Clarity of thought determines clarity of presentation - this is truth. Why are many people unable to speak clearly and clearly formulate their position? How to learn to express yourself so that people understand you and want to listen to you.

Not every person knows how to express their thoughts. You listen and listen to such a person - and in vain you try to catch a reasonable thought from the stream of words and understand what he wanted to say.

And only if you have the patience to listen to the end. And you inevitably begin to think: does he himself understand what he is talking about? After all, it was not without reason that back in the 17th century, the French literary critic N. Boileau wrote: “He who thinks clearly, expresses clearly.”

Being able to correctly formulate your thoughts in order to convey them to your interlocutor is important both in a friendly conversation and when applying for a job, especially one that requires business contacts and negotiations.

Things to think about before you start talking

1. Determine the main idea

Before entering into a conversation, you should “think out” the thought to the end, that is, clearly imagine what will be discussed. L.N. Tolstoy believed: “To handle the language somehow means to think somehow.” Based on this, the inability to express one’s thought indicates that it has not yet fully “matured” in the speaker’s head.

2. Use fewer parts

The mistake many people make when speaking is that they pay too much attention to detail, making it impossible to grasp the main idea. No wonder A.P. Chekhov said that brevity is the sister of talent. Excessive talkativeness and verbosity only make it difficult to perceive what is being said.

3. Don't get distracted

Sometimes during a conversation the speaker is distracted, looking at foreign objects, which is why he often loses the thread of the conversation. Therefore, when trying to convey something important to your interlocutor, you should focus on your thoughts.

4. Speak clearly and clearly

Often, when telling something, we jump from one topic to another, speak in fragments of phrases and at the same time think that the interlocutor must understand us perfectly. You shouldn’t think that he has to guess what we want to say - it’s better to speak clearly and clearly right away.

What does the ability to formulate thoughts depend on?

Logic will help you in your ability to express your thoughts, because it is not without reason that it is called the science of correct thinking or the art of reasoning.

The main task of logic is to make, based on reasoning, correct conclusion and gain a true understanding of the subject of reflection. “Logic is the pursuer of dark and confused thinking” - this is what the English philosopher J. Mill said back in the 19th century.

Thus, in order to be able to correctly formulate your thoughts, you need to learn how to build a logical chain of reasoning in order to convey to the listener a clear understanding of the narrator’s thoughts. And for this it won’t hurt to study logic and its laws.

Learning to formulate your thoughts is impossible without a rich vocabulary. Let’s say a person speaks briefly, clearly, without distractions, but listening to him is not interesting and he is not a good interlocutor. Perhaps it's because he's poor lexicon. For example, the vocabulary of an educated person today is approximately 10 thousand words. For comparison: A.S. Pushkin used over 21 thousand words in his works.

A person who has a rich vocabulary and knows how to use it attracts people as an interesting interlocutor. Employers are no exception, because good grammatically correct speech speaks of education and creativity.

How to increase your vocabulary?

One way to enrich your vocabulary is by reading. This is confirmed by the words of the French educator: “People stop thinking when they stop reading.” You need to read not everything in a row, but those works that will really help enrich your speech - the classics of L. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov, etc., and read thoughtfully, analyzing what you read. You can write down the words and expressions you like so that you can use them in your speech if necessary.

IN Everyday life most people tend to use the same set of words. However, it is not difficult to make your speech interesting and worthy of attention if, with the help of a dictionary of synonyms or an explanatory dictionary, for banal and hackneyed words that we ourselves may already be tired of, we select alternative options and include them in our vocabulary.

It will help to make your speech bright, beautiful and imaginative by memorizing your favorite words, phrases and expressions that you can “overhear” in someone else’s conversation, film, etc. and make it “your own.” It is best, of course, to write them down and re-read them from time to time, since they tend to be forgotten.

How does the state of memory affect the ability to express thoughts?

Many people are familiar with the feeling of confusion during a conversation, especially an emotional one, when not only “beautiful” and Right words, but also any at all. And only after some time does it suddenly dawn on the person what should have been said. The development of memory and quick reaction will help here.

Memory worsens due to insufficient oxygen saturation of the blood and, accordingly, the brain. Many people are familiar with the feeling of fatigue that comes with staying in a poorly ventilated room for a long time. Physical activity and sports improve blood circulation and ensure brain performance, which also affects memory.

A good night's sleep is equally important - otherwise memory at the chemical level will not work at full capacity. Tobacco and alcohol in large quantities lead to memory deterioration over time, and foods that contain a lot of protein (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) and are easily digested (for example, boiled vegetables) – it is improved. Intense mental work is accompanied by a loss of calcium and phosphorus, so their reserves must be replenished by excluding cheese, nuts, eggs, etc. from the diet. It is curious that a full stomach also worsens brain function.

