
Think about your dreams and plans, about what you really want. It makes sense to pay attention to such areas of life as career, wealth, fame, family, marriage, children, health, knowledge, teachers. Imagine what you want to achieve in each of these areas, think through it in detail, imagine yourself in the future in which you already have all this, feel the joy that these desires have already come true.

After this, take the paper, you may find it more convenient to work with a larger format than standard album sheet. Divide the sheet into areas of your life. Arm yourself with scissors, glue, magazines and simply inspiring pictures, markers, and paste or draw your desires. The pictures should reflect as much as possible what you want. Be sure to sign each one. Be as specific as possible. Place performances. Also, at the top of the sheet, make an inscription stating that everything is happening according to the most favorable scenario for you and the world around you.
As you create collages and illustrations, feel the joy that life is beautiful and everything is already. Be sure to paste your photo or draw yourself. In the image you should be happy. In this way, you can “try on” a new one, vacation in the corners of the world, a dream job, and even be surrounded by a big and loving woman. The wording of desires should be positive and not include the particle “not”.

When any desire comes true, changes, or you realize that it was not your true one, then you need to make appropriate changes to the collage, peel off those that are no longer needed, add new ones, work with your desires.

Place the wish collage where you can see it in the morning and... Try to remove it from the eyes of those people who will not support you. Some wishes will begin to come true immediately, others will take some time. But don’t sit still, do what’s up to you to make your desires come true.

Video on the topic


There is also a Feng Shui collage, which differs from a regular dream collage in that for each desire there is a certain zone in which certain desires should be placed.

Helpful advice

It is worth noting that a collage of wishes can be easily made in Photoshop, after which it can be printed on a color printer.


  • How to make a wish collage in 2019

One of the most significant and touching moments in the life of every person is a wedding. Beautiful and festively designed photographs will create for you good mood for many years, reminding of this wonderful day. Professional photographers often combine multiple photos into one shot, change the background, add effects and much more. You can combine your favorite photos, decorate them beautifully and make captions yourself.


If you are a beginner, then the easiest and most intuitive program to use is photo COLLAGE. It's very easy to make a beautiful one here. Open the program, click create. You can choose one of the ready-made templates (there are more than a hundred templates to choose from: wedding, and many others) and select the size of the finished one, for the monitor or print, the program itself will select the proportions. Transfer the selected photos to the intended places, the program allows you to change the size and position of the images, add elements, decorate them with frames and vignettes, choose any image as a background. Bright decorations from the “Romance” section will add special charm to your composition. Using special filters in the program, you can easily make a wedding collage in an old style, retro, classic or modern romance, modern, and select the appropriate decorative elements. The program is all in Russian and is intuitive.

You can quickly and easily arrange your photos directly on the Internet, for example on the website
Go to the website, select a photo effect and click on the image. Load the photo you need from your computer's memory and create a new image. You will see the result immediately on the screen. What’s especially nice is that the program does everything and allows you to send a picture by email to friends and acquaintances.

The most popular graphic editor among amateur photographers remains Adobe Photoshop. Load into the program those images that you would like to combine and transfer them to the selected background with the Move Tool. The Ctrl and t keys will help you change the size; to maintain the proportions, hold down the Shift key. You can replace the background by creating a layer mask and a brush. There are other ways to achieve your goal in this program. To master all the capabilities of the program, we recommend watching lessons or taking special courses. Other popular programs for creating collages are: Corel PHOTO PAINT,, Macromeda Fireworks, WinImages.

Helpful advice

A collage of wedding photographs should be rich and expressive, so that when you look at it, you will return to the happy day of your wedding. Over time, add a photo of your children to it, and it will fit in one frame whole story. We wish you creative success.

Wishes tend to come true. If you really want something for real, it will come to you. Start by thinking carefully about everything that is required for collage, which is also called a treasure map. Do you really need this or that thing or achievement, are you ready for everything that it will bring into your life? Be very specific about your dreams.

You will need

  • - Whatman paper;
  • - photographs and pictures from the magazine.


You will need it, the size depends on the abundance of yours, and on the place where you hang it. Speaking of location, it’s best to place the collage near the bed so that when you get up in the morning, you see it first. In order not to cause condemnation, try to hide it as much as possible from prying eyes.

Collect photographs of yourself from magazines that depict everything you dream of and ask for. This can, of course, be just one thing, for example, if you want, you can hang pictures of a car by the bed, by the desktop, etc., but we are talking about something a little different.

