And baby formula, and breast milk include almost all the beneficial substances that are so necessary for small child. However, when milk becomes scarce, every parent wants, in addition to artificial formula, to introduce more natural products into their baby’s diet. Omelette is no exception, because it contains eggs, which contain natural proteins.

At what age is it permissible to add omelet to a child’s diet?

Such a simple and tasty dish as an omelet is liked by almost all young children. It is quite bright and therefore attracts attention. It is easy to swallow even for little ones. However, parents should not be too hasty in giving such a product to their baby. First, you need to make sure that the baby is not allergic to the white and yolk. Therefore, pediatricians recommend starting to give omelet to children only after one year.

When it turns out that there is no allergy, you can add vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and meat, to the omelet. If you still have an allergy, then don’t despair, you can simply use quail eggs - they are hypoallergenic.

How to prepare a healthy omelet for small children?

In addition, you need to remember that you can make such a dish for your baby both in a conventional oven and in a slow cooker, as well as steamed. But you should avoid frying in a frying pan. An omelet for a child consists of almost the same components as for an adult. This is a regular mixture made from milk and eggs. If we talk about proportions, then for 1 egg it will be enough to add 50 milliliters of low-fat fresh milk. It will be better for the baby to prepare the dish without salt. In addition to these components, you can also add carrots or broccoli that are good for the eyes, Bell pepper or tender cottage cheese.

To make the omelette more fluffy when cooking, you need to beat the white separately and the yolk separately. If you cook such a dish in the oven, then you need to do it on low heat so that it does not burn.

Recipes for the little ones

Cooking methods diet omelet for kids are very simple and do not require special skills.

Steamed omelette for a one-year-old child

When preparing a dish for very young children, you need to be especially careful when choosing products and the cooking process.

Required components:

  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l. low-fat milk;
  • salt – as needed;
  • a small piece of butter - for greasing the pan.

Step by step recipe

  • First you need to beat the egg very well. This can be done in any way: with a whisk, fork or even a spoon.
  • Then you can add low-fat milk, as well as a little salt.
  • Next, you can pour the prepared mixture into a greased form.
  • After this, you need to boil water in a container. You need to place a colander on top, in which you need to set the mold.
  • Steam the egg mixture for 18-24 minutes.

The end result is a fairly healthy and tender omelette, which should be cooled a little and given to the child.

Omelet for a 1 year old child who is intolerant to squirrels

If your baby is allergic to protein, you can prepare an omelet using only the yolk.

Required components:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 3 tbsp. l. skim milk;
  • a little butter - for lubrication;
  • 10 gr. decoys.

Step by step recipe

  • The first thing to do is to thoroughly beat the yolk. You can use either a mixer or a whisk.
  • After this, you can add milk, mix a little and immediately add semolina. Then everything needs to be thoroughly mixed and left for a few minutes so that the semolina swells a little.
  • The finished mixture must be poured into a greased mold, and then cooked in the oven for 10-14 minutes.

You need to cook it so that it does not become crusty.

Omelet for a child in a slow cooker

This cooking method is suitable for infants and children over 1.5 years old. In addition, adults will also like this dish.

Required components:

  • 6-7 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. low-fat milk;
  • salt – as needed;
  • a little butter to grease the bowl.

First you need to beat the eggs into a thick foam, after which you need to add fresh milk and a small pinch of salt. In the meantime, you need to grease the mold in the multicooker and pour the prepared mixture into it. Next, you need to press the “Bake” button and set the timer for 18 minutes. After cooking, do not immediately open the lid. You need to let it sit for another 10-15 minutes so that it remains as fluffy.

Omelette for children over 1 year old

This dish is often prepared in kindergarten, where it is eaten with great pleasure. However, you can try giving this omelet to a baby.

Required components:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 90 ml fresh skim milk;
  • cauliflower inflorescences;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • salt – as needed;
  • butter.

Step by step recipe

  • Broccoli and carrots need to be boiled and then cut into small pieces. In the meantime, beat the eggs with milk and add salt.
  • Next, you need to coat the mold with oil, then put the chopped vegetables in it and fill it with the prepared mixture.
  • Before this, you need to boil water in a large container and place a wire rack on it, on which you place the form with the omelette preparation. In 14-18 minutes it will be ready.

The end result is a very healthy dish that will appeal to all family members.

Baby carrot omelet

If your baby is tired of a regular omelet, you can surprise him by putting carrots in it. It will be both healthy and tasty.

