that is, only a few drops, no more than 1/5 teaspoon).
  • At 8 months of age it can be increased to 2-3 grams, that is, give the little one about half a teaspoon of oil per day.
  • From 9 months The daily portion of a vegetable fatty product is 5 grams (one teaspoon).
  • From 10 months of age– 6 grams (a little more than a teaspoon).

With artificial feeding

Vegetable oil can be offered to an artificial child a little earlier - from 5 months.

  • At 5 months of age The daily portion will be 1 gram of this product.
  • At 6-7 months bottle-fed children are given an additional 3 grams of butter.
  • At 8-9 months– 5 grams per day.
  • From 10 months– as for infants, 6 grams per day.

Which oil to choose for complementary foods?

The most common types of vegetable oils for baby food are olive and sunflower. They are the first ones recommended to be included in the diet of babies under one year old.

Both products are available in refined and unrefined versions. The first of them is more purified, but less likely to provoke allergies, so it is first introduced into complementary foods. In addition, unrefined oil has a distinct smell and taste, so the little one may not like it.

  • Olive oil It is obtained from olive fruits and has a lot of positive properties. It is good for the immune system, cardiovascular system, digestion and vision.
  • Sunflower oil It is extracted from sunflower seeds and is almost as beneficial as olive oil, as it contains many vitamins and has a beneficial effect on the skin and intestines.

Less common, but can be included in the diet of children, are the following oils:

  • cornnutrient source vitamin E and linoleic acid, beneficial for skin cells and the immune system;
  • coconut– contains saturated fatty acids, including lauric acid, which has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, as well as medium-chain triglycerides;
  • rapeseed– rich in monounsaturated fats, phosphorus, vitamin E and omega fatty acids, has a positive effect on the circulatory and digestive system;
  • linen– a valuable source of unsaturated acids, helps normalize metabolism, good digestion and immunity, but has a specific taste;
  • sesame– pleasant to the taste, contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus and fatty acids, so it helps strengthen the teeth and skeletal system;
  • peanut– a source of omega-6 and omega-9 fats, different vitamins And minerals, many children like it for its original taste, good for the cardiovascular system;
  • soy– rich in tocotrienols and tocopherols, lecithin, vitamin C, various minerals, neutralizes toxins, improves metabolic processes and reduces cholesterol levels;
  • sea ​​buckthorn– contains carotenoids, vitamin C, tocopherol, vitamin K and other substances, helps strengthen the immune system, has a positive effect on the liver, and promotes wound healing when applied externally.

These types of oils are recommended to be added to the menu for children from 1 year of age, and even later if they are prone to allergies. Nut oils require special attention, because they often have side effects. In reviews of their use in children, there are often complaints of allergies.

After introduction into the children's diet different types oils, they should be alternated in the diet so that babies get the maximum amount of nutrients from different foods.

Use for constipation

Vegetable oil is one of the harmless natural remedies that have a laxative effect. In most cases, for constipation it is used sunflower oil. It is this oil that is most common and in demand for defecation disorders. Its effect on the evacuation of stool was noticed in ancient times.

This product can be used for constipation in children, but with adequate dosage. Taking the oil will have a positive effect on intestinal motility, relieve spasms of smooth muscles and slightly speed up progress feces due to lubrication of the intestinal walls and increased stool plasticity.

However, this remedy cannot be used in the first 6 months of life. Therefore, if constipation occurs in a newborn, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician and not give the baby oil, because the baby’s intestines are not yet fully mature to digest this product.

A safe dosage of oil for constipation in infants is considered to be 1-2 drops. It is more convenient to give the product using a pipette, dropping the liquid onto the baby’s tongue. You can also lubricate the nipple (if your baby is bottle-fed) or nipple (if your baby is breastfed).

Skin treatment and oil sterilization

Another area of ​​use for vegetable oil in infants is to lubricate the baby’s delicate skin. It is permissible to apply such a product to the baby’s skin from birth. It will easily relieve your baby from dryness and irritation, and many mothers consider it safer than special cosmetics.

The oil used to treat the skin of infants must first be sterilized. This will help make the product safe for toddlers.

First, you should sterilize the glass container in which the oil will be stored. After this, you need to heat the jar of oil in a water bath, placing a small piece of cloth on the bottom. The water in the saucepan should be 1-2 cm higher than the oil level in the jar.

Constantly stirring the oil with a wooden stick, it must be heated for at least 20 minutes. For a better effect, the product can be boiled a little longer (30-40 minutes), until small bubbles appear in it.

The resulting sterile product can be applied to the child’s skin immediately after cooling. It should be stored tightly closed with a lid.

You shouldn’t sterilize a large volume at once; it’s better to boil a new portion after a few days as you use it.

