A wedding is a sacrament that takes place according to strict canons, requiring the couple to make an informed decision and understand what is needed for this ceremony. I want to talk about important aspects that newlyweds should take into account when organizing the ceremony.

  • Pectoral crosses
  • Rings
  • Wedding candles
  • Wedding icons
  • Rushnik
  • Shawls
  • Cahors
  • Marriage certificate
  • Dress and shoes

For each of these attributes you need to pay attention Special attention, so I’ll tell you about each of them in detail.

Pectoral crossesimportant rule wedding is that the bride and groom must be baptized, otherwise the priest will not perform the ritual.

Rings– according to ancient traditions, the groom’s ring was gold, representing the sun, while the bride’s ring was silver, as a symbol of warmth and light in the house. IN modern world This tradition is no longer mandatory and you can use both the same and different rings, it all depends on your personal preferences.

Wedding candles– During the entire ceremony, the couple must have wedding candles in their hands. Throughout the entire ceremony, they should burn and not go out, thereby personifying light and warmth for your family. Therefore, you need to pay attention to thick and large candles, because on average the ritual takes 30 minutes, or even more. For convenience, there are also candle stands to prevent wax from dripping onto your hands, creating discomfort.

Wedding icons– you need to buy two icons in advance and consecrate them from the priest. Usually the couple is crowned with images of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. After the ceremony, the icons remain with the newlyweds.

Rushnik– at the very beginning of the ceremony, the newlyweds must stand on a towel, which symbolizes the white sky. I want to warn you that it should not be with patterns or other decorations.

Shawls– if you decide not to use candle stands, then you will need small handkerchiefs so as not to burn your hands with hot wax during the ceremony. Witnesses will also need scarves to hold their crowns during the ceremony.

Cahors– church wine, which are also an integral part of the process. During the ceremony, the bride and groom take turns drinking from the cup.

Marriage certificate– The church is important to civil laws, so before the ceremony you need to provide a marriage certificate. An exception may be if the wedding ceremony is announced the next day after the ceremony.

Dress and shoes– there are no categorical rules here, the bride can wear a secular dress at the wedding, but it must comply with certain standards, for example, a deep neckline should be covered with a cape or choose a more modest outfit. Shoes can also be chosen according to your taste, but I would like to remind you that the ceremony takes place while standing and for quite a long time, so you need to choose not only beautiful, but also the most comfortable shoes.

Wedding rules

  1. The groom must be 18 years old and the bride 16;
  2. The newlyweds must be Orthodox Christians;
  3. Parental blessing must be obtained (this is not mandatory for people who have reached the age of majority);
  4. The wedding takes place after the state registration of the marriage;
  5. The couple must also prepare spiritually, celebrate the sacrament, fast, and confess.


One of the important decisions when preparing a wedding will be the choice of witnesses. There are no too categorical rules here, but there are still things worth paying attention to:

  • Naturally, the witnesses, like everyone who will be in the church at the time of the wedding, must be baptized and wear crosses on their bodies
  • An important feature that I would like to focus on is that by becoming witnesses, people acquire a kind of spiritual connection with each other, which is equivalent to family ties. Therefore, couples who later want to get married are undesirable as witnesses, since during the ceremony they will tie themselves with spiritual threads close to family ties.

In what cases can a wedding not be held?

  1. The procedure is unacceptable among blood relatives (up to 4 generations);
  2. Second, third and fourth weddings are not approved by the church, but permission for the ceremony can be obtained by proving that both spouses are not married to other people or are widowers;
  3. Not acceptable for people of other faiths or atheists;
  4. If the young ones have not yet been registered.

Here I would like to mention that pregnancy is not an obstacle to getting married; on the contrary, the church advocates that a child should be born to a family that is sanctified by the Lord.

How to choose a date

Choosing a wedding date can be a whole problem for a couple, because there are dates when this is prohibited:

  1. Orthodox fasts (both one-day and multi-day);
  2. Easter;
  3. Church holidays;
  4. Continuous weeks;
  5. Twelfth movable and non-movable holidays.

Guests at the ceremony

Anyone who expresses such a desire can attend the wedding ceremony, but there are also a number of requirements for guests

  • All guests must wear crosses
  • Women should not wear trousers; clothing should be light and modest.
  • Women's heads should be covered with scarves
  • Men wearing formal suits, if black, should wear a light shirt

Preparing for a wedding for those already married

As I already said above, the wedding takes place only after the state registration of the marriage, hence it follows that it does not matter whether the ceremony takes place the day after the painting in the registry office or after 20 years of marriage.

