Homemade cottage cheese is the most delicious because it is always fresh and natural. You can cook it different ways. The final result depends on the quality of the milk. Some people like cottage cheese fatty, with an oily structure, while others like it dietary product, with a small amount of fat and a sour taste.

Read more about how to make cottage cheese at home to suit every taste in the recipes.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade cottage cheese from milk - basic technological principles

Cottage cheese is made from natural (whole) milk. As you know, milk contains natural milk protein – casein. At a temperature of 10-12°C, milk ripens within 12-15 hours. During this time, the structure of the protein changes, and the process of natural ripening begins.

Then the milk is heated. Whey is separated and a clot is formed: under the influence of temperature, casein fibers coagulate (contract), pushing liquid (whey) out of the cells. In production conditions, this process is called pasteurization. It occurs at 63-65°C for 20 minutes. As the temperature increases, the pasteurization time shortens.

In fact, milk coagulation occurs at a lower temperature - 40-45 ° C, but in dairy plants, where huge volumes of raw milk collected from different farms, the increase in pasteurization temperature is due to sanitary standards. When there is absolute confidence in compliance with sanitary standards during milking, in the sterility of the utensils and in the satisfactory maintenance of the animal, homemade milk can simply be heated until the whey begins to separate, and then removed from the stove and allowed to stand until completely cooled.

There is a pattern: the higher the milk pasteurization temperature, the worse the quality of the cheese grain. This is why sour boiled milk never forms a normal curd, although, again, under production conditions soft cheeses are produced from milk processed by high-temperature pasteurization. But there are special technologies for this.

For getting homemade cottage cheese You can use some industrial secrets. Some details of industrial technology for making homemade cottage cheese from milk are in step-by-step recipes and useful tips.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade cottage cheese from fresh milk


Homemade milk 3.5 l (1 bottle)

Sourdough - the amount depends on the type of sour dairy product or enzyme

Calcium chloride 5% 5 mg (1 ampoule)

Preparation procedure:

1. The first stage is the normalization of milk. Of course, it is difficult to obtain milk of the required fat content using home methods, but the process can be approximately adjusted. The main thing is that the milk is whole. Fat content affects taste and consistency. Industry produces skim cheese, with fat content of 9% and 18%. Choose your option and skim off the cream as needed.

2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat to 35-40°C.

3. Add the starter into warm milk and stir for 5-7 minutes. Leave the pan at room temperature. At the same time, add calcium chloride to speed up the curdling of the milk.

Usually, milk sours without adding starter culture within 7-8 hours. During this time, acidity increases, the product is enriched with lactobacilli, and acquires a characteristic taste. This is an acidic method of making homemade cottage cheese. It is more natural.

Adding sour cream and other fermented milk products speeds up the process by 2 times. Sour cream, yogurt, whey or yogurt is the most optimal way to ferment milk at home - these products can be found in every home. Only one required condition: Fermented milk products must be prepared thermostatically from whole milk.

If desired, replace fermented milk products with pepsin or other enzymes. This is the second, acid-rennet method for preparing homemade cottage cheese from milk, which can be used by replacing sour cream with enzyme in step two of the step-by-step recipe.

4. When a clot appears, place the pan on the stove and heat the raw materials again, stirring, at a temperature of no more than 40-42°C. With strong heating, the quality of the cottage cheese will deteriorate. Fat and calcium will go into whey, and the cheese curd will noticeably decrease in volume and become dry. However, this option is also acceptable, but it’s not for everybody.

5. Break the resulting dense clot into small fractions to speed up the separation of liquid.

6. Place a sieve or colander on a tray, the capacity of which should be at least 3.5 liters, so that the whey does not overflow over the edge of the dish. Cover the sieve with gauze folded in four layers and carefully, gradually pour the fermented milk.

7. When the bulk of the whey has drained, tie the ends of a gauze napkin and hang it over the pan for some more time to compact the cheese curd and remove excess moisture from the product.

From the specified amount of homemade milk you can get 350 - 400 g of fresh cottage cheese.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade cottage cheese from sour milk


Homemade curdled milk

It happens that the milk has already turned sour, and it needs to be “put into action.” If the product has not been boiled, then it is quite suitable for making homemade cottage cheese. This milk does not require any special additives.


1. The curdled milk needs to be heated. When the temperature rises to 40°C, milk protein coagulates. All this has already been described above, in the basic technological principles of producing homemade cottage cheese from milk.