If you follow the rules of Feng Shui, it is divided into Bagua zones, there are 9 of them in total and each corresponds to a specific color. They are arranged in the form of a square, three in a row, from left to right and from top to bottom: (purple), glory (red), relationships (pink); (green), Self (yellow), children or creations (white); knowledge (light blue), (blue), friends (gray).

Paint the zones in the colors that correspond to them, you can immediately glue sheets of colored paper onto whatman paper, and then attach what you want to them. Now attach with glue (stick, stationery or PVA will do) images that symbolize your desires in the corresponding zones. This is just a flight of fancy, controlled by your dreams and needs. Anything that you think represents what you want, cut it out and glue it into zones.

Video on the topic

Floral collage is a composition made from flowers, herbs and other auxiliary materials. It can be used as an element of interior decoration in the form of a picture in a frame or as a design element holiday gift or postcards. Simple techniques for making such collages are accessible to untrained beginners.

You will need

  • - flowers and leaves;
  • - glue;
  • - frame;
  • - fabric, paper or cardboard;
  • - colored paper, foil, glitter.


Prepare materials for work. Flowers and herbs will need to be pre-treated. They can be flat, for this they are placed between two sheets of paper under pressure. Drying takes a week or more.

There are more quick way- ironing the plant through the fabric, but in this case natural material may change its color. Bulk flowers and plants are best dried in clean sand or treated with wax. Last method It is quite labor-intensive and suitable only for experienced handicraft enthusiasts.

Also purchase auxiliary materials - fabric or paper on which the composition will be placed, a frame, glue (Moment is suitable, and PVA for flat elements), paints, colored paper or foil (if needed for the composition).

Think about the idea of ​​the future composition, what it should depict. This does not have to be a specific plot; it is possible that the idea will simply be an emotion or mood. It is also important to choose color scheme collage.

Take paper or fabric that will serve as the basis for your work. It is best to stretch the fabric onto a stretcher. Paint it if necessary to change the background color. Attach flowers, leaves and other decorative elements according to your design. You can apply, for example, glitter to the resulting picture.

Also, if desired, use specific techniques to design the base for the composition. These include the "" method. In this case, the base of the collage, usually made of cardboard, is covered with a mixture of paint and putty with the addition of pebbles or small shells. Gypsum can also be added there. This mixture allows you to create a textured basis for the future collage and give it volume. But in this case, making the painting may take much longer - up to several days required for the base to dry.

Video on the topic

Related article

How to make a collage using the terra technique

When creating, you need to think in advance about the theme, according to which you will then select the pictures. It can be anything: an exciting trip, a vacation with friends, pets or photos of your children.

You will need

  • - photos;
  • - clippings from newspapers and magazines;
  • - postcards;
  • - Whatman paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - glue stick;
  • - scissors.


Don’t be afraid to use your imagination; creating the most effective collage requires a creative approach. You can create a different type of composition that will include photographs reminiscent of important events in your life or just to lift your spirits. Photos can be combined with various pictures, newspaper and magazine clippings, or even postcards.

Come up with a form for the future collage, that is, the order in which your photos and pictures will be placed on paper. For example, if your theme is travel, then you can arrange your photos in such a way that they resemble the shape of the continent or country you visited. If the collage is intended to be given as a gift, then it can be designed in the shape of a heart. Are your photographs dedicated to pets? Arrange the photos so that from a distance they resemble the silhouette of a cat or other animal. Keep in mind that any unconventional form for collage will make your work unique, expressive and truly interesting for the viewer.

Once you have thought through all the details, you can get to work. Take a sheet of Whatman paper and a simple pencil. Try to outline the shape of the future collage on paper. This can be difficult; you need to achieve contours that suit you. The fact is that in the process of gluing photographs it will be difficult to correct anything.

Before gluing the pictures, lay them out on paper in the way they should be positioned. finished work. Move a couple of meters away from the collage, critically examine its shape and the order in which the photographs are arranged, and, if necessary, correct any deficiencies identified. Only after that, take a glue stick and start gluing the pictures.

Take one photo at a time, carefully gluing it to the right place, while trying not to move the other components of the collage. After all the photos are glued, if necessary, add additional touches, for example, decorate photo frames using markers or felt-tip pens, write inscriptions if you need it. The main thing is not to overdo it, because for any collage only two elements are important - the form and the photographs themselves, try not to distract the viewer’s attention from them.


