At the astronomy festival in Sokolniki, look beyond solar system every park guest can

PHOTO: Natalya Feoktistova

Astrologers recommend monitoring your emotions on this day, not complaining about life, avoiding conflicts and not making important decisions. On the mystical day of the eclipse, people experience poor health, insomnia, weakness, apathy, and changes in blood pressure. Is it so? Experts from “Evening Moscow” clarify the issue.

Cardiologist Lyudmila Troyanova:

All processes that occur in nature affect people to some extent. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases need to take care on this day, not to overexert themselves physically, and not to be nervous. It’s better to take a leisurely stroll through the park area and breathe in some fresh air. You can read a good book, listen to your favorite music.

Solar eclipse in Moscow.

In people prone to high blood pressure, a hypertensive crisis may occur (a hypertensive crisis is an emergency serious condition caused by an excessive increase in blood pressure, manifested clinically and requiring an immediate decrease in blood pressure to prevent or limit damage to target organs. - Note “VM”), in people with vegetative-vascular dystonia rhythm disturbances and increased heart rate may occur. Healthy people may experience weakness and fatigue. Therefore, they need to get a good night's sleep and listen to their body, if possible, relax by the river, in the shade of trees. But being in the sun is undesirable. Avoid eating heavy foods such as meat. But vegetables and fruits will be very useful.

Psychotherapist Alexander Fedorovich:

In fact, a lunar eclipse does not affect people’s well-being in any way. The ideas that a lunar eclipse affects unbalanced people have not been confirmed in any way. All signs affect only those in the know. People who know about the eclipse are actively monitoring this issue and expecting trouble. We recently had Friday the 13th and everyone was expecting emotional outbursts. But nothing happened, which is normal. People are tired of waiting for the end of the world; after 2000 they are afraid of it every four years. Now it's a lunar eclipse. All these phenomena do not work if a person does not know about them or knows but does not believe.

Solar eclipse in Moscow.

PHOTO: Natalya Feoktistova, “Evening Moscow”

If a person is determined and experiences fears and anxieties, it is worth taking sedatives, you can plant origin, which stabilize the nervous system. There are enough of them for today.

If a person is determined and at the same time suffers from psychosomatic pathology, this leads to exacerbations of the physical condition. For example, an attack of bronchial asthma or an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer may occur. Such patients need to take specialized medications.

If an absolutely healthy person experiences negative emotions from an upcoming natural phenomenon, I would recommend, in addition to taking psychotropic medications, to see a psychotherapist. A specialist will help him cope with his problems.

We are accustomed to the fact that a total solar eclipse is an extremely rare phenomenon, which, moreover, can be observed by residents of very narrow strips of our planet. However, partial lunar and solar eclipses occur much more often: many of us can experience up to seven such events per year.

Each such event can have (and has) a huge impact on our lives and our well-being. If you know the mechanism that reveals the secrets of this phenomenon, then such influence can be used for the benefit of this or that person.

Thanks to the so-called cycles, which, in fact, govern all processes and phenomena occurring in the system of our Sun, it is possible to easily draw up a schedule of eclipses for thousands of years in advance. Using astronomical methods, we can easily calculate eclipses that are simply not visible to most people on the planet.

So it's cyclical various phenomena, associated with the luminary of our solar system, with the Earth and the Moon, suggests that the same eclipses can be calculated with a certain degree of accuracy.

For example, the next solar eclipse will take place March 9, 2016. This is the 130th Saros eclipse, and the next eclipse of the same Saros will take place March 20, 2034 that is, after 18 years.

Solar and lunar eclipses

How should we react to these phenomena?

Eclipses, especially total solar eclipses, have always aroused awe in people. The reason for this is not only the scale and frightening beauty of this phenomenon. Very often, eclipses influence the course of events on our planet on a historical scale. And very often, although not always, these events have tragic or catastrophic overtones.