2. The next step is to separate the whey. Just as in the first step-by-step recipe, place a sieve on a saucepan of suitable volume, and pour the heated yogurt through a gauze layer.

3. Allow the whey to drain to the required moisture level of the curd. You can leave the curd in this position, and to speed up the process of separating the whey, hang it in gauze.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade cottage cheese made from milk (with lemon juice)

This is a step-by-step recipe for making paneer, Indian homemade cottage cheese made from milk. To coagulate casein, Indians use the juice of sour fruits - the result is homemade rennet cheese, with a delicate taste and dense consistency. This cheese is not salty, like feta cheese or feta cheese, so it is more like cottage cheese.


Milk 6 l

Lemon juice 100 ml

Preparation procedure:

1. Heat homemade milk to 40-50°C.

2. Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon.

3. Pour it in a thin stream at the edge of the pan on the stove, while stirring the milk in one direction.

4. Do not stop stirring until a thick clot forms.

5. Let the mixture cool and pour through a layer of gauze placed in a colander. You can transfer the curd into cheesecloth using a slotted spoon.

6. Fold the edges of the gauze towards the center. Place a plate on the cheese mass and a jar filled with water on it. The cottage cheese should be compressed.

7. Place the finished head into a tightly sealed container. Place in the refrigerator to ripen for 10-12 hours. Paneer is cut into pieces when serving. It is very good for preparing salads and desserts, as a filling for dumplings and pies.

At the milk heating stage, you can add herbs and spices to get original snack. Will fit hot peppers, garlic, ground coriander, cardamom, mint.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade cottage cheese from milk - useful tips and secrets

Not every housewife has a lactometer to determine the fat content of milk. There is a solution: you can approximately determine the percentage of fat content by volume. For example: a bottle contains 3 liters of milk. Place it in the refrigerator overnight. By morning, the fat will rise to the top, since its molecules are lighter and larger than liquid. The fatty mass has a slightly creamy tint and is different in color from white milk. All that remains is to measure the volume of fat mass and determine the percentage of milk and fat. If in a bottle with a volume of 3 liters, the third part is a fat “top”, the milk has a fat content of about 10%. This good indicator quality of milk.

Domestic cow's milk has the highest fat content in the cold season, when animals are transferred to winter housing. This milk contains 12% fat content. If you need to prepare low-fat cottage cheese, put the milk in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours, then skim off the cream - the raw materials for the cottage cheese are ready.

To speed up the coagulation of milk protein, add calcium chloride to the raw milk. This additive is also used in the dairy industry. It allows you to increase the volume of cheese grains, enriches dairy products with calcium, which passes into whey during pasteurization of milk. Calcium chloride is a cheap drug that is available at any pharmacy without a prescription. Per liter of milk, 0.5 ml of a 5% solution is sufficient. This is literally 2-3 drops of solution. Chloride is an absolutely harmless drug, but it should not be abused. As the great healer said, medicine differs from poison only in dosage.

Goat milk is a very valuable and dietary product. It contains less fat than cow's milk, but goat's milk also has lower coagulability due to the structural features of milk protein. High-quality homemade goat milk cottage cheese can only be obtained using the acid-rennet ripening method.

The dairy industry produces cottage cheese made from reconstituted (powdered) milk, skim milk, but these methods for homemade cottage cheese are complex and require the use of special household appliances and devices.

The advantages of “your own” cottage cheese over store-bought ones become clear to anyone who has at least once tried a homemade product “made from gauze” - natural, grainy and delicate in taste.

Firstly, it will always be fresher, because you can eat it almost immediately, secondly, you know exactly what kind of milk it was made from and what was put in it, thirdly, the gentle preparation technology allows you to preserve vitamins and other useful substances (phosphorus, calcium).

The only drawback of this method is that cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time, but for a natural product this is rather a plus. The likelihood that the product will not work out is quite low - the preparation method is simple, and the nuances can be mastered in practice.

Choosing milk

Natural whole milk is preferable for cottage cheese. Cottage cheese, as you know, is a fermented milk product, but the starting material does not have to be sour. You can also cook from fresh milk, if you add kefir (100 ml per 1 liter) or sour cream (1 tablespoon per 1 liter).

The fat content of milk depends on your preference. If you are cooking for a child, you can take special milk for children.

