Cocaine is a potent drug that causes a euphoric effect (high) due to its effect on the human central nervous system. The consequences of using a drug are rapid and strong psychological dependence or addiction, and when you try to quit using it, a state of “withdrawal” occurs.

A little history

According to the legend of the South American Indians, maize, potatoes and the Coca bush were presented to them by the gods Manco Capas and Mama Ocllo who descended from heaven. Coca leaves were intended to bring joy, relieve pain, give new strength and relieve hunger. Today, when the composition of coca leaves has been studied thoroughly, it has been proven that the alkaloids they contain help coca leaves cope with these tasks - hygrin, cocaine, cuscogyrine, tropacaine, truskiline and cinyamilcocaine.

But the thousand-year-old Incas tradition of chewing coca leaves or drinking mate de coca brewed from them never caused cocaine poisoning. This is explained by the fact that the content of alkaloids in the leaves is scanty - about 1%, and they quickly decompose in the liver. But they knew from the beginning that chewing cocaine leaves causes addiction. Therefore, at first, the use of coca leaves was exclusively the privilege of the nobility, and then only during several annual ritual ceremonies.

Cocaine abuse began in 1860, when this alkaloid was isolated in its pure form.

They tried to use it in medicine as a local anesthetic and for the treatment of borderline neuropsychic conditions, but the results were ineffective. Nevertheless, the intoxicating effect of cocaine was noted by everyone and immediately.

The insane advertising of the substance, which was sold on every corner and was a component of many drinks and medicines, ended only during the First World War, and it was officially banned in the Old and New Worlds. Currently, thanks to the emergence of more powerful artificial substitutes with less psychotropic effects, cocaine is not used in medicine.

How does cocaine affect the human body?

Today, cocaine is a drug extracted from dry Coca leaves, which is used to relieve fatigue, stimulate the entire central nervous system and obtaining a quick, pronounced euphoric effect. Its popularity is also due to the fact that all its effects disappear after 15-80 minutes.

The main harm of cocaine is that it very quickly causes mental dependence, especially when smoking it.

Getting used to cocaine forces you not only to constantly increase the dose, but also to mix it with other drugs, and ultimately switch to other, heavier drugs: heroin, psilocybin, pervitin, desomorphine, MDA, etc.

Combining cocaine with alcohol enhances the effect, but this also leads to increased toxic damage to the heart and liver tissue, as well as to longer-lasting and malignant-feeling depressive states when recovering from drug intoxication.

Cocaine has an antidepressant effect on the central nervous system because it inhibits the uptake of serotonin and significantly increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the blood. At the same time, it is an activator of the sympathetic nervous system - when consumed, heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels increase, the speed of metabolic processes increases, while the feeling of hunger decreases, sweating increases, and there is a delay in the emission of urine and feces.

Typical signs of cocaine use are that a person’s eyes begin to shine and the pupils dilate, movements become abrupt and uncoordinated, breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and pronounced mental agitation is observed.

Effects of drug use

A cocaine user goes through 4 stages one by one:

  1. After taking it, for just a few seconds, a particularly powerful surge of physical and mental strength, extraordinary bliss, enthusiasm and “insight or insight into the essence of things” should appear. All sounds become unusually rich in timbre. There is lightness of the body and a feeling of flight, accompanied by pleasant vibrations throughout the body. The perception of time is disrupted.
  2. For several minutes, you continue to feel an unusual lightness of the body and fixation on sensory sensations and experiences. It is during this stage that many people jump out of windows (fenestrate), unable to overcome the physical urge to fly.
  3. Next comes the turn of the so-called “powerful intellect phase,” while the brightness of perception and the unusual coloring of the environment are preserved. There is cheerfulness and delight in the chest, and a surge of strength requires movement and creativity. At the same time, the intoxicated person moves sharply and sweepingly. Coordination of movements can be impaired with varying degrees of intensity. This condition can last up to 80 minutes.
  4. The euphoric effects fade, and the colors and sounds of the environment become irritating. Feelings of omnipotence, wealth and success are replaced by loss of strength and depression. This stage can last from several hours to several days, and is characterized by impaired appetite, lack of potency and libido, as well as insomnia.

Cocaine is dangerous because an irresistible craving for it is formed in just a few irregular inhalations over 2-3 weeks, and when smoking it or intravenously injecting it, in most cases one dose is enough.


Cocaine hydrochloride

Fine crystalline powder with a slightly bitter taste. The characteristic odor of cocaine hydrochloride is subtle, and is due to the technology of its production using lime, kerosene, acetone, ether and hydrochloric acid.

In a relatively pure form - 80-90%, cocaine hydrochloride comes from illegal producers to wholesalers, where it is diluted to 30% with glucose, lactose, starch, soda, mannitol, novocaine, amphetamine. At the same time, its original, slightly transparent, whitish color becomes snow-white, and each batch can smell depending on the amount and intensity of the smell of a particular impurity. The color of cocaine can be pink, yellow or brown tint, if methamphetamine with the appropriate color pigment was used as an additive.

These varieties of cocaine powder are primarily snorted through the nose. The powder is rubbed into the gums or behind the cheeks to determine its authenticity - if there is no characteristic numbness, then a “dummy dose” was purchased, or as part of a ritual after direct inhalation of the tracks through a tube rolled up from a banknote.

Cocaine base or crack

This drug, intended for smoking, first appeared on the market in 1979. In order to produce it, further processing of cocaine hydrochloride was invented. Today, crack is produced in two ways - alkaline extraction with ether or dissolution in water along with sodium bicarbonate, and subsequent evaporation to dry matter. The color of crack cocaine can be whitish-transparent, or vary from white to various shades of yellow and brown. The consistency of crack can look like a fine crystalline powder, but more often it is large crystals or granules.

Rock Cocaine

A type of drug that is a mixture of fine-crystalline powder of cocaine hydrochloride containing its colorless large crystals. Since Rock Cocaine is mainly snorted, the presence of large crystals, on the one hand, slightly prolongs the effect of the substance on the body, and on the other, leads to a much more rapid development of perforation of the nasal septum.


The most dangerous cocaine-containing drugs are those intended for intravenous administration. Unlike “regular” cocaine, which drug addicts inject, speedball is a particularly poisonous mixture of crack and hashish. This combination is dangerous because it not only enhances the effect of cocaine, but also eliminates the feeling of anxiety and numbness that is characteristic of hashish.

