Hiding VK subscribers

Currently, within the social site. On the VK network, two processes related to the ability to subscribe are relevant. Moreover, each affected method is suitable exclusively for solving a specific task out of all possible ones.

Read also: How to find out who you are following on VK

Method 1: Hide subscribers

Today, you can hide VKontakte subscribers, that is, those people who are included in the “Subscribers” section, using one the only way– deletion. Moreover, we have already discussed this process in great detail earlier in the corresponding article on our website.

Read more: How to delete VK subscribers

If you still have difficulty understanding this process, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the VK blacklist, which is the main tool for deleting and, therefore, hiding subscribers.

Read also: How to add people to the VK blacklist Viewing the VK blacklist Bypassing the VK blacklist

Method 2: Hide subscriptions

The list of VK subscriptions consists of those people to whom you are subscribed and may be available to some users only if mandatory condition. This feature is that in the “Interesting Pages” block only those people whose number of subscribers exceeds one thousand users will be displayed.

If a person has more than 1000 subscribers, then you can hide it using privacy settings.

Read also: How to hide a VK page

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How to hide interesting pages on VK

Please note that when you go to the “My News” section, at the top of the window you will see the “Interesting Pages” block. The contact automatically collects a selection of relevant materials for you so that you can always see the latest information. This also includes pages of people who, within social network are popular (see how to make a VKontakte page popular). This is done with the goal that users add each other as friends (see making friends on VK) and get involved in the process of using the contact.

If for some reason you don’t like the fact that this block is displayed in the news, I will show you how to hide interesting VKontakte pages.

How to hide interesting pages in contact

Disabled in the “My News” section. Go there and click on the “+” icon in the upper left corner.

In the menu that opens, you need to uncheck the box next to the “Recommendations” item. It is he who is responsible for creating a list of interesting pages.

As you can see, a fairly powerful filter is available here, with which you can flexibly customize the news format.

There is such a block on your page too. People and groups you follow go there (see how to see who I'm following on VK).

Unfortunately, you won't be able to hide this section. The only option is to unsubscribe from all the people who have you as subscribers (see how to quickly unsubscribe from everyone on VK). It's the same with groups. But this is unlikely to suit you.

It is worth noting that if the number of your friends is very modest, no more than a few dozen people, then interesting pages will be shown to you by force. The social network's policy on this issue is strict - the administration is interested in you making friends with other people. Thus, showing greater activity and gradually getting involved in the use of VK.

In contact with


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We hide our subscribers

VKontakte is a social network that is used by almost everyone, young and old. Hundreds of millions of people have registered on this portal and view a huge number of user pages every day. Sometimes you don’t want outsiders to see any information about the page, for example, the names of people subscribed to receive news. There are several ways to hide VKontakte subscribers.

Who are subscribers and how to hide their names from other users

A VK subscriber is a social user. VKontakte network, which sees the news and events of the person whose page he is subscribed to.

Subscriptions are the pages from which you receive news.

The status of a subscriber is the one who:

  • applied for friendship but was rejected;
  • was added to the list of friends, but was deleted;
  • is a friend to this day.

We will find out below how to hide those who have subscribed to your news on the VKontakte social network. It is more difficult to decide what exactly needs to be achieved.

  • You can completely delete people subscribed to a page, and then none of them will be able to see the news and events of the person they were subscribed to anymore. Thus, other users, coming to you to look at information, will not see any of the previously subscribed ones.
  • You don't have to get rid of people who receive news from you, but simply hide them from other users.

Remove subscribers from a VKontakte page

In order to get rid of all those who have ever sent a request to be friends, you need to perform a number of manipulations:

  1. Log in to your page on VK.com.
  2. Log in to the “Subscribers” section.
  3. Click the “x” icon above each avatar to block.
  4. After about twenty minutes, all blocked users will appear in the blacklist.
  5. Enter settings by clicking on your photo in the top right.
  6. In the settings on the right, select “black list”
  7. Remove all former subscribers from the list.

It should be remembered that those removed from the list of friends by you personally will also remain on the list of subscribers and will continue to receive news from your page.

How to hide subscribers from prying eyes

Here the situation is as follows. You can hide your friends from prying eyes, and if you don’t want to delete those who have subscribed to your page using the previous method, you can add them to total number friends and proceed as follows:

  1. Go to settings by clicking on your own ava at the top right.
  2. From the menu on the right, select “privacy”.
  3. A window will appear where you need to find the item “who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.”
  4. Click on the word “everyone” in this paragraph and select friends whom you will hide from outside observers. Save the changes.
  5. Next, we stop our gaze at the point “Who sees my hidden friends.” Make sure it's set to "Only me".

After the manipulations with home page In VK, information about people subscribed to your page will disappear due to the lack of them.