But in a situation where you have been married for a long time, you need to foresee possible problems for the wedding:

  • If the blessing of the parents was not received on time, the priest may refuse
  • A situation is possible when close surroundings there will be no unmarried people who could be witnesses
  • By the way, a person should not be married again, this can also lead to the church refusing to hold the ceremony (but I want to note that in the modern world the church has become more loyal in these matters)

When planning a wedding, I strongly recommend that you take into account the tips and rules described earlier, then this exciting event will pass calmly and will bring only good emotions. But the main thing to remember is that this is not just a festive ritual, it is a big responsibility!

It is important to understand that a wedding is not a tribute to fashion, not just a beautiful ceremony, but above all a serious and responsible step. A church marriage, unlike an official one, cannot be dissolved. In some cases, as an exception, clergy meet the laity halfway if they have long been divorced and live in other families, so that people do not fall into even greater sin. Therefore, before you decide to get married, you need to realize that this is forever.

General rules

A wedding is a sacred rite in which the Church gives a blessing for a joint family life , the birth of children and grace in the family, with the promise of future spouses to remain faithful to each other. In this regard, all preparations must begin with spiritual cleansing.

If the future spouses have not yet been baptized, they must be baptized. Next, you need to fast for at least three days, not eat food of animal origin, in order to prepare for the Sacraments of Confession and Communion.

Also a mandatory rule is abstinence from carnal relations. All the conditions described are the same for preparing for the wedding of married people. And for them, intimacy is prohibited a few days before the ritual.

Choose a church in advance and discuss with the priest the date of the ceremony, what needs to be done before the wedding. Please specify what prayers should be read when it will be possible to confess and receive communion.

Items for wedding

For the ritual, the basic set is the same; in individual churches, additions may be made; it is advisable to talk about this with the clergyman in advance. Ask him about the cost of a wedding; some churches set the exact cost, while others consider voluntary donations as a sign of gratitude. Discuss how long the wedding will last, whether video and photography is possible. Often priests invite newlyweds to a conversation in which they answer frequently asked questions, explain what is needed for a wedding, and what the ceremony means for the spouses.

For the wedding you will need to purchase:

Wedding attributes should never be given away under any pretext., they need to be kept in the house for a happy family life.

Roles and responsibilities of witnesses

In pre-revolutionary Russia, a church marriage had not only civil, but also legal force, the ceremony was performed in the presence of guarantors, in the common people - groomsmen, best men, and in church books - successors. They confirmed the wedding act with their signatures in the registry book.

Usually, guarantors were chosen from close people, they must be baptized. You cannot take as witnesses those who are divorced, living in a “civil” marriage, unmarried, or unfamiliar with family life. Having a rich spiritual and life knowledge, the guarantors became mentors to the young family. Now the presence or absence of witnesses is the personal desire of the spouses.

During the wedding ceremony Buddies perform the following duties (depending on the rules of a particular church, they may differ):

  • They hold crowns over the heads of the young.
  • They accompany the newlyweds during the triple procession.
  • They lay a towel in front of the lectern.
  • Wedding rings are served.
  • They help collect bouquets after the ceremony.

Behavior during the ceremony

The mistake of many who come to the wedding sacrament is that while waiting for the end of the ceremony, they walk around the temple, talk, laugh, and turn their backs to the icons. We should not forget that during the Liturgy the priest prays for the two people in the church; the prayer for the parents is read only once. When registering for a wedding at the request of your parents, because of custom or fashion, it is worth remembering that this hour of prayer has a great influence on the entire subsequent family life. In order not to cause harm, everyone in the temple, especially the bride and groom, must pray fervently during the ceremony.

How the ceremony goes

The process includes engagement and wedding. It is worth remembering that during the ceremony the priest calls the newlyweds by the names given to them at baptism. Those getting married are engaged in front of the entrance to the temple.

The fact that the betrothal takes place directly in the church means that the groom receives the bride from God himself. The church orders the betrothed to stand in front of the doors of the temple to explain that the engagement is taking place in the face of God, and the priest at this time portrays the Lord our God Jesus Christ.

The bride must stand left hand from the groom. The priest blesses them and gives the young people lighted candles, which they must hold until the end of the ceremony. After reading the prayer, he puts the ring on first the groom, then the bride, making the sign of the cross for each. After this, the newlyweds exchange rings.