Required components:

  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 90 ml skim milk;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

First you need to peel and grate the carrots. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with milk and salt. After this, you must first place the carrots in a greased form, and then pour in the prepared mixture. Then you need to put the pan in the oven and bake the omelette for 16-19 minutes. The resulting omelette will be very bright color and, of course, the baby will like it.

Dietary children's omelette with low-fat cheese

For older children, you can use hard cheese when cooking.

Required components:

  • 1 bell pepper;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • 50 ml skim milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 20 gr. hard cheese.

Step by step recipe

  • The pepper must be peeled, cut into thin strips, and then simmered for a few minutes. Then you need to grate the hard cheese.
  • Eggs need to be mixed with milk into a very thick foam, after which you need to add grated cheese and beat everything again. In the meantime, you need to coat the mold with oil, put the stewed pepper in it, and then pour everything with the prepared mixture.
  • The form must be placed in the oven and cooked for 18-21 minutes.

After this, you must not open the oven for several minutes so that the omelette is just as fluffy.

Egg treat with apple for kids

If you add such an unusual component to the beaten egg mixture, the dish will become not only tastier, but also healthier - apple contains a large number of different vitamins.

Required components:

  • ½ apple;
  • 40 ml fresh low-fat milk;
  • several fresh eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a little oil.

The apple must be washed well and cut into thin slices. They must be placed in a greased form. Meanwhile, mix eggs with milk and add salt. You need to pour this mixture over the apples, after which you need to put the mold in the oven. Bake the omelet for about 18 minutes, then cool slightly and serve to the kids.

Omelet for babies made from fresh quail eggs

This dish will not cause allergies, moreover, it will turn out very tender and tasty. In addition, this omelet will be very useful for human body, and especially for babies.

Required components:

  • 6 quail eggs;
  • 50 ml skim milk;
  • salt – as needed;
  • a piece of fresh butter.

Step by step recipe

  • The eggs must first be washed and then broken into a deep container. Then you need to add fresh milk to them, add a little salt and beat into a thick foam.
  • Next, you need to grease the mold. butter and pour the egg mixture into it. Cook for 4-4.5 minutes.

The delicate taste of the omelet will surely please a small child.

To give the dish an unusual taste, you can add the vegetable or fruit that your child likes. In addition, you need to decorate this dish beautifully. To do this, you can lay out dill greens in the form of a Christmas tree or make them from those vegetables that can already be included in the diet, smile or any figure. So the baby will be able to eat the entire omelet with great interest and joy.

You can even come up with recipes for your baby yourself. To do this, you can use those components that the child needs and also likes. This simple omelette will be very useful.

To learn how to cook a steamed omelette for a child over 1 year old, see the following video.

A product such as eggs contains many beneficial nutrients. nutrients. Each egg consists of a complete set of proteins that are easily absorbed by the body. That is why dishes prepared from chicken eggs are very healthy for both adults and children. To prepare food for a child, eggs must be fresh (stale ones are not suitable) and well washed. The simplest dish you can make for a child is an omelet. But this is not the limit.

Here at the House of Knowledge we have collected 24 of the most popular and easy to prepare recipes for egg dishes that are suitable for feeding small children.

When preparing an omelet for a child, the eggs must be beaten well, adding water (1-2 tsp). For a lighter omelette, especially for sweet ones, beat 1-2 egg whites into a weak foam and add a little melted butter.

Place oil in a frying pan and heat it over high heat. Pour in the omelette and periodically lift the sides in places where it is getting too hot. Shake the pan when the mixture begins to harden.

While the omelette is not yet completely cooked, fold it in half. This will make the omelette a little thicker. The preparation field can be served to the child as a separate dish, or in the form of, for example, a sandwich, placed on fresh bread.

To prepare a soft-boiled egg for a child, place the egg in (cold) water and then boil it. Immediately after boiling, remove the egg and after cooling you can serve it to your child.

In a bag.
To treat your child to an egg in a bag, place it in (cold) water, boil it and let it simmer for 30 seconds.

To hard boil an egg for a child, place the egg in water (also cold). After boiling, turn off the gas, but do not remove the egg from the boiling water for about 10 minutes. This will allow your child to cook a hard-boiled egg without overcooking it.


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Salt - 2g
  3. Oil - 6g

To fry a child with fried eggs, wash the egg, crack it and pour it into a plate. This will ensure that it is fresh. Then melt the butter in a small frying pan (about the size of a hazelnut or hazelnut) and carefully pour the egg into it. Once the protein has hardened, the egg must be salted and served to the child immediately.