Modern people are armed with a huge store of knowledge accumulated over many centuries. That is why, on the eve of a solar or lunar eclipse, you should pay attention to Special attention on the events that accompany this phenomenon. Moreover, certain time periods before and after eclipses should be analyzed.

Often significant events eclipses that accompany eclipses immediately go unnoticed. And only after some time we remember them, realizing that they could have great importance. Moreover, we're talking about not only about events on the scale of the planet, country or people. We may be talking about an unexpected meeting or a strange dream.

One of characteristic features Eclipses are the ability of a given phenomenon to influence the course of affairs. Moreover, it has a negative impact. This is why you should not plan anything really important for two weeks - the week before and the week after the eclipse. The likelihood that attempts to start a new business, conduct successful negotiations, or get married will lead to success is extremely, extremely small.

The periods of full moons and new moons themselves, when, in fact, eclipses occur, are considered unfavorable for all kinds of important matters and undertakings. It’s not news that most quarrels and breakups in relationships happen on these days. Eclipses increase the unfavorable effect and the likelihood of discord significantly. The influence of these phenomena is particularly strong during this period. emotional people. Such persons should categorically avoid conflicts during this period, as there is a risk of losing love and trust loved one forever is very great.

On the other hand, the days of eclipses are those periods in the life of any person that should be used for spiritual development and various kinds of spiritual practices of self-knowledge. All serious events, complex operations, major acquisitions, and some kind of mass events with a large number of people should be postponed until later.

Turn your gaze inward, do meditation, yoga; devote some time to studying spiritual literature; Finally, be alone with nature if circumstances and weather are favorable for this.

How to benefit from eclipses?

Planning is a useful way to bring your dreams closer or achieve what you want. The effect of this seemingly simple practice increases during eclipses. And, if starting serious business during eclipses is extremely undesirable, then planning them by tuning your thoughts to a certain wave is extremely useful.

The right attitude will allow you to accumulate the required amount internal energy, which will make it easier, as they say, to catch that very wave. This is not a spontaneous process, but a specific action that includes certain rituals. Pay attention to the calendar of solar and lunar eclipses. Mark the date of the nearest event and try to plan your schedule so that three days before the eclipse you avoid negative emotions and unpleasant encounters. Then pay attention to your diet: exclude from it for this period meat dishes, as well as seeds and nuts.

Five to six hours before the eclipse, complete solitude and tranquility are recommended. About an hour before the event, you should completely limit communication by turning off your phones. Take a shower (preferably a contrast one), put on clean clothes, light candles (at least one); take a horizontal position and try to relax as much as possible, setting your thoughts to fulfilling your cherished desire.

The visualization technique is great when you don’t just plan or dream, but try to literally see your dream come true. Experience the emotions that will definitely visit you when your dream really comes true. For example, if you long for marriage, it is more useful to imagine not the wedding itself, but White dress and other attributes, but those emotions that people feel in a happy marriage.

Your actions after the eclipse should be similar to what you did before this event. Don't go to bed right away; You should shower again and put on clean clothes. It is also necessary to avoid communication for some time and maintain a feeling inner harmony and peace. Under no circumstances should you share with anyone the emotions, sensations and thoughts that came to you at the time of this practice. They are just for you.

Effects of eclipses on health

The influence of eclipses directly on human behavior and well-being is confirmed not only by astrologers, but also modern medicine. And it is from a medical point of view that those illogical and, at times, fatal actions that people tend to commit during eclipses can be explained.

Exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, sudden changes in blood pressure and irregular heart rhythms are just some of the signs of deteriorating health that accompany a solar eclipse.

Such manifestations lead to the fact that the hemispheres of the brain receive uneven blood flow. Even a healthy person may experience short-term confusion of thoughts and consciousness, a sharp influx (or, conversely, outflow) of energy, etc. In this state, a person is not always able to adequately assess the people around him and the events taking place. The result is quarrels, discord, and breakups.