How to make cottage cheese from milk: recipe

Pour the sour milk into a saucepan, heat over low heat, without bringing to a boil - the milk should curdle. Place a sieve with gauze on the pan, put the curdled milk into it, the whey will drain into the pan, and the curd will remain in the gauze.

Calcined cottage cheese: recipe

You will need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 2-3 tbsp. 10% calcium chloride solution (sold in pharmacies).

Cooking method.

Pour milk into a saucepan, heat, but do not bring to a boil, pour in calcium chloride one spoon at a time, stirring each time, then bring everything to a boil, remove from the stove, let cool and place the cottage cheese in a sieve with several layers of gauze. It is not recommended to consume more than 100 g of such cottage cheese per day.

Lemon curd (very tender)

You will need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • juice of 1/2 lemon.

Place the milk in a saucepan over low heat. As soon as it starts to boil, throw a few grains into it citric acid or add lemon juice. The heat must be turned off immediately - the milk will curdle instantly.

Allow the milk to cool, then strain it, placing it in a colander lined with several layers of gauze. The disadvantage of such cottage cheese is that it cannot be used for baking, although it turns out to be very tender.

Homemade cottage cheese the most tender

You will need: 2 liters of natural milk.

Take natural fresh milk, pour it into a saucepan, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 30 hours - the milk should sour and turn into yogurt. Place the result on the lowest heat, heat without bringing to a boil and without stirring. When small bubbles appear and the pan is hot to touch, turn off the stove.

Leave the pan for 8-10 hours at room temperature. The whey separated from the curd should be transparent after time. Place the cottage cheese on several layers of cheesecloth, hang it over the sink and let sit until the last drops for about an hour. You can store this cottage cheese for 3-5 days.

How to cook homemade cottage cheese correctly

  • It is very important not to overboil the cottage cheese when cooking, otherwise it will turn out rough and will crumble a lot.
  • It is not advisable to use enamel dishes for making cottage cheese.
  • There is no need to stir the milk - then the cottage cheese will turn out grainy.
  • Milk should be heated over low heat.
  • It is not recommended to keep the cottage cheese in gauze for a long time when drying - 1-2 hours maximum, otherwise it will be too dry.
Homemade cottage cheese on the website

Being a lover of cottage cheese and everything that can be made from it, I often stop at the store to buy another portion of this wonderful fermented milk product. But, unfortunately, in Lately The quality of cottage cheese produced industrially has become very disgusting. Sometimes you get a sour product, sometimes it’s dry, sometimes it’s just tasteless. Another thing is homemade cottage cheese, made with your own hands. Its quality is incomparable to store-bought products. Moreover, more and more often on the accompanying labels you can find the inscription “curd product”, which is prepared by mixing all kinds of vegetable and animal fats, but not from natural milk. In addition, cottage cheese at home turns out much more tender and, importantly, tastier. And no one will add any additives in the form of fats or preservatives to it.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

This is its main advantage over a store-bought product.

To make cottage cheese, it is advisable to use homemade milk - it will turn out much tastier. But if this is not possible, we take store-bought milk, be patient and begin to conjure.

And for this action we only need milk, the fat content of which should not be lower than 3.2%.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

I used 2 liters of this product and as a result I received approximately 300 g of finished cottage cheese.
To obtain such a valuable product from fresh milk, it takes a total of two days. The cooking process itself takes no more than 20 minutes.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from whole cow's milk according to photo recipe steps at home?

So, pour fresh milk - or sour milk too - into a three-liter glass jar, close the lid and place it in some secluded warm corner of the kitchen.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

I placed the filled container on a hanging cabinet above the stove. After almost two days, the milk turned sour, dividing into two parts: curdled milk and translucent whey.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

Take a pan with a height no lower than the level of filling the jar and place a napkin folded in several layers on the bottom.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

Place the filled jar in the center of the pan and, filling cold water, put it on fire.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

During the heating process, stir the contents of the jar twice.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

Place a colander on another pan and cover it with gauze folded in three layers.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

When the water starts to boil, turn off the heat and remove the glass container. The curdled milk curdled into grains, and the whey acquired a yellowish tint.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

If you continue the cooking process for a few more minutes, the cottage cheese will turn out very dry and tasteless. Pour the contents of the jar into a colander lined with gauze and give a little time for the bulk of the whey to drain.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

Then we tie the gauze into a knot and hang it to drain off any remaining excess moisture, substituting some kind of vessel.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website
Homemade cottage cheese on the website

Ready-made homemade cottage cheese can be seasoned with any favorite delicacy - condensed milk, sugar - and enjoy its delicate consistency and wonderful taste.