(2 servings)


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Oil - 10g
  3. Roll - 50g

To treat your child to this scrambled egg, cut a roll (without crusts and stale) or bread (black) into cubes, grease them with butter and brown them in an oiled frying pan. Gently crack 2 eggs onto the croutons and then fry. When serving this dish to your child, you can add white sauce (1 spoon).


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Salt - 2g
  3. Oil - 6g

To make scrambled eggs for a child, beat one egg well with a fork until the white and yolk are completely mixed, pour in milk (20g) and add salt.

Boil 0.5 tsp in a frying pan. oils

Pour the beaten egg into the hot oil. When the eggs are fried, stir them thoroughly. Once cooked, you can serve it to your child.

(2 servings)


  1. Spinach - 200g
  2. Oil - 8g
  3. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  4. Salt - 2g
  5. Milk - 25g

To make these baby eggs, remove any thick stems from the spinach. Then wash it, cut it and fry in oil, covering it with a lid.

When the water has boiled away and the spinach is soft, pour in 2 eggs, which were previously beaten with 1 tbsp. milk. Add some salt and shake the pan until the eggs fry.

These scrambled eggs are not only tasty, but also very healthy for a small child.

(2 servings)


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Oil - 8g
  3. Tomato - 100g
  4. Salt - 2g

To make scrambled eggs and tomatoes for your child, rinse the tomato and remove all the seeds. Then cut it into cubes, throw it into a frying pan with oil (1 tsp) and add salt. When the tomato is stewed, add beaten eggs to it and when they are fried, serve to the child.

(2 servings)


  1. Milk - 50g
  2. Oil - 10g
  3. Roll - 50g
  4. Salt - 2g
  5. Eggs - 2 pcs.

To prepare such scrambled eggs for your child, soak a piece of dried bread in milk, add salt and beat in a couple of eggs. Then shake everything, fry in oil and you can serve it to your child.

(2 servings)


  1. Liver - 100g
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Roll - 40g
  4. Oil - 10g

To treat a child to such scrambled eggs, you need to make a puree from the liver, an omelet, and then the scrambled eggs themselves.

Liver puree.
Soak the liver, remove the films from it, cut into cubes, fry in oil, cool and mince twice. After this, to completely remove the films, the mass still needs to be wiped through the metal. sieve. Then salt it and add the bread crumb soaked in milk. The thickness of the puree should be like sour cream.

Fried eggs.
As soon as the puree is ready, start preparing an omelet from 2 eggs. After thickening the scrambled eggs, put liver puree on half of them, and cover the other half on top (fold the scrambled eggs in half). Then tip it onto a plate (hot) and you can serve it to your child.


  1. Brains - 100g
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Oil - 10g
  4. Dill - 5g

To prepare scrambled eggs for a child, boil the brainwashed eggs in water, adding 1 tsp. vinegar, then drain the liquid using a sieve. Remove the films from the boiled brains and cut them into small cubes. Then transfer them to the frying pan, adding 1 tsp. oils Reheat over low heat. To the brains (when they are stronger) pour eggs (2 pcs.), previously beaten with 2 tbsp. water and a small amount of oil. Add a little salt and stir until the omelette is fluffy. Sprinkle the finished scrambled eggs with dill and serve to your child.


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Milk - 100g
  3. Roll - 25g
  4. Cheese - 40g
  5. Flour - 5g
  6. Salt - 2g
  7. Oil - 10g

To delight your child with an egg under bechamel, peel a hard-boiled egg and cut into circles. Prepare a white thick sauce called bechamel. In a frying pan in 1 tsp. oil, fry a slice of bread (on both sides) and place one row of egg rings on top of it. Then pour over the sauce. The top should be the sauce, which also needs to be sprinkled with breadcrumbs, grated cheese and a drizzle of heated oil. In this form, place the scrambled eggs in the oven. After baking, serve to your child.

The bun can be replaced with slices of boiled potatoes.


  1. Eggs - 1.5 pcs.
  2. Milk - 100g
  3. Spinach and salad - 150g
  4. Sugar - 8g
  5. Roll - 40g
  6. Oil - 15g
  7. Salt - 3g
  8. Flour - 5g

Making eggs with spinach for your child is quite simple. To do this, sort the spinach and lettuce (150g), wash it and put it in a closed saucepan. own juice simmer for 10 minutes, adding only 1 tsp. Sahara. Then wipe the metal. sieve and season with béchamel sauce. Salt the resulting mass, mix with 2 tbsp. cream or 0.5 tsp. drain oil, then heat until steaming.

Mix the beaten half of the egg with milk, salt and add 0.5 tsp of sugar. Then soak a slice of bread in this liquid and fry it in oil to make crouton.