Selection and storage

The issue of choosing a good vegetable oil for a child is very important. You should not buy cheap products for baby food. As a rule, they are of lower quality, for example, poorly cleaned.

When choosing a product, carefully read about it on the packaging, check the expiration date, integrity of the bottle and storage conditions. When buying olive oil, pay attention to the presence of “organic” or “extra virgin” marks on the packaging container.

Remember that the oil should not be kept in sunlight. Choose a cool, dark place for storage in your home, such as a kitchen cabinet.

Keep an eye on the shelf life; after opening the bottle, use the product no longer than 5 weeks. The most suitable storage container is glass. Storage temperature should not exceed +20 degrees.

Before giving oil from a new package to your baby, check its smell and taste. If it smells bad or is rancid, it should not be used to feed children.

Find out if your baby's weight is normal by using the following calculator.

Height and weight calculator

Greetings to everyone, dear readers!

We took our child’s nutrition very seriously after 7 months.

And since I am a doctor and a meticulous mother, this question worried me of paramount importance.

We found a children's nutritionist and a wonderful pediatrician and calculated our need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates to satisfy our son's growing body.

Of course, the question concerned oil. And the benefits of olive oil were given to us as paramount!

Firstly, olive oil contains linoleic acid, which is found in breast milk and the fatty acids in the oil contribute to a softer and smoother transition to more “adult” foods.

I don’t even mention the transition to a common table - children are recommended to have separate meals until they are five years old. And it should be fresh, daily prepared food.

Also, olive oil does not oxidize as much as vegetable or corn oil, which is important when heated and the appearance of carcinogens.

And when a child consumes olive oil, his intestines will work daily, without constipation! Which is also important, because many children tend not to have bowel movements every day, and this becomes a serious problem with age.

Contains the most powerful antioxidant - vitamin E. Its presence helps other vitamins to be absorbed.

We liked ybarra - this is a Spanish oil, highest category, first, cold pressed.

Volume 250 ml, price - 370 rubles in our city.

Contains vitamin A, C, calcium and iron.

Suitable for babies over 6 months.

We alternate between creamy, vegetable and olive, adding one teaspoon each to the lunch dish.

A volume of 250 ml lasts a long time, considering that we alternate with other oils.

The oil smells pleasant and is tasty, unlike the characteristic bitterness in other types.

And here are our lunch dishes!

Although oils are not traditionally classified as... dietary products, but must be present in the infant’s diet. They are a valuable supplier of vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, and minerals necessary for the full development of a child. It is noteworthy that the cholesterol contained in this product is beneficial for the child, but in strictly limited quantities. So, when and how to introduce oil into the baby’s menu?

What are the benefits of oils?

Butter is rich in fats, which are almost completely absent in other foods. It is valued for its high content of fat-soluble vitamins A and D. Unrefined vegetable oil contains vitamin E, sitosterol, lecithin, a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids - all these components are involved in the synthesis of biologically active compounds necessary for the comprehensive and complete development of the child.

During heat treatment (especially long-term and high temperature heating) acids and vitamin E begin to break down, and instead of them, carcinogenic products are formed that are dangerous to human life and health. For this reason, vegetable oil can be present in a baby’s diet exclusively in fresh form (it can be added to vegetable mixtures, purees).

Olive oil is useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system, effectively affects the functioning of the heart, and protects the walls of blood vessels. Children under one year old need it for the normal development of all types of tissues. Cold-pressed olive oil is good for a child's vision (as it contains an increased amount of vitamin A) and coordination of movements. The effect of its use in medicine in the treatment and prevention of mental disorders has been proven.

No less useful butter High Quality. It's about about natural products with a high fat content without foreign impurities and additives. It can be entered into medicinal purposes in the diet of a child up to one year old if he suffers from digestive problems (especially from the presence of ulcers in the duodenum), complex bronchial diseases, tuberculosis, and dermatological diseases. Butter can strengthen the child’s immunity, strengthening it protective properties against viruses and bacteria.

At what age should it be given to the baby?

Both butter and vegetable oil are quite heavy foods for a child’s body, so they must be introduced into complementary foods carefully. Until the age of six months, today it is recommended to feed the baby exclusively with breast milk or a special adapted formula, and from six months of age, ensure the introduction of healthy and balanced complementary foods.

Acquaintance with oil should begin no earlier than 7 months, when the baby is already well acquainted with vegetables. If a child was fed ready-made food for up to one year vegetable purees, then their composition already contains oils (most often sunflower or soybean). At the first stage, it is better to introduce vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) into complementary foods, adding a few drops of it to pureed vegetables. For complementary feeding, it is better to choose refined deodorized oil.


The introduction of butter into complementary foods can begin a month after vegetable oil, when digestive system the child adapts to the new product.