Synthetic analogues of cocaine

Today in medical practice the following invented cocaine substitutes are used, which do not have a narcotic effect, but have a pronounced analgesic effect - anesthesin, novocaine, dicaine, sovcaine. These substances are actively used in ophthalmological pathologies and in the clinic of ear, nose and throat diseases. But in order to achieve the same vasoconstrictive effect that is characteristic of cocaine, drugs containing adrenaline must be used simultaneously.

At the same time, on the illegal market you can find cheaper, but less effective synthetic analogues of cocaine - mephedrone, methyl methcation, which, in their long-term consequences, are just as dangerous to humans as the original. And the appearance on the legal market of smoking “powder”, evaporated from cheap Chinese household chemicals, called "legal cocaine" or "salt", is a guaranteed fast road to death.

Consequences of cocaine use

The time from the first dose of cocaine to the development of acute cocaine psychosis is highly individual and can take from 3 months to a couple of years. At this time, the following changes occur in the body:

  1. The main consequences for the nervous system are persistent sleep disturbances, the development of depressive disorders with suicidal tendencies, aggressive psychoses accompanied by panic, fears and hallucinations, as well as the occurrence of convulsive states, epileptic seizures and convulsions with loss of consciousness.
  2. Cocaine use affects the cardiovascular system:
  • the risk of developing a heart attack increases 20 times, even when taking the drug for the first time, in people aged 18-20 years;
  • acute nosebleeds occur;
  • changes in the blood are recorded - methemoglobinemia;
  • cerebrovascular accident and hemorrhage, against the background of cocaine-induced arrhythmias and ischemia of the heart muscle, can lead to death;
  • acute left ventricular failure causes the development of pulmonary edema;
  • the development of thrombophlebitis is inevitable.
  1. The properties of cocaine “hit” and respiratory system. When inhaling the powder, chronic sinusitis and ulceration of the nasal septum quickly develop. Bronchiolitis obliterans and pulmonary embolism become habitual companions of cocaine addicts. There is always a threat of developing pneumothorax and pulmonary hemorrhage.
  2. Systematic use of cocaine also threatens the development of:
  • renal and liver failure, liver cirrhosis, kidney infarction;
  • intestinal obstruction, peritonitis;
  • damage to the cornea (keratitis);
  • sudden blindness and deafness;
  • cachexia or anorexia;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • obvious personality degradation.

Toxic and lethal doses

The clinical dose of cocaine is 1.5 mg/kg. The toxic dose depends on the method of use:

  • dosages for inhalation range from 10-20 mg to 50-100 mg;
  • dose of one injection – 10-120 mg;
  • when smoking crack – 20-30 mg.

The lethal dose of cocaine for a person taking it for the first time is 200 mg. Death from an experienced drug addict occurs when using 1.2 g.

Symptoms and signs of cocaine use

Signs of a cocaine overdose and its clinical picture depend on the length of use and the toxic dose. Acute poisoning is characterized by the following development of symptoms:

  • severe mental irritation, sometimes accompanied by fear of light and sounds;
  • the need to constantly move;
  • pale skin;
  • pronounced tachycardia and weak shallow breathing;
  • severe, throbbing headache;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • the occurrence of hallucinations;
  • convulsive readiness is replaced by convulsive seizures;
  • drowsiness and severe lethargy develop, then coma, which can lead to death due to paralysis of the respiratory center.

In chronic poisoning, cocaine causes severe effects, manifested in the form of persecutory mania and delusional states and psychoses, accompanied by hallucinations. Hallucinations of sensations of “invisible” touches also become frequent.

In the case when a drug addict begins to have “insects running under his skin” - “cocaine bugs”, you need to be on your guard. In this case, he can cut his skin for protection. Many cocaine users complain of “radiation and adverse effects” on them from people and objects around them.

First aid for poisoning

At the slightest suspicion of a cocaine overdose, it is necessary to start acting by calling an ambulance, since such poisoning requires specialized medical care.

  1. Before the doctors arrive, if the drug addict has hyperthermia, then he can be wiped with water or blown with cold air.
  2. You can and should give sweet carbonated water, which you should drink in small sips constantly.
  3. If you feel lethargic, do not let the poisoned person fall asleep, and control the breathing process with him - breathe “together”, while counting out loud the length of inhalation and exhalation.
  4. In case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to place the person on his side and ensure that he does not choke on vomit or suffocate from a sunken tongue.
  5. If cardiac or respiratory arrest occurs, artificial ventilation or chest compressions should be performed.

Help with cocaine withdrawal

Dealing with cocaine withdrawal syndrome is very difficult, and it is better to solve this problem in a hospital setting. But if there is a need to cope with cocaine withdrawal at home, then consultation with a specialist is still necessary, without which, in most cases, treatment will fail.

To prevent this from happening, the narcologist will individually prescribe medications that relieve withdrawal symptoms and help the body cope with the extreme load that arises from quitting cocaine - antidepressants and psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, pacemakers, as well as medications that help cope with signs of asthenia.

Read on this page:

The main effect of cocaine is on the human central nervous system (CNS) - it is a powerful stimulant. In addition, cocaine has known pain-relieving properties - it effectively blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and constricts blood vessels. Chemically speaking, cocaine is an alkaloid that is isolated from the leaves of coca, the tropical shrub after which the drug is named.

The stimulant effect of cocaine manifests itself as pronounced euphoria, talkativeness and hyperactivity. The drug addict becomes like a maniac; his plans cease to be adequate and take the form of unrealistic delirium. A person quickly becomes irresponsible and impulsive, overestimating his physical strength and intellectual capabilities.

At the nervous level, the so-called “instinctive pleasure” is activated, in which euphoria does not require any visible reasons. This phenomenon is associated with the effect of cocaine on the central nervous system.

In addition, cocaine exhibits acute mental and behavioral effects. This is thought to occur because the addict's levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine increase.

How quickly does cocaine take effect?

When inhaling vapors (smoking) of the so-called “cocaine base” (so-called “crack”), the effects of cocaine begin within 5-10 seconds. When injecting the solution into a vein - after 30-45 seconds. When inhaling the powder through the nose - after about half an hour. In this case, the effect of smoking or injecting cocaine into a vein lasts no more than twenty minutes. While those who snort cocaine get high for about an hour and a half.