The groom, putting his ring on the bride's hand, shows his readiness to love her, sacrifice everything to his wife and help until the end of her life. The bride, exchanging her ring with her future husband, shows her readiness to accept his help, love him and be devoted to her husband all her life. The newlyweds exchange rings three times, in honor and glory of the Holy Trinity (in some churches the priest himself changes the rings).

After this, the priest reads a prayer to the Lord to bless the bride and groom, overshadow the position of the rings with a heavenly blessing and send them a Guardian Angel. After this, the engagement ends.

The young people enter the temple following the priest, go to the center where the sacrament will take place. The text of the wedding is described verbatim in the church book - the Trebnik. The bride and groom stand on a white towel in front of the lectern. After this, the priest asks each of them whether they are marrying of their own free will, and whether there are any obstacles to the ceremony. Having received an affirmative answer, the priest reads prayers, takes the crowns and prayerfully places them on the heads of the young people, and the Holy Scripture is read.

After reading short prayers a cup of fellowship filled with red wine is brought. The priest blesses her for the spouses to communicate and gives her three times to drink wine from a common cup. After this, the young people bandage their hands and lead them around the lectern three times, accompanying the procession with the singing of the accompanying troparions. This walk marks the beginning of the eternal walk of husband and wife.

The ceremony ends with the newlyweds being brought to the Royal Doors, where they kiss the icons and the cross. Then the priest hands over the icons: to the husband - the face of the Savior, to the wife - the face Holy Mother of God. The guests congratulate the spouses.

After the wedding, the celebration continues at the table. The festive meal should be quiet and modest, without drinking and excessive fun.

Reasons for refusal to perform the ceremony

Usually, those wishing to get married in a church first register at the registry office. The Orthodox Church accepts the fact of registration and does not consider it a prodigal cohabitation, however, it claims that such a marriage is devoid of spiritual grace. Civil marriage and church wedding differ in many canons, and not every official registration will be blessed in the church.

The clergyman will refuse to conduct Sacraments of wedding if:

It should be remembered that it is not allowed to conduct a wedding ceremony on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, during all four fasts, on the eve of great church holidays and on Christmastide. If a day was chosen for the ceremony that is not included in the list listed, it is advisable to go to church and consult with the priest.

Regardless of religion, do people get married in Orthodox church, church or mosque, the meaning of the wedding is the oath of the newlyweds before God to love and honor each other in thick and thin, in sickness and in health. Raise your children according to the word of God and not just be called the word “family,” but be a strong and loving family.

The wedding ceremony is very ancient custom, which has not lost its relevance over time. To this day, happy lovers, having sealed themselves marriage ties in the registry office, they go to church to testify to their union before God. There are certain rules for weddings; you will learn from this article how to prepare for this sacred sacrament, as well as how it happens.

Unfortunately, not all people can be allowed to participate in this ritual. So, a wedding will not be available to you in the following cases:

  1. If you have already performed this ritual three times. But even the second wedding will be quite problematic.
  2. In the case when one of the lovers or both of them do not adhere to Christianity, have not been baptized in an Orthodox church and have no desire to be baptized before the wedding.
  3. If one of the lovers has a valid church or civil marriage union (in the first situation, permission from the bishop will be required to dissolve the union).
  4. It is prohibited for people who are closely related (up to the fourth generation) to get married. It is also not permissible to have a wedding in the case of a spiritual relationship (for example, for godfather and godfather, godson and godparent, and so on).
  5. The ban applies to mentally ill people.
  6. Also, the priest will not agree to marry atheists who resort to the ceremony not for spiritual reasons, but for some other reasons (at the will of the parents, as a tribute to fashion, and so on).
  7. For a wedding, you must have a marriage registration certificate, as well as passports with stamps.
  8. A girl can get married in a church if she is already sixteen years old, and a guy - from eighteen years old.

What you will need for the wedding ceremony

If you want to film the ritual or take a photo, be sure to discuss these points in advance. It is important that during the process of the sacred sacrament nothing distracts the clergyman and all those gathered from the ritual.

Witnesses who were baptized in an Orthodox church are important for a wedding. Think about who is best suited for this role - after all, the best men will have to hold the crown over the heads of the newlyweds throughout the ritual. Therefore, it is advisable to choose witnesses who are tall and have sufficient endurance.

First you will need to stock up on the following necessary arsenal:

The wedding ceremony lasts about sixty minutes, so make sure you also have comfortable shoes.