Fry 1 egg in a frying pan (like a fried egg). Place the fried egg on top of the crouton, arrange the spinach puree around it and serve to your child.


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Milk - 50g
  3. Potatoes - 200g
  4. Rusks or cheese - 20g
  5. Oil - 10g
  6. Salt - 3g

For cooking mashed potatoes with eggs for the child, bake potatoes (2 pcs.) in the oven. Then remove the middle and use a fork to mix with butter (1 tsp) and hot milk (0.25 tbsp). Add salt and place in a greased frying pan (deep). Make a well in the puree and pour in the egg (raw). Add salt, sprinkle with melted butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place in the oven. Serve to your child when the egg is baked, that is, the white turns white.

(2 servings)


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Oil - 10g
  3. Flour - 30g
  4. Salt - 2g
  5. Sugar - 20g
  6. Milk - 50g

To prepare an omelet for a child, mix well 2 tbsp. flour, salt (pinch), 2 tsp. sugar and 2 yolks (whipped and mashed with 2 tablespoons of milk). Beat the whites into foam, then mix everything together. Pour the resulting mass into a hot frying pan with oil and, shaking, fry over medium heat. Then turn the omelette over to the other side.

Don't fry too much.


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Milk - 200g
  3. Flour - 6g
  4. Sugar - 15g

Drachena for a child is prepared quite simply. With a quarter of a century. mix milk 1 tsp. flour. The remaining three quarters of Art. Boil milk, add flour mixed with milk and, stirring, cook for 15 minutes. Then refrigerate.

Beat the egg with 1-2 tsp. sugar, then mix with chilled milk. Place the pan on the fire again. Cook the eggs until they thicken, then serve them immediately to your child.

Drachena can be cooked by steaming or in the oven.


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Sugar - 20g
  3. Milk - 250g

To treat your child to this casserole, dissolve 2 tsp in a glass of milk. sugar and mix with egg. Pour the mixture into a small saucepan, which you place in a larger one containing cold water. In this form, place everything in the oven (not hot) for 60 minutes. Once thickened, remove and serve to your child.


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Oil - 5g
  3. Powdered sugar - 20g

To prepare an egg soufflé for a child, grind 2 yolks with 2 tsp. powdered sugar. Separately beat 2 chilled whites into a strong foam, lightly sprinkling them with powdered sugar. Carefully, so as not to mash the whites, mix them with the yolks, then place them in a high frying pan that has been oiled and sprinkled with sugar. For better penetration of heat into the soufflé, cut a cross at 2/3 of its depth. Bake in this form for 10 minutes over medium heat, then serve to your child.


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Salt - 2g
  3. Sugar - 20g
  4. Oil - 10g
  5. Cream - 20g

To prepare sugar scrambled eggs for a child, grind 2 yolks with 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. heavy cream and salt (pinch). Then quickly stir in 2 egg whites (beaten) and fry until drained. oil over high heat. Sprinkle the cooked eggs on top with powdered sugar and serve to your child.


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Apples - 100g
  3. Oil - 10g
  4. Powdered sugar - 20g

To prepare an apple omelet for a child, peel a ripe apple, slice thinly and fry in oil in a frying pan. Then pour in 2 eggs (beaten) and fry them like regular scrambled eggs. When serving to your child, fold the omelette in half and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Test composition:

  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Milk - 30g
  3. Flour - 10g
  4. Oil - 4g

Minced meat composition:

  1. Rice - 15g
  2. Green onions - 10g
  3. Egg - 0.25 pcs.
  4. Oil - 6g

To delight your child with an egg roll, beat 1 yolk with flour and milk. Then mix them with the whipped egg white. Pour the resulting mass onto a baking sheet (oiled) and place in the oven. When the ingredients are baked, tip them out onto the table and place the minced rice on top. Wrap the roll and serve it to the child.

Minced rice.
Mix boiled rice with green onions stewed in oil and hard-boiled chopped eggs.

You can also use stewed cabbage, carrots with eggs or jam as minced meat for the egg roll.

Test composition:

  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Milk - 30g
  3. Flour - 10g
  4. Oil - 4g

Minced meat composition:

  1. Cabbage - 100g
  2. Onion - 10g
  3. Oil - 8g
  4. Egg - 0.25 pcs.

An egg and cabbage roll for a child is very easy to prepare. First, similarly to the previous recipe, prepare the egg roll itself. Then make the minced meat as for a pie (chop the cabbage, pour over boiling water, squeeze, mix with thinly sliced ​​onion, simmer with butter in a saucepan until soft (keep white), cool and mix with finely chopped egg). Roll up a roll of these ingredients, heat it in the oven and serve to your child.