How to hide interesting pages on VKontakte 2017?

Popular Questions, Page

Interesting pages are a dual concept within the VKontakte social network. Firstly, this definition includes interesting posts in the News section, and secondly, the list of communities and people you follow is displayed directly on the main page under the list of your friends. These are still different things, so let’s take a closer look at how to hide interesting pages in both places.

How to hide interesting things in the news

In 2017, the news section, like many other modules, was transformed both externally and functionally. I have already written in more detail about various filters, now I will only add information about disabling interesting news. On the right, under the panel with various sections, there is a switch slider called “Interesting first.”

When it is turned on, VKontakte will automatically identify the most interesting posts for you, regardless of the time of their publication. By turning it off, you will receive a list of news from all groups and from all users, starting from the most recently published to the most recent. How to view the information in this section is up to you.

How to hide the block of interesting pages

This block includes everyone public pages, which you have subscribed to plus the users you are following. Groups are not included in this list.

The pages you visit most often are displayed at the top, so friends looking at this list will know about your interests. You can remove it only by unsubscribing from everyone; there is no other way to hide it today. The only way to hide this section from those who have accessed your page and are not authorized on VKontakte.

Go to settings -> Privacy -> at the bottom we look for the heading Other -> Who can see my page on the Internet, select Only VKontakte users.

There is a chance that a setting that allows you to hide interesting pages from friends will appear in the Privacy section. Stay tuned for updates, we will definitely inform you about this.

If you wish, then without special problems you can hide all the groups that you once subscribed to. This can be done using standard settings. However, there is one nuance, but more on it in the final part of the article.

So, in order to hide groups, click on the “My Settings” menu.

A page with numerous settings will open. Select the "Privacy" tab. On this page you can hide certain information on your page. Next to “Who can see my groups list,” select “Only me.”

That’s it, you don’t need to do anything else, the selected information will be saved automatically. Now, when a user visits your page, he will not see a list of groups to which you are subscribed. We remind you that the list of groups has now been moved to the body of the main page - see the “Personal Information” section.

And now - about the nuance. The fact is that some time ago so-called public pages appeared on VKontakte, which are not much different from groups, although, of course, there are differences. For example, a public page is open to all users, including even those who are not registered in VK, while a group can be made closed, which can only be accessed after submitting a preliminary application. But perhaps one of the main differences is that public pages ! In other words, any user who visits your page will always be aware of what public pages you are subscribed to, which our site has already talked about. Take this into account.

Currently, anonymity on the VKontakte social network has dropped significantly: many functions that allowed users to hide information about themselves and their page have disappeared. To leave some privacy options, the developers have created a separate section in your account settings, in which you can hide photos, audio recordings, your comments and other data, but the “My Pages” section can only be partially hidden from prying eyes. You will learn all the steps to hide your communities and groups in this article.

How to hide interesting VK pages: group privacy

First of all, remove groups from this public section so that other users do not see them. This is done in the settings account In contact with.

  • Pay attention to the upper right corner of the main page of the site. Click on your avatar thumbnail.
  • A drop-down list will immediately appear. In it you need to select the “Settings” item to start making changes.

  • Here you have access to all the parameters of your own VKontakte page, its interaction, account, blacklist and much more. Go to the “Privacy” tab in the right list.

  • Find the item “Who sees the list of my groups” on the page that appears. Clicking the blue link next to it will expand the options with options.

You will have the following options:

  • If you select “Only me,” then no one else will see your groups;
  • “Friends Only” allows all users who are your friends to see your groups.

The remaining items cannot be called private, since your task is to hide the groups. Select the item you need and exit the menu. Now absolutely all groups will not be displayed on your page.

How to hide interesting VK pages: hide communities

The bulk of the “Interesting Pages” section is made up of communities. Unfortunately, they cannot be hidden from prying eyes - this is simply not provided for by the developers. However, you can unfollow communities and add them to your bookmarks to continue following the news of the community or public page.

Go to the “Groups” section, which contains not only groups, but also communities.

Choose a community that you don't want other people to see.

Once you enter it, you will see a small menu at the top right. First, select the one that says “You are subscribed.”

Unfollow the community in one click.

  • Select another menu by clicking on the three dots icon.

  • From the drop-down list, click on “Add to Bookmarks”.

  • Now this community will be displayed in your “Bookmarks” section. If this section is not enabled, you can do this in the page settings in the “General” tab.
  • Of course, you lose the ability to receive notifications from communities, and they also stop appearing in your news feed. But they will not be visible in the “Interesting Pages” section. Unfortunately, VKontakte users have no other ways to hide this section.

The Internet has exploded into modern life. It is used not only as entertainment, but also for work, as well as for many other purposes. Social networks are especially popular among young people. And the most famous is VKontakte.