How to prepare for the ritual

Most important aspect- be in a harmonious state of mind and sincerely desire to perform this ritual.

In addition, the newlyweds will need to fast three days before the wedding. Confession and communion are also performed before the wedding.

By default, the wedding starts at twelve o'clock at night, from this time you need to refrain from drinking food, water, alcoholic beverages and not smoking. Sexual contacts are prohibited.

Upon arrival at the church, the newlyweds will first need to confess and receive communion, and after that they will need to change into a special wedding attire.

What should behavior be like in church?

A temple is a sacred place worth adhering to certain rules behavior, namely:

  • Women put on hats pectoral crosses and the right clothes, covering your arms and legs;
  • You need to put on makeup before going on a hike within reason;
  • People come to the church fifteen minutes before the start of the ceremony, light candles and touch the images;
  • You must turn off your cell phone while in the temple;
  • It is prohibited to talk during the service;
  • While the ceremony is taking place, you cannot move around the temple;
  • Only elderly or sick people sit in church;
  • The male half occupies right side hall, and the women's - left;
  • It is not allowed to approach the altar;
  • It is forbidden to hold each other's hands in church;
  • Hands should not be placed in pockets;
  • They do not turn their backs on icons;
  • If for some reason you are unable to stand through the entire wedding ceremony, the correct thing to do would be to stand at the entrance to the church, but not leave the service before the appointed time;
  • Orthodox people should be baptized with their right hand.

It is important that both the wedding couple themselves and the guests who are present at the ceremony adhere to the described rules.

How is the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church carried out?

An Orthodox wedding is performed in two stages:

  • the first is engagement;
  • and the second is the wedding itself.

The ceremony itself goes like this:

  1. First, the deacon brings out the rings on a special platter.
  2. The priest approaches the newlyweds and hands them lighted candles.
  3. Then the priest holds a plate in front of the young couple with rings on it and invites them to exchange them 3 times. The bride and groom must first pass the rings to each other three times on a tray and then put on theirs. This represents harmony, mutual assistance and unity in a marriage union.
  4. After these actions, the priest takes the newlywed’s crown and baptizes him with the help of this wreath. Then he gives the groom to touch with his lips the image of the Savior attached to the crown. Then the crown is placed on the head of the newlywed.
  5. A similar ritual is performed for the bride. But the girl's crown is decorated with the image Mother of God which she must kiss.

Note! The process of placing a wedding crown on the head of the bride and groom symbolizes that from now on they are king and queen for each other.

  1. Then a cup of wine is brought. The priest baptizes it and gives it to the newlyweds, and they must drain the cup to the bottom three times.

The cup symbolizes the unity of destinies, as well as the willingness to experience both joyful and sad moments in life together.

  1. Then the priest, with his own hand, joins the right hands of the bride and groom and passes them around the lectern three times. This action is also symbolic, it marks that from now on the young should always walk hand in hand with each other.
  2. Approaching the royal doors, the groom should kiss the icon of the Savior, and the bride - the Mother of God, then they change places.
  3. At the end, the priest allows the newlyweds to touch the Cross with their lips and hands over two images: the icon of the Son of God (the groom) and the Mother of God (the bride). They are taken home and secured above their bed.

The actions described above make the newlyweds not just legal spouses before the state, but also before the face of the Lord. Divorcing a wedding is much more difficult than a regular marriage; this will require permission from a clergyman.

Watch the wedding ceremony in the following video

A wedding is a blessing from God to those getting married in Orthodox and Catholic churches.

It is believed that after the wedding, the married couple will be together even in heaven, remain faithful and purify their souls for life together.

It is very important to give birth to married children, since this directly affects their life and destiny.

Those couples who decide to get married must be baptized. Be aware of the fact that divorce is unacceptable after this ceremony.

It is considered a great sin to separate after the wedding, since you made a promise before God.

IN modern times, where most couples divorce more often than they marry, it is better to get married after several years of marriage.

This way you will not sin and break your vow of fidelity. I think this is correct, because you can get married without difficulty, but you still need to be able to live together. There are many opinions on this matter, you can also discuss them on.

Become interested in church. You should not smile or listen inattentively to the priest.

You must take the issue seriously, because it will not work for the good if you just came to pay tribute to fashion or because it’s supposed to be so.

Your guests should also behave decently, not walk around the church and not turn their backs to the iconostasis.

You and your guests should pray during the wedding for you and your marriage.