However, it is not at all necessary to perceive eclipses fatally. You just have to follow simple rules. Those suffering from diseases of the heart and vascular system should not subject their bodies to significant physical activity and stress. It is recommended to completely forget about active exercises during periods close to eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Changing your daily routine and minimizing stress and negative emotions on such days is an opportunity to survive eclipses painlessly. Refusal to make drastic decisions, the ability to control yourself and your behavior will also help you get through the days of eclipses without losses and worries.

Some important details

With the help of appropriate ritual or behavior, an eclipse can be transformed from a frightening and incomprehensible phenomenon into an event that brings benefit, or, if you prefer, a wish fulfillment.

However, you must clearly understand that this only works in relation to those dreams and desires that are directly related to your personality. The likelihood that this ritual can bring anything to your loved ones is extremely low.

Accordingly, you must clearly know what you want and also clearly formulate your desire or your thoughts. That is why it is not so much the wording that is important (although it should be unambiguous), but rather your ability to visualize the desired result. And although we relegate the importance of process visualization to the background, we should not forget about it completely. Take time to visualize the path to achieve it, because otherwise, the result may disappoint you.

For example, if you want to move to another city to start a new happy life, it is worth thinking about the circumstances that will facilitate and accompany the move. The fact is that many circumstances can speed up this very move. One of them is your escape (for one reason or another) from your home. It’s unlikely that you would want to change your life in such conditions and under pressure!

Finally, it is worth noting that the vast majority of people dream of the same thing - to improve their health, financial condition and/or improve their relationships with loved ones. You need to know that it is necessary to work on rituals that can improve health and attract money, saving you from poverty. during lunar eclipses. Also during this period you can succeed if you want to get rid of bad habits.

You can fight loneliness or try to attract love and friendship into your life during solar eclipses. Among other things, this period is favorable for successful work over oneself, associated with adjusting one’s own personality and working on character. Be that as it may, do not be afraid to be bold and assertive in fulfilling your desires during the period of eclipses, for this is one of the most favorable opportunities to use the science of astrology to your advantage.

Solar and lunar eclipses 2016

This year we are expecting 4 eclipses: two solar and two lunar. Here exact dates and the time of eclipses, as well as the territories in which these phenomena will be observed:

March 9 (at 04:57 Moscow time) – Total solar eclipse, 52nd eclipse 130 Saros. Will be observed in the central and northern parts Pacific Ocean, in the eastern part Indian Ocean, partly in Asia and Australia.

March 23 (at 14:47 Moscow time) – Penumbral lunar eclipse. 18th eclipse 142 saros. This eclipse can be clearly observed in Australia, Oceania, Antarctica, Far East, in Alaska. Partially it will be visible in countries South America, USA, Canada, Eastern Siberia.

September 1 (at 12:06 Moscow time)– Annular solar eclipse. 39 eclipse 135 saros. This eclipse will be visible from central Africa and the Indian Ocean. Partially - in other parts of Africa and in the Indian Ocean.

16 of September (at 21:55 Moscow time)– Penumbral lunar eclipse number 9, relating to 147 Saros. The eclipse will be visible everywhere except North and South America and only partially in Greenland and Brazil.

If before people thought that the Earth stands on three pillars, today even first-graders know: our planet has the shape of a ball and moves along a certain trajectory around the Sun. And the Earth has a constant satellite - the Moon. From our article you will learn about such a phenomenon as a lunar eclipse. This event undoubtedly has an impact on people. And you will also learn about this by reading our article.

Nature of the phenomenon

Why do lunar eclipses occur? The reason for this is actually simple and lies in the continuous movement of the planets. At certain moments, one planet is eclipsed by the shadow of another.

In the case under consideration, the Earth covers the Moon with its shadow, that is, the satellite completely enters the shadow of our planet. What is interesting: all the inhabitants of the Earth cannot observe at once, but only half of them, where the Moon rises above the horizon during an eclipse.

Why do we see the Moon? Its surface reflects sunlight, and therefore the inhabitants of our planet can admire its yellow “companion”. However, during an eclipse, the Moon does not simply disappear (as, for example, happens during a solar eclipse), it acquires a bright brown color. People who do not know this may not even understand that they are observing an interesting and rather rare phenomenon.