Benefit for everyone

Social networks are attracting more and more new people. Thousands of new users register every day. Interesting VKontakte pages are appearing more and more often. And all parties benefit from this. The site becomes more popular, naturally, this has a positive effect on the income of its founders. And it’s good for users - they can while away their time here with benefit and pleasure.

There are interesting pages on various topics. It could be just some original profile of one person or an entire community. People united by a common idea, interests and views can join the appropriate group. There are a huge variety of them: sports, information, women's and men's, about films, books, quote books, etc.

Online advertising as a source of income

The multi-million audience of the social network in question ensured the development of business projects. Interesting pages advertise any products or services. This is much more effective than, for example, posting your advertisements on poles or to passers-by. After all, you must admit, it’s easy to pass by some inconspicuous advertisement pasted on a board on the street. But to resist the tempting, bright and original text, which you saw on your monitor screen, is an impermissible matter. This is why having interesting VKontakte pages is beneficial!

Making your profile more popular

A natural question arises about how to make a page interesting so that it is visited by as many people as possible. more people. There are several proven effective methods.

If this is your personal page and you want it to become visited, you should follow some simple rules:

Communities of Interest

Increasing the popularity of personal pages helps to increase a person’s self-esteem and expand his circle of contacts. If you need to do something more serious, for example, advertising certain products or services, then it is better to use groups for these purposes.

There are several options here. If you are the owner of any business, you can describe the services your company provides, provide information about your products, accept orders from clients, etc. If you are an ordinary Internet user who does not want to waste time at the computer and seeks to earn income, it would also be appropriate to create a public page.

Interesting VK pages have good traffic, which means a large audience of potential clients. And if you are the owner of one of them, you can earn money by advertising other people’s companies, websites, etc. on your page. The customer gives you an agreed amount of money, and your income grows - the scheme is simple.

How to hide a community in the "interesting pages" block

The public pages that a particular person has subscribed to are displayed in the profile and are visible to absolutely everyone. Some users, due to some circumstances, want to hide their interesting VKontakte pages. And many people are interested in the question of whether this can be done. This block cannot be hidden using privacy settings. There's only one left possible variant- unsubscribe from public posts that embarrass you or those around you.

To unsubscribe from a specific community, you need to go to its page, and then click the “unsubscribe” button under the avatar. Information from this public will no longer be displayed in your news. But if you still want to monitor its updates secretly, there is an option - add the group to your bookmarks. You can go to your favorite public page at any time. Bookmarks are not visible to other users, so no one will know which community you are following.

The social network VK has a large number of various functions that not all users know about and know how to use. We would like to tell you about one of them in today’s article. Interesting pages in VKontakte are the pages to which the user pays the most attention: he visits them most often, views photos and videos posted on them, comments on posts, participates in discussions, surveys, and so on.

However, some VK users have a problem: this list does not always display their most favorite and frequently visited pages. It even happens that at the top there are those for which the user may be ashamed or embarrassed, or some kind of comic communities, but I would like more highly intelligent groups to be displayed at the top. Today we would like to help you get rid of such problems and tell you how to manually change the order of your interesting pages.

How to change page position

If you want to raise your favorite page to a higher place (so that it is always at hand), then this is very easy to do. To do this, try unsubscribing from the community, and then subscribing to it again. As a result, the community you want will rise to fourth or fifth place on your list.

Using the same system, you can lower a community to fourth or fifth place from the first three. This way, you will free up the first places for pages that really deserve to be in these positions.

If you do not want a particular community or page to be displayed on your page, then this can also be done quite quickly. To do this, go to your news feed. Among all the posts, find one post from the page you want to hide. In the upper right corner, click on the cross “This is not interesting”, and then click on “Do not show news”. After this, you can safely cancel the action.

Please note that the list that is available to you will be updated instantly, and the one that is available to your friends and other VK users will only be updated after some time.

Changing your friends list

It is also worth noting that all of the above methods are also suitable for lowering or raising friends in your “My Friends” list. However, there are always not as many requests for changing them as there are for pages, since the ordered list of friends is seen only by the user himself and is not available to others. Even though they can view your friends list, they don't see it the same way you do. All users are chaotically mixed and arranged in a completely different order. Your personal list is built based on your interests and activity. The more often you correspond with a VK user or visit his page, the higher he is on your list.

By the way, this function allows you to adequately assess your interest in the pages. If they are at the very bottom of your list, it means you are not that interested in them. This is a good method for organizing pages. That is, if you want to clean up your list of interesting pages (or friends), start from the bottom, and you won’t go wrong. After all, if you are not interested in the page, perhaps it is simply “cluttering” your profile. If it is important for you that your page looks impressive and attractive, check out our article

Thus, interesting VKontakte pages are a very useful function, and now you also know how to use it so that it brings you only convenience and no discomfort.