  1. Lemon - 1 pc.
  2. Egg - 1 piece
  3. Sugar - 50g
  4. Water - 250g
  5. Gelatin - 2 leaves (2.4 g friable)

To make egg jelly for your baby, cut off the thin skin of a lemon and squeeze out the juice. Mix the peel with 2 leaves of gelatin (soaked), 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. water, then throw it into the pan. Beat in 1 egg, place over low heat and stir until the gelatin dissolves (do not boil). Then add the squeezed juice to the warm jelly. Cool slightly and pour into cups moistened with (boiled) water. After this, place the jelly in the cold to harden (2 hours) and serve to the child.

(2 servings)


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Jam - 20g
  3. Flour - 6g
  4. Oil - 20g

To prepare an omelet with jam for a child, mix 2 yolks with 2 tsp. flour, and then with 2 whipped whites. Heat the oil in a frying pan, then add the whole mass and bake in a well-heated oven until yellow. Place jam on half of the prepared omelette, then roll it up and serve it to your child.

(3 servings)


  1. Milk - 400g
  2. Sugar - 150g
  3. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  4. Starch - 10g

To treat your child to snowballs, boil milk (2 tbsp). At the same time, beat 3 egg whites and lightly add to them (without beating) powdered sugar(100g). Using a tablespoon, carefully lower the lumps of whipped egg whites into not boiling but very hot milk. However, they should not touch. Cover the pan, boil the snowballs, and then place on a sieve.

While the milk is cooling, grind the yolks (3 pcs.) with sugar (50 g), add 1 tsp. starch and mix with chilled milk. Then heat on the stove until thickened. Dip snowballs into the resulting cream to warm it up easily.

You can also make the cream chocolate for a child by adding dissolved cocoa (10g) or 30g of grated chocolate to the milk.

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Proper nutrition is the key to health. For a growing, rapidly developing organism, food plays a significant role. It is necessary to feed your child only high-quality products. When preparing an omelet dish for a 1-year-old child, it is important to choose the appropriate recipe so that the food does not harm the baby.

Omelette is a source of nutrients for children

Omelet for one year old childhealthy breakfast or afternoon tea. The main ingredient is eggs. The product has the following useful qualities:

  • the presence of bioactive substances necessary for growth and development;
  • a large number of vitamins in the composition - in total, the egg contains 12 different vitamins;
  • presence of useful minerals: iron, phosphorus, iodine, selenium;
  • the presence of amino acids necessary for the body;
  • good digestibility – 98%;
  • low calorie content - up to 157 kcal.

The product begins to be introduced into the baby’s diet from the age of 7-9 months.

Important! It is permissible to prepare the first omelet from yolks for a baby at the age of 7 months, and by the age of one year the child can safely eat a familiar dish from a whole one.

The main point that deserves the attention of parents will be frequent allergic reactions to the product due to the presence of animal proteins. According to statistics, 90% of children with allergies have a reaction. If there are no negative consequences for the dish, it should be prepared in limited quantities. Pediatricians recommend preparing an omelet for one-year-old children no more than three times a week, provided that one chicken egg is used.

Features of preparing an omelet for a one-year-old child

Before you start cooking, you should pay attention to the products you choose. Only chicken or quail eggs are suitable as the main ingredient. The latter are distinguished by a high content of substances beneficial to the body - vitamins and minerals, less allergenicity and better digestibility by the body. When preparing an omelet from quail eggs according to a recipe, it is important to maintain the correct proportion - one chicken egg is replaced by two or three quail eggs.

During cooking, thermal processing conditions must be observed. In the absence of sufficient heat treatment, the risk of salmonellosis infection increases.

Attention! Goose, duck and turkey eggs are not suitable for a one-year-old baby due to their high cholesterol content. The porous structure of the shell increases the risk of infection infectious diseases, which is especially dangerous for a fragile body.

Pediatricians do not recommend cooking food in a frying pan. When oil is heated, carcinogens appear, which reduce beneficial features dishes. Most The best way preparing an omelet - steamed. It is highly undesirable to give fried food to a child before the age of three.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

A classic omelet for a one-year-old child is prepared with milk. If you have allergic reactions, it is better to replace the drink with water or use a mixture that was suitable for the baby during breastfeeding.

Omelette in the oven

It is convenient to prepare an omelet for a 1 year old child in the oven. The process includes several stages.

Step 1.

Preparation of products. Required ingredients:

  • one chicken egg or 2-3 quail eggs;
  • baby, water or mixture – 60 ml;
  • butter;
  • salt - minimal amount for taste.