It is necessary to train your memory just like any other organ, which otherwise will atrophy over time. Everyone may have their own ways of training. The main thing is, before asking for help, first try to remember what you have forgotten.

As a memory training, you can, for example, add up in your mind the numbers that make up the license plates of cars passing by. Or, for non-urgent calculations, do not rush to use a calculator.

Many people find it helpful to remember the necessary names, other people’s birthdays, phone numbers and addresses with the help of associations and parallels built in their minds. For example, when remembering the bank card code 2467, we are guided by the fact that 2 and 4 add up to 6, followed by 7.

How to gain thought formation skills?

Leading will help you learn to form your thoughts. personal diary. Both the computer version and the paper version are suitable. Keeping a diary on paper will take more time, but will allow you not to rashly delete text you don’t like. Over time, the texts at the beginning and at the end can be compared to evaluate the result. Of course, you need to write not dryly and monosyllabically, but expressing your mood, emotions and trying to show eloquence.

Some people, in order to learn how to express their thoughts, start blogging on the Internet, for example on LiveJournal, and even risk posting their videos on , in order to look at themselves from the outside and get an assessment.

Skills in the ability to formulate and express your thoughts, as well as defend your point of view, can be acquired by participating in discussions and forums, both online and live. And the more sociable a person is, the more opportunities he will have to demonstrate his “oratorical” capabilities and “hone” his skills.

However, it is important to have not just a wide circle of contacts - it must be appropriate in terms of intelligence and interests. After all, constantly dealing with people with whom you don’t have to strain in conversation and who themselves cannot put two words together, a person gradually loses the ability to express his thoughts easily and clearly.

If you think that the ability to clearly, competently and clearly express your thoughts is only necessary for work and success in business, then you are very mistaken! Clearly instructing your husband what needs to be bought, instructing your son to take out the trash, borrowing money from a neighbor, answering clearly in a lesson at school - these are all examples of the fact that a person knows how to convey his thoughts to others. You need to learn this from a young age.

Reasons why a person is unable to clearly formulate his thoughts

  1. Insufficient command of the topic of conversation.

    In order not to “swim around the topic”, study the subject in detail, ask additional questions, consult with specialists or colleagues. Don't be afraid to appear ignorant. Especially if you delve into something new for yourself. After all, if you are embarrassed to clarify important details in advance, the work will not be completed efficiently from start to finish.

    Start studying logic. This will help your thoughts gain some “harmony”. You will acquire the skill of presenting theses consistently and coherently, and conclusions - briefly and deeply. You will convey thoughts clearly and briefly, without an abundance of small details that can “drown” the meaning of your messages.

  2. Fear is stopping you.

    Thousands of students and schoolchildren prepare seriously for exams, but at the last moment they become tongue-tied and cannot put two words together. Develop the skill of public speaking in front of family and friends. After all, next to them you are always less lost than with an unfamiliar audience.

    Gradually expand your circle of people by practicing your speech with strangers, including store clerks or random fellow travelers. Smoothly transition to colleagues and superiors. It's good for your career and good for your wallet.

  3. Control of one's speech is insufficiently developed.

    Poor diction can disorient your interlocutor, even if you are deep in your topic and are incapable of being embarrassed and lost. YouTube is full of exercises to develop diction. Use materials that are freely available if paid training is beyond your means.

    Here's an example of one of them:

What exercises will help develop eloquence:

Read fiction, preferably a classic. Russian, foreign - it doesn’t matter. From the masterpieces of world literature, you will learn to appreciate the beauty of the author’s language and thoughts. Your vocabulary will be enriched and your speech will become more beautiful

Practice quotes from books with your friends, try speaking to them in the language of a character from your favorite book. Highly intelligent phrases of musketeers and kings in the novels of Dumas the Father will help you gain a reputation as a cultured person. It is clear that in modern life These are not the most common expressions. But they will give you a level of general culture and the gloss of an intellectual.

Now it has become fashionable to have a personal blog or diary online. Replenish it every day with apt quotes and your own thoughts. An online diary is even more useful - those around you can read and discuss your thoughts. Therefore, this will motivate you to hone your presentation style.

Communicate! As much as possible. Anywhere. With neighbors, sellers, teachers, colleagues. Don't be afraid to say what you think. Overcome your shyness, learn to defend yourself in an argument. It is very useful.

All these simple techniques will help you become eloquent and captivate your interlocutor in your conversation.

The ability to correctly express one’s thoughts plays a huge role in a person’s life. If a person were at least three times interesting, he would have at least a thousand amazing stories, if instead of a coherent story it turns out to be incoherent mooing, they simply will not listen to him. You also cannot hope that the interlocutor will understand what you wanted, but are unable to say, because for each person the meanings of even obvious words differ. However, you can learn to express your thoughts, although the work will require a lot of patience.