This color (red) is explained by the following: even being in the shadow of the Earth, the Moon still continues to be illuminated sun rays, passing tangentially relative to the surface of our planet. These rays are scattered in our atmosphere, and due to this they reach the surface of the Moon. At the same time, the red color of our usually yellow companion is due to the fact that the earth’s atmosphere transmits the red part of the spectrum much better.

What are lunar eclipses?

Lunar eclipses can be penumbral (also called partial) and total.

When full, the satellite enters entirely into the Earth's shadow and turns red. This is the most beautiful and large-scale lunar eclipse. The impact on a person is maximum.

When the Moon enters the shadow of our mother planet not completely, but partially, then a partial, or penumbral, eclipse occurs.

During a partial eclipse, the Moon does not completely change its color. Sometimes such a phenomenon is not even visible to the naked eye, and it can only be recorded with the help of special devices.

Interesting fact: lunar eclipses are very rarely the same in terms of the movement of the planets in their orbits. It turns out that a complete repetition of the same relative position of the Earth, Moon and Sun can occur only after 18 years! This period is called Saros. Its beginning and end are considered extremely important for esotericists and astrologers. But more on this a little later.


Lunar eclipses have always brought fear and horror to people. Even now, when we can clearly imagine the process of their emergence, looking at red blood moon, something in the subconscious makes our body crawl.

Almost all ancient peoples perceived this as a harbinger of something bad: wars, diseases, drought. Many people considered the Sun and Moon to be spiritual, and during eclipses they performed various rituals to “liberate” their luminaries.

In California, the Kumehuey Indians considered the first signs of an eclipse to be the beginning of the spirits' meal ("biting the moon"). They would begin a ritual designed to soften these evil spirits.

The Toba Indians, who lived in the jungles of Paraguay, believed that a moon man lived on our satellite, and the spirits of the dead were trying to dine on them. Wounds moon man began to bleed, and the Moon therefore turned red. Then the Indians began to shout loudly and made their dogs bark so that joint forces scare away evil spirits. And, of course, in their opinion, the ritual turned out to be effective, because after some time the Moon actually returned to its normal state.

According to Viking beliefs, during an eclipse the planet became the prey of the voracious wolf Hati. Just like the Toba Indians, they tried to save her from the jaws of the predator, making real noise and hubbub. The wolf dropped his prey and left with nothing.

But there were other, brighter stories. For example, for the Australian Aborigines, the Moon and the Sun were husband and wife, and when eclipses occurred, it was believed that the heavenly bodies spent time together in their marriage bed.

Basically like this scary tales and superstitions have long been shrouded in lunar eclipses. The impact on human health, by the way, was also considered negative. Is it really? Let's figure it out. It turns out that there is some truth in this.

Lunar eclipse - impact on humans. Who is at risk?

It would be foolish to deny any impact of lunar eclipses on people. This is the same as not recognizing the influence on us of solar flares or magnetic storms. We are part of all life on Earth, and fully belong to nature, like everything else.

Our “yellow companion,” having a colossal influence on the Earth (just remember who she controls), has a powerful impact on people.

Most of all, during lunar eclipses you need to be on guard:

  • Hypertension and people with cardiovascular diseases.
    They need to exclude any physical exercise, it is advisable not to go outside.
  • People who have mental illness, and prone to such ailments.
    Esotericists and astrologers call lunar eclipses “eclipses of the soul.” They are confident that at this time the subconscious area wins over the conscious. That is why people experience all the events of their lives to a much greater extent, they become aggressive and emotional.
  • People who have previously been hypnotized. During the period of lunar eclipses, the likelihood of exposure to any negative memories and emotions becomes much higher.