Butter can be added to cereal porridges for children under one year of age: it will improve taste qualities dishes, and will allow starch compounds to be more fully absorbed by the body.

It is strictly not recommended to include all kinds of analogues of such a product in complementary feeding for an infant under one year of age: spread, margarine, “light” butter. Most such products contain a high concentration of potentially dangerous additives (emulsifiers, flavors, synthetic fats, flavor enhancers), so introducing them into a child’s food will not only not benefit him, but can also cause serious poisoning and allergic reactions.

It is better to add butter directly to the plate with porridge (rather than boil it along with the cereal) - this way it will retain more vitamins and useful minerals.

About flaxseed oil

Linseed oil is very popular in healthy eating, but is rarely used as complementary food. And, as pediatricians say, it is in vain. Flaxseed oil contains a rather rare vitamin F, nourishes the child’s brain, affects cellular metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Flaxseed oil contains more unsaturated acids that are necessary for a baby's health than, for example, fish oil.

Flaxseed oil relieves muscle tone, so it is actively used in sports nutrition after training. For children, this property of this product allows them to get rid of muscle strain caused by increased crying and congenital developmental anomalies.

Due to the fact that flaxseed is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it is useful to use it in cases where fatty foods appear in a child’s diet: unsaturated fats suppress the effect of fatty ingredients.

Flaxseed is useful for children for better absorption of calcium from natural products. To do this, you can add it to vegetable salads from carrots, other vegetables, eggs.

Flaxseed oil has the ability to cleanse the liver of toxins, so its introduction into complementary foods is especially justified after treatment with antibiotics and other potent drugs. Flax-seed in a baby’s diet will help improve the functioning of his digestive tract and solve the problem of constipation in infants up to one year old (it often appears after the introduction of complementary foods).

Flaxseed oil has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels. Its introduction into complementary foods helps strengthen blood vessels, and this is an effective protection against coronary disease heart, stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

Flaxseed is used in medicine as an immunomodulator. Moreover, it is used not only for the prevention of acute respiratory infections or influenza, but also in such difficult cases, like cancer in children.

The introduction of this component into complementary foods does not require compliance special conditions. To preserve the rich composition of the product, it can be stored in the refrigerator and protected from sun rays. For babies up to one year old it is enough to vegetable dishes add a couple of drops of this oil. You can also add it to decoctions or drinks like vegetable smoothies. This is an essential ingredient in the diet of children who, for various reasons, do not eat fish.

Rules for introducing oils into complementary foods

Whatever it is healthy oil, it can cause harm to the infant’s fragile body. To avoid this, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules for introducing this food product into complementary feeding for your baby and take into account the following points:

  1. if olive oil is used, you should choose a cold-pressed product (it is richer in its vitamin and mineral composition)
  2. butter cannot be used for frying (fried food is generally not recommended for children under one year old in any form, especially for high-calorie dishes made from meat and fatty varieties fish)
  3. flaxseed oil quickly becomes bitter if it is stored incorrectly, so it is important to follow the temperature regime recommended by the manufacturer and in open form store no longer than 30 days
  4. Whatever the oil, it can provoke stomach upsets in a baby: you should be especially careful when introducing it into complementary foods for children suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract and having a weak intestine
  5. butter – cannot be replaced with spread or margarine, citing lower fat content
  6. olive – contains the same percentage of fatty acids as breast milk, therefore it is best used for the first feeding of infants
  7. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the strength of the baby’s bones and teeth
  8. the use of this product must be monitored if the baby has problems with the bladder, liver, or if there is increased blood clotting
  9. This product should not be heated for a long time: during prolonged heat treatment, trans fats are formed in it, which in the future can cause the development of forms diabetes mellitus, oncology
  10. Of all the types, olive oil emits the least amount of hazardous substances during frying, so it can be used for stewing or cooking in a slow cooker.
  11. on olive can be observed allergic reaction(especially unrefined varieties), so for children under one year of age it is better to choose a purified, refined type (it is lighter, without intense odor and foreign impurities)
  12. to sunflower - allergies are less common than to olive; If a child has a reaction to sunflower blossoms, the introduction of oil from its seeds should be avoided until at least two years of age.

It is not recommended to store this product in plastic or, especially, metal containers. The best option– decanters with tinted glass lids. Expired oil can cause severe poisoning and anaphylactic shock in an infant. An uncharacteristic odor, the appearance of a powdery sediment, and cloudiness are clear signs of a spoiled product.

Oils should be present in the infant's diet. Despite the fact that they are quite high in calories, their proper introduction into complementary foods will enrich the child’s body with the vitamins, minerals and fatty acids it needs for full development and growth. Olive oil is ideal for your first introduction to this product.