If you cannot vouch for your guests, then go through the wedding ceremony only with your husband and witnesses.

We will tell you how to prepare for the wedding, how the ceremony works and everything you need to know.

Preparation for the wedding

If you feel that you need this, that you have come and are ready to take an oath before God to always be together, then you should properly prepare for the wedding:

  • cleanse the soul;
  • remember the outfit;
  • buy a ring;
  • icons and candles;
  • witnesses.

Cleansing the soul before the wedding

Newlyweds must undergo spiritual cleansing, which is no less important than physical cleansing. For bodily purification, it is necessary to observe three days of fasting before the wedding.

Avoid foods such as meat, dairy products, and eggs. It is believed that fasting helps change your thoughts and give them purity.

It is also equally important not to become attached to intimacy for a few days. If this happened, then you must repent.

The day before the wedding, you must attend evening confession and confess to the priest.

There is no need to take communion; you will do it on the morning of the wedding.

The priest will have a conversation with you the day before the ceremony, in which he will tell you how you should live according to the canons of Christianity.

If the priest deems it necessary, he can conduct several conversations.

When preparing for a wedding, prayer and peace are important. People who decided to perform this sacrament must be as cleansed as possible before the Lord God.

Of course, each of us has sins that we do not want to express to anyone, including the priest. But remember that God knows everything and there is no point in hiding anything from the clergy. In addition, it will become easier for you yourself. You will receive the blessing of peace.

Open your soul, and God will rejoice at it and reward you twice as much.

If the newlyweds do not know the Bible and prayers well, then it is necessary to learn the “Our Father” and the “Creed.”

Preparing clothes for the wedding

Do not think that the dress must be white. Certainly, White color associated with cleanliness, but beige and light pink are also quite acceptable.

The main thing is that it is not motley or dark.

When choosing a wedding dress, remember that it should not be higher than your knees.

They look beautiful with a long train, but priests don’t take it very well, so it’s better to choose a dress that’s simpler and without any frills.

You go to church not to look chic, but to ask for blessings.

The dress must be closed, despite all fashion trends.

The ideal dress option is long sleeves, a closed neckline and back.

If you still choose a dress with a neckline and short sleeves, you can use a large scarf or cape to hide your chest and shoulders.

The bride must wear a headdress during the wedding. Usually this is a veil.

Do not rent a dress because it must be kept at your home after the ceremony.

Choose low-top shoes, not because it is prohibited by the church, but because it will be comfortable for you, because you need to stand for several hours.

The groom should wear a suit, but not jeans or sweatpants.

Wedding rings

Since ancient times, it has been customary for a man to have a silver one on his finger and a woman to have it on his finger.

This is due to the fact that the man symbolizes the Sun, and the girl the Moon.

It is not necessary to follow this rule. Nowadays many people buy the same gold rings. It's up to you to decide.

Preparing attributes for a wedding

You will need two icons:

  • Savior;
  • Mother of God.

This pair of icons is considered a wedding pair. The icon of the Savior is used to bless the husband, who is considered the protector of his wife and children.

The Almighty will throughout his life remind his father of his responsibility to his family.

The icon of the Mother of God is used to bless the wife, who is also the keeper of the hearth.

After the wedding, do not hide these icons, but put them in a prominent place.

They will protect your family and no one can wish you bad things when they come to your home.

You should also purchase a white handbrake that you will stand on. Wedding candles and a bottle of Cahors.

All this can be purchased at a specialty store or church store.

Witnesses for the wedding

IN scriptures Witnesses are called recipients, since they accept your wedding and agree with it.

Witnesses must be Orthodox and baptized.

It is customary to call close and long-known people who believe in your couple as witnesses.

They must confirm with their signature the act in the church registry and hold the crowns above their heads while the wedding couple walks around the lectern.

Engagement before wedding

First, the newlyweds are engaged and then married. We will tell you in more detail how this ceremony takes place.

Betrothal is necessary so that the marriage takes place before the Lord God and the bonds are sealed in the church.

The newlyweds are engaged after the Liturgy. This is the only way to experience all the mystery, awe and spiritual purity.

The fact that the newlyweds are getting engaged in church suggests that your husband accepts you as his wife with the permission of the Lord.

The priest personifies God at the wedding and must stand at the altar. When you get engaged, you stand in front of the holy gates (doors) of the church.

You should be led into the temple by a priest who reads a prayer and illuminates you with smoke.

For each blessing, you take turns crossing yourself three times and accepting the candles.