Proven scientific fact: During eclipses, the number of suicides increases. With statistics like these, there's a lot to think about. It turns out that this lunar eclipse is so insidious and difficult. The impact of this natural phenomenon on humans has not yet been fully studied, but, as they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Impact of the eclipse on women

Even ancient people argued that the Sun is a male planet, and the Moon is female. And in our time, mystics and esotericists say the same thing. So what effect does a lunar eclipse have on women?

First, they should cut back physical activity. This is especially true for pregnant women. The dangers for them are miscarriages, dangerous or unsuccessful births, leading to various complications. Maximum peace is the main rule.

Secondly, do not be surprised if a woman may have problems menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that from a physiological point of view, the full moon (and an eclipse occurs only on a full moon) is the phase of egg maturation. You know that everything sea ​​inhabitants(from fish to shellfish) fertilize and lay eggs only during the full moon? It's incredible, but true. So a woman’s body is to some extent dependent on And during a period such as a lunar eclipse, this effect increases several times. Hence the hormonal imbalance.

What about babies?

What effect does a lunar eclipse have on children?

It turns out that they are exposed to the influence of the Earth's satellite even before birth. While in the womb, the embryo feels vibrations from space transmitted by nerve impulses. During the eclipse, the fetus may actively kick and behave excitedly.

Children experience a lunar eclipse much more acutely than adults. They may refuse to eat and become more moody and whiny. It is difficult to put them to sleep and calm them down. Do not leave children with strangers, they should be surrounded only by their relatives.

It is believed that during lunar eclipses the risk of poisoning and intoxication is several times higher than in normal times. Therefore, insect poison can cause much more harm. In this regard, protect children from mosquito and bee bites.

Let's turn to astrology

Astrologers take lunar eclipses very seriously.

In their opinion, starting large businesses is highly discouraged. Remember the Saros cycle that we talked about at the beginning of the article? Stargazers attach special significance to it. They claim that everything in our world is cyclical and repeats itself precisely in accordance with the Saros period. And if a person commits an unsuccessful act during a lunar eclipse, then the same failure will certainly overtake him in 18 years, when a new cycle begins.

Surely you are interested in the question of whether a lunar eclipse has an impact on the signs of the zodiac? And the answer of astrologers is yes. To understand this, let us give the following example: during the month the Moon passes through all the signs of the zodiac, and if a lunar eclipse occurred, for example, in the sign of Taurus, then it is Taurus and Scorpio that will be most susceptible to the influence of this natural phenomenon (since Scorpio is the opposite sign ).

Such an event has strong impact on all people, whether it is a total or partial lunar eclipse. The influence on zodiac signs also occurs on the scale of the entire planet and its inhabitants.

Schedule of lunar eclipses in 2015-2017.

The impact of such an event cannot be underestimated, always remember this.

Signs and beliefs

Since ancient times, people have believed and taught their relatives: “Under no circumstances should you lend money or take it yourself during a lunar eclipse.” Now these words don’t seem so strange and funny. Now that we know about the important influence a lunar eclipse has on a person, various beliefs and signs regarding this matter make sense.

  • Lend.
  • Borrow.
  • Get married.
  • Divorce.
  • Perform operations.
  • Make big deals.
  • Make big purchases.
  • Move.

A few days before the upcoming heavenly event, give up unhealthy and heavy foods. It is advisable for believers to go to church, take communion and confess.

If you are an emotional and weather-sensitive person, take sedatives. Even people who are strong in this regard would do well to drink soothing herbal infusions.

Pay special attention to the quality of purchased food products, as the risk of poisoning increases.

Try not to quarrel with anyone and lead as calm a life as possible.

Remember the warnings of astrologers about how insidious a lunar eclipse is: influence negative event can affect your life for a long time (according to the Saros cycle).

Remember: what seems significant during a lunar eclipse will most likely be forgotten and lose all meaning. Try to be calm these days, don’t raise your voice at anyone, and don’t get annoyed over little things. Don't fuss or rush.

Even if you are a skeptic and do not believe in a lunar eclipse, the impact on people of this “bloody” event cannot be discounted.