The maximum effect of the collage can be achieved by hanging it on a plain surface in a room that is bright enough for viewing.

Helpful advice

If you want to maximize the shape of the collage, simply cut it out of paper, leaving only the necessary elements.

Many have probably heard about visualization, a treasure map, a dream poster, and finally, a collage of wishes. It's all about the same thing, about our imagination, the power of thought and bringing what we want into reality. It is important to understand that when making such a collage, these things will not come to you from outside on their own, will not penetrate your subconscious, will not begin to sprout in the depths of your soul like sprouts. Everything that you display on the poster is a projection of your subconscious into the world, and displaying it on paper is only necessary so that this itching desire from within will develop into a manic thought, thereby making your dreams come true more quickly. All our actions stem from what we really want deep down. And if you don’t have something this moment, it means you don't want it. It's simple! Although it sounds strange. But that's how it is. We may want with our thoughts, but deep down we may not want, and therefore in fact we do not have these things. So let's all learn together to project the true “I want, I want, I want” into real steps! Some people’s power of imagination is so rich that they don’t even have to draw collages, everything comes into being on its own, you just have to want it, while others need whatman paper (any size), magazines, pictures from the Internet, glue, scissors, colored markers to help and a good mood for it. I forgot about FAITH! You can't start without it.

What should a wish collage be like?

I recommend making the collage individual, because there are also family collages. Still, this is your subconscious, and only your desires. Alien soul of darkness! The husband can nod his head, but inside he doesn’t want it, then nothing will work. The collage can be in all areas at once (more about them below), or it can be thematic with a given period of time (for example, you want to travel to Italy, display the sights, your wardrobe on the trip, gifts that you will buy there for your loved ones, dishes that are there try it, etc.). The collage can be annual, or it can be for a given period of time.

When to make a wish collage?

When you want it, when you feel the strength and great desire to make your desires come true into the world! There is also special days, powerful and energetically rich, when the collage can be launched into the air of action.

  • New Moon (1st and 2nd lunar days). The upcoming dates this year are May 6-7, June 5-6, July 4-5, August 2-3, September 1-2, October 1-2, October 30-31, November 29-30, December 29-30.
  • Your birthday.
  • New Year, points of the wheel of the year (esbats) - I regularly write about these holidays, but let me remind you of the dates - on the night of October 31 to November 1 (Samhain), December 21 (Yule), February 1-2 (Imbolc), March 21 ( Ostara), on the night of April 30 to May 1 (Beltane), June 21 (Lita), August 1-2 (Lughnasadh), September 21 (Mabon).
  • Eclipses. The nearest ones this year are August 18, September 1, September 16.

Rules for creating a collage of wishes:

  1. The collage must include a photograph of you, where you are smiling, your eyes are sparkling, and in general you exude happiness!
  2. Everything you want to see in your life must be real in terms of timing and position, and also have no defects in the photo. If you want to attract a man into your life, it is better to portray him from the back, sideways, because a particular boy-model or actor as a life partner from Los Angeles is unlikely to sign up for you. Although)
  3. You can add magazine clippings as captions. BUT! They must be in the present tense. For example, I'm happy! I received an award! Today I married the best man in the world! Etc. If the desired inscription you didn’t find it in the magazine – write with a marker directly on whatman paper! And one more thing – we exclude the part NOT – I’m not fat, it doesn’t suit us, but I’m slim – quite.
  4. Before you stick a picture, ask yourself the question: “Do I really want this? Isn't this a typical standard of happiness in society? Maybe I don’t need this at all?” And remember, you cannot harm another person with your desire.

And now - step-by-step instructions for creating a collage of wishes for the year (I use the eastern Ba-Gua grid for this, and if you do it at a certain stage of time on one topic, then the pictures are arranged chaotically).

We divide whatman paper into 9 sectors.


Purple color should (preferably) predominate. The sector is associated with wealth, abundance, luxury, prosperity and well-being. Here we place an apartment, a house, a car, jewelry, banknotes, platinum cards. Examples of inscriptions - I own a house in a cottage village..., I have a car Mercedes C - class of such and such color, I am the owner of a diamond ring from Tiffany , I easily attract money into my life, my monthly income is 150 thousand rubles. Etc. I remind you that everything must be real and within your power. It won’t fall from heaven, you will embody everything yourself, you really have to want it and live here and now.