Step 2.

Preparing dishes:

  • bowl for mixing ingredients;
  • form for baking;
  • whisk

Step 3.

Combine all the ingredients in a container and mix the resulting mixture with a spoon. Beating with a mixer is not recommended. This method will allow you to obtain a liquid of the desired consistency.

Step 4.

Grease a container with oil and pour the egg-milk mixture into it. It is necessary to obtain a layer up to 3 cm high.

Step 5.

Place the prepared baking dish with the egg-milk mixture in an oven preheated to a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Bake the dish for 7-10 minutes.

Before serving the omelet to your child, the dish should rest in the oven for at least 10 minutes. It should not be hot so that the baby does not get burned. If desired, pour melted butter over the omelet.

Omelet in a slow cooker

Modern technology has allowed parents to save time and effort. One of the indispensable appliances has become a multicooker.

Cooking an omelet for a 1-year-old child in a steamed slow cooker is quick and easy. The necessary ingredients and the procedure for preparing the egg-milk composition remain the same. Step by step steps preparations:

  1. Fill the multicooker bowl with plain water to the minimum mark on the inside of the bowl.
  2. Pour the egg-milk mixture into small refractory baking dishes, first coat each with butter.
  3. Place the filled molds in a mesh for steaming dishes and place in a multicooker.
  4. Select the “steaming” mode and set the time to 15 minutes.
  5. Keep the appliance lid closed until you receive a sound notification that the dish is ready.
  6. Disable automatic heating mode.
  7. 5-7 minutes after it’s ready, open the lid and take out the resulting omelette.

Before serving the product to your child, you should check the temperature of the product; the omelette should not be too hot.

Omelet in a frying pan

If you don’t have a multicooker and an oven, you can use a regular frying pan to prepare an omelette for a 1-year-old child. The ingredients and process of preparing the egg-milk composition are no different from an omelet in the oven or slow cooker. Pour the mixture into a greased frying pan and bake for 10 minutes. To ensure a fluffy dish, keep the pan lid closed at all times. Transfer the finished product to a preheated plate.

The optimal cooking solution would be to use a multicooker with the “steam” mode selected or use an oven. The dish turns out lush and dietary. Before preparing the egg-milk mixture, the eggs should first be washed under running water. The procedure will help protect the fragile child’s body from harmful bacteria.

Product selection: four main rules

From correct selection products depends on the quality of the finished dish. When choosing ingredients, you should follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Purchase products in trusted places, chain grocery stores. Any of the ingredients purchased from private individuals does not guarantee quality.
  2. When choosing milk, pay attention to the fat content of the product. For children under two years of age, pediatricians recommend products with natural fat content - about 3.5%.
  3. When purchasing eggs, give preference to a product with a shelf life of less than a week. It is permissible to use only products with a stamped production date that do not exceed their expiration dates. Little weight indicates that the product is damaged. If the shell is damaged, it is better to refuse to buy eggs.
  4. If you have doubts about the quality of the products, you should refrain from purchasing them.

Omelette is healthy and tasty. It can be supplemented with other ingredients to make a dessert out of it. This is a complete dish that does not require a lot of effort and the purchase of expensive products.

At the beginning of complementary feeding, children are allowed only yolks, as the least allergenic component of eggs. The time when you can give an omelet to your child or add whole eggs to other dishes comes after 1 year. At the same time, the baby’s need for easily digestible proteins increases, which can be easily satisfied with egg dishes.

Timing for introducing eggs into the diet

Poultry eggs have a high biological value. Pediatricians consider them a source of high-quality proteins for children. Proteins are structural components of all living cells, therefore they are vital for full physical and mental development baby. Protein reserves in the body are minimal. As soon as there is not enough of it in the diet, muscle tissue begins to break down. Egg whites are complete, meaning they contain full list essential amino acids. Its nutritional value and ease of digestion are comparable to breast milk proteins.

Other substances in eggs that have significant influence for child development:

Useful material Effect on the body
LipidsHigh level of phospholipids, healthy unsaturated fatty acids predominate. They are involved in metabolism, are responsible for immunity, and improve brain function.
VitaminsB2Necessary for the growth of the child, his formation nervous system. Participates in protein metabolism.
B12The work of the nervous system, participation in the process of formation of red blood cells.
AGood vision, low susceptibility to infections, healthy skin and mucous membranes. In mothers with vitamin A deficiency, the supply of vitamin A in milk after 6 months is insufficient. Unlike vegetables, eggs contain the vitamin in a “ready” form.
ZincSkin regeneration, physical development.
SodiumAcid-base balance, all types of electrical activity of cells.