You are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted away by your mind.
Correct speech distinguishes an educated person from an uneducated one, and this difference is very striking in many life situations, such as communicating with a cashier in a store or an interview at Good work. Does education help shape correct speech? Of course, one of the main ways to learn how to express your thoughts correctly is reading.

From Dontsova to Lermontov
Books help you educate yourself, learn new interesting things about the world and build your vocabulary. Human memory is structured in a “photographic” way: a new word is imprinted in memory, and at the right moment emerges from the subconscious, helping to formulate a thought. Of course, not every book will help you cope with the expression of your own thoughts - scientists have proven that classical fiction copes best with this task. It is with its help that you can remember some stable expressions, learn new words and glean interesting thoughts for further analysis.

Logical thinking is necessary even for humanists
By the way, analyzing and constructing logical chains can also improve the expression of thoughts. In addition, the ability to analyze will help you discover many hidden subtexts in seemingly ordinary situations. This way, you will develop the habit of thinking about all possible events and forming your own point of view based on them, which will allow you to become a more interesting interlocutor.

Fear clean slate and how to deal with it
A rich vocabulary and the ability to analyze will not yield results if you do not constantly train to use them. Write! It doesn’t matter whether it’s a diary, a now fashionable blog, or congratulations to friends on every more or less significant occasion. The same phrase out loud and on a sheet of paper is perceived completely differently, and when writing it, you can see factual errors and, for example, insufficiently effective word order. Make sure that phrases flow freely from your head when writing, and train yourself not to “stumble” while forming individual phrases.

Bedtime stories are good for your health
And not for the one to whom they are told, but also for the one who is telling the story. Read aloud every day, whether it's a couple of paragraphs from a book or an article from a magazine. When a person reproduces a thought correctly expressed by someone, his brain remembers the order of words and creates unique settings that subsequently help him express his own thought. And a nice bonus to this brain function is improved diction.

So much! So what should we do?
As you can see, you can learn to express your thoughts correctly, but to achieve a decent result you will have to work hard. The most difficult thing in any business is to take the first step and start from scratch, but what you get in the end is much more important than the difficulties that will arise along the way. Conscious, competent presentation of thoughts helps to increase self-esteem and instill the habit of learning new things, and the constant acquisition of knowledge opens up new horizons for you. Don’t be lazy, and one day you will notice how a spark of interest and respect for you flares up in the eyes of your interlocutor.

Speech is a wonderful and beautiful way of exchanging and replenishing information. Listening to the speech of a speaker who easily varies his verbal turns, you involuntarily begin to envy, and then think about how to learn to speak beautifully.

The positive emotions present when talking with such a person push you to do incredible things for your own development. In order not to hide your desire for an indefinite period of time, say: “I also want to speak beautifully,” and immediately start studying.

Conciseness of thought, formed beautiful skill colloquial speech requires a lot of patience, setting aside a certain period of time, changing an established way of life, and admitting that mistakes have been made.

If you are ready to radically change your thinking style, learning to listen to other people's recommendations is the right path. In the future, when the first successes are visible and the presentation is accepted by the audience, a different training scheme can be developed.

Below we will look at each tip in more detail.

Arrangement of future words

Make it a rule to start each lesson by saying the phrase: “I dream, I want to speak beautifully.” , will definitely turn into reality, and the right actions to promote the dream into life will take on a special spirit.

So, let's move on to the first point, which will bring us closer to understanding the main task:

  • Sentence construction is important for communication and comprehension. The narrator, when communicating information to others, must mentally arrange the events taking place in chronological order so as not to disrupt the theme.
  • People who do not have experience may have their thoughts confused, and the presentation will turn out to be incoherent and illogical. Therefore, keep a diary, where on the pages you describe the dialogues you heard, interesting details, daily reflections, and family relationships.
  • The paper, hiding the absurd expressions, will gradually present a beautiful surprise. Lined up beautiful sayings will contain sensible content with eloquent quotes, reasonable turns of phrase, and logical phrases. A brain clogged with unnecessary “garbage”, freeing itself from large quantity news, stories, experiences, will give free rein to a new stream of thoughts, bringing you closer to the answer to the question: “How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully.”

Vocabulary expansion

When you see an unfamiliar word, be sure to determine its meaning. IN explanatory dictionary Their detailed explanatory characteristics and scope of application are given. With representatives different professions, centuries-old categories and social strata, rare words have their own special position.

By accumulating new knowledge, status increases, serious respect arises, and interesting acquaintances are acquired. How to learn to speak beautifully is no longer an unresolved dilemma, because beautiful syllables and amazing phrases slip into your conversation, becoming an excellent foundation.

Reading books

Desire - I want to say it beautifully - does not arise just like that. Classic works contribute to the appearance of clean, beautiful speech patterns, laid down by famous writers.