Red should be the dominant color. The sector is associated with your popularity in society, with your achievements, victories, and lottery winnings. Examples of inscriptions - I am the most popular videographer in my city, I am invited to fashion exhibitions and shows, I wrote a book and it was read by 1000 people, I won a beauty contest, I won a grant to develop my own business.


Pink color should prevail. The sector is associated with love relationships, their strengthening, and development. If you want to be happy with a specific person, you can paste a photo of you together, remembering the principle of “do no harm.” If you are looking for - the image of the desired man. You can have pictures of happy couples in love, wedding rings. Examples of inscriptions - I am happily married, my wedding is on the islands, we are a harmonious couple, love surrounds me. There is no need to write about butterflies in your stomach - otherwise they will settle there.


Green color should prevail. The sector is associated with your family, relatives, immediate circle, who enters your home, your interior, pictures of a happy family. Examples of inscriptions - All members of my family are healthy, my husband spends time with the children, evenings by the fireplace with my beloved are wonderful, my cat has given birth to her first offspring, there is an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, the new dressing room is very spacious, etc.


Yellow color should predominate. The sector is related to health, beauty, your appearance. This is where your satisfied photograph taken during a favorable period is located. Examples of inscriptions - I am healthy and beautiful, my figure is ideal, my weight is 55 kg, my waist is 60 cm, beautiful hair I do sports every day.


White color should predominate. Here are all your dreams about children, hobbies, creative endeavors, inspiration. Examples of inscriptions: I gave birth to a healthy daughter, my son is an excellent student, I take watercolor courses, I know how to dance bachata, I embroider pictures with beads.


Blue should be the dominant color. The sector is associated with diplomas, certificates, driver's licenses, books, what you finally decided to learn. Examples of inscriptions - I have a higher education diploma, I got my driver’s license the first time, I do yoga and meditation every day, I am studying horary astrology.

If you have chosen such a wish card, you must fill in all sectors. If fame and travel are not interesting to you, then fill it out chaotically, without observing the sectors.

The wish collage starts working immediately. You can store it in your bedroom, dressing room, office. If close people see him, it’s not scary. The main thing is that they share your aspirations, don’t laugh and believe in you. A little trick - indicate on the collage the following phrase “My wishes come true easily and quickly.” Do not indicate everything at once, all the countries you want to visit in your life, indicate exactly those you want to visit in set period of time.

And remember - a collage of desires is still not a panacea for all ills, not Magic wand and not fairies who will work for you. When a collage is created, you describe specific steps towards your personal happiness, the Universe will definitely hear you and send you back best opportunities so that you feel happy as soon as possible. Be sure to thank yourself, your loved ones, the Universe or someone else for what you have now - after all, all you have are your dreams come true.



“Man differs from animals in the ability to laugh and the ability to dream”
James Crews.

People always have a Reason. A reason to do and a reason not to do. The reason why it doesn't work. The reason why they don't believe. There are all kinds of reasons for absolutely everything.

Most often I hear from successful networkers: “The wish map works if you work.”

Most often I hear from those who are not successful: “Everyone says that it should work, but this is such nonsense.”

The whiners don't even try to put it together.

Moreover, this applies not only to networkers, but to people most different professions. Collage doesn’t care who you are. It still works. Whether you believe it or not.

When he brings a collage, I immediately say: “DO NOT SHOW me such and such pages, it is important for me that you MAKE them.” And from his face, eyes and general working mood, I unmistakably understand whether he did it or not.

There must be something in the Collage that, in any of your moods, like a spring, will lift you up and push you to work, push you to complete your daily working standard so as not to stay at home and not waste your day on trifles.

After all, there are not many hardworking people, only strong leaders work a lot. As elsewhere, the majority are in and are satisfied with average earnings with a very average amount of work.

Such a collage is worthless, after looking at it you don’t immediately raise your butt!

So, continue to work on it, identifying your true desires is ahead of you.

Why Version 3.2 after all?

This version also includes “Dreams Come True.” The collage is compiled annually. Anything that is meant to last a year or more is STICKED onto cardboard. What's planned for more short time, - is attached to a sheet of cardboard with self-adhesive leaves.

When reached, the leaves peel off, a date is put on them, and they are put into a box specially made for this purpose. Which can also be in the office. This is the visual result of small steps towards big goals.