Homemade cottage cheese on the website

It's always nice to experience the pleasure of the fruits of your own labors.
Bon appetit!

If you are looking for simple instructions on how to quickly make cottage cheese from milk, we have to disappoint you: preparing cottage cheese is a rather lengthy process.

The “raw materials” for making homemade cottage cheese are usually: kefir, milk that has curdled during the boiling process, as well as milk that has soured at room temperature - in other words, yogurt. This is exactly what we propose to use.

In order for the cottage cheese to turn out healthy, tasty and not like store-bought cottage cheese, several conditions must be met.

  • Firstly, prepare cottage cheese only from fresh homemade milk bought in the village or at a dairy farm. As a rule, from three-liter jar cow's milk produces (at best) almost 1 kg of cottage cheese and half as much sour cream. Buy milk in a can.
  • Secondly, milk must be prepared in a special way. Let it sit for a few hours and a layer of yellow cream will form on the surface. The fattier the milk, the thicker this layer. Sometimes owners drain the cream in advance and sell the milk without it. But still, more often the milk is shaken before sale, and you don’t see the cream. Either way, once the cream has risen, carefully remove it with a spoon and pour it into a suitable container. You don’t have to do this: just wait for the milk to sour and remove the layer of sour cream, not cream.
  • Third, Milk should be fermented at room temperature. In the refrigerator, it does not sour, but deteriorates: it develops a suspicious smell and a bitter taste. Even if you didn’t intend to cook cottage cheese, but just bought fresh homemade milk, put it in the refrigerator, and it began to sour, take out the jar and move it, for example, to the windowsill: in this way you will “save” the product that has not yet completely spoiled and get a delicious curdled milk.

If you purchased milk specifically for making cottage cheese, do not put it in the cold at all. The higher the room temperature, the faster the milk ferments. IN warm time year, this process takes no more than 12 hours, in cold weather - about a couple of days.

As soon as the curdled milk is ready (the consistency will be similar to soft jelly), make the cottage cheese.

If for some reason you cannot immediately proceed to making it, put the fermented milk in the cold. The milk left in the heat will soon turn sour, and the cottage cheese from it will turn out tasteless. Ready-made yogurt has a delicate, pleasant smell, while peroxided milk has a rather pungent and unappetizing smell. You need to start making cottage cheese no later than 2-3 days after fermenting the milk.

To make milk ferment faster, add a couple of tablespoons of rich homemade sour cream, cottage cheese or sour milk to it (while it’s fresh). Microorganisms that live in fermented milk products will begin to multiply rapidly in the new environment, which will lead to souring.

If you try to ferment milk with kefir or yogurt, you will end up with exactly these products. To produce these drinks, dairies use special bacteria that only vaguely resemble those living in milk. Accordingly, they give a completely different taste.

High-quality, fresh yogurt produces cottage cheese that is tender and tasty. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

How to make cottage cheese at home

You will need:

Cow's milk, preferably full fat - 2-3 liters,

Sourdough (optional)


Preparing the milk takes two days, and preparing the cottage cheese itself takes about 15 hours.

Homemade cottage cheese: stages of preparation

Remove the sour cream

Remove the sour cream from the finished yogurt. Sour cream, like cream, rises to the top and forms a rather thick layer on the surface of the curdled milk.

1. To remove the sour cream, carefully take the jar and tilt it slightly over the plate.

2. Start slowly rotating the jar, gradually increasing its angle.

3. When the sour cream begins to separate, there is no need to shout “Hurray! Happened!" On the contrary, you need to maintain maximum concentration and calm. You must calmly continue the monotonous rotational movements of the can and increase the angle of its inclination. Your main task is to prevent the rest of the jar’s contents from slopping onto the plate along with the sour cream.

4. Some of the sour cream is already in the plate. Everything is going according to plan, but it’s too early to relax. We monitor our breathing and with confident hand movements we continue to carefully tilt the jar.

5. The sour cream gradually moves from the jar to the plate. Your hands can already feel the movement of each sour cream lump in the jar. In your heart you are proud of yourself, now even your mother-in-law has opened her mouth and looks at you with admiration.