Those who use cocaine frequently prefer to snort it or even swallow it. The effect of cocaine is felt longer, since its absorption into the blood and tissues occurs more slowly. The intensity of the “arrival” is significantly reduced.

Cocaine dosage

When inhaling the powder through the nose, the dosage of cocaine usually does not exceed 20 mg. A dose of 1.2 g is considered lethal, but “there have been cases” that make it possible to consider any dose of cocaine life-threatening.

After a state of euphoria, the drug addict’s mood does not return to the conditional norm, but moves into a new stage - the so-called “second phase”.

The second phase is also called “post-cocaine dysphoria.” It is caused by increased irritability of the drug addict, prolonged depression and apathy. The condition continues even after the substance itself has already “released”. Many narcologists attribute the acute craving of cocaine addicts for a new dose to this feature.

Euphoria and dysphoria (two opposite states) occur alternately in cocaine addicts. A new dose gives euphoria, which again gives way to dysphoria (“releases”). This process can continue for quite a long time; it is often called a “cocaine binge.”

As the dosage increases, the body's tolerance to cocaine also increases. When it reaches a certain limit, new doses stop leading to euphoria. Dysphoria progresses and the addict quickly falls asleep.

Cocaine and mental disorders

When using cocaine in large doses, it is possible to develop mental disorders, the appearance of inexplicable fears, constant feelings of anxiety and confusion. Hallucinations, including auditory and tactile ones, are common.

In a state of cocaine intoxication, psychosis is not uncommon, which is also commonly called “cocaine psychosis.” However, they usually go away quickly when the effects of cocaine wear off.

Cocaine overdose

An overdose is considered to be a single injection of more than 100 mg of a drug into the body. The main effect of cocaine is complemented by severe cramps and acute arrhythmia. The latter can (and often does) lead to cardiac arrest. Since cocaine significantly constricts blood vessels, after an overdose it becomes difficult for the addict to breathe and he may even suffocate.

Cocaine overdose often leads to heart attacks and strokes, as well as bleeding. The most common cause of death from overdose is cardiac arrhythmia with ventricular fibrillation and sinus bradycardia.

The main way to detect cocaine use is a urine test. The main metabolite of the drug (benzoecgonine) can remain in it for 6-7 days. However, most common urine testing methods do not reveal cocaine - the amount of it is too small even in the urine. A routine urine test can detect cocaine use within just a few hours. Later, special research is needed.

If a person has recently used cocaine, it is visible to the naked eye. The effects of cocaine manifest themselves in outbursts of self-confidence, excessive activity and talkativeness. The drug addict’s jaw spontaneously tightens, the pupils dilate significantly and the eyes open wide. As a rule, this is diagnosed elevated temperature body, pulse and blood pressure.

Secondary, but sometimes very noticeable, manifestations of the effects of cocaine are lack of appetite, irritability and a general restless state. Cocaine addicts themselves are sure that the drug enlightens the mind, while “outside” it is obvious that everything is happening exactly the opposite.

Recovery from a drug-induced state when using cocaine

Coming out of a drug-induced state caused by cocaine use (“cocaine withdrawal”) is an unpleasant process. After sharp euphoric highs, a long (or vice versa, too sharp) decline follows, and a feeling of depression sets in.

Withdrawal from cocaine can last for several days. It is accompanied by depression, irritability and apathy. The addict cannot concentrate on anything, becomes absent-minded, and experiences severe headache and an unpleasant sensation in the nose.

The peculiarity of coming out of a state of cocaine intoxication is that novice cocaine addicts experience all the unpleasant effects in a minimal amount. But with prolonged use of cocaine, all these horrors tend to intensify.

One of the main consequences of long-term cocaine use is the development of painful addiction. Moreover, it appears after 2-3 weeks of even not very regular consumption. For those who inject cocaine intravenously, a couple of times are enough to stop them from to be able to get off the needle on your own. But the most quick way become addicted to cocaine - smoking crack. In the free base form, it is most easily absorbed by the body. With this method of use, cocaine is instantly absorbed by the body, and the drug goes directly to the brain through the lungs and left ventricle of the heart. The result is a quick onset and intense euphoria.

Mental dependence takes the longest to form among those who inhale cocaine through the nose. This is due to the fact that not much of the drug enters the bloodstream. According to statistics, no more than 19% of those who tried snorting it for the first time become addicted to cocaine. For those taking the drug intravenously, this figure exceeds 50%, and for smokers of cocaine free base it can reach 90%.

The main reasons holding a person back from using cocaine again are its high cost, fear of losing control, and the inability to buy cocaine as easily as other drugs.

Cocaine sadness

The melancholy state that comes after the euphoria of using cocaine is commonly called “cocaine sadness.” This term first appeared among drug addicts, but then became almost a medical term.

The larger the dose, the brighter the state of euphoria, and the longer the addict takes cocaine, the more severe his cocaine sadness will be. Most narcologists attribute this effect of cocaine to the fact that, as a result of taking the substance, the necessary reserves of dopamine are depleted in the synapses of the brain.

IN English language To designate the post-intoxication depressive season, the romantic concept of “cocaine blues” is used.

Stages of cocaine use

In American addiction medicine, it is customary to divide the development of cocaine addiction into stages. Let's highlight them too.

  1. Experimental consumption. A person tries cocaine for the first time, he does not intend to become a drug addict, but just wants to try it. As we have already written, after the first time, many people give up cocaine and do not become dependent.
  2. Recreational consumption. A person uses cocaine casually, while relaxing or socializing with other users. Such a consumer can already be considered a drug addict, but he is still able to control himself. This type of consumption is reminiscent of how most city dwellers treat alcohol, allowing themselves to drink too much only as a well-deserved break. Such alcohol lovers are also already alcoholics.
  3. Situational cocaine use. This is already a full-fledged drug addiction. A person understands that he copes with some functions better “with a dose” or cannot cope at all without it. Such a drug addict convinces himself that he uses drugs only “for business.” In fact, this is already a mental addiction. Many people need “number one” for more efficient work, others – for creative pursuits, and still others, without it, have problems in their work. sex life. It is obvious that each of these cases is a form of dependence.
  4. Heavy cocaine use. At this stage, drug addicts already have very high level drug tolerance. To feel the effects of cocaine, a person needs significant doses and greater regularity of use. Such addicts use cocaine every day or almost every day. This stage is often characterized by problems at home and at work, antisocial behavior, and frequent cocaine binges.
  5. Compulsive cocaine use. This stage is the most difficult. If before this a person snorted cocaine, now he definitely switches to more severe forms of use - for example, injections into a vein or smoking crack. In addition, the addict drinks a lot of alcohol or uses sedatives to reduce the side effect of cocaine, cocaine sadness. A person’s head is occupied with delusional ideas, hallucinations often occur, and the moral decline of the individual reaches the absolute bottom. The thinking process is so difficult that the addict becomes more like a wild animal.