Eggs are introduced into the diet of infants no earlier than 8 months. By this time, the baby should be familiar with basic vegetables, fruits, grains, and meat. Complementary feeding begins with egg yolk. For children under one year old, four chicken or 10 quail yolks per week is enough. They can be added to soups, vegetable purees, make yolk omelettes.

With absence allergic reaction In addition to the yolk, children from 1 year of age begin to receive protein. At first, it is added little by little to dishes, monitoring for possible allergies. If there are no adverse reactions, you can introduce dishes made from whole eggs - omelettes, casseroles, puddings.

Children are allowed only heat-treated eggs, as raw ones can cause salmonellosis. Preferred cooking methods are baking, boiling and steaming. It is not advisable to give fried foods before the age of three.

How to choose products

Requirements for products from which an omelet is prepared for a one-year-old child:

  1. Eggs are preferred for making omelettes industrial production, since chickens in poultry farms in mandatory vaccinated and tested for dangerous diseases. It is believed that eggs from free-range chickens are healthier. In your child’s menu, you can only use eggs from your own farmstead, and not those bought at the market. Eggs that have been stored for less than a week are considered dietary.
  2. Children under 2 years of age are given milk with a natural fat content of about 3.5% to satisfy the increased need for lipids. After 2 years, dairy products with reduced fat content are preferred, but not completely fat-free.
  3. Additional components of the omelet are boiled meat and vegetables, which the child is familiar with and tolerates well. Sausages prohibited at this age. An omelet for children aged 1 year can also be a sweet dish. In this case, add to it fruit purees, pour over jelly or syrup.
  4. Salt is an essential component of adult dishes. It is a source of sodium, a seasoning and even an antiseptic. It is not advisable to use salt in children during the complementary feeding period. From 1 year of age, the use of salt in the diet is limited, and dishes are prepared with the most natural taste possible. If you're making an omelet for everyone, remove the child's portion first and then add the spices and salt for the rest of the family.

Omelette recipes

Secrets of a lush, delicious omelette:

  • Children prefer soufflé omelettes. To prepare them, separate the whites, beat them into foam, then add the yolks and other components;
  • the dish is baked immediately after beating until the foam has settled;
  • In order for the omelette to remain fluffy and not fall off, there should be 1 spoon of milk per 1 chicken egg in the recipe;
  • if you want to prepare an omelette with a denser consistency, add a little (1.5 tablespoons for 4 eggs) flour or semolina;
  • additional components that are added to the omelet should not be cold;
  • It’s better to cook an omelet for the whole family at once, so it will turn out more delicious.

Steam omelette

The most tender dietary option omelette for a child - steam. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can get by with a colander and a large saucepan. Boiling water is poured into the bottom of the pan, a colander is placed on top so that it does not touch the water, and a container (bowl, silicone or glass mold) with the egg mixture is placed in it. The entire structure is covered with a lid or food foil.

Ingredients for a traditional steamed omelet: 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, a little vegetable oil, salt as desired.

Steam omelette recipe:

  1. Beat the eggs well.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix.
  3. Grease the mold with oil and pour the mixture into it.
  4. Place in a steam bath for 20 minutes or place in a double boiler for 15 minutes.

Multicooker omelet

The undoubted advantage of this dish is its ease of preparation. While the omelette is baking, you don’t need to watch it and you can fully engage with your child. The optimal number of eggs for this recipe is 6-8 pieces, so it is better to prepare it for breakfast for the whole family.

To guarantee a juicy and fluffy omelette in a slow cooker for a child over 1 year old, the following recipe works well:

  1. As usual, beat eggs with milk.
  2. Pour the mixture into a bowl greased with butter.
  3. Select the “baking” mode.
  4. The time depends on the power of the multicooker. Usually 20 minutes is enough. The omelette should be golden on both sides, but not crusty.
  5. To prevent the dish from settling, leave it under closed lid multicooker turned off.

This recipe for a child can be varied by adding tomatoes, sweet peppers, chicken, cauliflower or broccoli, zucchini, and hard cheese. Meat, cabbage, zucchini must first be boiled or steamed, tomatoes must be doused with boiling water and the skins removed.

Protein-free omelet

A good recipe for children under one year old and babies with protein allergies. Preparation procedure:

  1. Combine the yolks and milk (proportion: 50 g of milk per 1 yolk), beat.
  2. Add semolina (a teaspoon per 1 yolk), mix, and leave for 15 minutes to swell.
  3. Pour into the pan and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes.