In total, the solar eclipse will occur across 13 time zones. It will begin in northern Canada and end in China. A total solar eclipse will be observed in Russia near the city of Nadym, Tyumen region. Here the Sun will be completely obscured for 2 minutes 26 seconds.

Over the territory of Ukraine, the Moon will cover the Sun by only 45% and this spectacle can be observed from 13.07 to 13.15. The air temperature during the eclipse drops by several degrees.

Doctors warn that an eclipse can negatively affect the well-being of even a practically healthy person. The impact of this natural phenomenon on behavior and well-being begins to be felt two weeks before its onset. People who are weather dependent are especially affected.

Today it's better to lie low

Research by Russian medical scientists has proven the undeniable influence solar eclipse per person. Studies have been conducted on 20 healthy people and 20 patients. The human body began to react to a natural phenomenon immediately, as soon as the solar disk began to be covered by the Moon. An hour after the start of the eclipse, 70% of hypertensive patients had increased arterial pressure, the vessels narrowed, and the heart increased the power of blood ejection, blood began to flow unevenly to different hemispheres of the brain. Nervous system was clearly out of order. Doctors expected that all these phenomena should occur only two days after the eclipse, when cosmic rays from the sun reach the Earth.

According to herbalist Boris Skachko, a solar eclipse polarizes health problems. The reason is, the doctor believes, that, according to the canons of Eastern medicine, the Sun sends us a positive charge (positive protons or Yang energy), and the Moon - Yin - takes away the energy. The Chinese, for example, believe that the day of a solar eclipse is a temporary victory of the feminine Yin over the masculine Yang.

The moon is a luminary that is very close to us. The sun gives energy, and the moon takes away. It’s one thing when the Sun is on the right and the Moon on the left, a person turns out to be a conductor. It’s another matter when two luminaries find themselves at the same point, exerting a strong impact on a person. "IN human body there is a “stand here - come here” situation. I remember very well the eclipse in 1999, I was in Crimea then, I will never forget this state - the human body is not ready for this,” says Skachko.

The body is under a powerful load on the regulatory system; it is actually being tested for strength. People with cardiovascular pathologies and hypertensive patients will experience especially bad health on this day (that is, those who even without these natural changes, the body's regulatory system was disrupted). People who are currently undergoing treatment for any disease will also feel unwell.

“It’s better not to be active on this day,” advises Dr. Skachko, “actions will be inadequate. The faster the speed, the greater the likelihood of errors. Therefore, I would advise, figuratively speaking, to bend down, sit down and sit out this day.”

“And in general, 2008 - the year of the Gray Mouse - is a year of contrasts. Since the beginning of the year, cataclysms have been occurring in all spheres of life in Ukraine,” says Dr. Skachko.

“Medical cognac” will help you survive the eclipse To avoid health discomfort, B. Skachko recommends taking “medicinal cognac” - hawthorn tincture - on this day. It regulates the functioning of blood vessels; if there is a spasm somewhere, it will be relieved and blood flow will be restored. If dilatation of the vessel is observed, hawthorn tincture has a tonic effect.

“This is a soft regulator for the whole organism. Hawthorn tincture will relieve imbalances throughout the body. Hawthorn has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the hypothalamus. This organ is the “supreme council” of our body; it is responsible for the balanced functioning of all body systems. If there is no order in the hypothalamus, then the whole body is a mess,” the doctor advises.

According to him, you need to start taking it a few days before the expected magnetic fluctuations - 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day. “This tincture, if consumed 15 minutes before a meal, also improves digestion; if everything is in order with the digestive tract, then after a meal,” Skachko clarifies.

He also recommends taking a contrast shower (by the way, it would be good to take it not only on the days of a solar eclipse, but regularly, every day). " Cold water should be 15 degrees, pour for 20-30 seconds (in no case more), hot - 2-4 minutes. It is important to feel comfortable. In the morning, finish the douche with cool water, it tones, and in the evening - with warm water. This procedure also perfectly regulates blood vessels,” says Dr. Skachko.