Yes, when the year ends, the piece of cardboard gets cut. What is not done is pasted on new leaf cardboard And what is done goes right there, in the box.

Looking through the contents of the boxes is a good way to motivate beginners. After all, the DATES are there! And the person understands that since you did it, then he is no worse, he is the same, he can do it too. And the small ones help you understand that the big ones, which some people are even scared to dream about at first, are also achievable!

This is the method of working with Collage. This is short. If it is not completely clear to someone, I will be happy to tell you in more detail - in personal correspondence or in the comments.

The wish map is an immense topic, so I invite you to communicate!

Read more about the Feng Shui sectors of the dream collage.

A small bonus: what is there to hang in the “Wisdom” sector. Knowledge"?

For the effectiveness of its impact, as we have already decided, a collage is better. In the knowledge sector, in addition to pictures of upcoming field schools, it is good to hang a list of PERSONAL QUALITIES that you plan to develop in yourself. Also the program daily work over yourself, the timing of reading books and practicing skills.

Now try to find a glossy reason not to do this!

With love and gratitude

Push the buttons social networks- this is for money!

Over the past 20 years, Russians have become deeply interested in all kinds of eastern techniques, including Feng Shui. And that’s where the concept of “wish poster” came from. This name is well known, but few people know how to make it correctly with their own hands.

In fact, this process is not complicated, the main thing is to follow the rules, which is the main meaning of this eastern art. The first thing you need is a sheet of Whatman paper. It must be divided into 9 sections according to the bagua grid.

Nine zones of feng shui collage of desires

Now you need to place pictures for the collage of wishes in these zones.

1) In the center is the most important zone - health. Here you need to paste your best photo, where you are cheerful, happy and full of optimism. After all, this photo will symbolize your life in principle.

2) Above “Health” is “Glory”. This is where your success lies. Think carefully about what success means to you. For a man and a woman, these are quite different concepts. If for a woman it is a relationship, then for a man it is money. Don't be shy and don't limit yourself in your desires. Do you want a sea of ​​diamonds, 15 children, or become a millionaire at 20? Please, if this is what you mean by success, then this is your choice.

3) Below – “Career”. What heights would you like to achieve in moving up the career ladder? Who do you ultimately want to become? Head of a department or maybe move up and become the head of a concern?

4) "Wealth". Everything related to wealth should be placed here. Any picture you like depicting money. At the same time, the more banknotes, the better. Or you can glue a picture with a stack of gold bars. Why not? Gold is always liquid.

5) "Wisdom". Even if you haven’t graduated from university, and you think it’s too late to study. Paste here a photo of a happy graduate with a diploma or a famous scientist. Let them represent the entire breadth of your thinking. After all, they learn not only in schools, but also in life.

6) “Family” is a very feminine sector. Women clearly don't need to be told what pictures should be there. So let's explain it for men. We post photos ideal family in your understanding. If you want a beautiful wife, then there is a beauty in the photo. If you don’t want children, there are no children in the photo.

7) " Love relationship“- everything that is in one way or another connected with real reverent feelings should be placed here. It’s good if you already have a loved one, you can put his photo. If not, we select pictures with images of kissing lovebirds, intertwined hands, happy couples. Everything that somehow expresses this feeling.

8) “Children and creativity” - here should be what you dream about, what you would like to do. Maybe a hobby for which there is no time. So, if you have wanted to draw since childhood, place in this zone a painting by a famous artist that you really really like.

9) “Helpers and Travels.” This is a zone of choice. If you dream of visiting other countries, stick pictures of the cities and places you would like to visit. If you desperately need support for your life, stick a photo of your friend or saint.

It is possible to combine these two directions.

The result should be a collage of wishes like this, photo examples below:

Basic rules for filling out a poster

  • All pictures and photographs must be positive and you personally like them. You can take them anywhere: the Internet, magazines, family photo album.
  • Each picture must be signed. The desire must be expressed clearly and briefly. Don’t stop at intermediate desires, a poster is usually made for one year, so think about what you want to achieve in this year.
  • There should be no negation or particles “not” or “neither” in sentences.
  • The desire should not be bad for someone, that is, you cannot write “I want Ivan Ivanovich to be fired and for me to take his place.”
  • Feng Shui requirement is to start creating a collage for the waxing moon.

You will find a video on how to create a wish poster below.