The omelet according to this recipe is dense and has a neutral taste. It can be served to a child with stewed vegetables and fruit syrup or puree.

Omelette without milk

Cow's milk is introduced into the diet of children no earlier than 9 months. If your baby is not yet familiar with this product or does not tolerate it well, you can prepare an omelet without milk.

Classic omelette with butter: beat 3 eggs, pour in 55 g of melted butter, stirring constantly. Cook in the oven or steam.

Recipe for children using formula milk:

  1. We make 50 g of milk mixture using the usual proportions, dilute 0.5 tsp in it. flour.
  2. Beat 1 yolk and mix with the mixture. You can add a little oil.
  3. Pour the mixture into a bowl and microwave at half power for 2 minutes.

Omelette for dessert

If your baby refuses traditional omelettes, you can feed him eggs using unusual sweet recipes. One of them is the Brazilian banana omelette. To prepare it you need 1 banana, 2 eggs, any natural fruit syrup. Finely chop the banana and place it in a bowl. Add the eggs and stir with a fork until smooth. Grease the mold with oil, put the mixture in it and prepare it in any convenient way. Serve the finished omelette with caramel or fruit syrup.

Another recipe for a sweet omelet for children came to us from Canada. It's easy to prepare: put a frying pan on the fire, pour 3 tablespoons of maple syrup into it and let it heat up. Beat in 2 eggs and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. The white should set, not fry. At the end, we form a thick pancake from the mixture, transfer it to a plate, and put a piece of butter on top. Thanks to the syrup, the omelette turns out sweet, with a pronounced caramel taste.

Omelette in water and on water

An original omelet recipe for a 1 year old child without milk. It is not made in a mold, like the previous ones, but in a baking bag. To prepare an omelet, mix well, but do not beat 5 eggs, pour in a third of a glass of water, and mix again. Then pour the mixture into the bag, after checking it for holes, and tie it with thread.

Place the bag in a pan of boiling water for 20 minutes so that the egg mixture is completely submerged in water and the tie remains on top. After 20 minutes, take out the omelette, cut it into portions and put it in the refrigerator. A dish prepared according to this recipe can be eaten cold or reheated without losing its taste or shape.

So you celebrated your baby's first birthday. Timid words have already been spoken and cautious steps have been taken. Your little one continues to explore the world. For new exploits he needs a lot of energy. What to feed your baby, as well as how to prepare a nutritious omelet for a one-year-old child and much more delicious dishes, find out from our article.

Drink milk, children.

If your little one has crossed the one-year mark, this does not mean that you should immediately stop breast-feeding. In the case when the baby still feels the need for mother’s milk, and the woman herself has no desire to stop such a pleasant process, you can leave one or two day feedings and a couple of night feedings.

No milk or desire to breastfeed? Then switch to baby formula. Some mothers are starting to introduce cow's milk. If your baby tolerates this product well, continue to give it in small quantities. You can cook porridge or omelet with milk for a one-year-old child. Buy only a special product for small children and under no circumstances use unboiled milk that is sold in markets.

Nutrition for a one-year-old child

The baby's menu is already quite varied. He is able to eat full portions of his favorite foods. So, what foods must be included in the diet of a one-year-old toddler, provided he does not have allergies?

Nutritional and healthy dishes for babies

If you want to diversify your little one’s menu, then try preparing several simple dishes from products familiar to him.

Omelette for a one-year-old child

Several times a week you can delight your baby with an omelet for breakfast. However, it must be prepared using a certain technology so as not to harm the small organism. You will need the following products:

  1. 3 pcs. or 1 chicken.
  2. Milk (3 tablespoons).
  3. Salt.
  4. Butter.

Prepare a wide pan and a small mold. Boil some water in a saucepan. Whisk the eggs with milk and salt, you can add a little flour. Place the entire mixture into a mold greased with butter. Place the omelette pan in the bottom of a pan of water. This omelet takes about 5 minutes to prepare. If you have a double boiler, then preparing an omelet for a one-year-old child will not be difficult.

Chicken soup


Boil chicken fillet until ready. You can cook vegetables in a separate saucepan or steamer. Cut all the ingredients into small pieces; the whole onion can be thrown into the broth. Mix all the prepared products and add vegetable broth. Grind the soup with a blender or simply mash it. Some children are already able to cope with small pieces of food, so turning the soup into a homogeneous puree is not necessary.

Cottage cheese casserole


Grind the cottage cheese well until it turns into a homogeneous mass. Add a whisked egg, sugar, a pinch of salt and pour the mixture into a mold and bake for 40 minutes. You can prepare a similar casserole in a slow cooker.