Vedic texts advise avoiding eating 10 hours before an eclipse, and at the moment of the eclipse itself, being in water (sea, river, or, at worst, in a bath).

Good day to get rid of bad habits During periods of a lunar eclipse, the mind drowns in emotions, and instincts manifest themselves “in all their glory.” Astrologers believe that solar eclipses are turning points or switches of event flows. Otherwise, during a solar eclipse, you can start “ new life" On this day it is recommended to give up bad habits - the body adapts faster. At work you should not start anything new, do routine work.

During a solar eclipse, instincts, on the contrary, are silent - consciousness is darkened, and the mind is poorly oriented in the situation. During this period, good habits are established and a goal is mentally determined.

On the days of eclipses, it is advisable to: take care of your health; do not contact the crowd; drive more carefully; exclude business trips; avoid banking transactions.

In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allais, observing the movements of a pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse it began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allais effect, but for a long time could not systematize it. Today, new research by the Dutch scientist Chris Duif confirms this phenomenon, but cannot yet explain it.

Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev found out that eclipses affect people. He noticed that during eclipses, time is transformed: during the hours of a solar eclipse, the density of time decreases, and at the moment of a lunar eclipse, on the contrary, it becomes denser.

Will a solar eclipse disrupt the Beijing Olympics? Today's solar eclipse will end at sunset in China. By the way, a week before the opening Olympic Games in Pekin. This is causing concern for many in the country. After all, traditionally the Chinese perceive a solar eclipse as a harbinger of disasters and unrest. However, according to Eastern astrologers and Feng Shui experts, the upcoming problems will not be so serious that they could disrupt the Olympics.

One of the authoritative experts in the field of astrology and feng shui, Mak Ling-Lin, says that the eclipse could lead to minor political upheavals, as well as accidents and problems in the operation of transport communication networks during the Olympics. “Demonstrations and chaos on the streets are very likely, but they will not cause damage to the Chinese government,” says the astrologer, noting that the stars are favorable to competitions.

Natalia Maksimenko

P.S. During a solar eclipse, in order not to harm your eyes, experts recommend using glasses with a metallized coating that does not transmit infrared radiation. You can also use smoked glass or exposed and then developed photographic film. But in order to observe an eclipse through binoculars, a spotting scope or a telescope, you need to project an image of the Sun onto White list paper You can look directly at the Sun only through a telescope equipped with special filters.

Many people know from school what a lunar and solar eclipse is. Someone had a chance to observe these astronomical phenomena with their own eyes. Lately even a trend arose to gaze at an eclipse, especially a solar one, in geographical area visual observation people rush as if on a free attraction. But is this spectacle actually harmless for its immediate spectators and all people in general? Only a few people know what impact a lunar or solar eclipse has on life. In astrology there is a lot of information about these phenomena and their impact on humans, some of which is presented in this article.

Solar and lunar eclipses

Every year the Sun and Moon are eclipsed up to seven times. Alternating in pairs, these phenomena occur during full moons and new moons.

During periods of influence of eclipses of the Sun or Moon (at least a week before and after the event), the number of people seeking astrological consultation increases sharply. This is explained by the significant changes and fateful events that happen in the lives of many people at this time, and solar and lunar eclipses play an important role in this.

According to astrology, solar and lunar eclipses have a significant, often adverse effect on the destinies and health of all people. Eclipses have a particularly strong impact on those who are physically or mentally weak and those who were born during such a phenomenon or for whom the eclipse in their personal horoscope aspects planets and other important points. So, if the degree of the current eclipse coincides with a planet in the natal chart, then we can predict with 100% confidence the implementation of some important events in the life of the owner of the horoscope. If you analyze your personal birth horoscope more deeply, you can find out more specifically the most likely events.