Singing every word, playing with various acceptable combinations, the authors tried to convey to the reader harmony, uniqueness, and literacy.

The great language remained an example for many generations, eager to learn and experience the pleasure of written stories, analyzes of the characteristics of heroes, and derived morality.

One cannot, of course, completely deny modern literature, breaking the stereotypes created over centuries, giving youth, an unknown flow of air.

Any book encourages thinking; a person can quietly learn to think and talk differently. But when comparing a classic and a modern novel, an expert on how to learn to speak beautifully and competently will look with great respect at the old, worn-out binding.

Public performance

There comes a crucial moment when your speech is intended for a large audience:

  • Here it is advisable to think through all the dialogues and lines. Write down the points of the plan. According to the plan, gradually develop the topic of conversation.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder. As you listen to the speech several times, weak expressions will become noticeable. Prepare your speech in advance so that you have enough time to correct the gaps and then the motto of the day: “I want to speak beautifully” will become an indispensable companion.
  • It is impossible to learn to speak beautifully without an audience. Close surroundings gets used to the style of communication, does not notice errors in speech. Unfamiliar listeners will immediately react to an uninteresting story, showing this by behavior and noticeable noise. Before speaking, it is important to know the age characteristics of your upcoming interlocutors.
  • Seek advice from friends who have had to speak in public. Take into account their beautiful performances, speech, celebrate key points, use as " magic wand» information received.
  • Choose answers to the expected questions to learn how to direct your presentation in the right direction. Study books on the topic, write them down catchphrases, famous quotes. Base your report on familiar names. With such a basis, your presentation will take on a scientific and fundamental appearance.
  • The art of speaking requires mandatory training. Settle for a small and familiar audience at first. Having developed the skills to communicate with a group of people, gradually increase their number in order to learn how to change the flow of the conversation and thematic focus.

Presence of gestures and facial expressions

A live conversation always involves movement of the hands and body. A dry presentation of material without a pronounced emotional coloring is boring and implausible.

The speaker, living the content of the speech, forces the audience to join what is dear to him and close to him. These are not just clumsy swings. Every gesture he makes is beautiful and logical. Under the influence of sincerity, a rich, open dialogue between complete strangers is obtained.

It is useful to practice gestures and facial expressions in front of a mirror. Shortcomings and some excesses in movements are immediately visible. An open, beautiful look helps to cope with unnecessary and stupid gestures that do not fit into the overall picture.

Sometimes the accompanying gestures seem inappropriate and provocative. But a cold expression is prone to repulsion and misunderstanding. Find the harmony of words, body, voice.

Persistence and desire

I want to speak beautifully - this is not just a beautiful slogan. Long-term exercises repeated day after day will help you learn and lead to positive results thanks to great desire, perseverance, and patience. Having a specific goal in mind, for which you deliberately give up a free hour, will be a guide in the complex art of public speaking.

Color your activities with games. For example, start describing any item without stopping. It doesn't matter what you say. The main thing, excluding pauses, is to learn to speak without thinking. Gradually, the “nonsense” will develop into a coherent, beautiful story. Detailing develops attention, speech, and thinking. The attitude towards the outside world is changing.

Nurturing Confidence

When there is no confidence, it is impossible to learn to speak beautifully. Fear tightens the muscles, the voice begins to tremble treacherously.

To do this, try to seek advice from a specialist or read literature on psychology. They will reveal the real reason, remove the clamps. The Internet is filled with manuals and training exercises that are simple and clear.

Low self-esteem provokes a reluctance to overcome feelings of fear. Such deliverance seems impossible to a person and the impregnable barrier increases. Love everything you do. You need to learn to work on yourself. Let go of the past, live here and now. Start life's story with a blank page.

Each voice is beautiful and unique. Don't be shy about it, no matter what it is. Be able to fascinate with the right presentation. The listener will accept any unusual timbre when the topic is accessible and interesting. Experiment. Say the simple sentence “I want to speak beautifully” in different ranges: high, low, medium. After varying, you will notice a special refinement and will be happy to note that your voice is the best.

Highlighting the main thing

In the art of speaking, the importance of contact with listeners is emphasized. When a speech takes place, an experienced speaker instantly senses any deviation from the intended course of the narrative and corrects himself in time.

I want to say beautifully - a wonderful start in beautiful world culture and ethics. By watching your speech, you can learn to speak without unnecessary words, become educated, smart, literate.

During classes, save the recordings recorded on a voice recorder, write down beautiful verbal expressions and use them when you compose your next speech.

The ability to speak beautifully sets a person apart from the crowd and gives him advantages. He is capable of doing great things, leading the crowd. Let the desire - I want to speak beautifully - change your mind forever and give you strength in your speeches.