Treatment for cocaine addiction

Drug addiction treatment in the USA, Europe and Russia is structured approximately the same. To combat cocaine addiction, the so-called “Twelve Step Method” is mainly used. Regular sessions with a psychologist (both in groups and individually) help a person begin to exist according to new rules (“steps”) set by the program, as a result of which drug addicts gradually return to normal life.

Of course, the complexity of treating cocaine addiction depends on the degree of advanced disease. The specialists of the First Step clinic will always help you understand what is happening to you or a loved one, let you talk it out, support you with a kind word or advice, and will also assist you in selecting a treatment program.

06/10/2017 0 0 admin

Drug rehabilitation / Drug treatment clinics

Signs of coke use - how to identify?

Many people try drugs out of curiosity, in pursuit of interesting sensations. Entertainment show stars use cocaine for courage and to improve performance.

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Top 10: Drugs and their effects.

Cocaine, cocaine use and consequences.

He lived for his own joy and never worried about anything until he tried cocaine, and yes, that very real coke. At first I liked it, there were such unreal sensations, but unfortunately then disaster struck. The result is achieved without any unpleasant side effects characteristic of exposure to alcohol. The consequences of using methamphetamine include: Treatment of alcoholism in a hospital Withdrawal from binge drinking Coding for alcoholism Rehabilitation of alcoholics Compulsory treatment of alcoholism. At first I liked it, there were such unreal sensations, but unfortunately then disaster struck. The consequences of cocaine are much worse; they cause enormous damage to the health of the user.

Powdered cocaine - commonly known on the street as "coke" or "hit" - is water-soluble. What's good about a cocaine high? People who use cocaine often describe a feeling of euphoria as... Smoking or injecting cocaine produces an almost immediate effect. Stimulating this area of ​​the brain with cocaine feels good. The sooner the awareness of the problem and the desire to be treated comes, the higher the likelihood of returning to normal life. To receive detailed information click on the banner Coca, Cocaine and Crack Cocaine is a purified extract from the leaves of the Erythroxylum coca bush. It manifests itself as withdrawal syndrome, which we’ll talk about a little later. This term first appeared among drug addicts, but then became almost a medical term. The world is full of different delightful colors. Smoking crack cocaine irritates the lungs and, in some people, causes permanent lung damage. Chronic cocaine use can lead to decreased sexual function in men and women. A person may try to find the next dose when this is not possible; the addict is seriously thinking about suicide. Taking drugs has a significant impact on the behavior of the addicted person. It begins to seem to him that he has new, previously unknown abilities.

What effect do people get from using cocaine? Cocaine is a powerful psychogenic stimulant, producing a temporary euphoric sensation and a feeling of amazing mental clarity. Withdrawal from cocaine can last for several days. It has never been more accessible. And the low price has made caffeine more accessible than ever. Experienced drug addicts have a neglected appearance - they stop following. At first I liked it, there were such unreal sensations, but unfortunately then disaster struck. Opium Opium is a resinous drug obtained from the latex by cutting the immature seed pods of the opium poppy Papaver Somniferum. Demian evaluates his supplies. But they are denied access to the club and must go home.

Important information: those who have read to the end all the recommended materials listed here: - quit drugs.

Try it too! This works regardless of the duration of use and type of drug.

Let's just say that there are many forms and varieties of the drug. Also a consistent hierarchy, classification.

There are synthetics and there are natural products. There are expensive and cheap ones. There is a group of "noble" drugs, for rich and wealthy people. The same goes for low origins, for the poor and impoverished mass of people. Just a huge market for every taste and color, there is something for everyone. In this article I want to touch on cocaine...

What is it, how and where is coke produced?

This drug belongs to the “noble” type. I call it noble because it is a natural product. A real, natural drug made from coca. Cocaine green bush.

This shrub originated and became native to Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. Also in South America and Asia.

As far as I know, coca was brought there artificially and cultivated. By the way, this “decent” drug has become so ingrained in the “traditions” of countries such as Peru and Bolivia that he is depicted on their coats of arms.

Naturally, like any natural drug, it is born in whole, huge, densely sown plantations. And well guarded.

This is good business for manufacturers and There’s nothing else to do except grow coca. The countries are poor, ruined and ignorant. Although even now there are quite a lot of illiterate people all over the world... For various reasons. But in those countries there is simply some kind of absurdity of savagery and darkness.

There are a lot of people working on the cocaine plantation, adults and children, boys and girls, old people and young people. To be in good shape, get tired less and work more, naturally, they use cocaine themselves. Just pick the leaves and chew them.

This “weed” never dries out, it is always cared for and evergreen. Reaches impressive sizes, up to 5 meters.

Also, there are different varieties. With small and large leaves, different sizes of flowers and red fruit, oval oblong shape.This bush produces up to 5 (possibly more) kilograms of dried leaves per year.

There is a laboratory next to the plantations, where the product is sent. Over the entire period of cultivation, the production and synthesis of coca has changed and simplified, achieving the maximum quality of the central extract. To whom this is fundamentally important and interesting, you can google it, this is illegal on our site and is considered prohibited information.

The journey of cocaine. How does it spread anywhere in the world?

It’s clear that I won’t be able to describe the traffic of coke down to the smallest detail. Interpol and other regulatory agencies most likely have this information. Each country has its own state regulator to control any drug trafficking.

And, interestingly, no actual effort and there is no fight against drugs, there is only global control. Where everyone seeks absolute control and power. Where laws, the safety of citizens, moral principles and sound principles have long been violated.

And this world is ruled by money and corruption.

You need to understand that people are not in charge. The rules of the game are set concepts and habits, which I consider impossible to eradicate.

Whatever person comes to fight the drug mafia and cartels, any organization with activists is the same will drown and die in an endless system, a culture of cynical profit and a cruel world...