However, it is a mistake to think of eclipses only as harmful phenomena playing a purely ominous role. Astrologers believe that eclipses, as a catalyst, launch the process of implementing a karmic program, not only individual, but also collective. Like a heavenly scalpel, they open the resulting abscess of karmic problems and allow them to the shortest possible time be realized. Therefore, if some bad event happens to a person during an eclipse, it is actually not that bad. As in the expression: “No matter what happens, everything is for the better.” This means that a person has paid his debts and freed himself from part of his karmic burden. That is, the main function of eclipses is our cleansing and liberation. Although for many this “medical” procedure turns out to be very painful, because it takes place abruptly and without any “anesthesia”.

There is some difference between the effects of solar and lunar eclipses on humans. To understand what it is, you need to separately understand the essence of the influence of each phenomenon.

Solar eclipse

The sun is a source of solar energy ("life-giving prana") necessary for the life of all living things. In astrology, the Sun is identified with masculine energy. It symbolizes vitality, creativity, spirit and consciousness of a person, his ego or “I”. However, the events triggered by solar eclipses are not always caused by us and are often associated with external factors, with our surroundings and environment, but they are certainly reflected on us. For example, if something happens to a person close to you or on a global level - in your country of residence, then this will naturally affect you.

A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon. During a solar eclipse, the “vital prana” is interrupted or reduced, which negatively affects all living beings. Finding yourself in the darkness of an eclipse, consciousness seems to darken, the will weakens, the human mind is less oriented in situations, thoughts are confused, and the percentage of erroneous and inappropriate actions increases. It is believed that men and women have the hardest time during a solar eclipse. creative individuals both sexes.

During a solar eclipse, the well-being of many people worsens. It is especially difficult for the main organ of the body – the heart. Already an hour after the Moon begins to cover the Sun, the power of the heart’s ejection of blood into circulatory system, blood pressure rises, a failure occurs in the system of regulation and blood supply to all organs of the body. The number of strokes, heart attacks and other health disorders associated with heart failure is increasing.

On a global scale, a solar eclipse adversely affects the entire society. The negative effect that an eclipse produces on an individual basis accumulates in society and increases tension in it, contributing to destructive tendencies, which leads to mass unrest, a tense political situation and military conflicts, and outbreaks of epidemics. The number of accidents, catastrophes and emergencies is increasing, especially due to human fault. In this “dark” time, the ego of politicians is off the charts and in order to satisfy it, they lose control of themselves, make harmful and erroneous moves that can lead to various adverse consequences for entire countries.

Moon eclipse

Lunar eclipses coincide with the full moon and occur at least twice a year. Since the Moon in individual astrology symbolizes the human soul, his subconscious and controls unconscious processes, emotional sphere, then the result of the impact of a lunar eclipse is mental imbalance and increased emotionality.

During the period of influence of the lunar eclipse, the mind is wounded and suppressed by emotions rushing out, often negative. “Subconscious demons,” which until now had been dormant, waiting for their “finest hour,” awaken and break free. A lunar eclipse is this very hour when the number of conflicts and related situations increases in society. People who are emotionally excitable, especially women and children, begin to become hysterical, capricious, cry, and make scandals over every occasion. But for people striving for the Light and determined to do Good, an eclipse can cause spontaneous impulses of the soul, induce heroic deeds and good deeds.

A lunar eclipse is like a surgeon, they open us up and take out our internal problems and desires, what is hidden inside our soul, in the subconscious. Everything that a person has accumulated within himself, consciously held back, suddenly spills out and often leads to events. That is, during a lunar eclipse life situation is formed under the influence of our feelings, thoughts, internal problems, and everything that happens is inextricably linked with them. This is where the effect of a lunar eclipse differs from that of a solar eclipse.

During the active phase of the influence of eclipses (one month before and the same amount after the eclipse), many people have a desire to do something important or new, but astrologers urge them to refrain from such actions, since a person at this time is less objective in his views. Negative influence A solar eclipse can last for several months, but the consequences of events and important matters started during the active phase can last for years.

Following the recommendations of astrologers and certain rules, outlined in a separate article devoted to this topic, you will learn what you need to do to avoid the negative consequences of eclipses and how to use for your benefit the time when lunar or solar eclipses occur in the skies.