6. Yes! You did it! You did it! Now you can shout “Hurray!”

Cooking cottage cheese

1. To ensure that the yogurt warms up evenly, use a long knife to make deep cross cuts (to the bottom) in it.

2. Take a deep saucepan and place a jar of yogurt in it. To prevent the jar from bursting later, place a piece of cotton fabric folded several times under it. Pour into the pan cold water– on par with curdled milk in a jar. Turn on low heat and wait until the temperature of the yogurt in the middle of the jar reaches 35-40 °C. This will happen in about 10 minutes. Previously, the temperature was checked with a finger, but you can also use a thermometer.

3. After making sure that the curdled milk has warmed up, turn off the stove, but do not take out the jar: the curd should “come up”. If the curdled milk becomes too hot, immediately remove the jar and let it cool at room temperature. Remember that if curdled milk is cooked, the curd will turn out hard and tasteless.

4. The mass should cool for several hours. During this time, the curds will separate from the whey. It should become dense, uneven, and decrease in volume. Cottage cheese, like sour cream or cream, rises to the top. But in some cases, it first sinks to the bottom, and only then floats up.

5. Line a colander with gauze (in several layers) and place it over an empty pan. Drain the curd mass into a colander or transfer it with a spoon.

6. Tie the gauze into a knot and hang it over the pan. Please note that the curd should not be too liquid, otherwise it will begin to seep through the cheesecloth along with the whey. There is no need to wring out the gauze.

7. It's easy to say, "Hang the bundle over the pan." What to do if you can’t hang it or you’re just lazy? There is a solution: leave the knot in a colander over the pan. The effect will be the same - checked!

8. Use the drained whey to make pancakes or cosmetic masks, and cottage cheese is best consumed fresh, with sour cream or jam. Note that the sooner you remove the cheesecloth, the softer and juicier the curd will be. If the gauze hangs longer, the product will become dry and grainy.

The taste of properly prepared cottage cheese, regardless of its consistency, is amazing.

Now you know how to make homemade cottage cheese from milk. Having learned to apply this knowledge in practice, you will no longer depend on dairy product manufacturers, who do not always care about maintaining the quality of their products at the proper level, and you will be able to spoil your family with real “village” cottage cheese from time to time, juicy pies and sweet casseroles.

The benefits and nutritional properties of cottage cheese are difficult to overestimate. This product saturates the human body with calcium, proteins, amino acids and other nutrients. We are used to buying it in stores and markets, although we know that you can easily make cottage cheese from milk at home. Your own product is always better than a store-bought or market product, because it does not contain flavorings, preservatives or other chemical additives. Learn how to make cottage cheese for your family and you'll be able to make sweet homemade casseroles, amazing pies and fluffy cheesecakes!

Features of making cottage cheese at home

If you decide to get serious self-cooking cottage cheese, immediately prepare for the fact that the first two or three attempts will not be entirely successful. Despite this, you should not stop. First of all, familiarize yourself with the main features of preparing a homemade dairy product:

  1. Heat treatment should not be excessive. If during the cooking process you overdo it with the temperature, the end result will be a not very attractive product in the form of lumps, which you are unlikely to want to eat.
  2. Heat treatment should not be weak. Undercooked raw material is a sour milk-curd curd, from which the whey is very poorly separated.
  3. The best raw material for making homemade cottage cheese is natural farm milk.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from milk

The technology for making cottage cheese at home is simple and straightforward. Judge for yourself: preliminary preparation is easy, the set of products and equipment is minimal, preparation time is no more than an hour. However, there are many in various ways make homemade cottage cheese. If you are going to get serious about this, try all the known recipes to choose the one you like the most.

Classic recipe for sour milk

The traditional method of making cottage cheese from sour milk at home is known to many. This recipe requires the following:

  • spoiled milk(fat percentage not less than 2.5) – 3 l;
  • kefir (low-fat is not suitable) – 620-640 ml;
  • medium sized saucepan;
  • thin cloth.

How to make natural cottage cheese from sour milk - step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour sour milk into a saucepan and place on medium heat.
  2. Bring to a temperature of 35-40°C. At this point, you will notice that the whey begins to separate.
  3. While the milk is heating up, you need to prepare a colander. To do this, you need to cover it with fabric folded in 6-8 layers. The edges should hang freely.
  4. Place the milk, heated to the desired temperature, in a colander secured in a large whey container. Let it drain a little.
  5. Without squeezing, tie the corners of the fabric into a knot, secure it above the container into which the whey has flowed, in a suspended state.
  6. Wait a few hours for the remaining liquid to drain away.