Because, with modern technologies and today's cybernetics, production, storage, distribution it just wouldn't exist

Therefore, one should not be surprised that many guys and girls who fell for the cloudy, pleasant and light illusion are still going crazy and dying.

There are thousands of ways to distribute and transport cocaine. Starting from the fact that the person himself is a form of transportation, hiding the drug in his own stomach. Also, without hesitation, he puts packaged coke into his ass.

I saw the parallel right now. Man alone, with his own hands sticks his own life in into a hopeless, stinking asshole!!!

By doing this, he believes that he is cunning and resourceful. Believing that justice is blind! But everyone sees everything and controls it. And when you are like a resource you will become unnecessary, you will simply be replaced by another...

This poison swims across oceans and seas. Flies thousands of kilometers, avoiding any obstacles. In any way, in any form. Disguising itself in fruits and vegetables. In cans and boxes. In gifts and souvenirs. In tools, in cars and airplanes. And even in human coffins with a ossified corpse. Nobody disdains anything...

Only with every person who is involved in the game and benefits from it, the product is diluted and the quality becomes lower and lower. Cocaine loses 70% of its purity before reaching the retail buyer.

I know that cocaine in Las Vegas is 50% quality. What can we say about the Russian Federation?!?! Considering that the price only increases, the further it “goes” from the place of manufacture.

Profitability reaches 2000%! Only church candles can surpass it :-)

Yes, it's an expensive pleasure, but not more expensive own life and freedom. Few people understand that in fact, he doesn't make money selling and distributing drugs. You can look at this from a different angle...

This cocaine is selling you and the bet is not small; puts loved ones in danger, exchanges and mutilates lives, simply takes life, speculating on freedom and greed, blackmailing oneself, recruiting through fear and deception!!!…

Target audience of buyers: who uses cocaine

This drug is a psychostimulant of creativity. It is expensive, at least in Russia. Not every person can afford to systematically use coke.

Most people belongs to the bohemian group. This creative personalities. Musicians, successful artists, writers, directors, actors, etc. Because it stimulates the brain to new ideas, exciting and inspiring the mind to new pictures. But this temporary illusion, but more on that later.

People deceive themselves and attribute virtues to this comrade, and without noticing, they sit tightly on him.

The next group of cocaine addicts belongs to the golden youth. Of course, they have no merit in this; they don’t know how to earn money. It’s good that the parents took care of this and had fur diapers from birth.

Dad and mom dote on their son or daughter. Meanwhile, they powder their noses at discos. Washing down coke with the same butted, counterfeit alcohol, at an exorbitant price.

But the parents themselves are far from pure. They can also be addicted to cocaine. And then I will not envy this person’s loved ones. Especially for the “golden” children. Since there will be a balalaika for pocket money, go and have fun as you want.

Dad or mom got wind of your needs: it’s okay, you’ll grow up and earn money... But they need to hang around! They no longer understand how to make money. They weren't taught. Therefore, such children are quicker than other drug addicts to commit crimes.

Also, cocaine is very suitable for guardians of order and law. These citizens worthy of a medal and respect can be safely included in the powder list. Everything is easier for them than for others and drugs are much cheaper. They control it themselves!

Of course, not everyone... Only a select few, only the nimble ones sit on coke or cover the barishka. But I can to reassure and please you, all this also does not last forever.

And as soon as the smeared mussarok finishes compromising incriminating evidence on himself, he immediately sits down on his bunk with tears. Also, you will need a lot of lave to sit properly. And in the end it turns out that he earned - to keep himself in prison.

And if you’re lucky, they’ll simply fire you from the force. To close such a question, you need a very tidy sum!!!

And of course, all other mere mortals can, on holidays and with a lot of “luck,” stick their noses into this...

And then shout and show off that he tried good, high-quality, pure cocaine. At the same time, wearing a crown and feeling chosen...

Just to hell with his collar! I already said, we don’t have a clean one, no. Yes, this is not possible at all, practically...

Just understand that it will not be profitable to do this. The more you work, the higher the salary!!!

Signs of cocaine use

It is almost impossible to burn a cocaine addict. While it is possible to recognize a person on other drugs, it is impossible to recognize someone on cocaine.

Only if the person leaves marks on his nose!! Or he will put up an advertisement - “I’m on coke, and you?!”

But, if you know the signs in advance, then there are still thin, small clues. Once a girl burned me in the eyes, of course she didn’t say what I was wearing...

But my eyes aroused suspicion. Crystal clear eyes, light (well, you can’t tell who’s color is brown), sinless, like a child’s. Transparent like the cleanest lake, with dilated pupils!!!

Naturally, I said that she was crazy and I went to get the doctor!.. She really was a little different, but with those like that she was even more interesting. For no apparent reason, she could say something crazy, and a minute later ask for forgiveness. And just think about it, maybe she's sleeping off your thug?

Yes, this is also a sign. Constant, very frequent mood changes. There is no bad or sad mood.

It is either very elated or very irritated. Emotions are running high cocaine gives you arrogance. So strong that all other people just... Yes, other people do not exist, there is only you.

Megalomania inflated to the maximum - you are much higher than any deity!!!Complete disrespect for others, constant self-affirmation. The man stands out endlessly like an upstart at school!

Because he believes in his uniqueness and specialness...

He’s also a cocaine addict (or a cocaine addict, I don’t know) – he smokes a lot. Of course, there are a huge number of non-drug addicts who smoke, but those who are high on coke will smoke one after another. At the same time, enthusiastically telling some amazing incident.

The mood is wave-like: complete serenity and carelessness, he likes everything and is satisfied with everything, and then suddenly everything infuriates him again. Know that this is Mr. Cocaine!

By the way, like any stimulant, it has a stimulating effect. I really want to have sex under it. You are literally overexcited, your “appetite” is increased!

And you can have sex for a very long time, for days on end, until you erase your partner or erase yourself...

Yes, I almost forgot: it can also be injected(it’s cheaper and more profitable) anywhere, so be careful! Pay attention to the bends of the arms, wrists, legs, maybe in the neck, who has run out of veins on the limbs, etc., that is, places throughout the body.....

Consequences of cocaine use

Don't you think there are no side effects from cocaine? After all, this is, like, a natural product, a pure high... It’s not heroin, it shouldn’t cause withdrawal symptoms.

But this is a misconception, dear readers. Just you have an illusion that physical dependence on cocaine takes a very long time to develop. For one and a half, or even four years, you can calmly smell it and don’t seem to notice anything.