After the presentation of the candles, the engagement begins.

Candles in the hands of those getting married say that they should carry with them throughout their lives.

This prayer also asks for you to fulfill all desires that relate to the family.

The priest reads a prayer to bless any good deed. After the prayer, the clergyman will ask you to bow your heads before God and read another prayer.

Then the priest will take the rings from the throne and put it on the groom, baptizing him three times, and then in the same way on the bride.

After you are blessed, you must exchange rings. You must make the exchange 3 times in honor of the Holy Trinity.

In some churches, the priest himself does this.

How does the wedding take place?

You stand in the middle of the temple on white towels with lit candles in your hands.

You are asked again whether you decided to get married of your own free will and whether you made a promise to another and whether you had (from the state side).

After confirming voluntariness before God, your marriage is concluded.

Now you can move on to the sacrament of the wedding, which begins with the words “Blessed is the Kingdom...”.

  • turning to Jesus Christ;
  • the prayer of the Triune Lord for preservation and blessing;
  • an appeal to the Triune Lord for the wedding of the flesh of the bride and groom.

Then the priest takes the crown and baptizes the groom, allowing him to kiss the image of the Savior on the crown.

First the groom gets married, and then the bride in the same way.

The crowns are then given to the witnesses, who hold them over your heads.

After reading all the prayers, you will be given a cup of wine, joining your right hands.

The hands are covered with stole, and the priest’s hand is placed on top of them, sealing the wedding.

Then the priest leads the newlyweds around the altar three times, which means an eternal procession.

Then 2 more prayers are read, and the wedding is sealed with a kiss.

The young people are led to the royal doors. There the groom kisses his icon, and the bride hers. Then vice versa.

The cross is kissed and icons are given to the young.

When weddings are prohibited

Wedding ceremonies are not permitted in:

  • posts;
  • cheese and Easter week;
  • on Christmas;
  • before church holidays;
  • on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • before conclusion civil marriage;
  • case of atheistic intentions;
  • at a wedding between relatives;
  • when found three times;
  • not baptized.

Remember, a wedding is a very long and intimate ceremony and you need to approach it with full confidence that you will be with this person all your life.

Despite the fact that church marriage is not mandatory in Russia and the CIS countries, many couples decide to take this important step. And if some families sincerely want to marry in heaven as a sign of confirmation of pure love and faith in God, then others simply follow fashion, including the sacrament in the wedding plan.

For whatever reason you decide to get married, the wedding portal site reminds: be sure to follow church rules preparation for the sacrament!

Before the wedding: will there be a sacrament?

Before you begin preparing for your wedding, you need to find out whether the church will allow your couple to get married in a church ceremony. After all, there are prescribed taboos to the ritual.

The wedding will not take place if:

If at least one of the above points occurs, alas, the church will not be able to bless your union.

Are there any obstacles to the sacrament? Then we offer you a little instruction in preparing for the wedding:

Wedding ceremony in Orthodox Church is carried out only if the couple has officially formalized the relationship. It doesn’t matter whether you decide to seal your union directly on the day of the celebration or years later, the church may ask you to provide a marriage certificate.

Confession and Communion before the wedding

The decision to get married should not be made spontaneously. Everyone in a couple must be sincerely confident in their intentions. An important role is played by cleansing the soul through prayers, Confession and Communion.

Maximum detailed information The church will definitely tell you how to prepare for the rituals. Do not hesitate to ask questions, because this will help avoid awkward situations directly during the rituals.

Before Communion and Confession, one should fast. During three days the newlyweds read prayers (the priest will tell you which ones), attend evening services, and refuse to sexual relations. Eggs, meat and dairy products will have to be excluded from food.. All this must be observed before the preparatory rites for the wedding.

One of the main tasks of the church is to help a person improve his own soul. Church teachings call to get rid of evil thoughts, empty and swear words, accept everything humbly and calmly.

As a rule, Confession and Communion take place immediately before the wedding. But this is not a mandatory requirement. The bride and groom can attend church the day before and separately.

Every church ceremony aimed at healing human soul. And if you really decide to seal your relationship with a Church marriage, then both should want this. And the groom. And the bride.

The portal Svadbaholik.ru advises only those couples who are confident in the strength and purity of love in the family to go to church. This may take years, even decades of married life. But only then will you be able to fully appreciate the depth and significance of the sacrament of marriage. And you will treat the question of how to prepare for a wedding with maximum responsibility.