Made from fresh cow's milk and sour cream

Quick recipe making cottage cheese based on fresh milk and sour cream will be appreciated by mothers of small children. The product prepared according to this scheme will be tender and, most importantly, healthy! In a word, just as needed for infants. To make this cottage cheese, you will need:

  • milk (farm milk, from a cow) – 200 ml;
  • sour cream (fat content 25-30%) – 50 g;
  • small metal container;
  • sieve.

The process of making baby cottage cheese using fresh milk and sour cream at home:

  1. Bring milk to a boil.
  2. Pour in sour cream.
  3. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Wait until it boils again.
  5. Transfer the contents of the pan to a sieve.
  6. Wait until the whey drains.
  7. After 5 minutes the product will be ready for use.

How to make from pasteurized milk and kefir

If you can’t buy real cow’s milk to make homemade cottage cheese, don’t worry. The traditional method can easily be replaced with an alternative one. What does it mean? And the fact that in some cases natural whole milk can be replaced with a sufficient amount of store-bought pasteurized (not skim) milk. If you're interested, write down the recipe. So, you will need:

  • pasteurized store-bought milk – 600-650 ml;
  • kefir – 400-450 ml;
  • salt – 4-5 g;
  • small saucepan;

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan.
  2. Add a pinch of salt for taste.
  3. Place the container on low heat. Stirring constantly until foam and bubbles appear.
  4. Add kefir.
  5. When the whey appears, remove the pan from the heat and mix its contents thoroughly.
  6. Place on low heat.
  7. Heat until large lumps form.
  8. Place the contents of the container into a fine sieve and drain the whey.

From milk powder and lemon

Can lemon be an integral part of such a dairy product as cottage cheese? How could he! A small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice makes the curd mass very tasty and tender. If you are interested in this idea, write down what it will take to implement it:

  • reconstituted milk (diluted dry powder) – 3 liters;
  • lemon juice – 50-60 g;
  • medium sized saucepan;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place a saucepan with milk over medium heat.
  2. After waiting until the foam begins to rise, turn off the heat, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, stir vigorously, and leave for exactly a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a colander lined with several layers of gauze.
  4. We tie the corners of the gauze to make a bag. We hang it over the sink to drain the whey.
  5. In half an hour the product will be ready for use.

This cottage cheese is noticeably different taste qualities. At the same time, it is just as useful as the classic version. Baked milk makes the curd mass more tender and light, which allows it to be used for a wide variety of desserts. To prepare this product, you will need:

  • Baked milk (homemade is recommended) – 1,500 ml;
  • natural yoghurt or fermented baked milk – 200 ml;
  • salt – 4-5 g;
  • pot;
  • multicooker;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Cooking process:

  1. In a medium-sized saucepan, combine milk with yogurt or fermented baked milk.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. We put it in the multicooker, start the “Yogurt” mode for half an hour.
  4. After we hear the signal that cooking is complete, leave for 12-14 hours for the mixture to ferment.
  5. Transfer the milk mixture to a saucepan and place in a water bath.
  6. Heat until the whey begins to separate. Let it cool.
  7. Place the cottage cheese in a colander with gauze. Strain until you get cottage cheese of suitable density.

How to cook goat milk with calcium chloride for children

This recipe for cottage cheese made from milk at home is suitable for those who have experience in such matters. Goat milk is a somewhat capricious product, so it will not be easy for a beginner to cope with it. If you intend to cook a large number of at a time, you need to know how much curd is obtained from 1 liter of milk in order to prepare a suitable size pan and a large sieve in advance. As a rule, the output is 26-29% of the original volume - that is, 260-290 grams per 1000 ml. So, let's go directly to the recipe. To prepare you will need:

  • fresh goat milk– 1 l;
  • calcium chloride solution – 1 ampoule (10 ml);
  • pot;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Preparing children's cottage cheese:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place it on a medium-high heat burner.
  2. Bring to a boil
  3. Remove from heat.
  4. Leave the boiled milk for 45-50 minutes to cool.
  5. Put it back on the fire, heat it to 75-85°C, add an ampoule of calcium chloride.
  6. We continue to keep it on fire. After 2-3 minutes, the cottage cheese will begin to curl right before our eyes. At this moment the fire must be turned off.
  7. Let it brew for about a quarter of an hour, and then put it on cheesecloth.
  8. We drain the whey and get the long-awaited goat curd!

Check out the recipes on how to cook.

Video recipe: how to make delicious cottage cheese at home