You don't even notice that you ALREADY use it day after day and this is what it is – a strong addiction.

My health, for example, lasted for a year and two months, snorting coke every day... And a little later, when the free powder ran out, retribution, God's punishment, overtook me.

For refusal of use, cocaine is very severely punished. The first thing that appears is the grayness of the whole environment. The whole world has faded, the colors have been washed away!!

The food becomes tasteless, nothing captivates, but only infuriates... Any conversation is now boring and uninteresting.

It is generally impossible to work, no matter what you do!

The next stage is even worse. She quickly catches up with the first one. Everything happens at the same time!

Severe psychosis, depression, I even had hallucinations... Absurd and delusional thoughts that you are not able to change... I have to say this, of course, no one understands you, this makes me even more angry.

Screaming, swearing, and scandals begin. The head begins to boil, the brain drains, sleep disappears. Becomes impossible to calm down and relax. Endless intense tension. It's maddening, really maddening.

Constantly high blood pressure. As during use, blood is flowing nose, and during withdrawal, blood may gushing out.

He cramps his legs, then his toes... He goes all the way to his hands, and also twists his hands. Sometimes my stomach hurts.

Of course, withdrawal is much easier than from opiates. But when everything together fails (psyche and physics) - you want to shoot yourself!

Complete disorientation of space and reality, all this changes. Everything seems to be fine, then everything is annoying again. As soon as my stomach stopped hurting, my arms began to twist. As soon as you smile, you immediately yell and make trouble...

And so for a very long time... It all depends on the body. I was more or less cleared up after a couple of weeks. I'm not lying, they didn't let me in, I turned to heroin(I’m just afraid of any waste). So, I can’t answer in terms of recovery time, I don’t know.

What does cocaine use lead to?

There is a very high probability switch to other drugs!

If, suddenly, you run out of coke or simply have no money, you will definitely take cheaper and more accessible stimulants. At least to knock down the frightening and uncomfortable reality, temporarily.

And this makes things even worse! The psyche is already irritated from the use of cocaine, and adding other stimulants - the breakdown of the whole organism increases five times and doping is needed more and more.

99.9% of people switch to a cheaper one and hard drugs!

But it’s almost impossible to switch back to coke, it just won't work anymore

Then total mental exhaustion occurs. Without drugs it is no longer possible... Without drugs it is only possible to feel the frequent occurrence of tremors in the limbs! Long live the absolute degradation of personality.

Although what personality is there, so, a shaky body and a weak, sick psyche.

Here's a noble buzz for you, here's pure powder, here's bohemian creative activity, so you've stimulated your brain!! Better start stimulating the prostate right away....!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, let them grow it in other countries and consume it there too. There's nothing to do there. But why do this in Russia?! Are there not enough pleasures?! There are lots of ways to get inspired.

If there, in third world countries, they are running away from harsh reality, then what are we running from? And I'll tell you, we still don't run far, in the end we just kneel or crawl on all fours, tearing off nails alive and tearing flesh!

Maybe we can learn to use our brains after all? Please understand, if you were told from childhood that life is not easy, but difficult, then this is a stereotype, this is a lie from a person who experienced life this way!!

You just programmed yourself for this, and taking drugs further aggravated and complicated. If you had been taught to use your brain since childhood, then everything might have been different.

And remember one simple old truth Just like our world – “demand creates supply.” So, there is no need to scream to all sorts of moms and dads, feeling sorry for their son or daughter, blaming the whole world for their use and self-destruction...

No one is to blame here! They do it on their own! Not corrupt politicians and cops, not drug dealers and manufacturers, not an unhappy childhood or harsh reality... If you want to blame anyone, then blame this cunning spirit (God). But you even piss on doing this, constantly justifying him, saying that “everything is according to his will.”

So, if according to him, stop whining, rejoice, blessed ones!!! Because everything is according to plan! And the death of your loved one is also planned... In general, don’t expect miracles, everything is in your hands...;)

Cocaine is one of the most common and dangerous drugs in the world. It causes rapid addiction, personality degradation and has a devastating effect on human health. Death from a heart attack or stroke as a result of a cocaine overdose, suicide - this is the end of drug paradise.

What is cocaine? How to recognize a person under cocaine intoxication and is it possible to help him get rid of his addiction? How does cocaine act on the body, what harm does it cause to health? What to do if you overdose on cocaine? - you will learn about this from our article.

What is cocaine

What is this drug and where does it come from? Cocaine is a narcotic substance plant nature. It is found in the leaves of coccus bushes, Latin name plants of this genus are Erythroxylum, which grow in the tropical regions of South America. By chemical nature, cocaine is an alkaloid. Once in the human body, it has a strong psychotropic effect.

South American Indians knew about the stimulating properties of coccus leaves as early as the third century AD. They were chewed by warriors on long campaigns, messengers traveling long distances, priests and tribal leaders for religious purposes. The leaves were used to increase stamina, to suppress hunger, and to lift mood. However, the use of cocci was not widespread. The Spaniards, who conquered the territory of Peru, played a significant role in the spread of the drug. They encouraged the consumption of coccus leaves by plantation Indians and also took full control of the cultivation of coccus bushes and the leaf trade. Already at the end of the 16th century, big money was being made from cocaine. About 80% of Europeans in Peru were, one way or another, involved in the cocaine business.

Coccus leaves were first brought to Europe by Amerigo Vespucci. In the 17th century, they were used as a drug, and in the 19th century, cocaine was isolated as a pure substance and became widespread as a medicine. The first synthetic cocaine was produced in 1897. Externally, the powder was used as an anesthetic, but at the end of the century it was replaced by other drugs of this series that did not have dangerous side effects. Cocaine was taken internally as a stimulant. Silent films and the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, largely contributed to the popularization of the drug. He himself was addicted to cocaine and prescribed it to his patients, recommended it to friends, and treated them for depression, neuroses and impotence.

So already in late XIX centuries, cocaine was widely used by all segments of the population. By the way, the well-known American drink “Coca-Cola” until 1906 contained cocaine obtained from coccus leaves, which explains its name. After cocaine was banned, it was replaced by caffeine.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many facts accumulated about deaths from an overdose of cocaine, the development of addiction and the destructive effect of this substance on a person’s personality and health. In 1922, cocaine was officially recognized as a drug and banned from circulation.

A new rise in the popularity of cocaine began in 1970. It has become fashionable to use it. Show business figures literally advertised the drug with their behavior, creating a myth about a beautiful and active life. Currently, about 70% of cocaine consumption occurs in countries of the South and North America, which is explained by the territorial proximity of plantations for growing coccus bushes. Approximately 20% falls to Western Europe. Experts estimate global cocaine consumption at 750 tons annually. According to UN statistics, the situation in the most problematic countries is as follows: in Spain, 2.6% of the population uses cocaine, in the USA - 2.5%, in Ireland - 2.4%, in England - 2.1%.

Cocaine is gaining popularity in Russia. Over the past five years, the turnover of this drug has increased tenfold. Cocaine smuggling occurs across the borders with the Baltic states, Ukraine and the Transcaucasian countries.

In terms of the scale of its destructive effect on an individual and society as a whole, cocaine is in second place after opiates.

Cocaine is considered a drug for the rich, but this is not entirely true. Test doses are sold at low prices, and when a person becomes addicted, the cost of the drug increases. Among cocaine addicts there are people of all ages, professions and social status. Significant amount The drug is distributed through nightclubs and expensive entertainment venues.

Varieties of cocaine

What is cocaine made from? - it is obtained from coccus leaves, the bushes of which are grown on plantations in South America. The leaders in the production of this drug are the drug cartels of Colombia, Bolivia and Peru.

Depending on the degree of purification and the addition of other substances, there are several varieties of cocaine. How cocaine is taken depends on the form of the drug. It is inhaled through the nose, injected intravenously or smoked, and less often taken orally.

Purified cocaine is considered an elite drug because its price is quite high. It is a fine powder with a chalk-like structure. Its color can be white, cream or yellowish. The taste is bitter and the powder causes a numb feeling on the tongue. This is an almost pure narcotic substance - 90% of the powder is cocaine hydrochloride.

Cocaine exerts its effect upon contact with mucous membranes, so the powder is inhaled or rubbed into the gums. To inhale it, pour it onto paper and form strips that are sucked into the nose through a rolled-up piece of paper. In their jargon, drug addicts call cocaine powder “snow”, “frost”, “refined sugar”, “dust”, “white”.

Various impurities are often added to the powder to reduce the cost of the final product. Lidocaine, which also causes numbness of the mucous membranes, or other anesthetics are more often used. As ballast, soda, starch, boric acid are used - powdery substances, according to appearance similar to pure cocaine. A street dose may also contain various stimulants - from legal caffeine to amphetamine-type drugs.

Cocaine paste is cheaper, contains impurities, and is more viscous and moist in consistency. It is a product of the first stage of processing of coccus leaves. It contains from 40 to 80% cocaine. The paste is smoked by adding tobacco or marijuana.

Solutions for intravenous administration are less common. Experienced drug addicts inject intravenously and are no longer able to achieve the desired effect when inhaling the powder. Often, for a better “high,” heroin and other opiates are mixed into the cocaine powder. This mixture for intravenous administration is called “speedball” (English: “fast ball”). This is the most dangerous type of drug; when used, overdose and death often occur. When using speedballs, cross-dependence to both drugs develops, and it is extremely difficult for a person to get rid of it. The combined destructive effect on the body of heroin and cocaine increases many times over, and the addict degrades extremely quickly.

The drug for smoking is cocaine in crystalline form, it is called “crack”. When heated, the crystals break down with a characteristic sound, hence the name of the drug (“crack” is translated from English as “crack”). Externally, crack is small pieces of light color, hard, uneven in shape. It was invented to reduce the cost of the drug and reach poorer segments of the population, since it costs less than powder.

There are also so-called cocaine analogues. For the most part this synthetic forms with a modified formula (mephedrone, 4-methylmethcathinone and others) to avoid being classified as drugs. Synthetic cocaine is cheaper, but has a less pronounced effect. Such “inventions” of chemists are monitored and suppressed by drug control.

Not long ago people started talking about legal cocaine - these are snorting mixtures with a similar effect. It is alleged that they natural origin, safe and non-addictive. But the effect of their use - euphoria, a surge of strength - indicates that these mixtures are just as dangerous as regular cocaine.

How does cocaine work?

The effect of cocaine on the body is determined by its inclusion in the mechanism of transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. It interferes with three systems at once: dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These substances are responsible for the feeling of joy, happiness, self-esteem, and provide stress resistance. As a result of stimulation of such receptors, euphoria occurs - a feeling of lightness, happiness, an extraordinary increase in mental strength and performance. Subsequently, disruption of the brain receptors causes severe mental disorders and personality disintegration, similar to symptoms of schizophrenia.

This is the effect of cocaine that attracts future drug addicts.

  1. Feeling of happiness. Improves mood, talkativeness, and sociability. Under the influence of a drug, a person often reveals secrets.
  2. Increased mental activity. It seems to the addict that he is able to solve difficult problems, he can handle everything, his memory and mental abilities improve. But all knowledge and abilities disappear along with the effect of the drug.
  3. A surge of energy. Cocaine relieves drowsiness, increases performance and physical endurance. It seems to the addict that his physical capabilities have increased incredibly. In reality, he faces loss of coordination, balance, and disorientation in space. Cocaine users often fall and suffer various injuries.
  4. Feeling of superiority. A person under the influence of cocaine is confident that he is right. Fortunately, drug addicts are not able to finish what they start.

When inhaling the powder, the narcotic effect appears within five minutes and lasts about half an hour, up to a maximum of two hours. The duration of the “high” depends on the quality of the drug and the experience of the addict. Over time, tolerance (addiction) develops, larger doses become necessary, and the duration of euphoria decreases. The addict chases the elusive sensations, increasing the dose and frequency of use. Against this background, overdoses often occur.

Crack smokers are the most vulnerable. With this route of drug administration, addiction develops very quickly. Euphoria sets in within 10–15 seconds, but does not last long - about 20 minutes.

Signs of cocaine intoxication

It is sometimes difficult to recognize a cocaine addict, so the addiction worsens and it is too late to save loved ones. Cocaine addiction in Russia is not as widespread as in countries of the Western Hemisphere, so people often do not pay attention to strange behavior. In addition, a drug addict with little experience can easily be confused with a simply excited person. Cocaine intoxication can be similar to the first stages of alcohol intoxication or the effects of energy drinks. The person is excited, talks a lot, laughs, and is overly self-confident.

What are the signs of cocaine use? - Narcologists divide them into physiological and psychological.

Physiological signs of cocaine use are a consequence of the drug's effect on the nervous system as a whole and on the nasal mucosa when the powder is inhaled. These include:

  • dilated pupils;
  • constant runny nose;
  • pale skin;
  • frequent respiratory diseases of an infectious nature;
  • rapid breathing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • sweating;
  • decreased gag reflexes;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • An experienced drug addict loses a lot of weight.

Psychological signs of cocaine intoxication are as follows:

  • euphoria - causeless happiness;
  • mood swings - laughter, aggressiveness;
  • haste, talkativeness, excessive self-confidence;
  • overexcitement, insomnia, loss of appetite;
  • hallucinations and obsessive states are possible;
  • impulsiveness, lack of logic in actions;
  • financial difficulties;
  • frequent trips to the bath or toilet to take the next dose.

Experienced drug addicts have a neglected appearance - they stop taking care of themselves.

The effects of taking cocaine last for an average of half an hour. After the drug wears off, the person feels lethargic, weak, irritable, or depressed. Drug addicts suppress depression with alcohol, sedatives, and tranquilizers.

As addiction develops, secrecy and unreliability appear. The drug addict lies to his loved ones, morality means nothing to him, loss occurs family values. Cocaine marathons also happen - several days of continuous drug use. During this time the person does not eat or sleep. Afterwards exhaustion of the nervous system sets in, the addict falls into a deep sleep that does not give rest. Upon awakening, he is plagued by depression and a strong craving for drugs.

Cocaine intoxication can be determined using tests in different ways. The so-called metabolites (benzoylecgonine and ecgonine) are tested for cocaine or its breakdown products. There are rapid tests for urine; more complex methods are carried out in the laboratory. How long does cocaine stay in the blood? Cocaine itself can be detected in the blood only within a few hours after taking the drug, but the metabolites are excreted in the urine within 2–3 days. They appear in the urine about an hour after taking the dose and persist for up to 10 days. Other biomaterials are also used to determine drugs: metabolites persist in saliva for 5 days, in hair for 3 months, in nails for 6 months.

Harm from cocaine

How dangerous is cocaine, in terms of physical health? Under the influence of the drug, blood vessels constrict, blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, and stress hormones are released into the blood. All this increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, causes arrhythmias, aortic dissection, hypertensive crises - these are the most common reasons sudden death among cocaine addicts.

The consequences of cocaine use affect the entire body.

The combination of cocaine and alcohol is extremely dangerous for life. When the drug and ethyl alcohol are consumed simultaneously, ethylcocaine is formed in the body. It negatively affects the heart muscle, causing arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Alcohol also slows down the elimination of cocaine from the body.

How does cocaine addiction develop?

From the first doses of cocaine, addiction rarely develops. Therefore, a person gets carried away, it seems to him that he can quit at any moment.

Many people try drugs out of curiosity, in pursuit of interesting sensations. Entertainment show stars use cocaine for courage and to improve performance.

Dependence on cocaine is more psychological - the addict wants to experience a state of euphoria more and more. No cocaine - severe depression occurs. An addict will do anything to get a dose and return to a “normal” state. The inability to get a dose can drive an addict to suicide.

Physical dependence is weakly expressed, but it exists. It manifests itself as withdrawal syndrome, which we’ll talk about a little later.

Cocaine overdose

Overdose often occurs due to the addict losing control of the amount of drug taken in pursuit of elusive sensations. The lethal dose of cocaine for the average non-user is 1.2 grams, but depending on individual characteristics the body can decrease to 20 mg. For comparison: a single street dose is 15–60 mg; and the dose to obtain the effect of the drug cocaine is defined as 1.5 mg of pure substance per kg of human weight.


The symptoms of an overdose are quite characteristic, in contrast to the signs of cocaine intoxication. When the body is poisoned by cocaine, the following symptoms first appear:

Then they develop:

  • drowsiness, the drug addict wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep;
  • muscle cramps in the arms and legs;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dehydration, dry mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes;
  • heart failure, chest pain.

Cocaine causes severe vasoconstriction, which leads to heart attacks, strokes, acute renal failure, coma, and death from cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Sometimes excessive stimulation of the nervous system and seizures and convulsions develop. In severe overdoses, convulsive seizures lead to cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest and death.

First aid

If there is the slightest suspicion that the victim has overdosed on cocaine, call 911 immediately. While waiting for the medical team to arrive, you should try to take the following actions.

Overdose is treated in a hospital.

Addiction treatment

Cocaine addiction is called cocaineism. There are no drugs with proven effectiveness for its treatment. The therapy is non-specific; the same techniques are used to get rid of addiction to other stimulants (amphetamine).

Healing begins with a person’s awareness of the fact of his addiction and the desire to get rid of it. It is impossible to cure a drug addict who does not want to stop taking cocaine.

The sooner the awareness of the problem and the desire to be treated comes, the higher the likelihood of returning to normal life. Therapy consists of several stages.

  1. The first stage is cessation of use and further abstinence from the drug. Stopping the intake of cocaine in the body causes withdrawal syndrome, or cocaine withdrawal. This causes muscle pain, joint aches, loss of appetite, and insomnia. Psychological disorders have the greatest impact on a person: depression, loss of self-control, increased craving for drugs. Doctors help to cope with these symptoms - with the help of medications you can improve sleep, relieve depression, improve the functioning of the digestive system and other body systems.
  2. The second step is getting rid of psychological dependence on cocaine, stopping the craving for use. It lasts 3–6 months, which the patient spends in the clinic. During this time, it is important to develop motivation to healthy image life, identify the factors that pushed a person to take drugs and eliminate them.
  3. The third stage is returning to society. Social service employees help you find work, communicate, and identify your range of interests.

Throughout the entire period of recovery, the addict needs the help of a psychologist and the moral support of loved ones. With consistent and professional treatment, the chances of success are very good, even in cases of severe and long-term addiction.

In conclusion, let's say that cocaine is a dangerous and difficult drug that quickly becomes addictive. A person cannot independently limit its use, as it becomes inadequate. Cocaine destroys the health, personality of the addict, his social connections and ultimately kills. But if the problem is recognized in a timely manner, the chances of getting rid of addiction are quite high. Be attentive to your loved ones and never believe that one dose is harmless.